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颈动脉内膜切除术患者为脆弱脑功能患者, 围手术期易发生神经系统并发症, 且认知功能障碍增加术后神经认知功能紊乱发生的风险。该患者合并冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、肾动脉狭窄, 围手术期多模式评估患者脑组织灌注及麻醉对脑功能的影响, 术中关注维持心脑等重要器官灌注和脑功能的维护, 采取抗炎、抗应激、体温保护和抗恶心呕吐等综合处理。患者顺利完成手术, 术后无谵妄等神经系统并发症。  相似文献   

肺癌是目前全球病死率最高的癌症之一。文中病例患者为左下肺非小细胞肺癌,癌组织范围大;合并冠状动脉三支病变,其中两支冠状动脉狭窄严重,回旋支近段狭窄约90%,右冠状动脉近段狭窄约80%;术前存在中度肺通气功能障碍及精神症状。该患者病情复杂,围手术期管理难度大,术前经过详细评估,术中采用预防心肌缺血、肺保护性通气策略、目标...  相似文献   

目的评价同期联合行颈动脉内膜切除术(carotid endarterectomy,CEA)与冠状动脉搭桥术(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG)治疗颈动脉与冠状动脉狭窄并存疾病的早期临床疗效。方法2000年1月至2006年8月对15例颈动脉与冠状动脉狭窄并存患者实施了同期CEA与CABG手术。男性12例,女性3例,年龄63~80岁,平均(70±6)岁。所有患者术前均行冠状动脉造影与颈动脉造影术明确诊断,其中冠状动脉左主干病变3例,2支血管病变2例,3支血管病变10例。手术先行CEA再行CABG 14例,1例患者先行CABG后行CEA,有5例患者在体外循环(CPB)下完成CABG,其余10例在非体外循环下行CABG;在行CEA时,所有患者均使用颈动脉转流管,所有患者均采用人工血管补片加宽颈动脉切口。结果本组无手术死亡,围手术期无心脑血管并发症发生,1例患者手术后1个月因右下肢动脉硬化闭塞症而行右下肢股-腘动脉人工血管搭桥术。术后随访3~24个月,患者无心绞痛,短暂性缺血性脑发作(TIA)或脑中风发生。结论同期行颈动脉内膜切除术与冠状动脉搭桥术治疗颈动脉与冠状动脉狭窄并存疾病方法可行,早期效果满意。  相似文献   

心脏病患者接受非心脏手术时,麻醉与手术并发症和死亡风险较非心脏病患者更高。术前手术方式、患者术前评估和准备对于提高麻醉手术安全性和加快患者术后康复均具有重要意义。此例患者术前合并冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(三支病变)、心律失常、频发室性期前收缩二尖瓣重度反流、陈旧性脑梗、低钾血症,术中通过维持重要脏器灌注以及采取纠正电解...  相似文献   

268例颈动脉内膜切除术临床麻醉总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结颈动脉内膜切除术(carotid endarterectomy,CEA)的临床麻醉经验. 方法 回顾分析2012年4月~2015年2月268例CEA患者的临床麻醉管理. 结果 257例患者采用全身麻醉,11例采用颈丛神经阻滞.颈动脉阻断时间(22.3±5.4) min,全身麻醉患者苏醒时间(5.3±1.5) min.术后发生3例脑梗死、1例脑出血、1例心力衰竭. 结论 麻醉期间需要维持足够的脑血流量,降低心肌氧耗,提供快速、平稳的苏醒过程.  相似文献   

目的 分析“一站式”颈动脉内膜剥脱术(carotid endarterectomy,CEA)联合非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术(off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting,OPCABG)治疗冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)合并颈动脉狭窄的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2018年3月—2021年6月在上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院接受“一站式”CEA+OPCABG治疗冠心病合并严重颈动脉狭窄患者的临床资料。患者术前均常规行冠状动脉及颈动脉造影明确诊断冠心病及颈动脉狭窄。所有患者术中均先行CEA,再同期行OPCABG。结果 共纳入12例患者,其中男9例、女3例,年龄58~69(63.7±3.4)岁。颈动脉狭窄均为单侧重度狭窄,狭窄程度为70%~90%,病变位置均位于颈动脉分叉或颈内动脉起始段。所有患者均顺利完成“一站式”CEA+OPCABG,术中移植桥血管2~4(2.8±0.6)支,CEA手术时间16~35(25.7±5.6)min。所有患者均顺利康复出院,围术期及随访期间无死亡病例,无脑卒中、心肌梗死等严重并发症。术后随访时间6~40个月,随访期间动脉桥血...  相似文献   

颈动脉狭窄是导致缺血性脑卒中的常见病因, 颈动脉内膜剥脱术(carotid endarterectomy, CEA)是其重要的治疗方法。颈动脉狭窄的老年患者往往合并高血压、冠心病等多种基础疾病, 给手术及麻醉带来了更大的风险和挑战, 全面的术前评估和精细的术中管理对患者的围手术期安全至关重要。此例患者术前有明确的脑梗死病史, 既往有高血压、冠心病、间质性肺炎病史, 术前通过多学科会诊, 严格把握手术指征及手术时机, 术中通过严格控制血压、重要器官功能监测与保护、维持内环境稳定、抗应激和体温保护等综合措施, 使患者安全平稳地度过围手术期, 顺利康复出院。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)联合冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)治疗合并严重颈动脉狭窄的冠心病患者的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2011至2019年19例合并严重颈动脉狭窄的冠心病患者的临床资料.结果 患者中位年龄69岁.手术均采取先CEA后CABG策略,使用传统剥脱法,颈动脉转流管快速建立体外转流.手术成功率100%...  相似文献   

目的:分析临床路径管理对合并严重冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)患者行心脏死亡器官捐献(donation after cardiac death, DCD)供肝原位肝移植,对术后重大不良心血管事件(major adverse cardiovascular events, MACE)、术后病死率等预后参数的影响。方法:...  相似文献   

分析上海市胸科医院在2012年11月间同期施行冠脉搭桥术和肺癌手术的患者2例,美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)分级为Ⅱ或Ⅲ级.在全身麻醉、非体外循环下先行冠状动脉搭桥术(coronary artery bypass grafting,OPCABG)后行肺癌手术.双腔支气管导管行肺隔离.2例患者均获得满意的麻醉效果,无围术期并发症,均顺利出院.非体外循环下OPCABG同期行肺癌手术患者术中循环和呼吸管理复杂,应引起麻醉医师关注并积极处理.  相似文献   

背景 冠心病(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG)合并颈动脉狭窄者临床上并不少见.如何正确处理CABG患者并存颈动脉狭窄的问题应引起重视.目的 为了探索CABG患者并存颈动脉狭窄的最佳处理方法,此文将CABG患者并存颈动脉狭窄的外科治疗及麻醉处理进行了分析汇总.内窖对于合并颈动脉狭...  相似文献   

目的 探讨冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)和颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)治疗冠心病合并颈动脉狭窄的治疗方法的选择.方法 2009年1月至2011年12月期间,首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院大血管中心23例冠心病合并颈动脉狭窄患者同期或分期行CABG和CEA治疗,男16例,女7例.年龄53 ~ 82岁,平均(65.9±4.0)岁.冠状动脉造影发现左主干病变3例,2支病变3例,3支病变17例.1例合并二尖瓣关闭不全.单侧颈动脉狭窄17例,双侧狭窄6例,直径狭窄≥70%.依据患者两处病变病情严重程度而采取冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)和颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)同期或分期治疗,术后观察围手术期发生卒中、心肌梗死的及死亡情况,并随访.结果 7例患者同期行CEA和CABG,其中1例同时行二尖瓣置换;13例患者先期行CABG后行CEA;3例患者先行CEA后行CABG.围术期死亡1例(4.3%),无心绞痛、心肌梗死和卒中.随访6个月,随访期内患者未发生死亡、卒中、心绞痛及心肌梗死.结论 同期还是分期行CABG和CEA治疗冠心病合并颈动脉狭窄应根据患者具体情况而定,个性化治疗是降低手术风险的关键.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe management of patients with carotid stenosis and symptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) is challenging. This study assessed the impact of clinical coronary disease severity on carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with and without combined coronary artery bypass (CCAB).MethodsUsing the Vascular Quality Initiative, patients with symptomatic CAD who underwent CCAB or isolated CEA (ICEA) from 2003 to 2017 were identified. Patients were stratified by CAD severity: stable angina (SA) and recent myocardial infarction/unstable angina (UA). Primary outcomes, including perioperative stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), and stroke/death/MI (SDM), were assessed between procedures within each CAD cohort.ResultsThere were 9098 patients identified: 887 CCAB patients (215 [24%] SA, 672 [76%] UA) and 8211 ICEA patients (6385 [78%] SA, 1826 [22%] UA). Overall, CCAB patients had higher rates of stroke (2.6% vs 1.3%; P = .002) and SDM (7.3% vs 3.5%, P < .001) but similar rates of MI (0.9% vs 1.6%; P = .12) compared with ICEA patients. In SA patients, no difference was seen in stroke (ICEA 1.2% vs CCAB 1.9%; P = .36), MI (1.3% vs 1.4%; P = .95), or SDM (2.9% vs 4.7%; P = .13). In UA patients, no difference was seen in stroke (ICEA 1.6% vs CCAB 2.8%; P = .06), but ICEA patients had higher rates of MI (2.4% vs 0.7%; P = .01) and CCAB patients had higher rates of SDM (8.2% vs 5.5%; P = .01). After logistic regression in the UA cohort, predictors of MI included ICEA (odds ratio [OR], 2.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-7.0; P = .04) and carotid symptomatic status (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1-3.8; P = .01); carotid symptomatic status also predicted stroke (OR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1-3.6; P = .03), but CCAB did not.ConclusionsIn patients with symptomatic CAD, both clinical CAD severity and operative strategy affect outcomes. In SA patients, CCAB does not increase perioperative morbidity. However, CCAB in UA patients prevents MI while not appreciably increasing stroke risk. This suggests that coronary revascularization before or concomitant with CEA should be considered in UA patients but that prioritizing coronary intervention is less important in SA patients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈动脉内膜切除术 (CEA)治疗颅外颈动脉硬化性狭窄病变中的地位和疗效。方法 对1993年 5月至 2 0 0 3年 10月 5 9例 6 1次颈动脉内膜切除术的临床资料进行回顾性分析。早期 4 6例 4 7次CEA采用颈丛麻醉下通过阻断试验结合返流压力测定选择性应用转流管 ,近期 13例 14次手术在全麻并常规应用转流管下进行。结果 早期手术组颈动脉平均阻断时间 (2 0± 6 )min ,近期手术组颈动脉平均缺血时间 (4 2± 0 7)min ,P <0 0 1。术后 30d内无死亡和脑卒中。术后 2年和 5年神经系统症状发生率分别为 4 7%和 14 8%。结论 本组颈动脉内膜切除术取得满意的近远期疗效。采用全麻合并术中转流可以显著减少同侧脑缺血时间  相似文献   

锁骨下动脉狭窄是一种较常见的阻塞性颅外脑血管病变,患者常出现椎-基底动脉窃血,从而产生上肢缺血症状和脑缺血症状等,围手术期管理难度较大。此例患者高龄合并高血压、左侧颈内动脉闭塞,于全麻下行左侧颈动脉-锁骨下动脉旁路术(carotid subclavian bypass, CSB),手术麻醉平稳、顺利,患者治愈出院。总结...  相似文献   



There is conflicting evidence regarding the association of diabetes mellitus (DM) and insulin use with outcomes after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Therefore, we sought to evaluate the risk of insulin-dependent DM (IDDM) and noninsulin-dependent DM (NIDDM) on 30-day outcomes after CEA.


We identified patients undergoing CEA from the Targeted Vascular module of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (2011-2015) and stratified patients on the basis of their preprocedural symptom status. We compared 30-day outcomes between nondiabetics and patients with NIDDM or IDDM, with 30-day stroke/death as the primary end point.


Of 16,739 CEA patients, 9784 (58%) were asymptomatic, of whom 6720 (69%) had no diagnosis of DM, 1109 (11%) had IDDM, and 1955 (20%) had NIDDM. Of the 6955 symptomatic patients, 4982 (72%) had no diagnosis of DM, 810 (12%) had IDDM, and 1163 (17%) had NIDDM. Among asymptomatic patients, patients with IDDM experienced higher rates of 30-day stroke/death compared with those without DM (3.4% vs 1.5%; P < .001), whereas those with NIDDM experienced rates similar to those of patients without DM (2.1% vs 1.5%; P = .1). Moreover, asymptomatic patients with IDDM and an anatomic high-risk criterion experienced a 30-day stroke/death rate of 6.6%. After adjustment, IDDM was associated with 30-day stroke/death in asymptomatic patients compared with patients without DM (odds ratio, 2.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.5-3.4; P < .001), but NIDDM was not (odds ratio, 1.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-2.1; P = .1). In comparison, among symptomatic patients, those with IDDM and NIDDM experienced similar rates of 30-day stroke/death as patients without DM (4.9% vs 3.6% and 4.0% vs 3.6%; both P > .1). After adjustment, neither IDDM nor NIDDM was associated with 30-day stroke/death in symptomatic patients compared with symptomatic patients without DM.


Rates of 30-day stroke/death after CEA in asymptomatic patients with IDDM exceed international vascular societies' guideline thresholds for acceptable outcomes in asymptomatic patients, especially those with anatomic high-risk criteria. Thus, asymptomatic patients with IDDM may not benefit from CEA, although more data are needed about the natural history of carotid disease in this population.  相似文献   

目的:回顾性总结应用颈动脉内膜切除术(CEA)治疗症状性颈动脉狭窄的早期效果和经验。方法:对82例(男66例,女16例,年龄48~84岁,平均68.6岁)症状性颈动脉狭窄病人行CEA。全组均经颈部血管多普勒超声和数字减影血管造影术(DSA)确诊颈动脉粥样斑块形成、颈动脉狭窄。手术采用气管内插管全身麻醉39例,颈丛麻醉43例。术中放置动脉临时转流管56例,其中全麻应用39例,颈丛麻醉17例。结果:全组无死亡病例,脑缺血症状明显改善者65例,症状好转者14例,术后并发脑梗死2例,颈动脉内血栓形成1例。结论:CEA是治疗症状性颈动脉狭窄的有效方法。  相似文献   

ObjectiveCurrent guidelines state that the acceptable 30-day postoperative stroke/death rate after carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is <3% for asymptomatic patients and <6% for symptomatic patients. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has identified certain high-risk characteristics used to define patients at highest risk for CEA for whom carotid artery stenting would be reimbursed. We evaluated the impact of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services physiologic and anatomic high-risk criteria on major adverse event rates after CEA in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed all patients undergoing CEA from 2011 to 2017 in the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program vascular targeted database. Patients with high-risk anatomic or physiologic characteristics were identified by a predefined variable and were compared with normal-risk patients. The primary outcome was 30-day stroke/death, stratified by symptom status.ResultsWe identified 25,788 patients undergoing CEA, of whom 60% were treated for asymptomatic carotid disease. Among all patients, high-risk physiology or anatomy was associated with higher rates of 30-day stroke/death compared with normal-risk patients (physiologic risk, 4.6% vs 2.3% [P < .001]; anatomic risk, 3.6% vs 2.3% [P < .001]). Patients who met criteria for high-risk physiology or anatomy also had higher rates of cardiac events (physiologic risk, 3.1% vs 1.6% [P < .001]; anatomic risk, 2.3% vs 1.6% [P < .01]), but only patients with high-risk anatomy had higher rates of cranial nerve injury (physiologic risk, 2.4% vs 2.5% [P = .81]; anatomic risk, 4.3% vs 2.5% [P < .001]). Asymptomatic patients with high-risk physiology or anatomy had higher rates of 30-day stroke/death, especially in the physiologic high-risk group (physiologic risk, 4.7% vs 1.5% [P < .001]; anatomic risk, 2.6% vs 1.5% [P < .01]), compared with normal-risk patients. However, among symptomatic patients, differences in stroke/death were seen only with high-risk anatomic patients and not with high-risk physiologic patients (physiologic risk, 4.6% vs 3.4% [P = .12]; anatomic risk, 4.8% vs 3.4% [P = .01]).ConclusionsAs currently selected, contemporary real-world outcomes after CEA in asymptomatic carotid disease patients meeting high-risk physiologic criteria show an unacceptably high 30-day stroke/death rate, well above the 3% threshold. These results suggest the need for better selection of patients and preoperative optimization before elective CEA.  相似文献   

目的探讨非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术治疗重症冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)的可行性. 方法回顾分析2002年1月~12月37例重症冠心病的临床资料.均采用全麻,胸骨正中切口,游离左乳内动脉及大隐静脉.心脏稳定器局部固定心肌,显露目标冠状动脉,切开后置入冠状动脉内血液分流器.一般先做左乳内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支的吻合,其余血管桥先做桥血管与主动脉的近心端吻合,然后再做桥血管与冠状动脉的吻合. 结果全组病例均在非体外循环下完成手术,搭桥1~6支,(3.2±0.5)支.术后10 d死亡1例,其余36例未发生围术期心肌梗死,无呼吸功能不全、肾功能不全、脑血管意外等严重并发症. 结论在成熟的手术技术和严格的围手术期管理的条件下,非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术治疗重症冠心病可行.  相似文献   

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