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Education and training experience After gaining his medical degree from Medical school of Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU)and board certification as a physician of medical oncology,prof. Li Zhang continued with his post-graduate training at Cancer Centre of Sun Yat-Sen University(CCSYSU).  相似文献   

向若兰 《癌症进展》2006,4(4):313-313
某些能引起腹泻的细菌其实也有着非常好的作用,研究者发现来自内脏正常菌群的支系大肠杆菌,通常能产生毒素诱发疾病,但它们也能抑制肠道内癌细胞的生长.这个发现也许能解释为什么在致病性E.coli感染高发的地区,结肠癌的发生率较低.这项发现还为人们提供了一个新的治疗方向.  相似文献   

寒梅 《癌症康复》2006,(2):52-53
2006年新年伊始,刚刚过了传统腊八节,正值隆冬的北京,晚间气温达到零下8~9度,但是在北京展览馆剧场的演出大厅里却热闹非凡燃烧着一团火.在首都现有客容量最大剧场里,2700个座位座无虚席,就连过道也站了不少人.是来自哪里的演出会这么火?原来这是由中国抗癌协会、中国抗癌协会癌症康复会主办北京肿瘤医院协办北京癌症康复会承办的全国癌症康复者文艺汇演.这台主题为"生命恋歌"的汇演,集中了全国近30个省市、地区的癌症康复组织,300多位癌症康复患者演员.他们不是普通的演员,他们是患了癌症、重获新生的演员,他们是在用心、用全部的爱、用他们的新生命在歌唱,在舞蹈.  相似文献   

(接上期) (2)"盆腔污染"和化学致癌物质也能引起卵巢癌 女性的盆腔组织通过输卵管、子宫腔、阴道和外界相通,使环境中的致癌物质有机会通过这一通道进入盆腔,并接触到卵巢,刺激卵巢表面的上皮增生,而引起肿瘤.这些物质主要有石棉、滑石粉和一些含苯环的芳香化学致癌物质,但这些污染物引起卵巢癌的作用机制仍需作进一步的研究.  相似文献   

柳红 《癌症康复》2006,(3):27-29
化疗做上了,一边护理、监控,一边琢磨手术的事.在第一轮咨询的时候,各家医院胸外科的专家就已经告知这是一个高难度的手术,因为肿瘤把血管都包住了,有的说需要心脏外科配合,有的说可能下不了手术台,有的说如果做不下来就不做或者少做.手术成功与否不仅是漫长的治疗道路上决定性的一步,还是能不能暂时保住儿子性命的问题.  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the clinical significance of methylation status of promoter CpG island of p16 gene in glioma tissue and plasma.Methods:Methylation specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) was used to determine the methylation status of the promoter for p16 gene within glioma tissue and plasma.Immunohistochemicel method (SP) was used to analyze the expressions of p16 and Ki-67 proteins.Results:Hypermethylation was found in 17/40 (42.5%) of brain gliomas,in comparison with 11/40 (27.5%) plasma specimens (x2 = 1.9780,P = 0.1596).Loss of p16 expression was associated (P = 0.0229) with hypermethylation of CpG island of promoter regions.Hypermethylation of p16 gene CpG island was significantly related to the increase of malignant grade of brain glioma (Tissue:X2 = 11.4288,P = 0.0007;Plasma:X2 = 8.9439,P = 0.0028).The Ki-67 index increased significantly (P<0.05) in brain gliomas methylated in contrast to those unmethylated.Conclusion:P16 hypermethylation may be one of the major mechanisms of tumorigenesis of gliomas.Methylated tumor-specific DNA may be as a plasma biomarker for prognosis in patients with glioma.  相似文献   

我辈喝茶,绝无日本人那般复杂--"老日"的茶道无疑是世界上最复杂的喝茶法,也没有文人墨客们那般精致讲究--讲究茶叶,讲究茶具,讲究氛围……我辈喝茶是想喝就喝--闲时、渴时、累时、困时……泡上一杯茶,待稍凉就"咕噜噜"地喝上几口乃至一口气喝光:也不讲究茶叶的产地、品牌、质量……有好茶喝好茶,有孬茶喝孬茶.一句话,只要是茶就行.我体会,这茶就是这样的"神",不管怎么喝--喝得复杂,喝得简单;喝得讲究,喝得随便:大口大口地喝,小口小口地呷;喝上乘的龙井茶,喝叫不上名的粗茶,都是那样的有滋有味--满口的清香,满口的爽甘.要是喝上一杯碧绿晶亮、清香扑鼻的"明前茶",更让人回味无穷,乃至心旷神怡,精神为之一振.如笔者在杭州云栖喝过的一杯茶,尽管已隔10年之久,但那色、那香、那形、那味,至今留在心头.这就是茶的魅力,茶的神韵,茶的长盛不衰,茶的源远流长……  相似文献   

张大伯今年57岁,是某化工厂的老工人.从1年前起,开始只是感到胸闷、气短,常要开窗呼吸新鲜空气.到医院作了些检查,诊断为冠心病,就按冠心病治疗,自觉好了许多.几个月后又觉得胸痛,气促,常呛咳.由于他吸烟已有30多年的历史,每天要吸1~2包,早就落下个慢性支气管炎,长年咳嗽痰多,所以他没把不适放在心上,总以为是老毛病冠心病和气管炎在作怪,虽然也曾到厂医务室看过病无非就是配一些冠心病和气管炎的药物.  相似文献   

乳房对女人意味着什么? 米兰达生于英国北部,中学毕业后进入英国航空公司当空中小姐,20岁时邂逅了比她年长22岁的西班牙电视演员法兰歌·文森特,于是,随他返回西班牙成婚定居,并相继育下一女一子.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Prostate-specific antigen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is serine protease produced at high concentrations by normal and malignant prostatic epithelium. It is mainly secreted into seminal fluid, where it digests the gel forming after ejaculation. Only minor amounts of PSA leak out into circulation from the normal prostate, but the release of PSA is increased in prostatic disease. Thus PSA is a sensitive serum marker for prostate cancer but its specificity is limited by a high frequency of falsely elevated values in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Approximately two-thirds of all elevated values (>4 microg/l) in men over 50 years of age are due to BPH. In serum, most of the PSA immunoreactivity consists of a complex between PSA and alpha1-antichymotrypsin (PSA-ACT) whereas approximately 5-40% are free. The proportion of PSA-ACT is larger and the free fraction is smaller in prostate cancer than in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Determination of the proportion of free PSA has become widely used to improve the cancer specificity of PSA especially in men with PSA values in the 'grey zone' (4-10 microg/l). PSA also occurs in complexes with other protease inhibitors and determination of these and other markers may further improve the diagnostic accuracy for prostate cancer. Interpretation of the results for many different markers is complicated, but this can be simplified by using statistical methods. The diagnostic accuracy can be further improved by using logistic regression or neural networks to estimate the combined impact of marker results and other findings like digital rectal examination (DRE), transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and heredity.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific antigen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has revolutionized the diagnosis and management of men with prostate cancer. Significant advances have been made since the early development of immunoassays. While PSA is useful for staging and monitoring of established disease, it has shown the greatest utility in the realm of early detection realm. PSA is the most important tumor marker; its importance in evaluating men for the possibility of prostate cancer is irrefutable. Enhancing specificity is a pressing need. In this regard, the recognition of the molecular forms of free PSA and complex PSA have shown the most promise and undoubtedly will result in fewer false-positive PSA test results. The salient literature is reviewed and commentary made on the current status of PSA with particular emphasis on methods to enhance its specificity in early detection and applications.  相似文献   

The relationship between the primary tumor expression of a breast epithelial antigen, called non-penetrating glycoprotein (NPGP) or breast epithelial mucin, and the same patient's serum level of this antigen at the time of relapse was studied in 23 cases. The expression of NPGP on breast tumors was measured by immunoperoxidase staining using monoclonal antibody Mc5, and quantitated by a histopathological index created for this purpose. Serum levels were measured by a competitive RIA using the same monoclonal antibody. An inverse correlation between these parameters was found, such that tumors having high NPGP levels in serum had a low index, while low NPGP serum levels had a high index. These results show that cellular events in breast tumors could participate in determining NPGP serum levels in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Two antigens cross-reactive with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and distinct from the nonspecific cross-reacting antigen were identified in meconium by double immunodiffusion with a conventional goat anti-CEA antiserum. These two antigens together competitively inhibited cross-reacting antibodies against them in CEA radioimmunoassay and contributed to the measurement of meconium CEA levels which averaged 6 times higher than that determined with anti-CEA specific antibody. A purification method for one of these antigens, tentatively designated meconium antigen, is described and uses a combination of ethanol fractionation, ion-exchange and molecular sieve chromatography, and adsorption to an immunoadsorbent containing a cross-reactive murine monoclonal antibody to CEA. Preliminary characterization of the purified meconium antigen showed it to be a glycoprotein, migrating as an alpha-globulin and having a molecular size similar to that of CEA (Mr 185,000 versus 200,000). Antigenically, it lacks at least one determinant present on CEA and differs further from CEA by being weakly reactive with concanavalin A and resistant to proteolytic digestion with Pronase E. Although these properties of meconium antigen suggest that it may be nonspecific cross-reacting antigen 2, additional chemical and antigenic studies are required to establish its relationship to CEA and other CEA-related antigens in meconium.  相似文献   

An urgent need exists to develop a more sophisticated screening system in order to improve diagnostic accuracy of clinically significant cancer and also to reduce the drawbacks of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening including overdetection and overtreatment. The most promising next-generation PSA test, which can improve the management of prostate cancer, may be proenzyme PSA (proPSA) or precursor PSA (pPSA). proPSA has pro-leader peptide sequences of seven or less amino acids and previous studies demonstrated that [?2]proPSA, which contains only a 2-amino-acid propeptide leader, could be more useful not only to distinguish between men with and without cancer, but also between tumors with aggressive features with performance exceeding other classical PSA-related indices including ratio of free PSA to total PSA (%f-PSA) and PSA density. Recently, it was demonstrated that baseline [?2]proPSA-related indices were independent factors to predict pathological reclassification at one year or several years after entering active surveillance. Furthermore, a retrospective study suggested that [?2]proPSA might be a useful predictive marker for future developing clinically manifested prostate cancer as well as aggressive tumors. ProPSA-related indices may have the potential for developing a more ideal risk classification for men at risk for prostate cancer, with a screening system maintaining the sensitivity of detecting clinically significant prostate cancer while saving cost, individualized treatment strategies, and follow-up procedures of active surveillance or active treatments. At a minimum, proPSA will be one of the most important new markers on the prostate cancer management in the near future.  相似文献   

Gliomas of WHO grades III-IV are malignant brain tumors mostly resistant to conventional therapies. Therefore, novel strategies for the treatment of gliomas are warranted. Although immunotherapy is gaining increased attention for the treatment of malignant gliomas and in particular of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), this approach requires the identification of appropriate antigens. Our aim was to investigate the expression of the prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA), a highly N-glycosylated phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell surface protein, in gliomas of different WHO grades in order to evaluate its potential as a diagnostic marker and as a target for immunotherapy. Tumor specimens and controls were assessed by quantitative RT-PCR, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The samples investigated in the study consisted of 210 human glial tumors, among which 31 were oligodendrogliomas, 9 ependymomas and 170 were astrocytomas (including 134 glioblastomas). PSCA was absent in normal brain tissue, but was detected in WHO grade III-IV gliomas. Weak PSCA protein expression was also recognized in some WHO grade I and WHO grade II tumors. The difference between WHO grade I-II tumors and WHO grade III-IV tumors was statistically significant (p<0.001). Our results suggest that increased PSCA expression levels are linked to gliomas of WHO grades III and IV, and may represent a suitable additional target for immunotherapy of gliomas.  相似文献   

Normal monkey tissues were found to contain an antigen which crossreacts immunologically with the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) of the human digestive tract. The monkey antigen reacted with complete or partial identity to the normal crossreacting antigen (NCA) in humans when tested in immunodiffusion against anti-CEA or anti-NCA. Extracts of monkey tissues inhibited in radioimmunoassays measuring human NCA. It is possible that monkey foetuses and colonic tumours contain CEA.  相似文献   

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