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目的:了解农村地区健康儿童水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)的自然免疫状况。方法:采集2~13岁儿童血清标本共计418份,应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测水痘-带状疱疹病毒IgG抗体。结果:418份血清标本中,水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗体阳性194人,抗体阳性率为46.41%,抗体含量均值为366 m IU/m l。各年龄组抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其中2岁年龄组的阳性率(12.86%)最低,10~13岁年龄组的阳性率(90.00%)最高。结论:建议农村地区6岁以下儿童应在经济条件许可的情况下接种水痘疫苗。  相似文献   

目的为了解深圳市南山区健康人群乙脑抗体水平,评价其流行危险度。方法随机抽取南山区0岁~、5岁~、10岁~、15岁~、20岁~、30岁~、40岁~等年龄组各80~90人,采集血清标本用ELISA法检测抗体。结果检测南山区健康人群血清631份,乙脑IgG抗体阳性218份,总阳性率34.55%。不同年龄组间抗体阳性率有差异,20岁以上成人组乙脑抗体阳性率较低;男女性别的抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义。结论南山区健康人群乙脑免疫水平较低,一旦有输入性病例,暴发和流行的危险度较大。  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市南山区健康人群水痘IgG抗体水平。方法 采用横断面研究,按整群抽样的方法,于2 0 0 4年5月在深圳市南山区的3所幼儿园、3所学校及从业人员中采集不同年龄人群血清标本,应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测水痘IgG抗体含量。结果 共采集不同年龄人群血清标本374份,水痘抗体阳性2 39人,抗体阳性率为6 3 90 % ,抗体含量均值为346 0 4mIU/ml。各年龄组抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义(P <0 0 1) ,其中,3~6岁儿童的阳性率仅为2 6 6 7% ,2 1~5 2岁年龄组的阳性率最高,为92 71%。结论 深圳市南山区3~6岁儿童水痘抗体阳性率偏低,建议接种水痘疫苗以提高其免疫水平  相似文献   

张虎 《现代预防医学》2014,(23):4389-4390
目的了解镇宁县健康人群麻疹抗体情况。方法采集镇宁县15个乡(镇)1~≥20岁健康人群血清标本360份,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹抗体。结果麻疹抗体检测360份,麻疹抗体阳性率83.89%,不同年龄组间抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=14.72,P0.05)。结论及时掌握麻疹疫苗的常规接种率和加强健康人群的监测是消除麻疹的关键。  相似文献   

为了掌握呼和浩特铁路地区健康人群麻疹抗体水平及麻疹免疫力,我们对管区20岁以下人群进行了麻疹抗体水平监测。1 资料与方法调查对象:随机抽取管区内<20岁健康居民,分2~4岁、6~8岁、13~15岁、18~20岁4个年龄组,每组调查>30人。血清标本采集:每个调查对象采耳血0.3ml,分离血清,低温保存待检。检测方法:采用ELISA(酶联免疫吸附)法。麻疹病毒抗原,细胞对照抗原,酶结合物均由中国预防医学科学院研究所提供。以麻疹血清IgG抗体≥1∶200为阳性。2 结 果不同年龄组监测结果:在调查的4个年龄组中,各年龄组的阳性率在97.06%~98.48%之间,…  相似文献   

目的 了解吉林省边境地区健康人群脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)中和抗体水平.方法 263份血清标本来自珲春、临江、集安市的<1岁、1~2岁、3~4岁、5~6岁、7~14岁、15~19岁、≥20岁人群,采用微量中和试验检测脊灰抗体.结果 各年龄组健康人群Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型脊灰中和抗体阳性率分别为94.98%、94.59%、92.28%,几何平均滴度分别为1:40.53、1:29.68、1:20.71,且随年龄增长呈下降趋势.结论 吉林省边境地区健康人群,特别是<15岁儿童已形成良好的脊灰免疫屏障.  相似文献   

[目的]了解福建省2010年流行性脑脊髓膜炎(简称流脑)流行前期健康人群带菌率及抗体水平,为制定流脑防控措施提供依据。[方法]采用分层抽样方法于2010年11月在福建省安溪县、将乐县、屏南县和龙岩市4个流脑监测点对不同性别和年龄组人群采集咽拭子及血清标本,分离鉴定脑膜炎奈瑟球菌,用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测抗体,结果用SPSS 17.0软件包进行分析。[结果]检测咽拭子标本836份,未检出脑膜炎奈瑟球菌,带菌率为0.00%。检测血清标本761份,流脑抗体阳性的693份,总阳性率为91.06%。A和C群抗体阳性率分别为86.33%和85.15%;A群以7~14岁年龄组抗体阳性率最高(95.68%),<1岁年龄组最低(56.00%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。C群以15~19岁年龄组抗体阳性率最高(96.08%),1~2岁年龄组最低(44.44%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。4个监测点中A、C群抗体阳性率以将乐县最高(98.05%和96.75%),最低是安溪县(67.83%和67.83%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。流脑A、C群抗体水平阳性率男性为85.19%和83.60%,女性为87.47%和86.68%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。[结论]2010年福建省流脑流行前期健康人群带菌率较低,流行区抗体免疫水平高于非流行区;A群流脑抗体免疫水平高于C群,A、C群流脑抗体免疫水平对3岁以上健康人群有较高的免疫保护作用;应加强3岁以下低龄儿童A群或A+C疫苗接种及非流行区健康人群的疫苗接种。  相似文献   

目的 了解辽阳市健康人群麻疹抗体水平,为消除麻疹提供依据。方法 于2008年和2012年分别采集健康人群血清标本共510份,用ELISA法检测麻疹IgG抗体水平。结果 510份血清标本麻疹抗体阳性率97.45%,GMT为1∶4 365.16,保护率94.7%。各年龄组间抗体阳性率与GMT差异均无统计学意义;保护率以<1岁组为最低(88.6%),1~2岁组最高(100.0%);城市GMT比农村高;男女间GMT、保护率和阳性率差异均无统计学意义。结论 辽阳市健康人群麻疹抗体水平稳定,已形成有效的免疫屏障,近期不会发生大规模暴发流行。  相似文献   

天津市2007年健康人群乙型脑炎抗体水平监测分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析2007年天津市健康人群乙型脑炎抗体水平特征及影响因素.方法:在天津市采集7个年龄组,各30名以上调查对象,于2007年5月份和1 1月份分别进行调查并采集血清标本,应用ELISA法对乙脑特异性IgG抗体进行定量检测.结果:天津市健康人群5月份乙脑抗体阳性率为40.46%,11月份为38.46%,流行季节前后抗体阳性率无统计学差异(P>O.05).不同年龄组人群乙脑抗体阳性率存在统计学差异,其中7岁以下年龄组的抗体阳性率显著高于7岁及以上年龄组(P<0.001).免疫前后抗体阳性率有统计学差异(P<0.001).结论:天津市健康人群乙脑抗体水平主要受疫苗接种影响,由流行季节造成的显隐性感染有限.乙脑疫苗接种是我市预防乙脑疫情最有效的途径,在抓好适龄儿童乙脑疫苗接种工作质量的同时,适时开展针对7岁及以上人群接种,可降低高危人群的易感危险.  相似文献   

目的了解日照市健康人群麻疹、风疹、流行性腮腺炎(腮腺炎)抗体水平和自然感染情况。方法 2009年采集日照市开发区1~≥20岁健康人群血清标本245份,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹、风疹和腮腺炎抗体。结果麻疹、风疹和腮腺炎抗体分别检测血清245份。麻疹抗体阳性率98.78%,几何平均滴度(GMT)1:1722.13;风疹抗体阳性率60.82%,抗体含量均值为35.30U/ml;腮腺炎抗体阳性率为84.49%,抗体含量均值为62.94U/ml。结论麻疹抗体阳性率显著高于风疹和腮腺炎抗体阳性率,风疹抗体阳性率普遍较低,3~6岁儿童的腮腺炎抗体阳性率显著低于其他健康人群。应加强儿童风疹和腮腺炎疫苗接种,提高接种率。定期开展育龄期妇女风疹疫苗接种工作。  相似文献   

We studied the prevalence of IgG and IgM antibodies to the human herpesviruses in a hospital-based population of 181 individuals aged 0 to 25 years, who were resident in Vellore, south India or surrounding rural areas. Antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) viral capsid antigen were determined by indirect immunofluorescence, while antibodies to the remaining herpesviruses were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The age-specific prevalence rates of IgG antibodies to EBV and cytomegalovirus (CMV) rose rapidly after birth to reach a value of over 90% by the fourth year of life. High age-specific IgM prevalence rates and geometric mean titres (GMT) of IgG antibody in children 6 months to 2 years of age, and the early median age of virus infection (1.4 years for EBV and less than 1 year for CMV) indicate that primary infection with these viruses occurs early in life. In contrast, age-specific prevalence rates of IgG antibodies to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) rose gradually after birth to attain maximal values of only 72% (VZV) and 83% (HSV) in the 15-25 year age group, and the median ages of infection were delayed (12.25 years for VZV and 8.2 years for HSV). The age-specific IgG prevalence rates of VZV and HSV, and of EBV and HSV showed statistically significant positive correlations, suggesting that common epidemiological factors may underlie the pattern of infections due to these groups of viruses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

人群水痘—带状疱疹病毒流行率及发病状况分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解本辖区现阶段健康人群水痘 -带状疱疹病毒 (VZV)流行情况 ,采用酶联免疫吸附实验 (ELISA)分别对本地以及外来人员共 40 7名 1~ 50岁健康人群VZV的血清流行病学情况进行检测 ,同时根据 2 0 0 2始纳入国家传染病管理信息系统报告的天河区水痘发病状况进行统计分析。结果显示 :人群中血清抗VZV -IgG阳性率平均为 61 7% ,年龄别流行率 1~ 2岁、3~ 6岁、7~ 1 2岁、1 3~ 1 9岁、2 0~ 2 9岁、30~ 39岁、40~ 50岁组分别为 1 4 1 %、2 4 3 %、62 0 %、85 7%、95 2 %、92 9%、1 0 0 % ,说明血清年龄别流行率以1~ 6岁组最低 ,以后随年龄增长而上升。同时对天河区 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年收到报告的 1 883例水痘病例分析表明 ,1 0岁以下儿童的发病占总病例的 79 1 % ,与所检测的人群VZV流行率相一致 ,表明婴儿、幼儿、学前班儿童、小学低年级学生为高度易感人群 ,是水痘疫苗的主要免疫对象  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To assess the prevalence of varicella zoster virus (VZV) antibodies in Flemish (Belgian) healthcare workers, to investigate the association between seronegativity and selected variables, and to assess the reliability of recall about disease as a predictor of immunity.
METHODS—A seroprevalence study of VZV antibodies (IgG) was conducted among a systematic sample of 4923 employees in various professional groups, employed in 22 hospitals in Flanders and Brussels (Belgium). Information about sex, age, department, job, and years of employment, the country of origin, and history of varicella was obtained. The presence of VZV antibodies was investigated with the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Enzygnost anti VZV / IgG (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany). Statistical analysis was performed by calculating prevalences and prevalence ratios (PRs) and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) of the recalled history were determined.
RESULTS—The prevalence of VZV seropositivity in Flemish healthcare workers was 98.5% (95% CI 98.1 to 98.8). Seronegativity was significantly associated with age and job, increasing with both older and younger age. The prevalence of seronegative workers was significantly less in nursing staff than non-nursing staff. There was no significant difference for sex and years of employment. The PPV and NPV of recalled history were 98.9% and 3.4%. Sensitivity and specificity were 83% and 38.9%.
CONCLUSION—The prevalence of VZV seropositivity was very high in this sample of Flemish healthcare workers. Because of this low overall susceptibility, VZV infection seems not to be an important occupational risk among healthcare workers in Flanders. The increasing seronegativity above the age of 45 is possibly due to a loss of detectable antibodies. A positive history of varicella was a good predictor of immunity, but a negative history had no value as a predictor of susceptibility in adults.

Keywords: varicella; healthcare workers; occupational risk  相似文献   

We studied the value of the determination of the serum IgM antibody level for the diagnosis of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in women and the value of the urethra in addition to the cervix as a sampling site for the diagnosis of C. trachomatis infection by culture and direct immune-fluorescence (IF) test. Of 205 women, mean age 26 years (range 14-56), who visited the Sexually Transmitted Disease clinic of the University Hospital Groningen from July 1985 until November 1987, single serum samples were obtained for the determination of IgM and IgG anti-C. trachomatis antibodies using FITC conjugates, in addition to swabs of cervix and urethra for culture and direct IF test. In women with a negative culture and positive IgM serology the culture was repeated. The culture was used as golden standard. In 17/205 (36%) women positive C. trachomatis IgM serology (greater than or equal to 1:32) and in 190/205 (93%) positive IgG serology (greater than or equal to 1:40) was found. In 67/205 (33%) women the C. trachomatis culture of cervix and (or) urethra was positive. The positive and negative predictive values of C. trachomatis IgM serology were 41% and 72%. In 3/20 women with negative culture results and positive IgM serology a second culture was positive. In 176 women, of whom samples from both cervix and urethra were available, the only C. trachomatis positive site by culture was the urethra in 7/54 (13%) and by direct IF in 3/42 (7%). The increase in the prevalence obtained by collecting material not only from the cervix but also from the urethra was 4% by culture and 2% by direct IF.2+n  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) vaccine is recommended to protect susceptible healthcare workers (HCWs) from serious disease and to prevent nosocomial spread of VZV. We evaluated clinical outcomes and serological responses in HCWs after immunization with live attenuated VZV vaccine. DESIGN: Vaccinees were immunized from 1979 to 1998 during VZV vaccine trials, as well as after licensure, and followed prospectively for 1 month to 20.6 (mean 4.6) years after vaccination. Sera were tested by fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen (FAMA), latex agglutination (LA), and enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) to detect VZV-specific antibodies. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: The median age of the 120 HCWs was 26 years; 51 (42%) were males. INTERVENTIONS: Ninety eight (82%) of these study subjects received vaccine prepared by Merck and 22 (18%) by SmithKline Beecham; 25, 81, and 14 vaccinees received one dose, two doses, and three doses, respectively. RESULTS: The crude attack rate was 10%; 12 of 120 HCWs developed chickenpox 6 months to 8.4 years after vaccination. The attack rates following household and hospital exposures were 18% (4/22) and 8% (6/72), respectively. All resulting illness was mild to moderate (mean 40 vesicles). Seroconversion after vaccination was documented by FAMA in 96% of HCWs, although 31% lost detectable antibodies. Compared with FAMA, LA and EIA were 82% and 74% sensitive and 94% and 89% specific, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The VZV vaccine effectively protected HCWs from varicella, particularly from serious disease. Currently available serological tests are not optimal, and improved assays are needed.  相似文献   

QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To investigate the persistence of maternal IgG antibodies against Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) in infants and young children. METHODS: Serum specimens of children aged 0-16 months who had been hospitalized in our institution between 1994 and 1999 were identified from our routine serum collection. Exclusion criteria were: preterm delivery (<37 gestational weeks); suspected varicella infection or presence of exanthema of unknown etiology at time of serum collection; transfusion of blood products during 6 months preceding serum collection; foreign born mother; and previous VZV immunization. Serotesting for IgG antibodies against VZV was performed by use of a commercially available ELISA kit. RESULTS: Two hundred and fifty three serum specimens from 240 patients were analyzed. Age distribution of patients at time of specimen collection was: 0-3 months: n=57; >3-6 months: n=47; >6-9 months: n=47; >9-12 months: n=48; >12-16 months: n=54. Seroprevalence rates for IgG antibodies against VZV in the different age groups were 90% (0-3 months), 38% (>3-6 months); 0% (>6-9 and >9-12 months); and 7% (>12-16 months). CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate high levels of passively acquired humoral immunity against varicella in Swiss infants during the first 3 months of life. Beyond the first 3 months of life IgG antibodies against VZV are lacking in the majority of patients and between 6 and 12 months of age all specimens tested were negative. Beyond the first year of life antibodies against varicella were detected in four samples, probably due to previous VZV infection. In accordance with current recommendations, VZV vaccination should ideally be administered to children 9 months of age and older, although our data indicate that successful immunization may be possible at earlier age (6 months onwards) in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of IgG antibodies to human parvovirus B19. METHODS: Cross-sectional study in a suburban community in S?o Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between November 1990 and January 1991. Randomly selected (N=435) representative samples of sera were collected from healthy children older than 15 days old and adults up to 40 years old. IgG antibodies were detected using ELISA. RESULTS: High prevalence of IgG antibodies to B19 parvovirus was found in 87% of newborns. The prevalence of maternally derived IgG antibodies exponentially plunged up to the 19th month of age. Low prevalence of antibodies was found in the first 4 years of life, increasing up to 72% in those aged 31-40 years. It was estimated that the average age of first infection in this population is 21 +/- 7 years old and the optimal age for vaccination with a hypothetical vaccine would be 1 year of age. CONCLUSIONS: Parvovirus B19 IgG antibody prevalence was high in newborns and those aged 31-40 years. The analysis by age groups showed a pattern similar to that found in previous studies, i.e., low prevalence of infection in children that increases with age.  相似文献   

国产和进口水痘疫苗免疫效果对比研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
[目的 ] 比较国产和进口水痘疫苗免疫效果 ,了解宝山区儿童水痘—带状疱疹病毒 (VZV)自然感染情况。 [方法 ] 随机选择 2 6 5名无水痘病史的 0~ 7岁儿童调查血清抗VZV -IgG阳性率 ;选择 84名 1~ 2岁VZV易感儿童随机分成两组 ,分别接种国产和进口水痘疫苗 ,免疫后 6周采血 ,用酶联免疫吸附试验检测抗VZV -IgG。  [结果 ]  1~ 7岁儿童抗VZV -IgG阳性率分别为 2 .0 0 %、11.11%、2 0 .0 0 %、17.6 5 %、30 .77%、40 .0 0 %、32 .14 % ;免前抗VZV -IgG阴性儿童 ,分别接种国产和进口水痘疫苗后 ,抗体阳转率分别为 90 .70 % ( 39/43)和 95 .12 % ( 39/41) ,两者差别无显著性 ;两种疫苗的抗VZV-IgG几何平均滴度倒数 (GMRT)分别为 2 0 4.848( 95 %CI190 .73~ 2 6 0 4.79)和 482 .6 9( 95 %CI93.30~ 2 497.5 ) ,进口疫苗GMRT略高于国产疫苗。  [结论 ] 宝山区婴幼儿 6个月内部分存在VZV -IgG母体免疫 ,7个月后母体免疫消失 ;国产水痘疫苗免疫效果良好 ,本区 1~ 7岁儿童是易感人群 ,尤其是 1~ 4岁易感儿童适宜接种  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Varicella is a highly infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The aim of this study was to explore the geographical difference of VZV antibody seroprevalence among children in private vaccination areas in Taiwan, controlling for potential factors relating to varicella susceptibility. PATIENTS AND METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of the seroprevalence of VZV antibodies among children 0-12 years of age was conducted in Taiwan between August and December 2003. Sera of children visiting the outpatient unit of the participating hospitals around the island were collected. Six hundred and fifty-six parents among those of the 931 children studied agreed to answer the self-administered questionnaire regarding the possible factors associated with varicella susceptibility. IgG antibodies to VZV were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit, Enzygnost anti VZV/IgG. RESULTS: The susceptibility was the highest at age 1 year, and then decreased as the age increased. Children living in southern and eastern Taiwan showed higher susceptibility to varicella than those living in northern area (odds ratio (OR) = 2.71 and 2.10, respectively). Prior history of varicella infection, varicella vaccination, and contact with cases remained to be associated with the susceptibility after multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Children who lived in tropical and rural regions and those who had no history of varicella infection, varicella vaccination, and contact with cases, might be more susceptible to varicella. Island-wide VZV seroprevalence surveillance is required to examine whether the geographical difference of susceptibility in Taiwan will become less significant or disappear after the mass varicella vaccination program initiated in 2004.  相似文献   

广州地区献血人群人类微小病毒B19感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解广州地区献血人群HPVB19病毒感染状况。方法用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对无偿献血者血液进行HPVB19IgG和IgM抗体筛查。结果1760者无偿献血者血液标本中,检出HPVB19IgG阳性679例,阳性率为38.6%;检出HPVB19IgM阳性33例,阳性率为1.9%,两者检出率有显著差异(x2=7.78,p<0.005)。18岁年龄组献血者HPVB19IgG抗体阳性率为29.6%,50岁年龄组HPVB19IgG抗体阳性率为57.1%。不同年龄组间的HPVB19IgG抗体阳性率存在显著相关性(x2=62.31,p<0.005)。结论广州地区献血人群中HPVB19病毒既往感染率较高,而且HPVB19IgG抗体阳性检出率随献血者年龄增大明显增大。献血人群中HPVB19病毒急性感染感染率相对较低,但目前尚未在献血人群中开展HPVB19病毒特异性抗体筛查情况下,仍然存在输血传播该病毒的危险性。  相似文献   

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