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赵吉辉  杨卿  郭风劲 《骨科》2018,9(1):7-13
目的 分析颗粒松质骨打压植骨联合金属钛网应用于伴有中度髋臼骨缺损的全髋关节翻修术的早期临床效果,并比较该方法用于不同类型骨缺损的效果差异。方法 回顾性分析我院2008年7月至2015年3月采用金属钛网联合颗粒骨打压植骨技术行髋臼骨缺损翻修重建的19例(19髋)病人的临床资料,其中男8例,女11例。骨缺损采用Paprosky分型:ⅡB型7例,ⅡC型11例,ⅢA型1例。通过术后定期复查的髋部X线片评估术后的移植骨整合情况、假体稳定性及髋关节旋转中心的位置;分析比较病人手术前后各时间点的改良髋关节Harris评分(hip Harris score, HHS)及SF-36生活质量评分;采用Kaplan-Meier法对假体进行生存分析;比较ⅡB和ⅡC型骨缺损病人在上述指标方面的差异。结果 19例病人随访10~76个月,平均随访时间为4.7年。19例病人的移植骨状况良好,和宿主骨不同程度整合;1例病人因假体周围感染致假体松动行再次翻修;所有病人髋臼旋转中心均得到了良好重建;HHS评分由术前的(47.51±5.91)分提高至末次随访时的(90.30±5.53)分,差异有统计学意义(t=17.005,P=0.010);SF-36生活质量评分术后也得到了显著提高;术后4.7年以再次翻修为研究终点的假体生存率为94.7%。ⅡB和ⅡC型骨缺损病人在上述指标的差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论 金属钛网联合颗粒松质骨打压植骨用于伴有骨缺损的髋关节翻修,早期临床效果良好,且对于Paprosky ⅡB和ⅡC型髋臼缺损的疗效相当。  相似文献   

目的:对应用颗粒松质骨打压植骨联合金属钛网于伴有中度髋臼骨缺损的全髋关节翻修术中髋臼重建方法进行早期临床效果分析;比较该方法用于不同类型骨缺损的效果差异。 研究对象及方法:整理筛选我院2008年7月-2015年3月间金属钛网联合颗粒骨打压植骨技术行髋臼骨缺损重建的19例(19例髋,男8,女11)。骨缺损采用Paprosky分型:IIB型7例,IIC型11例,IIIA型1例。术后定期复查髋部X线,并于复查时行髋关节恢复情况的评估。 研究结果:19例均获得临床及影像结果的完整随访,平均随访时长4.7年。除去一例行再次翻修,所有患者髋臼旋转中心均得到了良好重建;移植骨状况良好,和宿主骨不同程度的整合;影像学资料未见明显假体松动。HHS评分由翻修前平均47.51分提高至末次随访时平均90.3分。术后假体4.7年以再次翻修为研究终点的生存率为94.7%。SF-36生活质量评分得到了提高。IIB和IIC型之间对比无统计学差异。 研究结论:金属钛网联合颗粒松质骨打压植骨用于伴有骨缺损的髋关节翻修,适用于Paprosky IIB和IIC型髋臼缺损,两者疗效相当,早期临床效果良好。 关键词:全髋关节翻修术;金属钛网;髋臼缺损;颗粒打压植骨  相似文献   

[目的]探讨在全髋关节翻修术中使用打压植骨技术结合金属网重建严重髋臼骨缺损的方法和效果。[方法]2001年12月至2006年1月应用打压植骨技术结合金属网重建严重髋臼侧骨缺损的患者共有21例21髋,男6例,女15例;翻修时平均年龄为51.9岁(38-77岁)。采用美国骨科医师协会(AAOS)分型,本组患者骨缺损均为AAOSⅢ型(混合型骨缺损)。采用金属网将非包容性骨缺损转变为包容性骨缺损,然后采用7-10 mm的深低温冷冻骨颗粒,使用打压植骨技术恢复骨量,重建髋关节的正常解剖形态,使用骨水泥将聚乙烯臼杯固定于理想的生物力学位置。拍摄术后3 d、3个月、1年及每年随访时的双髋正位片,以泪滴为参照,观察聚乙烯臼杯位置的变化及骨水泥层透亮线的变化,并进行Harris髋关节评分比较。[结果]平均随访2.8年(1-5年),Harris评分从术前平均46.4分提高到术后81.3分,未发现臼杯松动病例。术后1例脱位,1例有坐骨神经受损症状。[结论]在髋关节翻修术中采用打压植骨技术并结合应用金属网的方法能较好地重建髋臼侧严重骨缺损,恢复骨量,辅助髋臼安放在理想的生物力学位置,并能提供良好的早期稳定性。  相似文献   

金属钛网联合颗粒骨打压植骨治疗髋臼骨缺损   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
目的介绍颗粒状松质骨打压植骨联合金属钛网固定的方法对人工髋关节翻修术中髋臼缺损的重建。方法应用该技术治疗23例患者,髋臼缺损分型(AAOS分类)Ⅱ型9例,Ⅲ型14例,术前髋关节功能平均评分38分(Harris评分),术后进行临床评估及X线评估。结果所有患者均使用骨水泥固定假体,术后平均随访3.9年,Harris评分平均提高39分,无1例需再次翻修,有3例患者在X线片上出现透亮带。结论打压植骨联合金属钛网固定在处理髋关节翻修术中髋臼缺损时,操作简单方便,疗效可靠。  相似文献   

Wang Q  Zhang XL  Jiang Y  Chen YS  Shen H  Shao JJ 《中华外科杂志》2010,48(14):1045-1049
目的 研究辐照深冻异体骨用于髋臼翻修中严重骨缺损的打压植骨重建的临床效果.方法 2006年2月至2009年1月髋关节翻修术中共有20例21髋应用打压植骨技术结合金属网重建严重髋臼侧骨缺损,18例19髋获得随访.患者翻修时平均年龄为64.4岁(43~81岁).采用Paprosky分型,本组患者均有髋臼骨缺损,其中PaproskyⅡB型4髋,PaproskyⅡC型8髋,PaproskyⅢA型5髋,PaproskyⅢB型2髋.手术用金属网修复髋臼节段性缺损,采用辐照深冻同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨结合骨水泥臼杯完成髋臼翻修.患者术后定期进行影像学和临床评估,观察手术前后髋关节Harris评分变化,假体移位松动及异体骨骨整合情况,及术中、术后并发症等.术前Harris评分平均42.5分(31~56分).术前疼痛评分平均14.4分(10~20分).结果 患者平均随访时间22.4个月(12~48个月).术后Harris评分提高到88.6分(82~96分).术后疼痛评分提高至平均42.3分(40~44分).并发症:术后感染1例,经清创愈合.股神经损伤1例,术后1年随访时已恢复正常.1例患者术后出现股骨近端外侧皮质吸收,大粗隆骨折.有1例Paprosky ⅢB型患者出现金属网及髋臼杯明显移位等影像学松动表现,其余18髋的髋臼假体稳定,未发现臼杯在垂直和水平方向大于1 mm的移位,也未发现髋臼假体外展角的改变;植骨层和宿主骨床可见连续骨小梁通过、移植骨与周围骨床骨密度趋向一致等骨整合表现.结论 金属网与打压植骨及骨水泥髋臼技术联合应用能有效地完成髋臼的生物学翻修.辐照深冻异体骨用于打压植骨能与周围骨床很好的整合.  相似文献   

无论是骨水泥型或非骨水泥型人工全髋关节,无菌性松动都是其植入后远期失败的主要原因,而且这一渐进性过程经常导致假体周围大量骨丢失.而如何处理假体周围骨丢失,就成为翻修手术中的关键问题.多年来,治疗骨缺损的最佳方案一直存在争议,而我们采用的同种异体打压植骨和骨水泥技术的结合是一种非常有效的方法.我们使用这种方法已经有20多年的经验,并且取得了很好的长期随访结果.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颗粒骨打压植骨结合非骨水泥臼在髋臼翻修中的临床应用.方法 应用颗粒骨打压植骨结合非骨水泥臼技术重建髋臼骨缺损10例,术中使用异体颗粒骨直径4~6 mm,髋臼假体均为生物型髋臼,上2或3枚螺钉固定,内衬均为高交联聚乙烯.结果 切口均一期愈合,无感染、脱位等并发症发生.随访9~28个月,平均19.5个月,X线片上髋臼骨床、颗粒骨及假体界面未见明显透亮带存在,原骨缺损区修复良好.Harris评分术前平均38.1分,术后平均85.5分.结论 颗粒骨打压植骨结合非骨水泥臼固定方法可有效修复髋关节翻修中髋臼AAOSⅡ、Ⅲ型骨缺损,恢复骨量,并能提供良好的早期稳定性.  相似文献   

目的探讨同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨结合多孔非骨水泥臼杯髋臼翻修大面积髋臼骨缺损的技术要点,并随访其中期临床和影像学疗效。方法随访2004年9月-2009年8月之间连续收治的采用同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨联合非骨水泥多孔髋臼杯翻修髋臼骨缺损面积大于整个髋臼关节面50%的27例(27髋)患者。按AAOS分类标准均为AAOSⅢ型骨缺损。按Paprosky分类标准,PaproskyⅡ型19例(19髋),PaproskyⅢ型8例(8髋)。髋臼假体与宿主自体骨接触面积均小于50%;其中有19例患者的髋臼杯全完与异体骨接触。评价术前、术后的Harris评分,肢体长度。在X线片上评价髋关节旋转中心、髋臼侧透亮线、以及植骨融合情况,并判断髋臼有无松动和移位。用Kaplan-Meier生存分析评价髋臼假体的6年生存率。结果患者均完成随访,平均随访时间(6.4±1.4)年(4~9年)。术前Harris评分为(14.9±4.4)分(6-34分),最后随访时的Harris评分为(85.6±8.1)分(67~98分),差异具有统计学意义意义(t=22.181,P〈0.01)。术前肢体短缩(14.7±5.1)mm(6~24mm),术后肢体短缩(0.2±3.4)mm(-9~12mm),差异具有统计学意义(t=19.223,P〈0.01)。术后髋关节旋转中心均在Renawat三角内。所有病例术后1~1.5年植入的异体骨均与宿主骨融合。无髋臼假体松动或失败。髋臼假体的6年生存率为100%(95%可信区间为0.95~1.0)。结论髋臼AAOSⅢ型、PaproskyⅡ型甚至部分Ⅲ骨缺损,只要髋臼顶及前、后柱3个方向均存在大部分的骨皮质及一定的支撑作用,即便骨缺损面积大于髋臼关节面的50%,仍可采用同种异体骨颗粒骨打压植骨结合多孔非骨水泥臼杯髋臼重建术进行修复,并可取的满意的中期疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨对严重髋臼骨缺损患者采用同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨联合骨水泥型或非骨水泥型假体翻修的早中期疗效。方法回顾分析2011年2月-2018年5月采用同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨联合假体翻修治疗的42例(44髋)严重髋臼骨缺损患者临床资料,其中采用骨水泥型臼杯24例(24髋)、非骨水泥型臼杯18例(20髋)。男17例,女25例;年龄22~84岁,平均62.8岁。初次人工全髋关节置换术距该次翻修术时间为2.5~12.0年,平均8.3年。翻修原因:假体无菌性松动31例(32髋),假体周围感染11例(12髋)。按照髋臼骨缺损Paprosky分型标准:ⅢA型28例(29髋),ⅢB型14例(15髋)。术前髋关节Harris评分为(22.25±10.31)分。髋关节旋转中心高度为(3.67±0.63)cm,双下肢长度差值为(3.41±0.64)cm。结果手术时间为130~245 min,平均186 min。术中出血量600~2400 mL,平均840 mL。术后引流量250~1450 mL,平均556 mL。术后1例出现切口浅表感染,其余患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合。患者均获随访,随访时间6~87个月,平均48.6个月。末次随访时Harris评分为(85.85±9.31)分,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=18.563,P=0.000)。影像学复查显示同种异体骨与宿主骨逐步融合,未见明显骨吸收。末次随访时,髋关节旋转中心高度为(1.01±0.21)cm,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=17.549,P=0.000);双下肢长度差值为(0.62±0.51)cm,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=14.211,P=0.000)。与术前相比,末次随访骨水泥组、非骨水泥组Harris评分明显提高,髋关节旋转中心高度下降且均在Ranawat三角内,双下肢长度差值亦减小,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组髋关节旋转中心高度比较差异有统计学意义(t=2.095,P=0.042),Harris评分及双下肢长度差值比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论对于PaproskyⅢ型髋臼骨缺损患者,根据缺损程度选择同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨联合骨水泥型或非骨水泥型假体翻修,均可有效重建髋关节,并获得较好的早中期疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨打压植骨技术结合金属网罩固定应用于髋关节初次置换或翻修中严重骨缺损重建的可行性和效果。方法回顾性分析自2005-01—2008-12应用打压植骨技术结合金属网罩固定治疗且资料完整的17例(髋)髋关节初次置换或翻修中严重骨缺损。采用金属网罩固定使节段性缺损变为局限性缺损,采用新鲜深冻同种异体股骨髁作为打压植骨材料。结果 17例均获得随访24~60个月,平均35.8个月。植骨层与宿主骨之间模糊,可见骨小梁通过,假体与植骨层之间亦未出现明显透亮线。末次随访时髋关节功能Harris评分平均85.4(81~90)分。结论打压植骨技术结合金属网罩固定是解决髋关节功能重建中关节周围骨缺损的较好方法。  相似文献   

Patil N  Hwang K  Goodman SB 《Orthopedics》2012,35(3):e306-e312
The reconstruction of major acetabular bone defects during revision, conversion, and primary total hip arthroplasties (THAs) is challenging. We reviewed a consecutive series of 168 THAs (108 revisions, 8 conversions, and 52 primary THAs) performed by 1 surgeon (S.B.G.) between 1997 and 2008 using impaction bone grafting for acetabular reconstruction. Autograft, cancellous allograft croutons, and demineralized bone matrix were used to fill bone defects as needed. The acetabular bone deficiency was classified according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: type I, segmental deficiency with significant rim defect; type II, cavitary defects medially or posteriorly; type III, combined cavitary and segmental deficiency; type IV, pelvic discontinuity; and type V, arthrodesis. According to this method, 56 hips had type I, 31 hips had type II, 48 hips had type III, and 27 hips had type IV deficiencies. Of the 168 patients, 19 subsequently died of causes unrelated to the THA, and 11 were lost to follow-up. All patients had at least 2 years of follow-up. Average Harris Hip Score improved from 45.5±17.9 preoperatively to 81.1±16.5 postoperatively (P<.05) for revision THAs, from 40.0±11.3 preoperatively to 85.0±12.8 postoperatively (P<.05) for conversion THAs, and from 42.3±14.9 preoperatively to 85.0±12.0 postoperatively (P<.05) for primary THAs. All impaction grafted bone (allograft, autograft, or a combination) incorporated radiographically, thus restoring bone stock. Complications included 1 early infection, which was managed successfully with debridement and liner exchange, and 2 late infections that were managed successfully with staged revision. Two revisions required subsequent re-revision for late loosening. Two hip dislocations occurred, 1 of which required surgical treatment to place a constrained liner.  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty in Gaucher's disease has been associated with high rates of loosening after all types of arthroplasty. We present a patient with type 1 Gaucher's disease who underwent revision cemented total hip arthroplasty for aseptic loosening after 12 months of enzyme replacement therapy. Major osteolysis was managed by impaction morcellized bone grafting. An excellent clinical and radiographic result was obtained at 5-year follow-up. Enzyme replacement therapy combined with modern revision techniques may offer improved outcomes for patients with Gaucher's disease.  相似文献   

To determine the fate of an impacted allograft after a minimum follow-up of 1 year, we examined 9 of 40 patients who underwent revision arthroplasty with the impaction grafting technique. The allograft used in this study was morselized cancellous freeze-dried allograft. We examined these 9 patients with technetium-99 m methylene diphosphonate bone scintigraphy at an average of 14 (range 12–20) months after surgery. All of them had a good clinical outcome, with an average postoperative Hip Society Score of 89 (range 65–98) and no evidence of radiolucency or subsidence on direct radiography. Scintigraphic examination demonstrated that the area corresponding to the allograft had a remarkable radioactivity accumulation suggesting new bone formation. The allograft in total hip revision using the impaction grafting technique undergoes a significant neovascularization and new bone formation. This study suggests than when vigorous impaction is used, freeze-dried cancellous allograft can be used for impaction grafting. Received: 15 July 1999  相似文献   



As the number of total hip arthroplasties (THAs) performed increases, so do the number of required revisions. Impaction bone grafting with Wagner SL Revision stem is a good option for managing bone deficiencies arising from aseptic osteolysis. We studied the results of cementless diaphyseal fixation in femoral revision after total hip arthroplasty and whether there was spontaneous regeneration of bone stock in the proximal femur after the use of Wagner SL Revision stem (Zimmer, Warsaw, IN, USA) with impaction bone grafting.

Materials and Methods:

We performed 53 hip revisions using impaction bone grafting and Wagner SL Revision stems in 48 patients; (5 cases were bilateral) for variety of indications ranging from aseptic osteolysis to preiprosthetic fractures. The average age was 59 years (range 44-68 years). There were 42 male and 6 female patients. Four patients died after surgery for reasons unrelated to surgery. 44 patients were available for complete analysis.


The mean Harris Hip Score was 42 before surgery and improved to 86 by the final followup evaluation at a mean point of 5.5 years. Of the 44 patients, 87% (n=39) had excellent results and 10% (n=5) had good results. The stem survival rate was 98% (n=43).


Short term results for revision THA with impaction bone grafting and Wagner SL revision stems are encouraging. However, it is necessary to obtain long term results through periodic followup evaluation, as rate of complications may increase in future.  相似文献   

Between 1987 and 1999, 540 revision total hip arthroplasties in 487 patients were performed at our institution using the femoral impaction grafting technique with a cemented femoral stem. All patients were prospectively followed up for 2 to 15 years postoperatively with no loss to follow-up. A total of 494 hips remained successfully in situ at an average of 6.7years. The 10-year survival rate was 98.0% (95% confidence interval, 96.2-99.8) with aseptic loosening as the end point and 84.2% (95% confidence interval, 78.5-89.9) for reoperation for any reason. Indication for surgery and the use of any kind of reinforcement significantly influenced outcome (P < .001). This is the largest known series of revision THA with femoral impaction grafting, and the results support continued use of this technique.  相似文献   

We evaluated the results of femoral impaction grafting with the Exeter stem (Stryker Howmedica Osteonics, Newbury, UK) and irradiated bone-graft. We followed 57 hips for an average of 27 months. Endo-Klinik grading showed 8 grade 1, 22 grade 2, and 27 grade 3 hips. Radiographic analysis revealed cortical repair in 34% and graft incorporation in 39% but no evidence of trabecular remodeling. Moderate subsidence (5-10 mm) occurred in 7 patients (12.5%), and massive subsidence (>10 mm) occurred in 4 patients (7%). Complications included 6 dislocations, 3 periprosthetic fractures, and 2 stem revisions. Impaction grafting with the Exeter system produces satisfactory results for most patients, but a few hips perform poorly, and the reasons for this are unclear. We have concerns about irradiated bone-graft because the characteristic changes of graft remodeling are not seen.  相似文献   

背景:颗粒骨打压植骨是修复髋臼骨缺损的重要方法,对大面积髋臼骨缺损采用打压植骨结合非骨水泥臼杯重建仍然存在争议。目的:探讨同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨结合多孔非骨水泥臼杯髋臼重建术修复AAOSⅢ型髋臼大面积骨缺损的方法及近期疗效。方法:随访2005年6月至2010年4月收治的28例(28髋)AA0SⅢ型髋臼大面积骨缺损患者。男18例,女10例,年龄34-74岁,平均53.8岁。髋关节置换术后感染醐翻修9例,骨溶解及髋臼假体松动翻修19例。本组AAOSⅢ型髋臼骨缺损面积大,术中见髋臼骨缺损超过髋臼关节面的50%。全部采用同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨结合多孔非骨水泥臼杯髋臼重建术。术后定期随访,观察臼杯有无松动、植入骨与宿主骨整合情况,髋关节功能评分采用Harris评分。结果:28例均获得随访,术后随访时间为13-70个月,平均43个月。Harris评分由术前32-48分,平均41分,提高至末次随访时86-95分,平均90分。28例髋臼假体均固定牢固无松动征象,植入骨逐渐与宿主骨整合,无感染及坐骨神经损伤。结论:在获得臼杯初始稳定固定的情况下,大面积颗粒骨打压植骨(臼杯与宿主骨接触面积〈50%)结合多孔非骨水泥臼杯髋臼重建术修复AAOSⅢ型髋臼大面积骨缺损近期疗效较好,远期疗效尚待进一步随访。  相似文献   

BackgroundImpaction bone grafting allows restoration of the acetabular bone stock in revision hip arthroplasty. The success of this technique depends largely on achieving adequate initial stability of the component. To obtain well-compacted, well-graded allograft aggregates, we developed an ex vivo compaction device to apply it in revision total hip arthroplasty on the acetabular side, and characterized mechanical properties and putative osteoconductivity of allograft aggregates.MethodsMorselized allograft bone chips were compacted ex vivo using the creep technique and subsequent impaction technique to form the bone aggregates. Impaction allograft reconstruction of the acetabulum using an ex vivo compaction device was performed on eight hips. The mechanical properties and three-dimensional micro-CT-based structural characteristics of the bone aggregates were investigated.ResultsIn clinical practice, this technique offered good reproducibility in reconstructing the cavity and the segmental defects of the acetabulum, with no migration and no loosening of the component. In vitro analysis showed that the aggregates generated from 25 g fresh-frozen bone chips gained compression stiffness of 13.5–15.4 MPa under uniaxial consolidation strain. The recoil of the aggregates after compaction was 2.6–3.9%. The compression stiffness and the recoil did not differ significantly from those measured using a variety of proportions of large- and small-sized bone chips. Micro-CT-based structural analysis revealed average pore sizes of 268–299 μm and average throat diameter of pores in the bone aggregates of more than 100 μm. These sizes are desirable for osteoconduction, although large interconnected pores of more than 500 μm were detectable in association with the proportion of large-sized bone chips. Cement penetration into the aggregates was related to the proportion of large-sized bone chips.ConclusionThis study introduces the value of an ex vivo compaction device in bone graft compaction in clinical applications. In vitro analysis provided evidence that compaction of sequential layers of well-compacted, well-graded bone aggregates, i.e., the aggregates comprising smaller sized chips at the host bone side and larger sized chips at the component side, may have the advantages of initial stability of the acetabular component and biological response of the grafted aggregates.  相似文献   

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