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目的评价TACE联合射频消融术(RFA)治疗肾癌的疗效。方法回顾性分析我中心收治的23例肾癌患者资料。全部患者均首先行肾TACE治疗,并在3~4周后在超声及CT的联合引导下行RFA术。评价患者术前术后的卡氏功能状态评分(KPS评分)及肾功能变化情况,同时在随访期内定期对患者行腹部超声、CT/MR增强扫描评价其疗效。结果至随访终止,全部23例患者中生存21例(21/23,91.30%),死亡2例(2/23,8.70%)。全部患者在术前和随访期结束时的KPS评分及血肌酐水平差异无统计学意义(P均0.05)。至随访结束,23例患者肾内病灶的治疗效果为完全缓解16例、部分缓解5例、进展2例。结论 TACE联合RFA治疗肾癌创伤小、疗效确切、围术期并发症少,是一种较为安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

射频消融(RFA)具有创伤小、术后恢复时间短、并发症轻、肿瘤预后好等特点,在临床上被广泛应用于治疗早期肾癌。本文综述了射频消融技术治疗早期肾癌的原理及疗效,并与肾部分切除术进行对比,为射频消融的临床应用及技术改善提供依据。  相似文献   

随着近年来现代诊断成像技术的广泛应用,肾肿瘤的检出率明显增加,而对于孤立性肾癌、双侧肾癌的治疗手段相对局限,选择尽量保留肾功能和微创的方法可能是部分特定患者的唯一选择.射频消融治疗(Radio Frequency Ablation,RFA)是一种创伤小、恢复快的治疗肾肿瘤的方法.近年来,肿瘤的局部治疗作为微创治疗肿瘤的方法正在成为当今肿瘤治疗界的研究热点.本文对RFA技术在肾癌治疗的应用,从原理、研究进展、术后并发症、影像学观察、疗效、预后等进行综述.  相似文献   

影像学评价射频消融治疗肝癌的疗效   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
射频消融(RFA)治疗原发性肝癌(PHC)已成为外科手术和TACE以外的另一有效治疗方法,消融后的疗效评价问题一直为临床所关注。影像学是目前最常用的评价手段。本文就不同影像学方法在评价RFA治疗PHC疗效中的价值及有关的新技术进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的采用Meta分析评价TACE联合射频消融(RFA)与单纯RFA治疗肝细胞癌(HCC)的疗效及安全性。方法检索2000年1月—2016年11月关于TACE联合RFA与单纯RFA治疗HCC的临床随机对照试验设计的中英文文献,提取纳入研究的信息并行Meta分析。结果共12篇文献入选本研究。Meta分析结果显示,TACE联合RFA组1年、3年总体生存率及1年、3年无瘤生存率均优于单纯RFA治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P均0.05);两组间5年总体生存率差异无统计学意义(P=0.07)。对于肿瘤最大径3cm的HCC,TACE联合RFA组与单纯RFA组1年、3年总体生存率及1年、3年无瘤生存率差异均无统计学意义(P均0.05)。两组间严重并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P=0.82)。结论 TACE联合RFA治疗HCC的近、中期疗效优于单纯RFA治疗,远期疗效无明显差异。  相似文献   

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射频消融(radiofrequency ablation,RFA)于1990年问世,但其在实质性肿瘤治疗应用的范围和价值仅在近年来才引起人们的高度关注,国际上自1999年开始才有较多的肿瘤射频消融的报道,大部分局限于肝脏。目前RFA治疗领域已从最初的肝脏肿瘤发展到肾、肺、肾上腺、骨、甲状腺、乳腺等软组织肿块。RFA治疗肝癌、肾癌及外周性肺  相似文献   

超声造影评价肝癌射频消融治疗近期疗效   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 探讨超声造影在原发性肝癌射频消融(radiofrequency ablation,RFA)治疗后近期疗效评价中的应用价值.方法 选取我院原发性肝癌住院患者96例,共110个癌灶,RFA治疗前1周内行常规超声和超声造影检查, 观察病灶数量、大小、边界、内部回声、造影剂灌注情况等,同时行增强CT扫描,然后在超声引导下行肝内肿瘤RFA治疗,1个月后行彩超、超声造影和增强CT扫描,以增强CT结果为标准,评估超声造影在肝癌RFA治疗后的近期疗效中的应用价值.结果 RFA治疗前96例110个癌灶超声造影示动脉期均匀高增强83个,不均匀高增强27个; 门脉期及延迟期低增强98个,等增强12个.RFA治疗后1个月超声造影示肿瘤无增强99个,边缘部分高增强11个; 增强CT示肿瘤无强化96个,边缘不规则强化14个,两者比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.406,P>0.05).对增强CT扫描边缘部分强化的14个癌灶再次行RFA治疗,1个月后超声造影及增强CT 示肿瘤均无增强或强化.结论 超声造影对评价肝癌RFA治疗的近期疗效有重要应用价值.  相似文献   

肝癌射频消融技术及疗效评价方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 总结肝癌射频消融(RFA)的临床经验并探讨评价RFA疗效的方法 .方法 对49例肝癌病人进行了统一方案的RFA治疗,其中男43例,女6例;年龄39~72岁,平均(56.4±9.3)岁.肿瘤直径1.5~10 cm,其中≤3 cm 16例,3.1~5 cm 15例,>5 cm 18例.按肝功能Child-Pugh分级,A级41例,B级8例.病理诊断为肝细胞癌44例,胆管细胞性肝癌5例.采用RITA射频消融肿瘤治疗系统(RF-1500)行RFA.在RFA后3~4周常规行CT及TACE,以评价肝癌RFA的效果及巩固疗效.结果 全部病例RFA术后恢复顺利,总体1、2、3年生存率为77.5%、56.5%和44.0%,肝癌RFA后3~4周,AFP阳性(≥25μg/L)者转阴率62.9%(22/35).改进的肝癌RFA方法 可对直径5 cm以下的肿瘤进行比较彻底的消融,≤5 cm者1、2、3年生存率为100%、79.6%和61.9%.将肝癌消融近期疗效分为3个级别,RFA术后获得根治性消融(19例)、亚根治消融(9例)、姑息性消融(21例)者2年生存率分别为85.7%、60.0%和24.3%.结论 肝癌RFA相当于从机能上切除了肿瘤,肝癌消融近期疗效三级分类法可以比较客观地评价RFA的效果,以指导辅助治疗的选择.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝癌射频消融(RFA)联合经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)的疗效及必要性。方法:对65例肝癌患者RFA后进行1次以上的TACE治疗。其中男54例,女11例。肿瘤最大长径1.5~10.0 cm,其中≤3 cm者14例, 3.1~5.0 cm者17例,>5.0 cm者34例。按肝功能Child pugh分级,A级51例,B级14例。病理诊断肝细胞癌58例,胆管细胞性肝癌7例。采用RFA肿瘤治疗系统行RFA,并随后常规行CT以评价RFA的疗效,然后行TACE,术后1月行CT检查,以评价肿瘤消融情况,并观察生存率,以评价治疗效果。结果:RFA后完全消融24例,基本消融15例,部分消融26例。RFA+TACE的近期效果为根治性22例、亚根治性13例和姑息性30例。肿瘤消融程度与近期疗效密切相关(r=0.877,P<0.001)。肝癌RFA+TACE治疗后总体1,2,3年生存率为78.2%,65.3%,44.0%。Cox回归模型分析显示消融程度,是最终与生存时间有关的因素,获得完全消融、基本消融或部分消融者3年生存率分别为73.5%,45.0%和0.0%。肿瘤较小的肝癌容易获得完全消融、近期及远期疗效较好;反之预后较差。结论:TACE对RFA后残余的癌灶或微小转移病灶可起治疗作用;中大肝癌RFA后联合TACE是必要的。  相似文献   

无法手术切除的肝细胞癌TACE与RFA治疗的Meta分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较经动脉灌注化疗栓塞(TACE)联合射频消融(RFA)与单独TACE或RFA治疗无法手术切除肝细胞癌(UHCC)的临床疗效。方法收集国内外关于TACE+RFA与单独TACE或RFA治疗UHCC的随机、对照临床研究文献(RCT),采用RevMan4.2软件,对符合纳入标准的8个独立性研究进行Meta分析,分析的主要对象为生存期及肿瘤完全坏死率。结果 TACE+RFA较单独TACE提高患者1年、2年及3年生存率(均P〈0.01),较单独RFA提高1年及2年生存率(P=0.03、P〈0.01),而3年生存率则缺乏统计学差异(P=0.16);而对于肿瘤完全坏死率,联合治疗明显较低(均P〈0.01)。结论 TACE联合RFA治疗UHCC的疗效较单独TACE或单独RFA治疗好,而远期疗效较单独TACE能有效提高患者生存率,较单独RFA能提高1年及2年生存率。  相似文献   

Little information is available concerning the morbidity of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or the evolution of an RFA lesion over time. We report our findings in a kidney removed 1 year after RFA of a 2.3-cm renal tumor. After RFA, the patient experienced flank pain, followed by hydronephrosis, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, and eventual loss of function in the treated kidney. Nephrectomy revealed no residual renal cell carcinoma. RFA can completely destroy renal cell carcinoma in situ without histologic evidence of persistence or recurrence for up to 1 year after treatment. Care must be taken to avoid concurrent damage to the collecting system.  相似文献   



The rate of unintentionally discovered renal masses has been increasing along with a parallel increased incidence of renal cell carcinoma both in men and women. Ablation therapy has emerged as an alternative for the treatment of these small renal tumors. Several techniques have been developed for renal tumor ablation with cryoablation (CA) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) being among the most widely used and studied. The purpose of this article is to review the role of imaging and renal mass biopsy in renal tumor ablation with focus on CA and RFA.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report a renoduodenal fistula after renal tumor ablation with radiofrequency (RFA). METHODS: A 1-inch right anterior renal cell carcinoma was subjected to percutaneous RFA under sedation. We used a 14-gauge probe guided by ultrasonographic images in real time. RESULTS: On the fifth day the computerized tomography with double contrasts showed a fistula between the pelvis and the duodenum. CONCLUSIONS: A major concern regarding this approach relates to the anterior renal tumor and the guided images during the procedure. To our knowledge, there has never been any report of renoduodenal fistula after RFA.  相似文献   

超声在经皮射频消融治疗肾脏肿瘤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨超声在经皮射频消融治疗。肾脏肿瘤中的应用价值。方法:对25例肿瘤位于肾脏背外侧、。肾中下极的患者,行超声引导下经皮射频消融术。结果:25例手术均获成功,手术时间30-50min,平均37min,无。肾周出血、肾周积液、邻近脏器损伤等并发症。术后病理肾细胞癌18例,肾脏错构瘤5例,2例病理无法判断。1例术后复查证实肿瘤残留,再次行经皮射频治疗。结论:超声在经皮射频消融术治疗肾脏肿瘤中,起到关键性的作用,熟练的操作可以提高肾脏肿瘤完全灭活的成功率。  相似文献   



The incidence of small renal masses has increased in recent decades. Standard surgical treatment may not be applicable in patients with advanced age or severe comorbidities. Therefore, minimally invasive therapeutic approaches, such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA), may be a therapeutic option for such patients.


Assessment of oncological and functional outcomes of percutaneous RFA in small renal masses.

Materials and methods

Single center evaluation of all RFA performed at the hospital Landesklinikum Baden from 2006–2016.


A total of 98 RFA were performed in 85 patients. Mean patient age was 69.5 years. Median tumor size was 26.2?mm, while the length of hospital stay was 1.4 days. Overall, 96.8% of RFA procedures were considered to be technically complete. Recurrence rate was 17.5%. Most of the recurrences were treated via a second RFA. Complication rates were fairly low as the vast majority of ablations were free of complications (82.7%). Grade I, II and III complications (according to the Clavien-Dindo classification) occurred in 13.3%, 3% and 1%, respectively. A significant deterioration of renal function due to RFA was not observed. Cancer-specific survival rate for renal cell carcinoma was 100%; overall survival was 84.7% after an average follow-up period of more than 3 years.


RFA is an adequate alternative treatment option for small renal masses in patients unfit to undergo surgical excision. Patients benefit from the low complication rates, preservation of renal function, and short hospital stays.

Chini EN  Brown MJ  Farrell MA  Charboneau JW 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2004,99(6):1867-9, table of contents
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an effective therapeutic intervention for a variety of neoplastic lesions. Many of these procedures are conducted with patients under general anesthesia. Although RFA is associated with infrequent complications, it is not without risk. Injury to adjacent normal structures is a major concern during RFA of cancerous lesions. Unintended injury to normal adrenal tissue during RFA of adrenal tumors can lead to hypertensive crisis, a potentially catastrophic complication. Hemodynamic consequences of RFA of primary or metastatic adrenal masses have not been reported. We report a case of hypertensive crisis (249/140 mm Hg), tachycardia, and ventricular arrhythmia in an 82-yr-old woman undergoing RFA of renal cell carcinoma metastatic to the adrenal gland. Anesthesiologists should be aware of this potentially catastrophic complication. Direct-acting vasodilators and short-acting beta(1)-adrenergic antagonists should be immediately available, and intraarterial blood pressure monitoring should be seriously considered when providing care for patients undergoing RFA of an adrenal mass.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We describe our experience with and results of percutaneous computerized tomography guided radio frequency ablation (RFA) for small (less than 4 cm) renal tumors at a 2-year mean followup. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 49 patients (60 renal tumors) with a mean age of 63.9 years underwent percutaneous RFA. Indications for RFA were severe comorbidities or previous abdominal surgery precluding operative management, or hereditary conditions predisposing to multiple tumor recurrence. Persistent enhancement on initial followup imaging was considered incomplete treatment and all such patients underwent biopsy and were offered repeat RFA. Enhancement or enlargement on subsequent imaging was considered tumor recurrence and these patients were counseled regarding further therapy. RESULTS: Three patients (4 tumors) were excluded from evaluation due to death from unrelated causes or loss to followup. A total of 46 patients (56 tumors) were available for evaluation at a mean followup of 27.5 months (range 12 to 48). Six tumors were incompletely treated with the first RFA and successfully treated with a second session. Recurrences after successful initial treatment were seen in 3 of 46 patients. These recurrences developed 24, 25 and 31 months following RFA, respectively, and all occurred in patients with a central tumor of 3.0 cm or greater. Overall local control was achieved in 94.6% of tumors (53 of 56). CONCLUSIONS: RFA is an emerging alternative treatment modality for small renal tumors. Larger (greater than 3.0 cm) central tumors represent unique technical challenges, making these tumors more prone to recurrence. Long-term followup is needed to establish the oncological durability of this technique.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the intermediate-term outcomes of patients with clinical T1a renal tumours who were treated with nephron-sparing surgery by partial nephrectomy (PN), the preferred approach for small (cT1a) renal tumours, or radiofrequency ablation (RFA), recently offered to selected patients as an alternative, less morbid technique. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We identified patients with stage T1a renal masses who had > or = 2 years of follow-up; those with bilateral synchronous or metachronous tumours, metastatic disease at presentation, or a family history of renal cell carcinoma were excluded. From July 1996 to January 2004 110 PNs were identified in our database; 37 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria had either open (30) or laparoscopic PN (seven) and 40 had either percutaneous (26) or laparoscopic (14) RFA. RESULTS: The mean (range) follow-up for the RFA and PN groups was 30 (18-42) and 47 (24-93) months, respectively; the respective mean tumour size was 2.41 and 2.43 cm. There was one incomplete ablation and two local recurrences in the RFA group, and two recurrences in the PN group (one local and one in the contralateral kidney). There were no disease-specific deaths. The overall actuarial disease-free probability for the PN and RFA groups, respectively, was 95.8% and 93.4% (P = 0.67). CONCLUSIONS: This initial 3-year actuarial analysis showed that RFA for cT1a renal tumours has comparable oncological outcomes to PN; however, longer term data are still needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although radio-frequency ablation (RFA) has been recently applied as a minimally invasive treatment option for renal cell carcinoma (RCC), indication of this modality remains a critical issue due to the lack of complete tumor destruction as well as the uncertainty of its long-term efficacy. We report the efficacy of RFA for nine carefully selected patients with RCC who had significant reason to avoid invasive surgical treatment under general anesthesia. METHODS: Radio-frequency ablation was performed under epidural or local anesthesia by ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) guidance in nine patients with biopsy proven RCC (mean diameter, 38 mm; range, 20-53 mm), who were at significant operative or anesthetic risk for invasive surgery. Follow-up enhanced CT scans or magnetic resonance images were evaluated every 3-6 months and an evaluation of metastasis was performed every 6 months. RESULTS: At a mean follow-up of 17 months, seven (78%) of the nine patients with renal tumor showed no tumor enhancement. The renal function of all patients was well preserved. All patients were able to continue undergoing their respective treatments for active diseases in other organs in parallel to the RFA treatment. No distant metastasis, urine leakage were reported and one case of temporary hematuria and one case of peri-renal hemorrhage not requiring blood transfusion were encountered. Intra-operative ultrasonography was useful in the real-time monitoring of the minimally excessive extension of ablation into the normal parenchyma. CONCLUSION: Radio-frequency ablation appears to be an effective and safe minimally invasive therapeutic option for selected patients with RCC who have reason to avoid invasive surgery under general anesthesia.  相似文献   

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