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擦皮整容术我国80年代开始应用。自1985年4月采用我院与陕西省医电仪器厂联合研制的 CPJ—Ⅰ型擦皮整容机施术15116例,报道如下:1 临床资料  相似文献   

擦皮术已广泛应用于美容、整形的皮损者中,其适应证极广。我科于1989年12月至1995年11月共收治335例擦皮术患者,现将其不同病种与治疗效果分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 对象:住院及门诊病人335例,女性256例,男性79例,年龄15岁~44岁,全面部擦皮127例,局部擦皮208例。2.2 病种:雀斑105例,外伤性疤痕87例,痤疮性疤痕51例,太田痣31例,毛细管型血管瘤15例,文身15例,烧伤及烫伤性蹼状疤  相似文献   

最近,安徽阜阳师范学院一位叫闪芳的读者来信说:“我有着苗条的身段,可脸上由于长青春痘而留下一个个大小不等的印记样疤痕,密密麻麻,坑坑洼洼,令人心碎,听说用擦皮术可以治好,可我对此一无所知……”在此之前,我们也收到过许多读者类似的来信,希望了解皮肤磨削术方面的一些知识,现汇总归纳为以下问题,答疑如下: 一、什么是擦皮整容术? 答:擦皮整容术又叫皮肤磨削术或皮肤病变魔除术。就是用转速为10,000~15,000转/分的磨头将皮肤浅表的疤痕或病变,连同真皮的浅层一起打磨掉,其创面由新生的上皮覆盖,使愈后的皮肤变得平滑而细嫩,达到整容或治病的目的。  相似文献   

雀斑为常见的色素障碍性皮肤病,液氮冷冻、二氧化碳激光及化学剥脱,近期疗效虽好,远期疗效则不相同。我科1989年12月~1997年10月对雀斑行全面部擦皮术146例并与药物剥脱治疗49例比较,报道如下。1 临床资料擦皮术组146例,男8例,女138例,年龄19~39岁,其中108例随访6年。药物剥脱治疗组49例,男2例,女47  相似文献   

患者女,26岁。临床诊新:面部寻常座疮、座疮瘢痕,于1989年12月9日入院。否认癫痫史、药物过敏史。术前各种检查均正常,血压14/8.4kPa,盐酸普鲁卡因过敏试验(一)。杜冷丁、盐酸异丙嗪各50m~2g肌肉注射,术区常规消毒,铺无菌孔巾后,按五区顺序依次眶下营、颏孔、眶上孔,分别用1%和0.3%的普鲁卡因阻滞麻醉辅以浸润麻醉。约40分钟完成面中、额部及下颏部擦皮。总计用普鲁卡因300mg,眼睑及面颊区依次用0.33%利多卡因分区皮下浸润麻醉,又约04分钟全面部擦皮结束。总计用利多卡因003mg,每注麻醉药均做  相似文献   

目的探讨明质酸注射在鼻唇沟填充中的临床效果及安全性。方法回顾性分析2018-11—2020-01间在郑东安佳医疗美容诊所行鼻唇沟填充手术的36例整容者资料,均采用透明质酸注射法施术。结果注射后所有整容者的面容即刻得到改善。依据疗效判定标准,术后12周和24周的有效率分别为100.00%和88.89%。整容者对鼻外形及填充高度满意。未发生过敏反应、感染、肉芽肿、血管栓塞,以及皮肤坏死等并发症。结论在鼻唇沟填充中应用透明质酸注射,微创性好、安全性高、整容效果肯定。  相似文献   

朋友们都知道我有个原则,那就是平时不管怎么臭美都不去整容。可是,最近我打破了这个原则,生平第一次做了整容!整个过程既没有动刀也没有打针,甚至连疼痛都没感觉到,短短1个小时就修正了我左右脸不对称的问题,这让我对整容有了新的认识!  相似文献   

目的:评价980nm等离子激光溶脂机治疗腋臭的临床疗效,并探讨新的治疗方法。方法:2013年3月-2016年9月,笔者采用980nm等离子激光溶脂机治疗腋臭患者96例,治疗后1~6个月进行随访评价。结果:980nm等离子激光溶脂机治疗总痊愈率51.35%、总显效率83.2%、总有效率96.49%,对临界型至中型腋臭有良好的治疗效果。结论:采用激光溶脂机治疗腋臭效果好,与传统的手术方法相比,其损伤小,出血少,术后护理简单,不影响患者的日常生活,是值得临床推广的腋臭治疗新方法。  相似文献   

擦皮术治疗雀斑远期疗效问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
擦皮术治疗雀斑远期疗效问卷调查四川省人民医院口腔颌面外科(610072)李铮,羊辅湘面部雀斑是一种常见的遗传性皮肤色斑,一般疗法很难收到确切的效果。我科自1984年以来,采用擦皮术对严重雀斑进行治疗。取得了很好的近期效果。其远期疗效如何,尚未见报道。...  相似文献   

我整容的目的并非为了变成美女,我的期望很平民,但求相亲时不再吓跑别人。“再美一点”是大多数正值青春年少整容女子的梦想,但刚刚做过整容的宁馨说她选择整容既不是为了锦上添花,也不是为了脱胎换骨,而只是为了不再做“恐龙”!  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Manual dermabrasion is a simple and safe cosmetic procedure that is used to improve unsightly cutaneous disorders. OBJECTIVE: To describe an 11-year-old white female patient who was successfully treated with manual dermabrasion for a hypochromic scar on the left forearm. RESULTS: The hypochromic wound healed without scar and with good cosmetic appearance. CONCLUSION: Although similar to conventional dermabrasion in terms of cosmetic results, manual dermabrasion presents a less expensive and safe alternative.  相似文献   

方方 《中国美容医学》2020,(4):1-7,F0002
皮肤磨削术是在皮肤病的治疗及美容治疗中适应证较为广泛的一种治疗手段,是医学美容换肤技术在临床上最为常用的一种方法,磨削术常规是使用一些器械或设备,对表皮和真皮浅层进行可控制的机械性磨削、以完成治疗及美容的一种手术。不同类型的患者的治疗方法选择是有所区别的,医生应对不同患者选取不同的治疗方法及设备。本文通过综述结合临床病例治疗经验对皮肤磨削术的方法加以系统介绍,让大家重新认识皮肤磨削术这一古老而传统的治疗方法,对临床应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Percutaneous collagen induction offers an antiaging modality to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of aging skin, scars, striae and burn scars. Targeted needling creates thousands of micro-lesions in the papillary dermis. The associated trauma induces regeneration of all dermal skin layers and a rejuvenation of the skin. Postoperatively the collagen structure is densely meshed, while epidermal thickness is increased by up to 40%. Unlike with other antiaging methods such as ablative laser treatments, peelings or dermabrasion, the epidermis remains intact and is not damaged. Animal studies as well as histological investigations have proved that this effect to be attributable to stimulated expression of TGF-?? and other growth factors and proteins. The risk of postoperative infection and dyspigmentation is minimized. In conclusion, this method is superior to other dermabrasive treatments with the same spectrum of application.  相似文献   

Minimally invasive or noninvasive procedures account for an overwhelming majority of cosmetic procedures. These procedures include botulinum toxin injections, soft tissue fillers, chemical peel, dermabrasion, and laser hair removal. This article reviews some of the principles involved in these procedures. Plastic surgeons need to be equally familiar with surgical and nonsurgical approaches to cosmetic medicine to provide a complete set of therapeutic options to their patients.  相似文献   

Rhinophyma is a slowly progressive disfiguring disorder of the nose that represents the end stage of acne rosacea. The cosmetic deformity is often the reason patients seek medical attention. Over the years, many treatment modalities, including dermabrasion, electrocautery, excision and grafting, decortication, and cryosurgery, among others, have been described to treat this condition, but none of them has proved very satisfactory. Special concern about the droplet dispersion of blood in dermabrasion has made this method less acceptable, as it poses a potential risk to health workers. We describe a technique in which this proliferative disorder can be treated, using CO2 laser excision and vaporization. This method provides a very dry surgical field, which allows the sculpting of the hypertrophic areas to be very effective, giving a very satisfactory immediate and long-term cosmetic results.  相似文献   

皮肤磨削术是一种不需手术刀的可操控性技术,可以直接去除表皮或真皮浅层皮损,又称擦皮术。近年来已广泛用于多种疾病的治疗以及去除瘢痕、色素和除皱等美容治疗中。皮肤磨削术可以满足多种治疗需要以及美容需求,值得推广应用。与磨削原理类似的技术包括激光换肤和化学剥脱等,各有优势,应用于相同疾病效果不同,这些技术均可广泛应用于各类皮肤疾病治疗中,效果显著。本文就皮肤磨削术在皮肤科的应用进展作一综述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cosmetic dermatologic surgeon can improve facial scars by using a variety of techniques. Chemical peels, lasers, and dermabrasion are among the most common modalities used. In recent years, laser resurfacing has enjoyed great popularity; however, there is still a role for the time-honored and effective technique of dermabrasion. The recent withdrawal of Freon from the market has made dermabrasion more difficult. OBJECTIVE: To introduce a novel technique of using solid carbon dioxide (CO2) to freeze the skin before dermabrasion. METHOD: Twenty-five consecutive patients with facial acne scars underwent a combination of procedures including chemical peeling and CO2 laser resurfacing, followed by freeze-dermabrasion. Compressed CO2 was then used to make a solid ball of dry ice. The ice was used to freeze the skin prior to dermabrasion. After the application of the dry ice ball to the skin for about 4 seconds, the scares were dermabraded with the large mushroom wheel. As the tissue defrosted, the operator started at the outer edge of the freeze and planed into the center. This procedure was repeated until the desired improvement was achieved. RESULTS: With dry ice, a good skin turgor was achieved. This provided a good foundation for the sanding of the acne scars. The patients were pleased with the results and complications were minimal. CONCLUSION: "Home-made" dry ice works as well as Freon in providing skin turgor for dermabrasion. CO2 dry ice has the added benefits of being inexpensive and environmentally friendly.  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis is an inherited disease expressed clinically by the triad of mental retardation, seizures, and tuberous lesions. Facial angiofibromas, a common manifestation of tuberous sclerosis, can cause considerable cosmetic disfigurement, emotional distress, obstruction of vision, and hemorrhage. Treatment by shave excision, as the first step to remove the larger nodules, followed by dermabrasion, to smooth and sculpt the final surface, has been recommended as the most effective form of therapy. However, this method of treatment raises the question of risk for development of hypopigmentation in susceptible patients. The authors present their treatment of angiofibromas with shave excision and dermabrasion in a dark-skinned patient.  相似文献   

目的探讨磨痂保留变性真皮自体皮片移植修复手深度烧伤的可行性。方法31名烧伤患者,双手为深Ⅱ、混合度(混合深Ⅱ度、Ⅲ度)烧伤。在同体中设立磨痂组(31只手),用自制的医用烧伤磨痂器磨痂保留变性真皮,移植自体薄中厚皮片;削痂组(31只手),上止血带,用辊轴刀削痂,移植自体中厚皮片。观察两组患者术中出血量、手术时间、皮片成活率、供皮区愈合情况、组织病理学、自制医用烧伤磨痂器的使用情况、外形与功能情况。结果磨痂组术中失血量与削痂组比较无差异性(P〉0.05);手术时间明显缩短(P〈0.01);皮片成活率高(P〈0.05);外形及功能满意(P〈0.05);磨痂组供皮区愈合时间较削痂组明显缩短(P〈0.01)。组织病理学检查示,磨痂保留的创基基本无坏死组织残留,保留的真皮为玻璃透明样变性。自制的医用烧伤磨痂器结构简单、使用方便、不需电源、造价低廉、效率较高。结论磨痂保留变性真皮自体皮片移植修复手深度烧伤可作为手深度烧伤微创治疗方法的常规术式,值得推广应用。自制的医用烧伤磨痂器结构简单、使用方便、造价低廉、效率较高,可作为磨痂术的常用手术器械。  相似文献   

外伤后面部软组织畸形的美容修复   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨不同术式在外伤后面部软组织畸形美容治疗中的应用。方法:2000年9月~2004年3月,作者收治外伤后面部软组织畸形133例,分别采用皮肤扩张术、瘢痕切开缝合术、自体脂肪颗粒移植术.皮肤磨削术和真皮组织瓣游离移植术治疗,术后辅以预防瘢痕增生与色素沉着的治疗措施。结果:除2例行自体脂肪颗粒移植术者需补充注射外,其余病例临床效果良好,无并发症发生。结论:根据外伤后面部软组织畸形的情况,选择适宜的手术方式,并辅以预防瘢痕增生与色素沉着的治疗措施均可获得理想的美容修复效果。  相似文献   

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