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闻之 《健康生活》2008,(11):1-1
想想这些年,天空的星星、街道边的绿意,已经被霓虹灯和人群淹没,我们心情的畅快,已经全被忙碌和压力所代替,因此常常疑惑:我们到底需要什么样的生活?习惯性的思维把工作和生活分离,把欢乐和正经事分离。由此所带来的是,焦虑易患胃溃疡,紧张让人神经衰弱,吃肉容易高血脂,  相似文献   

在树立和落实科学发展观,建设社会主义和谐社会的大背景下,卫生监督执法工作正处在重要的矛盾凸显期和发展机遇期。面对新形势,绍兴市卫生监督所转变工作理念,树立科学发展观,积极探索新的监管模式和执法方式,深刻理解执法为民宗旨的内涵和外延,树立执法中服务,服务中执法理念,树立了卫生执法权威和良好社会形象。  相似文献   

中医药挑战现代医药之三:辨证医治肝炎   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中医学和现代医学对肝炎病毒和肝炎产生的原因认识不同,治疗方法也不同。现代医学认为,肝炎病毒由外界传染入人体,损害肝细胞造成肝炎,治疗用抗菌消炎药,杀死病毒,消除肝炎。中医学认为,肝炎不是传染病,肝炎病毒不是由外界传入人体,而是由人体五脏六腑的机能作用“三失”(失衡失调失和)和阴阳生命力“两失”(失衡失调)引起,先有内机能问题,后产生肝炎病毒和肝炎。治疗采用中药和食物,通过调理内机能和阴阳,消除肝炎病毒的产生因素,修复炎症损害的肝细胞,肝炎病毒和肝炎就可根治。  相似文献   

在夫妻之间,心理相容,感情融洽,相互认知和理解,相互尊重和爱护,不仅有利于家庭和睦,而且有利于健康长寿。那么,老年夫妻怎样才能心理相容呢?1.心理“磨合”夫妻应尊重和允许对方有自己独特的兴趣和爱好,尽量满足对方的心理需求,有条件的应当参与到对方的活动中去,  相似文献   

青光眼是一种严重的不可逆性致盲眼病,危害大,致盲率极高,占盲人总数的8.8%,为第4位致盲眼病。患者由于缺乏对青光眼病的了解和认知,往往错过了就诊机会,延误了诊断和治疗,造成严重的视功能损害,甚至失明。同时,青光眼也是一种终身性疾病,必须努力做到持之以恒,规律用药,定期复查。因此,加强对青光眼患和者进行健康教育和出院指导,提高患者对疾病的认知和自我保健能力,掌握就诊复诊时机,显得尤为重要。我科自开展整体护理以来,对青光眼患者使用出院随访指导单,效果甚佳,现将具体内容介绍如下。  相似文献   

张春华 《现代保健》2011,(18):184-185
军队卫生工作的基本任务是预防和救治伤病,改善环境卫生和生活卫生条件,增强军队人员自我保健能力和环境适应能力,如何提高为官兵服务的质量,主观上取决于军队医务工作者的自身素质,服务意识,服务能力;客观上要搞好环境卫生和生活卫生条件,可见,提高军队医务工作者的自身素质,对提高对官兵的服务质量,树立军队卫生行业的整体形象,显得尤为重要。医学创新人才卓越的思想道德修养和科学技术水平,为军队医务工作者树立了学习的榜样。  相似文献   

从你来信描述的情况来看,你的丈夫很可能是一个偏执型人格障碍者。偏执型人格障碍的表现以猜疑和偏执为特点,心眼小,敏感多疑,常常捕风捉影,无端怀疑别人要欺骗和利用自己,而且固执己见,不听别人的解释和劝告,容易与别人发生争执和对抗。偏执型人格障碍还有一个特点就是病理性妒忌观念,常常怀疑配偶的忠诚,坚信配偶有外遇,背叛自己,即使客观证据与其想法和怀疑不符合,也难于改变他们对事情的偏激和固执认识。偏执型人格障碍在临床上男性多于女性,而男性具有这种人格障碍特征者,对家庭和社会的影响可能会更大。  相似文献   

曹沛德 《中国卫生》2008,(12):94-94
近年来,我院逐步建立起和谐的内部环境,坚持以人为本,提高员工的待遇。我院重视职工的专业服务价值,让每个人的尊严、需求、权利充分得以满足和体现,受到尊重。按时足额为职工发放工资和住房补贴,逐年提高管理费用和职工福利待遇,落实特殊岗位、高风险岗位津贴,建设职工福利住房等,尽最大努力关心和保障职工的根本利益,使他们感受到医院的关怀和温暖,  相似文献   

为了弘扬正气,表彰先进,提高医院的医疗服务质量和管理水平,促进医疗卫生行业的精神文明建设,中国医院协会与健康报社联合,在国家卫生部、中医药管理局和总后卫生部的支持下,经过严格的推荐评选程序,决定对2008年度5名突出贡献奖获得者和97名优秀院长进行表彰,并颁发奖章,奖牌和荣誉证书。  相似文献   

沈莉 《现代保健》2010,(24):125-125
医院工会作为党联系群众的桥梁和纽带,牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观,用科学发展观统领工会工作,紧紧围绕医院中心工作,认清使命,明确目标,找准位置,发挥作用,开创工会工作新局面。  相似文献   

In the decade of the 1970s there were some significant changes to the Australian health system while the health systems of most other countries remained stable. By comparing the Australian health system with that of a number of other countries in the 1970s, the paper examines both the causes and consequences of these changes. The substance of the various Australian health system initiatives was a change from a voluntary to a mandatory health insurance system and then, after a short period of 'catastrophic' health insurance, a return to a voluntary system. Most of these changes appeared to be motivated by political and ideological preferences rather than by a rational assessment of their likely efficiency or effectiveness. In any event, and despite claims to the contrary, these changes were minor when viewed in the broad context of international systems of health care. The conclusions of the analysis, while tentative, suggest that the health system changes had little, if any, direct impact on health costs, service use and indicators of health outcomes.  相似文献   

自2007年底,澳大利亚政府实施自1984年引入全民医疗保险制度以来规模最大的一次医疗体制改革.在本轮医改中,澳大利亚政府出台了一系列加强卫生人力资源管理的重要举措,如新设独立的卫生人力管理机构、成立统一的注册和认证机构、加大卫生人力资源经费投入、创新管理体制和机制及制定全面卫生政策来引导卫生人力向基层流动.本文简要介...  相似文献   

农村和边远地区卫生人力资源严重缺乏是一个全球性的危机。面对千差万别的区域环境,要制定有效的引导卫生人才向农村基层和艰苦边远地区的流动政策,必须了解不同地区的差异,才能用适当的经济杠杆和倾斜政策来撬动医务人员选择择业地点的意愿。澳大利亚政府自1994年开始对地区进行分级,打破行政区划的限制,把地理位置、人口密度和卫生服务可及性等情况相似的地区归为一类,并将边远地区分级标准作为一系列边远地区卫生人力建设项目依据,保证到边远地区工作的卫生人员,可以得到更多的报酬与补助。本文介绍了澳大利亚边远地区分级标准及其在引导卫生人才流动政策中作用,并探讨了其对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

该文根据对澳大利亚老年医疗保障体系的考察,分析了澳大利亚面临的人口老龄化对医疗服务的挑战,以及该国老年医疗服务的特点,包括多层次的医疗服务体系、老年保健评估制度、老年医疗保障多元化的筹资制度与个体化的评价支付制度。同时,根据上海的实际,提出要建立以社区为依托的多层次服务体系,建立老年保健评估制度,以及护理分类支付制度。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe health and wellbeing of young people are critical for the future of society but the extent to which they are addressed by overarching Australian Federal, State and Territory health policy is difficult to determine. Analysing high-level youth health policy will help establish how Australian governments are articulating and prioritising issues and may guide local and international health agendas.MethodsThis scoping review aimed to determine the extent, range and nature of Australian high-level government policy focused on the general health and wellbeing of the general population of young people. Policies published by Australian Federal, State, or Territory government departments between 2008 and 2019 were thematically analysed employing Braun and Clark's six-step recursive framework.FindingsTwelve policy documents met inclusion criteria. Three meta-themes emerged, comprising policy development, youth health challenges, and policy goals. Policy goals fell into three ubiquitous and overarching categories focused on supporting public health, promoting equity, and improving the health system for young people.ConclusionsA number of youth-specific health policies have been developed by Australian governments in recent years. Whilst goals and strategies are clearly articulated, more can be done to ensure a youth voice in policy development. The policy goals of supporting public health, promoting equity and improving the health system deserve consideration from other countries developing youth health policies.  相似文献   

发达国家医疗保障制度的比较研究及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文分析了美国、加拿大、澳大利亚的医疗保障制度 ,并从包含服务、财政收入、传导系统等方面对英国、法国、德国、新爱尔兰等国家的医疗保障制度进行比较 ,进而得出对我国医疗保障体系改革的启示  相似文献   

Australian Social Work, over recent years, has been challenged to develop a standardised and accurate classification system for social work interventions. The need for such a system arose through changes in funding arrangements based on the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) treated within hospitals. In Australian hospitals, the mix of DRGs treated became known as its 'casemix.' These new funding arrangements made it necessary for Social Work to classify and measure activity with each patient to ensure continuing resource allocation to social work services in hospitals. A national Casemix Network was formed under the auspice of the Australian Association of Social Workers to develop a classification system. The Network worked collaboratively with other allied health professions to produce a generic framework for professional activities and also developed a classification of social work interventions. These activity classifications have been incorporated into procedure coding in Australian hospitals. The challenges associated with casemix funding required Social Work to address a number of philosophical and methodological issues related to classification of professional activities to ensure an outcome that recognised the unique contribution of Social Work to health care.  相似文献   

Abstract: Musculoskeletal disorders remain a common disability suffered by Australians, but the question of who should treat them remains a contentious issue as the first centenary of the original chiropractic adjustment approaches. This paper, part of a longitudinal study of the role of chiropractic in the Australian health system, analyses this ongoing debate. Recent events are analysed here in this commentary on the politics of health care in this field. These include meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of spinal manipulation for the treatment of lower back pain, recent legal action in the United States, and the recent epistle against Australian chiropractors published by the Australian Medical Association.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPandemics pressure national governments to respond swiftly. Mitigation efforts created an imbalance between population health, capacity of the healthcare system and economic prosperity. Each pandemic arising from a new virus is unknown territory for policy makers, and there is considerable uncertainty of the appropriateness of responses and outcomes.MethodsA qualitative approach was used to review mixed sources of data including Australian reports, official government publications, and COVID-19 data to discern robust future responses. Publicly available epidemiological and economic data were utilised to provide insight into the impact of the pandemic on Australia's healthcare system and economy.ResultsPolicies implemented by the Australian Government to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 impacted the healthcare sector and economy. This paper incorporates lessons learned to inform optimal economic preparedness. The rationale for an economic response plan concomitant with the health pandemic plan is explored to guide Australian Government policy makers in ensuring holistic and robust solutions for future pandemics.ConclusionsIn future, an Australian Economic Pandemic Response Plan will aid in health and economic system preparedness, whilst a strong Australian economy and strategic planning will ensure resilience to future pandemics.  相似文献   

Objective: A strong primary care sector is widely acknowledged as a fundamental component of a well functioning health system and thus has been the focus of strategic reforms in a number of countries. This paper provides an economic analysis of primary healthcare reform, with the aim of identifying the key structural elements that are necessary to support enhanced models of primary health in the Australian context. Approach: This paper utilises economic theory, and draws upon empirical evidence and international experience to analyse primary healthcare reform to identify the structural elements necessary for an enhanced primary care sector. The aim of which is to improve health system performance. These structural elements are then critically examined in the Australian health system setting. Conclusion: For enhanced models of primary healthcare to promote efficiency, they must incorporate a number of key structural elements; notably: governance and purchasing responsibilities for primary care devolved to a meso‐level organisational structure through capitated single fundholding arrangements; blended payment methods for reimbursing providers; the establishment of a national quality and performance framework; and the development of primary care infrastructure. Implications: As the Federal government attempts to address recommendations of the National Health and Hospital Reform Commission, a window of opportunity now exists to pursue long overdue structural reforms to deal with the challenges facing the Australian health system. The paper advances the important structural features to primary healthcare that need to be embraced as the government attempts to pursue its health reform agenda.  相似文献   

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