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This study aimed at evaluating the short‐term efficacy and safety of probiotics as an aid in the treatment of Candida‐associated stomatitis in a randomised controlled trial. A total of 65 patients were randomly assigned to receive oral local antifungal agents alone (gargle 2% sodium bicarbonate solution for 30 s, wait 10 min and then apply 2% nystatin paste) or these agents plus local probiotics (the mixture of Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) three times per day for 4 weeks. Parameters related to hyperaemia, visual analogue scale scores, culture of resting saliva and a lingual dorsum swab and adverse reactions were assessed or recorded in the beginning, middle and end of treatment. Although the baseline characteristics of the participants were similar, both groups showed a significant reduction in pain level and hyperaemia on the tongue mucosa (= 0.000) after 4‐week application. However, despite the reduction in hyperaemia in the probiotic group, these improvements did not display statistically significant differences. The detection rate of Candida spp. was 100% before treatment and 8.21% in the experimental group and 34.6% in the control group after treatment. The detection rate of Candida spp. decreased (= 0.000) in both groups and was significantly lower in the probiotic group than the control group (= 0.038). Other analysed micro‐organisms, including the decreased detection rate for Lactobacillus spp. (= 0.049) and the increased detection rate for Staphylococcus epidermidis (= 0.019), did not display consistent change trends in the probiotics group. Compared with conventional antifungal therapies for oral candidiasis, the inclusion of locally administered probiotics helped improve certain clinical conditions and reduced the prevalence of Candida spp., although the impact of probiotics on oral bacterial species remains to be further studied.  相似文献   

Vulvovaginal candidosis (VVC) is a common gynaecological disorder that is delineated by the inflammation of vaginal wall and it is caused by the opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida species. In fact, three out of every four women will experience at least one occasion of VVC during some point in their lives. Although uncomplicated VVC is relatively harmless, the complicated VVC such as recurrent attack often creates restlessness and depression in the patients, thus greatly affects their quality of life. Managements of VVC are usually associated with the use of antimycotic suppositories, topical cream or oral agents. These antimycotic agents are either available over‐the‐counter or prescribed by the clinicians. In recent decades, the rise of clinical challenges such as the increased prevalence of resistant Candida strains, recurrent VVC infection and adverse effects of multidrug interactions have necessitated the development of novel therapeutic or prophylactic options to combat the complicated VVC in the future. In this review, we discuss the current antimycotic treatments available for Candida vaginitis and the problems that exist in these seemingly effective treatments. Besides, we attempt to contemplate some of the future and prospective strategies surrounding the development of alternative therapeutic and prophylactic options in treating and preventing complicated VVC respectively.  相似文献   

Candida species are the fourth most common cause of nosocomial invasive infections. Biofilm formation is recognised as one virulence factor of Candida species. A total of 243 Candida albicans, 81 C. glabrata, 33 C. parapsilosis, 14 C. dubliniensis, 8 C. tropicalis, 8 C. lusitaniae, 5 C. krusei and 1 C. pelliculosa isolates causing bloodstream infections were evaluated for biofilm formation. The biofilm formed on silicone elastomer preincubated with human serum was quantified by estimation of the metabolic activity through XTT assay and visualised by light and scanning electron microscopy. Forty per cent of the C. albicans isolates formed biofilm compared to 88.7% of the non‐albicans Candida isolates (P < 0.0001). Among non‐albicans Candida spp., biofilm formation was most commonly observed in C. tropicalis and C. lusitaniae (100%), followed by C. glabrata (95%), C. dubliniensis (85.7%) and C. parapsilosis (66.7%). A quantitative correlation was observed between the amount of biofilm observed microscopically, and that determined by metabolic activity measurements. The biofilms of all Candida species were composed of basal yeast cells with the exception of C. parapsilosis which produced biofilms consisting of pseudohyphae and aggregated yeast cells. These results suggest that biofilm formation as a virulence factor might have a higher significance for non‐albicans Candida species than for C. albicans.  相似文献   

The relationship among Candida species may be influenced by several factors. Thus, this study evaluated the interactions between Candida albicans and Candida glabrata in biofilms, varying the strain type, culture medium and glucose supplementation. Biofilms were formed for 48 hours in Sabouraud dextrose broth (SDB) or RPMI 1640, supplemented with 0%, 1% or 5% glucose. Each strain of C. albicans was combined with two strains of C. glabrata, generating four biofilm associations, which were quantified by colony‐forming units (CFUs), total biomass and metabolic activity. Data were analysed by ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test (α = 0.05). For CFUs, all associations were classified as indifferent for biofilms formed in RPMI 1640, while for SDB the interactions were antagonistic for C. albicans and indifferent for C. glabrata. The association of reference strains resulted in a dual‐species biofilm with biomass significantly higher than that observed for each single biofilm developed in SDB. The metabolic activity of dual‐species biofilms did not significantly differ from that found for single ones, except for co‐culture of the reference strains. Glucose supplementation and culture media had a significant influence on all parameters. In conclusion, the strain type, culture medium and glucose supplementation influenced the interactions between C. albicans and C. glabrata.  相似文献   

The low incidence of mixed candidaemia (MC) may have precluded a better knowledge of its clinical presentation. The aim of the study was to analyse the risk factors, clinical presentation and prognosis of MC episodes. A comparison between MC and monomicrobial candidaemia within a prospective programme on candidaemia was performed in 29 hospitals between April 2010 and May 2011. In fifteen episodes of candidaemia corresponding to 15 patients, out of 752, two species of Candida (1.9%) were isolated. MC was more frequent in patients with HIV infection (12%, P = 0.038) and those admitted due to extensive burns (23%, P = 0.012). The Candida species most frequently identified in MC were C. albicans 12 patients (40%), C. glabrata seven patients (23.3%) and C. parapsilosis six patients (20%). Early mortality was higher (nine patients, 60%) in patients with MC than in patients with MMC (223 patients, 30.3%, P = 0.046). In conclusion, MC was was independently associated with increased mortality even after considering other prognostic factors. MC is an infrequent event that is more common in HIV infection and in patients suffering from burns, and is associated with increased mortality.  相似文献   

The incidence of invasive candidiasis caused by non‐albicans Candida (NAC) spp. is increasing. The aim of this analysis was to evaluate the efficacy of micafungin, caspofungin and liposomal amphotericin B in patients with invasive candidiasis and candidaemia caused by different Candida spp. This post hoc analysis used data obtained from two randomised phase III trials was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of micafungin vs. caspofungin and micafungin vs. liposomal amphotericin B. Treatment success, clinical response, mycological response and mortality were evaluated in patients infected with C. albicans and NAC spp. Treatment success rates in patients with either C. albicans or NAC infections were similar. Outcomes were similar for micafungin, caspofungin and liposomal amphotericin B. Candida albicans was the most prevalent pathogen recovered (41.0%), followed by C. tropicalis (17.9%), C. parapsilosis (14.4%), C. glabrata (10.4%), multiple Candida spp. (7.3%) and C. krusei (3.2%). Age, primary diagnosis (i.e. candidaemia or invasive candidiasis), previous corticosteroid therapy and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score were identified as potential predictors of treatment success and mortality. Micafungin, caspofungin and liposomal amphotericin B exhibit favourable treatment response rates that are comparable for patients infected with different Candida spp.  相似文献   

Candidaemia still continues to be a serious medical concern and the epidemiology of candidaemia varies according to geographical areas. We aim to determine the incidence, local epidemiology, Candida species distribution and crude mortality rates of candidaemia. We retrospectively evaluated candidaemia episodes in between January 2007 and August 2014. We compared demographic, clinical, microbiological findings and mortality rates of episodes caused by Candida albicans and non‐albicans Candida species. Overall the candidaemia incidences were 1.23 episodes/1000 admissions. A significant negative slope among candidaemia episodes and years was determined. Overall C. albicans (54.6%) was the most common species followed by Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and Candida parapsilosis respectively. Preinfection hospital stay and length of hospital stay were statistically longer in patients with non‐albicans Candida candidaemia than in patients with C. albicans candidaemia. The source of candidaemia was unknown in 52.5% of all episodes. Central venous catheters among non‐albicans Candida candidaemia episodes and urinary system among C. albicans candidaemia episodes were common source of candidaemia compared to each other. Previous antifungal therapy preceding candidaemia and concomitant bacteraemia were significantly associated with non‐albicans Candida candidaemia. Continuous local surveillance will preserve its pivotal importance in formulating empirical antifungal therapy and improving management of candidaemia.  相似文献   

Febrile neutropaenia (FNP) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Although most infections are caused by bacterial pathogens, fungal infections are becoming increasingly more common. Due to its rarity, the diagnosis of fungal infections in febrile neutropenic patients is often delayed. To provide current clinical features, epidemiology, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous involvement of fungal infection in patients with FNP. A retrospective literature review of PubMed was performed, with no language or publishing data restrictions, yielding 116 results. We queried each case for cutaneous lesions associated with fungal pathogens in FNP. We found 54 publications with 215 reported cases of cutaneous manifestations of fungal injury in patients with FNP. This study is limited in that it is a literature review of a disease that is likely underreported. Cutaneous lesions caused by yeasts such as Candida and Trichosporon manifest as diffuse erythematous papules and usually do not develop central necrosis or eschar, while moulds will present as tender nodules that subsequently develop eschar and necrosis. Recognising the cutaneous manifestations of fungal disease can assist in the diagnosis and management of these infections.  相似文献   

Yeast are among the most frequent pathogens in humans. The dominant yeast causing human infections belong to the genus Candida and Candida albicans is the most frequently isolated species. However, several non‐C. albicans species are becoming increasingly common in patients worldwide. The relationships between yeast in humans and the natural environments remain poorly understood. Furthermore, it is often difficult to identify or exclude the origins of disease‐causing yeast from specific environmental reservoirs. In this study, we compared the yeast isolates from tree hollows and from clinics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Our surveys and analyses showed significant differences in yeast species composition, in their temporal dynamics, and in yeast genotypes between isolates from tree hollows and hospitals. Our results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that yeast from trees constitute a significant source of pathogenic yeast in humans in this region. Similarly, the yeast in humans and clinics do not appear to contribute to yeast in tree hollows.  相似文献   

Clinical yeast isolates belonging to Candida pelliculosa, Candida utilis and Candida fabianii are difficult to distinguish in a routine mycology laboratory using common biochemical tests. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of C. pelliculosa, C. utilis and C. fabianii in clinical samples and to compare their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to systemic antifungals. Two hundred and forty‐eight clinical yeast isolates obtained from eight large hospitals in the Czech Republic were included in this study. Identification was performed biochemically using ID 32C kit and by MALDI‐TOF MS. MICs were determined using colorimetric broth dilution Sensititre YeastOne panels. From a total number of 248 isolates, 175 were identified as C. pelliculosa and 73 as C. utilis using the biochemical kit. In contrast, MALDI‐TOF MS identified 222 isolates as C. fabianii, 20 as C. pelliculosa and 6 as C. utilis. The highest mean MICs were found in C. fabianii and, regardless of the studied species, in isolates from blood cultures and central venous catheters. MALDI‐TOF MS revealed C. fabianii to be most prevalent in clinical samples as compared with the other studied species. Higher MIC values in C. fabianii support the importance of correct identification of this species.  相似文献   

Multidrug‐resistant Candida auris has emerged as a cause of insidious hospital outbreaks and complicated infections. We present the analysis of an ongoing C. auris outbreak including the largest published series of C. auris bloodstream infection. All C. auris‐positive patients from April‐2016 to January‐2017 were included. Environmental, clinical and microbiological data were recorded. Definitive isolate identification was performed by ITS‐rDNA sequencing, and typing by amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting. One hundred and forty patients were colonised by C. auris during the studied period (68% from surgical intensive care). Although control measures were implemented, we were not able to control the outbreak. Forty‐one invasive bloodstream infections (87.8% from surgical intensive care) were included. Clinical management included prompt intravascular catheter removal and antifungal therapy with echinocandins. All isolates were fluconazole‐ and voriconazole‐resistant, but echinocandin‐ and amphotericin B‐susceptible. Thirty‐day mortality rate was 41.4%, and severe septic metastasis as spondylodiscitis and endocarditis were observed in 5 patients (12%). C. auris was also recovered from inanimate patient surroundings and medical equipment. Despite antifungal treatment, high mortality and late complication rates were recorded. Molecular typing suggested a clonal outbreak different from those previously published.  相似文献   

Concerns with echinocandin use for infections caused by Candida parapsilosis complex species have driven the need for data to support echinocandin clinical efficacy in such patients. Data from six prospective studies were pooled to assess efficacy and safety of anidulafungin in patients with candidaemia caused by C. parapsilosis. Patient‐level data were pooled from patients with microbiologically confirmed candidaemia due to C. parapsilosis treated with anidulafungin. Patients received a 200 mg intravenous (IV) loading dose of anidulafungin (day 1) and 100 mg daily thereafter. IV treatment could be switched to oral azole therapy after ≥5 or ≥10 days. Primary endpoint was global response at end of IV therapy (EOIVT). Seventy patients had candidaemia caused by C. parapsilosis. Global response was 77.1% (95% CI: 67.3, 87.0) at EOIVT and 70.0% (95% CI: 59.3, 80.7) at end of treatment. Three of 55 isolates (with MICs available) were resistant to anidulafungin (MIC ≥8 mg/L). All‐cause mortality was 5.7% (n=4/70) by day 14 and 14.3% (n=10/70) by day 28. IV anidulafungin was effective for the treatment of C. parapsilosis candidaemia in this population, consistent with efficacy previously demonstrated for other Candida species. (ClinicalTrials.gov identifiers: NCT00496197, NCT00548262, NCT00537329, NCT00689338, NCT00806351, NCT00805740).  相似文献   

Candida auris is an emerging multidrug‐resistant (MDR) fungus associated with invasive infections and high mortality. This report describes 9 patients from whom C. auris was isolated at a hospital in Panama City, Panama, the first such cases in Central America, and highlights the challenges of accurate identification and methods for susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Non‐albicans Candida prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is extremely rare. A case of a Candida glabrata knee PJI is a 68‐year‐old splenectomised female smoker, suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and alcoholism is reported. The patient presented with a peri‐prosthetic fracture, 15 years after total knee replacement surgery. Cultures of the intraoperative peri‐prosthetic tissue and materials yielded C. glabrata, as well as a methicillin‐resistant S. epidermitis. The patient was treated with anidulafungin and vancomycin. The knee prosthetic joint was removed and cement‐spacer with vancomycin and gentamycin was placed. Additionally, an external fixation was performed. A second stage revision surgery was planned, after completion of the antimicrobial and antifungal treatment. The patient is followed up for 4 months without signs, symptoms or findings of infection. PJI Candida infections require a high clinical suspicion index. It is of utmost importance to report these cases, since there is no consensus yet of the proper antifungal treatment. Furthermore, a literature review regarding treatment of those cases is provided. First‐line treatment with an echinocandin seems most proper, due to their fungicidal properties, their effectiveness against biofilm, as well as their minimal toxicity, making them ideal for long‐term use. Further experience is needed, for better understanding the disease's pathogenesis and optimal treatment.  相似文献   

With advances in medical sciences, an increase in survival rates of low birth weight; increased incidence in use of catheter and antibiotics, and total parenteral nutrition are reported, therefore, the rate of fungal infections in late and very late onset neonatal sepsis have increased. Although fungal endocarditis rarely occur in newborns, it has a high morbidity and mortality. Antifungal therapy is often insufficient in cases who develop fungal endocarditis and surgical treatment is not preferred due to its difficulty and high mortality. Herein, fungal endocarditis in a preterm newborn treated with single‐dose recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in addition to antifungal therapy is presented and relevant literature has been reviewed. The vegetation completely disappeared following treatment and no complication was observed.  相似文献   

We previously conducted a phase I clinical trial combining the HLA‐A*2402‐restricted KIF20A‐derived peptide vaccine with gemcitabine for advanced pancreatic cancer (PC) and confirmed its safety and immunogenicity in cancer patients. In this study, we conducted a multicenter, single‐armed, phase II trial using two antiangiogenic cancer vaccines targeting VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 in addition to the KIF20A peptide. We attempted to evaluate the clinical benefit of the cancer vaccination in combination with gemcitabine. Chemotherapy naïve PC patients were enrolled to evaluate primarily the 1‐year survival rate, and secondarily overall survival (OS), progression free survival (PFS), response rate (RR), disease control rate (DCR) and the peptide‐specific immune responses. All enrolled patients received therapy without the HLA‐A information, and the HLA genotypes were used for classification of the patients. Between June 2012 and May 2013, a total of 68 patients were enrolled. No severe systemic adverse effects of Grade 3 or higher related to these three peptides were observed. The 1‐year survival rates between the HLA‐A*2402‐matched and ‐unmatched groups were not significantly different. In the HLA‐A*2402 matched group, patients showing peptide‐specific CTL induction for KIF20A or VEGFR1 showed a better prognosis compared to those without such induction (P = 0.023, P = 0.009, respectively). In the HLA‐A*2402‐matched group, the patients who showed a strong injection site reaction had a better survival rate (P = 0.017) compared to those with a weak or no injection site reaction. This phase II study demonstrated that this therapeutic peptide cocktail might be effective in patients who demonstrate peptide‐specific immune reactions although predictive biomarkers are needed for patient selection in its further clinical application.  相似文献   

Uterine malignancies account for the majority of gynaecologic cancers. Different treatment options are available depending on histology, disease grade and stage. Hysterectomy is the most frequent surgical procedure. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy (CRT) represents the preferred therapeutic choice for locally advanced uterine and cervical malignancies. Imaging of the female pelvis following these treatments is particularly challenging due to alteration of the normal anatomy. Radiologists should be familiar with both the expected post‐treatment imaging findings and the imaging features of possible complications to make the correct interpretation and avoid possible pitfalls. The purpose of this review is to show the expected computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) appearances of the female pelvis following surgery and CRT for uterine and cervical cancer, to illustrate the imaging findings of early and delayed most common complications after surgery and CRT, describing the suitable imaging modalities and protocols for evaluation of patients treated for gynaecologic malignancies.  相似文献   

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