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目的:探讨自体脂肪移植修复面部凹陷性及萎缩性瘢痕的方法和临床疗效。方法:对10例面部凹陷性及萎缩性瘢痕患者采用自体脂肪移植进行治疗。脂肪获取、提纯及注射采用3M3L移植技术。每例自体脂肪移植1~3次,每次间隔3~6个月,综合评价患者术后面部轮廓畸形、瘢痕皮肤质地改善情况。结果:患者均获随访3个月~1年,无感染、囊肿、钙化、血管和神经损伤等并发症发生,也未产生新畸形及新瘢痕。轮廓凹陷畸形得到矫正,瘢痕皮肤质地及色泽有所改善,患者均对治疗效果满意。结论:自体脂肪移植是一种治疗面部凹陷性及萎缩性瘢痕可行的微创方法。  相似文献   

自体脂肪移植矫正上睑凹陷   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
吴一  李伟  邓颖  曾令寰 《中国美容医学》2005,14(3):314-315,i006
目的:观察自体脂肪移植对上睑凹陷的疗效。方法:对21例上睑凹陷的患者应用自体脂肪移植充填于上睑眶隔内矫正上睑凹陷。结果:随访6个月~2年,所有患者上睑凹陷都获得了较好的矫正,效果满意。结论:应用自体脂肪移植矫正上睑凹陷是一种可靠、有效的方法。  相似文献   

面部凹陷自体脂肪颗粒填充术的临床分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的探讨自体脂肪颗粒注射填充矫正面部凹陷畸形的临床效果。方法首先在患者脂肪丰厚的部位。注射器抽取脂肪颗粒,经清洗液反复冲洗后,将脂肪颗粒分点多层注入皮下。结果本组85例患者,55例注射1次,25例注射2次,5例注射3次。72例随访6~24个月,3例上下睑凹陷出现局部不平整,2例患者出现无菌性炎症,其余效果满意。结论面部凹陷畸形采用自体脂肪颗粒填充矫正,方法简单,安全有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨自体脂肪颗粒注射填充矫正面部凹陷畸形的临床效果。方法首先在患者脂肪丰厚的部位,注射器抽取脂肪颗粒,经清洗液反复冲洗后,将脂肪颗粒分点多层注入皮下。结果本组85例患者,55例注射1次,25例注射2次,5例注射3次。72例随访6~24个月,3例上下睑凹陷出现局部不平整,2例患者出现无菌性炎症,其余效果满意。结论面部凹陷畸形采用自体脂肪颗粒填充矫正,方法简单,安全有效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨自体脂肪颗粒注射移植填充面部凹陷畸形的方法 和临床效果.方法 选择下腹部、大腿前外侧部、臀部作为脂肪供区,在静脉麻醉或局部浸润麻醉下行脂肪抽吸术,将抽吸的脂肪经生理盐水冲洗直至清亮,静置后将脂肪注射移植于颞部、面颊部、鼻唇沟等部位,注射量视局部情况而定.自2011年10月至2012年5月,共对30例求美者行自体脂肪颗粒面部注射移植取得了满意的效果.结果 本组共30例求美者,术后填充部位充盈,质地柔软,局部无硬结、感染、脂肪液化等并发症发生;术后随访3~6个月,外观自然,效果满意.结论 自体脂肪颗粒注射移植是矫治面部软组织凹陷及皱纹的有效方法,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

自体颗粒脂肪注射移植在面部年轻化手术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:探讨自体颗粒脂肪注射移植在面部年轻化中的应用。方法:采用肿胀吸脂术抽吸腹部、大腿等部位的皮下脂肪,将抽吸出的自体颗粒脂肪经过提纯后超量30%均匀注射入面部及颈部标定的老化凹陷区域,不同部位选择不同的注射层次。结果:17例患者38个注射部位,脂肪移植量1~15ml(平均每个部位6.5ml)。除4例患者6~12个月后重复注射外,其余均注射一次。随访时间6个月到4年,效果良好。无感染、脂肪液化等并发症发生,面部老化症状改善明显,效果持久。结论:自体颗粒脂肪注射移植是一种安全有效实现面部年轻化的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨采用自体脂肪注射移植行隆乳术和面部凹陷填充的临床效果.方法 于脂肪堆积的部位行负压吸脂术,将吸出的脂肪进行漂洗、沉淀处理后,注射至自体的乳房及面部,行隆乳和面部凹陷处填充.每侧乳房每次注射量为20~80 ml,面部每个部位每次注射量为4~40 ml.需要2次以上注射者,每次间隔3~6个月.结果 自2006年2月至2009年2月,对182例求美者的乳房及面部行自体脂肪移植填充术.术后随访其中的149例求美者6~24个月,满意者112例,占75.2%;基本满意者37例,占24.8%.术后12个月出现单侧乳房肿块者1例,并有钙化点,经核磁共振检查排除恶性病灶;余者乳房外形良好,面部填充处仍较饱满.结论 自体脂肪注射移植存在吸收的问题,因此,应注射移植超出填充部位需要量的10%~30%,才可能保证术后外形的美容效果;因具有取材方便、无毒性及排斥反应等优点,只要求美者属于适应证范围,自体脂肪注射移植是临床上隆乳及填充面部凹陷较好的美容整形方法.  相似文献   

小针刀剥离结合自体脂肪移植治疗面部线形凹陷性瘢痕   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探索一种适合面部线形凹陷性瘢痕的治疗方法.方法 采用小针刀剥离,结合脂肪颗粒移植治疗凹陷性瘢痕部位.结果 本组共16例患者,28处凹陷部位.术后6个月时,面部外形基本稳定,均获得满意的疗效.结论 小针刀剥离结合自体脂肪填充可以改善面部线形凹陷性瘢痕,操作简便,安全有效.  相似文献   

郭新雯  马少林 《中国美容医学》2013,22(12):1263-1266
目的:探讨自体脂肪颗粒注射移植于面部凹陷处的应用价值及疗效。方法:选择下腹部、大腿前外侧部、臀部作为脂肪供区,行脂肪抽吸术,将吸出的脂肪进行漂洗、沉淀处理后,注射至面部凹陷处。结果:本组34例患者面部每个部位填充剂量为4~40ml/次,二次填充间隔3~6个月。经过1~3次颗粒脂肪注射充填,面部填充部位外观饱满、自然,皱纹明显减轻或消退;术后随诊3~24月,有2例发生局部硬结,给予局部按摩、热敷、理疗后逐渐消失,无一例发生血肿、感染、不对称等并发症,患者外形满意。结论:自体脂肪颗粒注射移植修复操作简便、手术瘢痕小,患者痛苦少、安全有效,适合于面部凹陷的美容整形治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨Brava辅助自体脂肪移植矫正乳房局部缺损的可行性。方法 2010年1月至2010年10月,共39例乳房局部组织缺损、凹陷畸形患者接受Brava负压辅助自体脂肪移植治疗。在接受自体脂肪注射移植隆乳术前1个月,患者按照要求佩戴Brava,每天佩戴8 h,直至手术当日。自体脂肪抽取处理后,分层均匀注射至组织缺损部位,同时以16 G注射器针头松解黏连。结果术后随访1~12个月,未发现脂肪液化、结节、钙化等并发症。术后效果满意度调查,37例对手术效果非常满意(94.9%),1例对手术效果基本满意(2.6%),1例由于乳房畸形矫正不彻底而对手术效果不满意(2.6%)。结论对于乳腺肿瘤的局部切除后,以及PHAG取出以后形成的局部缺损凹陷,Brava辅助自体脂肪移植是理想的手术方法。  相似文献   

Surgical procedures performed during neonatal period or childhood that result in vertical midline, transverse left upper quadrant, or central upper abdominal scars create significant psychological concerns in adulthood. Various surgical techniques correct depressed scars, including scar revision, Z- or W-plasty flaps, sub-incision tunnelling, fat grafting, and autologous or alloplastic dermal grafting. This article describes a novel technique for repairing depressed abdominal scars using hybrid double-dermal flaps. We included patients with psychosocial concerns who underwent abdominal scar revision because of wedding plans. Hybrid local de-epithelised dermal flaps were used to correct the depression of the abdominal scar. Superior and inferior skin flaps, medial and lateral to the depressed scar, were de-epithelised for 2 to 3 cm and sutured using the vest-over-pants technique with 2/0 nylon permanent sutures. Six female patients who want to marry were included in this study. Depressed abdominal scars were successfully fixed using hybrid double-dermal flaps, either from the superior-inferior aspect for transverse scars or from the medial-lateral aspect for vertical scars. No postoperative complications were noted, and the patients were satisfied with the outcomes. De-epithelialised double-dermal flaps in the vest-over-pants technique are an effective and valuable surgical technique for correcting depressed scars.  相似文献   

刘萍  刘毅  刘莉  张瑞莉  陈元婕 《中国美容医学》2011,20(11):1702-1704
目的:探讨颗粒脂肪移植术前注射量的评估方法。方法:术前1天,术区注射生理盐水至受术者与医者均满意时为度,记录注射量,再按盐水注射量+50%超量,作为颗粒脂肪注射量待颗粒脂肪纯化后多层次、多隧道注射于受区。结果:18例受术者,26个部位,脂肪移植量3~18ml,随访1~26个月,效果满意。结论:颗粒脂肪移植术前盐水注射法评估注射量,操作简便,利于医患沟通,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Atrophic scars of the forehead can result from various pathologic processes including morphea en coup de sabre as well as trauma. A variety of surgical techniques can be used to correct these atrophic scars. OBJECTIVE: Soft tissue augmentation for correction of atrophic scars of the forehead using en bloc autologous dermal fat graft. METHODS: Use of en bloc autologous dermal fat graft harvested from the hip and inserted into a pocket created under the atrophic scar in two patients with depressed scars of the forehead. RESULTS: Overcorrection of the scars with en bloc autologous dermal fat grafts resulted in the treated areas becoming level with the adjacent skin within 3 months. Follow-up for a period of 12 months showed a perfectly level and stable graft with no further resorption. CONCLUSION: En bloc autologous dermal fat grafting appears to be a safe technique that provides excellent cosmetic results for the correction of small to medium depressed scars of the forehead.  相似文献   

This report describes a technique for treating depressed scars and soft tissue contour deformities. Surgical subcision with a Beaver tympanoplasty blade is undertaken for depressed or adherent scars to release the fibrous attachments beneath the scar before autologous fat grafting. Satisfactory results were observed, with an improvement in surface contour for 16 patients over a 3-year period. The authors recommend the described technique as a safe, minimally invasive, and precise method for subcutaneous dissection of scar tissue before fat injections.  相似文献   

自体脂肪颗粒移植隆乳的临床效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨自体脂肪颗粒移植隆乳术的方法和临床效果。方法采用注射器于脂肪堆积部位抽吸自体脂肪颗粒,经反复冲洗后移植于乳腺后间隙,每次单侧移植50~100ml,间隔3~6个月,共2~6次。结果接受注射自体脂肪颗粒移植的107例中,91例末次移植后经6个月至3年随访,均表现乳房丰满,形态完美,效果满意;其中13例21侧乳房首次注射后2~9个月内出现散在的小硬结,8例11侧乳房首次注射后8~17个月内出现散在的小钙化灶。结论自体脂肪颗粒移植隆乳术效果基本满意,是一种切实可行的隆乳方法,但其术后效果受多因素影响,少数病例术后出现并发症,需继续临床观察。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自体脂肪移植联合微等离子束治疗面部凹陷性瘢痕的临床疗效。方法:回顾笔者医院2018年4月-2019年3月收治的64例面部凹陷性瘢痕的患者为本次研究对象,根据治疗方式分为观察组和对照组,对照组行自体脂肪移植术,观察组在此基础上行微等离子束治疗,连续治疗2次,间隔1.5~2个月。随访6个月,观察并评估治疗前后临床效果、满意度、温哥华瘢痕量表评分(Vancouver scar scale,VSS)和不良反应情况。结果:观察组总有效率、患者满意度、VSS总评分及不良反应发生率均优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:自体脂肪移植联合微等离子束技术可进一步改善瘢痕的质地及色泽,提高治疗效果及满意度,治疗方法安全有效,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:讨论自体脂肪颗粒注射填充隆乳矫正哺乳后乳房不对称。方法:采用注射器吸脂,生理盐水中自然漂洗脂肪颗粒,注射隆乳。结果:75例术后均无血肿、感染、坏死、色素沉着、感觉迟钝及脂肪栓塞等并发症,两侧乳房不对称得到满意矫正,移植的自体脂肪存活率65%~75%,外观满意,手感良好,无供区畸形,随访1~5年,受术者满意。结论:自体脂肪颗粒注射填充隆乳术是良好的矫正两侧乳房不对称的方法。  相似文献   

Contemporary options for the improvement of depressed scars include scar revision with an elliptical excision, z-plasty, w-plasty, and geometric broken-line closure. Dermabrasion and laser treatment has been used to obtain a uniform skin surface. When scars are hypertrophic, intralesional steroids and silicone pressure therapy may be useful. Occasionally, scars may be adherent to the underlying fascia. The resulting depression along the length of the scar worsens the aesthetic deformity. Fat injection is an established method for treating depressions and contour deformities. We report encouraging results with the use of this fat injection technique into a pocket made with a sharp cannula in treating 30 patients with postsurgical scars that were depressed and adherent to the underlying fascia. This technique is a useful addition to the surgeon's resources when treating scars.  相似文献   

Epidural scarring is one of the possible complications after lumbar disc surgery. Perineural scar tissue has been considered responsible for recurrent neurological symptoms in patients operated on for disc herniation and leads to a high rate of unsatisfactory results. In addition, postoperative scars may increase the technical difficulty and risk of subsequent procedures. Various materials have been used in animal studies to try to affect the degree of epidural scar tissue with controversial results. In particular, free fat transplantation has been described to reduce the degree of intraspinal scar tissue. We therefore performed a prospective, double-blind, randomized study comparing clinical and social factors of patients being operated on for the first time for lumbar disc herniation. A total of 92 patients received an implantation of autologous fat graft, 94 did not. After a median of 24.2 months after their surgery, an objective examinator compared various clinical parameters and the social situation of patients in both groups without knowing the operation method used. We found no significant differences between the fat-graft group and the control group regarding either the clinical outcome or the social aspects. Received: 24 November 2000  相似文献   

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