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肝癌的完整切除是肝癌患者获得根治性治疗效果的最主要途径,切除术后足够的剩余肝脏体积是避免肝衰竭的必要条件.为了达到上述目的,近年来,一种全新手术方式——联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(ALPPS)已见报道.本研究回顾性分析2013年4月复旦大学附属中山医院收治的1例传统手术不能切除的巨大肝癌患者行ALPPS的临床资料.第1步手术先结扎门静脉右支,再在镰状韧带的右侧,原位劈离肝左外叶和左内叶.距离第1次手术7d后,剩余肝脏体积由术前291 ml增加至579ml,第8天即行第2步扩大右半肝切除术.ALPPS这一创新技术为不能切除的肝癌患者提供了治愈的希望.  相似文献   

联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(ALPPS)是近年提出的一种手术方式,分两次完成,第1次手术包括门静脉结扎、在待切除肝和需保留肝之间离断肝实质,待剩余肝脏体积增大后再行第2次手术切除病肝。ALPPS主要目的是使剩余肝脏体积快速增长,为那些原来不能切除的肝脏恶性肿瘤的患者提供可根治性切除的机会。本文综述了近几年ALPPS方面的研究,从演变过程、手术方法、适用范围、存在争论的问题和近几年的研究现状等方面进行了总结和分析,并对以后的发展方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(ALPPS)被誉为肝胆外科领域革命性突破,通过第1步手术刺激剩余肝脏再生,第2步手术行根治性切除,为不能行手术切除的肝癌患者提供了在1次住院期间获得根治性切除的机会.2014年4月第三军医大学西南医院收治1例合并肝硬化的右肝原发性肝癌患者.术前评估行右半肝切除术后剩余肝脏体积占标准肝脏体积的26.9%.采用全腹腔镜ALPPS方案:第1步手术行腹腔镜下右侧Glisson蒂悬吊,门静脉右支结扎,肝后间隙放置绕肝带,正中裂原位肝实质完全离断.第1步手术后13 d再次计算剩余肝脏体积占标准肝脏体积的40.6%.于第1步手术后14 d行第2步手术:腹腔镜下采用直线切割闭合器离断右侧Glisson蒂及肝右静脉,处理右半肝周围韧带,完整切除右半肝及肿瘤,于耻骨上横切口取出标本.切缘距离肿瘤1.5 cm.患者第1步手术后无并发症发生,第2步手术后并发右侧胸腔积液行穿刺引流,于第2步手术后第9天痊愈出院.术后1个月门诊复查肝功能正常,无肝脏占位性病变和胸腔积液.全腹腔镜ALPPS治疗肝硬化肝癌安全可行,手术效果良好.  相似文献   

肝癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,肝切除术是治疗原发性肝癌和肝脏多发转移性肿瘤的主要方法~([1-2])。许多肝癌病人需行大范围肝切除术,但因剩余肝体积(future liver remnant,FLR)不足而无法实现根治性手术。联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy,ALPPS)作为一种全  相似文献   

正目前,肝脏恶性肿瘤的发病率仍然处于上升趋势~([1-3])。Hans Schlitt在2007年偶然发现了联合肝脏分隔和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy,ALPPS),该手术包括第1步肝脏离断手术和第2步肝脏肿瘤切除手术,两次手术的间隔时间在7~40d~([4-5])。ALPPS给原本失去手术机会的病  相似文献   

联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的两阶段肝切除术(associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy,ALPPS)是近几年提出的一种全新手术方式,因其能显著促进肝组织增生,明显缩短两次手术时间间隔,所以可用于剩余正常肝脏体积不足,不能接受大范围切除的中晚期肝癌病人。目前该术式仍存在风险和难点,有着较高的并发症发生率和病死率,短期效果尚可,但其所带来的长期存活获益尚无定论,故其发展一直伴随着诸多的争议。本文就ALPPS的相关应用进展等作一综述。  相似文献   

肝切除是目前为止能使肝癌患者获得根治性治疗效果的最主要治疗手段。为了避免肝功能衰竭,必须保证患者接受肝切除术后拥有足够的剩余肝体积。我国较多肝癌患者在被确诊时其肿瘤体积巨大,如按常规方法切除肿瘤则剩余正常肝组织过少而不足以维持其功能,患者往往失去获得根治性治疗的机会。近年来兴起的一项外科新技术,即联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎二步肝切除术(associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy,ALPPS),为此类肝癌患者获得根治性治疗带来了新希望。  相似文献   

目的 探讨联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(ALPPS)治疗巨大原发性肝细胞癌的安全性及有效性。方法 回顾性分析2014年12月哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院行ALPPS的1例右肝巨大肝细胞癌并门静脉三个分支病人的临床资料,第一步手术结扎门静脉右支并原位劈离肝左外叶和左内叶,第二步行肝脏右三叶切除术。结果 第一步手术7 d后,剩余肝脏体积由术前281 mL增加至606 mL,术后第7天肝功能恢复正常。第一步术后第8天行第二步手术,术后第5天肝功恢复正常。结论 ALPPS为残余肝脏体积不足的巨大肝癌病人提供了新的治疗选择。  相似文献   

在探索如何安全地进行扩大肝切除的历史上,联合肝脏分隔和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(ALPPS)的提出是该领域的一个突破性进展。目前,对于ALPPS诱导的残余肝脏(FLR)增生的质量,ALPPS的适应证、安全性、规范的技术操作及其预后均存在较大争议。但ALPPS并非是只为创新而标新立异地孤注一掷,其是为一部分病人的安全有效手术治疗探索一线生机。  相似文献   

正手术切除是肝癌的最佳治疗方式。但肝癌初始可切除率仅为15%~30%[1-2]。临床上许多肝癌病人因肿瘤巨大,导致术后剩余肝不足,无法行一期根治切除。针对这部分病人,目前手术的主要策略是诱导剩余肝增生后再行肿瘤的二步切除治疗。近年来,联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy,ALPPS)为该类病人提供了一种新的治疗选择。ALPPS可于短期内诱导剩余  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common malignancy of the digestive system. Colorectal liver cancer metastasis (CRLM) occurs in approximately 50% of the patients and is the main cause of CRC mortality. Surgical resection is currently the most effective treatment for CRLM. However, given that the remnant liver volume after resection should be adequate, only a few patients are suitable for radical resection. Since Dr. Hans Schlitt first performed the associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) for CRLM in 2012, ALPPS has received considerable attention and has continually evolved in recent years. This review explains the technical origin of the ALPPS procedure for CRLM and evaluates its efficacy, pointing to its favorable postoperative outcomes. We also discuss the patient screening strategies and optimization of ALPPS to ensure long-term survival of patients with CRLM in whom surgery cannot be performed. Finally, further directions in both basic and clinical research regarding ALPPS have been proposed. Although ALPPS surgery is a difficult and high-risk technique, it is still worth exploration by experienced surgeons.  相似文献   

目的 通过联合肝脏分隔和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(ALPPS)和传统二阶段手术(TSH)进行系统回顾和Meta分析,综合评价这两种手术的实用性和安全性.方法 运用计算机检索MEDLINE、EMBASE等数据库,查找2013-2016年关于ALPPS手术和TSH手术临床相关文献资料.运用Revmen 5.0软件进行统计学分析,计量资料采用均数差(MD)作为评价分析统计量;计数资料采用比值比(OR)作为评价分析统计量,各效应量均以95%可信区间(CI)表示.异质性检验采用x2检验(检验标准为P <0.05),无异质性采用固定效应模型,在异质性较高的情况下,则采用随机效应模型.结果 经过筛查,4项研究共312例手术符合纳入标准.将两组手术进行Meta分析,研究结果显示,ALPPS组FLR增长率明显高于TSH组(MD =24.78;95% CI:0.63 ~48.94;P=0.04);且ALPPS组FLR增长时间较TSH组显著缩短(MD=-26.55;95%CI:-37.13~-15.97;P<0.05);ALPPS组术后严重并发症(≥Ⅲb)的发病率要高于TSH组(OR=2.47;95%CI:1.14~5.36;P =0.02);而ALPPS组和TSH组术后病死率没有明显区别(OR=2.43;95% CI:0.94~6.31;P =0.07).结论 ALPPS手术较TSH手术可以更好地在较短时间内使预留残肝体积增长到安全切除范围,且两组术后病死率无明显差别,但ALPPS较TSH术后严重并发症(≥Ⅲb)的发病率仍然很高.  相似文献   

近年来,肝癌综合治疗进展显著,但手术切除仍为肝癌病人获得长期生存的主要治疗方式。随着肝脏外科的快速发展,肝脏解剖学的复杂性和手术操作已不再是肝脏手术的主要障碍,肝切除术后剩余肝脏体积不足成为肝脏手术的主要限制因素。临床上多数肝癌病人因此无法行一期根治性切除术,只能接受非手术治疗,长期预后较差。联合肝脏分隔和门静脉结扎二...  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDThe role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in the growth and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has attracted widespread attention.AIMTo evaluate the feasibility of associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) for massive HCC by exploring the role of TIL in the tumor microenvironment.METHODSFifteen massive HCC patients who underwent ALPPS treatment and 46 who underwent hemi-hepatectomy were selected for this study. Propensity score matching was utilized to match patients in ALPPS and hemi-hepatectomy groups (1:1). Quantitative analysis of TILs in tumor and adjacent tissues between the two groups was performed by immunofluorescence staining and further analyses with oncological characteristics. In the meantime, trends of TILs in peripheral blood were compared between the two groups during the perioperative period.RESULTSContinuous measurement of tumor volume and necrosis volume showed that the proportion of tumor necrosis volume on the seventh day after stage-I ALPPS was significantly higher than the pre-operative value (P = 0.024). In the preoperative period of stage-I ALPPS, the proportion of tumor necrosis volume in the high CD8+ T cell infiltration group was significantly higher than that in the low group (P = 0.048).CONCLUSIONTIL infiltration level maintained a dynamic balance during the preoperative period of ALPPS. Compared with right hemi-hepatectomy, the ALPPS procedure does not cause severe immunosuppression with the decrease in TIL infiltration and pathological changes in immune components of peripheral blood. Our results suggested that ALPPS is safe and feasible for treating massive HCC from the perspective of immunology. In addition, high CD8+ T cell infiltration is associated with increasing tumor necrosis in the perioperative period of ALPPS.  相似文献   

BackgroundBoth portal vein embolization (PVE) and associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) have merits and demerits when used in patients with unresectable liver cancers due to insufficient volumes in future liver remnant (FLR).MethodsThis study was a single-center, prospective randomized comparative study. Patients with the diagnosis of hepatitis B related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to the 2 groups. The primary endpoints were tumor resection and three-year overall survival (OS) rates.ResultsBetween November 2014 to June 2016, 76 patients with unresectable HBV-related HCC due to inadequate volume of FLR were randomly assigned to ALPPS groups (n=38) and TACE + PVE groups (n=38). Thirty-seven patients (97.4%) in the ALPPS group compared with 25 patients (65.8%) in the TACE + PVE group were able to undergo staged hepatectomy (risk ratio 1.48, 95% CI: 1.17–1.87, P<0.001). The three-year OS rate of the ALPPS group (65.8%) (95% CI: 50.7–80.9) was significantly better than the TACE + PVE group (42.1%) (95% CI: 26.4–57.8) (HR 0.50, 95% CI: 0.26–0.98, two-sided P=0.036). However, no significant difference in the OS rates between patients who underwent tumor resection in the 2 groups of patients was found (HR 0.80, 95% CI: 0.35–1.83, two-sided P=0.595). Major postoperative complications rates after the stage-2 hepatectomy were 54.1% in the ALPPS group and 20.0% in the TACE + PVE group (risk ratio 2.70, 95% CI: 1.17–6.25, P=0.007).ConclusionsALPPS resulted in significantly better intermediate-term OS outcomes, at the expenses of a significantly higher perioperative morbidity rate compared with TACE + PVE in patients who had initially unresectable HBV-related HCC.  相似文献   

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