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医院战略规划的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了制定医院战略规划的必要性,指出医院战略规划对医院在竞争中求得生存和发展具有重要意义;分析了当前医院在制定战略规划中存在的一些问题;提出了制定医院战略规划的几点建议。  相似文献   

目的 探讨省级艾滋病防治战略规划对本省艾滋病防治工作所发挥的作用,为进一步利用和修订规划提出建议。方法 对吉林、重庆等省、市和自治区的艾滋病防治战略规划的制定过程、内容和使用及各参与部门在战略规划修订过程中的参与情况进行了问卷调查,对调查结果和存在的问题进行分析。结果 战略规划的制定和实施等过程中确实在政策动员与多部门合作等方面发挥了重要的作用,各省、市和自治区都能将战略规划作为实际工作中的参考文件,但是并没有充分发挥战略规划的指导作用,也没有针对战略规划的实施情况开展相应的评估活动。随着时间推移和防治工作内容的调整,对已经制定的战略规划进行了认真的修订。结论 应该加强艾滋病防治战略规划在各省艾滋病防治工作中的指导作用,要根据形势变化,及时对战略规划进行修订。  相似文献   

医院实施战略管理,可有效分配人力和物资资源,提高医院运行效率和服务质量,降低医疗费用,满足人民群众日益增长的医疗需求。作者阐述了医院制定战略规划的意义,描述了厦门市某医院制定战略规划的背景、过程及资料收集方法,并通过对其内外部环境进行分析,确定医院的方向性战略,做出医院未来10年的战略规划。在制定医院战略规划的过程中,提出医院愿景、建立医院战略目标体系和制定战略方案是战略规划的实质。  相似文献   

对于一个实体而言,制定发展战略相当重要.不过前提是弄清楚如何才能正确制定战略规划.前者是目标.后者是方法。事实表明。没有正确的方法.达到目标的概率微乎其微,医院也不例外,同样需要掌握制定战略规划的正确方法。  相似文献   

该文介绍了厦门市某医院在战略规划制定中应用PEST分析、趋势/问题确认与推断法、竞争优势与弱势分析、成功关键因素分析的经验,探讨了这些方法在医院战略规划制定中的价值。  相似文献   

当前各级各类组织制定了大量的人才战略规划,彰显了重视人才工作、着意确立新战略的重要理念。  相似文献   

2019年第八次全国学生体质与健康调研在全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的93个地市1 258所学校进行。全国学生体质与健康调研从样本构成和调研内容等方面确保了调查设计的科学性, 并形成了系统的组织协调和质量控制制度; 是学校体育、卫生与健康教育工作的重要内容, 能够及时、动态、全面、科学地掌握学生体质与健康状况, 服务于国家和社会经济发展的需要, 为国家儿童青少年健康相关政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着人才工作的不断推进和人才强国战略的有效实施,各地政府和各类大型企事业单位都在制定人才战略规划。而人才战略规划属于战略管理范畴,其本身也有一个科学管理的问题存在。在这一科学管理过程中,首先要清楚研究和制定人才战略管理的基本原则。  相似文献   

目的 基于对样本公立医院卫生规划方案的制定及实施效果的差距分析,剖析与医院制定规划相关的内外部重要因素,为医院制定科学规划提供有效指导.方法 以上海某区域中心医院十年规划发展为例,通过定性定量研究,系统梳理规划制定依据和规划实效.结果 该机构在制度建设、人才引进培养、医疗服务质量提升等进行了科学规划,十年间获得上海市重...  相似文献   

孕产妇死亡率及新生儿破伤风发生率的高低是衡量一个国家和地区社会经济、文化、教育、医疗保健水平的一个重要指标,是制定妇幼卫生保健工作方针、政策的依据。本文分析宝安区实施"降低孕产妇死亡率、消除新生儿破伤风发生率"项目取得的效果,为制定相应的干预措施提供科学依  相似文献   

This paper reports on comparative analysis of health planning and its relationship with health care reform in three countries, Eritrea, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The research examined strategic planning in each country focusing in particular on its role in developing health sector reforms. The paper analyses the processes for strategic planning, the values that underpin the planning systems, and issues related to resources for planning processes. The resultant content of strategic plans is assessed and not seen to have driven the development of reforms; whilst each country had adopted strategic planning systems, in all three countries a more complex interplay of forces, including influences outside both the health sector and the country, had been critical forces behind the sectoral changes experienced over the previous decade. The key roles of different actors in developing the plans and reforms are also assessed. The paper concludes that a number of different conceptions of strategic planning exist and will depend on the particular context within which the health system is placed. Whilst similarities were discovered between strategic planning systems in the three countries, there are also key differences in terms of formality, timeframes, structures and degrees of inclusiveness. No clear leadership role for strategic planning in terms of health sector reforms was discovered. Planning appears in the three countries to be more operational than strategic.  相似文献   

This contribution discusses centralization vs. decentralization in healthcare strategic decision making, focusing on long-range planning of facilities for radiotherapy. The radiotherapy case illustrates that more centralized, comprehensive, and systematic planning and strategic decisions making may be necessary to account for inputs of various parties and decision-making levels in this area. The expertise required cannot generally be found at a local or even regional level. It requires initiatives from coordinating healthcare institutions such as the Health Council and other professional organizations. Theo J.B.M.Postma Department of Strategic Management and External Environment, Faculty of Management and Organization, University of Groningen,P.O. Box 800,9700 AV Groningen,The Netherlands, e-mail: t.j.b.m.postma@bdk.rug.nl  相似文献   

Since 2000, the substantive focus of health policy in New Zealand has been closely aligned to the agendas of improving population health and reducing health inequalities. Health system restructuring, through the introduction of locally based and partially elected District Health Boards (DHBs), was the structural mechanism chosen for reorienting the health sector towards population health. Strategic planning at the DHB level was the key mechanism by which central government population health objectives would be translated into local action. This analysis of the early years of elected DHBs (2001–2005) sets out to answer the following broad questions: (i) did strategic planning by District Health Boards reflect an orientation to population health?; (ii) to what extent was strategic planning towards population health shaped by community participation and input?; (iii) to what extent did strategic planning lead to a re-prioritisation of resources? These questions were explored as part of a larger research project investigating the introduction and implementation of the DHB system. Data were collected from over 350 interviews of local and national stakeholders, and two surveys of DHB Members between 2002 and 2004–2005. Overall, DHBs demonstrated the ‘will’ to engage in strategic decision-making processes to enhance population health but have difficulty in finding the ‘way’. The priorities and requirements of central government and the weight of institutional history were found to be the most influential factors on DHB decision-making and practice, with flexibility and innovation only exercised at the margins. This raises the key question of whether there is the governmental capacity at the local level to adequately address nationally determined population health policy priorities.  相似文献   

Cape Verde is a small island developing state (SIDS). The health sector is guided by strategic and programmatic documents of the Ministry of Health. The objective of this paper is to understand the planning capacity and experience of its Public Health Officers. A questionnaire was applied to 27 Cape Verdean public health officers in order to collect data on participation in health sector planning: 17 were returned and analyzed. This study identifies a youthful, medically trained, but poorly differentiated, public health cadre, without the technical competences to plan the changes needed for the health sector. Planning initiatives were preceded by short technical planning training initiatives, but these did not consolidate a planning culture or contribute to a sustainable capacity to respond to the planning needs of the country. The respondents seemed at a loss to specify planning tools and techniques used in the planning exercises in which they partook. SIDS are considered vulnerable to political interference in the implementation of policy processes but that did not seem to be the case in Cape Verde. Planning was perceived as values driven, strengthening the perception that the values that drive the finality of planning are important determinants of the final plan.  相似文献   

Strategic planning has often been viewed as a panacea, a means of addressing and solving all of an organization's issues and problems. Unfortunately, that is not often the case. Strategic planning is merely a tool. And it is only effective when used well. To help you make the most of your planning efforts, Healthcare Executive talked with several healthcare consultants who specialize in healthcare strategic planning. They identified the following 25 pitfalls you can avoid to make strategic planning a stronger tool for your organization.  相似文献   

This article explores strategic planning from the perspective of the health care supervisor. It analyzes the strategic environment of organizations, the planning process, how to evaluate the strategic plan, and the implementation phase. A strategic planning model is offered as well as a view of the future of strategic planning. The article articulates that strategic planning should emphasize flexibility. The plan needs to be custom designed for the particular organization. Strategic planning is a primary vehicle for health care supervisors to use work teams to further develop organizational effectiveness. Finally, strategic planning is linked to both research and systems theory.  相似文献   

目的分析和评价某二级综合性医院"十一五"战略规划实施的效果。方法通过调查,对五年的运行状况变化进行评价分析。结果 2005—2010年,医院年诊疗人次数增长110.6%,但整体科教能力较薄弱;总收入增长85.8%,门诊收入增长125.8%,住院收入增长28.1%。讨论规划的实施比规划的制定同等重要,该医院实施"十一五"战略规划取得较好的发展,但仍需关注医院内部的经济运营状况,并向医教研一体化方向发展。  相似文献   

This paper questions the appropriateness of highly structured strategic planning approaches in situations of complexity and change, using the Cambodian German Health Project as a case study. Based on participant observation and organisational analysis in the Cambodian public health sector, the paper examines the rhetoric of values, objectives and strategies outlined in the original project documents and their assumptions and implications, and the responses to the changing political situation. It demonstrates the limitations of these planning processes in complex situations of high uncertainty, with little reliable information and a rapidly changing environment. Having highlighted the limitations of the strategic planning process in these circumstances, the paper recommends changes that shift the focus away from planning towards informed strategic management, that monitors the changing environment and is given freedom to respond to emerging risks and opportunities. The Cambodian German Health Project was initiated in October 1995 as a bilateral health aid project between the German government and the government of the Kingdom of Cambodia, but was disrupted by the "events of 5-6 July, 1997", as the military action is officially described. Project planning had included an intensive goal oriented planning process (ZOPP) undertaken in collaboration with counterparts from the Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Departments and other bilateral, international and non-government stakeholders. Following the military action, the project was initially suspended, then substantially re-drafted within a new framework of assistance, and eventually re-established after an interval of eight months. The paper will examine these planning processes and responses in the light of Mintzberg's (1994 The rise and fall of strategic planning. New York: Prentice-Hall) argument that strategic planning fails because of three conceptual fallacies implicit in the process: (1) The fallacy of predeterminism allows planners to assume that goals, results, appropriate activities and required inputs can confidently be predicted based on past and current experience, when the reality is that both the internal and external environments are subject to change that may not be predictable. (2) The fallacy of detachment suggests that the functions of planning and implementation are discrete management functions, and that objective, rational decisions in determining activities and inputs are sufficient to successfully achieve project goals and results. (3) The fallacy of formalisation provides an expectation that the processes of planning will "capture" the creative insight required for successful strategic development, and reach a binding consensus despite the complex interactions and relationships that characterise bilateral aid projects.  相似文献   

目的:评价成熟避孕方法推广的综合措施对项目地区避孕方法选择及计划生育技术服务质量的干预效果。方法:在运用WHO提出的方案进行战略评估的基础上,根据评估结果2003年5月对重庆市和四川省眉山市项目现场开展行动研究,制定并逐步落实以优化避孕药具种类;加强技术人员业务培训,规范服务过程,提高服务质量;完善服务记录;更新群众宣教内容和改善管理制度等为主要内容的综合干预方案。2005年7月,运用一系列定性、定量研究方法对干预效果进行评价。结果:经过综合推广,TCu380A、MLCu375等安全高效的宫内节育器已成为项目试点地区主要使用的宫内节育器类型;药铜165以及长效口服避孕药等有效性、安全性欠佳的避孕药具使用人数逐年减少。计划生育手术前的血常规、白带常规等基本检查比例由基线评估时的基本空白提高到近100%。技术人员咨询知识与技巧大幅增加,手术质量明显改善,术后随访及对口服避孕药使用者的健康监测工作逐步受到重视,定期的环情孕情检查中增加了健康检查的内容,各种技术服务记录趋于完善,服务质量获得服务对象的认可,避孕失败意外妊娠率较往年低。结论:成熟避孕方法综合推广干预措施可以有效提高高效避孕方法的使用比例,并提高计划生育技术服务整体质量。  相似文献   

Operational planning is considered an important tool for translating government policies and strategic objectives into day‐to‐day management activities. However, developing countries suffer from persistent misalignment between policy, planning and budgeting. The Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) was introduced to address this misalignment. Kenya adopted the MTEF in the early 2000s, and in 2005, the Ministry of Health adopted the Annual Operational Plan process to adapt the MTEF to the health sector. This study assessed the degree to which the health sector Annual Operational Plan process in Kenya has achieved alignment between planning and budgeting at the national level, using document reviews, participant observation and key informant interviews. We found that the Kenyan health sector was far from achieving planning and budgeting alignment. Several factors contributed to this problem including weak Ministry of Health stewardship and institutionalized separation between planning and budgeting processes; a rapidly changing planning and budgeting environment; lack of reliable data to inform target setting and poor participation by key stakeholders in the process including a top‐down approach to target setting. We conclude that alignment is unlikely to be achieved without consideration of the specific institutional contexts and the power relationships between stakeholders. In particular, there is a need for institutional integration of the planning and budgeting processes into a common cycle and framework with common reporting lines and for improved data and local‐level input to inform appropriate and realistic target setting. © 2015 The Authors. International Journal of Health Planning and Management published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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