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重大活动公共卫生保障工作的理论与实践是当前公共卫生领域的重大课题之一。2008年8月举世瞩目的2008北京奥运会在中国举行,其中从8月7日~22日,上海承办了奥运会足球比赛部分赛事。为确保北京奥运会上海赛区赛事的顺利进行,上海市卫生部门承担了重要的公共卫生保障任务,其中包括生活饮用水安全保障工作。  相似文献   

做为奥运会主办城市,为保证奥运期间北京市不发生重大传染病流行、不发生重大食物中毒事件和生活饮用水污染事故,北京市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)在市政府和市卫生局的领导下,围绕上述工作任务进行了大量工作。实现了奥运会公共卫生保障的既定目标,赛事结束后,为了解市民对北京市奥运公共卫生保障工作效果的评价,客观反映工作中的不足,  相似文献   

第二炮兵防护防疫环境监测队是一支活跃在部队卫生防疫一线的尖兵,是全军的应急卫勤机动力量,2005年被纳入国家公共卫生体系。主要承担二炮部队卫生防疫和导弹推进剂、核武器作业卫生防护双重保障任务和重大军事行动遂行卫生防疫保障以及应对突发性公共卫生事件卫生防疫工作。  相似文献   

亚冬会的公共卫生保障实践探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
重大活动公共卫生保障工作理论与实践是当前公共卫生领域重大课题。本文通过对第六届亚冬会公共卫生保障的总结分析及在对亚冬会公共卫生保障中,推行“全面推进、突出重点、分层监督”工作策略的建立,以“分层管理、立体监督、实行危险因素关键控制”工作模式的实践评估,为大型活动公共卫生安全保障提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

“建设覆盖城乡居民的公共卫生服务体系”是党的十七大确定的重大卫生工作任务之一。各级政府和卫生部门应该充分认识建设公共卫生服务体系的重要性和必要性,切实增强责任感和紧迫感,加快公共卫生服务体系建设进度,有效保护人民健康,为建设小康社会、和谐社会提供保障。  相似文献   

李斌 《中国卫生》2012,(10):42-42
要健全疾病预防控制、健康教育、妇幼卫生、精神卫生、应急救治、采供血、卫生监督和计划生育等专业公共卫生网络,作为全额单位,其所需基本建设、设备购置等发展建设支出以及所需人员经费、公用经费和业务经费根据政府预算全额安排,并在此基础上,通过实施国家的重大公共卫生专项来保障公共卫生工作任务的落实。  相似文献   

铁路客货列车跨区域、全天候运行,旅客流动性大,公共卫生安全管理涉及面广,正是由于铁路运输生产特性决定了铁路重大活动的公共卫生安全保障工作既不同于地方固定环境的一般性管理,也与交通、民航的情况有很大不同,因此,铁路重大活动的公共卫生安全保障工作一直以来都是其行使卫生监督管理工作的难点和薄弱点,乌鲁木齐铁路局不断的积极摸索,就如何适应铁路改革与发展需要,做好铁路重大活动的公共卫生安全保障工作,形成了一套行之有效的管理模式。  相似文献   

百年奥运,中华圆梦。2008年北京奥运会将为世人留下一笔丰硕的遗产,而这一切都蕴含在档案之中。北京市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)作为奥运保障单位,承担着传染病预防控制、食品、饮用水等公共卫生的安全保障、突发公共卫生事件及生物恐怖事件的应急处置和全民健康促进等重大保障任务。档案部门抓住参与奥运、服务奥运这一难得的机遇,全力以赴做好奥运档案工作。  相似文献   

食品卫生安全是各项重大活动保障工作的重点,公共卫生突发事件直接威胁着重大活动参与者的身体健康和生命安全,对社会稳定和活动的顺利开展有着极其重要的关系.在重大活动的卫生安全保障工作中,活动的接待单位是食品卫生安全的第一责任人,各餐饮接待单位切实做好本职工作,卫生监督机构监督到位,严格履行职责,是确保重大活动万无一失和保障食品卫生安全的重要环节.桂林市是广西壮族自治区的著名旅游城市,近年来经常举办大型经济文化活动,卫生监督保障任务因其特殊性,要求做到万无一失,保障食品卫生安全.现就其重要保障环节进行探讨.  相似文献   

建立健全突发公共卫生事件应急机制与网络体系,一直是各级政府和卫生工作的一项重要任务,也是疾病控制体系建设的一次重大的发展机遇,建立健全公共卫生事件应急机制,是保持经济较快发展、保障人民群众生命安全的重要举措。现将鄂伦旗疾控中心应急体系建设探讨如下。  相似文献   

This article reviews the areas of social work practice that were necessary in the author's work with the family of the survivor of the Northwest Airlines Flight 255 plane crash in August 1987. Crisis intervention theory and family-centered social work practice are discussed as they relate to this unique situation. The areas of practice are broken into tasks for review and include tasks related to the institution, such as coordination with a variety of medical center departments, and tasks related to the family, such as identification, lodging, and privacy. The effects of the media on the staff and the institution and personal reactions to the involvement also are discussed.  相似文献   

Current health care practice discharge planning has emerged as a major professional function in hospital settings. To examine the tasks involved in discharge planning and how frequently they are being performed, 124 Alabama hospitals were contacted with a 72% rcsponse rate. Of the 178 surveys returned by discharge planners the core tasks were identified and ranked in terms of performance frequency. The results revealed that the tasks performed typically resembled that of generalist social workers. When specialization occurred, it was related to the populations served and not the specialized tasks or methods utilized. From this data recommendations are made for linking advanced generalist social work practice to discharge planning activities.  相似文献   

Most medical practice managers know that delegation is a useful practice management tool to streamline both personal and practice efficiency. However, delegation is often underused, misused, and misunderstood. What, precisely, should be delegated in a medical practice and to whom? What are some of the obstacles to successful delegation, and how can the astute medical practice manager identify and overcome them? Which tasks should not be delegated? Finally, why do members of the professional practice staff sometimes resist delegation? In this article, the author provides answers to these intriguing questions, as well as a useful self-quiz to rate delegation skills. In addition, the author provides strategies and sample language you can use with your staff to make your own delegated tasks and responsibilities more enthusiastically accepted.  相似文献   

Physical therapists' (PTs') perceptions of 26 physical therapy tasks regarding complexity, uniqueness to PTs, and delegation were studied. A questionnaire describing 26 PT tasks was sent to 200 PTs in Pennsylvania identified as working in acute care, rehabilitation, or private practice. The response rate was 45.5%. Eleven of the 26 tasks identified as most unique to PTs were also identified as highly complex. None of these 11 tasks was delegated frequently to a nurse or a PT aide, and only two were delegated to an occupational therapist. All 11 unique tasks were delegated to the physical therapist assistant (PTA), with some level of supervision provided by the majority of respondents. Results indicated there are activities within patient care that are perceived by PTs to be unique to their profession. Also, the role of the PTA may be expanding, warranting further research in this area.  相似文献   

Shifting tasks from medical staff to non‐medical staff is a common practice for promoting the efficient use of healthcare resources. The aim of this study was to develop and pilot test a questionnaire that evaluates practice assistants’ attitudes towards task shifting and their perceptions of the challenges of task shifting (acronym: ACD questionnaire) and to assess the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. The development and pilot testing of the questionnaire occurred from March 2016 to March 2017 and was based on guided and cognitive interviews with practice assistants. Then, an online survey was conducted throughout Germany from June to August 2017 to determine the questionnaire's psychometric properties. A factorial analysis was conducted via principal component analysis, and reliability was assessed using Cronbach's α. The questionnaire included four themes: “working conditions and job satisfaction”, “confidence to execute delegated tasks”, “excessive demands associated with executing delegated tasks” and “relevance of task shifting for patient care”. A total of 274 practice assistants with an average age of 38.2 years participated in the online survey. Each theme included components that showed good to very good reliability (Cronbach's α 0.64–0.91). The ACD questionnaire provides a way, for the first time, to evaluate delegable tasks, including practice assistants’ attitudes towards task shifting and their perceptions of the challenges generated by these tasks. The questionnaire also indicates which components of practice assistants’ professional training should be intensified.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of standardized patient interviews as a means of assessing the consulting skills of fifth year medical students studying general practice. Interviews are restricted to a duration of 9 minutes and focus on either diagnostic or management tasks. Volunteers are trained to play standardized roles depicting common general practice presentations. A detailed marksheet has been developed to increase inter-examiner reliability, discourage global marking and incorporate a patient assessment of the student. Issues of reliability, validity and security in this form of assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate the potential cost savings of immunization information systems (IIS) in performing some administrative tasks associated with the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program at the state and practice levels. VFC is an entitlement program providing free vaccine to eligible children. We timed the staff of the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) and 72 private VFC practices for administrative VFC-related tasks from September 2003 through March 2004. Time measurements included time for practices to produce VFC reports and for UDOH staff to assess practice coverage levels and process VFC reports manually or via the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS). Median cost savings to the state health department could be as much as $11 740 annually. Utah VFC practices could save up to a maximum of $446 annually per practice by using USIIS for VFC tasks. If applied to the 218 enrolled private practices statewide, this would result in a median total cost savings of $17,615 ($15,519 for reports and $2,096 for pulling medical charts).  相似文献   

Evidence-based public health takes many of the principles of evidence-based medicine and applies them to public health. This is a relatively young discipline however and is not universally applied to public health issues--especially such multidisciplinary topics as physical activity. This paper sets out to provide guidance on this issue by characterising four 'key tasks' that form the basis of a systematic evidence-based approach to promoting physical activity. These tasks are based in part on the physical activity promotion model (Brownson et al.,1999). These are illustrated with examples from work in three contrasting European countries: Finland, England and Switzerland. 'Task one' is concerned with using the evidence for the health benefits of physical activity to 'make the case' and increase action by policy makers. Here, all three countries took a similar approach, conducting academic reviews to draw together the existing evidence of the health benefits of physical activity. 'Task two' is concerned with conducting surveillance to collect evidence on the prevalence of physical activity. Here, Finland and Switzerland were careful to collect trend data and use them for advocacy, while in England continuous changes to questionnaires and survey methodologies have led to poor trend data. 'Task three' is to review evidence on 'what works' in increasing physical activity to influence practice. England appears to be taking a more systematic approach to this task, with a comprehensive approach to reviewing evidence on what works and disseminating this to influence good practice, while the other countries rely mainly on individual evaluation studies. 'Task four' is the evaluation of practice and it is clear that in all three countries this remains a significant challenge--one requiring additional training and dedicated funding. As a result much of current "good practice" is based upon experience (usually unevaluated) and not evidence. This brief analysis shows that there are some common tasks that need to be undertaken as a central part of an evidence-based public health approach. However, cultural and political factors in each country studied have influenced the manner in which these tasks were undertaken, and the importance attached to each component.  相似文献   

Differences between Family Health Services Authorities (FHSAs) in practice nurse activities are described and interpreted, using the results of postal questionnaires to all practice nurses in England and Wales in late 1992. There were an estimated 15000 practice nurses of whom 12589 (85%) returned a completed questionnaire, which asked about 30 tasks, including domiciliary visits, carried out by practice nurses; employment conditions, professional qualifications, experience, and clinical grading; and practice characteristics. The proportion of nurses undertaking four out of five tasks varied by a factor of two or more across FHSAs. Just over a third (39%) of the variation in nurses' activities could be explained by professional and practice characteristics. The analysis distinguished between FHSAs where nurses were more likely to engage in tasks requiring diagnostic and clinical skills, including assisting with minor surgery, and FHSAs where nurses were more likely to conduct domiciliary visits, help with chronic disease management, and provide advice on welfare benefits, incontinence and health promotion. The former FHSAs were characterized by larger practices with four or more partners employing several nurses, training practices, and practices with a manager. The latter group was characterized by smaller inner city or urban practices, including single-handed partnerships, and practices often employing one nurse. The 1990 general practitioner (GP) contract boosted nurses' involvement in those activities attracting new payments but its impact on their roles and responsibilities was mediated by their professional skills and experience and the type of practice where they worked. The contribution of practice nursing to the delivery of primary and community health care varies considerably. Further research is required to find out whether role diversity reflects uncertainty about the appropriate use of their skills. FHSAs need to develop a variety of strategies to support and promote practice nursing.  相似文献   

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