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激素治疗SARS患者中期随访的髋部MRI表现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 对应用激素治疗的严重急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)患者进行中期髋部MRI随访,探讨早期股骨头坏死和未发生股骨头坏死即正常股骨头的MRI特征.方法 2003年6月至2004年1月对539例(1078髋)应用激素治疗的SARS患者行MR及X线榆查,诊断股骨头坏死210髋,无股骨头坏死868髋.2007年2至11月对510例(1020髋)SARS患者再行MR及X线复查.观察早期股骨头坏死和未发生股骨头坏死股骨头的MRI表现及其变化.结果 末次随访时无新发股骨头坏死病例,应用激素冲击治疗的SARS患者MRI影像上的股骨头坏死均出现在激素治疗后的6个月内.股骨头塌陷或手术后,股骨头坏死的信号类型发生改变,表现为T1加权像低信号,对应STIR序列上高信号.3髋出现坏死范围减小.正常股骨头在T1加权像上有四种MRI影像类型.24髋初次诊断无股骨头坏死者T1加权像出现异常表现,但STIR序列均无异常高信号.这些信号类型在随访的MRI上发生了改变.结论 应用激素冲击治疗的SARS患者,MRI影像上出现股骨头坏死均发生在激素治疗后的6个月内,少数早期坏死股骨头的坏死范围会减小.正常股骨头的MRI影像存在变异.T1加权像上低信号带、对应STIR序列上高信号可作为股骨头坏死的诊断标准.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾移植后股骨头缺血坏死的临床特点、诊断及治疗。方法 24例肾移植患者术后0.7~7.8年并发股骨头缺血坏死,20例为单侧股骨头缺血坏死,4例为双侧股骨头缺血坏死。参照Ficat分期标准将股骨头缺血坏死分为0~Ⅳ期。24例患者肾移植后均接受含激素的免疫抑制治疗方案,所有患者在确诊股骨头缺血坏死后均快速减少激素的用量,并于2周内停用,在保守疗法无效的情况下行手术治疗。结果 发病早期(Ⅰ~Ⅱa期)的临床表现为患侧膝关节、患侧髋区、腹股沟或大腿前面疼痛,进展期(Ⅱb~Ⅳ期)表现为髋关节疼痛,部分病例伴髋关节屈曲、内收、外展及内旋功能受限。经保守治疗,4例次症状减轻或消失;16例次症状有所缓解,但Ficat分期无变化;8例次保守治疗无效,行手术治疗。4例次停用激素后发生急性排斥反应,经治疗逆转,并可耐受再次停用激素。结论 激素的应用是导致肾移植后股骨头缺血坏死的主要原因;股骨头缺血坏死的治疗效果不佳,因此重在预防。  相似文献   

股骨头坏死误诊为腰椎间盘突出症原因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘少军  何伟  王海彬 《中国骨伤》2002,15(3):129-131
目的 分析股骨头坏死误诊为腰椎间盘突出症的原因。方法 收集和诊查有明确误诊为腰椎间盘突出症经历并有腰部CT或MRI检查的患者27例。结果 股骨头坏死误诊为腰椎间盘突出症24例,并发腰椎间盘突出症漏诊股骨头坏死3例,再次评价其腰部CT、MRI检测资料,存在腰是盘退变26例;腰椎间盘突出24例;腰椎体骨坏死2例。结论 临床病史资料了解不详,对类似症状未进行必要的鉴别,忽视临床查体,依赖CT、MRI检查结论,是误诊的关键因素;提出股骨头坏死与其并发的腰椎间盘退变和突出可能存在病理相关性,是误诊的内在因素。  相似文献   

目的;通过病例分析及献复习提出肾移植后股骨头坏死的发生、临床、X线及治疗上的特点。方法:随访31例肾移植患,对其临床资料结合献报道进行分析。结果:男性23例,女性8例,平均年龄35.32岁,随访时平均移植后2年3个月。发现1例高度怀疑股骨头坏死。另有5例发现股骨转子间有不规则骨密度增高区,这与献报道不一。对比有异常X线表现与无异常表现患移植后一月内激素总量未发现显性差异.结论:肾移植后股骨头坏死的发生、临床、X线及治疗上均有其特殊性,了解这一特殊性对临床工作很有帮助。  相似文献   

目前对于塌陷前股骨头缺血性坏死的治疗尚无统一的治疗方法,特别是无症状股骨头坏死。但普遍认为如果临床确诊股骨头缺血性坏死而不采取治疗,有70%~80%的病例病情将进展出现头塌陷。但是对于早期无症状股骨头坏死是否采取手术早期干预治疗仍有争议。目前随着MRI的普及以及MRI对  相似文献   

目的:探讨中晚期股骨头缺血性坏死临床保髋治疗的应用价值。方法:对39例中晚期股骨头坏死行旋股外侧动静脉主干及分支血管束植入,股骨头清创、减压及植骨修复术。结果:随访2~5年,31例获得临床骨性愈合;5例出现股骨头塌陷、颈缩短。关节炎加重;2例术后伤口感染;1例内固定不可靠。结论:选择适当的病例,通过多组血管束植入股骨头修整与再造术,79.5%的患者可获得较满意疗效。  相似文献   

早期股骨头坏死影像表现特点及鉴别诊断   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的:研究早期股骨头坏死影像学表现特点,为临床鉴别诊断和治疗方案的选择提供客观依据.方法:回顾性分析2007年3月至2008年6月收治经临床与MRI检查确诊为股骨头坏死,ARCO分期Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的患者91例.其中男32例,女59例;年龄21~60岁,平均(34.83±9.57)岁;单侧17例,双侧74例;激素性48例,酒精性35例,原因不明8例;病程2~12个月.分析其X 线、CT、MRI影像学表现,总结、归纳其变化特点并与髋关节类骨坏死疾病影像表现相鉴别.结果:91例股骨头坏死形态中均可见T1WI像上股骨头负重区线样低信号,T2WI像上为高信号的"双线征",但形态各有特点,线条样为36例(39.56%),椭圆形28例(30.77%),地图形14例(15.38%),楔形13例(14.29%).类骨坏死疾病包括原发性髋骨性关节炎、发育性髋关节炎、股骨头骨骺炎(扁平髋)、类风湿性髋关节炎、强脊性髋关节炎、髋关节一过性滑膜炎、股骨头骨髓水肿等,其X线也具有囊变、关节间隙变窄、股骨头变形等与股骨头坏死类似的表现,但MRI的表现则有各自的特点.结论:掌握早期股骨头坏死的影像表现特点,有利于与髋关节类骨坏死疾病相鉴别,早期明确诊断,制定不同的治疗措施.  相似文献   

目的 探讨暂时性骨质疏松症(transient osteoporosis of the hip,TOH)与股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿在临床症状及影像学上的差异. 方法 对2006年1月-2008年2月收治的5例(5髋)TOH及63例(67髋)股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者分析其病因、发病诱因、疼痛程度、持续时间及病情转归等方面的差异,并分析X线片、MRI和ECT改变的异同点.5例TOH患者,男1例,女4例;年龄29~42岁.63例(67髋)股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者,男53例,女10例:年龄18~70岁;根据ARGO分期标准,Ⅱ期23髋,Ⅲ期43髋,Ⅳ期1髋. 结果 TOH与股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者在发病诱因、疼痛程度、关节积液和ECT改变上无差异.TOH患者发病前无股骨头坏死相关病因;发病前无不适症状;2髋X线片表现为密度降低;MRI水肿信号改变在股骨头颈的上方或整个股骨头;治疗后5~11个月疼痛消失后无残留症状.65髋股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者有股骨头坏死的相关诱因:10髋表现为疼痛加重;59髋X线片上有硬化改变;MRI水肿信号改变在股骨头坏死灶的外侧,水肿信号消退后仍有轻度疼痛. 结论 TOH与股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿在临床表现、X线片及MRI图像改变上存在差异.  相似文献   

目的通过对SARS患者随访,了解应用激素后双侧股骨头坏死的发生发展状况,观察股骨头坏死的影象学变化。方法自2003年7月~2008年7月对北京市的使用激素治疗的539例SARS患者进行了随访,全部患者在开始使用激素后2~6个月行双髋MRI检查、X线摄片以及体格检查等,检出后定期行坏死关节的X线摄片及CT扫描,如出现关节疼痛等则及时摄片观察。股骨头坏死按照ARCO国际骨循环协会分期,III期作为观察终点。结果 539例应用激素者检出骨坏死176例(32.7%),其中累及股骨头为130例,双侧股骨头骨坏死86例;病例占股骨头坏死的66.2%。73例得到连续随访。目前进入III期为6~46个月,73例146髋中塌陷27髋,23髋为IIC期进展,4髋为IIB期进展;双侧塌陷4例。负重面外侧型(49髋)塌陷23髋,负重面中央型(61髋)塌陷4髋,负重面内侧型(36髋)无塌陷。早期MRIT1中低信号带的形态:开放型-开放型27例,塌陷12例16髋;开放型-包含型25例,开放型塌陷9例9髋,包含型塌陷2例2髋;包含型-包含型21例,无塌陷髋。开放型塌陷比例为25/79;包含型塌陷比例为2/67。结论坏死灶的大小位置影响双侧股骨头坏死的预后;坏死灶上负重面外侧型更易早塌陷;对于双侧股骨头坏死的病例,MRI显示相似的面积,T1低信号带包含型者,预后相对较好;CT显示软骨下骨均匀增厚或明显的"焊接"现象是延迟塌陷的因素;但是软骨下骨没有或有不均匀(不连续)硬化是危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨股骨头缺血坏死的MRI诊断与鉴别诊断。方法回顾分析81例经临床证实的股骨头缺血坏死的MRI资料和临床资料,共81例患者,其中男58例,女性23例,共有109侧股骨头坏死,对其临床表现、MRI表现及常规序列和脂肪抑制序列进行分析和总结,同时进行MRI分期。结果81例患者109个股骨头坏死中,按照Hungerford等分期:0期8个,Ⅰ期27个,Ⅱ期41个,Ⅲ期20个,Ⅳ期13个;MRI显示病灶方面,T2WI显示病灶较脂肪抑制序列显示清晰,并且脂肪抑制序列显示病灶面积较T2W显示病灶面积较大,两者之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论MRI能够非常清晰的显示股骨头缺血坏死的范围、程度、信号特点及关节积液情况,特别是脂肪抑制序列(STIR)较常规序列(T1WI、T2WI)显示更佳。  相似文献   

不典型非创伤性股骨头坏死的诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨不典型非创伤性股骨头坏死的影像表现及诊断方法。方法回顾性分析8例(8髋)非创伤性股骨头坏死的不典型影像表现,并按照年龄、性别、病灶大小与典型非创伤性股骨头坏死对照比较临床表现及影像特点。结果8例(8髋)病理结果与非创伤性股骨头坏死相符。8例(8髋)不典型非创伤性股骨头坏死MRI均无典型T1WI的带样征,无明显T2WI双线征;X线平片及CT无典型硬化带,仅有针尖样钙化。临床表现与典型非创伤性股骨头坏死无明显差异。结论少数非创伤性股骨头坏死出现不典型影像特点,诊断应结合病理。  相似文献   

Avascular osteonecrosis of the femoral head (AONFH) usually goes through the four stages described by Arlet and Ficat: normal radiographs, heterogeneity and sclerosis of the femoral head, subchondral fracture with an individualized sequestrum, and secondary osteoarthritis. Arlet and Ficat individualized a specific pattern of AONFH which they called ischemic hip disease, in which cartilage damage seen as concentric joint space loss precedes the bony alterations. Although radiological and pathological studies of ischemic hip disease have been published, no clinical data are available. We report the case of a 65-year-old man admitted for a 1-month history of severe hip symptoms with concentric joint space loss but no osteophytes. Laboratory tests and examination of fluid aspirated from the hip ruled out septic arthritis and inflammatory hip disease. Two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies done 1 month apart showed diffuse edema involving not only the femoral head but also the neck and trochanter, as well as major synovial hypertrophy. This atypical MRI appearance prompted synovial membrane and pertrochanteric core biopsies, which showed reactive synovitis and stage IV osteonecrosis, respectively. The pain, disability, and joint space loss worsened. Total hip arthroplasty was performed 1 month after the biopsy. Histological examination of the femoral head showed diffuse necrosis; no evidence of another condition was found on histological sections of the entire synovial membrane. This case corroborates the hypotheses put forward by Lequesne that some cases of rapidly destructive hip osteoarthritis may be ascribable to ischemia.  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: Since MRI-studies had begun to establish the diagnosis of transitory bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip orthopedic surgeons have tried to integrate this new syndrome into the internationally accepted system of musculoskeletal diseases. Particularly, the relation to non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head and the possibilities in therapy were investigated in our clinical trial. METHODS: Our clinical trial encompassed 106 patients suffering from the transitory bone marrow edema syndrome diagnosed in our department between the years 1985 and 2000. In order to confirm this diagnosis we used the patients' histories, their clinical courses, MRI studies, scintigraphic bone scans, intraosseal pressure measurements, phlebographies, laboratory data, and histologic specimens. One half of our collective positive for transient bone marrow edema of the hip underwent core-decompression surgery (50 patients), the other half (56 patients) was treated conservatively by analgesic medication combined with restriction of weight-bearing in the affected extremity. RESULTS: Patients positive for transitory bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip are middle-aged individuals with a male to female predominance of 60 : 40. This group has no or only few risk factors usually associated with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Thus, the missing alcoholic abuse is striking. All patients suffering from transitory bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip recovered completely independent of the therapy we initiated and none of them showed any signs of osteonecrosis. The one half undergoing surgical decompression of the edema by using a 4.5 mm drill experienced an markedly accelerated relief of their clinical symptoms as well as their signal changes on MRI studies. Conventional X-ray pictures and scintigraphic bone scans are not useful for early differentiation between early stages of osteonecrosis and bone marrow edemas. This also accounts for the historical measurements of intraosseal pressure determinations and phlebographies. In contrast to that, MRI studies are effective in early differentiation between osteonecrosis and bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip, especially when contrast medium (gadolinium) is administrated intravenously and fat-suppressed MRI-sequences find use. Beginning osteonecrosis of the femoral head shows a segmental loss of contrast medium, a "double line sign" interface to the intact bone marrow, and only in a few cases they are associated with a huge symptomatic edema. The histologic examination of specimens obtained from 43 patients with transitory bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip revealed no signs of osteonecrosis. CONCLUSION: MRI studies are useful in differentiation between bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip and non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head in each stage of these two diseases. The thorough differentiation between these two diseases is of extraordinary importance for the clinical work-up of the patients as well as for scientific reasons. The course of primary bone marrow edema is benign as it results in entire recovery. The core decompression surgery offers the chance to shorten the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Bone, regardless of its type or location, is a highly vascular structure with unique features in its internal blood flow. Changes that occur in blood flow through bone have important implications in disease, and several attempts have been made to correlate vascular patterns with the clinical incidence of osteonecrosis. Examination of the arterial anatomy of bones that undergo osteonecrosis in other regions of the body has allowed identification of types of vascular interruptions that place particular bones at risk.Although the role of an impaired blood supply of the femoral head in the pathogenesis of osteonecrosis has not been clarified, several studies have found abnormal blood supply in patients with osteonecrosis.  相似文献   

股骨头骨折后并发股骨头缺血性坏死的治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨股骨头骨折内固定术后并发股骨头缺血性坏死的治疗.方法 对单侧股骨头骨折内固定术后股骨头缺血性坏死采用带血运骨瓣转移术治疗的26例临床资料进行回顾分析.21例数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查明确股骨头及其周围骨的血供后行内固定物取出、带血运骨瓣转移术.1例内固定物取出后行全髋置换术.结果 施行带血运骨瓣转移术的术后平均随访23个月(12~38个月),根据Harris髋关节功能评分标准进行临床评价.根据手术前后Ficat分期改变进行影像学评价.对其中15例进行术后DSA检查以明确坏死股骨头血运重建情况.术后2髋改行人工全髋关节置换.股骨头得到重建的病例,术后Harris髋关节功能评分提高至平均86.2分(术前平均54分),其中临床成功率为92.0%,影像学成功率为84.0%.15例重建股骨头手术后DSA评估提示血管蒂充盈好,骨瓣血运丰富.结论 股骨头骨折内固定术后股骨头坏死发生率较高(可达40%).在取出内固定物同时行带血运骨瓣转移治疗股骨头缺血性坏死、股骨头血运重建良好,早期疗效满意.  相似文献   

Total hip replacement in patients with advanced osteonecrosis of the femoral head is often complicated by early loosening of the femoral component. Recent evidence has suggested that abnormal bone extending into the proximal femur may be responsible for the early failure of the femoral component. We aimed to identify which patients were at high risk of early failure by evaluating gadolinium-enhanced MR images of histologically-confirmed osteonecrotic lesions beyond the femoral head. Although the MR signal intensity has been shown to correlate well with osteonecrosis in the femoral head, it was found to be relatively insensitive at identifying lesions below the head, with a sensitivity of only 51% and a predictive value of a negative result of only 48%. However, the specificity was 90%, with the predictive value of a positive MRI finding being 86%. Only those patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head secondary to sickle-cell disease, who are known to be at high risk of early loosening, had changes in the MR signal in the greater trochanter and the femoral shaft. This observation suggests that changes in the MR signal beyond the femoral head may represent osteonecrotic lesions in areas essential for the fixation of the femoral component. Pre-operative identification of such lesions in the neck of the femur may be important when considering hip resurfacing for osteonecrosis of the femoral head, following which early loosening of the femoral component and fracture of the neck are possible complications.  相似文献   

目的研究坏死股骨头关节软骨的MRI表现,以期用MRI表现反映关节软骨的受损程度。方法收集12例股骨头坏死(14髋)的股骨头直视观和对应的MRI表现及相应的X线片表现资料,比较三者在关节软骨的受累情况、软骨下分离及软骨下骨与骨分离的表现。结果相片中所有软骨均有受累,对应MRI中有11髋X线片没有表现。相片中有7髋表现为软骨下分离,对应MRI中有6髋、X线片为4髋。相片中有8髋表现为软骨下骨与骨分离,对应MRI中有8髋、X线片为3髋。结论虽然在软骨下骨与骨分离上有假阳性表现,MRI明显优于X线片,能更好反映关节软骨情况。但是对MRI的表现如何指导临床治疗还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

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