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目的 探讨瓦里安IX直线加速器使用6 MV的X射线在无均整块(Flatting-filter-free,FFF)模式下容积调强与固定野调强放疗计划的剂量学差异。方法 选取2016年9月—2018年9月辽宁省肿瘤医院收治的53例直肠癌术前放疗患者做回顾性研究,每例患者在无均整块器模式下使用相同优化条件分别做容积弧形调强和固定野调强放疗计划。比较两种放疗计划中的靶区和危及器官的剂量学差异。结果 靶区剂量方面,两种计划的靶区D2%、D98%、Dmean、CI和HI的差异有统计学意义。FFF-IMRT和FFF-VMAT计划相比较,D2%增大3.1%(P=0.001)、D98%减小4.5%(P=0.001)、Dmean减小2.4%(P=0.026)、CI减小(P<0.001)、HI增大(P=0.005)。危及器官方面,两种计划膀胱的D2%、Dmean、双侧股骨头的D2%、Dmean和骨盆的Dmean的差异有统计学意义。FFF-IMRT和FFF-VMAT计划相比较,膀胱的D2%增大2.7%(P<0.001)、Dmean减小20.4%(P<0.001),双侧股骨头D2%减小4.2%(P<0.001)、Dmean减小11.2%(P<0.001),盆骨Dmean减小8.9%(P<0.001)。而小肠的D2%和Dmean的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。FFF-IMRT的计划机器跳数为(978±127)MU,是FFF-VMAT的计划机器跳数(527±63)MU的1.86倍(P<0.001);FFF-IMRT的计划执行时间为(510±252.2)s,是FFF-VMAT的计划执行时间(232±52.5)s的2.21倍(P<0.001)。结论 在无均整块模式下,容积弧形调强在靶区适形度和均匀度优于固定野调强放疗,且容积弧形调强治疗时间短,计划执行效率高,但固定野调强对于患者危及的器官做更好的保护。  相似文献   

目的研究基于Halcyon 2.0和Truebeam两种加速器设计的容积调强弧形治疗(VMAT)计划,在患者不同部位的剂量学质量和计划复杂度差异。方法回顾性选取头颈部、胸部、腹部、盆腔四种部位的Halcyon 2.0 VMAT计划49例,并以相同优化参数重新设计Truebeam VMAT计划,比较两种计划的剂量学和复杂度指标差异,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。结果对于靶区,Halcyon 2.0在头颈部和胸部计划中具有较优的均匀性指数(HI)和适形性指数(CI),在腹部计划中具有较优的D98%和CI,在盆腔计划中具有较优的D2%。对于危及器官,Halcyon 2.0在胸部计划中的双肺D20%、Dmean和心脏Dmean均低于Truebeam(P值均<0.05)。对于复杂度指标,Halcyon 2.0头颈、腹部和盆腔计划的中位平均子野面积变化率(AAV)分别为0.414、0.425和0.432,优于Truebeam的0.385、0.368和0.361;在腹部和盆腔计划中,Halcyon 2.0的中位调制复杂度分数(MCS)分别为0.320和0.303,优于Truebeam的0.268和0.282(P值均<0.05);Halcyon 2.0所有部位计划的中位小孔径分数(SAS)均优于Truebeam,且中位计划平均射野面积(PA)均大于Truebeam(P值均<0.05)。结论基于Halcyon 2.0和Truebeam两种加速器设计的VMAT计划,在剂量学质量上相当,部分情况下前者略优,但是由于前者较低的计划复杂度,使其在临床应用中具有相对优势。  相似文献   

目的 对比分析Halcyon和传统C型加速器Vital Beam加速器固定野逆向调强鼻咽癌的计划质量.方法 采用数字表法随机选取2019-01-16-2019-10-22山东省肿瘤防治研究院30例已接受鼻咽癌调强放射治疗(IMRT)计划的患者,分别用Vital Beam和Halcyon平台重新优化IMRT计划并执行质量...  相似文献   

目的 探讨调强放疗计划优化时多叶准直器(MLC)角度因素对优化结果中子野数(滑窗模式下为控制点数)和机器跳数影响,以及由此对调强放疗实施效率的影响。方法 选择10例拟行调强放疗的靶区形状为长条状的患者CT图像,在MLC运行方向与靶区长轴垂直(横向)和平行(纵向)方向分别以静态子野调强方式和滑窗调强方式设计计划并进行优化,在保证靶区和危及器官受量相同情况下,分别比较静态子野调强模式和滑窗调强模式下两种准直器角度时计划子野数或控制点数和机器跳数差别。结果 MLC纵向方式较横向方式静态子野数平均增加52.8%,滑窗调强控制点数增加58.2%,机器跳数平均增加幅度分别为49.6%和61.9%,子野数或控制点数和机器跳数均不同(P=0.000)。结论 在MLC调强放疗计划优化中选择MLC运行方向垂直于靶区长轴,在不影响靶区和危及器官受量情况下,可明显减少子野数或控制点数和机器跳数、缩短治疗时间、提高治疗效率,具有一定的临床实用价值。  相似文献   

目的 研究加速器多叶准直器角度为0°和不同机架角时多叶准直器叶片对不同调强放疗剂量的影响.方法 用30 cm×30 cm×3 cm固体水模体预选静态调强和动态调强中大小合适的30个单方向野和机架角为0°、45°、90°、270°、315°,用Mapcheck二维半导体矩阵测量和其剂量分析系统的γ分析方法(3%/3 mm、5%/3 mm)对相应通过率进行定量分析.以治疗靶区由小到大预选30例患者的静态调强和动态调强计划用上述同样方法测量和分析.结果 加速器多叶准直器角度为0°和机架角分别为0°、45°、90°、270°、315°时静态调强和动态调强30个单方向野实测的3%/3 mm平均通过率分别为97.71%和96.25%(t=1.70,P=0.389)、96.34%和93.72%(t=2.95,P=0.002)、96.65%和92.98%(t=2.87,P=0.005)、95.87%和93.15%(t=2.71,P=0.006)、96.09%和93.51%(t=2.89,P=0.004),5%/3 mm的平均通过率也无差别,分别为99.31%~99.73%和98.89~99.68%(t=0.57~1.90,P=0.913~0.725);30例患者计划的3%/3 mm平均通过率分别为96.11%~96.76%和94.88~95.78%(t=1.02~1.61,P=0.317~0.235).结论 当加速器多叶准直器角度为0°和不同机架角度时多叶准直器叶片对调强放疗剂量相比0°时确有影响,但其面剂量分布误差都在可接受的5%内.
Objective To investigate the impact of accelerator′s multi-leaf collimator (MLC) on the radiotherapy dose with different gantry angles.Methods Measured with Mapcheck 2D diode array and 30 cm×30 cm×3 cm solid water, Pre-selecting the 30 appropriate single fields and 0°,45°,90°,270°,315° gantry angles of static and dynamic intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), quantification analysis of the passing rate with MapCheck γ(3%/3 mm) and (5%/3 mm) analysis methods, and the same method to 30 examples static and dynamic IMRT plans.Results When the accelerator collimator angle is 0°,the 30 appropriate single fields′ passing rate of between 0°gantry angle and 45°,90°,270°,315°gantry angles of static and dynamic IMRT accordingly is 97.71% and 96.25%(t=1.70, P=0.389), 96.34% and 93.72%(t=2.95, P=0.002), 96.65% and 92.98%(t=2.87, P=0.005), 95.87% and 93.15%(t=2.71, P=0.006), 96.09% and 93.51%(t=2.89, P=0.004) with MapCheck γ(3%/3 mm) analysis methods, however, the passing rate also does not have the difference, respectively is 99.31%-99.73% and 98.89-99.68%(t=0.57-1.90, P=0.913-0.725) with MapCheck γ(5%/3 mm) analysis methods;the passing rate of 30 examples static and dynamic IMRT plans accordingly is 96.11%-96.76% and 94.88%-95.78%(t=1.02-1.61, P=0.317-0.235).Conclusions When the accelerator collimator angle is 0°, at different gantry angles, MLC leaves due to gravity, friction, inertia, etc caused by errors in place, the physical penumbra and leakage radiation will indeed affect the IMRT dose, however, the deviation of dose distribution is within acceptable 5%.  相似文献   

目的 研究低熔点合金铅补偿器在临床调强放疗中的应用价值。方法 用计划系统输出射野强度分布文件(Dicom RT),通过测定低熔点合金铅衰减因子计算出Dicom RT文件对应射野中每个像素对应的加工深度,产生用于AUTIMO 3D数控切割机的控制文件,然后使用加工好的泡沫浇铸低熔点合金铅成型,产生调强放疗所需补偿器并通过MatriXX的质量控制测试系统对其检测。同时随机对比了 10例患者多叶准直器和低熔点合金铅补偿器调强放疗的测试结果。结果 治疗中心点剂量和面剂量显示使用低熔点合金铅补偿器调强放疗能产生和计划系统基本相同的剂量分布,误差在5%以内且临床可接受。与多叶准直器相比,低熔点合金铅补偿器调强放疗所需放疗时间少\[(4.44±0.39) min∶(5.71±0.57) min (t=10.82,P=0.000)\]、机器跳数少\[(462.5±65.8) MU∶(524.5±99.6) MU (t=3.14,P=0.012)\]。结论 铅补偿调强放疗技术相比于MLC的独特优势在于临床上有重要推广价值,为广大基层医院在低成本条件下开展精确放疗提供了一套可行方法。  相似文献   

颈段食管癌固定野调强与旋转调强放疗计划比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 通过比较颈段食管癌固定野调强放疗(IMRT)与旋转调强放疗(IMAT)计划,分析IMRT与IMAT在剂量学与实际应用方面特点和可行性.方法 选取10例在本院进行IMRT的颈段食管癌患者,针对相同CT图像与靶区制定单弧(IMAT1)、双弧(IMAT2)IMAT计划.使用Eclipse(R) ver 8.6计划系统,6 MV X线.模拟处方剂量为60 Gy分30次,计划要求97%计划靶体积(PTV)(V98)达98%处方剂量,超过110%处方剂量PTV(V110)<15%.脊髓最大剂量≤45 Gy.通过剂量体积直方图统计PTV相关剂量参数、适形指数(CI)、均匀指数(HI)、肺及心脏剂量体积参数,以及加速器总机器跳数、总治疗时间.用SPSS 13.0软件对3个组计划行单因素方差分析,LSD算法进行组内分析.结果 3个组PTV的D98、V98及CI,肺的V5、V10、V30、V40、V50及平均肺剂量差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);PTV的D2、V110及HI,肺V20差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).总机器跳数比较,IMRT组(1174.8 MU)比IMAT1(709.7 MU)、IMAT2(803.8 MU)组分别减少了39.6%、31.6%(F=39.25,P=0.000).总治疗时间比较,IMRT组(14.9 min)比IMAT1(1.9 min)、IMAT2(2.66 min)组分别减少了87.2%、82.1%(F=45.14,P=0.000).结论 IMAT可以达到与IMRT相似的剂量学要求,IMAT2计划优于IMAT1.IMAT具有较少总MU、总治疗时间优势,并减少了治疗中不确定性因素影响及患者不适感.  相似文献   

目的研究基于Halcyon 2.0和Truebeam两种加速器设计的容积调强弧形治疗(VMAT)计划, 在患者不同部位的剂量学质量和计划复杂度差异。方法回顾性选取头颈部、胸部、腹部、盆腔四种部位的Halcyon 2.0 VMAT计划49例, 并以相同优化参数重新设计Truebeam VMAT计划, 比较两种计划的剂量学和复杂度指标差异, P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。结果对于靶区, Halcyon 2.0在头颈部和胸部计划中具有较优的均匀性指数(HI)和适形性指数(CI), 在腹部计划中具有较优的D98%和CI, 在盆腔计划中具有较优的D2%。对于危及器官, Halcyon 2.0在胸部计划中的双肺D20%、Dmean和心脏Dmean均低于Truebeam(P值均<0.05)。对于复杂度指标, Halcyon 2.0头颈、腹部和盆腔计划的中位平均子野面积变化率(AAV)分别为0.414、0.425和0.432, 优于Truebeam的0.385、0.368和0.361;在腹部和盆腔计划中, Halcyon 2.0的中位调制复杂度分数(MCS)分别为0.320和0.303...  相似文献   

目的 比较旋转调强技术与常规固定野调强技术在鼻咽癌计划中对靶区及危及器官剂量学差异.方法 选取10例同步加量放疗鼻咽癌患者,通过瓦里安Eclipse 8.6计划系统分别制定旋转调强放疗(IMAT)计划和固定野调强放疗(IMRT)计划,运用剂量体积直方图评价两种计划的靶区(PTV、PTV1、PTV2)及危及器官剂量参数、机器跳数(MU)和治疗时间(T).结果 IMAT和IMRT计划的PTV、PTV1、PTV2适形指数均不同,分别为0.71和0.75(Z=-2.32,P<0.05)、0.54和0.59(Z=-2.56,P<0.05)、0.71和0.78(Z=-2.52,P<0.05);均匀指数均相似,分别为10.5和11.2(Z=-0.84,P>0.05)、13.1和17.1(Z=-1.68,P>0.05)、14.1和13.3(Z=-1.01,P>0.05).IMAT和IMRT计划的脑干平均剂量相似,分别为(3512.8±406.2)cGy和(3384.3±361.3)cGy(Z=-1.82,P>0.05),最大剂量也相似,分别为(5528.1±192.9)cGy和(5727.5±356.3)cGy(Z=-1.12,P>0.05);脊髓最大剂量不同,分别为(4186.1±8 8.7)cGy和(4390.2±74.9)cGy(Z=-2.38,P<0.05).两种计划中双侧腮腺平均剂量、腮腺33%体积受照剂量(D33)、D50、D60均相似(P值均>0.05),正常组织[定义为全身(body)减去PTV,即B-P]受照500 cGy体积占总B-P体积百分比(V5)、V10均也相似(P值均>0.05),但V15、V20、V25、V30、V35、V40、V45、V50均不同(P值均<0.05).两种计划的MU不同,MUIMRT=1308±213,MUIMAT=606±96(Z=-2.52,P<0.05).结论 IMAT计划靶区剂量覆盖与IMRT计划相当,适形度好于IMRT计划;危及器官受照剂量相当,B-P受照剂量明显降低;可减少机器跳数和治疗时间.  相似文献   

目的 制定鼻咽癌调强放疗计划时,通过控制直线加速器二级准直器的位置及角度以达到更好地限制头颈部危及器官的受照剂量.方法 应用Eclipse计划系统针对10例鼻咽癌患者分别制定T1、T2模式调强放疗计划.T1模式采用0°、52°、106°、160°、212°、258°、308°方向射野,二级准直器位置及角度不做限制,设置优化参数进行剂量运算.T2模式保持射野方向和优化参数与T1相同,根据每个计划实际情况适当修正射野二级准直器位置和角度,然后进行剂量运算.通过剂量体积直方图比较两种模式下计划的计划靶体积和危及器官剂量分布.结果 T1、T2模式调强放疗计划的计划靶体积均满足剂量要求,适形指数分别为0.82、0.83(t=-0.25,P=0.815).危及器官中晶状体、眼球、视神经和角膜的最大剂量分别降低28.7%(t=4.80,P=0.000)、2.7%(t=2.99,P=0.021)、1. 4%(t=1.05,P=0.032)和30.5%(t=2.99,P=0.020),腮腺平均受量和V35增加0.6%和9.9%(t=-2.82,P=0.043;t=-2.05,P=0.038).结论 与T1模式相比,适当控制二级准直器的位置和角度能更好减少散射线及漏射线对眼球特别是晶状体的影响,但会略增加腮腺受量.  相似文献   

PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between the parotid volume, parotid-planning target volume (PTV) overlap, and dosimetric sparing of the parotid with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Parotid data were collected retrospectively for 51 patients treated with simultaneous boost IMRT. Unresectable patients received 54 or 59.4 Gy to subclinical disease, 70 Gy to gross disease. Patients treated postoperatively received 54, 60, and 66 Gy to low-risk, high-risk, and tumor bed regions. Volume and mean dose of each gland and gland segments outside of and overlapping the PTV were collected. Proximity of each gland to each PTV was recorded. RESULTS: Dosimetric sparing (mean dose 21% overlap (p = <0.0001). Among spared glands, the median mean dose in the overlap region was 55.0 Gy in glands with < or =21% overlap, but only 45.4 Gy when overlap >21%. Median mean dose was 25.9 Gy to glands overlapping PTV(54) or PTV(59) alone and 30.0 Gy to those abutting PTV(70) (p < 0.001). Although proximity to PTV(70) was associated with higher parotid dose, satisfactory sparing was achieved in 24 of 43 ipsilateral glands. CONCLUSIONS: Dosimetric sparing of the parotid is feasible when the parotid-PTV overlap is less than approximately 20%. With more overlap, sparing may result in low doses within the overlap region, possibly leading to inadequate PTV coverage. Gland proximity to the high-dose PTV is associated with higher mean dose but does not always preclude dosimetric sparing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To date, most intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) delivery has occurred using linear accelerators (linacs), although helical tomotherapy has become commercially available. To quantify the dosimetric difference, we compared linac-based and helical tomotherapy-based treatment plans for IMRT of the oropharynx. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We compared the dosimetry findings of 10 patients who had oropharyngeal carcinoma. Five patients each had cancers in the base of the tongue and tonsil. Each plan was independently optimized using either the CORVUS planning system (Nomos Corporation, Sewickly, PA), commissioned for a Varian 2300 CD linear accelerator (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) with 1-cm multileaf collimator leaves, or helical tomotherapy. The resulting treatment plans were evaluated by comparing the dose-volume histograms, equivalent uniform dose (EUD), dose uniformity, and normal tissue complication probabilities. RESULTS: Helical tomotherapy plans showed improvement of critical structure avoidance and target dose uniformity for all patients. The average equivalent uniform dose reduction for organs at risk (OARs) surrounding the base of tongue and the tonsil were 17.4% and 27.14% respectively. An 80% reduction in normal tissue complication probabilities for the parotid glands was observed in the tomotherapy plans relative to the linac-based plans. The standard deviation of the planning target volume dose was reduced by 71%. In our clinic, we use the combined dose-volume histograms for each class of plans as a reference goal for helical tomotherapy treatment planning optimization. CONCLUSIONS: Helical tomotherapy provides improved dose homogeneity and normal structure dose compared with linac-based IMRT in the treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma resulting in a reduced risk for complications from focal hotspots within the planning target volume and for the adjacent parotid glands.  相似文献   

目的 比较容积旋转调强(VMAT)与固定野动态调强(dIMRT)在上段食管癌放疗计划中的剂量学差异。方法 利用瓦里安Eclipse 8.6计划系统对10例上段食管癌患者分别设计单弧360°Rapid Arc放疗计划和五野均分的dIMRT放疗计划。利用剂量体积直方图(DVH)来统计GTV和PTV的相关剂量参数、适形指数(CI)、均匀性指数(HI),肺、脊髓、正常组织的剂量体积参数,以及总机器跳数(MU)、总治疗时间。结果 Rapid Arc与dIMRT计划中GTV的D2、D98、HI、CI和V100差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),PTV的D2、HI、CI差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),Rapid Arc计划的GTV和PTV更具优势;Rapid Arc和dIMRT脊髓D1分别为(3644.15±72.89)cGy和(3810.69±97.51)cGy(P<0.05),肺V20为(13.65±2.19)%和(15.14±1.24)%(P>0.05),平均剂量为(893.95±102.43)cGy和(882.86±120.67)cGy(P>0.05);Rapid Arc计划与dIMRT计划MU分别为482±36和763±89,治疗时间为(102±19)s和(336±41)s。结论 Rapid Arc计划可以达到或优于dIMRT计划的靶区剂量分布,具有较少MU和总治疗时间的优势,能够更好地降低危及器官的受照剂量,可以获得更好的靶区剂量均匀性和靶区适合度。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report on a hybrid intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT; static plus IMRT beams treated concurrently) technique for lung and esophageal patients to reduce the volume of lung treated to low doses while delivering a conformal dose distribution. METHODS: Treatment plans were analyzed for 18 patients (12 lung and 6 esophageal). Patients were treated with a hybrid technique that concurrently combines static (approximately two-thirds dose) and IMRT (approximately one-third dose) beams. These plans were compared with conventional three-dimensional (3D; non-IMRT) plans and all IMRT plans using custom four- and five-field arrangements and nine equally spaced coplanar beams. Plans were optimized to reduce V13 and V5 values. Dose-volume histograms were calculated for the planning target volume, heart, and the ipsilateral, contralateral, and total lung. Lung volumes V5, V13, V20, V30; mean lung dose (MLD); and the generalized equivalent uniform dose (gEUD) were calculated for each plan. RESULTS: Hybrid plans treated significantly smaller total and contralateral lung volumes with low doses than nine-field IMRT plans. Largest reductions were for contralateral lung V5, V13, and V20 values for lung (-11%, -15%, -7%) and esophageal (-16%, -20%, -7%) patients. Smaller reductions were found also for 3D and four- and five-field IMRT plans. MLD and gEUDs were similar for all plan types. The 3D plans treated much larger extra planning target volumes to prescribed dose levels. CONCLUSIONS: Hybrid IMRT demonstrated advantages for reduction of low-dose lung volumes in the thorax for reducing low dose to lung while also reducing the potential magnitude of dose deviations due to intrafraction motion and small field calculation accuracy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess early clinical outcome of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in the treatment of vulvar cancer and compare dosimetric parameters with 3D conformal radiotherapy (3D CRT). METHODS: Fifteen patients with vulvar cancer were treated with IMRT. Seven patients were treated with preoperative chemoradiation, and 8 patients were treated with adjuvant postoperative radiation therapy. Median dose was 46 Gy in the preoperative and 50.4 Gy in the postoperative group. RESULTS: The mean volume of small bowel, rectum, and bladder that received doses in excess of 30 Gy with IMRT was reduced when compared with 3D CRT. Treatment was well tolerated, and only 1 patient had acute Grade 3 small-bowel toxicity. Median follow-up was 12 months. In the preoperative group, 5 patients (71%) had clinical complete response and 3 patients (42.8%) had pathologic complete response. In the adjuvant group, 2 patients had recurrences in the treatment field. No patients had late Grade 3 toxicity. The 2-year actuarial disease-specific survival was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Intensity-modulated RT appears to offer advantages over 3D CRT treatment of vulvar cancer by elimination of dose modulation across overlapping regions and reduction of unnecessary dose to the bladder, rectum, and small bowel. Early results with a small number of patients show promising results, with a low incidence of severe toxicity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare treatment plans for multileaf collimators (MLCs) with different leaf widths and different finite pencil beam (FPB) sizes, to determine the planning quality and delivery efficiency of segmented MLC (SMLC) delivery of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Computerized tomography images of 10 right-side MPM patients were used for this planning study on a CORVUS treatment-planning system (NOMOS Corporation, Sewickley, PA) for a Varian Millennium 120-MLC (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA). Three beam models were used. The first model forced two 0.5-cm MLC leaves to move in tandem to simulate a 1-cm leaf-width MLC and a FPB size of 1 x 1 cm2. The second model used 0.5-cm leaves with a FPB size of 0.5 x 1 cm2 (1 cm in the direction of leaf movement). The third model used 0.5-cm leaves, with a FPB size of 0.5 x 0.5 cm2. For optimization, the same dose constraints and beam parameters were used for each data set. Tissue heterogeneity corrections were used during optimization and dose calculation. Plans were optimized such that the clinical target volume received 50 Gy in 25 fractions. Dose distributions to the target and normal structures were evaluated. The number of monitor units, the number of segments, and delivery times were used to evaluate delivery efficiency. RESULTS: All three beam models could be used for IMRT planning for MPM. The doses to clinical target volume, spinal cord, lung, liver, heart, and contralateral kidney were acceptable with all three beam models. The 0.5 x 0.5-cm2 beam model used the most monitor units (6883 +/- 974 vs. 3332 +/- 406 and 3407 +/- 443 for the 1 x 1-cm2 and 0.5 x 1-cm2 models, respectively) and treated the most segments (4297 +/- 802 vs. 1357 +/- 156 and 1767 +/- 212 for the 1 x 1-cm2 and 0.5 x 1-cm2 models, respectively). The plan generated with the 1 x 1-cm2 model required the least amount of time to deliver. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of the MPM IMRT plans generated with the three beam models presented here was similar; however, the 1 x 1-cm2 model provided the most efficient delivery of MPM IMRT with the CORVUS planning system.  相似文献   

背景与目的:呼吸运动会给肺癌的放疗带来不利影响,而提高放疗计划的执行效率会在一定程度上减轻这一影响。该研究旨在探究运用射野角度和多目标优化(beam angle and multicriteria optimization,BAMCO)技术进行肺癌放疗计划设计的可行性和执行效率。方法:将10个肺癌临床计划数据由Pinnacle计划系统导出到RayStation计划系统。在RayStation系统中新建计划,以对应的临床计划射野角度为初始条件,在三维适形模块下优化射野角度。以优化结果为基础,执行多目标优化(multicriteria optimization,MCO),导航并确定临床需要的最佳妥协方案,然后生成可执行计划。最后,对比分析BAMCO计划和临床计划。结果:BAMCO计划设计不需要反复试错,一次MCO优化可确定最优计划;BAMCO计划和临床计划的靶区剂量分布和危及器官受量差异无统计学意义。BAMCO计划的跳数相比临床计划明显减少(31.1%±16.9%)。结论:BAMCO技术在保证计划质量的前提下,可有效提升计划的执行效率。  相似文献   

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