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经椎弓根椎体截骨技术在腰椎后凸畸形矫正中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]总结单节段经椎弓根椎体截骨技术在各种原因所致腰椎后凸畸形矫正中的效果。[方法]自1998年1月~2005年3月,治疗腰椎后凸畸形18例,其中强直性脊柱炎所致腰椎后凸畸形7例,腰椎陈旧性骨折所致后凸畸形7例,腰椎退变性后凸畸形4例,畸形角40~90°,平均57°。均采用经椎弓根椎体截骨矫形后椎弓根螺钉系统固定。[结果]15例得到随访,随访时间1~6a,平均3a,矫正角30~45°,平均36°。矫正角丧失1~5°,平均3°。截骨融合率100%。无1例脊髓损伤,患者对手术效果均感满意。[结论]单节段经椎弓根椎体截骨技术是治疗腰椎后凸畸形的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的 总结应用弓型脊柱手术托架辅助单节段三柱截骨结合内固定系统治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的临床手术效果及治疗经验。方法 对 36例脊柱前柱严重骨化的强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形患者 ,应用弓型脊柱手术托架辅助术中调节体位 ,经后路进行L2 或L3 的三柱截骨 ,并辅以内固定。术后随访 4~ 34个月 ,平均 16个月。结果 后凸畸形矫正 15°~ 4 4°,平均矫正 2 9.3°。患者重心前移、限制性肺通气不足、俯视等症状明显得到缓解 ,提高了生活质量 ,患者满意率达 94 .4 %。术后均未出现截瘫、大小便障碍 ;4例出现单侧、2例出现双侧下肢麻木症状 ,经药物治疗后缓解。结论 应用弓型脊柱手术托架辅助三柱截骨内固定手术治疗前柱严重骨化的强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形 ,疗效可靠、满意 ,手术安全、简便  相似文献   

[目的]探讨治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的方法和疗效。[方法]根据脊柱侧位X线片测量后凸角度,明确截骨部位,行椎弓根椎体楔形截骨术和脊柱通用系统(USS)双螺纹椎弓根Schanz螺钉内固定术。[结果]后凸畸形矫正度20°~40°,平均矫正32°,外观改善满意。经12~36个月(平均24个月)随访,均达骨性融合,矫正度数无丢失,无椎弓根螺钉松动。[结论]正确选择手术适应证,采用本方法可取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形的外科治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价采用蛋壳技术经椎弓根行单节段三柱闭合截骨矫治强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形的外科疗效。方法自1998年1月-2006年5月利用可调式弓形脊柱手术托架辅助术中调节体位、采用蛋壳技术,行腰后路经k或L3椎弓根单节段三柱闭合截骨,并辅以椎弓根钉系统内固定矫治强直洼脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形38例,观察术后症状缓解、后凸畸形矫治、骨性融合及脊柱椎节稳定性情况。结果随访18-64个月,平均35个月。所有患者局部疼痛、不能平卧、俯视等症状术后明显缓解,脊髓神经功能无损伤。术后影像学检查提示:脊柱内固定物在位,腰椎前凸恢复,矫形椎截骨面闭合良好,达骨性愈合。术后后凸成角12.1°-35.2°,平均26.5±8.3°(后凸矫正31.2°±8.5°),随访后矫正度丢失2.3°±3.80°结论对于强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形,利用蛋壳技术经椎弓根行单节段三柱闭合截骨并内固定,是一种安全有效的矫正方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的外科治疗效果.方法 对20例强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形患者行L2或L3椎弓根截骨矫正并椎弓根钉-棒系统固定.结果 全部获随访,时间1~3年.患者后凸畸形均明显改善,Cobb角术前45°~70°,术后8°~20°;能平视行走和仰卧休息;截骨处均融合.结论 经L2或L3椎弓根截骨并椎弓根钉-棒系统治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形,矫形效果好,安全可靠,是理想的治疗方法.  相似文献   

经椎弓根楔形截骨矫正强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的研究经腰椎椎弓根楔形截骨矫正强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的手术方法和治疗效果。方法2003年1月~2006年12月收治12例男性强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形患者,平均年龄36岁。手术采用一期后路经L3椎弓根截骨矫形,截骨节段上方和下方至少2个节段椎弓根螺钉矫正固定。测量患者术前和术后颌眉线/垂线夹角和脊柱侧位X线L2~4椎体Cobb角度。结果患者颌眉线/垂线夹角由术前平均76.3°矫正到术后平均17°,而L2~4的Cobb角度由术前平均后凸6.7°矫正到术后平均前凸48.6°。所有患者能够平视行走,矢状面平衡和步态得到明显改善。结论对于严重强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形患者,经腰椎椎弓根楔形截骨矫形是一种安全有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

椎弓根钉内固定系统矫治脊柱后凸   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 :探讨椎弓根螺钉内固定在矫治脊柱后凸中的应用及截骨方法的选择。方法 :本组 2 5例全部采用单节段截骨。椎板、小关节截骨 8例 ;三柱楔形截骨 17例。全部采用短节段的椎弓根内固定装置 ,其中RF 12例 ,CD 3例 ,STB 10例。结果 :本组 2 1例得到 3、6、12个月的随访 ,其腰背痛消失或大部分缓解 ,截骨部位获得骨性愈合 ,后凸角度由手术前平均 70° ,矫正到平均 33° ,矫正角度丢失平均 2 .5° ,矫正率为 5 2 .9%。内固定装置无松脱和断裂。结论 :用椎弓根螺钉内固定矫治脊柱后凸牢固可靠 ,对于年龄小、无腹腔血管钙化、后凸 <6 0°可选用椎板、小关节截骨 ,相反选用三柱楔形截骨为宜  相似文献   

经腰椎椎弓根截骨矫正强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究经腰椎椎弓根截骨矫正强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的手术方法和治疗效果。方法自2005年1月至2009年11月间采用经腰椎椎弓根截骨结合内固定对12例强直性脊柱炎脊柱后凸畸形患者手术治疗。测量术前和术后颌眉角和Cobb′s角度。结果平均颌眉角由术前59°矫正至术后17,°Cobb′s角度由术前53°矫正至术后27°。重心前移、双目视野、消化道和呼吸道症状也可得到明显改善。结论经腰椎椎弓根截骨结合内固定是强直性脊柱炎脊柱后凸畸形安全有效的治疗手段,具有效果确切、操作简单及并发症少等优点。  相似文献   

[目的]总结脊柱后凸畸形翻修术的方法与治疗结果。[方法]2001年6月~2005年8月采用后路全脊椎截骨矫形加椎弓根螺钉框架系统内固定翻修治疗脊柱后凸畸形17例。[结果]椎弓根共置钉168枚,脊椎后凸翻修截骨最多3个平面,最大翻修矫正后凸100°,截骨平面最高达T10,平均矫正脊柱后凸56.2°。[结论]脊柱后凸畸形术后复发,脊柱翻修术可收到良好效果。  相似文献   

强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形两种截骨矫形术式的疗效比较   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
目的探讨治疗强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形的两种截骨矫形术式、截骨范围及内固定范围的选择。方法共54例,男49例,女5例;年龄25~56岁,平均36岁。其中多节段经关节突“V”形截骨23例(A组),单节段经椎弓根椎体截骨31例(B组)。结果术后无感染、死亡发生;术中硬脊膜破裂2例(A组和B组各1例),椎弓根骨折1例(A组);术后下肢短暂性麻木2例(B组),肠系膜上动脉综合征1例(A组)。术后平均矫正度:行多节段经关节突“V”形截骨者为44°,单节段经椎弓根椎体截骨者为36°。随访11~45个月,平均20个月,A组矫正度丢失平均为6°,B组为3°,但均达骨性融合。A组有1例发生椎弓根螺钉早期松动。A、B两组患者主观满意率分别为95.7%和93.5%。结论以上两种截骨方式治疗强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎后凸畸形的临床效果相似,可根据脊柱前柱是否完全骨化来选择术式。偏心椎板钩的使用是解决术中内固定困难的有效方法。  相似文献   

Abstract Immunoadsorption (1A) therapy with tryptophan (TR-350) or phenylalanine (PH-350) adsorbents has been used to reduce the concentration of serum antibodies in human lymphocyte antigen (HLA)-immunized patients. Other forms of plasma purification have been reported to reduce the level of fibrinogen, which affects the blood properties. In this study we investigated the effects of IA therapy using both adsorbents on plasma fibrinogen and immunoglobulins G and M in 13 patients (8 patients were treated with TR-350, and 5 patients were treated with PH-350). During each session 1 plasma volume (2.8 ± 0.4 L of plasma) was processed through the immunocolumn and then returned to the patient together with the blood cells. Compared with the pretreatment values, the plasma fibrinogen, IgG, and IgM concentrations were significantly reduced after IA therapy (p < 0.01 for TR-350; p < 0.04 for PH-350). There was a positive correlation between the degree of reduction of plasma proteins and the number of IA treatments given. A nonpara-metric test (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test or the Mann-Whitney test) was used for statistical analysis. We conclude from our study that IA therapy effectively lowers the plasma levels of fibrinogen, IgG, and IgM and thus can be considered a valuable alternative to other blood purification methods.  相似文献   

Blunt trauma is the principal cause of childhood death in many developed countries. This review outlines the differences between adults and children with respect to resuscitation and treatment of orthopaedic injuries in a child with polytrauma. Recent advances in techniques of fracture stabilization are reported.  相似文献   

Abstract: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is widely recognized as one of the major risk factors for developing coronary heart diseases. Despite intensive development of LDL-lowering drugs, there still exist those patients with refractory hyperlipidemia whose plasma LDL levels are not sufficiently lowered by drugs. LDL apheresis, direct removal of plasma LDL from circulating blood, is thought to be the most promising treatment for such refractory patients. Various techniques, such as the use of an im-munoadsorbent utilizing an anti-LDL antibody, have been used in an attempt to achieve the selective removal of LDL. However, none were widely used because of complications, poor selectivity, and so forth. To establish a safe and effective LDL apheresis system, we chose a synthetic affinity adsorbent as the LDL-removing device. Synthetic polyanion compounds were used as the affinity ligands for LDL adsorbent to simulate the anion-rich sequence of LDL binding sites in the human LDL receptor. Among various polyanion compounds, those polyanions with sulfate or sulfonate groups and hydrophilic backbone were found to have strong affinity for LDL. In contrast, polyanions with carboxyl groups showed poor affinity. Dextran sulfate (DS) was selected as the affinity ligand of LDL adsorbent for its high affinity and low toxicity. The influence of its charge density and molecular weight on its affinity for LDL was suitable. The affinity rapidly increased as the charge density increased, then, reached a constant value. Little affinity was found for either the DS monomer (glucose sulfate) or DS with a molecular weight higher than 104 daltons whereas DS with molecular weights in the midrange showed strong affinity. DS with a midrange molecular weight was immobilized on cellulose hard gel to give LDL adsorbent clinical application. The adsorbent demonstrated an excellent selectivity for LDL and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) in vitro. Adsorption of high-density lipoprotein and major plasma proteins was almost negligible. Additional study of the LDL-binding mechanism revealed that DS directly interacts with positively charged sites on LDL, which demonstrates that the nature of the interaction is the same as that of LDL receptor. An LDL adsorption column (Liposorber) packed with an LDL adsorbent and polysulfone hollow-fiber plasma separator (Sulflux) was developed as an efficient LDL apheresis system. Clinical investigation proved that this system is capable of intensively lowering the plasma LDL level without affecting major plasma components.  相似文献   

In this Editor's Review, articles published in 2010 are organized by category and briefly summarized. As the official journal of The International Federation for Artificial Organs, The International Faculty for Artificial Organs, and the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps, Artificial Organs continues in the original mission of its founders "to foster communications in the field of artificial organs on an international level."Artificial Organs continues to publish developments and clinical applications of artificial organ technologies in this broad and expanding field of organ Replacement, Recovery, and Regeneration from all over the world. We take this time also to express our gratitude to our authors for offering their work to this journal. We offer our very special thanks to our reviewers who give so generously of time and expertise to review, critique, and especially provide such meaningful suggestions to the author's work whether eventually accepted or rejected and especially to those whose native tongue is not English. Without these excellent and dedicated reviewers the quality expected from such a journal could not be possible. We also express our special thanks to our Publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, for their expert attention and support in the production and marketing of Artificial Organs. In this Editor's Review, that historically has been widely received by our readership, we aim to provide a brief reflection of the currently available worldwide knowledge that is intended to advance and better human life while providing insight for continued application of technologies and methods of organ Replacement, Recovery, and Regeneration. We look forward to recording further advances in the coming years.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

The interactive approach of a journal club has been described in the medical education literature. The aim of this investigation is to present an assessment of journal club as a tool to address the question whether residents read more and critically.


This study reports the performance of medical residents in anesthesiology from the Clinics Hospital – University of São Paulo Medical School. All medical residents were invited to answer five questions derived from discussed papers. The answer sheet consisted of an affirmative statement with a Likert type scale (totally disagree–disagree–not sure–agree–totally agree), each related to one of the chosen articles. The results were evaluated by means of item analysis – difficulty index and discrimination power.


Residents filled one hundred and seventy three evaluations in the months of December 2011 (n = 51), July 2012 (n = 66) and December 2012 (n = 56). The first exam presented all items with straight statement, second and third exams presented mixed items. Separating “totally agree” from “agree” increased the difficulty indices, but did not improve the discrimination power.


The use of a journal club assessment with straight and inverted statements and by means of five points scale for agreement has been shown to increase its item difficulty and discrimination power. This may reflect involvement either with the reading or the discussion during the journal meeting.  相似文献   

Abstract: Leukocytapheresis has long been performed with the centrifugal method. But in 1989 in Japan, the Asahi Medical Co. developed the extracorporeal leukocyte-removal filter, Cellsorba. This filter consists of non-woven fabric, which can remove leukocytes from whole blood during extracorporeal circulation. In the incipient stage, this filter was applied to collagen diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. During the following studies, this filter has been found to have an immunosuppressive effect. Now, it is beginning to be applied to various kinds of autoimmune diseases. Moreover, this filter has recently been recognized to be effective in inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease. The outline of Cellsorba and the application of this filter is described here.  相似文献   

Abstract: The oxidative burst of neutrophils from azotemic patients is refractory to priming by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα). Soluble TNFα binding proteins (TNFR) accumulate in the plasma of azotemic patients. To test the hypothesis that these increased sTNFR concentrations inhibit TNFa priming of oxidative burst activity, we measured plasma sTNFR concentrations in nondialyzed azotemic patients, hemodialysis patients, and normal subjects, and determined TNFa priming of fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated superoxide production in neutrophils incubated in plasma with differing levels of sTNFR. These sTNFR concentrations increased significantly as creatinine clearance decreased and were significantly greater in hemodialysis patients than could be accounted for by loss of renal function alone. TNFα primed superoxide production by normal neutrophils in normal plasma, but this effect was significantly reduced in plasma with increased concentrations of sTNFR. Neutrophils from azotemic and hemodialysis patients were refractory to priming by TNFα in autologous plasma, and incubation in normal plasma only partially corrected this defect. We conclude that sTNFR accumulate as a result of the loss of renal function and hemodialysis and inhibit TNFα priming of neutrophils in azotemic and hemodialysis patients, but that these cells also have an intrinsic functional defect.  相似文献   

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