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目的 采用颈椎前路钛网钢板及自体髂骨植骨对不同颈椎节段进行内固定,分析其生物力学改变。方法 取自愿捐赠的6具新鲜尸体C3~7标本,C5、C5.6及C4~6椎体次全切除后,分别行髂骨植骨和钛网前路钢板内固定术,测量各节段的前屈、后伸、左、右侧弯及左、右旋转运动变化,以完整标本作为对照组。结果 自体髂骨的植入使失稳颈椎的稳定性提高,其侧弯、屈伸运动度减少,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),但抗旋转运动减少不明显(P〉0.05)。不同颈椎节段开槽减压椎间撑开钛网前路钢板内固定状态下,手术节段的即刻稳定性比对照组及撑开植骨状态增加(P〈0.05)。结论 颈椎前路椎体次全切除之后,植骨仅能部分改善其稳定性,但应用颈椎前路钛网钢板内固定可明显增强颈椎的稳定性,也较完整颈椎运动功能单位稳定。  相似文献   

前路椎体撑开后颈椎三维活动度测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:旨在研究颈椎前路椎体撑开椎管扩大后对颈椎运动稳定性的影响,以求为新的术式设计提供实验参数。方法:采用新鲜尸体标本8具,于C5椎体正中部分切除开骨槽10mm,撑开骨槽达15mm后植入楔形骨块维持,AO前路带锁钢板固定C4一C6节段,分别对正常、撑开植骨及AO前路带锁钢板固定3种状态进行脊往三维运动测量与稳定性分析。结果:颈椎椎体撑开后,与正常组相比,除后伸运动范围稍增大外,其余运动范围均减小;前路钢板固定后三维运动范围均显著减小。结论:颈椎前路椎体撑开椎管扩大后,相应椎节活动废减小,稳定性增加,即刻恢复稳定应行前路内固定。  相似文献   

颈椎疾患长期以来采用前路减压植骨融合已成为典型的传统手术 ,由于其取骨需要另作切口及其可能出现的植骨块移位、不融合、椎间高度丢失等问题 ,因而不少作者在前路减压植骨的同时采用前路内固定 ,特别是近年来界面固定椎间融合器的使用 ,更是成为“时尚”。本期基础研究栏目刊载的“钛质网笼内植物加前路带锁钢板对颈椎稳定性生物力学评价”一文 ,在审稿过程中 ,专家们提出了相近或不相同的看法 ,其中一些问题值得进一步探讨。譬如 :根据本实验结果应用于临床 ,对患者究竟是“overtreatment”还是“benefit” ?单纯植骨融合是否仍可用 ?什么情况下用 ?目前笼状椎间融合器的稳定性究竞如何 ?是否需要常规加用前路钢板……等 ?  相似文献   

目的评价颈椎前路单节段椎间盘髓核切除术后,颈椎间融合器(cage)植入和颈椎间植骨加颈前路钛板内固定的稳定性。方法取8具山羊颈椎标本(C2~C7),先后制成:C4/C5椎间盘髓核切除、C4/C5Solis颈椎间融合器(cage)植入、C4/C5椎间植骨加颈前路钛板内固定模型。在非破坏方式下依次检测和评价颈椎在前屈、后伸、左侧弯方向的载荷及移位情况,计算位移-载荷均值并绘图比较。结果C4/C5椎间盘髓核切除后颈椎的前屈运动增加40%(P<0.05),后伸运动增加31%(P<0.05),侧弯运动增加32%(P<0.05);C4/C5Solis颈椎融合器(cage)植入和C4/C5椎间植骨加颈前路钛板内固定后各方向运动均明显减少,增强了这三个方向上的稳定性。结论在单节段颈椎前路手术时,椎间植骨加颈前路钛板内固定和Solis颈椎间融合器(cage)植入均能够提供良好的颈椎稳定性,但后者有利于减少术后并发症,故基本可以替代钛板内固定方法。  相似文献   

目的评价运用颈椎前路减压钛网加带锁钢板内固定治疗颈椎伤病的临床效果.方法从2000年1月-2000年6月,运用钛网植骨、带锁钢板内固定重建技术,治疗17例颈椎损伤和颈椎病的病人.结果随访6~28个月,术后JOA评分改善平均13.6分.结论钛网加带锁钢板固定对颈椎伤病有良好固定作用,避免取髂骨,可显著提高植骨融合率,有效地维持椎间高度和生理曲度,有利于颈椎伤病患者的神经功能恢复和尽早行走.  相似文献   

目的:比较钛质外科网(简称“钛网”)与自体髂骨块在颈椎前路减压融合术中恢复、维持颈椎曲度及椎间高度上的差异。方法:对59例确诊为脊髓型颈椎病的患者行颈椎前路减压融合术,其中22例行钛网植骨加AO纯钛带锁钢板内固定,37例行自体髂骨块植入加AO纯钛带锁钢板内固定。分别摄术前、术后即刻、术后随访时的颈椎标准侧位X线片,以Cobb角测量融合节段的前凸(或后凸),以D值评价颈椎的前凸(或后凸),同时测量融合节段椎体前缘高度(HAB)、后缘高度(HPB)。对各参数不同时期间差值分别行组间配对t检验。结果:经9~18个月随访(平均10.8个月),所有病例均获骨性融合。术后3个月钛网组及自体髂骨块组融合节段后高(HPB)和前凸Cobb角相对于术后即刻变化有显著性差异(P<0.01);术后6个月钛网组及自体髂骨块组融合节段后高(HPB)和前凸Cobb角相对于术后3个月变化有显著性关(P<0.01)。但两组的D值无显著性差异。结论:在维持融合节段椎体后缘高度和前凸上钛网优于自体髂骨块,但在维持颈椎曲度上无显著性差异。  相似文献   

颈椎前路界面固定和带锁钢板固定的远期疗效比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨颈前路手术中用界面内固定 (Cage)和AO带锁钢板内固定远期疗效。方法  91例经颈前路减压 ,自体植骨 ,采用界面固定 47例 ;AO带锁钢板固定 44例。结果  91例中 ,77例获得随访 ,其中界面固定 42例 ,颈椎带锁钢板内固定 35例。平均随访 1 4个月 ,两组病例植骨于术后 1 2~ 1 6周骨性愈合。术后恢复之椎间高度未发生再丢失现象 ,颈椎生理曲度维持良好。两组疗效无显著性差异。结论 界面固定和带锁钢板固定对颈椎前路手术术后可能导致的潜在性颈椎失稳进行内固定 ,具有良好的远期疗效  相似文献   

目的 总结早期前路减压植骨融合加CSLP(Cervical Spine Locking P1ate,CSLP)固定治疗下颈椎骨折伴不完全截截的经验。方法 下颈椎前路减压后用自体髂骨植入加CSLP内固定。结果 15例患经8个月~3年随访观察,所有的病例植骨均完全愈合。按Frankel分级,术后神经功能恢复良好。结论 颈椎前路减压骨加AO带锁钢板具有较高的内在稳定性,操作简便、安全、并发症少、生物相容性好、无磁性等优点。有利于脊髓生理功能的恢复及保持颈椎的生理稳定性。  相似文献   

目的 评价颈椎前路带锁钢板固定系统(CSLP)治疗颈椎骨折的稳定性及临床有效性.方法 将6具新鲜成人颈椎标本(C2~6)置于脊柱三维测量仪上测定C3~5节段的ROM,制造C4爆裂骨折,测定其三维运动变化后分别进行植骨、植骨+CSLP固定,并重复测量其三维运动.对32例下颈椎骨折行前路减压融合,并以CSLP进行内固定治疗.结果 植骨+CSLP固定后在屈伸、侧弯、旋转方向较损伤后明显下降,与正常值相比,屈伸和侧弯运动均明显减少,但旋转运动减少不明显.术后随访6~48个月,所有骨折均复位,颈椎椎体高度恢复,椎间植骨均融合,钢板位置满意,无螺钉松动或脱出.结论 AO前路钢板固定颈椎爆裂骨折时各个运动方向均能获得稳定,临床效果满意,是一种治疗颈椎骨折的理想固定装置.  相似文献   

一期前后联合手术减压固定治疗严重下颈椎骨折脱位   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
目的:探讨下颈椎骨折脱位的有效治疗。方法:一期前后联合手术复位、减压、内固定14例,其中前路Orion带锁钢板9例,Zephir带锁钢板固定5例,前路减压后采用自体髂骨植骨融合10例,钛网加自体骨4例,后路采用Axis侧块钢板固定。结果:术后随访6.18个月,神经功能均有一级以上的改善,其中3例Frankel C级患者接近E级。植骨在2~4个月融合。结论:颈椎前后路一期联合手术固定治疗严重下颈椎骨折脱位,可使损伤节段获得早期稳定,方促术后护理和功能锻炼,有利于脊髓功能恢复。  相似文献   

Posterior cervical fixation using lateral mass plates and screws is becoming increasingly used and accepted.Advantages include increased rigidity, ability to be used in cases where the lamina or spinous processes are deficient or missing, use across the occipito-cervical or cervico-thoracic junction, and need for less postoperative bracing. Safe placement of lateral mass screws requires complete exposure and identification of the boundaries of the lateral masses. The starting point for screw placement is 1 to 2 mm medial to the center of lateral mass. The screws are angulated outward 10 to 20 degrees and cranially 20 to 30 degrees to be parallel to the facet joints. An adjustable drill guide facilitates safe drilling and tapping techniques. All 102 patients with unstable cervical spines treated with AO reconstruction plates and autogenous bone graft had healed fusions based on flexion-extension radiographs. The reductions achieved postoperatively were maintained at follow-up. Two patients had transient radiculopathies secondary to screw placement. The indications for lateral mass fixation include cases where the lamina or spinal processes are deficient or missing, multilevel or rotational instabilities, when extension to the thoracic spine or occiput is required or when decreased bracing is beneficial.  相似文献   

We report two cases of ventrolateral thoracic and lumbar meningoceles associated with neurofibromatosis type 1, and present a review of the literature. Thoracic and lumbar meningoceles are rare lesions which are associated with neurofibromatosis in 60% to 85% of cases. Large meningoceles may cause pain, neurological signs, or respirtory complaints when located intrathoracically. Surgery is indicated in such cases, as well as when small meningoceles enlarge with time. The etiology of meningoceles in neurofibromatosis remains controversial. The authors postulate that ventrolateral lesions of the thoracic and lumbar spine are secondary to congenital mesodermal dysplasia and hypoplastic bone changes. MRI is the diagnostic method of choice, since it most adequately visualizes the pathological anatomy of the spinal cord, meninges, and adjacent structures in every sectional plane. CT scans are pacticularly useful in assessing the spinal bony changes.  相似文献   

The usefulness of endoscopic techniques in orthopaedics as well as in general surgical, gynecologic, urologic, andthoracic procedures is well established. Endoscopic techniques in coronary bypass surgery are being developed. The development of the minimally invasive endoscopic approach to the thoracic and lumbar spine is a technique prompted by the surgeons desire to increase access to the spine while decreasing morbidity. In this article, we address the laparoscopic and retroperitoneal approaches to the lumbar spine. Discussion focuses on indications and applications of the procedures as well as operative setup. Finally, surgical experience is reviewed.  相似文献   

上颈段颈椎脊髓病   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王沛  郭世绂 《中华骨科杂志》1997,17(12):731-733,I001
目的:一般认为颈椎脊髓病好发于下颈段C56最常见,其次为C6-7。有时上3个颈椎受累,由于神经系统病变定位困难,尤其MRI应用于临床前的影像学缺欠,常使上颈脊髓病被误认作下颈段病变。本文旨在说明上颈段脊髓病的发病,病理及神经系统症状特点,方法:对156例颈椎脊髓病中28例上颈段病变的临床表现,影像学特点,手术所见及随访结果作了研究,诊断依据为肱二头肌腱反射亢进,试图引进肱二头肌或肱桡肌反射时,出现  相似文献   

32 patients with internal fixation of the spine were postoperatively examined by computerized tomography. Details of metallic osteosynthetic material were demonstrated in all our cases. Bony structures were well defined in 27 patients, whereas soft tissue imaging was degraded by scattering artifacts in 14 of 20 examinations. Application of intrathecal contrast medium, however, was helpful for the evaluation of intraspinal soft tissues. Involvement of extraspinal soft tissues could be interpreted on the basis extent of vertebral osseous destruction.  相似文献   

Human embryos and fetuses were investigated histologically to elucidate the possible pathogenesis of congenital malformations of the vertebral body. Special attention was paid to the early development of the vertebral column, particularly the often-questioned stage of resegmentation, important as the stage during which the malformations might develop. Evidence of resegmentation was found in 7 embryos ranging from 7 mm C-R length (5 weeks after fertilization) to 13 mm (6 weeks). Moreover, the formation of the definitive vertebral body was considered to be intimately related to the intersegmental artery. As for Junghanns' concept that the cartilaginous body consists of two lateral halves, it was not observed in our specimens, nor was it found in the latest literature on normal vertebral development. Congenital malformations of the vertebral body were classified into two categories: failure of formation and failure of segmentation. They were demonstrated in an embryo of 13 mm and a fetus of 70 mm which were in the developmental stages of chondrification and early ossification, respectively. According to these observations, we conclude that most malformations of the vertebral body occur in the early stage of definitive vertebral body anlage formation.  相似文献   

An in vitro study was conducted to establish the thresholds of thoracic spine stability. Flexion or extension producing horizontal forces of 43 percent body weight were applied to fresh two-vertebrae spine specimens. Spine components were transected in two different sequences until failure. Load-displacement curves were measured.

Intact spine exhibited average inter-vertebral horizontal translatory displacement of 1.0 mm (s.d. = 0.4) and sagittal plane rotation of 1.4 degrees (s.d. = 0.8). Just prior to failure these average displacements increased to 2.4 mm (s.d. = 1.4) and 4.1 degrees (s.d. = 1.7). A horizontal displacement of 2.5 mm (on lateral X-ray) or 5 degrees of angulation of one vertebra with respect to the other may indicate an unstable spine. This information, together with other clinical indicators of spine instability discussed here, will be helpful in the clinical judgment regarding an injured spine.  相似文献   

Summary Occult injuries of the cervical spine in certain patients may lead to misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis and treatment. The authors present a patient with an occult cervical spinal fracture-dislocation and review the literature. A 37 year-old male was involved in a motor vehicle accident. At his admission, the patient was alert and denied any pain in the cervical region, as well as neurologic symptoms. Physical examination revealed painless range of motion of his neck and no sensory or motor deficits. Plain radiographs of the cervical spine showed unilateral dislocation of C4 on C5 vertebra with fracture of the left facet of C5 vertebra. Computed tomography scanning showed no neural compression. Operative reduction, stabilization and arthrodesis of the spine were advised, but the patient refused operative treatment. One year after his initial injury, the patient presented with torticollis and no neurologic symptoms.  相似文献   

下颈椎屈伸运动节律的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察和测量下颈椎节段屈伸运动节律。方法:采用5具新鲜成人男性尸体的颈椎标本,动态X线摄片,测量各屈伸状态各节段的屈伸角度。结果:C4~5,C5~6活动范围最大,屈伸运动节律也最大,而且在半屈—中立—半伸范围内的活动度较半屈—全屈和半伸—全伸的活动度大。结论:颈椎病变动态X线摄片中,可根据各节段尤其是C4~5、C5~6节段的屈伸运动节律是否正常作为一诊断参考依据  相似文献   

一期病灶清除及前路内固定治疗胸腰椎结核   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨前路内固定技术在治疗胸腰椎结核中的临床意义,并对其手术时机、手术指征进行初步分析。方法对2001年3月至2005年12月收治胸腰椎结核患者42例进行随访分析,42例患者中男27例、女15例,年龄22~58岁,平均37.6岁。病灶累及2个椎体28例,3个椎体14例。手术方式为前路病灶清除植骨Z-P late内固定术,术后三联抗结核治疗1年。术后平均随访时间1年,以植骨融合情况及神经功能分级作为主要观测指标。结果手术切口一期愈合,无窦道形成,无局部复发。除4例脊髓功能无明显恢复外,38例患者脊髓功能均有不同程度的恢复。植骨均获得骨性融合,平均愈合时间为4个月。脊柱后凸角平均矫正10°。随访未出现明显后凸畸形加重及矫正角度丢失。结论在严格手术指征的前提下一期病灶清除减压、植骨并应用前路内固定器,能够早期重建脊椎稳定性,矫正脊柱畸形,无明显并发症发生。  相似文献   

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