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目的 观察数字化导航模板在上颈椎椎弓根定位中的初步临床应用.方法 对患者进行CT连续扫描,三维重建软件Amira 3.1建立上颈椎三维模型,以STL格式导出模型.在UG Imageware 12.0平台打开三维重建模型,定位三维参考平面.利用RE原理寻找椎弓根的最佳进钉钉道.提取椎板的表面解剖学形态,建立与椎体后部解剖学形态一致的模板.拟合模板和椎弓根孔道成定位模板,将椎体和定位模板通过激光RP技术生产出实物模板,手术时利用建立的定位模板与椎体的后部结构相吻合,通过导航孔进行上颈椎椎弓根的定位,置入椎弓根螺钉.术后根据X线片和CT扫描评价椎弓根螺钉的位置.结果 通过3例患者建立了制作个体化导航模板的方法,术后CT扫描显示椎弓根螺钉的位置准确,未出现相关椎弓根钉置入并发症.结论 利用RE原理和RP技术生产出的导航模板具有较好的准确性,为上颈椎椎弓根置钉提供了一种新的方法,具有较大的应用前景.  相似文献   

数字化脊柱椎弓根导航模板在胸腰椎骨折中的应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 利用逆向工程(RE)原理和快速成型(RP)技术设计一种新的胸腰椎椎弓根定位的方法.方法 取患者CT连续扫描数据集,应用三维重建软件Amira 3.1建立胸腰椎三维模型,以.stl格式导出模型.在Imageware 12.0平台打开三维重建模型,定位三维参考平面,利用RE原理寻找椎弓根的最佳进钉钉道.提取椎板的表面解剖学形态,建立与椎体后部解剖学形态一致的模板.拟合模板和椎弓根孔道成定位模板,将椎体和定位模板通过激光RP技术生产出实物模板,手术时利用建立的定位模板与椎体的后部结构相吻合,通过导航孔进行胸腰椎椎弓根的定位,置入椎弓根螺钉.术后根据X线片和CT扫描评价椎弓根螺钉的位置.结果 建立了制作个体化导航模板的方法,通过RP技术生产出的导航模板具有较好的准确性,适用于胸腰椎椎弓根螺钉的导航定位. 结论 利用RE原理和RP技术为胸腰椎椎弓根定位提供了一种新的方法,具有较大的应用前景.  相似文献   

快速成形个体化导航模板辅助枢椎椎板螺钉的植入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察快速成形(rapid prototyping,RP)个体化导航模板在C2椎板螺钉植入中的初步临床应用.方法 对患者行上颈椎CT连续扫描,三维重建软件Amira 3.1建立C2三维模型,以STL格式导出模型.在UG Imageware 12.0平台打开三维重建模型.利用逆向工程(reverse engineering,RE)原理寻找C2椎板螺钉的最佳进钉钉道.提取椎板的表面解剖学形态,建立与椎体后部解剖学形态一致的模板.拟合模板和椎板孔道成定位模板,将椎体和定位模板通过激光RP技术生产出实物模板,手术时利用实物导航模板与椎体的后部结构相吻合,通过导航孔进行C2椎板螺钉的定位,植入椎板螺钉.术后根据X线片和CT扫描评价椎板螺钉的位置.结果 采用RP导航模板为5例患者植入C2椎板螺钉,术后CT扫描显示椎板螺钉的位置准确,未出现相关C2椎板螺钉植入的并发症.结论 利用RE原理和RP技术生产出的导航模板具有较好的准确性,为C:椎板螺钉的置钉提供了一种新的方法 ,具有较大的应用前景.  相似文献   

脊柱椎弓根定位数字化导航模板的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 利用逆向工程原理和快速成型技术为脊柱椎弓根定位提供一种新的方法,并通过尸体标本试验验证其可行性.方法 选取老年男性正常人体脊柱标本一具,范围:L1-3 CT连续扫描数据集,三维重建软件Amira3.1建立L4-3,椎体模型,以.stl格式导出模型.在UG lmageware 12.0平台打开三维重建模型,定位三维参考平面.利用椎弓根内切圆原理设计椎弓根的最佳进钉钉道.提取椎板的表面解剖学形态,建立与椎体后部解剖学形态一致的模板.拟合模板和椎弓根孔道成定位模板,将椎体和定位模板通过激光快速成型技术生产出实物模板.将制作的实物模板与标本的椎板相吻合,利用导航模板的导航孔进行椎弓根的定位,置入椎弓根钉,术后利用X线片、CT扫描验证椎弓根钉位置的准确性.结果 建立了椎体个体化钉道模型,通过快速成型技术生产出的带椎弓根准确信息的导航模板具有较好的准确性.结论 利用逆向工程原理和快速成型技术为椎弓根的定位提供了一种新的方法,该方法为脊柱椎弓根螺钉的置入提供了一种新的方法,值得进一步在临床推广应用.  相似文献   

脊柱椎弓根定位数字化导航模板的设计   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
目的 利用逆向工程原理和快速成型技术为脊柱椎弓根定位提供一种新方法.方法 C3单关节交锁伴关节突骨折患者CT连续扫描数据集,将断层扫描数据导入Amira 3.1软件,三维重建C3椎体模型,以.stl格式导出模型.在Imageware 12.0平台打开三维重建模型,定位三维参考平面.利用逆向工程原理寻找椎弓根的最佳进钉钉道.提取椎板的表面解剖学形态,建立与椎体后部解剖学形态一致的模板.拟合模板和椎弓根孔道成定位模板,将椎体和定位模板通过激光快速成形技术生产出实物模板. 结果 建立了制作个体化导航模板的方法,通过快速成型技术生产出的带椎弓根的导航模板具有较好的准确性. 结论 利用逆向工程原理和快速成型技术为椎弓根的定位和置钉提供了一种新的方法,具有较大的应用前景.  相似文献   

目的探讨3D打印导航模板应用于下颈椎骨折并脱位手术中椎弓根螺钉置入的准确性和安全性。方法将24例下颈椎骨折并脱位患者的C_(3~7)节段CT连续扫描的影像数据导入三维重建软件Mimics 10. 01中建立三维模型,以STL格式导出。在UG Imageware 12. 0平台打开三维重建模型。在逆向工程中将模板与椎弓根钉道拟合。术后根据颈椎X线片和CT扫描评估椎弓根螺钉位置。结果用3D打印导航模板为24例患者共置入螺钉122枚,术中导航模板与暴露的后部结构能够紧密贴合,稳定性好。所有椎弓根螺钉置入顺利,术中和术后未出现血管和神经并发症。结论 3D打印导航模板辅助下手术治疗下颈椎骨折并脱位,椎弓根螺钉置钉准确性高,操作简单,手术安全。  相似文献   

目的 研究数字化(3D)打印技术的个性化导航模板设计在胸椎和颈椎手术个性化置钉应用的准确性和安全性。方法 2014年7月至2014年11月,对7例需要行胸椎、颈椎椎弓根螺钉植入手术的患者术前通过CT扫描、Mimics软件三维重建建立三维仿真模型。并使用Geomagic软件设计最佳的内固定钉道,然后根据钉道设计导航模板,用3D打印机打印导航模板,用于手术时辅助置钉;术中辅助植入胸椎、颈椎椎弓根螺钉共24枚,术后CT扫描评价螺钉位置,记录有无与螺钉植入的相关并发症。结果 通过导航模板辅助植入的24枚椎弓根螺钉,23枚完全在椎弓根内,1枚穿破椎弓根外壁,穿出距离均小于1.2 mm,椎弓根穿破率为4%,植钉准确率为96%,螺钉位置可接受率为100%。无一例出现螺钉植入有关的神经、血管损伤等并发症。结论 3D打印个体化导航模板辅助胸椎、颈椎椎弓根螺钉植入的植钉准确性高、安全。  相似文献   

数字化技术设计腰椎椎弓根固定定位导航模板   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 利用数字化技术为椎弓根固定定位提供一种精确匹配的方法. 方法 选择正常成人腰椎CT连续断层扫描数据集,将断层扫描数据导入Amira 3.1软件,三维重建L2椎体数字解剖模型,然后将三维重建模型导入Imageware 10.0软件,确定椎弓根位置,获取椎弓根点云轮廓,确定通道最大安全区、方向轴,设计钉道,提取椎体后部部分表面形态解剖结构及钉道模型,最后导入RapidForm 2004软件,建立与模型形态一致的定位导航模板. 结果 通过数字化重建技术得到了腰椎个体化导航模板的制作方法,重建的导航模板有较好的匹配性. 结论 利用数字化技术重建的导航模板为腰椎椎弓根的定位、定向固定提供了一种新的方法.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨一种基于三维打印成型技术制备个体化下颈椎椎弓根螺钉导航模板的可行性,并对该方法辅助置钉的准确性进行评估。[方法]选取10具成人尸体的颈椎标本,行CT扫描后将原始数据导入Mimics软件,对C37节段行选择性重建,设计与其椎板和棘突相贴合的阴模,利用三维打印技术成型。基于目标椎体三维模型,直视下徒手将阴模制成具有双侧椎弓根螺钉钉道的导航模板,并在其辅助下于各椎体标本置入双侧椎弓根螺钉。术后再次行CT扫描评估螺钉位置。[结果]剔除骨性结构不完整的标本后,共制作62个下颈椎导航模板,辅助置入椎弓根螺钉124枚。CT扫描轴位图像显示121枚螺钉完全位于椎弓根内,3枚部分穿破椎弓根壁;矢状位图像提示除1枚螺钉误入椎间孔外,余钉位准确。[结论]本研究结果表明,基于CT图像,使用Mimics软件能够精确重建下颈椎各节段椎体及其附属结构,并建立其对应阴模。利用三维打印模型所设计的个体化导航模板,辅助置钉准确性高、操作简单,为下颈椎椎弓根螺钉的精确置入提供了一种可供选择的新方法。  相似文献   

目的 :评价个体化导航模板辅助颈椎椎弓根螺钉置入的准确性和安全性。方法 :2010年8月~2013年8月,对25例需要行颈椎椎弓根螺钉内固定的患者术前行64排螺旋CT连续扫描,计算机重建颈椎三维模型、设计颈椎椎弓根的最佳进钉通道,获取每个颈椎椎板的解剖形态,设计与颈椎椎板吻合的反向模板,并模拟螺钉的最佳进钉通道,形成单侧定位导向孔的导航模板。利用3D打印技术打印颈椎模型和导航模块,通过术前模拟置钉测量出每个椎弓根的螺钉通道长度及椎弓根宽度,术中采用导航模板辅助置入椎弓根螺钉,术后行CT扫描评价螺钉位置,记录有无与螺钉置入相关的并发症。结果:利用导航模板辅助置入颈椎椎弓根螺钉共164枚,其中152枚完全在椎弓根内,4枚螺钉穿破椎弓根内侧皮质,8枚螺钉穿破椎弓根外侧皮质,无椎弓根上方、下方穿破的螺钉,未发现与置钉相关的椎动脉、神经根和颈髓等损伤的症状。结论:个体化导航模板辅助颈椎椎弓根螺钉置入可以提高置钉的准确率,增加颈椎手术的安全性。  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

To develop a novel method of spinal pedical stereotaxy by reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques, and to validate its accuracy by experimental and clinical studies. Methods: A 3D reconstruction model for the desired lumbar vertebra was generated by using the Mimics 10.11 software, and the optimal screw size and orientation were determined using the reverse engineering software. Afterwards, a drill template was created by reverse engi-neering principle, whose surface was the antitemplate of the vertebral surface. The drill template and its correspond-ing vertebra were manufactured using the rapid prototyping technique. Results: The accuracy of the drill template was con-firmed by drilling screw trajectory into the vertebral biomodel preoperatively. This method also showed its ability to cus-tomize the placement and size of each screw based on the unique morphology of the lumbar vertebra.The drill tem-plate fits the postural surface of the vertebra very well in the cadaver experiment. Postoperative CT scans for controlling the pedicle bore showed that the personalized template had a high precision in cadaver experiment and clinical application. No misplacement occurred by using the per-sonalized template. During surgery, no additional computer assistance was needed.Conclusions: The authors have developed a novel drill template for lumbar pedicle screw placement with good applicability and high accuracy. The potential use of drill templates to place lumbar pedicle screws is promising. Our methodology appears to provide an accurate technique and trajectory for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

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