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根据“健康中国2020”战略规划总体要求,综合分析了国内外临床医学发展需求和面临挑战,提出了“健康中国2020”临床医学研究战略设计,包括中国临床医学科技支撑体系建设、重点研究内容和科技行动计划三大对策。目的是实现“健康中国2020”人人享有基本医疗卫生服务,提高全民健康素质的战略目标。  相似文献   

近日,国家卫生部部长陈竺透露,卫生部聘请全国人大常务委员会副委员长韩启德、桑国卫以及王陇德、巴德年、刘德培、曾益新、王永炎等7人为“健康中国2020战略规划研究”专家组首席专家,聘请李玲等203位任研究专家组专家。“健康中国2020战略规划研究”是今年的一项重点工作。为此卫生部已成立了促进健康的公共政策研究组、药物政策研究组、公共卫生研究组、科技支撑和领域前沿研究组、医学模式转换与医疗体系完善研究组、中医学研究组等6个专家组。陈竺要求卫生部各相关司局和单位主要领导高度重视这项工作,进一步完善各组研究方案,保障研究工作顺利进行。  相似文献   

健康中国2020战略规划科技支撑需求与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过总结全面建设小康社会时期我国存在的复杂健康问题,结合当前医学科技发展趋势;分析了“健康中国2020”战略规划科技支撑的3项需求,即提高全民健康素质需要医学模式观念转换,提高重大疾病与伤害防治水平需要高新适宜技术结合,提高人口质量需要医学技术创新;同时,提出健康观念局限、基础研究与公共卫生和临床应用脱节、高新与适宜技术开发应用不足、诸多健康与医学难题有待深入研究是健康战略科技支撑面临的重大挑战。  相似文献   

巴德年:医学泰斗受聘卫生部近日,国家卫生部部长陈竺透露,卫生部聘请全国人大常务委员会副委员长韩启德、桑国卫以及王陇德、巴德年、刘德培、曾益新、王永炎等7人为健康中国2020战略规划研究专家组首席专家,聘请李玲等203位任研究专家组专家。健康中国2020战略规划研究是今年的一项重点工作。为此卫生部已成立了促进健康的公共政策研究组、药物政策研究组、公共卫生研究组、科技支撑和领域前沿研究组、医学模式转换与医疗体系完善研究组、中医学研究组等6个专家组。陈竺要求卫生部各相关司局和单位主要领导高度重视这项工作,进一步完善各组研究方案,保障研究工作顺利进行。  相似文献   

围绕中医药科技在支撑“健康中国2020”中的作用,分析了中医药科技发展的现状和存在问题,提出了中医药促进全民健康中科技发展的总体目标和阶段目标。为实现这一目标,中医药科技发展的重点领域为以理论创新为主的“歧黄工程”、以中医临床能力提高为主的“仲景工程”和以新药与共性技术研发为主的“时珍工程”。在这些重点领域中提炼出中医文献的知识挖掘、中医基础理论核心问题研究、中医药作用机理研究、中医防治常见病、多发病和重大疾病的临床研究、中医疗效评价方法与技术研究、中药新药创制的关键技术研究、中医诊疗仪器设备的研发、中医药标准规范的研究等八大前沿课题和“中医理论创新”、“中医技术推广”和“中医能力建设”三大行动计划。并从法制建设、政策、机制与人才建设等方面提出了保障措施。  相似文献   

战略规划在国家、行业、机构发展中处于重要地位。在系统介绍了战略规划的基本理论的基础上,总结分析了国家和科技、卫生行业中长期规划的制定过程和特点,并结合“健康中国2020”的制定背景及主要内容,提出了解决全局性、根本性和前瞻性问题是制定战略规划的出发点,开展系统的战略研究是制定战略规划的科学基础,科学的决策机制是战略规划顺利实施的保证,良好的组织协调工作是战略规划高效制定的重要条件等4点启示。  相似文献   

支撑计划作为面向国民经济和社会发展需求,重点解决经济社会发展中的重大科技问题的国家科技计划,“十一五”支撑计划重点支持能源、资源、环境、农业、材料、制造业、交通运输、信息产业与现代服务业、人口与健康、城镇化与城市发展、公共安全及其他社会事业等11个领域.本文仅以“十一五”期间支撑计划在人口与健康领域的总体立项情况,以及复旦大学的支撑计划医学项目的组织实施情况,总结复旦大学“十一五”支撑计划组织实施经验及“十二五”申请立项的思考.  相似文献   

孟群副司长说,对于建立覆盖全民的基本医疗保障制度和实施“健康中国2020”战略,为卫生改革的总体方案的顺利实施,我们的工作就是提供科技和人才的保障,充分发挥卫生科技和教育在卫生事业发展中的基础和支撑作用。  相似文献   

“健康亚太2020”倡议在8月12~15日于北京召开的APEC卫生与经济高级别会议和卫生工作组会议上,中方主导提出“健康亚太2020”倡议,旨在为APEC卫生合作设定战略合作方向,得到各成员经济体的热烈响应和积极支持.该倡议提出,到2020年,中国将致力于以下重点领域的工作:继续完成千年发展目标中卫生领域未实现的目标。  相似文献   

华东各省市卫生经济学(协)会:华东卫生经济研究协作会第三十六次学术年会拟定于2020年在浙江召开,主题为“推动卫生健康事业高质量发展,促进健康中国建设”,现将此次学术年会征文的有关事项通知如下。一、征文选题党的十九大报告提出“实施健康中国战略”,国务院又印发了《关于实施健康中国行动的意见》,提出了健康中国建设的目标和任务。卫生健康事业高质量发展是实施健康中国战略的应有之义,是满足人民日益增长的健康需求的必由之路。  相似文献   

The Healthy Cities project started in 1998 in Korea. Around the world, public health and healthy cities are becoming bigger and bigger priorities. Capacity mapping is an important tool for improving a country’s health status. This study aims to review the initiation of the Korean “Healthy City” project. Korea follows a bottom-up approach for the development of Healthy City policies and has implemented plans accordingly. Korea has created a unique program through Healthy Cities; it has developed a Healthy City act, indicators for evaluating the program, a health impact assessment program, an award system, and a domestic networking system.  相似文献   

在健康中国建设的新时期,异地就医进入系统建设阶段,对参保人员异地就医进行有效管理成为医疗保险领域中亟待解决的关键问题之一。从理论上比较分析各地异地就医的制度设计,既有利于中央政策的落地,又有利于地方明确发展方向。文章试图根据收集到的21个省级行政区异地就医政策,分析各地的具体做法,为优化异地就医制度设计提供政策建议。  相似文献   

Health care delivery is being transformed by the use of computer technology, and integrated physical health with mental and behavioral health care are national priorities. This study examined the basic computer skills and computer preferences of inner-city hospitalized medical patients in a design study of a web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention program prototype. Participants were 26 patients observed going through the program prototype using both a laptop computer and mouse, and an iPad. The majority of patients were able to do all the basic laptop and basic iPad skills to complete the program prototype, including older patients (aged 50 years or older) and patients with a high school degree or less. Patient computer preference was 3:1 for the use of an iPad versus a laptop computer, and the majority of patients preferred to complete a web-based versus an in-person brief intervention health program. Inner-city hospitalized medical patients appear able to complete and may be receptive to web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention programs.  相似文献   

This study tests the application of attitude and behavior theory to a social action program, family day care in Israel. Specifically 48 family day care providers were queried to determine their attitudes toward the importance of various training and supervision related issues and the extent to which they are addressed. The findings reveal major differences between what care providers consider important and the amount of attention devoted to the priorities. The results of this study tend to reflect a discrepancy that often exists in the context of social programs when the importance of program elements and the extent of energies being given to address priorities are examined. While little connection was found between the self-report attitudes and behaviors collected, the application of attitude and behavior theory appears to be a valuable methodology for information gathering when applied to social programs for evaluation purposes. Issues of emergency planning, relations with parents and supervisor, as well as physical space planning were identified as priorities for further development according to the study cohort.  相似文献   

Drastic changes are occurring in medical education around the world. Medicine and medical technologies are developing rapidly and expanding beyond the multidisciplinary area. The needs of medical care and medical education are different even from those of several years ago. In order to cope with these increasing social needs, the innovation of medical education in China has become an urgent and important problem. This study is an attempt to answer the question of how to develop medical education in China for the 21st century, based on a historical review of the development of medical education. This development might be divided into three periods: (1) before the Cultural Revolution; (2) the Cultural Revolution (1966-76); and (3) post-Cultural Revolution (1977-present) in modern China, and based on problem analysis of the curriculum, teaching methods, education evaluation, systems and policies and the balance between educational needs and supplies. We concentrate on the discussion of how to solve these problems, and have designed a new strategy for the further development of medical education in China. This discussion and newly developing strategy focuses on the main targets and priorities and adoption of suitable measures according to the conditions of the country. The purposes are to elevate the quality of medical education, to train qualified doctors to meet continuously increasing needs and to maintain the development of medical education for the 21st century in China.  相似文献   

论我国健康扶贫的关键问题与体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康扶贫是精准扶贫的重要内容,是实现健康中国战略的关键环节。目前我国贫困人口的健康问题日益突出,健康状况低下又加剧了贫困的发生,因病致贫、因病返贫现象严重。各类医疗保险保障水平依然较低、医疗救助制度尚不完善、县域内医疗机构服务能力较低、县域外转诊率高、贫困地区公共卫生问题较为突出。我国健康扶贫体系的构建,要坚持政府主导、多部门协同的多元健康扶贫主体,加强贫困地区医疗卫生与公共卫生体系建设,建立多路径健康保障体系。  相似文献   

To assess the association between perinatal care expenditures and a Medicaid waiver to increase Florida Healthy Start services among Florida Medicaid non-managed care organization (non-MCO) program enrollees. We assessed perinatal care expenditures from Medicaid claims and encounter data among non-MCO enrollees with increased risk pregnancies who gave birth in Florida during 1998?C2006. We used a pre-post design to compare adjusted perinatal medical expenditures among women who received Healthy Start care coordination (n?=?41,067) to women who were not contacted by the Healthy Start program after screening (n?=?24,282). We calculated adjusted average costs and difference-in-differences using marginal estimates from multivariable linear mixed regression models. From the pre-waiver (January 1998?CJuly 2001) to the late-post waiver (July 2004?CDecember 2006), all prenatal medical costs increased $274 among care coordination participants and decreased $601 among women not contacted by the Healthy Start program, equaling a $875 increased cost difference between care coordination and no contact groups. During this same time period, delivery related expenditures increased $395 less among care coordination participants compared to women not contacted by Healthy Start. Additionally, infant medical care costs during days 29?C365 decreased by an average of $240 less among the care coordination compared to the no contact group. The Medicaid waiver may have decreased delivery costs, but medical costs were increased following the waiver when considering all perinatal care. Further exploration of factors associated with the decreased delivery costs may help develop more efficient prenatal support programs.  相似文献   

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