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This study aimed to analyse the participation of women of reproductive age in a cancer screening program,and survey reasons for non-screening in a region from Mexico with high cervical cancer mortality. A total of281 obstetric patients from a previous HPV study in a social security hospital during 2008-2009 were included.Reasons for not participating in the screening were directly asked. HPV positive patients were invited toparticipate in an informative workshop, and they filled in a knowledge questionnaire. The women ranged in agefrom 14-47 years; 123 (43.8%) had never participated in screening, of which 97 (78.9%) had their first sexualintercourse 2 to 10 years ago, resulting in 25% HPV positive. Screening history was strongly associated with 2or more gestations (OR= 10.07, p=0.00) and older age (OR=6.69 p=0.00). When 197 women were contacted andinterviewed, reasons referred for non-screening were ignorance, lack of interest or time, recent sexual onset,shame and fear. More than 50% of the workshop participants showed knowledge of HPV, while 38.9% and 25%knew about Pap smear and cervical cancer. A high percentage of women of reproductive age have never had aPap smear. Promoting the screening program in medical facilities seems to be important in this population. Newapproaches to inform vulnerable individuals on the benefits of screening need to be implemented, especially foryoung women.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is evidence that identifying subtypes of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) has impacted on various steps of cervical cancer prevention.Thus, it is mandatory to determine the background prevalence and distribution of HPV subtypes for designing and implementing area-specificmanagement. The present study was conducted to evaluate prevalence and distribution of HPV subtypes among women aged 30-70 years living in Lampang, an area with a high incidence of cervical cancer, through use of a mobile screening unit. Of 2,000 women recruited in this study, 108 (5.40%, 95%CI: 4.45-6.48) were found to have HR-HPV infection. Risk was significantly correlated with age and number of partners. Singly or in combination, the most common genotype was HPV 52 (17.6%), followed by HPV 16 (14.81%), HPV 58 (13.89%), HPV 33 (11.11%), HPV 51 (11.11%), and HPV 56 (9.26%). HPV 18 was found in only 5.6% of cases. Together, HPV 16/18 were noted in approximately 20.4% of cases. Eighteen(16.67%) women were positive with multiple subtypes of HR-HPV. Co-infection most frequently involved HPV 16 or HPV 58. These findings have obvious implications for vaccine policy.  相似文献   

Background: The combination of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer tests are globally recommended. Although knowledge regarding cervical cancer and HPV and experience of HPV vaccination are reportedly closely associated, the associations between knowledge and frequency of cervical cancer testing are unclear. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV and experience of HPV vaccination and frequency of cervical cancer testing including cervical cytology and HPV testing. Results: Among 99 women who visited Tsuruha Festa, most of the 77 non-medical workers who received information on cervical cancer and HPV through the Internet were not more likely to have knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV than were 12 medical workers who had gotten information in vocational school or university curriculum. The rates of HPV vaccination, cervical cytology, and HPV testing were 4.0%, 14.1%, and 4.0%, respectively, among participants and did not differ significantly according to participant job and age. Knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV was associated with experience of HPV vaccination and frequency of cervical cytology and was not associated with frequency of HPV testing. Conclusions: We observed insufficient knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV among non-medical workers as well as low HPV vaccination, cervical cytology, and HPV testing rates, and knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV to which frequency of cervical cancer testing were partially related. Therefore, the government should take measures to enhance public awareness about cervical cancer and HPV through social media such as the Internet.  相似文献   

Background: Cervical cancer is among the most prevalent cancer among women worldwide and women living with HIV are at increased risk, especially in a resource-limited environment. Objective: This study aimed to determine levels of awareness, knowledge, uptake, and willingness to screen for cervical cancer among women receiving care in an HIV clinic at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital (DRRH), Tanzania. Methods: Data were collected for a period of three weeks from July 21 to August 11, 2017 using a mobile phone data collection App. A total of 421 Women aged 18-50 years old were included in the study. Results: Majority of the women interviewed (n=306, 73%) were aware of cervical cancer. Among those who were aware, 84% (n=257) did not recall ever being screened for cervical cancer, and majority had a poor knowledge of cervical cancer. Educational level completed (p=0.01), income per month (p=0.02), age group (p<0.0001), and area of residence (p<0.0001) were all significantly associated to awareness of cervical cancer. Most of the women who have never screened (n=231, 91%) expressed willingness to be screened. Prior uptake of cervical cancer screening was associated with number of live births (p=0.001) and area of residence (p=0.04). And Willingness to screen was significantly associated with age groups (p=0.03) and the number of live births (p=0.03). Moreover, we found that younger age and urban residence was positively associated with awareness and uptake of cervical cancer screening. Willingness was found to decrease as age increased. Conclusion: The study found that despite older women’s higher risk of cervical cancer, those who indicated willingness to screen were younger. Additional education, health promotion, and integration of cervical cancer screening services is needed to improve cervical cancer awareness and screening uptake at the HIV clinic.  相似文献   

杜辉  王国萍  王纯 《中国肿瘤》2014,23(11):908-912
[目的]了解深圳市原住居民女性人群的生殖道高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染现状、宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(CIN)和宫颈癌的现患率。[方法]2009年6月至2009年10月在深圳市龙岗区坑梓街道办事处辖区25~59岁、3年内未做过宫颈癌筛查的原住居民女性进行整群抽样,并以同一辖区外来移民女性为对照。所有接受筛查女性均行宫颈液基细胞学检查及第二代杂交捕获技术(hybrid captureⅡ,HC-Ⅱ)高危型HPV检测。HPV阳性和/或细胞学≥ASCUS的女性行阴道镜检查和活检。[结果]共有942名原住居民妇女和1183名外来移民女性参加了本次调查。原住居民与外来移民妇女HPV阳性率分别为16.9%和11.8%(P〈0.05)。原住居民妇女CIN现患率为9.7%,其中CINⅡ及以上病变现患率为6.3%,外来移民CIN现患率5.1%,其中CINⅡ及以上病变现患率为2.6%。原住居民妇女CIN和CINⅡ及以上病变现患率均明显高于外来移民(P〈0.001),尤以30~39岁年龄组最为明显。[结论]30~39岁年龄组妇女HPV感染和CIN现患率均较高,应作为宫颈癌防治的重点监测对象。  相似文献   

Background. Chinese North American women have high invasive cervical cancer rates and low screeningrates. The cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve Pap testing rates for Chinese women living in Seattle,Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia was examined. Objectives. To calculate the costs and costeffectivenessof implementing two strategies to motivate women to obtain a Pap smear. Research Design. Athree-armed randomized, controlled trial was conducted. Women in each of two interventions (high-intensityoutreach and low-intensity mailing intervention) were compared to a group of women who received usual care.Measures. Costs were captured via a group discussion of costs, accounting records, sampling of staff time logs,and estimation of costs and task times. Effectiveness was measured as the proportion of women in eachintervention arm who reported receiving a Pap smear since the trial began. Cost-effectiveness was calculated asthe incremental cost of screening each additional woman between an intervention arm and the control arm.Results. A greater percentage of women who received the outreach intervention had a Pap test than women whoreceived mailed materials or women who were in the usual care arm. The intent-to-treat cost for each additionalwoman to be screened for a Pap test was $ 415 in the Outreach arm and $ 676 for the Direct Mailing arm. Theoutreach worker intervention, though more expensive overall, was more cost-effective than the mailingintervention. Conclusions. Outreach intervention is cost-effective for sponsors and should be considered as astrategy to motivate Chinese women living in North America to seek cervical cancer screening.  相似文献   

Objective : To provide background information for strengthening cervical cancer prevention in the Pacificby mapping current human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer screening practices, as wellas intent and barriers to the introduction and maintenance of national HPV vaccination programmes in theregion. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among ministry of health officialsfrom 21 Pacific Island countries and territories (n=21). Results: Cervical cancer prevention was rated as highlyimportant, but implementation of prevention programs were insufficient, with only two of 21 countries andterritories having achieved coverage of cervical cancer screening above 40%. Ten of 21 countries and territorieshad included HPV vaccination in their immunization schedule, but only two countries reported coverage of HPVvaccination above 60% among the targeted population. Key barriers to the introduction and continuation ofHPV vaccination were reported to be: (i) Lack of sustainable financing for HPV vaccine programs; (ii) Lackof visible government endorsement; (iii) Critical public perception of the value and safety of the HPV vaccine;and (iv) Lack of clear guidelines and policies for HPV vaccination. Conclusion: Current practices to preventcervical cancer in the Pacific Region do not match the high burden of disease from cervical cancer. A regionalapproach, including reducing vaccine prices by bulk purchase of vaccine, technical support for implementationof prevention programs, operational research and advocacy could strengthen political momentum for cervicalcancer prevention and avoid risking the lives of many women in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Introduction: In recent years, the lives of HIV-infected patients in Thailand have improved significantly due to continuous advances in treatment. However, the rate of cancer related to HIV infection (especially cervical cancer) is likely to increase. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Papanicolaou testing in all HIV-infected women, few of these patients receive this kind of screening in Thailand. Therefore, we conducted this study to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of these patients with regard to cervical cancer screening. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in HIV-infected women aged 18-65 years from April to November 2019 via a self-administered cervical cancer screening questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: demographic data, knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Results: Three hundred HIV-infected women were recruited. Most of the participants had good attitudes toward screening and practiced adequate screening (75.3% and 71.3%, respectively). However, only 62 participants (20.7%) demonstrated adequate knowledge. The crucial factors that were associated with adequate screening practice were age 40-49 years-old (AOR =3.26, 95%CI=1.02-10.37), CD4 cell count (AOR = 3.41, 95%CI = 1.29-8.99), having been advised about cervical cancer screening (AOR= 6.23, 95%CI 1.84-21.07), and attitude toward screening (AOR= 5.7, 95%CI = 2.23-14.55). The major reasons for not undergoing screening were embarrassment (41.86%), lack of symptoms (41.86%), fear of the results (36.04%), and fear of pain (36.04%). Conclusion: The reasons for inadequate testing were disregard and misconceptions about the procedure. To prevent invasive cervical lesions in HIV-infected women, health care providers should inform these patients about the importance of regular cervical cancer screening.  相似文献   

Background: In many advanced countries other than Japan, the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer, which is mainly caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, are decreasing probably due to the high rate of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. In Japan, these rates are on the rise owing to the stagnation of vaccination and low screening rate. To improve these situations, active promotion of HPV vaccination and screening is required. As a preliminary stage, we investigated perceptions regarding cervical cancer and HPV vaccines among Japanese men and women and examined the difference in perceptions by sex. Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional questionnaire survey targeting Sojo University students and working adults. University students were targeted before learning about cervical cancer. Working adults were recruited on the basis of information from the Health Promotion of Health and Welfare Department of Kumamoto Prefectural Government in Japan and from companies via student organizations promoting cancer prevention. We surveyed respondents’ knowledge and awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer and performed logistic regression analysis to compare the results between men and women. Result: A total of 557 completed questionnaires (205 men and 352 women) were analyzed. Women had high levels of knowledge and awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer compared with men. However, 70% of women surveyed had never been screened for cervical cancer. Conclusion: A total of 557 completed questionnaires (205 men and 352 women) were analyzed. Women had high levels of knowledge and awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer compared with men. However, among surveyed women, the degree of knowledge and awareness was lower than that among women in other countries with established HPV vaccination programs. Furthermore, 70% of women surveyed had never been screened for cervical cancer.  相似文献   

高危人乳头瘤病毒的持续感染是宫颈癌发生的直接因素.人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)检测从不分型到部分分型及拓展分型,不断发展并在宫颈癌筛查管理的更新完善中发挥重要作用,全球多个指南推荐HPV基因分型用于宫颈癌的初筛及初筛后分流管理.在HPV疫苗用于宫颈癌一级预防的后疫苗时代,全基因分型检...  相似文献   

Routine cervical cancer screening is important for women living with HIV (WLH) due to the greater incidence and persistence of high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) infection. HR-HPV self-sampling has been proposed to overcome barriers to in-office cervical cancer screening in underserved populations. However, little is known about baseline knowledge of HR-HPV and the acceptability of HR-HPV self-sampling among WLH. This paper describes WLH’s experiences and needs regarding cervical cancer screening, specifically HR-HPV self-sampling, and seeks to reconcile their experiences with the views of their providers. In total, 10 providers and 39 WLH participated in semi-structured interviews and group discussions, respectively. Knowledge of cervical cancer and HR-HPV was generally limited among WLH; when present, it was often due to personal experience of or proximity to someone affected by cervical cancer. Most WLH were not familiar with HR-HPV self-sampling but, despite some of the providers’ skepticism, expressed their willingness to participate in a mail-based HR-HPV self-sampling intervention and highlighted convenience, ease of use, and affordability as facilitators to the uptake of HR-HPV self-sampling. The experiences identified can be used to guide patient-centered communication aimed at improving cervical cancer knowledge and to inform interventions, such as HR-HPV self-sampling, designed to increase cervical cancer screening among under-screened WLH.  相似文献   

Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. Failure toprevent cervical cancer is partly due to non-participation in regular screening. It is important to plan anddevelop screening programs directed towards underscreened women. In order to identify the factors associatedwith underscreening for cervical cancer among women, this study examined Pap test participation and factorsassociated with not having a time-appropriate (within 3 years) Pap test among a representative sample ofwomen in Ontario, Canada using Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) data. Materials and Methods:Univariate analyses, cross-tabulations, and logistic regression modeling were conducted using cross-sectionaldata from the 2007-2008 CCHS. Analyses were restricted to 13,549 sexually active women aged 18-69 years oldliving in Ontario, with no history of hysterectomy. Results: Almost 17% of women reported they had not hada time-appropriate Pap test. Not having a time-appropriate Pap test was associated with being 40-69 years old,single, having low education and income, not having a regular doctor, being of Asian (Chinese, South Asian,other Asian) cultural background, less than excellent health, and being a recent immigrant. Conclusions: Resultsindicate that disparities still exist in terms of who is participating in cervical cancer screening. It is crucial todevelop and implement cervical cancer screening programs that not only target the general population, but alsothose who are less likely to obtain a Pap tests.  相似文献   

苏采峰  刘妞  张倩 《中国肿瘤》2016,25(8):608-611
[目的]评价careHPV检测技术在农村宫颈癌筛查中的应用情况.[方法]对山西襄垣县2270名35~64岁妇女采用careHPV检测技术进行官颈癌初筛,初筛阳性者接受液基细胞学分流,分流阳性者召回阴道镜检查及活检,以病理结果为金标准.[结果]参加筛查的妇女平均年龄45.7±6.8岁,careHPV阳性率为12.9%(292/2270),阴道镜转诊率为4.8%(109/2270),CIN1、CIN2+检出率分别为1.4%(31/2270)和1.7%(38/2270).在既往筛查史上,参加过筛查的妇女CIN2+的检出率要低于从未参加过筛查的妇女(x2=4.50,P=0.042).[结论]careHPV检测技术初筛细胞学分流的筛查策略有助于在降低阴道镜转诊率的同时,提高宫颈病变的检出率,扩大筛查覆盖面.该策略适用于资源相对贫乏的农村地区.  相似文献   

Purpose : This study was performed to assess whether the weight status is associated with screeningrates of breast and cervical cancer in Korean women. Methods: Study participants included women agedbetween 30 and 80 years from the 4th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007to 2009. Body mass index was classified into ~18.4 kg/m2 (underweight), 18.5~22.9 kg/m2 (normal), 23~24.9kg/m2 (overweight), 25.0~29.9 kg/m2 (moderate obesity) and 30.0 kg/m2~ (severe obesity) according to theAsia Pacific Standards of WHO recommended definition of obesity. Screening rates of breast and cervicalcancer were estimated by the recommendation of the National Cancer Screening Program of the NationalCancer Center, Korea. Results : The overall screening rates for breast and cervical cancer were 51.3% and50.1%, respectively. After covariate adjustment, the screening rates for breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio,0.70; 95% confidence interval, 0.51 to 0.97) and cervical cancer (adjusted odds ratio, 0.71; 95% confidenceinterval, 0.53 to 0.94) were significantly lower in the women with severe obesity. Conclusion: Obesity isassociated with lower compliance with breast and cervical cancer screening guidelines in Korean women.  相似文献   

Objectives. Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is a critical factor associated withcarcinogenesis of the uterine cervix. HPV-16 is most frequently found, and is further subclassified into intratypicvariants based on the nucleotide sequences of the viral genes. Although certain HPV-16 variants are reported tobe associated with the progression of cervical lesions, these relationships remain controversial with differentresults for different populations. To provide data for another population, we investigated the prevalence ofHPV-16 and distributions of its intratypic variants among Mongolian women with cervical intraepithelialneoplasia (CIN) and invasive cervical cancer. Materials and Methods. We analyzed samples from 374 randomlyselected women who attended the National Cancer Center of Mongolia between January 2002 and July 2007,including 147 invasive cervical cancer patients, 127 CIN patients and 100 age-matched controls who werecytologically normal. HPV genotyping was initially conducted, followed by variant analysis for HPV-16-positivesamples by nucleotide sequencing of the E6 gene. The HPV data were evaluated statistically for correlationswith the patients’ clinical data. Results. HPV genotyping detected 101 HPV-16-positive samples. Among thesesamples, 92 were available for subsequent variant analysis, including 66 invasive cervical cancer samples, 25CIN samples and 1 cytologically normal sample. A total of 14 different variants were identified. All 14 variantsbelonged to the European lineage, and the European prototype was detected in 66% (61/92) of the samples.Among the remaining 31 variants, variants with the T350G nucleotide change were predominant (13/31, 42%),followed by variants containing G94A (11/31, 35%), G176A (4/31, 13%) and G274T (2/31, 7%) . There were nosignificant differences among all the variants regarding their distributions in CIN and invasive cervical cancers.Conclusions. HPV-16 variants of the European lineage were exclusively distributed among the Mongolian womenexamined, and the European prototype was overwhelmingly predominant. Since no significant differences werefound between the types of variants and severities of the cervical lesions, it is possible that racial or geographicfactors may have some influences on these relationships.  相似文献   

朱博  王维琴  吴彬 《中国肿瘤》2017,26(3):170-174
[目的]了解HPV检测在辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯地区农村妇女宫颈癌筛查过程中的作用,为宫颈癌筛查提供科学依据.[方法]对2014~2015年间自愿接受宫颈癌筛查的35~64岁农村常住妇女,进行调查、取样和HPV检测.[结果]对10 000名35~64岁妇女进行宫颈癌筛查,发现宫颈癌癌前病变80人(其中CIN1为36人,CIN2为30人,CIN3为14人),宫颈癌3人.高危型HPV阳性共1209人,高危型HPV阳性感染率随年龄的升高而升高.HPV的感染率随着病变程度加重而升高;宫颈上皮内瘤变和宫颈癌组HPV 16型的比例显著性高于其他组.[结论] HPV检测在宫颈癌的筛查过程中对提高早诊率具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) is an essential cause of cervical cancer. Becauseof substantial geographical variation in the HPV genotype distribution, data regarding HPV type-specificprevalence for a particular country are mandatory for providing baseline information to estimate effectivenessof currently implemented HPV-based cervical cancer prevention. Accordingly, this review was conducted toevaluate the HR-HPV genotype distribution among Thai women with precancerous cervical lesions i.e. cervicalintraepithelial neoplasia grade 2-3 (CIN 2-3), adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), and invasive cervical cancer byreviewing the available literature. The prevalence of HR-HPV infection among Thai women with CIN 2-3 rangedfrom 64.8% to 90.1% and the three most common genotypes were HPV 16 (38.5%), HPV 58 (20.0%), and HPV18 (5.5%). There were high squamous cell carcinoma/CIN 2-3 prevalence ratios in women with CIN 2-3 infectedwith HPV 33 and HPV 58 (1.40 and 1.38, respectively), emphasizing the importance of these subtypes in the riskof progression to invasive cancer among Thai women. Data regarding the prevalence and genotype distributionof HR-HPV in Thai women with AIS remain unavailable. Interesting findings about the distribution of HPVgenotype in cervical cancer among Thai women include: (1) a relatively high prevalence of HPV 52 and HPV58 in invasive squamous cell carcinoma; (2) the prevalence of HPV 18-related adenocarcinoma is almost doublethepreviously reported prevalence, and (3) 75% of neuroendocrine carcinomas are HPV18-positive when takinginto account both single and multiple infections.  相似文献   

蔡玉群  李薇  万惠卿 《中国肿瘤》2014,23(9):752-756
[目的]了解杭州市拱墅区49周岁以下的已婚育龄妇女宫颈癌和癌前病变,为制定妇女卫生保健政策提供了科学参考依据。[方法]对杭州市拱墅区49周岁以下的已婚育龄妇女开展以宫颈液基细胞学检查为基础的宫颈癌筛查,49周岁以下户籍已婚育龄妇女2010年为58 571人,2011年为55 880人,2012年为55 820人。[结果]2010-2012年杭州市拱墅区辖10个街道49周岁以下户籍已婚育龄妇女TCT共检查40 651人,检查率为23.87%。TCT报告正常者39 326人,占96.74%。TCT报告异常者1325人,占3.26%。其中ASCUS病变630人,占47.55%;ASC-H病变84人,占6.34%;LSIL病变446人,占33.66%;HSIL病变145人,占10.94%,SCC病变2人,占0.15%;AGC病变18人,占1.36%。在需进一步手术治疗的妇女152例中,病理诊断结果为CINⅠ35人,CINⅡ51人,CINⅢ61人,宫颈癌5人。[结论]杭州市拱墅区为已婚育龄妇女开展免费宫颈癌筛查,筛检了TCT异常的妇女,并对高危因素的癌前病变患者进行相应的治疗和医学指导。宫颈癌筛查的成效不仅限于早期发现和治疗少数癌症患者,更重要的是发现大量癌前病变患者,为制定妇女卫生保健政策提供了科学参考依据。  相似文献   

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