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低位前切除术与腹会阴联合切除术治疗中低位直肠癌   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的探讨在中低位直肠癌的外科治疗中,低位前切除术与腹会阴联合切除术对预后的影响。方法对1995年6月至1999年12月间收治的中低位(肿瘤下缘距肛缘〈8cm)直肠癌283例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。其中低位前切除(low anterior resection,LAR)组181例,腹会阴联合切除术(abdominoperineal resection,APR)组102例。结果Logistic回归分析显示肿瘤分期和细胞分化程度是直肠癌的独立预后因素(P〈0.05),而性别、年龄、身高体重指数和手术方式均与预后无明显相关性(P〉0.05)。按照手术方式分为LAR组和APR组,用精确概率法对两组患者的分期和细胞分化程度的差异进行卡方检验,两组患者的预后差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论中低位直肠癌外科治疗中,LAR和APR手术方式对直肠癌的预后没有明显影响。  相似文献   

内外括约肌间切除术(intersphincteric resection,ISR)可替代经腹会阴联合切除术(APR)治疗超低位直肠癌。Koyama M等对2000~2007年期间接受ISR的77例低位直肠癌患者的临床资料进行分析,并与同期行低位前切除术(LAR)和APR的患者进行比较,以评价ISR对低位直肠癌的疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨中低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌手术选择条件及影响中低位直肠癌保肛手术适应证选择因素。方法对1996~2004年期间279例中低位直肠癌患者手术治疗的资料进行回顾性分析。直肠肿瘤部位:距肛缘5~10 cm 187例;距肛缘5 cm以内92例。行经腹会阴切除手术(APR)127例;保留肛门括约肌手术(SPO)152例,其中Dixon术130例,Parks术10例,Bacon术12例。对SPO组与APR组临床病理指标和生存率进行统计分析。结果2组病例在性别、年龄、有无肝转移、大体类型、肿瘤长径、浸润深度、Dukes分期、癌肿部位、组织学分化程度、侵犯肠管周径、有无淋巴结及侧方淋巴结转移方面差异无统计学意义。全组保留肛门率为54.48%(152/279),低位直肠癌中行SPO 48例,低位直肠癌保肛率52.17%(48/92)。手术后局部复发率为6.81%(19/279)。SPO组中位生存时间为(65.00±6.87)个月,5年生存率为63.51%;APR组中位生存时间为(52.23±5.63)个月,5年生存率为52.50%,两组间差异无统计学意义(P=0.054 1)。结论中低位直肠癌行ARP或SPO其术后生存率无明显差别。低位直肠癌中选择部分病例进行SPO是可行的。  相似文献   

腹会阴联合切除(APR)体重指数(BMI)慢性淋巴性甲状腺炎(CLT)中低位进展期直肠癌(COREAN)环周切缘(CRM)中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO)深静脉造影-计划靶体积(CTV-PTV)无病生存率(DFS)肛提肌外腹会阴联合切除术(ELAPE)腔镜甲状腺手术(ET)生存质量指数(GLQI)影像引导放疗(IGRT)肠系膜下动脉(IMA)肠系膜下静脉(IMV)内括约肌切除术(ISR)低位直肠前切除术后前切除综合征(LARS)低位前切除(LAR)  相似文献   

正1概述目前,低位直肠癌的手术方法主要有腹会阴联合切除术(abdominal perineal resection,APR)、低位前切除术(Low anterior resection,LAR)以及局部切除术(local excision,LE)等。其中APR是低位直肠癌的经典术式,但其在清扫引流淋巴结的同时也易影响患者术后的泌尿功能和性功能,另外永久性肠造口也导致患者的生活质量明显下降~([1])。与APR相  相似文献   

直肠癌是我国常见的胃肠道恶性肿瘤,其发病率近年来呈不断上升之势.其中约有3/4的患者为低位直肠癌.外科手术是其首选的治疗手段.腹会阴切除术(abdominal pelvic resection,APR)曾被公认为直肠癌、尤其是低位直肠癌的"金标准"术式.然而自20世纪90年代起,保肛手术已取代腹会阴切除术成为直肠癌的首选术式.低位前切除术(low anterior resection,LAR)是保肛手术中最主要也是采用最多的术式.在近20年中,LAR得以成功和牢固地成为直肠癌外科治疗的首选术式,应得益于下列几方面所取得的巨大发展.  相似文献   

直肠癌是我国常见的胃肠道恶性肿瘤,其发病率近年来呈不断上升之势.其中约有3/4的患者为低位直肠癌.外科手术是其首选的治疗手段.腹会阴切除术(abdominal pelvic resection,APR)曾被公认为直肠癌、尤其是低位直肠癌的"金标准"术式.然而自20世纪90年代起,保肛手术已取代腹会阴切除术成为直肠癌的首选术式.低位前切除术(low anterior resection,LAR)是保肛手术中最主要也是采用最多的术式.在近20年中,LAR得以成功和牢固地成为直肠癌外科治疗的首选术式,应得益于下列几方面所取得的巨大发展.  相似文献   

随着全直肠系膜切除术(TME)及新辅助治疗的普遍应用,近10年来直肠癌的局部复发率已经从20%~40%降低至4%~8%。直肠癌局部复发(LRRc)治疗方式的选择是临床决策的难点。据统计,大约50%的局部复发患者不伴有远处脏器转移,而最理想的治疗方法是将复发肿瘤完整切除(R0切除)。目前的手术方式包括腹会阴联合切除术(APR)、低位前切除术(LAR)、全盆腔脏器切除术(TPE)、后盆腔脏器切除术(PPE)等,其中TPE的R0切除率可达30%~40%,是目前治疗LRRC的主要术式。  相似文献   

直肠癌是我国常见的胃肠道恶性肿瘤,其发病率近年来呈不断上升之势.其中约有3/4的患者为低位直肠癌.外科手术是其首选的治疗手段.腹会阴切除术(abdominal pelvic resection,APR)曾被公认为直肠癌、尤其是低位直肠癌的"金标准"术式.然而自20世纪90年代起,保肛手术已取代腹会阴切除术成为直肠癌的首选术式.低位前切除术(low anterior resection,LAR)是保肛手术中最主要也是采用最多的术式.在近20年中,LAR得以成功和牢固地成为直肠癌外科治疗的首选术式,应得益于下列几方面所取得的巨大发展.  相似文献   

直肠癌是我国常见的胃肠道恶性肿瘤,其发病率近年来呈不断上升之势.其中约有3/4的患者为低位直肠癌.外科手术是其首选的治疗手段.腹会阴切除术(abdominal pelvic resection,APR)曾被公认为直肠癌、尤其是低位直肠癌的"金标准"术式.然而自20世纪90年代起,保肛手术已取代腹会阴切除术成为直肠癌的首选术式.低位前切除术(low anterior resection,LAR)是保肛手术中最主要也是采用最多的术式.在近20年中,LAR得以成功和牢固地成为直肠癌外科治疗的首选术式,应得益于下列几方面所取得的巨大发展.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic colon resection (LCR) has been performed in the United States sine 1990. This procedure has been accepted by many as a reasonable alternative for nonmalignant, colonic, surgical disease, but the laparoscopic approach remains controversial for curative treatment of carcinoma. In this paper, the results of a nonrandomized series of two large experiences of laparoscopic colon resections were performed and followed for 3 1/2 years in a prospective fashion against an equal number of patients who underwent open resection. The setting was several large metropolitan hospitals in San Antonio, Texas. Over 194 patients were involved in this study. Each patient once diagnosed with resectable colonic cancer was allowed to choose their own procedure, laparoscopic or open colon resection, either of which was performed by the authors. Factors considered include age, sex, body habitus, stage of cancer, margins of resection, numbers of lymph nodes retrieved, hospitalization time, and follow-up period. Observations at this time indicate the following: (1) LCR allows for resection comparable to the classical approach, (2) equal numbers of mesenteric lymph nodes can be retrieved, (3) adequacy of margins of resection can be accurately determined by colonoscopy during LCR, and (4) brief follow-up periods show comparable survival and disease-free intervals. It is the conclusion of the authors that with proper training LCR will come to be recognized as a safe, effective surgical option for treatment of selected patients with colon cancer.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic hepatic resection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Background Although laparoscopy in general surgery is increasingly being performed, only recently has liver surgery been performed with laparoscopy. We critically review our experience with laparoscopic liver resections. Methods From January 2000 to April 2004, we performed laparoscopic hepatic resection in 16 patients with 18 hepatic lesions. Nine lesions were benign in seven patients (five hydatid cysts, three hemangiomas, and one simple cyst), five were malignant in five patients (five hepatocarcinoma), and four patients had an uncertain preoperative diagnosis (one suspected hemangioma and three suspected adenomas). The mean lesion size was 5.2 cm (range, 1–12). Twelve lesions were located in the left lobe, three were in segment VI, one was in segment V, one was in segment IV, and one was in the subcapsular part of segment VIII. Results The conversion rate was 6.2%; intraoperative bleeding requiring blood transfusions occurred in two patients. Mean operative time was 120 min. Mean hospital stay was 4 days (range, 2–7). There were no major postoperative complications and no mortality. Conclusions Hepatic resection with laparoscopy is feasible in malignant and benign hepatic lesions located in the left lobe and anterior inferior right lobe segments (IV, V, and VI). Results are similar to those of the open surgical technique in carefully selected cases, although studies with large numbers of patients are necessary to drawn definite conclusions.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的〓探究不规则肝切除术和规则肝切除术在巨大肝癌手术切除中的临床应用及比较。方法〓本研究回顾性分析2006年6月至2014年6月罗定市人民医院收治的原发性肝癌肝切除手术患者,对已实施的不规则性肝切除术与规则性肝切除术两组病例进行比较。包括两组手术的围手术期各个指标及术中、术后各个指标进行比较。结果〓规则肝切除组中的手术时间、术中出血、输血浆、输红细胞量、住院时间及并发症发生率均明显地高于不规则肝切除组的情况,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而肿瘤能完整切除的最大直径显著小于不规则肝切除(P<0.05);二者在死亡率的比较上无明显差异,无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论〓与规则肝切除相较,不规则肝切除在腹部手术史引起严重腹腔内组织粘连、肝功能分级较差、肿瘤数目较多及小肝癌中均体现了明显的优势。而对于肿瘤体积较大的肝癌患者,规则肝切除则更为有效。  相似文献   

Carcinoma of the gallbladder a gastrointestinal malignancy with an extraordinarily poor prognosis. However, aggressive surgery, with special reference to hepatic resection, may improve survival. To prove this, we performed a retrospective analysis over an 18-year period to investigate the experience of a center that began employing liver resection in patients with gallbladder cancer in 1978. The analysis was based on patients' documentation and regular follow-up to January 1996. The standard procedures were extended cholecystectomy (cholecystectomy with lymphadenectomy and wedge hepatic resection), anatomic segmentectomy of segments IVa and V, and extended hepatectomy. Significance was assessed by the log-rank test. Thirty-nine patients were resected, curatively in 41% (n = 22; group I) and palliatively in 31% (n = 17; group 2). In 28% (n = 15; group 3) a palliative or no operation was performed. Only curatively resected patients were analyzed and followed up to January 1996. No patients in group 1 died postoperatively. The actuarial 5-year survival rate of the patients with curative resection was 55%. Four patients had stage I, two had stage II, four had stage III, and two had stage IV disease according to TNM-classification. Six of the 16 patients without lymph node metastasis survived more than 5 years. A significant difference in long-term survival was recognised between stage II and stage IV patients and between stage (pT1a)- and (look table 1b) (pT1b)-patients (P < 0.01). Diagnostic efforts should focus on detecting early stages I and II gallbladder cancer. In advanced cases, aggressive surgery, particularly with hepatic resection, is the method of choice and is successful even in patients 70 years and older. Received for publication on July 31, 1997; accepted on April 1, 1998  相似文献   

Extended resection for locally advanced colorectal carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the therapeutic benefit of multivisceral resection (MVR) in patients with locally advanced colorectal carcinomas. Methods: The study population was composed of 118 patients whose resection of the primary lesion included one or more adhesed adjacent secondary organs or structures (ASOS). Tumors were staged as B3 (T4,N0) and as C3 (T4,N1–3). Adhesions were classified as invasive (B3+,C3+) or inflammatory (B3–,C3–). Results: Sixty-four patients were staged B3 and 54 C3. Eighty-one were classified B3+/C3+. Fifty-nine percent of patients had ASOS resected, 29% had two resected, and the remaining 12% had three or four resected. Actuarial 5-year survival rates were 62% and 38% (p=0.017) for B3 and C3 lesions, respectively. The 5-year survival rates were 78% for patients with B3– tumors and 58% for those with B3+ tumors (p=0.043), and 34% for patients with C3+ tumors and 64% for those with C3– tumors (p=NS). The 5-year survival rates were 71% for patients with B3–/C3– tumors and 47% for those with B3+/C3+ tumors (p=NS). The 5-year survival rates after resection of one ASOS, two ASOS, and three or four ASOS were 52%, 55%, and 38%, respectively (p=NS). Conclusion: There is no statistically significant difference in the 5-year survival rates when multiple ASOS are resected; therefore, an aggressive surgical approach is warranted.Presented at the 49th Annual Cancer Symposium of The Society of Surgical Oncology, Atlanta, Georgia, March 21–24, 1996.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic resection of pheochromocytoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The following case report presents the diagnostic procedures, laparoscopic therapy, and postoperative course of a 48-year-old patient with pheochromocytoma. During the previous 15 years, he had occasionally presented with hypertension, intermittent attacks of severe perspiration, and tachycardia; no diagnostic measures were performed at the time. During an ultrasound examination of the abdomen performed due to gastrointestinal complaints, a 5-cm adrenal tumor was discovered incidentally. Further diagnostic procedures then indicated the presence of a pheochromocytoma which was resected laparoscopically. The anesthesia was tolerated well, although isolated systolic blood pressure peaks to 200 mmHg were observed. The laparoscopic tumor resection presented no problems, although identifying the tumor proved to be difficult and resulted in an extended operation time of 4 h and 20 min. The postoperative course was unremarkable. This case report presents our laparoscopic technique and confirms that techniques proven in the open resection of a pheochromocytoma can also be utilized in the laparoscopic approach.  相似文献   

The odontoid process is located in a critical area of the spine and is part of a complex structure, the atlanto-axial junction. This C1-2 junction allows for a great deal of cervical mobility in planes of rotation, flexion, and extension. Lesions of the odontoid process and associated ligaments can result in compression of the brainstem, cervicomedullary junction, and spinal cord. Resultant symptoms include weakness, spasticity, lower cranial nerve palsies, including difficulty in swallowing, phonation disorders, Bell's cruciate paralysis, and breathing disorders. Patients with lesions in this area require a thorough neurological and otolaryngologic evaluation. The reducibility of the lesion needs to be determined as an operative prerequisite. Extensive multimodality radiographic imaging may be required pre-, intra-, and postoperatively. Transoral surgery of the odontoid is technically demanding and requires a thorough understanding of the relevant anatomy and pathology. Perioperative and intraoperative adjuncts such as the operating microscope, fluoroscopy, image guidance instruments, high-speed air drills, and somatosensory-evoked monitoring help to expedite the surgery and reduce the risk of complications. Postoperative instability must be assessed and treated. A team consisting of a spine surgeon, anesthesiologists, otolaryngologists, and critical care physicians skilled in managing patients with similar conditions may provide the best possible outcome for these patients. This article reviews the pertinent patient evaluation, imaging studies, surgical indications and techniques, and post-operative management.  相似文献   

Hysteroscopic endomyometrial resection.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of hysteroscopic endomyometrial resection in treating women with intractable uterine bleeding. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was carried out on 304 women with intractable uterine bleeding treated between August 1, 1991, and December 31, 1997. The average patient was 41.3 +/- 8.0 years old and was followed for a mean of 31.8 +/- 22.1 months (range 6-75 months). RESULTS: Eighty-three percent of women were amenorrheic at the time of their one-year follow-up. The overall amenorrhea rate was 85.5%. Only 0.8% of subjects reported no improvement during the study period. Histologic analysis of the endomyometrial specimens revealed that 17 (5.6%) women were found to have significant endometrial pathology not previously identified with routine preoperative screening. There was a total of 20 complications (6.6%), although only 2 (0.7%) were considered severe. Twenty-seven women (8.9%) eventually required subsequent surgery during the study period. Finally, 69 (22.7%) women with adenomyosis were identified. They did not appear to be at increased risk for subsequent surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Hysteroscopic endomyometrial resection produces superior results as measured by amenorrhea rates, the need for subsequent surgery and its low incidence of associated complications; and it produces an important histologic specimen. For patients with significant comorbidity, endomyometrial resection can be adapted to a single-stage procedure incorporating the diagnostic and treatment phases in women with abnormal uterine bleeding.  相似文献   

目的 比较解剖性切除和非解剖性切除治疗小肝癌疗效的差异.方法 计算机检索PubMed、Medline、中国期刊全文数据库(CJFD)及万方数据库1980-2010年发表的有关解剖性切除和非解剖性切除治疗小肝癌的相关文献,采用RevMan5.0进行Meta分析.结果 按照入选标准,有6项临床试验纳入.Meta分析结果显示,与非解剖性切除相比,解剖性切除能明显增加3年总存活率[OR=1.17,95%CI(1.11,2.83),P=0.02]及5年总存活率[OR=1.61,95%CI(1.16,2.25),P=0.005],1年无瘤存活率[OR=1.65,95%CI(1.01,2.68),P=0.04]、3年无瘤存活率[OR=1.74,95%CI(1.13,2.68),P=0.01]及5年无瘤存活率[OR=2.22,95%CI(1.61,3.06),P<0.01],也能降低术后复发率[OR=0.55,95%CI(0.37,0.81),P=0.003].但术后死亡率(P=0.90)和术后并发症发生率(P=0.37)差异无统计学意义.结论 对肝储备功能良好的患者,当肿瘤适宜于行解剖性肝段切除治疗时应首选解剖性切除;对肝储备功能较差的患者,则应行非解剖性切除,避免术后发生肝功能衰竭.  相似文献   

Aim Abdominoperineal excision (APR) has been associated with higher circumferential resection margin (CRM) involvement and local recurrence rates than extralevator APR for low rectal cancer. This study aimed to evaluate the CRMs in APR and low anterior resection (LAR) specimens and to identify factors influencing CRM involvement. Method All pathological specimens from consecutive patients with rectal cancer who underwent curative resection at the Cleveland Clinic Florida, from January 2000 to July 2010, were reviewed by two pathologists. Demographics, tumour characteristics, operative data, postoperative pathology and Dworak’s tumour regression grade were compared between specimens with positive and negative CRMs. Results One‐hundred and fifty‐four patients underwent curative APR (n = 65) or LAR (n = 69). Mean tumour size was 3.6 cm, and mean distance from the dentate line was 5.4 cm. Nine (6.8%) patients had a positive CRM (n = 6 APR, n = 3 LAR), which was associated with tumour size > 5.9 cm (P = 0.002), a distance of ≤ 2.6 cm from the dentate line (P = 0.013), microvascular invasion (P = 0.009), perineural invasion (P < 0.001), number of positive lymph nodes (P = 0.046) and incomplete total mesorectal excision (TME) (P < 0.001). APR specimens were three times more likely than LAR specimens to have an incomplete mesorectum (9.8%vs 2.9%, P = 0.322). Conclusions Factors associated with a positive CRM were tumour size > 5.9 cm, a distance of ≤ 2.6 cm from the dentate line, incomplete TME, number of positive nodes and microvascular and perineural invasion. The incidence of a positive CRM was not significantly different between LAR and APR (n = 3 LAR and n = 6 APR).  相似文献   

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