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目的总结分析中上胸椎骨折脱位的临床特点及后路手术的治疗效果。方法对中上胸椎骨折脱位26例采用后路手术复位植骨内固定,固定节段为2~4节,根据脊髓受压情况进行后路复位椎管内减压及植骨。结果经6~72个月的随访,无内固定松动断裂,后路植骨已融合。ASIA分级中A级7例中有3例恢复至B级,1例恢复至C级,3例无恢复,B~D级19例中均有1~2级的恢复。结论对中上胸椎骨折脱位应尽量考虑早期手术后路减压、复位、植骨内固定,对不稳定骨折即使是合并完全性脊髓损伤也应考虑早期减压并稳定脊柱,以利患者的早期康复治疗。  相似文献   

胸椎骨折39例治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胸椎骨折的损伤特点及治疗。方法对39例胸椎骨折患者的临床资料作回顾性分析。稳定压缩骨折10例单纯保守治疗,不稳定压缩骨折15例行后路减压植骨融合加椎弓根螺钉内固定,爆裂骨折10例行前路减压植骨融合Z-plate前路钢板内固定;骨折脱位3例及爆裂脱位1例采用前后联合入路。结果全部病例均获随访,时间6~24个月,平均12个月。神经功能明显改善,术后6个月植骨融合率达100%,未见内植物松动及断裂现象。结论胸椎骨折的治疗应根据骨折的类型及稳定性,对于不稳定骨折应行融合及内固定手术,合并有不完全性脊髓损伤者还应同时行减压手术。  相似文献   

胸椎骨折脱位的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 总结分析胸椎骨折脱位的临床特点,探讨手术治疗方式的选择和疗效. 方法对2004年4月至2007年12月手术治疗的52例胸椎骨折脱位患者资料进行回顾性分析.52例患者骨折共累及70个节段,其中21例为多节段(两个节段以上)骨折.骨折AO分型:A1型15例,A2型3例,A3型5例;B1型2例,B2型3例;C1型3例,C2型19例,C3型2例.术前神经损伤ASIA分级:A级21例,B级4例,C级5例,D级8例,E级14例.后路减压植骨融合椎弓根内固定44例,前路减压植骨融合加内固定7例,前后联合入路1例.多节段固定21例,单节段固定31例. 结果 48例患者术后获12~56个月(平均32.4个月)随访,4例失访.术前椎体高度丢失平均43.6%,最终随访时为7.5%;术前Cobb角平均21.2°,最终随访时为6.2°.术后并发症:肺部感染5例,伤口感染1例,深静脉血栓1例,硬膜外血肿1例.其中21例术前ASIA分级为A级者无改善;2例B级者改善至C级,2例失访;5例C级患者中,2例改善至D级,1例改善至E级,2例失访;8例D级患者均改善至E级;14例E级无变化. 结论胸椎骨折脱位的临床特点为损伤外力强大,损伤部位多在下胸段,中上胸椎骨折造成的脊柱脊髓损伤严重且多发伤合并率高.手术方式以后路椎弓根固定为主,中上胸椎骨折应采用长节段固定,下胸椎骨折可以采用短节段固定.对于不稳定性骨折,即使是合并完全性脊髓损伤,也应考虑早期手术减压并稳定脊柱,以利于患者的早期康复治疗.  相似文献   

目的探讨中上胸椎骨折脱位的临床特点及后路手术治疗。方法中上胸椎骨折脱位15例(骨折累及前方椎体共28个),均伴有不同程度脱位。AO分型:B型10例,C型5例。完全性瘫痪7例,不完全性瘫痪8例。手术均采用后路复位植骨内固定,固定节段为5~10节,根据脊髓受压情况进行后路椎管内减压。结果经X线复查,有1例复位欠佳,经6~24个月的随访,内固定无松动断裂,后路植骨已融合。FrankelA级7例中有2例恢复至B级,1例恢复至C级,FrankelB~D级8例中都有1~2级的恢复。结论中上胸椎骨折脱位的临床特点骨折累及节段多,脱位发生率高,脊髓损伤严重。对于此类患者后路减压、复位、植骨内固定术可以取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨中上胸椎骨折合并脊髓损伤的临床特点及治疗策略.[方法]对2002年1月-2008年6月的40例中上胸椎脊柱脊髓损伤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.Hanley-Eskay分类:压缩骨折4例,爆裂骨折11例,骨折脱位23例,爆裂脱位2例.按美国脊髓损伤学会脊髓神经功能分级(ASIA标准):A级29例,B级3例,C级4例,D级0例,E级4例.非手术治疗4例,手术治疗36例,均为后路减压复位植骨融合椎弓根钉内固定,术后早期康复治疗.[结果]40例均获随访,平均32个月.非手术治疗组,3例骨折愈合,无神经功能障碍,1例16个月后出现后迟发性后凸畸形合并神经功能损害,行前后路联合手术.手术治疗组,术后影像学复查,胸椎序列恢复良好,脊髓无压迫,内固定均无松动断裂,后路植骨已融合,椎弓根钉位置不良5枚,但畸形无加重.脊髓损伤A级29例中仅1例恢复至B级,B级3例中1例恢复至C级,C级4例中2例恢复至D级.伤后1周内MRI髓内出血信号长度<4 mm者4例随访时均获1个级别的提高.脊髓损伤患者早期康复治疗后日常生活动作能力(ADL)评分平均提高(22.53±6.25)分.[结论]中上胸椎骨折脊髓损伤发生率高且严重,多为完全性,预后差.伤后1周内MRI髓内出血信号长度<4 mm者预后相对较好.后路减压复位植骨融合椎弓根钉内固定治疗新鲜骨折可以取得较好的效果.脊髓损伤早期康复可提高患者生活自理能力.  相似文献   

目的探讨上胸椎骨折脱位的临床特点及手术治疗的方法与术后效果。方法回顾性分析中上胸椎骨折脱位35例患者的临床资料,术前脊髓神经功能按美国脊柱脊髓损伤协会(ASIA)标准分级:A级8例,B级12例,C级9例,D级6例。骨折3例,爆裂骨折18例,骨折脱位8例,爆裂脱位6例。均进行多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位。结果所有患者获随访,时间5~24个月,平均25.5个月,均无术中严重并发症发生。结论对于中上胸椎骨折脱位的治疗,多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定可使伤椎得到满意的复位及固定效果。  相似文献   

前路钢板在下颈椎骨折脱位的临床治疗及效果分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的对前路钢板在下颈椎骨折脱位临床治疗及效果进行回顾性分析。方法对下颈椎骨折脱位合并脊髓损伤33例行经颈前路椎间盘摘除或骨折椎体次全切除髂骨取骨植骨Cordman或Zephir钢板固定。结果随访12周~2年,内固定稳定,颈前植骨于12~16周骨性愈合,椎间高度、生理曲度、固定节段稳定性维持良好。15例不全性脊髓损伤的脊髓功能均获不同程度的改善,18例脊髓完全性损伤者临床症状得到缓解,但是脊髓功能无恢复,Frankel分级无变化。结论下颈椎骨折脱位应用前路减压植骨钢板内固定术可获得彻底减压、即刻稳定性、恢复椎间高度及颈椎的生理曲度,防止脊髓进一步损伤,促进神经功能的恢复。  相似文献   

多节段椎弓根螺钉固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位伴脊髓损伤的临床效果。方法采用经多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位15例。按受累椎体统计,15例共20椎:T43椎,T65椎,T710椎,T82椎。按Hanley-Eskay分类:爆裂骨折6例,骨折脱位7例,爆裂脱位2例。术前脊髓神经功能按美国脊柱脊髓损伤协会(ASIA)标准分级:A级6例,B级4例,C级4例,D级1例。均行胸后路复位、椎管减压、多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定、后外侧植骨融合术。结果 15例均获随访,平均20.3个月,术后伤椎前缘高度由术前平均40%恢复至术后90.3%,术后脊髓神经功能恢复按ASIA标准,除A级及1例B级无恢复外,余8例均有不同程度改善。无内固定松动及断裂,无伤椎高度及脊柱生理弧度再丢失。结论多节段椎弓根螺钉固定可靠,能达到良好的复位和减压目的,有利于患者的早期康复。  相似文献   

目的探讨陈旧性脊柱骨折脱位的治疗策略.方法2001~2005年共收治18例陈旧性脊柱骨折脱位患者,术前病程平均6周,均行后路减压+椎弓根螺钉复位内固定+植骨融合术.其中17例行后侧及后外侧植骨融合,1例腰椎陈旧性骨折脱位伴全瘫者行椎体间+后侧及后外侧植骨融合术.手术时间平均2.5 h,术中出血平均420 mL.结果所有患者平均随访26.5个月,最后随访时,在矢状面和冠状面上脊柱序列正常,所有病例均获骨性融合,内固定无明显松动或断裂.无其它并发症发生.结论对于陈旧性脊柱骨折脱位,后路手术仍可有效地恢复脊柱的正常排列和稳定性,复位后的后路减压仍然有效.相对于前路手术而言,后路手术具有创伤小、手术简单、内固定稳定性强及骨融合效果确切的优点,可完全避免前路手术.  相似文献   

前后联合入路手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下颈椎骨折脱位是“三柱”均遭破坏的严重颈脊椎损伤。传统的方法是闭合大重量牵引复位,前路或后路减压、固定、植骨融合术。但对一些未能复位或合并椎间盘损伤压迫脊髓不适合闭合复位,目前尚无统一的治疗模式。单纯的后路或前路手术,不能达到既减压充分又恢复脊柱序列和重建脊柱稳定性的目的。临床上对于颈椎骨折、脱位,颈脊髓前、后方同时受压的复杂损伤患,手术方式的选择尚无定式。我科自2002年1月-2005年10月共收治颈椎骨折脱位患12例,采用同期前后联合入路,减压、植骨、内固定手术,取得满意疗效。[第一段]  相似文献   

van Beek EJ  Been HD  Ponsen KK  Maas M 《Injury》2000,31(4):219-223
The diagnosis of upper thoracic spinal fractures in multiple-trauma patients remains a challenge. The clinical findings are often difficult to detect, especially in the presence of other (extremity) fractures, head injuries or in patients on respiratory support.The findings of chest radiographs and plain spinal films are described in a series of 23 patients with an upper thoracic spinal fracture. Radiographs were retrospectively reviewed by an orthopaedic surgeon and a skeletal radiologist. Fractures were classified according to Magerl and type A1 and A2 compression fractures were excluded. The neurological outcome was assessed using the Frankel scale.Initially, the fracture was missed in 5 patients (22%), mainly due to concomitant life-threatening injuries. Fractures consisted of type A, B and C in one, 10 and 12 patients, respectively. The main findings were: loss of vertical height of vertebra with or without malalignment (21), widened paraspinal line (21), widened mediastinum (4) and no gross abnormalities (2). Neurological lesions were Frankel A, B, C and E in respectively 14, 1, 1 and 7 patients.Upper thoracic spinal fractures are easily missed in patients with multiple injuries. In patients with neurological symptoms CT and/or MRI is required as soon as the general condition of the patient permits this.  相似文献   

目的评价胸椎胸骨复合型骨折的不同方式的治疗效果。方法对31例胸椎胸骨复合型骨折病例的治疗进行回顾性分析。31例患者均合并有多处创伤.其中胸椎压缩性骨折15例,骨折脱位11例,爆裂型骨折5例;完全性神经损伤5例,不完全神经损伤16例,无神经损伤10例。手术治疗20例(单纯胸骨手术4例,胸椎手术12例,胸椎胸骨联合手术5例),非手术治疗11人。结果随访时间0.5~5年,平均2.4年。患者均有不同程度的恢复。术后3例完全性神经损伤患者神经功能无明显改善;2例出现迟发型神经功能损害。余27例病情无加重:16例不完全神经损伤患者中3例恢复正常,9例有改善,4例无改善。结论胸骨胸椎复合型骨折多伴有神经损伤及其他多处创伤,病情复杂多变,应根据患者情况制定个体化治疗方案;早期固定胸骨有助于维持脊柱的稳定性,有效预防或延缓脊柱侧弯等疾患的发生进展。  相似文献   

Vertebral fractures and concomitant fractures of the sternum   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
From October 1996 to August 2001, 721 patients with vertebral fractures were admitted to our unit. Ten patients suffered from vertebral fractures and concomitant sternal fractures. The clinical notes and plain film radiographs of these patients were studied. The average age of the patients was 37 (20-69) years. Nine had been involved in road traffic accidents. Three patients had fractures of the cervical spine, six of the upper thoracic spine (T1-T6) and one had a lumbar spine fracture. The extra-thoracic fracture group included two patients with neurological compromise and two patients who were neurologically intact. The entire upper thoracic fracture group suffered neurological compromise, with four patients suffering complete neurological deficit. In addition, four of these patients suffered potentially life-threatening intra-thoracic injuries. The relative severity of the neurological compromise and the attendant injuries in the upper thoracic fracture group offers compelling evidence in support of the "fourth column" theory, as expressed by Berg [Berg EE (1993), The sternal-rib complex. A possible fourth column in thoracic spine fractures. Spine 18(13):1916-1919].  相似文献   

Summary Objective: To determine the neurological outcome in patients with laminar fractures associated with dural tears and nerve root entrapment, operated upon for thoracic and lumbar spine injuries. Patient population: Out of 103 patients operated upon consecutively for thoracic and lumbar spine injuries during the period 1990 to 1994 inclusive, 24 (23.3%) patients had laminar fractures out of whom 3 (2.9%) had an associated dural tear and an other 17 (16.5% or 70.8% of the total patients with laminar fractures) had an associated dural tear and nerve root entrapment. Results: Twelve (70.5%) patients had injury at the thoraculumbar junction, 13 (76.5%) had Magerl's type A3 or above, 10 (58.8) had a kyphotic angle deformity greater than 5°. Seven (41.1%) had their spinal canal's sagittal diameter reduced by at least 50% and two had dislocations. Nine (52.9%) had initial neurological deficits. Four (50%) out of 8 patients with no initial neurological deficits (Frankel E) worsened to Frankel D. However, one patient among the 3 with initial Frankel A improved to Frankel C while both patients with initial Frankel C usefully improved to final Frankel grades D and E respectively. Two of the four patients with initial Frankel D improved to Frankel E, the other 2 remaining unchanged. All in all five patients' neurological status improved, 4 worsened and 8 remained unchanged after neurosurgical treatment. Conclusions: Vertical laminar fractures with dural tears and nerve root entrapment represent a special group of thoracic and lumbar spine injuries that carry a poor prognosis. However, special operative precautions lead to significant improvement in some of them although a majority remain unchanged or even worsened.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyse the characteristics of patients who underwent surgery for fractures of the upper thoracic spine (T1-T6) in our institution. The thoracic spine is supported by the rib cage and associated ligaments; therefore, displacement and fracture of the upper thoracic spine in healthy young adults require a great force. The relatively narrow spinal canal around the spinal cord in this area could result in severe neurological deficit should fractures occur. METHODS: The treatment course of 32 patients (26 men and 6 women) who underwent surgery for fractures of the upper thoracic spine between February 1995 and March 2001 was retrospectively reviewed. Parameters of injuries and treatment methods were evaluated. RESULTS: Of the 32 patients, 29 were injured in traffic accidents (15 motorcycle and 14 vehicle), 2 in falls, and one by a heavy door falling on his back. 29 patients had spinal fractures at more than one level. 23 patients had complete, 7 had incomplete, and 2 had no neurological deficit. 30 patients required multiple modalities of radiological imaging (in addition to plain radiography) for diagnosis. 20 patients sustained other injuries apart from spinal fractures, 15 of them had associated chest injuries. CONCLUSION: High-velocity fractures of the upper thoracic spine are injuries with devastating consequences, and can result in severe neurological deficit and concomitant injuries. These patients are best treated by a multidisciplinary approach.  相似文献   

Spinal fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Thirty-one consecutive patients with ankylosing spondylitis and spinal fractures were reviewed. There were 6 women and 25 men with a mean age of 60±11 years; 19 had cervical and 12 had thoracolumbar injuries. Of the patients with cervical fracture, two had an additional cervical fracture and one had an additional thoracic fracture. Three trauma mechanisms were identified: high-energy trauma in 13 patients, low-energy trauma in 13 and insufficiency fracture in 5. One-third of the patients suffered immediate neurological impairment, a further one-third developed neurological impairment before coming for treatment and only one-third remained intact. Two patients with thoracolumbar fractures had deteriorated neurologically due to displacements during surgery at other hospitals. All patients were treated operatively except the two patients with two-level cervical fractures, who were managed in halo vests. In the cervical spine both anterior and posterior approaches were employed. In the thoracolumbar spine the majority of the patients were initially treated using a posterior approach only. Complications were common. Of the 27 patients with neurological compromise, 10 had remained unchanged; 12 had improved one Frankel grade; 4 had improved by two Frankel grades; 1 had improved by four Frankel grades. We conclude that even minor trauma can cause fracture in an ankylosed spine. A high proportion of patients with spinal fractures and ankylosing spondylitis have neurological damage. The risk of late neurological deterioration is substantial. As the condition is very rare and the treatment is demanding and associated with a very high risk of complications, the treatment of these patients should be centralised in special spinal trauma units. A combined approach that stabilises the spine from both sides is probably beneficial.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: An assessment of neurological improvement after surgical intervention in the setting of traumatic thoracic spinal cord injury (SCI). METHODS: A retrospective evaluation of a nonconsecutive cohort of patients with a thoracic SCI from T2 to T11. The analysis included a total of 12 eligible patients. The neurologic and functional outcomes were recorded from the acute hospital admission to the most recent follow-up. Data included patient age, level of injury, neurologic examination according to the Frankel grading system, the performance of surgery, and the mechanism of the time-related SCI decompression. RESULTS: All patients had a complete thoracic SCI. The median interval from injury to surgery was 11 days (range, 1-36 days). Decompression, bone fusion, and instrumentation were the most common surgical procedures performed. The median length of follow-up was 18 months after surgery (range, 9-132 months). Motor functional improvement was seen in 1 patient (Frankel A to C). CONCLUSION: Surgical decompression and fusion imparts no apparent benefit in terms of neurologic improvement (spinal cord) in the setting of a complete traumatic thoracic SCI. To better define the role of surgical decompression and stabilization in the setting of a complete SCI, randomized, controlled, prospective studies are necessary.  相似文献   

目的探讨合并胸部损伤的脊柱骨折患者的临床特点。方法73例合并胸部损伤的脊柱骨折患者经对症处理、多发伤及脊柱脊髓损伤患者待生命体征平稳后行手术治疗,对其临床特点进行回顾性分析。结果随访3~24(12±4.2)个月。存活71例,死亡2例。延误胸部损伤诊断4例。相对于颈、腰段脊柱骨折,胸段脊柱骨折更易合并胸部损伤,ISS评分最高。24例患者神经功能有不同程度的改善。结论脊柱骨折合并胸部损伤患者创伤多较重,治疗时应优先以抢救生命措施为主。系统、全面的检查可以减少漏诊的发生。在决定是否早期行脊柱手术时,应充分评估患者的全身情况,权衡手术利弊。  相似文献   

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