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【摘要】 目的:比较Borden氏法与Harrison氏法测量颈椎曲度的一致性。方法:从2009年1月~2010年12月在我院体检中心接受颈椎X线片检查者中,筛选出近6个月内无颈肩部疼痛、X线片显示颈椎结构清晰完整且无颈椎骨折、感染、肿瘤、畸形、脱位等异常者205例,男93例,女112例,年龄15~79岁,平均38.3岁。在侧位X线片上分别用Borden氏法、Harrison氏法测量颈椎曲度,每种方法测量均由2位骨科医师分别进行,每位医师重复测量3次,测量结果取平均值。Borden氏法所测量的颈椎曲度深度值以相对值(颈椎曲度深度实测值/C4椎体矢状位前后径实测值)表示。对同一测量方法2位医师的测量结果进行配对t检验,了解不同测量人员在使用同一方法测量时所得数据的一致性,从而比较两种方法重复测量的一致性。结果:2位医师用Harrison氏法测得的颈椎曲度分别为33.0°±11.5°、34.8°±11.7°,两组数据之间有显著性差异(P<0.01);2位医师用Borden氏法测得的颈椎曲度分别为0.79±0.27、0.77±0.27,两组数据之间无显著性差异(P>0.01)。结论:Borden氏法测量颈椎曲度的一致性较Harrison氏法好。  相似文献   

四种颈椎曲度测量方法的可靠性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 研究目前四种常用的测量颈椎曲度方法的可靠性。方法 利用 5 3例颈椎侧位 X线片 ,2名医师采用 Borden氏测量法、改良 Borden氐测量法和两种夹角测量法 ,分别测量出颈椎曲度值 ,再进行测量者之间的相关性分析。结果 以 Borden氐法相关系数 (0 .90 1)最大 ,测量方法简单。改良 Borden氐法相关系数 (0 .811)最小。结论 常用的颈椎曲度测量方法中 ,以 Borden氐法最为可靠 ,且方法简单实用  相似文献   

颈椎曲度和活动度的测量及意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
如何准确测量颈惟曲度和活动度一直是基础和临床研究中很棘手的问题 ,本文就常用的曲度和活动度测量方法及意义作一简述 ;常用的屈度测量方法有 Borden氏法、改良 Borden氏法和夹角测量法等 ,值得推荐的是 Borden氏法 ;颈椎活动度的测量方法相对较多 ,有颈椎动力性摄片法、改良方盘测角仪、脊柱运动分析仪、颈椎活动度测量仪、电动测量仪、皮尺测量和目测等数十种 ,但目前尚无一种切实可靠、能被大多数研究人员公认的活动度测量方法 ;颈椎曲度和活动度的变化能准确地反应颈椎整体功能的变化 ,当颈椎病初发或颈椎病产生症状时 ,往往都有颈椎曲度和活动度的变化 ,颈椎曲度和活动度的变化对颈椎病的早期诊断、对判定颈椎各节段功能及颈椎病变部位都有一定的积极意义  相似文献   

颈椎病患者颈椎曲度的X线测量   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
研究国人颈段脊柱颈曲以及伸屈活动度,比较颈椎病患者与正常人之间的差异。方法对300例成人和300例临床确诊为颈椎病的患者行动态条件下的X线测量,测量颈椎屈伸弧度及屈伸活动度。结果正常成人不同年龄组的颈曲值各不同,随年龄的增加,颈曲值减小。  相似文献   

颈椎单椎体次全切除后撑开植骨对颈椎曲度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

颈椎曲度的测量方法及其临床意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张玉婷  王翔  詹红生 《中国骨伤》2014,27(12):1062-1064
颈椎曲度的测量是临床上评价颈椎功能的基本方法和确定治疗方案的重要参考指标,然而针对不同情况下如何选择合适的测量方法,以及各测量方法间的相关性研究尚不充分.越来越多的研究表明,使用不同的测量方法可直接影响颈椎异常曲度的判断.因此,通过颈椎曲度测量方法的比较研究,对不同颈椎曲度条件下颈椎病变的临床治疗有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

[目的]评价颈椎前路分节段减压手术对颈椎曲度变化的作用。[方法]选择因脊髓型颈椎病实施颈椎前路分节段减压手术治疗患者37例,男性31例,女性6例;平均年龄57.8岁。以JOA(17分法)评价术前患者神经功能情况,术前经过影像学检查确诊存在三节段的颈脊髓压迫,摄颈椎标准正侧位片,手术后同样条件摄颈椎正侧位片,采用e-film软件测量颈椎曲度数值,测量方法为沿C2椎体后缘及C7椎体后缘分别作切线,两线夹角即为切线角,按术前及术后分别记录,将病例分为两组,一组为术前切线角小于15°,二组为术前切线角大于15°。[结果]本组37例手术后神经功能均有不同程度改善,病人术前JOA平均10.6分,术后JOA平均12.8分(P<0.05),所有病人术前切线角(18.97±7.62)°,术后切线角(25.11±10.54)°。分组结果:一组术前切线角(10.17±2.29)°,术后切线角(12.18±3.48)°,二组术前切线角(23.20±5.22)°,术后切线角(31.12±6.71)°,经统计分析病人术前切线角小于15°组术后切线角增加不显著,术前切线角大于15°组切线角术后有显著性增加。[结论]颈椎前路分节段减压术能够重建颈椎曲度,但对术前颈椎曲度明显变直的病例,改善的程度并不显著。  相似文献   

目的探讨三维曲度牵引仪对神经根型颈椎病患者颈椎功能及生理曲度的影响。方法纳入96例神经根型颈椎病患者,随机分为观察组(48例)与对照组(48例)。对照组采取常规电脑枕颌套牵引治疗,观察组采取三维曲度牵引仪治疗,连续治疗1个月。比较两组患者疗效指标。结果治疗后,两组的Cobb角、椎间高度,以及颈椎转动、侧屈、后伸、前屈范围均显著增加,且观察组均显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);两组尺神经、正中神经F波潜伏期均显著降低,且观察组均显著低于对照组(P0.05);两组治疗后疼痛(VAS)评分、颈椎功能(JOA)评分均显著改善,且观察组各项评分均显著优于对照组(P0.05)。结论三维曲度牵引仪牵引治疗能显著改善神经根型颈椎病患者的颈椎生理曲度与活动度,改善肌电图F波传导情况,降低疼痛症状并改善颈椎功能。  相似文献   

目的 比较不同颈椎矢状位参数测量颈椎前凸曲度的差异性及相关性。方法 回顾性分析104例颈部不适患者,通过测量侧位片颈椎矢状位参数,包括改良的Cobb方法(modified Cobb method, mCM)、Jackson生理应力线(Jackson physiological stress lines, JPS)、Harrison后切线方法(Harrison’s posterior tangent method, HPT)、Ishihara指数(cervical curvature index, CCI)及Borden法(Borden method, BM),分别从性别、年龄段、不同矢状面形态方面分析差异性,并分析不同矢状位参数之间的相关性。结果 不同性别、不同矢状面形态的矢状位参数差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄段的矢状位参数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同颈椎前凸曲度的矢状位参数均存在显著相关性(P<0.01),其中HPT与JPS相关性最高(r=0.931)。结论 颈椎前凸曲度与性别有关,而与年龄段无关;颈椎矢状位参数测量能反映不同矢状面形态,不...  相似文献   

颈部疼痛程度与颈椎曲度相关性的临床观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨颈部疼痛程度与颈椎曲度的相关性。方法:2009年6月~2011年4月在我院颈椎专家门诊就诊的颈部疼痛患者121例,男性56例,女性65例,年龄17~79岁,平均51.2±17.7岁。对所有患者的颈痛程度进行数字分级法(numeric rating scales,NRS)评分,根据中立位颈椎X线侧位片的颈椎曲度(颈椎角)分为4组,即前凸组、曲度变直组、反屈组和S型组,比较各组之间颈痛程度,并对颈痛程度与颈椎曲度进行相关性分析。结果:121患者中颈椎前凸37例,曲度变直26例,反屈31例,S型27例,其NRS评分分别为4.81±1.90分,5.63±3.64分,5.15±2.47分,6.81±4.65分,颈椎曲度变直组和曲度S型组患者的颈痛程度NRS评分与颈椎前凸组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05),其余各组间两两比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。患者颈痛程度与颈椎角成弱负相关(r=-0.218,P=0.039)。结论:颈部疼痛程度与颈椎曲度有关,颈痛程度与颈椎角成弱负相关,在治疗颈椎疾患时应注意对颈椎曲度的矫正。  相似文献   

The object of this study is to review the early clinical results and radiographic outcomes following insertion of the Bryan Cervical Disc Prosthesis (Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Memphis, TN), together with its effect on maintaining sagittal alignment of the functional spinal unit (FSU) and overall sagittal balance of the cervical spine for the treatment of single-level or two-level symptomatic disc disease. Forty-seven patients with symptomatic single or two-level cervical disc disease who received the Bryan Cervical Artificial Disc were reviewed prospectively. A total of 55 Bryan disc were placed in 47 patients. A single-level procedure was performed in 39 patients and a two-level procedure in the other eight. Radiographic and clinical assessments were made preoperatively and at 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 18 and up to 33 months postoperatively. Mean follow-up duration was 24 months, ranging from 13 to 33 months. Periods were categorized as early follow up (1.5–3 months) and late follow up (6–33 months). The visual analogue scale (VAS), neck disability index(NDI), Odom’s criteria were used to assess pain and clinical outcomes. Static and dynamic radiographs were measured by hand and computer to determine the range of motion (ROM), the angle of the functional segmental unit (FSU), and the overall cervical alignment (C2–7 Cobb angle). With all of these data, we evaluated the change of the preoperative lordosis (or kyphosis) of the FSU and Overall sagittal balance of the cervical spine during the follow-up period. There was a statistically significant improvement in the VAS score from 7.0 ± 2.6 to 2.0 ± 1.5 (paired-t test, P = 0.000), and in the NDI from 21.5 ± 5.5 to 4.5 ± 3.9 (paired-t test P = 0.000). All of the patients were satisfied with the surgical results by Odom’s criteria. The postoperative ROM of the implanted level was preserved without significant difference from preoperative ROM of the operated level. Only 36% of patients with a preoperative lordotic sagittal orientation of the FSU were able to maintain lordosis following surgery. However, the overall sagittal alignment of the cervical spine was preserved in 86% of cases at the final follow up. Interestingly, preoperatively kyphotic FSU resulted in lordotic FSU in 13% of patients during the late follow-up, and preoperatively kyphotic overall cervical alignment resulted in lordosis in 33% of the patients postoperatively. Clinical results are encouraging, with significant improvement seen in the Bryan Cervical Artificial disc. The Bryan disc preserves motion of the FSU. Although the preoperative lordosis (or kyphosis) of the FSU could not always be maintained during the follow-up period, the overall sagittal balance of the cervical spine was usually preserved.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to quantify the changes in the sagittal alignment of the cervical spine in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis following posterior spinal fusion. Patients eligible for study inclusion included those with a diagnosis of mainly thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated by means of posterior multisegmented hook and screw instrumentation. Pre and post-operative anterior–posterior and lateral radiographs of the entire spine were reviewed to assess the changes of cervical sagittal alignment. Thirty-two patients (3 boys, 29 girls) met the inclusion criteria for the study. The average pre-operative cervical sagittal alignment (CSA) was 4.0° ± 12.3° (range −30° to 40°) of lordosis. Postoperatively, the average CSA was 1.7° ± 11.4° (range −24° to 30°). After surgery, it was less than 20° in 27 patients (84.4%) and between 20° and 40° in 5 patients (15.6%). The results of the present study suggest that even if rod precontouring is performed and postoperative thoracic sagittal alignment is restored, improved or remains unchanged after significant correction of the deformity on the frontal plane, the inherent rigidity of the cervical spine limits changes in the CSA as the cervical spine becomes rigid over time.  相似文献   

目的 :分析颈椎射频消融术后颈椎感染的翻修手术效果。方法 :回顾性分析2010年7月~2016年7月在我科接受翻修手术的9例颈椎射频消融术后颈椎感染患者资料。其中男5例,女4例,年龄51.8±4.3岁(34~61岁),均在接受颈椎射频消融术后1周内(3~7d)神经症状再次出现或加重,其中5例患者神经症状加重程度超过射频消融术前,影像学检查和实验室检查提示存在颈椎感染,9例均存在椎间隙感染,3例伴有硬膜外脓肿,1例伴有椎体感染。入院后行翻修手术治疗,均行颈椎前路病灶清除+植骨融合内固定术,其中3例行椎体次全切除植骨融合内固定术,6例行椎间盘切除植骨融合内固定术。测量评估射频消融术前患者手术节段椎间隙的高度和椎间盘退变情况,用VAS评分评估患者翻修手术前后的颈部及上肢疼痛情况,用JOA评分评估翻修手术前后的神经功能情况。结果:射频消融术前,接受射频消融的11个节段椎间隙相对高度为0.19±0.07(0.14~0.25),Pfirrmann椎间盘退变分级为Ⅲ级4个节段、Ⅳ级7个节段。翻修术后所有患者颈部及上肢疼痛VAS评分及神经功能JOA评分较翻修术前明显改善(P0.05)。平均随访2.8年(1~3.6年)。末次随访时,患者颈部及上肢VAS评分由翻修术前的6.3±1.2分和5.8±2.1分改善到1.6±1.0分和1.5±0.9分(P0.05);JOA评分从翻修术前的9.5±3.8分改善到13.5±3.6分(P0.05)。随访期间未出现植骨不融合等其他并发症。结论:颈椎翻修手术是处理颈椎射频消融术后严重颈椎感染的有效方法。严格控制颈椎射频消融术适应证可以有效减少并发症发生。  相似文献   

Summary Occult injuries of the cervical spine in certain patients may lead to misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis and treatment. The authors present a patient with an occult cervical spinal fracture-dislocation and review the literature. A 37 year-old male was involved in a motor vehicle accident. At his admission, the patient was alert and denied any pain in the cervical region, as well as neurologic symptoms. Physical examination revealed painless range of motion of his neck and no sensory or motor deficits. Plain radiographs of the cervical spine showed unilateral dislocation of C4 on C5 vertebra with fracture of the left facet of C5 vertebra. Computed tomography scanning showed no neural compression. Operative reduction, stabilization and arthrodesis of the spine were advised, but the patient refused operative treatment. One year after his initial injury, the patient presented with torticollis and no neurologic symptoms.  相似文献   

目的探讨过伸性颈椎颈髓损伤后三种手术入路疗效的比较。方法我们对2000年9月~2004年10月间收治的47例过伸性颈椎颈髓损伤并接受手术治疗的患者进行回顾性分析,根据手术方式不同分成三组:前路入路组、后路入路组、前后联合入路组,比较其疗效。结果所有患者经6~12个月随访,比较三组间手术前、后的Frankel的分级变化和ASIA评分改变。三组术后神经功能均较术前有明显改善;前路减压、植骨内固定和前后联合入路减压、植骨内固定均较后路减压、植骨内固定术后神经功能恢复好,两两间差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05);前后联合入路减压最彻底,但其预后与单纯前路减压内固定差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05)。结论前路减压内固定是过伸性颈椎颈髓损伤首选的手术方式,后路是辅助的手术方法,而前后联合入路应谨慎选用。  相似文献   



To identify changes in cervical alignment parameters following surgical correction of thoracolumbar deformity and then assess the preoperative parameters which induce changes in cervical alignment following corrective thoracolumbar deformity surgery.


A retrospective study of 49 patients treated for thoracolumbar deformity with preoperative planning of an acceptably aligned coronal and sagittal plane in each case. We compared cervical spine parameters in two distinct low [preoperative C7 sagittal vertical axis (SVA) ≤6 cm] and high (preoperative C7 SVA ≥9 cm) C7 SVA groups. Multilinear regression analysis was performed and revealed the relationship between postoperative cervical lordosis and preoperative spinopelvic parameters and surgical plans.


In the lower C7 SVA group, cervical lordosis was significantly increased after thoracic/lumbar deformity correction (p < 0.01). In contrast, the high C7 SVA group showed decreased cervical lordosis postoperatively (p < 0.01). Multilinear regression analysis demonstrated the preoperative parameters (preoperative C2–7 angle, T1 slope, surgical plan for PT and C7 SVA), which determine the postoperative cervical lordosis.


In spinal deformity procedures, preoperative spinal alignment parameters, and surgical plans could affect postoperative cervical spine alignment.  相似文献   

The objective of this retrospective study was to analyze the relationship between the type of destructive spondyloarthropathy (DSA) and its 10 years ago cervical spine alignment. DSA was reported as a serious complication of long-term hemodialysis. Although previous reports in regard to risk factor of DSA dealt with the period of hemodialysis and the patient’s age upon commencement of hemodialysis, we could not find any reports of the relationship between the type of DSA and its 10 years ago cervical spine alignment. In 96 DSA patients who were the subjects of our study, 8 patients were defined as stage 1, 39 patients as stage 2, 5 patients as stage 3 type A, 11 patients as stage 3 type B, and 33 patients as stage 3 type D. The C2/C7 angle of stage 3 type B was statistically low. The number of the abnormal local cervical alignment was larger in stage 3 types A and B. Multivariate analysis revealed that the risk factors of stage 3 types A and B were the C2/C7 angle and the existence of local abnormal alignment. Fifty-four patients were symptomatic due to DSA and treated at our hospital. Forty-four patients were treated conservatively with medications, physiotherapy, or wearing cervical brace. Ten patients underwent surgical treatment. The loss of physiological lordosis of cervical spine promoted the progression of DSA. Furthermore, the number of the abnormalities of local cervical alignment was statistically larger in stage 3 types A and B; they were the crucial factor promoting the progression of DSA stage 3 types A and B.  相似文献   



The purpose of the study was to report radiological outcomes after total disc replacement (TDR) in the cervical spine through a 24 months follow-up (FU) prospective study with a special focus on sagittal alignment and kinematics at instrumented and adjacent levels.

Materials and methods

Thirty-two patients, who sustained one-level TDR with a ball-and-socket arthroplasty (Discocerv implant, Scient’x/Alphatec Spine, USA) were consecutively included in the study. Clinical (visual analogical scale and neck disability index) and radiological parameters were measured preoperatively and postoperatively at 3/6 months, 1-year and 2-year FU. Sagittal alignment, ranges of motion (ROM) and center of rotations (CORs) were analyzed using specific motion analysis software (Spineview, Paris, France). Patients CORs were compared with those of a control group of 39 normal and asymptomatic subjects.


Both local and C3–C7 lordosis significantly increased postoperatively (+8° and +13° at 2 years, respectively). At instrumented level ROM in flexion–extension (FE) was measured to 10.2° preoperatively versus 7.5° at 1 year and 6.1° at 2 years. There were no differences in ROM at adjacent levels between pre and postoperative assessments. When compared with control group and preoperative measurements, we noted postoperative cranial shift of the COR at instrumented level for patients group. In contrast, there was no difference in CORs location at adjacent levels.


Through this prospective study, we observed that cervical lordosis consistently increased after TDR. In addition, although ball-and-socket arthroplasty did not fully restore native segmental kinematics with significant reduction of motion in FE and consistent cranial shift of the COR, no significant changes in terms of ROM and CORs were observed at adjacent levels.  相似文献   

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