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正包皮过长及包茎是男性外生殖器常见病,随着卫生水平的提高和健康知识的普及,越来越多的男性选择施行包皮环切术。男性包皮环切术能显著降低男性获得性HIV感染风险,被WHO和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)推荐为HIV预防策略中的一个重要干预措施[1]。贲昆龙等[2]认为男性包皮环切术是预防HIV感染和促进生殖健康的"外科疫苗"。商环包皮环切术与传统包皮环切术相比,具有创伤小、手术时间短、简便、无缝合等优点,但也存  相似文献   

推广男性包皮环切,预防艾滋病,提高国民生殖健康水平   总被引:30,自引:10,他引:30  
中国新感染HIV者中异性性传播的比例逐年快速上升,2007年已达44.7%。为了减少HIV通过异性传播,改善国民的生殖健康水平,本文介绍了国际上有关包皮环切能够预防HIV异性传播的流行病学研究证据,病毒经包皮感染的分子细胞生物学机理,以及在非洲取得的大规模随机对照的包皮环切预防艾滋病临床试验的最新研究成果。1997~2007年间,发表的4份调查报告表明,在中国不同地区15109名儿童和青少年中,包皮过长者和包茎的比例分别为43.90%和11.55%,但是包皮环切率只有2.66%。鉴于包皮环切是高效、简单和价廉的预防艾滋病的新措施,我们呼吁国家有关部门,如同推动其它预防艾滋病的多种措施一样,尽快制定推广包皮环切的实施计划,大力普及男性生殖健康的知识,把新生儿包皮环切、未成年人和成年人包皮环切列入医疗保险范围,尽早对HIV感染的高危成年男人以及妻子为HIV阳性而丈夫为阴性者实行免费包皮环切,开展有关包皮环切的流行病学和社会文化的科学研究,以及安全、简单和价廉的新技术研究。  相似文献   

越来越多的的研究结果证明,男性包皮环切显著降低包皮龟头炎和尿路感染及其他生殖道感染、降低HIV和HPV以及HSV-2与其他性传播疾病感染风险,对生殖道肿瘤,如子宫颈癌、阴茎癌和前列腺癌具有预防作用。目前在中国包皮环切率低于5%。商环包皮环切术在非洲的临床评估试验和大样本随机对照试验结果证实,商环具有安全性好、可接受性和满意度高。世界卫生组织(WHO)和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)已将男性包皮环切推荐为艾滋病预防策略的重要干预措施之一,中国应该大力提倡安全的包皮环切术,从而降低男性及其女性伴侣生殖道感染、预防生殖道肿瘤,对改善全民生殖健康具有长期影响和深远意义。研究男性包皮环切对公共卫生的深远影响将成为今后泌尿男科工作的重点之一。  相似文献   

婴幼儿包茎及包皮过长治疗进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
包茎和包皮过长是男科的常见病和多发病,可见于大多数男性婴幼儿。在婴幼儿期治疗包茎和包皮过长具有花费少、效益高、安全性高的特点,特别在预防婴幼儿尿路感染,成年后减少浸润性阴茎癌和性传播疾病,提高男性生殖健康等方面都有很大益处。一些国家普遍对新生儿实行包皮环切术,而我国目前新生儿和幼儿包皮环切率很低。本文综述了治疗婴幼儿包茎和包皮过长的手术和非手术方法以及婴幼儿包皮环切对生殖健康的益处,呼吁国人重视婴幼儿包茎和包皮过长的治疗。  相似文献   

中国商环(Shang Ring)男性包皮环切技术临床应用研究进展   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5  
男性包皮环切能显著降低男性阴茎-阴道性交获得性HIV感染风险大约60%,被WHO和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)推荐作为HIV预防策略中的一个重要干预措施。寻求一种更加安全、有效和可接受的男性包皮环切器械和手术方法,以便能够满足加快执行扩大包皮环切预防HIV感染项目的需求,已经成为相关国际组织,特别是非洲国家政府公共卫生事业的当务之急。2008年中国商环(Shang Ring)包皮环切标准化手术方案的建立,以及应用这个标准化手术方案和手术培训在中国以及2009年和2010年在肯尼亚实施中国商环成人包皮环切手术获得有用的和有意义的临床数据,证明了中国商环包皮环切术的诸多优势。手术培训手册和教学视频的多次修订为培训医护人员提供了更加准确的教学指南。经过多家相关国际机构专家的考察和评估,中国商环包皮环切技术已经成为支持在非洲HIV高发地区扩大包皮环切服务预防HIV感染项目最具潜力的候选包皮环切器械之一。可以预计,中国商环包皮环切技术的成功应用将会在改变数百万非洲人的生活方式的同时,也为中国男科学与泌尿外科学医生在包皮环切与HIV预防和生殖健康相关的临床研究领域提供了丰富的机会。本文报告了2008年2月至2010年底期间中国商环包皮环切技术临床应用的国际和国内研究进展。  相似文献   

目的:在广西艾滋病高发区一般人群中评价包皮环切术推广的效果,为推广包皮环切术提供参考依据。方法:在广西贺州、钦州市招募590例固定社区居民,填写知情同意书,进行基线调查后运用各种宣传材料和方式进行现场干预,问卷采用一对一现场问卷调查。如果研究对象愿意接受手术且无手术禁忌证,则安排其到课题组指定的医院进行手术。在干预后第6个月、9个月进行随访,了解相关包皮环切预防艾滋病知、信、行变化情况。结果:一般人群第1、2次随访相对于干预前,手术原因、手术益处、手术并发症知晓率、手术接受意愿以及手术率均有提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),两次随访之间比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。知道包茎或包皮过长是手术原因从干预前66.1%分别提高至第1、2次随访的81.9%、79.8%;知道手术可预防艾滋病及性传播疾病从干预前28.0%分别提高至第1、2次随访的77.4%、78.6%;知道疼痛、出血、感染是手术并发症从干预前29.5%、19.3%、39.3%分别提高至第1次随访72.5%、58.2%、59.4%以及第2次随访75.0%、57.0%、63.0%;手术接受意愿从干预前35.3%分别提高至第1、2次随访的59.6%、61.3%;手术率在第1、2次随访时分别提高到12.7%、16.1%。结论:包皮环切术的推广对广西艾滋病高发区一般人群包皮环切预防艾滋病的知、信、行的干预效果显著,适宜在一般人群中应用。推广材料和方式的改进可考虑着重宣传艾滋病、包茎或包皮过长的危害和手术安全性相关知识。  相似文献   

中国建立男性包皮环切手术标准化和培训的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管HIV在非洲的大流行仍然是一个严重的问题,而在其他地区,如亚洲和南美洲,HIV感染率也正在迅速上升。国际健康组织已经认识到有必要制定有效的策略来检测和控制全球HIV的传播。研究表明,男性包皮环切能显著降低HIV、人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)、单纯疱疹病毒2型(HSV-2)和其他性传播疾病(STD)的感染率。虽然男性包皮环切技术有许多,但是没有标准化的手术方案和培训计划。研究表明,男性包皮环切技术的标准化与培训计划的实施可以大大降低并发症发生率。并发症发生率高是实施男性包皮环切服务的一个主要障碍。我们建议,在推广男性包皮环切之前应建立手术标准和培训计划。  相似文献   

目的 调查南充市区成年男性居民对包皮环切术的了解情况及接受意愿,分析影响其接受意愿的因素.方法 本研究在南充市市区共随机选择1730例男性居民作为调查对象,采用的随机方法为分层整群抽样法,采用的调查方法为问卷形式,在问卷中涉及男性居民的一般信息、包皮疾病信息、包皮环切术信息、包皮环切术接受意愿等,分析南充市区成年男性居民对包皮过长或包茎的认知程度以及包皮环切术接受意愿,总结影响男性居民对包皮环切术接受意愿的因素,采用的方法为Pearson单因素分析和Logistic回归模型分析.结果 可以接受包皮环切术的男性居民有823例,能够接受包皮环切术的男性与不接受的男性在年龄、职业等方面具有显著不同,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).采用单因素Logistic回归分析包皮疾病、包皮环切术信息了解情况对包皮环切接受意愿的影响,本身有包茎、听说过包皮环切术及其手术后的优势等与男性居民的接受意愿显著相关,具有统计学意义(P<0.05);经Logistic多因素回归分析显示,本身有包皮疾病、旁边亲友做过包皮环切术等是影响男性居民影响包皮环切意愿的独立因素.结论 南充市区成年男性居民对包皮过长或包茎引起的相关疾病和包皮环切术的了解有限,影响接受包皮环切的意愿,不仅影响男性生殖健康,且导致家庭生活质量下降,应加大宣传力度,促进男性对包皮疾病及手术的了解,提高生殖健康.  相似文献   

<正>世界卫生组织在非洲推广包皮环切术以降低获得性免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的感染率。目前,包皮环切术已经是最常见的外科手术之一,我国要求行包皮环切术的男性也越来越多。长期以来包皮环切术后常规口服己烯雌酚,本文对包皮环切术后患者服用对乙酰氨基酚组和服用己烯雌酚组进行比较,观察术后阴茎勃起指标,疼痛情况,并发症情况,药物不良反应等,探讨包皮环切术后的疼痛控制及使用己烯雌酚的意义。  相似文献   

成人包皮环切可以预防大多数生殖道感染,显著降低男性获得性HPV、HSV和HIV的感染风险。有关男性包皮环切对军队服役人员健康益处的报道很少。前线的士兵不能保持阴囊与包皮足够的局部卫生条件,容易受到感染,影响执行任务和作战,辅助治疗也会直接给军队增加开支。在服役期间和在派遣之前进行包皮环切可以节省大量时间和成本,对改善官兵生殖健康状况起到长效的益处。这些研究发现正在受到非洲各国军队卫生部门的重视,将成为未来军队卫生和服务的发展方向。在HIV流行可能恶化的亚洲,在军队倡导男性包皮环切术预防生殖道感染和性传播疾病,对提高战斗力和降低医疗成本,增进全社会公众健康状况与国民经济将具有十分显著的战略意义。  相似文献   

Male circumcision (MC) reduces the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human papillomavirus (HPV) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), and is recommended as an important component of a comprehensive package of HIV prevention interventions. While computer modeling has demonstrated that substantial reductions in HIV could be achieved with rapid scale-up of MC services in sub-Saharan Africa, scale-up has lagged due to scarcity of trained providers coupled with relative technical difficulty of recommended surgical MC techniques. Simplified techniques, such as devices, have the potential to allow for a more rapid roll-out of MC. One such device is the Shang Ring, a novel disposable MC device that eliminates the need for suturing and has been on the Chinese market since 2005. Results from Chinese studies have demonstrated that the Shang Ring is both safe and easy to use. Since 2008, a series of studies using the Shang Ring for adult MC have been carried out in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia, according to guidelines established by World Health Organization (WHO) for clinical evaluation of new devices for adult MC. These include a proof of concept study, a study of delayed removal of the Shang Ring, two studies comparing Shang Ring circumcision to conventional surgical approaches, and a large field trial to evaluate safety of Shang Ring circumcision during routine service delivery. Results from these studies demonstrate that the Shang Ring has an excellent safety profile and that Shang Ring circumcision is relatively easy to teach and learn, making Shang Ring MC an appealing technique for use in sub-Saharan Africa where doctors are in short supply and non-physician providers such as nurses and clinical officers are playing a major role in providing MC through task shifting. Shang Ring MC and device removals were uneventfully performed by trained nurses and clinical officers, who preferred the Shang Ring to conventional surgical techniques. Adverse event rates were similar to those observed with conventional surgical circumcision and were managed with, at most, minor interventions, resolving with no long-term sequale. Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of the Shang Ring is the relatively short 3-6 minutes procedure time. Importantly, men also preferred the Shang Ring compared to conventional circumcision and satisfaction with cosmetic appearance of their circumcised penis was very high. The vast majority of participants in studies in Africa as well as China have reported few problems and little disruption to daily life while wearing the device. The Shang Ring holds great promise as an innovative technology that has the potential to facilitate the safe and effective scale-up of circumcision services in settings where MC is not widely used and where the burden of HIV-disease is high.  相似文献   

Male adult circumcision (MC) has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in men by 50–60 %. An upscaling in the training of providers to perform circumcision is necessary to meet demand since MC is a key component of essential surgery in the context of universal health coverage. We piloted a low-cost, high-fidelity model for training adult circumcision. Multi-centre, multinational data were collected on 74 trainees and clinicians (trainers) in sub-Saharan Africa. Both trainers and trainees gave excellent feedback for the model (content and face validity). The simulated model enables a safe and realistic simulation experience to perform MC. The model is quick to set up and easily transportable to multiple teaching sites.  相似文献   



There is growing evidence that male circumcision (MC) prevents heterosexual acquisition of HIV by males in sub-Saharan Africa, the region of the world heavily affected by the HIV pandemic. While there is growing support for wide-spread availability and accessibility of MC in Africa, there is limited discussion about the prevalence of physical complications of male circumcision on the continent.


A systematic literature search and review of articles in indexed journals and conference abstracts was conducted to collect and analyze prevalence of complications of MC in Anglophone sub-Saharan Africa. Information extracted included: indications for MC, complications reported, age of patients and category of circumcisers.


There were 8 articles and 2 abstracts that were suitable for the analysis. The studies were not strictly comparable as some reported on a wide range of complications while others reported just a limited list of possible complications. Prevalence of reported complications of MC ranged from 0% to 50.1%. Excluding the study with 50.1%, which was on a series of haemophilia patients, the next highest prevalence of complications was 24.1%. Most of the complications were minor. There was no firm evidence to suggest that MCs performed by physician surgeons were associated with lower prevalence of complications when compared with non-physician health professionals.


The available data are inadequate to obtain a reasonable assessment of the prevalence of complications of MC in sub-Saharan Africa. Some of the available studies however report potentially significant prevalence of complications, though of minor clinical significance. This should be considered as public health policy makers consider whether to scale-up MC as an HIV preventative measure. Decision for the scale-up will depend on a careful cost-benefit assessment of which physical complications are certainly an important aspect. There is need for standardized reporting of complications of male circumcision.  相似文献   

There is now grade 1 evidence that male circumcision (MC) reduces the risk of a man acquiring HIV. Modelling studies indicate MC could in the next 10 years save up to 2 million lives in those African countries with high HIV prevalence. Several African countries are now scaling up public health MC programmes. The most effective immediate public health MC programmes in Africa will need to target 18-20 years old men. In the longer term there is a need for infant circumcision programmes. In order to implement more widespread MC there is a need to make the surgical procedures as simple as possible so that safe operations can be performed by paramedical staff. The WHO Manual of Male Circumcision under local anaesthetic was written with these objectives in mind. Included in the manual are three adult techniques and four paediatric procedures. The adult procedures are the dorsal slit, the for- ceps guided and the sleeve resection methods. Paediatric methods included are the plastibell technique, the Mogen and Gomco shield method and a standard surgical dorsal slit procedure. Each method is described in a step by step manner with photographic and line drawing illustrations. In addition to the WHO manual of surgical technique a teaching course has been developed and using this course it has been possible in one week to train a circumcision surgeon who has had no or minimal previous surgical experience. Further scaling will require training of circumcision surgeons, monitoring performance, training the trainer workshops as well as advocacy at national, international and government meetings. In addition to proceeding with standardised methods work is in progress to assess novel techniques in adults such as stay on ring devices and policies are being formulated as to how to assess new devices. Also work is in progress to explore efficiencies in surgical processing by task sharing. Proper informed consent and safety remain paramount and great care has to be taken as programmes in Africa scale up. In continental China where the HIV epidemic is at a much earlier stage there may be a case for considering infant circumcision but great care will be needed to ensure that there is no harm.  相似文献   

The present study determined the relationship of male circumcision (MC) prevalence with prostatic carcinoma mortality rate in the 85 countries globally for which data on each were available. MC prevalence in different countries were obtained from a WHO report and allocated to WHO categories of 81%–100%, 20%–80%, and 0%–19%. Prostatic carcinoma mortality data were from Globoscan, gross national income per capita as well as male life expectancy were from a World Bank report, and percentages of Jews and Muslims by country were from the Pew Research Institute and the North American Jewish Data Bank. Negative binomial regression was used to estimate prostatic carcinoma mortality rate ratios. Compared to countries with 81%–100% MC prevalence, prostatic carcinoma mortality rate was higher in those with MC prevalence of 0%–19% (adjusted OR [adjOR] =1.82; 95% CI 1.14, 2.91) and 20%–80% (adjOR = 1.80; 95% CI, 1.16, 2.78). Higher Muslim percentage (adjOR = 0.92 [95% CI 0.87, 0.98] for each 10% increase) and longer life expectancy (adjOR = 0.82 [95% CI 0.72, 0.93] for each 5 additional years) were associated with lower prostatic carcinoma mortality. Higher gross national income per capita (adjOR = 1.10 [95% CI 1.01, 1.20] for double this parameter) correlated with higher mortality. Compared with American countries, prostatic carcinoma mortality rate was similar in Eastern Mediterranean countries (adjOR = 1.02; 95% CI 0.58, 1.76), but was lower in European (adjOR = 0.60; 95% CI 0.50, 0.74) and Western Pacific countries (adjOR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.37, 0.78). Thus, prostate cancer mortality is significantly lower in countries in which MC prevalence exceeds 80%.  相似文献   



Male circumcision (MC) reduces the risk of HIV infection. However, the risk reduction effect of MC can be modified by type of circumcision (medical, traditional and religious) and sexual risk behaviours post-circumcision. Understanding the risk behaviours associated with HIV infection among circumcised men (regardless of form of circumcision) is critical to the design of comprehensive risk reduction interventions. This study assessed risk factors for HIV infection among men circumcised through various circumcision approaches.


This was a case-control study which enrolled 155 cases (HIV-infected) and 155 controls (HIV-uninfected), all of whom were men aged 18–35 years presenting at the AIDS Information Center for HIV testing and care. The outcome variable was HIV sero-status. Using SPSS version 17, multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors independently associated with HIV infection.


Overall, 83.9% among cases and 56.8% among controls were traditionally circumcised; 7.7% of cases and 21.3% of controls were religiously circumcised while 8.4% of cases and 21.9% of controls were medically circumcised. A higher proportion of cases than controls reported resuming sexual intercourse before complete wound healing (36.9% vs. 14.1%; p<0.01). Risk factors for HIV infection prior to circumcision were:being in a polygamous marriage (AOR: 6.6, CI: 2.3–18.8) and belonging to the Bagisu ethnic group (AOR: 6.1, CI: 2.6–14.0). After circumcision, HIV infection was associated with: being circumcised at >18 years (AOR: 5.0, CI: 2.4–10.2); resuming sexual intercourse before wound healing (AOR: 3.4, CI: 1.6–7.3); inconsistent use of condoms (AOR: 2.7, CI: 1.5–5.1); and having sexual intercourse under the influence of peers (AOR: 2.9, CI: 1.5–5.5). Men who had religious circumcision were less likely to have HIV infection (AOR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.2–0.9) than the traditionally circumcised but there was no statistically significant difference between those who were traditionally circumcised and those who were medically circumcised (AOR: 0.40, 95% CI: 0.1–1.1).


Being circumcised at adulthood, resumption of sexual intercourse before wound healing, inconsistent condom use and having sex under the influence of peers were significant risk factors for HIV infection. Risk reduction messages should address these risk factors, especially among traditionally circumcised men.  相似文献   

Oh SJ  Kim KD  Kim KM  Kim KS  Kim KK  Kim JS  Kim HG  Woo YN  Yoon YL  Lee SD  Han SW  Lee SI  Choi H 《BJU international》2002,89(4):426-432
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate knowledge about the foreskin and circumcision, and to understand the attitudes of parents to circumcision in Korea, where circumcision in childhood is widely practised with no particular religious or medical background. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A nationwide study involving questionnaires was conducted on 5500 parents with at least one son attending elementary school. Responses were obtained from one of the parents. RESULTS: The response rate was 76.1% (4183); circumcision was most common in boys when aged 11 years, followed by neonatal circumcision. Of the parents, 91.3% believed that circumcision is necessary, while 2.1% believed it to be unnecessary. The principal reasons given for circumcision were 'to improve penile hygiene' (82.4%), followed by 'to improve future sexual potency' (7.5%). Among those who did not believe circumcision to be necessary, the most common reason was the expectation of spontaneous retraction of the prepuce with age (55.1%). Most (88.4%) of the parents believed that smegma is not a clean material, and is infected by microorganisms. Most parents (80.6%) thought that circumcision would prevent genital tract infection of the future spouse. Peer pressure was one of the most influential factors in deciding upon circumcision; 41.9% of the parents were anxious that their child might be ridiculed by his peer group unless he was circumcised, while 27.4% of the parents believed that their child might be ridiculed if he was circumcised. Mothers were more positive about circumcision than fathers (P < 0.05). Parents with a higher education and higher socio-economic status were also more positive about circumcision (P < 0.05). Mothers were prone to emphasize improved sexual potency (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in response between urban and rural areas. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that common beliefs held by parents about the prepuce or circumcision differ significantly from current medical knowledge, and these beliefs have a major influence on the practice of circumcision in Korea. More clinical research on the natural history of the foreskin is needed, and it is critical that both children and parents are informed about the potential benefits and disadvantages of circumcision.  相似文献   

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