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从导师团队的构成、导师团队成员的选定、导师团队成员的遴选标准、导师团队成员的职责等方面对国内外研究生导师团队及相关发展情况进行综述。我国有关护理专业硕士研究生团队导师制实践和探索目前尚处于初级阶段,存在部分问题和不足。应借鉴国外先进经验,结合自身实际情况,进一步探索适合我国护理专业硕士研究生团队导师制的建设方法,以提高我国护理专业硕士研究生培养质量。  相似文献   

护理专业研究生团队导师制建设研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从导师团队的构成、导师团队成员的选定、导师团队成员的遴选标准、导师团队成员的职责等方面对国内外研究生导师团队及相关发展情况进行综述.我国有关护理专业硕士研究生团队导师制实践和探索目前尚处于初级阶段,存在部分问题和不足.应借鉴国外先进经验,结合自身实际情况,进一步探索适合我国护理专业硕士研究生团队导师制的建设方法,以提高我国护理专业硕士研究生培养质量.  相似文献   

阐述了护理专业教师可利用其既是教师又是护理专业人员的双重身份和在教学中的重要地位对护生的职业生涯规划进行指导,通过培养护生的专业认同感和护理职业价值观、重视护理职业道德的建立与护理职业精神的培养、教育并督促护生做好充分的职业准备、指导护生认识专业和环境等,可促进护生在护理专业方面的成长和发展。  相似文献   

护理专业教师在护生职业生涯规划中的作用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
阐述了护理专业教师可利用其既是教师又是护理专业人员的双重身份和在教学中的重要地位对护生的职业生涯规划进行指导,通过培养护生的专业认同感和护理职业价值现、重视护理职业道德的建立与护理职业精神的培养、教育并督促护生做好充分的职业准备、指导护生认识专业和环境等,可促进护生在护理专业方面的成长和发展.  相似文献   

目的 了解临床护理教师时教师有效特征的认同情况。方法 运用临床教师特征量表(CTCI)对45名临床护理教师进行问卷调查。结果 37.8%~88.9%临床护理教师认为真诚对待患者及关怀患者;知识丰富.并能将知识传授给学生:能将理认与护理实践相结合;帮助学生认识其专业职责;当临床工作发生变化、学生需要帮助时.能及时提供帮助为非常主要的教师特征。不同学历临床护理教师对专业能力、师生关系、个性的认同程度存在差异(均P〈0.05);特别在对学生的期望符合实际、真诚坦率地对待学生、具有激励学生学习愿望的能力3方面存在差异,教师学历水平越高.认为该3项越重要。结论 临床护理带教老师普遍认同的教师最有效特征是其专业能力,而在富有幽默感和在学生面前承认自己的局限和过失有待改进。  相似文献   

护理专职教师临床实践存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐仁华 《护理学杂志》2011,26(13):59-61
目的探讨护理专职教师临床实践存在的问题与对策,为制定临床实践可持续发展的长效机制提供依据。方法对16名每年进行≥4个月临床实践的专职护理教师采用教学质量评分表和自制问卷进行调查。结果参加临床实践前后教师教学质量评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);教师认为参加临床实践有利于教师自身的成长、有利于护理专业的发展及增加收入,但在实践中亦存在角色冲突、时间冲突、护理工作繁重及缺乏适当激励机制的问题。结论建立科学、健全的护理专职教师参加临床实践管理制度及评价体系具有重要意义,应针对每位教师的特点制定相应的实践计划,构建合理的激励机制,有利于临床实践的开展。  相似文献   

临床护理教师对教师有效特征认同的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解临床护理教师对教师有效特征的认同情况.方法运用临床教师特征量表(CTCI)对45名临床护理教师进行问卷调查.结果 37.8%~88.9%临床护理教师认为真诚对待患者及关怀患者;知识丰富,并能将知识传授给学生;能将理论与护理实践相结合;帮助学生认识其专业职责;当临床工作发生变化、学生需要帮助时,能及时提供帮助为非常主要的教师特征.不同学历临床护理教师对专业能力、师生关系、个性的认同程度存在差异(均P<0.05);特别在对学生的期望符合实际、真诚坦率地对待学生、具有激励学生学习愿望的能力3方面存在差异,教师学历水平越高,认为该3项越重要.结论临床护理带教老师普遍认同的教师最有效特征是其专业能力,而在富有幽默感和在学生面前承认自己的局限和过失有待改进.  相似文献   

目的探讨从事高等护理教育的护理专业教师的心理健康状况及应对方式,为采取有效措施促进护理教师的心理健康提供参考。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ),对4所高等医学院校的60名护理专业女性教师及66名其他专业的女性教师的心理健康状况及应对方式进行调查。结果护理专业教师SCL-90各症状因子评分均低于其他专业教师,其中两组人际关系、焦虑、抑郁、躯体不适及总分比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01、P〈0.05);护理专业教师的积极应对和消极应对得分与其他专业教师比较,差异有显著性意义(均P〈0.05)。结论护理专业教师的心理健康状况相对较差,且较多采用消极应对方式;管理者应采取有效的措施提高护理专业教师的健康水平。  相似文献   

从培养方式上探讨我国护理硕士研究生临床实践模式   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为建立一种适合全日制护理硕士研究生临床实践的模式,从培养方式角度分析了全日制护理硕士研究生临床实践的意义、现状及存在问题,提出在专才教育,培养专科型高级护理人才,确定不同培养方式实践目的及能力培养目标和要求的基础上,建立临床导师制和原导师指导相结合的"双师制"的带教模式;区分科研型和专业型护理硕士研究生临床实践模式。  相似文献   

介绍了新加坡护理专业教师培训的理念和方法,护理教学的管理策略。提出值得我国借鉴的经验,以进一步完善我国的教师培训和护理教学管理机制。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reduced resident work hours sparked debate regarding lifestyle of clinical faculty. We hypothesized surgery department chairs would not be supportive of part-time clinical faculty (PTF) and would be reluctant to grant requests to reduce total institutional commitment (TIC) or total professional effort. METHOD: A 16-question survey was mailed to 202 surgery chairs requesting department demographics, and perception of PTF. Chairs were given the option of identifying themselves. PTF referred to full-time equivalent clinicians who reduce their TIC for personal/family reasons and did not include clinicians with research or teaching commitments limiting clinical responsibilities. RESULTS: A total of 112 of 186 (61.2%) delivered surveys were returned. Of these, 48.2% of respondents indicated clinicians had requested reduced TIC and 40.2% of departments had PTF. Only 1 chair was unable to grant a request to reduce TIC. A total of 42.8% of respondents indicated that PTF receive reduced salary-linked benefits but (58.9%) no change in either academic status or (52.7%) eligibility for promotion/tenure. The percentage of women faculty was 12.0% in departments with PTF and 10.5% in departments without PTF. A total of 42.8% of chairs agreed facilitating PTF would improve faculty retention versus 24.1% who disagreed (P<.0001). When compared with departments without PTF, chairs with PTF were more supportive that facilitating PTF would improve faculty retention (53.3% vs 32.7%, P<.001) and would be beneficial to their departments (57.8% vs 22.4%, P<.001). Sixty-two percent of respondents volunteered their names and contact information for follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to our hypothesis, surgery department chairs appear to be supportive of PTF and were interested in discussing this further.  相似文献   


Study Objective

To review national data on anesthesiology critical care medicine (ACCM) fellowship program enrollment and to describe a program that successfully recruited ACCM fellows and faculty at a single academic medical center.


An incentive program known as the Mayo Clinic Scholar program, designed to recruit ACCM fellows and faculty, was reviewed. Interviews were conducted to assess the impact of the Mayo Clinic Scholar program.


Academic health center.


ACCM fellowship program enrollment data were compared with similar data for critical care medicine fellowship programs in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, pediatrics, and surgery.The results of a program to recruit ACCM fellows and faculty were reviewed.

Main Results

Only 89 of 147 (60.5%) ACCM fellowship positions available nationally were filled during the 2010-2011 academic year, and only 89 of the 896 (9.9%) critical care medicine fellows anticipated to graduate in 2011 were in ACCM programs. The Mayo Clinic ACCM fellowship enrolled 28 fellows from January 1, 2000 through July 1, 2010 (range 0-6 per yr). Ten of the 28 (35.7%) were United States medical graduates (USMGs) and 6 of the 10 (60.0%) USMGs who were graduates of the Mayo Clinic residency were appointed as Mayo Clinic Scholars. All 6 Mayo Clinic Scholars were retained as ACCM faculty. Only two of the 6 (33.3%) Mayo Clinic Scholars would have completed ACCM training without a Mayo Clinic Scholar appointment. All recommend ACCM training to others and plan to continue to practice ACCM.


The Mayo Clinic Scholar program effectively recruited ACCM fellows and faculty in a single institution. Incentive-based programs should be considered to support the involvement of anesthesiologists in perioperative medicine.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: During a surgical procedure, an attending may propose a surgical treatment that a resident believes is not the standard of care based on previous readings, discussions with other faculty, or experience. We hypothesized that resident disagreements over intraoperative management are common and are handled differently by residents than faculty members perceive. METHODS: Surveys were sent to 68 residents (82% response) and 45 faculty (91% response) in general surgery and seven subspecialties. Questions were asked to determine the frequency of disagreements and the differences in perceptions of how residents should act when they have disagreements over the intraoperative decisions of attendings. Significance was defined using Fisher's exact test at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Residents reported having major disagreements with faculty over intraoperative decisions as often as monthly (41%) or two to three times per year (37%). Estimates of the frequency of major resident disagreements did not differ between attendings and residents. Fewer residents felt comfortable asking the faculty to discuss their intraoperative decisions than was perceived by faculty members (41% vs 78%, P < 0.001). Residents at all levels are less comfortable than perceived by their mentors in discussing intraoperative decisions even when residents believe that patient injury may result. Residents felt that most of their disagreements occurred because of attending knowledge deficit, while most attendings attributed these differences to resident knowledge deficits. CONCLUSION: Residents frequently have disagreements with faculty over intraoperative management. Education to improve preoperative and intraoperative communication between surgical residents and faculty is needed.  相似文献   

The number of Ph.D. faculty in clinical departments now exceeds the number of Ph.D. faculty in basic science departments. Given the escalating pressures on academic surgeons to produce in the clinical arena, the recruitment and retention of high-quality Ph.D.s will become critical to the success of an academic surgical department. This success will be as dependent on the surgical faculty understanding the importance of the partnership as the success of the Ph.D. investigator. Tighter alignment among the various clinical and research programs and between surgeons and basic scientists will facilitate the generation of new knowledge that can be translated into useful products and services (thus improving care). To capitalize on what Ph.D.s bring to the table, surgery departments may need to establish a more formal research infrastructure that encourages the ongoing exchange of ideas and resources. Physically removing barriers between the research groups, encouraging the open exchange of techniques and observations and sharing core laboratories is characteristic of successful research teams. These strategies can meaningfully contribute to developing successful training program grants, program projects and bringing greater research recognition to the department of surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examined how surgical residents and faculty assessed the first year of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty-hour restrictions. METHODS: Questionnaires were administered in 9 general-surgery programs during the summer of 2004; response rates were 63% for faculty and 58% for residents (N = 259). Questions probed patient care, the residency program, quality of life, and overall assessments of the duty-hour restrictions. Results include the means, mean deviations, percentage who agree or strongly agree with the hour restrictions, and significance tests. RESULTS: Although most support the restrictions, few maintain that they improved surgical training or patient care. Faculty and residents differed (P < or = .05) on 16 of 21 items. Every difference shows that residents view the restrictions more favorably than faculty. The sex of the resident shaped the magnitude of the gap for 11 of 21 items. CONCLUSIONS: Few believe that duty-hour restrictions improve patient care or resident training. Residents, especially female residents, view the restrictions more favorably than faculty.  相似文献   

Evidence-based research and interventions to address systemic institutional racism have never been more urgent. Yet, underrepresented minority (URM) professionals in research institutions who primarily produce that evidence have remained abysmally low for decades. This unique study of URM university professors assesses factors—vocational strain, role overload, discrimination, coping strategies—that contribute to health and well-being, research productivity, and ultimately their retention in high impact research positions. We administered a web-based survey assessing demographics, workplace stressors, perceived discrimination, life events, coping strategies, and physical and depressive symptoms. Study participants include 404 faculty of whom 254 are African Americans, 99 are Mexican Americans, and 51 are Puerto Ricans. Hierarchical regression analyses were employed to assess the associations between workplace stress, coping strategies, and symptoms. Results show that perceived discrimination, vocational strain, role overload, and life events directly affected physical symptoms, with self-care (p < 0.001) moderating these effects. Vocational strain and life events had direct effects on depressive symptoms with self-care (p < 0.05) and social support (p < 0.001) moderating these effects. Findings inform health care providers and university leaders about work stress and health conditions that may explain early morbidity and premature departures of URM faculty, and proffer institutional interventions to retain these faculty.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to explore professional values, value conflicts, and assessments of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education's duty-hour restrictions.


Questionnaires distributed at 15 general surgery programs yielded a response rate of 82% (286 faculty members and 306 residents). Eighteen items were examined via mean differences, percentages in agreement, and significance tests. Follow-up interviews with 110 participants were explored for main themes.


Residents and faculty members differed slightly with respect to core values but substantially as to whether the restrictions conflict with core values or compromise care. The average resident–faculty member gap for those 13 items was 35 percentage points. Interview evidence indicates consensus over professional values, a gulf between individualistic and team orientations, frequent moral dilemmas, and concerns about the assumption of responsibility by residents and “real-world” training.


The divide between residents and faculty members over conflicts between the restrictions, core values, and patient care poses a significant issue and represents a challenge in educating the next generation of surgeons.  相似文献   

Promoting and retaining junior faculty are major challenges for many medical schools. High clinical workloads often limit time for scholarly projects and academic development, especially in anesthesiology. To address this, we created the East/West Visiting Scholars in Pediatric Anesthesia Program (ViSiPAP). The program's goal is to help “jumpstart” academic careers by providing opportunities for national exposure and recognition through invited lectures and collaborative opportunities. East/West ViSiPAP benefits the participating scholars, the home and hosting anesthesia departments, and pediatric anesthesia fellowship training programs. By fostering a sense of well‐being and inclusion in the pediatric anesthesia community, East/West ViSiPAP has the potential to increase job satisfaction, help faculty attain promotion, and reduce attrition. Faculty and trainees are exposed to new expertise and role models. Moreover, ViSiPAP provides opportunities for women and underrepresented in medicine faculty. This program can help develop today's junior faculty into tomorrow's leaders in pediatric anesthesia. We advocate for expanding the concept of ViSiPAP to other institutions in academic medicine.  相似文献   

Mentoring faculty members   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copeland EM 《Surgery》2003,134(5):741-742

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