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目的 了解教师咽喉炎发病状况,探讨慢性咽喉炎的分布特点、病因及预防,为患有慢性咽炎的教师提供科学的防治依据.方法 对2007年12月-2009年12月期间,在延安市某医院耳鼻喉门诊就诊的患慢性咽喉炎病例逐例分类登记,并进行统计分析.结果 该医院耳鼻喉总的门诊就诊人数为60 334例,其中咽炎患者为49 630例,急性咽炎患者24 266例,慢性咽炎患者24 310例,声带小结患者为1054例,分别占耳鼻喉门诊就诊人数的40.22%、40.29%和1.75%、49 630例.咽炎患者中,教师34 514人,学生1208人,其他职业13 908人,分别占耳鼻喉门诊咽喉炎患者的69.54%、2.44%和28.02%.教师慢性咽喉炎的患病数占门诊就诊总人数的构成比有逐年上升的趋势.结论 教师患咽喉炎的比例很高,教师慢性咽喉炎的病因除共同的因素(病毒、细菌感染、粉尘、化学气体刺激)外,还有其独特的职业因素.该病的预防应针对病因采取积极的综合预防措施.  相似文献   

目的了解咽喉疾病发病状况及好发人群,根据行业特点为患有咽喉炎的教师提供科学的保健措施。方法对2008年初至2011年初,来本院耳鼻咽喉科门诊就诊确诊为咽喉疾病的患者自行设计调查登记表逐例分类登记,并进行统计分析。结果在本院耳鼻咽喉科以咽喉疾病就诊的人数为8 413例,其中教师人数为5 015例,占59.61%。结论教师患咽喉炎的比例很高,教师慢性咽喉疾病的病因有其独特的职业因素。  相似文献   

<正>近10年天津市职业病危害因素信息监测报告显示,尘肺病占职业病总数的90%以上,且尘肺病有逐渐老龄化的趋势,根据我院尘肺科2010和2013年门诊就诊人数统计,可发现60到85岁区间的就诊人数可达总人数的52%。由于老年人与青壮年在身体情况、生理功能以及心理状态方面有着一定的区别,为了了解老年尘肺病患者的候诊、就诊时以及就诊后对护理工作的各种需求,为了提高他们的就诊质量和有针对性地对这一群体提供优  相似文献   

为了解和掌握我校学生口腔疾病发病情况及发病特点,以便更好地做好学生口腔保健预防工作,我们对1993年12月~1995年7月口腔门诊学生1325人次进行分析。1临床资料口腔疾病构成情况(见附表)。我校学生口腔门诊疾患以复发性口腔溃疡、智齿冠周炎、慢性龈炎为最多.共计823例,占总例数的62.11%。就诊情况具有以下特点:1.1病种与性别:除慢性龈炎外.各疾病发病无性别差异.男生慢性龈炎发病164例,女生81例(x2=59,P<0.05),两者有显著性差异。1.2龋病:就诊数113例,占8.53%,由龋病发展来的急慢性牙髓炎、很尖周炎知相对较多…  相似文献   

目的:探讨互联网医院发热门诊对预防新冠肺炎(COVID?19)交叉感染的价值和意义。方法:医院在COVID?19 爆发的早期迅速开设互联网医院发热门诊,分析我院互联网医院发热门诊和传统发热门诊患者在COVID?19 爆发早期(2020年1月23日至2月5日期间)的就诊情况,对相关数据进行对比分析。结果:在COVID?19爆发早期,共有2 875例患者在我院发热门诊就诊,1 996人(69.4%)通过互联网医院发热门诊就诊(互联网组),879人(30.6%)通过传统发热门诊就诊(传统组)。互联网组的就诊人数逐渐增加,从开始的81人/天逐渐升至195人/天,而传统发热门诊的就诊人数逐渐减少,最后进入平台期。互联网组的就诊人数比例逐渐升高,从开始的40.7%逐渐升至91.5%。互联网组患者的平均年龄低于传统组;互联网组患者的发热程度高于传统组;互联网组患者开立处方占比低于传统组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论:互联网医院发热门诊可以为轻症患者提供简便、快捷的就医途径,可以有效降低传统发热门诊的就诊人数,从而降低COVID?19交叉感染的风险。  相似文献   

目的:为全面了解福田区食品和公共场所从业人员的健康体检状况,掌握从业人员体检后需要复查的原因,从而更好地为“五病”防治及工作制定更有效的预防控制措施。方法:收集1999-2000年来我站预防医学门诊进行健康体检的食品和公共场所从业人员资料进行统计,并对复查原因进行分析。结果:两年体检总人数为81623人,其中上半年明显多于下半年,2000年多于1999年,需要复查的人数为4526人,检出率为5.55%;复查原因主要为HBsAg阳性,检出率为5.08%,占复查人数的91.60%,其次为未采血和未透视等疏漏现象。占2.72%。结论:HBsAg阳性为主要复查原因,但未透视未采血等疏漏现象亦不容忽视。  相似文献   

目的:分析我院门诊病人疾病谱变化及状况,为疾病的预防治疗及医院门诊的发展规划提供科学依据。方法采用回顾性分析方法,应用“甘肃省卫生系统疾控进医院信息平台”将2011-2012年我院门诊病人疾病谱构成、单病种分布情况进行分类、排序、统计、分析。结果我院门诊病人前10位的疾病占门诊就诊总人数的85.67%,疾病谱构成比前10位依次是消化系统疾病,呼吸系统疾病,泌尿生殖系统疾病,损伤、中毒和外因的某些其他后果,症状、体症和临床与实验异常所见、不可类于他处者等,单病种构成比前10位的依次是上呼吸道感染,慢性胃炎,急性气管支气管炎,消化不良,神经根型颈椎病,原发性高血压等,占门诊就诊总人数的21.49%。结论消化系统疾病,呼吸系统疾病、泌尿生殖系统疾病和损伤、中毒和外因的某些其他后果,症状、体症和临床与实验异常所见、不可类于他处者,循环系统疾病仍然是影响群众健康的主要疾病,门诊应建立重点专科,特色专科,形成科有特色,人有专长的良性模式,同时加强常见病、多发病的诊治,更好地为患者服务。  相似文献   

目的了解太仓市中医医院急门诊晕厥患者的流行病学特征。方法收集2016—2018年晕厥患者的就诊数据进行分析。结果 3年间,该院急门诊接待患者2 351 738例,确诊新发晕厥患者420例,占17.86/10万。其中,男性195例(46.43%),女性225例(53.57%);晕厥患者以7—8月最多,88例,占20.95%;各年龄组晕厥人数占就诊总人数的比例呈上升趋势(χ2趋势=33.60,P0.01)。晕厥住院患者共86例,占新发晕厥患者的20.48%。住院患者的病因主要为脑源性晕厥(37.21%)、不明原因性晕厥(23.25%)和心源性晕厥(15.12%)。结论太仓地区晕厥患者发病主要集中在夏季7-8月,住院率较低。  相似文献   

盛巍 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(16):2470-2471
目的:调查长兴地区0~5岁婴幼儿骨健康状况。方法:使用骨源性碱性磷酸酶(BAP)试剂盒对2009~2010年来长兴妇幼保健院门诊就诊的2 540例0~5岁婴幼儿进行检测。结果:在2 540例0~5岁婴幼儿中,BAP活性正常的1 215例,占总人数的47.83%;BAP活性处于预防水平的1 196例,占总人数的47.09%;BAP活性处于治疗水平的129例,占总人数的5.08%。结论:长兴地区约50.00%的婴幼儿骨骼处于亚健康状态,易患佝偻病,需及早预防。  相似文献   

訾聃  莫鸿英  周遵伦 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(16):2449-2450
目的:探讨女性尿瘘的病因及相关因素。方法:回顾性分析1979年1月~2009年12月208例女性尿瘘患者的临床资料。结果:208例女性尿瘘患者中,产伤因素171例(占82.21%),妇科手术因素20例(占9.62%),其他因素17例(占8.17%)。1979~2009年,病因中的产科因素构成比由86.84%下降至69.64%,妇科手术因素构成比由5.92%上升至19.64%。结论:在贵州省,产伤仍是尿瘘的主要病因,目前妇科手术损伤引起的尿瘘人数也在逐年增加。提示应加强围产期保健,提高妇科手术技术,减少尿瘘的发生。  相似文献   

为提高教师课堂教学质量,我院教学办对不同职称人员的教案、课件和预讲进行了比较研究,其方法是从本期所有任课教师抽出37人进行教案、课件和预讲的比较研究,采用随机方法将教师教案、课件和预讲教师名册进行编号,将不同职称人员分组,根据教学效果评估表对教案、课件和预讲进行评分,用SPSS10.0软件采用成组资料方差分析方法对数据进行统计分析。比较研究结果发现:预讲评分教授组得分明显高于副教授组和讲师组,副教授组和讲师组无明显差异。教案评分教授组、副教授组和讲师组三组之间无明显差异。课件评分副教授组得分明显高于和讲师组,讲师组评分高于教授组。通过研究发现用教学效果评估表对教案、课件和预讲进行评分并进行比较研究,能够了解临床医学教师的教学方面的优缺点,如果针对性地加以改进,将教师的教学质量意识、提高教学质量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to help hospital consultants identify their needs in relation to teaching skills, leading to the development of a teacher training programme. DESIGN: The study was directed at all 869 consultants in the region and initially involved a postal questionnaire which had a 60.5% response rate. SETTING: Hospitals throughout Northern Ireland. SUBJECTS: Hospital consultants. RESULTS: Results from this questionnaire indicated that while the majority of respondents were interested teachers, only 34% had received any teacher training. The questionnaire was followed by a focus group study involving three groups of consultants drawn randomly from those who had responded to the questionnaire. Participants in these groups identified the following key areas of hospital education: qualities of hospital teachers; selection procedures; problems of teaching in hospitals; the need for teacher training and how it should be provided. CONCLUSION: The study highlighted that hospital teachers need to acquire and update their teaching skills through attending courses that should include basic teaching and assessment/appraisal skills. These courses should last 1 or 2 days and be provided at a regional or subregional level. As a result of this study, teacher training courses have been developed in this region.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of an improved staff ratio in New Zealand kindergartens on interactions between children and teachers. Four kindergartens which acquired a third teacher were compared with four contrast kindergartens which continued with their usual staffing of two teachers. Data were collected from each kindergarten on three occasions. Fourteen children from three-teacher kindergartens and 21 children from two-teacher kindergartens were observed for 30 minutes, in November before the third teacher was introduced, and in March and July after the third teacher had started working in half of the kindergartens. Staff members were also observed on the three occasions for an hour. The introduction of a third teacher was associated with a statistically significant reduction in children's negative behaviour to peers. Children played more positively with peers, talked more and interacted more with teachers after the third teacher started but these differences were not statistically significant. Teacher behaviour showed fewer changes than child behaviour after a third teacher was introduced, but teachers in third teacher kindergartens made more non-verbal initiations to children, talked more to parents, were more involved in children's play and talked to each other more with the extra staff member. It was concluded that a third teacher did improve the quality of the preschool but that other confounding factors associated with “experiments in nature” (such as subject attrition) prevented more definitive findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To investigate the epidemiological profile and medical causes of ill-health retirement (IHR) of teachers in the Republic of Ireland. METHODS: Medical file review of teacher IHR in Irish primary and secondary schools, between 2002 and 2005 inclusive. RESULTS: In all, 466 employees were granted IHR between 2002 and 2005.The rate of IHR was 2.7/1000 teachers per annum, with an average age at IHR of 52 years. The most common reasons for IHR were mental disorders (46%), cancer (19%), circulatory (14%) and musculoskeletal disorders (10%). CONCLUSIONS: The rate of IHR among Irish teachers is similar to that of other occupational groups, with psychiatric conditions, cancer and circulatory diseases as the principal causes.  相似文献   

Two-hundred-and-forty healthy women, ages 18 to 40 years, were randomized in a ratio of 2:5 to use NORPLANT implants or NORPLANT-2 implants. Through three years of use, no pregnancies were recorded among women using NORPLANT implants and two pregnancies were noted among women using NORPLANT-2 implants resulting in a cumulative net pregnancy rate of 1.3 +/- 0.9 per 100 acceptors (mean +/- SE) by the end of year three. This difference was not statistically significant. During the fourth year, no pregnancies were observed in the NORPLANT group, but 4 pregnancies occurred in the NORPLANT-2 group. The most common reason for terminating the study was bleeding disturbances. During the first year there were significantly more terminations due to bleeding problems in the NORPLANT group than in the NORPLANT-2 group. However, during the second year of use the proportion of women discontinuing for bleeding problems dropped considerably among NORPLANT users and during the third year very few women in either group discontinued because of bleeding problems. The continuation rates after one year were for NORPLANT users 59.4% and for NORPLANT-2 users 77.2%. Corresponding figures after three years of use were 46.1% and 51.7%, respectively. The second most common reason for discontinuation was depression and other mood changes. In both groups we noted a slight increase in weight during the study and a slight decrease in blood pressure and hemoglobin levels with time. In conclusion, both NORPLANT and NORPLANT-2 implants are very effective methods for contraception. The efficacy of NORPLANT-2 implants, however, was not acceptable during the fourth year of use in this study. The latter system could, however, become a suitable three-year contraceptive method, possibly with less bleeding disturbances than NORPLANT in the first year.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that the effectiveness of programs or curricula may depend in part on who delivers the material. In adolescent health education programs, peer leaders are often recruited to implement programs because they are more persuasive to other adolescents than adults. Teachers also systematically vary how groups are constructed in school-based health education programs. This study compared the effects of three leader and group selection methods within the context of two tobacco prevention programs. Eight schools received a social influences program (Chips) and eight received a program with a multicultural emphasis (Flavor). Within these 16 schools 84 classrooms consisting of 1486 students were randomly assigned to one of three leader and group creation conditions: (i) leaders defined as those who received the most nominations by students and groups created randomly (random group), (ii) same as (i) but groups created by assigning students to the leaders they nominated (network), and (iii) leaders and groups created by teachers (teacher). One year follow-up data showed that main effects of the curriculum and network assignments were non-significant on smoking initiation when entered alone. Interaction terms of curriculum and assignment methods, however, were significant such that the network and teacher conditions were less effective than the random group condition with Chips, and more effective than random group condition with Flavor. These data show that school-based prevention programs should be evaluated in light of who implements the program. Even a peer-led program will be differentially effective based on how leaders are selected and how groups are formed, and this effect may be curriculum dependent.  相似文献   

According to the Convention on the rights of the Child, every child is entitled to receive compulsory basic education, and no child should suffer any discrimination irrespective of origin, birth, colour, sex, social beliefs, status or disability.

Bearing in mind these stated objectives of this Convention, three hundred children and three hundred teachers from twenty public schools in Lagos were the subjects of a survey carried out to Identify the unmet needs for education of Nigerian children.

About 90% of the teachers surveyed, admitted that the quality of education was poor and deteriorating on a daily basis. Reasons given were for the poor condition of services, poor teacher morale due to poor condition of service, lack of parental cooperation and general lack of interest among the children.

An observation of the children in the school showed that about 60% of the children had chronic malnutrition with ravages of diseases such as malaria, cough, catarrh, diarrhoea, and skin rashes. Many of the children complained of lack of adequate supply of water and electricity at home for several weeks. A large number (70%) were also found to be unkempt, without decent uniforms and textbooks.

Suggestions were made for proper teacher training, remuneration and more parental concern and involvement for the proper education of their children.  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省义乌市小学教师嗓音言语疾病患病现状及成因,指导小学教师做好嗓音言语疾病防治工作。方法对义乌市城区及农村部分小学教师采用自制的“小学教师嗓音保健调查表”进行问卷调查及耳鼻咽喉专科检查。结果1027名小学教师中,检出声音嘶哑者285名,检出率为27.75%,女性检出率明显高于男性;小学一、二年级教师检出率最高,喉部检查结果以声带小结和慢性喉炎最多。造成小学教师嗓音言语疾病高发的因素除过度用嗓外,与教师的生活习惯、胃食管反流、噪声污染、环境污染等密切相关。结论小学教师嗓音言语疾病检出率较高,应采取相应防治措施。  相似文献   

  目的   了解北京市某区教师健康知识、行为生活方式、工作场所健康服务利用情况对慢性病的影响路径。   方法   采用自行设计问卷进行调查, 通过通径方法进行数据分析。   结果   该地区教师慢性病患病率为51.5%, 排名前三位的疾病分别是腰或脊椎疾病(19.0%)、高血压(12.5%)和胃肠炎(11.1%)。调查对象随着年龄增长超重肥胖率逐渐升高, 且男性教师超重肥胖率高于女性, 差异有统计学意义(χ2=119.313, P < 0.001)。超重肥胖、健康相关知识和工作场所健康服务利用对慢性病产生直接作用。健康生活行为与方式以超重肥胖为中间变量对慢性病产生间接作用。   结论   该地区教师健康水平一般。今后应关注教师这一类职业人群, 特别是将男性作为该工作场所健康教育重点干预对象, 预防与控制其超重肥胖发生率, 提高其健康知识水平, 培养健康生活习惯, 同时加大工作场所健康资源的投入。  相似文献   

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