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目的:比较在胰十二指肠切除术(PD)中,改良胰腺空肠套入式吻合与胰管空肠黏膜吻合两种胰肠吻合方式术后胰瘘等相关并发症的发生率.方法:回顾性分析2014年1月至2016年12月盛京医院胰腺内分泌外科实施的59例PD手术患者的临床资料,其中采用改良胰腺空肠套入式吻合35例,采用胰管空肠黏膜吻合24例,比较两组术后胰瘘等相关并发症的发生率.结果:比较改良胰腺空肠套入式吻合与胰管空肠黏膜吻合两种胰肠吻合方式,发现手术时间和术中出血比较无统计学差异;术后胰瘘等相关并发症指标、住院时间、死亡率等无统计学差异.结论:改良胰腺空肠套入式吻合与胰管空肠黏膜吻合相比,同样安全可靠,具有操作方便,易于掌握,胰肠吻合严密牢固的优点,尤其适用于胰管直径小的病人,值得临床应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨胰管空肠黏膜对黏膜吻合术对胰十二指肠切除术后胰肠吻合口瘘发生率的影响.方法 回顾性分析我院120例胰十二指肠切除术患者的临床资料,胰肠吻合分别采用套入式胰肠吻合和胰管空肠黏膜对黏膜吻合两种术式,其中套入式胰肠吻合组66例,胰管空肠黏膜对黏膜吻合54例,分别观察两组术后胰瘘发生的情况及临床效果.结果 两组患者在...  相似文献   

刘毅  焦猛  郭森 《肿瘤学杂志》2015,21(10):810-813
摘 要:[目的] 探讨胰十二指肠切除术中胰腺空肠端侧吻合技术。[方法] 回顾性分析185例胰十二指肠切除术行胰腺空肠端侧吻合患者的临床资料,结合术后并发症及死亡率、住院时间等,探讨胰腺空肠端侧吻合技术。[结果] 根据患者胰腺的情况如质地、厚度、胰管直径、胰管后壁胰腺组织的厚度、有无炎症,结合空肠的直径、空肠壁的厚度选择胰管空肠黏膜—黏膜吻合、端侧套入式吻合等不同的吻合方式。术中胰肠重新吻合9例。术后胰瘘11例、胆瘘4例、死亡4例。胰管空肠黏膜—黏膜吻合时间较长。[结论] 根据胰腺和空肠的情况进行个体化的胰管空肠黏膜—黏膜吻合、端侧套入式吻合等不同的吻合是胰十二指肠切除术中胰腺空肠吻合的理想选择。  相似文献   

詹元起  蔡琦 《中国肿瘤》2004,13(10):668-669
[目的]阐述全胃切除在胃上端癌治疗中的意义.[方法]对16例胃上端癌,采用全胃切除后,食管-"P"襻空肠Roux-y吻合,或"P"襻空肠间置食管一空肠吻合术进行消化道重建.术后随访,评价其生存期和生存质量.[结果]16例患者均有较长的生存期和较好的生存质量.[结论]胃全切食管-"P"襻空肠Roux-y吻合,或"P"襻空肠间置食管一空肠吻合术进行消化道重建是治疗胃上端癌较为理想的手术方式,值得临床上推广应用.  相似文献   

胰瘘是胰十二指肠切除术胰肠吻合术后最常见也是最严重的并发症.为进一步研究和寻求更好的吻合方式,我们在本院历年来开展的各式胰一肠吻合比较的基础上,分别对胰头癌和胰头类癌2例患者行胰十二指肠切除术后将残胰直接套人空肠(非灭活空肠黏膜)的胰一肠吻合方法.手术后恢复顺利,未发生胰瘘.现报告如下.  相似文献   

引言我院于1999年7月~2005年12月对32例消化道恶性肿瘤术后胃瘫病人早期实施X线引导下十二指肠或近端空肠内置管术,营养支持治疗,效果满意,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料胃瘫患者共32例,男21例,女11例,年龄54~70岁,平均57.6岁。食管癌根治术17例,均为左颈左胸二切口胃食管左颈部吻合术。胃癌根治术11例,其中胃癌近端胃切除胃食管腹腔内吻合术4例,远端胃切除胃空肠毕Ⅱ式吻合术7例。贲门癌根治术3例,胰腺癌胰十二指肠切除术1例。全部患者均于拔除胃管后出现恶心、呕吐等症状,经体检及X线透视检查确诊,一旦确诊即可置管。1.2肠内置管方法①经鼻咽部喷入2%利多卡因针5ml行局部浸润麻醉。②口服少许30%复方泛影葡胺造影剂,判断幽门或胃肠吻合口的位置以便引导导丝。③将预先套于4F或5F的VER管内的超滑导丝(长约1.5m),在X线引导下插入胃内,调节导丝头端从幽门插入十二指肠或从胃空肠吻合口插入输出襻,尽量将导丝送往远端,再将VER管沿超滑导丝尽量送入十二指肠或胃空肠吻合口的输出襻的远端。④拔出超滑导丝再将超硬导丝(长约2.6m)经VER管内尽量插入十二指肠或胃空肠吻合口之输出襻远端空肠,退出...  相似文献   

目的:探讨远端胃部分切除术后胃排空延迟(DGE)发生的影响因素及对两种胃肠吻合方式的术后短期生活质量初步评价.方法:回顾性分析2013年9月至2015年6月在西安交通大学第一附属医院行远端胃部分切除术后符合纳入标准的106例患者的临床资料,探索远端胃部分切除术后DGE发生的影响因素及采用EORTC QLQ-C30对患者短期内生活质量进行评价.结果:25例患者术后发生DGE,发生率为23.58%.单因素分析结果表明,体重指数、胃肠吻合方式、术前合并糖尿病、术后下地活动时间、术后蛋白及血红蛋白水平、术后并发症与DGE的发生相关;按吻合方式进行分组,术后两组患者生活质量在功能领域和症状领域均有差异.多因素LogistiC回归分析结果表明,胃空肠吻合方式(OR=2.997,95%CI:1.010~8.896,P=0.048)、有无糖尿病史(OR=5.687,95% CI:2.004~ 16.141,P=0.001)均为远端胃切除术后DGE发生的危险因素.结论:远端胃部分切除术后DGE的发生率较高,积极的围手术期准备、治疗、科学合理的控制血糖可有效预防术后DGE的发生以及提高患者短期生活质量.  相似文献   

目的:总结和探讨胰十二指肠切除术后空肠非去黏膜化的胰- 肠直接套入吻合方法,并观察其术后发生胰瘘及对与该手术方式有关的并发症等资料进行分析。方法:2005年3 月至2009年6 月中山大学附属东华医院行胰十二指肠切除术21例,残胰游离3.0cm,距离残胰断端2.5~3.0cm行空肠全层与部分胰腺后壁组织间断缝合,将残胰套入空肠2.5~3.0cm,再按后壁缝合方法缝合前壁,在距离残胰断端1cm处用7 号丝线环绕空肠将残胰予以捆扎。结果:除1 例出现因残胰断端出血再次手术进行缝合止血外,全组患者术后恢复顺利,无1 例发生胰瘘或出现其他并发症。结论:胰腺质地和胰- 肠吻合方式虽是胰瘘并发症的主要因素,但也与手术者胰- 肠吻合操作技巧或熟练程度、围手术期的管理或治疗措施有关。采用残胰直接套入非去空肠黏膜化的胰- 肠吻合方法与目前任何其他胰-肠吻合方法比较均较为简单,有待于进一步探讨、总结和研究。   相似文献   

改良左半结肠癌急性梗阻切除术中肠减压方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴玉江  赵占吉 《中国肿瘤临床》2004,31(18):1068-1069
左半结肠癌急性梗阻Ⅰ期切除吻合术吻合口漏的发生率约5%~22%[1~2].梗阻近侧肠腔积存物过多使肠管过度扩张,导致肠壁血供不良以及术野被含大量细菌的肠液污染是最主要原因[2].不少外科医师寻求各种肠减压与结肠灌洗方法,使吻合口漏等术后并发症已明显减少,提高了Ⅰ期切除吻合的安全性[1,3,5].这些方法各有长处,但对影响吻合质量的近段肠管的水肿、增厚及扩张未采取措施加以改善,易致缝合不严密而增加吻合口漏的发生.为此,本文改进术中肠减压及肠腔清洁方法,并用高渗(6%~7.5%)盐水行近段结肠保留灌肠以减轻肠壁水肿,取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

全胃切除间置空肠变法空肠代胃术20例报告   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
报告全胃切除间胃空肠变法空肠代胃术20例。方法:全胃切除并淋巴结扩清后,距屈氏韧带80cm切断空肠及其系膜,肛侧端闭锁,于15cm行空肠侧侧吻合,于35cm用粗丝线结扎肠管并于结扎线上下各1cm缝合浆肌层一周形成中隔,于40cm行食管空肠端侧吻合。空肠口侧与十二指肠端端吻合。优点:1)食物通过十二指肠符合生理。2)有效地防止返流性食管炎。3)如发生吻合瘘则有利于瘘的愈合。  相似文献   

A 69-year-old Japanese woman with a history of distal gastrectomy with a Roux-en-Y reconstruction for advanced gastric cancer was admitted to our hospital complaining of severe dysphagia. On admission, the patient was only able to take liquids, and a firm, fist-sized tumor was palpable in her left upper abdomen. An endoscopic examination disclosed stenosis of the jejunal limb of the gastrojejunostomy. Abdominal computed tomography revealed that a recurrent tumor, 5.0 cm in diameter, was compressing the jejunal limb of the gastrojejunostomy. A knitted nitinol self-expandable metallic stent (WallFlex™ duodenal stent) was placed endoscopically at the stenotic jejunum from the gastrojejunostomy. The time required for stenting and total endoscopic manipulation was 12 and 35 minutes, respectively. No stent-related complications were observed. The patient could resume oral ingestion 1 day after endoscopic stenting and was discharged on the fifth day after treatment. She survived for 201 days after stenting. She continued oral ingestion for 194 days and stayed at home for 165 days. The WallFlex duodenal stent allows safe endoscopic stenting, even in cases of malignant stenosis of a gastrojejunostomy following distal gastrectomy. This stenting device will extend the indications for endoscopic palliation of gastric cancer patients with gastric outlet stenosis.Key words: Gastric cancer, Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy, Recurrence, WallFlex™ duodenal stent  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite various technical modifications, delayed gastric emptying (DGE) is one of the most common complications after pancreatoduodenectomy. DGE results in longer hospital stay, higher cost, lower quality of life, and delay of adjuvant therapy. We have developed a modified duodenojejunostomy technique to reduce the incidence of DGE. Here we evaluate our 4-year experience with this technique.MethodsThis study evaluated consecutive patients who underwent pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy using the growth factor technique. It consists of performing a posterior seromuscular running suture with a zigzag stitch that stretches the jejunum and allows future growth of the anastomosis. This results in a longer jejunal opening. The angles at the edge of the duodenum are cut to accommodate the duodenal opening to the longer jejunum (the growth factor). The anterior seromuscular layer is then performed with interrupted sutures to accommodate the larger anastomosis. These patients were compared with a cohort of patients (n = 103) before the introduction of this new technique using propensity score matching.Results134 patients underwent pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy. Delayed gastric emptying occurred in only three patients (2.2%), one grade B and two grade C. Compared with the 103 patients in the control group with standard technique, the incidence of DGE was significantly higher (11.6%; P = 0.00318). The median hospital stay was also statistically longer in the control group (P = 0.048704). A similar trend was observed in the matched cohort; the proportion of patients who developed DGE was significantly (P = 0.005) lower in the growth factor technique group (2.1% vs. 12.9%). Hospital stay was significantly longer in the standard group (P = 0.008), and patients operated on with the standard technique resumed feeding later than those with the growth factor technique.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated that the new technique of duodenojejunostomy can reduce the incidence and severity of DGE and allow earlier hospital discharge. Comparative studies are still needed to confirm these preliminary results.  相似文献   

食管癌切除术后胃排空障碍的原因及防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 目的 探讨食管癌切除术后胃排空障碍的原因及防治措施。方法 对食管癌术后并发胃排空障碍 17例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 本组均发生于术后 7~ 12天 ,其中 12例功能性胃排空障碍经保守治疗 ,治愈 11例 ,死亡 1例 ,5例机械性胃排空障碍均经手术治愈 ,本组死亡率为 5 .88%。结论 迷走神经切断及胃解剖位置的变化是胃排空障碍的主要原因 ,其次胃排空障碍也与胃扭转、术后粘连等因素有关。X线钡剂造影及胃镜检查是诊断本病的主要方法。功能性胃排空障碍 ,一般行保守治疗 ;机械性胃排空障碍 ,应尽早手术。术前充分准备 ,手术操作认真、规范 ,术后恰当处理 ,可减少胃排空障碍的发生  相似文献   

A 75-year-old man was diagnosed with gastric cancer. Fifty years previously, he had undergone gastroenterostomy with a Braun enteroenterostomy. At present, a distal gastrectomy and small intestinal partial resection were performed. Intraoperatively, the tumor was localized to the previous stomal site. HE staining showed that the tumor comprised two elements: a tubular adenocarcinoma on the gastric side and a neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) on the jejunal side. The final pathologic diagnosis was mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma based on an immunohistochemical analysis of endocrine markers and an elevated Ki-67 labeling index. The risk of later cancer development cancer recurrence near the gastrojejunostomy site is well known. Potentially, chronic enterogastric bile reflux may irritate the gastric mucosa and act as a promoter. Gastric NEC has a strong malignant potential. We suspect that, in the present case, the constant exposure to secondary bile may have induced a gastric mucosal adenocarcinoma, which finally differentiated into a NEC.Key words: Neuroendocrine carcinoma, Gastroenterostomy, Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma, Braun enteroenterostomy  相似文献   

张锋  任书伟  余强 《陕西肿瘤医学》2013,(11):2534-2536
目的:探讨功能性间置空肠代胃消化道重建在全胃切除术后的应用价值.方法:回顾性分析2006年1月-2011年12月施行全胃切除功能性间置空肠代胃术72例患者的临床资料.结果:全组无手术死亡和吻合口瘘发生.随访12个月至24个月,部分病例出现轻度反流性食管炎,代胃容量300ml以上,排空时间30-100min.术后生活质量有所提高.结论:功能性间置空肠代胃术是一种安全可靠、效果满意的消化道重建手术方式.  相似文献   

IntroductionRadiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been proposed as a new treatment option for locally advanced, unresectable pancreatic cancer (LAPC). In preparation of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), the aim of this phase II study was to assess the safety of RFA for patients with LAPC.Materials and methodsPatients diagnosed with LAPC confirmed during surgical exploration between November 2012 and April 2014 were eligible for inclusion. RFA probes were placed under ultrasound guidance with a safety margin of at least 10 mm from the duodenum and 15 mm from the portomesenteric vessels. During RFA, the duodenum was continuously perfused with cold saline to reduce risk for thermal damage. Primary outcome was defined as the amount of major complications (Clavien-Dindo grade ≥III). RFA-related complications were predefined as: pancreatic fistula, pancreatitis, thermal damage to the portomesenteric vessels and duodenal perforation.ResultsIn total, 17 patients underwent RFA. Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) requiring endoscopic feeding tube placement occurred in 4 patients (24%) as only major complication. Five patients (29%) had a major complication other than DGE. One (6%) RFA-related major complications occurred. One patient (6%) died due to complications from a biliary leak following hepaticojejunostomy. After evaluation of the first 5 patients, gastrojejunostomy was no longer performed routinely. Since then severe DGE seemed to occur less (3/5 vs. 3/12 grade C DGE).ConclusionRFA is a major, but safe procedure for patients with LAPC if performed with strict predefined safety criteria. A RCT is currently investigating the true effectiveness of RFA in patients with LAPC.  相似文献   

This is a very rare case report of multiple small intestine cancer in jejunal loop of Roux-en-Y re-construction, duodenum and jejunum. A 51-year-old man had undergone total gastrectomy by Roux-en-Y re-construction for Stage III B gastric cancer in 1997. In 2008, he underwent partial jejunectomy and partial ilectomy for ileus due to small intestine adenocarcinoma, located at the jejunum 50 cm distal from Roux-en-Y anastomotic region and at the ileum 20 cm proximal from the ileocecal region. PET/CT suspected a recurrence and peritoneal dissemination, so he had undergone S-1/docetaxel treatment since 2009. In 2010, he was diagnosed as obstructive jaundice due to duodenal tumor revealed by CT. Furthermore, enteroscopy revealed duodenal advanced cancer, type 2 advanced cancer and five polyps in jejunal loop, type 2 advanced cancer and type II a early cancer in jejunum. He could not undergo both pancreatoduodenectomy and choledochojejunostomy because of the invasion to hepatoduodenal ligament. He underwent partial jejunectomy for the advanced cancer in jejunal loop 10 cm proximal form Roux-en-Y anastomotic region and in jejunum 50 cm distal from Roux-en-Y anastomotic region for prevention of ileus.  相似文献   

胃癌根治性远侧胃切除术后胃瘫综合征的病因探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨胃癌根治性远侧胃切除术后胃瘫综合征的发病原因。方法:回顾性分析兰州军区总医院1990年1月-2005年12月因胃癌行根治性远侧胃切除术456例的病历资料。结果:根治性远侧胃切除术456例,发生胃瘫综合征9例(1.97%)。贫血、低蛋白血症和血红蛋白、血浆蛋白正常者胃瘫综合征的发生率无显著差异;幽门梗阻者术后胃瘫的发生率明显高于无幽门梗阻者。X-ray造影和胃镜检查都显示残胃排空障碍、无蠕动;残胃黏膜高度水肿、吻合口被黏膜遮蔽者6例(66.67%);残胃扩张、松软无力、胃黏膜水肿较轻,吻合口未遮蔽者3例(33.33%)。结论:胃癌根治性远侧胃切除术后胃瘫综合征的主要病理变化是残胃无力、排空障碍伴扩张或黏膜水肿。其原因可能与手术损伤残胃(包括肌层)的迷走神经或血液淋巴循环有关。术前有幽门梗阻者易发生胃瘫综合征。  相似文献   



It is a significant surgical challenge to reconstruct esophagus for the patients following distal gastrectomy (DGE). Remnant stomach seems to be a better choice compared with colon or jejunal. But many complicated surgical methods were performed because of limitation of feeding vessels. We found the remnant stomach remained viable when all the feeding vessels were dissected. We used the completely mobilized stomach to reconstruct esophagus successfully in 29 lower thoracic esophageal carcinoma patients with a history of DGE.


The clinical data of 29 patients were retrospectively analyzed from August 2005 to March 2017 who accepted esophagoplasty by the completely mobilized remnant stomach. All the vessels of the remnant stomach were dissected including short gastric, posterior gastric, left gastric and left gastroepiploic vessels. The DGE included 2 Billroth I and 27 Billroth II.


No perioperative death, no remnant stomach necrosis occurred. One Leakage was the iatrogenic injury on the remnant stomach. The other postoperative complications were the pulmonary infection(5) and arrhythmia(4).


The completely mobilized remnant stomach was viable and functional after dissecting all the feeding vessels. Application of it was a new and feasible surgical method to perform esophagoplasty with the simpler procedure and less complication.  相似文献   

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