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背景与目的:关于肺结节手术的定位,目前报道较多的是在CT引导下的术前定位。我们通过研究,探讨一种更简便、安全、可靠的肺结节定位法,为需行胸腔镜下肺部分切除的肺结节患者提供精确的定位。方法:56例肺小结节患者通过术前CT上测量肺小结节在胸壁体表可以定位的位置,进而行胸腔镜下肺部分切除。术中麻醉成功摆置体位后,作好标记,消毒、铺巾后,于术前定位点用静脉套管针刺入,嘱麻醉师膨肺,用电凝烧灼套管针金属内芯外端,使肺表面留下电灼定位点,胸腔镜下根据电凝烧灼点,确定结节的位置。统计定位准确率、并发症发生率。结果:统计该胸壁体表定位法肺小结节定位点与结节的距离,结果准确定位的成功率为94.6%。其中3例患者术中发现小结节与定位点出现较大偏差(大于1.5 cm),有2例出现穿刺点活动性出血(发生率为3.6%),无其他并发症。结论:术中即时的肺结节体表定位法,区别于其他术前定位方法(如Hook-wire),该方法可以避免患者长时间暴露在放射线的辐射中,并减少患者疼痛及心理负担,减少术前定位环节。术中即时操作,并可避免其他有创定位法的各种并发症。是一种简便、安全、经济、精准的胸腔镜肺结节术前定位的好方法。  相似文献   

摘 要:随着低剂量螺旋CT的普及,越来越多的亚厘米(直径≤1cm)肺结节被发现。现在亚厘米肺结节的手术治疗方式,主要为电视胸腔镜外科手术。腔镜手术的成功,亚厘米肺结节的精确定位是关键。目前的定位方法,大致可分为经皮植入定位材料、经气道植入定位材料和非植入材料定位3种。该文就以上亚厘米肺结节定位方法研究的现状和进展进行综述。  相似文献   

王文慧  于韬 《现代肿瘤医学》2019,(22):4111-4115
肺癌是如今全球发病率及死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤,手术切除是肺癌的主要治疗手段。得益于医学影像设备硬件和软件技术的日益进步,肺小结节诊断、治疗与随诊的影像学检查水平一直在不断地提高。电视辅助胸腔镜手术逐渐成为肺小结节诊疗的常规治疗方式,具有微创、住院时间短、并发症少等特点。本文就当前肺小结节的研究热点,综合评价定位肺小结节的各种技术手段,着重于术中超声在肺小结节临床诊疗中的应用作一综述,并对其临床意义进行客观性评价。  相似文献   

定位技术在电视胸腔镜诊治孤立性肺小结节中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景与目的电视胸腔镜已广泛应用于孤立性肺小结节(solitary pulmonary nodule,SPN)的诊治,但经常遇到术中无法准确定位病灶的情况。本研究探讨电视胸腔镜手术(video-assistant thoracoscopic surgery,VATS)在诊治孤立性肺小结节过程中的定位技术的临床应用价值。方法对孤立性肺小结节患者,术前先行三维CT定位,如SPN≤1.5 cm,或深达肺胸膜下2.0 cm,予行Hook-wire定位,术中先用器械间接触诊法,如失败改行电视胸腔镜辅助小切口(video-assisted minithoracotomy,VAMS),用手指直接触诊法定位,术中定位成功后,以直线切割缝合器行SPN楔形切除术,术后快速冰冻病理检查以决定下一步治疗方案。结果本组23例完成了胸腔镜SPN的切除,其中完全胸腔镜手术10例,VAMS 13例。结论电视胸腔镜SPN切除术术前术中的精确定位具有临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:明确胸腔镜切除肺周边小结节术前Hook-wire标记的价值及意义。方法:我院于2000-2010年胸腔镜下或辅助小切口进行肺周边小结节切除共30例,其中在螺旋CT指引定位下穿刺留置Hook-wire16例,其定位的肺小结节直径〈10mm,或距壁层胸膜〉10mm。结果:16例术前CT引导下Hook-wire定位,成功率100%,并发症12.5%,转化为开胸者6.25%,中位住院时间5天。术后组织学结果:原发性肺腺癌9例,鳞癌2例,小细胞肺癌1例,转移瘤3例,炎性假瘤1例。结论:术前肺周边小结节Hook-wire定位对于VATS术中定位具有指导作用。  相似文献   

目的:明确胸腔镜切除肺周边小结节术前Hook-wire标记的价值及意义。方法:我院于2000-2010年胸腔镜下或辅助小切口进行肺周边小结节切除共30例,其中在螺旋CT指引定位下穿刺留置Hook-wire16例,其定位的肺小结节直径<10mm,或距壁层胸膜>10mm。结果:16例术前CT引导下Hook-wire定位,成功率100%,并发症12.5%,转化为开胸者6.25%,中位住院时间5天。术后组织学结果:原发性肺腺癌9例,鳞癌2例,小细胞肺癌1例,转移瘤3例,炎性假瘤1例。结论:术前肺周边小结节Hook-wire定位对于VATS术中定位具有指导作用。  相似文献   

黄小燕  郑屹峰  潘锋 《肿瘤学杂志》2017,23(10):914-917
摘 要:[目的]探讨单一肺结节与两枚以上肺结节胸腔镜术前CT引导下hook-wire定位的应用价值。[方法] 单一肺结节患者109例和两枚以上肺结节患者51例(119枚肺结节)在胸腔镜切除术前行CT引导下钢丝定位,评价两者胸腔镜术前CT引导下hook-wire定位技术的成功率、并发症发生率。[结果] 109例单一肺结节患者胸腔镜术前CT引导下hook-wire定位成功率98.2%(107/109),并发症发生率35.7%(39/109),其中气胸发生率21.1%(23/109),出血发生率22.9% (25/109)。51例两枚以上肺结节患者共119枚肺结节,胸腔镜术前CT引导下hook-wire定位成功率100%(119/119),并发症发生率43.1%(21/51),其中气胸发生率37.3%(19/51),出血发生率25.5% (13/51)。两枚以上肺结节穿刺定位组较单一肺结节定位组气胸发生率高(P=0.03)。[结论] CT引导下hook-wire定位是一种可靠的肺小结节定位技术,两枚以上肺结节胸腔镜术前CT引导下hook-wire定位气胸发生率较高,应予重视。  相似文献   

目的:评价肺小结节(SPN)胸腔镜术前低剂量CT(LDCT)引导下Hook-wire定位的临床应用价值。方法:45例患者46个SPN行胸腔镜手术(VATS)肺楔形切除术,术前皆行LDCT引导下Hook-wire定位。SPN直径4~10mm,平均8.3mm,距壁层胸膜5~28mm。根据手术结果,评价术前LDCT引导下Hook-wire定位技术的失败率、并发症及住院时间等。结果:LDCT引导下Hook-wire定位成功率为100%,定位时间13~45min,平均22min。21例(46.7%)发生并发症,其中19例(42.2%)无症状气胸,6例(13.3%)无症状出血,4例(8.9%)同时发生气胸和出血。VATS时间14~75min,平均29min。术中出血量25~45mL,住院时间5~14d。SPN的组织学诊断为原位腺癌10例,微浸润腺癌8例,肺腺癌6例,肺鳞癌2例,不典型腺瘤样增生8例,肺转移瘤2例,良性病灶10例。结论:LDCT引导下Hook-wire定位SPN的准确率高,并发症轻微,对于VATS术前定位具有指导意义和临床价值。  相似文献   

背景 与目的肺结节定位关系到能否精准、快捷找到并切除病灶,是微创胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracic surgery,VATS)成功的重要环节.本研究探讨单一肺结节与两枚以上肺结节VATS术前计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)引导下医用胶定位的可行性,并与单个结节定位的...  相似文献   

摘 要:[目的] 探讨气管内超声引导下超细支气管镜(endobronchial ultrasound-guided ultrathin bronchoscope,EBUS-UB)联合亚甲蓝定位在电视胸腔镜(video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery,VATS)下肺小结节切除术中的临床应用。[方法] 60例孤立性肺小结节手术患者,VATS术前均行EBUS-US联合亚甲蓝定位。评价定位成功率、转开胸手术发生率、术后病理类型等。[结果] EBUS-UB定位成功率91.7%(55/60),转开胸手术率13.3%。术后经病理证实良性病变占28.3%(17/60),恶性病变占71.7%(43/60)。[结论] 术前EBUS-UB联合亚甲蓝定位肺小结节是一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胸腔镜手术前使用CT引导带钩钢丝定位,确定肺部小结节位置,以利于手术中切除的疗效与安全性。方法:收集自 2012年2 月至 2014年3 月天津医科大学肿瘤医院住院34例患者,术前使用CT引导下带钩钢丝(hookwire)定位肺部小结节,定位完成后直接行胸腔镜下肺部病变切除,根据术中冰冻病理结果决定下一步术式。结果:肺部小结节直径 5~22mm。采用CT引导下hookwire 定位成功率100% ,中位定位时间23min。2 例患者在操作过程中穿刺针脱落,有3 例患者定位后CT扫描时发现气胸。结论:术前使用CT引导下带钩钢丝定位肺部微小病变的方法准确、安全性高,能够提高胸腔镜手术中肺部结节切除的准确率。  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

Objective Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) provides a minimally invasive approach to resect small solitary pulmonary nodules (SSPN). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for SSPN in VATS. Methods Hookwire was used to localize 26 SSPN under CT guidance in 24 patients (14 male, 10 female, age range 21-61 years, mean 52.3 years), preoperatively, and wedge resection was performed through VATS. The lesion size, distance from the lesion to parietal pleura, the time of localization and complications were evaluated. Results All the 26 pulmonary nodules were preoperatively detected and localized with hookwire under CT-guidance. The mean lesion size was 10.05 ± 3.08 nun in diameter, and the mean distance from lesion to parietal pleura was 10.09±2. 62 mm. The mean localization time was 20. 18±7.16 min, and then the nodules were removed by VATS within 18 ± 6. 65 min. The major complication of CT-guided hookwire localization was mild pneumothorax in 6 patients (25.0%), but no one needed chest tube drainage. The dislodgment of hookwire was found in only one patient (4.2%) during the operation, but the lesion was still successfully resected under VATS. Of those patients, 8 were confirmed to have a primary NSCLC by rapid pathologic diagnosis during VATS wedge resection, and then VATS lobectomies were performed. Condusion The preoperative CT-guided hookwire localization for small solitary pulmonary nodules is an effective and safe technique to assist VATS resection of the nodules.  相似文献   

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