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目的探讨打压植骨技术结合金属网罩固定应用于髋关节初次置换或翻修中严重骨缺损重建的可行性和效果。方法回顾性分析自2005-01—2008-12应用打压植骨技术结合金属网罩固定治疗且资料完整的17例(髋)髋关节初次置换或翻修中严重骨缺损。采用金属网罩固定使节段性缺损变为局限性缺损,采用新鲜深冻同种异体股骨髁作为打压植骨材料。结果 17例均获得随访24~60个月,平均35.8个月。植骨层与宿主骨之间模糊,可见骨小梁通过,假体与植骨层之间亦未出现明显透亮线。末次随访时髋关节功能Harris评分平均85.4(81~90)分。结论打压植骨技术结合金属网罩固定是解决髋关节功能重建中关节周围骨缺损的较好方法。  相似文献   

复合骨环外固定器治疗感染性骨缺损22例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用复合骨环植骨和骨外固定器加压外固定治疗感染性骨缺损。方法:对22例感染性骨缺损患的应用有效抗生素,彻底清除病灶的基础上,依骨缺损的长度一期支撑植骨,植骨材料为同种异体冷冻干燥四肢长骨皮质骨环加自体松质骨(简称复合骨环),修复创面后用骨外固定器加压固定。结果:所有病例均于术后3-14个月。平均7个月达到骨愈合,感染得到彻底控制,伤口愈合,并保证了肢体长度的均衡。结论:采用上述综合治疗措施。简化和缩短了治疗过程,一期植骨避免了为矫正肢体短缩而再行肢体延长术。复合骨环,骨外固定器应用于感染性骨缺损显示出独特的优越性。  相似文献   

骨肿瘤手术中肿瘤切除残留骨缺损,影响稳定性,需局部植骨内固定重建稳定性.局部肿瘤切除不彻底则容易出现局部复发.如能在植骨材料中复合化疗药物,在修复局部骨缺损重建稳定性的同时,以局部化疗手段杀灭残留肿瘤细胞,就能降低肿瘤局部复发率.  相似文献   

颗粒骨移植处理人工全髋关节翻修中髋臼骨缺损   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
[目的]介绍髋臼翻修术中采用颗粒骨移植的方法处理骨缺损的体会.[方法]2001年1月~2004年12月,本院采用颗粒骨植骨行髋臼假体松动合并骨缺损的髋关节翻修术23例.男14例,女9例;年龄41~76岁,平均56.3岁.按美国骨科医师学会(AAOS)分类标准Ⅰ型5例;Ⅱ型12例;Ⅲ型5例;Ⅳ型1例.手术中假体骨水泥固定5例,非骨水泥固定18例.[结果]颗粒骨植骨术后X线检查骨愈合良好,包容假体牢固,原骨缺损区骨质得以修复.翻修前Harris评分平均为42分,术后随访平均为85分.[结论]髋臼翻修中采用自体或异体颗粒骨移植修复骨缺损,行挤压植骨可使颗粒骨与假体金属表面直接接触.观察证明移植颗粒骨生长好,达到了修复骨缺损和固定假体的目的.  相似文献   

目的:研究和开发能够Ⅰ期植骨修复细菌污染的节段性骨缺损的植骨材料。方法:在块型重组织异种骨(MRBX)基础上,结合抗生素局部缓释技术。研制出兼具高效成骨作用和强力抗感染能力的块型抗感染重组合异种骨(MARBX);并采用细菌污染的犬桡骨,1.5cm节段性骨缺损模型,通过解剖学、放射学、组织学及细菌学检查,对比研究MARBX和MRBXⅠ期植骨内固定修复效果。结果:术后6个月,MARBXⅠ期植骨,可有效预防感染,并基本完成骨缺损的修复;而MRBXⅠ期植骨,则导致骨髓炎,不能修复骨缺损。结论:MARBX由于既具有高效成骨活性,又有非常强的抗菌能力,能Ⅰ期植骨、有效修复污染性节段性骨缺损。  相似文献   

目的 探讨股骨干骨折并骨缺损行髓内钉内固定时应用扩髓的骨屑和同种异体骨复合植骨的临床效果.方法 对采用交锁髓内钉固定、扩髓骨屑与同种异体骨复合植骨治疗的65例股骨干骨折并骨缺损的临床资料进行回顾总结.结果 本组得到随访10~24个月.63例骨折愈合,2例未愈合再次植骨后愈合.结论 采用扩髓的骨屑与同种异体骨复合植骨,避免了取骨的损伤,临床效果满意,是治疗股骨干骨折并骨缺损的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用双钢板内固定结合植骨填充骨缺损治疗桡骨远端C型骨折的临床疗效。方法对54例闭合性不稳定性桡骨远端骨折患者行桡骨远端解剖钢板恢复桡骨远端解剖结构、微型钢板固定桡骨远端分离骨块,加同种异体骨植骨填充骨缺损治疗。结果患者均获随访,时间12-18个月。植骨均融合良好,无骨不连发生。按ADL腕关节功能评定标准进行评估:优36例,良12例,可4例,差2例,优良率为88.8%。结论对于不稳定的桡骨远端C型骨折,双钢板内固定结合植骨填充骨缺损疗效较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨跟骨骨折切开复位内固定时,对残留的骨缺损不予植骨的安全性及疗效。方法制备跟骨骨折模型,采用钢板内固定治疗,对残留骨缺损不予植骨,术后进行加载和被动运动试验,测定跟骨的力学性能和几何参数的变化;并对植骨与不植骨进行临床对照研究,比较跟骨参数的变化和功能恢复情况。结果对残留的骨缺损不予植骨,钢板螺钉固定后跟骨的强度和承载能力高于正常跟骨,足弓的稳定性与正常足相当;足踝部被动运动试验前后,跟骨几何参数的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);植骨与未植骨比较,跟骨几何参数的改变、关节面再塌陷的发生率和功能恢复差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论只要掌握合理的复位固定方法,对跟骨骨折术中残留的骨缺损不予植骨并不增加骨折再移位和关节面再塌陷的危险,不影响骨折愈合和功能恢复。  相似文献   

<正>骨缺损是骨科常见病,自体骨移植一直是骨缺损治疗的金标准。但自体骨移植存在骨量有限,取骨部位疼痛、感染、美观等问题。硫酸钙用于填充植骨已达百余年历史,是一种优良的骨替代材料。我院自2004年12月至2009年5月采用美国Wright公司生产的医用硫酸钙颗粒植骨治疗四肢骨缺损41例,取得很好疗效。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的介绍改良打压游离植骨治疗长段骨缺损的手术方法及疗效。方法 2009年6月,对1例46岁外伤性左胫骨中下段骨折合并骨外露、骨髓炎致骨缺损长6.5 cm男性患者,在伤口愈合和感染控制后二期采用切开交锁髓内钉固定、可吸收线网包裹自体骨行打压游离植骨。结果术后随访24个月,踝关节活动度仅轻度受限,美国矫形足踝协会(AOFAS)踝关节功能评分87分,为良;术后6个月见断端骨痂初步连接,术后10个月断端完全骨性愈合。未行髓内钉取出。结论打压游离植骨方法的成功,改变了既往认为>6 cm长段骨缺损只适宜带血运的骨移植而不适宜游离植骨的传统观点;改良打压游离植骨是治疗长段骨缺损的有效方法之一,较钛网打压游离植骨费用更低。  相似文献   

Hao L  Cai Y  Niu X 《中华外科杂志》2002,40(9):665-668
目的:探讨应用异体松质骨移植治疗肿瘤切除后骨缺损的生物材料填充方法。方法:总结应用深低温冷冻保存异体松质骨移植治疗骨肿瘤切除后骨缺损57例。年龄6-56岁,平均年龄17.4岁。结果:除1例因感染异体骨取出外,其余56例均取得满意的骨愈合,愈合时间平均为4.5个月。依骨腔大小或植骨量的不同愈合时间 亦有所不同。单纯异体松质骨移植与异体松质骨加自体松质骨混合移植相比,愈合时间没有明显不同。植骨量越大,骨愈合时间越长。此组患者中未见明显排异反应及并发感染者。肿瘤复发率为7%。结论:同其他骨缺损填充方法和大块异体骨的使用相比,此种方法可行性较好,安全性较高。在骨愈合率,骨愈合时间上及复发以外并发症的发生上同自体松质骨植骨无明显差异。  相似文献   

应用显微外科技术修复骨肿瘤骨缺损   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:介绍骨肿瘤骨缺损的显微外科治疗及临床疗效。方法:回顾性的总结15例骨肿瘤巨大骨缺损的显微外科手术治疗资料。病灶处理:切刮12例,段截3例。作带血管蒂的的骨块转位移植12例,吻合血管的游离腓骨移植3例。结果:全部病例获长期随访,平均随访3年。所有病例在术后3~4月达骨愈合,无一例复发。结论:应用显微外科技术修复骨肿瘤巨大骨缺损,能缩短骨愈合时间,复发少,患功能恢复好。  相似文献   

Summary The association between baseline levels of eleven bone turnover markers and 5-year rate of bone density change was prospectively studied in a population-based sample of 601 75-year-old women. Several bone formation and resorption markers as well as urinary osteocalcin were modestly correlated to rate of bone density change. Introduction Prediction of bone loss by bone turnover markers (BTMs) has been investigated with conflicting results. There is limited information in the elderly. Methods Eleven bone turnover markers were analyzed in 75-year old women in the OPRA study (n = 601) and compared to the 5-year change of areal bone mineral density (aBMD) in seven skeletal regions. Results Annual aBMD change varied between +0.4% (spine) and −2.0% (femoral neck). Significant associations (p < 0.01) were found for four different serum osteocalcins (S-OCs) (standardized regression coefficient −0.20 to −0.22), urinary deoxypyridinoline (−0.19), serum TRACP5b (−0.19), serum CTX-I (−0.21), two of the three urinary osteocalcins (U-OCs) (−0.16) and aBMD change of the leg region (derived from the total body measurement). After adjustment for baseline aBMD, associations were found for all S-OCs (−0.11 to −0.16), two of the three U-OCs (−0.14 to −0.16) and aBMD change at the total hip, and for three of the four S-OCs (−0.14 to −0.15), S-TRACP5b (−0.11), two of the three U-OCs (−0.14 to −0.15) and aBMD change at the femoral neck. There were no significant results concerning aBMD change at the spine. Conclusion This study indicates that BTMs are correlated with aBMD loss in some skeletal regions in elderly women.  相似文献   

目的分析硫酸钙人工骨填充良性骨肿瘤刮除后骨缺损的愈合情况,探讨人工骨在骨肿瘤切除重建中的作用。方法自2005年12月至2008年3月,应用Osteo Set硫酸钙人工骨移植治疗72例原发良性骨肿瘤,其中随访资料完整的47例。根据术后随访期X线片所见评估人工骨降解、吸收和骨愈合生长情况,评估38例含脱钙骨基质(demineralized bone matrix,DBM)和9例未含DBM硫酸钙人工骨的愈合情况,研究植骨量对愈合情况的影响,同时采用肌肉骨骼肿瘤协会(Musculoskeletal Tumor Society,MSTS)功能评分评价关节功能。结果 47例患者获3~55个月随访,平均随访时间16.3个月。均有人工骨颗粒与宿主骨间隙变模糊以及颗粒间变模糊,平均用时3.1(1~6)个月;42例完全吸收,用时4.2(1~12)个月;27例重新塑形,用时7.3(3~17)个月。人工骨愈合良好39例(83.0%),未出现不愈合病例。含DBM硫酸钙与不含DBM硫酸钙人工骨植入患者的愈合率分别为89.5%和77.8%。植骨量≤5mL组愈合率95.6%,用时6.8(3~12)个月;植骨量〉5mL组愈合率79.2%,用时5.5(3~17)个月。对两组愈合率、愈合时间进行比较,差异无统计学意义(Z=-0.100,P=0.920;Z=-0.650,P=0.516)。MSTS功能评分平均28.8分。术后2例出现伤口不愈合。结论对于良性骨肿瘤切除后骨缺损的重建,硫酸钙人工骨愈合效果满意,是一种安全、有效的移植材料。  相似文献   

Both peak bone mass and bone loss contribute to subsequent fracture risk. Other variables such as architectural abnormalities, microdamage, geometric properties, and trauma probably contribute as well. Until the contribution of these other potentially important risk factors can be quantified, it will be difficult to determine precisely the relative importance of peak bone mass and subsequent bone loss in the etiology of fractures.  相似文献   

目的 观察药物谷康泰灵对骨质疏松 (OP)模型大鼠骨形成和骨吸收功能的影响 ,为其临床治疗骨质疏松提供实验依据。方法 SD大鼠 4 4只 ,随机分为正常组 (13只 )和骨质疏松模型组 (31只 )。以维甲酸 80mg·kg- 1 ·d- 1 灌胃 15d,诱导OP模型。模型复制成功后 ,各组处死 5只 ,正常组 (8只 )继续观察 ,模型组又随机分为无措施对照组 (8只 )、谷康泰灵治疗组 (10只 ,0 0 8mg·kg- 1 ·d- 1 谷康泰灵腹腔注射 )和雌二醇治疗组 (8只 ,每只 0 0 5mg,每周 3次苯甲酸雌二醇腹腔注射 )。治疗期 30d。观察股骨松质骨区成骨细胞及破骨细胞数量和血清中AKP、TRAP活性变化。结果 与正常组相比 ,维甲酸诱导的OP模型大鼠股骨松质骨区成骨细胞功能活跃 ,数量变化不大 ;破骨细胞数量、活跃程度显著增加 ;血清中AKP和TRAP明显增高。谷康泰灵治疗后 ,OP大鼠活跃成骨细胞数量明显增加 ,破骨细胞数量显著减少 ,血清AKP活性明显增高 ,TRAP活性下降。结论 谷康泰灵对OP大鼠骨形成和骨吸收功能有显著影响 ,可刺激成骨细胞的产生增加成骨细胞的活性 ,减少破骨细胞的数量抑制破骨细胞的活性。  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the role of defatted, decalcified xenogenic bone implants composited by impregnation with fresh autologous marrow in bridging large cortical defects. Diaphyseal cortical implants were obtained from orthopaedic operations on humans and from guinea pigs and prepared by treatment with acetone, 0.6 M HCl and ethanol. The composited graft was used to bridge a 3 cm defect in the diaphysis of the ulna of rabbits. Periodic investigations were made clinically, radiographically and histologically and by tetracycline, fluorescence studies up to 20 weeks. Abundant new bone formation was observed in 85.7% of composited human xeno-autografts and in 83.3% of composited guinea pig xeno-autografts. New bone formation was seen in 13.3% of noncomposited xeno-implants. No appreciable antigenicity was observed either clinically or histologically in the grafts. The high degree of success obtained justifies further studies on implants composited by fresh autologous marrow and offers hope for the enhancement of new bone formation clinically, particularly in reconstructive operations for significant skeletal defects. We feel that the osteo-inductive potential of autologous marrow was responsible for the healing of the defects aided by the better internal milieu provided by defatted decalcified xeno implant.
Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié le rôle, dans le remplacement de pertes de substance corticales étendues, d'implants osseux hétérogènes, dégraissés et décalcifiés, et rendus composites par imprégnation à l'aide de moelle autogène fraîche. Les greffons corticaux diaphysaires ont été obtenus au cours d'interventions orthopédiques chez l'homme et sur des cobayes. Ils sont ensuite lavés successivement à l'acétone, à l'acide chlorhydrique et à l'alcool éthylique. La greffe composite est alors utilisée pour ponter une perte de substance de 3 cm, au niveau de la diaphyse cubitale du lapin. Des examens périodiques, cliniques, radiographiques et histologiques, ont été pratiqués jusqu'à la 20 semaine, ainsi que l'étude de la fluorescence par la tétracycline. Une abondante formation d'os nouveau a été observée dans 85,7% des greffes composites d'origine humaine et dans 83,3% des greffes composites de cobaye. Une néoformation osseuse n'a été constatée que dans 13,3% des greffes hétérogènes non composites. Ni cliniquement ni histologiquement, il n'est apparu de réaction antigénique au niveau des greffons. Le nombre élevé de succès obtenus justifie des études complémentaires et perment d'espérer l'accroissement de la néoformation osseuse, notamment dans les opérations reconstructrices pour pertes de substance étendues. Les auteurs estiment que le potentiel inducteur de la moelle est l'agent de la consolidation du matériau idéal que constitue la greffe hétérogène, dégraissée et décalcifiée.

Spinal fusions: bone and bone substitutes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vertebral arthrodesis is one of the most commonly performed, yet incompletely understood, procedures in spinal surgery. Despite major progress in internal fixation techniques, the high rate of non-unions indicates that physiologic, biologic and molecular events that are crucial to this process are not well known. This article will analyze the general biology of bone regeneration, and particularly discuss the properties and use of various bone graft materials and graft substitutes. Received: 9 August 2000/Accepted: 11 August 2000  相似文献   

骨重建是破骨细胞和成骨细胞共同完成的旧骨退化,等量新骨取代的骨组织更新过程,在骨重建过程中,许多激素和细胞、体液因子以及细胞代谢产物影响骨的重建.目前国内外通过生物化学检测技术获得的骨代谢指标分为骨代谢调节激素、细胞与体液因子、骨吸收、骨形成标志物.笔者将影响骨重建生物化学指标的生理作用、临床意义进行综述.骨代谢指标虽不能作为骨质疏松诊断的金标准,但已广泛应用于临床,评价骨代谢状态、骨质疏松诊断分型、预测骨折风险、观察药物治疗的疗效,以及代谢性骨病的鉴别诊断.并且在抗骨质疏松药物的研究及流行病学研究方面具有重要应用价值.  相似文献   

Seto H  Aoki K  Kasugai S  Ohya K 《BONE》1999,25(6):373-695
Low-calcium-fed animals have been accepted as one of the experimental models showing a reduction in bone mass. However, the effects of short-term low-calcium feeding on bone turnover, the development of osteoprogenitor cells, and gene expression of bone matrix proteins have not been reported. In this study, we examined the effect of a low-calcium diet on rat tibia and analyzed the changes in the bone by histomorphometry, bone marrow cell culture, and in situ and Northern hybridization of the bone matrix proteins. Rats were fed either a low-calcium diet (0.05% Ca) or a normal calcium diet (0.5% Ca) using the pair feeding technique. They were killed at day 0, 12 h, and days 1, 2, and 3. In the low-calcium group, the serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) level was temporarily increased in 12 h after feeding the low-calcium diet. Bone mineral density in the trabecular bone was significantly decreased from 1 day after the low-calcium feeding, but cortical bone did not show any changes during the experimental period. The bone volume per tissue volume in the proximal tibia also decreased from day 1 in the low-calcium group. The number of osteoclasts and osteoblasts on the trabecular bone surface was increased in the low-calcium group compared with the normal-calcium group. An ex vivo study showed that the number of progenitors of osteoclasts and osteoblasts in bone marrow was also increased in the low-calcium group of rats. The localization of type I collagen mRNA was observed in osteoblasts in the low-calcium group. The Northern hybridization study showed that the gene expression of type I collagen, osteopontin, and osteocalcin was increased at day 3 in the low-calcium group. These results indicated that the trabecular bone surface quickly responded to the low-calcium feeding and that bone remodeling activity was activated probably by PTH. The changes in bone marrow cell populations and the gene expression of bone matrix proteins are closely associated with increased bone turnover induced by the low-calcium diet, resulting in rapid bone loss of the trabecular bone.  相似文献   

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