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前方入路病灶清除植骨融合内固定治疗颈胸段结核   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨前方入路结核病灶清除、自体或同种异体髂骨移植、钢板内固定治疗颈胸段结核的效果。方法:2000年6月至2010年12月,采用标准右前方入路联合胸骨柄正中劈开显露病变椎体,行病灶清除、植骨融合和内固定术治疗颈胸段结核患者20例,男17例,女3例;年龄25~46岁,平均38岁;病史3个月~2年,平均12个月。患者慢性发病,颈部持续性疼痛、僵硬、畸形,同时伴有低热、盗汗、消瘦等全身症状。术前X线片、CT、MRI检查提示病变部位:C7-T110例,T16例,T1-T33例,T2-T31例。颈胸段后凸Cobb角25°~60°,平均35°。术前Frankel分级:A级2例,B级4例,C级7例,D级2例,E级5例。术后定期复查X线片了解Cobb角变化和椎间植骨融合情况,采用NDI(颈椎残障功能量表)和Frankel分级评定术后临床症状和脊髓功能恢复情况。结果:术中无大血管、脊髓或喉返神经损伤,20例患者均获随访,时间16~39个月,平均25个月。所有患者结核症状消失,无复发、切口感染、窦道形成或内固定失败等并发症,复查血沉结果正常。术后3~6个月复查X线片提示椎间植骨均获骨性愈合,内固定位置正常。末次随访Cobb角10°~16°,平均12°。NDI评分从术前的(48.2±2.9)分降低至终末随访的(22.5±3.1)分。除2例术前脊髓功能A级末次随访未见恢复外,其余患者脊髓功能Frankel分级平均提高1.5级,其中A级2例,B级1例,C级1例,D级3例,E级13例。结论:经前方入路显露颈胸段结核病灶安全可靠,椎管减压效果显著,病灶清除后行自体或同种异体髂骨植骨,钢板内固定可有效重建颈胸段脊柱的稳定性。  相似文献   

颈胸段脊柱结核的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨颈胸段脊柱结核的术式选择和临床疗效。方法总结2000年5月至2005年12月手术治疗的颈胸段脊柱结核25例。男15例,女10例;年龄23-66岁,平均47.5岁。C71例,C7T1 4例,C6-T1 2例,Cλ-T2 3例,T1.2 4例,T1-3 2例,T2.3 4例,T2-4 3例,T3-4 2例;合并截瘫17例,按Frankel分级:B级3例,C级8例,D级6例;病变节段后凸Cobb角5.0^o~65.0^o,平均32.5^o。17例行经前方入路病灶清除、椎间植骨加前路钢板固定术,其中下颈椎低位前方入路10例,下颈椎低位结合胸骨柄劈开入路7例;2例行高位经胸入路病灶清除,植骨内固定术;6例行经后路病灶清除、植骨内固定术。术后继续抗结核治疗9-18个月。结果随访时间18-84个月,平均34.8个月。1例术后出现乳糜漏,行纵隔引流10d后愈合;2例喉返神经受损,3个月后症状均缓解;1例窦道形成,经换药后4周治愈;胸膜撕裂1例,术中修补;前路钢板螺钉置入椎间隙1例,后路椎弓根螺钉松动1例。在随访期内未见复发。合并截瘫者11例完全恢复,5例部分恢复,1例D级者无恢复。术后6-12个月,23例植骨融合,2例至最终随访时骨融合不确切。术后Cobb角平均13.4^o(-8.0^o-24.0^o),随访末Cobb角平均15.2^o(-8.0^o-27.0^o)。结论颈胸段脊柱结核的术式选择应根据病灶的位置及累及范围而定,前路钢板或后路椎弓根内固定都能为颈胸段提供良好的稳定性,内固定的应用有利于彻底减压、矫正畸形,促进截瘫恢复和病灶愈合。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨上胸段病变的经胸骨前入路治疗的手术方式。[方法]介绍5年来对6例颈胸交界椎疾患的患者,采用经胸骨前入路的手术方法,暴露病变的上胸段椎体(T1-4),对病变予以清除、减压、植骨内固定,并对相关文献予以复习。[结果]6例患者分别为C7椎体完全移位1例,T1、2椎体结核1例,颈胸结合部肿瘤2例,T2、3椎间盘突出1例,C7T1骨折1例。年龄11~82岁;平均37.3岁。均采用经胸骨前入路,手术入路显露良好,病灶暴露充分。术后平均随访12.4个月。除1例肿瘤患者术后复发,1例术后呼吸道梗阻死亡外,余4例患者均获得满意疗效。[结论]颈胸交界处椎体疾病的发生率较低,此部位结构复杂,单纯颈部入路不能很好的显露T2、3椎体,经胸侧入路对于上胸椎也难以显露,经胸骨前入路可以很好的暴露下颈椎及T4以上椎体,该入路对颈胸交界处椎体的病变的处理是一种很好的选择。  相似文献   

经胸骨上段行颈胸段脊柱前路手术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探讨经胸骨上段行颈胸段脊柱前路手术的方法和临床效果。[方法]自1999年8月~2006年2月共治疗11例颈胸段病变患者,男8例,女3例;年龄17~67岁,平均41.5岁。病变类型:创伤、肿瘤和结核各4、6和1例。病变节段:T3、C7~T1和T1、2各1例,C7和C6~T1各2例,4例T1。手术取颈胸部联合切口,劈开胸骨上段,显露颈胸段椎体,切除肿瘤或病变椎体、脊髓减压、重建脊柱的稳定性和内固定。脊髓神经功能按Frankel分级评定。[结果]术后随访10~56个月,平均31个月。1例术后第2 d出现乳糜漏约50 m l,引流2 d后自愈。1例出现暂时性声音嘶哑。术后脊髓功能均有不同程度恢复。无骨不融合及内固定失败,脊柱稳定性好。[结论]经胸骨上段行颈胸段脊柱前路手术显露满意,创伤小,手术操作安全,并发症少,可满足颈胸段椎管前方减压、植骨融合及内固定术。应注意避免喉返神经和胸导管的损伤。  相似文献   

低位颈前入路病灶清除植骨内固定治疗颈胸段椎体结核   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
严格来讲,颈胸段是指Cλ-T3的椎体节段.颈胸段椎体结核(Cλ-T3)在脊柱结核中发病率较低;同时C7-T3,椎体病灶经低位颈前入路显露困难,加之局部解剖关系复杂,手术风险较大。因此,有关低位颈前入路病灶清除植骨内固定术治疗颈胸段椎体结核的文献比较少。我科自2003年6月至2005年10月采用低位颈前入路行病灶清除植骨内固定治疗的颈胸段椎体结核11例,疗效满意。[第一段]  相似文献   

胸椎椎体切除植骨内固定治疗上胸椎骨折脱位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨上胸椎骨折脱位经胸手术治疗的方法和临床效果。方法 对 8例上胸椎骨折脱位患者采用经胸入路椎体切除减压椎间植骨椎体侧前方内固定,根据骨折程度分别切除 1~3个椎体,固定节段由T2 ~T8, 5例采用椎体间肋骨条或髂骨块植骨, 3例采用钛网融合器。固定器材采用TSRH 4例,ScoFix2例,中华长城 1例,Ventrofix1例,采用上下单一椎体或多椎体固定。术前Frankel分级:A级 6例,B级 2例,C级 1例。结果 后凸畸形平均矫正18°,术后Frankel分级:A级 4例,B级 2例,D级 1例,E级 2例, 5例经半年以上随访均获植骨融合。1例发生钛网移位,卧床时间延长至术后 3个月使之稳定。结论 经胸手术治疗上胸椎损伤可以同时达到减压、矫形的双重目的,并能有效地重建脊柱稳定加速植骨融合。  相似文献   

目的:探讨前方入路行上胸椎肿瘤切除、椎体重建、钛板内固定的技术及方法,分析手术治疗效果及相关并发症。方法:2004年6月~2011年7月我科收治上胸椎(T1~T4)转移瘤患者17例,其中男6例,女11例,年龄55,1±7.3岁(47~68岁)。术前神经功能按Frankel分级:B级3例,C级4例,D级8例,E级2例。肿瘤位置:T1 7例,T2 5例,T3 3例,T4 2例。按Tokuhashi脊柱转移瘤评分系统评分为9~12分;根据WBB分区理论肿瘤病灶位于4~9区。对于T1椎体病灶患者采用低位下颈椎前方入路;对于T2~T4椎体病灶患者采用前方劈开胸骨经头臂干外侧间隙入路。结果:所有患者均能很好耐受手术,低位下颈椎前方入路手术时间为94.1士5.0min(90~102min),出血量为186.6±100.2ml(100~400ml);前方劈开胸骨经头臂干外侧间隙入路手术时间为121.0±165(100~150min),出血量为352.0±134.4ml(220~600ml)。术后病理学检查:6例来源于肺癌,5例来源于乳腺癌,2例来源于甲状腺癌,2例来源于胃肠道癌,2例来源不明。术后2例前方劈开胸骨经头臂干外侧间隙入路手术患者出现肺部感染、肺不张,经对症治疗后治愈。3例(其中1例为低位下颈椎前方入路手术患者)出现喉返神经牵拉伤致一过性声音嘶哑,术后1个月内声音恢复正常。随访19.7±9.8个月(6~48个月),9例患者神经功能有不同程度改善,其中3例Frankel分级B级患者2例改善为E级,1例改善为D级;4例C级2例改善到E级,2例改善到D级;2例D级患者改善到E级。5例患者在术后6~14个月因多处转移、全身衰竭死亡。结论:前方入路是治疗上胸椎转移瘤可供选择的有效入路,该入路可以充分显露前方椎体病变,有效切除病灶,彻底解除来自脊髓前方的压迫,改善患者症状。  相似文献   

目的探讨经胸骨入路行椎体切除及钢板内固定治疗颈胸段脊柱损伤的可行性及效果。方法对12例颈胸段脊柱骨折、脱位的患者行颈胸段前路C7-L3间1-2个椎体次全切除、植骨及颈椎前路钢板固定术。结果所有患者随访6个月-3年,植骨均在3-4个月内完全融合。12例脊髓神经功能有不同程度的改善,未发生钢板螺钉松动。1例出现暂时性声音嘶哑,3个月后恢复。结论经胸骨入路可以充分显露C7-T4节段,可用于颈胸段脊柱疾患的治疗。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的:探讨侧前方经肋间隙胸膜外入路手术切除胸椎椎体后缘骨内软骨结节治疗胸椎管狭窄症的方法和疗效。方法:2002年4月~2012年9月,对18例明确诊断为胸椎椎体后缘骨内软骨结节所致椎管狭窄症患者采用经侧前方肋间隙胸膜外入路减压内固定融合术治疗,男12例,女6例;年龄33~61岁,平均46岁。影像学证实均为单一节段椎体后缘骨内软骨结节,且不合并胸椎黄韧带骨化及后纵韧带骨化。病变节段:T7/8 2例,T8/9 4例,T9/10 5例,T10/11 7例。术前神经功能Frankel分级:C级6例,D级12例;JOA评分6.6±1.3分。观察术后疗效和并发症发生情况。结果:18例患者均顺利完成手术,平均用时3.5h,平均出血量420ml(350~620ml),术后无气胸、胸腔积液等并发症发生;1例术后1周发生肺炎,5例术后第2天复查胸片时发现邻近肋骨骨折,均经保守治疗后痊愈。所有患者均获得随访,随访时间2~12年,平均6年。疗效参照Epstein标准评价,优15例,良2例,差1例,优良率94%(17/18)。术前Frankel分级为C级的患者1例无明显改善,1例改善至D级,4例改善为E级;12例D级患者均改善为E级。JOA评分改善到9.4±1.6分,与术前比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。术后1年复查CT见椎间植骨区表面有连续性骨小梁通过,末次随访时影像学检查未发现内固定断裂、松动和植骨不融合现象。结论:对于胸椎椎体后缘骨内软骨结节所致胸椎管狭窄症患者,采用经侧前方肋间隙胸膜外入路胸椎椎体后缘骨内软骨结节切除减压可取得较好的临床疗效,是一种安全有效的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的 探讨低位颈前入路减压植骨融合内固定治疗颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤的可行性及疗效.方法 2006年12月至2009年7月采用低位颈前入路减压植骨融合内固定治疗23例颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤患者,男18例,女5例;年龄21~55岁,平均36.5岁;损伤部位与类型:C7椎体爆裂性骨折12例,C7/T1骨折脱位9例,T1爆裂性骨折2例.脊髓损伤按Frankel分级:A级9例,B级5例,C级6例,D级3例.结果 患者术中出血量为300 ~ 900 mL,平均500 mL,手术时间为70~ 120 min,平均85 min.23例患者术后获12 ~24个月(平均18个月)随访,术后减压充分,脊髓神经功能除9例A级患者无明显改善外,其余均获得1~2级的提高,植骨均获融合,时间为6~12个月,平均8.5个月.无螺钉松动、脱落及钢板断裂等并发症发生,其中1例患者术后X线片检查提示钛网放置位置欠佳,经随访未见移位,于术后6个月植骨融合. 结论 低位颈前入路减压植骨融合内固定治疗颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤是可行的,可达到充分的减压,即刻重建和稳定颈胸段脊柱序列,是治疗颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤的有效方法之一.  相似文献   

Lan X  Liu XM  Ge BF 《International surgery》2011,96(4):358-362
The objective of this study was to investigate the outcome of the patients with cervicothoracic tuberculosis who underwent radical debridement, reconstruction with bone autograft or allograft, and plate internal fixation via anterior approach. From June 2000 to December 2010, 20 patients with tuberculosis in cervicothoracic junction underwent a standard cervical approach, which was combined with a partial median osteotomy and transverse osteotomy through the synostosis between the manubrium and body of the sternum to expose the lesion adequately. Radical debridement was performed, then tricortical iliac crest bone autograft or allograft was placed and internal fixation was done to reconstruct the spinal column. The pathologic change regions were as follows: 10 in the C7-T1 segment, 6 in the T1 segment, 3 in the T1-T3 segment, and 1 in the T2-T3 segment. The classifications of Frankel were as follows: 2 at grade A, 4 at grade B, 7 at grade C, 2 at grade D, and 5 at grade E. There was no injury of blood vessel, spinal cord, or recurrent nerve during the surgery. The follow-up period ranged approximately 16 to 39 months. Bony fusion was obtained in all patients, and there was no internal fixation failure and tuberculosis recurrence in any of these patients. The nerve function of the spinal cord recovered at different degrees: 2 at grade A, 1 at grade B, 1 at grade C, 3 at grade D, and 13 at grade E. The anterior approach can provide direct and safe access to the lesion. The structural iliac crest autograft or allograft and anterior instrumentation could work effectively to stabilize the cervicothoracic junction.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Various anterior approaches to the cervicothoracic junction have been described. This study reports our experience with 14 patients who had cervical anterior approaches to the cervicothoracic junction (C6-T2). This technique was evaluated with regard to the extent of exposure, ease of technique, and postoperative morbidity. We have chosen the low cervical approach to obtain exposure up to T2. For T3-T4 pathology, we use the transthoracic, periscapular approach. We do not practice bone-splitting approaches because of the morbidity associated with these approaches. METHODS: Fourteen patients with C6-T2 pathology who required anterior decompression and fusion were studied for a period of 2 years. In all cases, the low cervical anterior approach was used. RESULTS: This approach is simple, requires less operative time, and provides excellent exposure up to the level of T2. There was no long-term morbidity attributed to the approach and procedure. CONCLUSION: The low cervical anterior approach is an excellent approach that provides adequate exposure for spinal pathology to T2 that requires anterior decompression and fusion.  相似文献   

颈胸段脊柱脊髓伤的诊断及前路手术治疗   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 探讨颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤的临床特点、诊断及颈胸段前路减压、植骨、Orion钢板内固定术的治疗作用。方法 分析26例颈胸段脊柱骨折、脱位患者的临床表现;行颈胸段前路C7、T1、C6-7或C7-T1椎体次全切除、植骨及Oron锁定型颈椎前路钢板固定术。结果 颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤患者通常表现为C8-T1或T2相应节段脊髓神经根症状,10例伴有窦性心动过缓、8例出现低血压、7例出现Horner征等交感节刺激症状。所有患者随访3-20个月,植骨均在3-4个月内完全融合,20例脊髓神经功能有不同程度的改善,上述交感神经节刺激疾病缓解,1术后出现暂时性声音嘶哑。结论 颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤根据其临床特点、影像学表现可确定诊断;颈胸段前路减压、植骨、Orion钢板内固定术对颈胸段脊柱脊髓损伤具有较好的疗效,Orion钢板有助于植骨节段融合、重建和稳定颈胸段脊柱。  相似文献   

The morphologic characteristics of the cervicothoracic junction from C6 to T2 were examined. Gross dissection and cryomicrotomy was performed on 13 fresh cadavers. Four healthy volunteers underwent magnetic resonance imaging. Results indicated that vertebral body dimensions do not change appreciably, except for vertebral body heights and medial pedicular angulation, both of which increase from C6 to T2. Based on the findings of gross dissection and cryomicrotomy, the mediolateral width of the spinal canal was largest at C6 to accommodate the larger spinal cord at C6. The cross-sectional area ratios of the spinal cord to spinal canal were 1:2.3 at C6, 1:3.7 at C7, 1:4 at T1, and 1:3.7 at T2. The foraminal height and width were greater at C7-T1 and T1-T2 than at C6-C7. The thinnest lamina was at C7. The anatomy of the pedicles showed that the outer mediolateral diameter averaged 6.78 mm at C6, 7.5 mm at C7, 9.23 mm at T1, and 7.9 mm at T2. The superior-inferior diameter of the pedicle increased from 7.58 mm at C6 to 12.43 mm at T2. Medial angulations decreased from 44.5 at C6 to 23.35 at T2. The coronal angulation of the exiting nerve was 64.83 for C7, 79.83 for C8, and 90.33 for T1 nerve roots based on coronal magnetic resonance imaging. Finally, gross dissection during the anterior approach to the cervicothoracic junction revealed that this approach was extensible, allowing access to the anterior aspect of the cervicothoracic spine. Associated vital structures must be protected, such as the arch of aorta, common carotid artery, innominate vein, thoracic duct, recurrent laryngeal nerve, stellate ganglion, trachea, and esophagus.  相似文献   

Kaya RA  Türkmenoğlu ON  Koç ON  Genç HA  Cavuşoğlu H  Ziyal IM  Aydin Y 《Surgical neurology》2006,65(5):454-63; discussion 463
OBJECTIVE: To reach the upper thoracic vertebrae, a number of extensive approaches have been proposed. The purpose of this study is to provide a clear perspective for the selection of surgical approaches in patients who undergo vertebral body resection, reconstruction, and stabilization for upper thoracic and cervicothoracic junction instabilities. METHODS: Seventeen patients with upper thoracic or cervicothoracic junction (C7-T6) instability underwent surgery between January 1999 and May 2004. All patients presented with pain and/or neurological deficits. The causes of instabilities were 10 traumas and 7 pathological fractures. The approach chosen was primarily dictated by 3 factors including (1) type of injury, (2) level of lesion, and (3) time of admission. Ventral surgical approach was performed to all pathological and traumatic fractures causing anterior spinal cord compression. Level of lesion determined the selection of the type of ventral surgical approach, namely, supramanubrial, transmanubrial, or lateral transthoracic. On the other hand, combined (anterior and posterior) approach was performed to all late admitted trauma patients. RESULTS: Twelve anterior, 2 combined (anterior and posterior), and 3 posterior approaches were performed in this study. Anterior approaches included 3 transmanubrial, 5 upper lateral transthoracic, and 4 supramanubrial cervical dissection procedures for decompression, fusion, and plate-screw fixation depending on the levels of the lesion. The mean follow-up period was 18 months, ranging from 10 to 58 months. Nonunion or instrument-related complications were not observed. The postoperative neurological conditions were statistically significantly better than the preoperative ones (P = .003). CONCLUSION: Consideration of the type of injury, level of lesion, and time of admission can provide a perspective for the selection of side of surgical approach for this transitional part of the spinal column. This study also suggests that supramanubrial cervical approach achieves sufficient exposure up to T2, transmanubrial approach for T3, and lateral transthoracic approach below T3.  相似文献   

We report an unusual case of spinal Langerhans' cell histiocytosis of the cervicothoracic junction in a young adult man. A 17-year-old male was referred to our institution with a 3-week history of cervicothoracic pain associated to a weakness of his right upper limb. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a collapsed T1 vertebral body with epidural soft tissue showing mass effect on spinal cord. The patient underwent a classic anterior cervicotomy. Complete removal of the lesion could be achieved, but the soft consistency of C7 and T2 body precluded a solid anterior fixation and an extended resection of C7 and T2 body had to be performed. Then a C6 - T3 stabilisation using an anterior plate fixation and cyanomethylacrylate graft was performed. Postoperative course was uneventful. At 2 years follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic and radiological workup showed a perfect stability of anterior fixation system. Aggressive surgical management of eosinophilic granuloma should be considered in some selected cases particularly when spinal instability or neurological deficit occurs. In this young patient a modified anterior cervicotomy allowed a comfortable approach to the anterior aspect of T3 vertebra for spinal fixation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Stabilization of the cervicothoracic junction is challenging but commonly required in patients with traumatic, neoplastic, congenital, and postlaminectomy conditions. Although extensive research has been performed on stabilization of the cervical spine, there remains a paucity of published data on instrumentation at the cervicothoracic junction. Using 2-column, 3-column, and corpectomy instability models, a biomechanical analysis was performed on the effects of increasing the number of posterior segmental fixation points and/or anterior column reconstruction at the cervicothoracic junction. METHODS: Multidirectional flexibility testing was performed utilizing a 6-degree-of-freedom spine simulator and 7 fresh-frozen human cadaveric spines (occiput-T6). After intact spine analysis, each specimen was destabilized and reconstructed as follows: (1) C7/T1 2-column injury with posterior instrumentation; (2) C7/T1 3-column injury with posterior instrumentation; (3) C7/T1 3-column injury with anterior interbody cage/plate and posterior instrumentation; and (4) C7/T1 3-column injury plus C7 corpectomy with anterior cage/plate and posterior instrumentation. All reconstruction groups were tested with posterior instrumentation (screws connected by dual-diameter rods) from C5-T1, C5-T2, and C5-T3. RESULTS: For 2-column injuries, there were no statistically significant differences in flexibility (P>0.05), although there was a trend toward reduced flexibility with increasing levels of thoracic fixation. For 3-column injuries, posterior fixation alone resulted in excessive flexibility in flexion/extension even with instrumentation to T3 (P<0.05). With the addition of anterior column instrumentation, there were no observed differences in flexion/extension and lateral bending. For axial rotation, instrumentation to T1 alone demonstrated increased motion relative to the intact spine (P<0.05). The 3-column injury with corpectomy model demonstrated similar flexibility properties to the 3-column injury model. CONCLUSIONS: With 3-column instability posterior segmental fixation alone from C5-T3 was inadequate, and the addition of anterior instrumentation restored flexibility to the intact condition. There was a strong trend toward reduced flexibility with increasing levels of thoracic fixation in all instability models.  相似文献   

Operative treatment of unstable injuries of the cervicothoracic junction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors present their experience in the operative treatment of unstable lesions at the cervicothoracic junction. Ten patients, six men and four women, underwent operative procedures at the cervicothoracic junction (C7-T1) between 1990 and 1997. Six patients had sustained fracture-dislocations, three patients had metastases and one patient had a primary malignant lesion. All the patients had significant cervical pain and neurologic deficit. The spinal cord and nerves were decompressed in all cases. Posterior stabilization was accomplished using various types of implants including hooks, wires and rods. Anteriorly, the spine was stabilized with plates and screws. Partial or complete vertebrectomy was performed in five cases and a titanium cylinder or an iliac autograft replaced the vertebral body. Five patients were submitted to a posterior operation only, and the other five to bilateral procedures. In four of these a one-stage operation was performed and in the last case a two-stage procedure. The anatomic and biomechanical characteristics of the cervicothoracic junction require a precise pre-operative analysis of the local anatomy and the selection of the proper implants for anterior and posterior stabilization. Received: 6 December 1997 Revised: 12 February 1999 Accepted: 2 March 1999  相似文献   

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