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目的 探讨肺移植患者体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)应用过程中的观察内容及护理要点.方法 对6例肺移植应用ECMO患者采取开始转流后的常规护理,ECMO管路的管理,生命体征与实验室指标观察,营养支持等护理措施.结果 4例患者在肺移植术后即撤离ECMO;1例房间隔缺损伴Eisemenger患者由于术后血流动力学不稳定,连续使用ECMO 34 h后顺利撤离;1例双肺移植因术中出血多,血流动力学不稳定,术中紧急行ECMO支持,术后第7天顺利撤离.全组患者未发生ECMO相关并发症.术后4例患者顺利出院,出院后生活质量良好;1例由于术后出现MODS于术后第9天死亡,另1例再次移植患者处于术后恢复中.结论 ECMO应用过程选择合理的护理方案及手段,可及时发现应用过程中存在的问题,为医生及时、正确的处理提供依据.  相似文献   

目的 探讨体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)在肺移植围手术期应用的方法及疗效.方法 2005年11月至2009年7月,对30例原发性及终末期肺病伴继发性肺动脉高压的患者在肺移植术中应用了ECMO辅助,完成单肺移植18例,不横断胸骨序贯式双肺移植12例.2例患者在术前经股动静脉切开置ECMO管道,分别维持19 d和6 d,术中仍在ECMO支持下进行肺移植;其余患者在麻醉完成后置ECMO管道,开始肺移植术.移植完成后,受者在氧合和血流动力学平稳后撤除ECMO.结果 所有受者均顺利完成移植.27例受者于移植手术结束后顺利撤除ECMO;3例受者术后继续使用ECMO,直至血流动力学稳定,其中2例分别于术后36 h和7 d时顺利撤除,另1例术后用ECMO维持5 d后出现急性肾功能衰竭,术后2周时死于多器官功能衰竭.术后股动静脉切开处伤口感染2例,股动脉血栓形成(中度)1例,经治疗后均好转出院.结论 体外膜肺氧合可安全有效地应用于伴有原发性或继发性肺动脉高压患者的肺移植手术.术中应用ECMO能控制肺动脉高压,同时进行呼吸和循环支持,减少了肺移植手术的并发症.  相似文献   

目的探讨肺移植患者体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)应用过程中的观察内容及护理要点。方法对6例肺移植应用EC—MO患者采取开始转流后的常规护理。ECMO管路的管理,生命体征与实验室指标观察,营养支持等护理措施。结果4例患者在肺移植术后即撤离ECMO;1例房间隔缺损伴Eisetnenger患者由于术后血流动力学不稳定,连续使用EC—MO34h后顺利撤离;1例双肺移植因术中出血多,血流动力学不稳定,术中紧急行ECMO支持,术后第7天顺利撤离。全组患者未发生ECMO相关并发症。术后4例患者顺利出院,出院后生活质量良好;1例由于术后出现MODS于术后第9天死亡,另1例再次移植患者处于术后恢复中。结论ECMO应用过程选择合理的护理方案及手段,可及时发现应用过程中存在的问题,为医生及时、正确的处理提供依据。  相似文献   

体外膜肺氧合辅助下序贯式双肺移植的麻醉管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)辅助下序贯式双肺移植的麻醉处理及术中运用ECMO支持的经验.方法 8例终末期肺病患者术前进行了充分的调整和准备,手术均为双侧前胸切口序贯式双肺移植.麻醉诱导常规采用咪唑安定、芬太尼、依托咪酯及维库溴铵诱导,肌肉松弛后行气管内插管;术中麻醉维持以静脉持续泵注丙泊酚和维库溴铵,间断静注芬太尼.术中严密监测各项生命体征,根据血气指标及生命体征调节机械通气参数,必要时行手控通气.所有患者于麻醉诱导后进行股动、静脉穿刺置管,并给予ECMO辅助,转流期间维持激活凝血时间(ACT)160~200s,血流量1.8~2.5 L·m-2·min-1.结果 所有患者在麻醉诱导机械通气下生命体征平稳,手术过程顺利.结论 ECMO是双肺移植术中心肺辅助的有效手段,可提高肺移植手术的麻醉成功率.  相似文献   

肺移植是治疗多种终末期肺疾病的唯一有效方法,体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)在肺移植围手术期起到重要的桥接和支持作用。本指南从肺移植术前ECMO的桥接治疗、术中的心肺支持及术后功能维持等方面,总结肺移植临床实践经验,以期为我国肺移植相关临床科室提供工作指引。  相似文献   

等待行肺移植手术治疗的终末期肺病患者,常可见病情急性加重而没有合适的供体可移植。这种情况下,体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)系统可作为移植桥梁,辅助患者等候到合适的供体,以行肺移植手术。本文旨在从置管策略、适应证及禁忌证、并发症、预后及其影响因素、伦理学争论等方面介绍ECMO作为肺移植术前移植桥梁的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

目的 总结体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)技术在临床肺移植中应用的经验.方法 45例肺移植受者,年龄(50.5±8.6)岁(16~74)岁.原发病为肺纤维化合并肺动脉高压32例,慢性阻塞性肺病4例,矽肺2例,肺结核2例,弥漫性细支气管炎1例,支气管扩张2例,以及原发性肺动脉高压2例.其中3例受者在术前经股动、静脉切开置ECMO管道,分别维持13、19和6d后,在ECMO支持下接受了肺移植手术;40例受者在术中应用了ECMO辅助;2例未在体外循环下接受肺移植的受者,因原发性移植物功能丧失(PGD)于术后行ECMO辅助支持.结果 40例术中应用ECMO者,37例于术毕顺利撤除ECMO,术中辅助流量为(2.8±0.6)L/min,辅助持续时间为(7.7±0.9)h,存活31例;3例术后继续使用ECMO,直至血流动力学稳定,其中2例分别于术后36 h和7d时顺利撤除,另1例术后使用ECMO维持5d后出现急性肾功能衰竭,术后2周时死于多器官功能衰竭.2例术中无体外循环辅助受者和其余3例术中辅助受者因术后发生PGD或急性心力衰竭,而初次或再次使用ECMO,辅助流量分别为(2.5±0.3)L/min和(2.6±0.4)L/min,辅助持续时间分别为(53.5±21.9)h和(88.7±45.9)h,其中3例治愈出院,2例因多器官功能衰竭而死亡.所有受者均未发生明确与ECMO相关的并发症.结论 ECMO是肺移植围手术期支持的重要辅助工具,对于降低等待肺移植过程中的死亡率、稳定术中血流动力学、改善术后严重呼吸功能障碍以及原发性移植物功能不良,可以提供良好的辅助功能.  相似文献   

体外膜肺氧合在肺移植麻醉中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 总结肺移植麻醉中体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal memberane oxygenation,ECMO)辅助的适应证及术中运用ECMO支持的经验.方法 58例终末期肺病患者在麻醉诱导气管插管后,常规给予非术侧单肺通气30 min,监测肺动脉压(PAP)、氧分压(PaO2)、二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、肺泡气·动脉氧分压差(PA-aO2)和呼吸力学等指标,根据监测指标调节机械通气参数,必要时行手控通气.17例患者分别因肺动脉高压、低氧血症和高碳酸血症而给予ECMO辅助,转流期间维持激活凝血时间(ACT)160秒~200秒,流量控制在1.8 L·m-2·min-1~2.5 L·m-2·min-1.结果 所有患者ECMO转流后PAP及PaCO:下降明显,氧合改善.麻醉伞程生命体征平稳.手术经过顺利.结论 ECMO是肺移植术中肺辅助的有效手段,可提高肺移植手术的麻醉成功率.原发性肺动脉高压、肺纤维化合并肺动脉高压、严重的低氧血症和高碳酸血症是肺移植术中ECMO转流的适应证.  相似文献   

肺移植治疗特发性肺间质纤维化32例报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨肺移植治疗特发性肺间质纤维化(IPF)的手术适应证、手术方式及疗效.方法 76例肺移植中32例为肺移植治疗IPF.移植前,患者均经高分辨螺旋CT检查显示为典型的弥漫性蜂窝肺,经开胸或纤维支气管镜肺活组织病理检查确诊为IPF的有16例,动脉血气分析显示动脉血氧分压(PaO_2)≤50 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)的有28例,平均肺动脉压≥30 mm Hg的有15例.32例IPF患者中,28例接受单肺移植,其中常规体外循环下完成2例,体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)支持下完成14例;4例双肺移植均在ECMO支持下进行,取双侧前胸切口不横断胸骨,依次完成双侧单肺移植.术后对所有受者进行了随访,观察患者的预后情况.结果 所有受者均顺利完成手术.18例应用ECMO辅助的受者中,术后有17例成功撤除ECMO辅助,1例于术后2周因多器官功能衰竭而死亡.除上述死亡的1例外,术后早期还有4例死亡,1例术后发生支气管吻合口漏,经手术修补后发生吻合口裂开而死亡,1例死于移植肺活动性出血,2例死于移植肺功能丧失.术后1年内有12例发生急性排斥反应,发生率为37.5%,1例因重症排斥反应死亡,2例因严重感染死亡.受者术后3个月、1年及3年存活率分别为84.3%、75%和54.5%,中位存活时间为51个月,受者肺功能改善明显,生活质量显著提高.结论 肺移植是治疗IPF的有效方法,术后可明显延长受者存活时间,单肺移植可作为IPF的常用术式.对年龄较轻者应选择双肺移植.  相似文献   

目前,肺移植手术是诸多类型终末期肺疾病的首选治疗方法,然而肺移植受者常因病程迁延多伴随严重的心肺功能障碍,其中多表现为呼吸衰竭及不同程度的肺动脉高压。体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)是一项体外支持呼吸、循环的有效手段,可过渡性支持危重患者的心肺功能,在肺移植过程中发挥着重要作用。本文就ECMO在肺移植手术中的应用价值、置管策略及管理、疗效评价等方面进行综述,以期加深ECMO在肺移植临床工作中的应用体会。  相似文献   

体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)是一种能代替心肺功能、维持器官持续灌注的体外循环技术。近年来,因其出色的心肺支持功能,ECMO被越来越多地运用于器官移植领域,从器官捐献供者器官的保护,到器官移植受者移植前的安全过渡、移植中生命支持及移植后呼吸循环系统并发症的处理。ECMO在扩大供者来源、提高移植手术安全性和移植受者存活率方面发挥了重要作用。本文就ECMO在器官移植领域中的应用研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Background: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is currently accepted in lung transplantation either to bridge patients to transplantation or to treat postoperatively arising severe primary graft failure. Based on promising initial experiences we have since 2001 implemented ECMO as the standard of intraoperative extracorporeal support in lung transplantation (LuTX) patients with haemodynamic or respiratory instability with the potential to prolong ECMO support into the perioperative period. The aim of this paper is to summarise our total experience with the use of ECMO in LuTX. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all 306 patients undergoing primary lung transplantation from 1/2001 to 1/2006 with regard to the different forms of ECMO use. Results of all patients requiring ECMO were compared to those without ECMO during the observation period. Results: ECMO was used in 147 patients in total. Two patients were bridged to transplantation. A total of 130 patients received intraoperative ECMO support. In 51 of these patients ECMO was prolonged into the perioperative period. Five of these patients required ECMO support again in the postoperative period due to graft dysfunction. Contrary cardiopulmonary bypass was used in 27 patients mainly with concomitant cardiac defects. Eleven of these patients needed therapeutic ECMO in the further course. A total of 149 patients without relevant risk factors were transplanted without any intraoperative extracorporeal support. Six of these patients required ECMO support in the postoperative period for treatment of primary graft dysfunction. Overall 3-month, 1-year and 3-year survival rates were 88.6%, 82.1% and 74.63%. The mentioned survival rates were 85.4%, 74.2% and 67.6% in the intraoperative+/-prolonged ECMO group; 93.5%, 91.9% and 86.5% in the no support group and 74.0%, 65.9% and 57.7% in the CPB group. Conclusion: ECMO is a valuable tool in lung transplantation providing the potential to bridge patients to transplantation, to replace CPB with at least equal results and to overcome severe postoperative complications. Favourable survival rates can be achieved despite the fact that ECMO is used in the more complex patient population undergoing lung transplantation as well as to overcome already established severe complications.  相似文献   

The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenator instead of standard cardiopulmonary bypass during lung transplantation is debatable. Moreover, recently, the concept of prolonged postoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) support has been introduced in many transplant centers to prevent primary graft dysfunction (PGD) and improve early and long-term results. The objective of this study was to review the results of our extracorporeal life support strategy during and after bilateral sequential lung transplantation (BSLT) for pulmonary artery hypertension. We review retrospectively our experience in BSLT for pulmonary artery hypertension between January 2010 and August 2018. A total of 38 patients were identified. Nine patients were transplanted using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), in eight cases CPB was followed by a prolonged ECMO (pECMO) support, 14 patients were transplanted on central ECMO support, and seven patients were transplanted with central ECMO support followed by a pECMO assistance. The effects of different support strategies were evaluated, in particular in-hospital morbidity, mortality, incidence of PGD, and long-term follow-up. The use of CPB was associated with poor postoperative results and worse long-term survival compared with ECMO-supported patients. Predictive preoperative factors for the need of intraoperative CPB instead of ECMO were identified. The pECMO strategy had a favorable effect to mitigate postoperative morbidity and mortality, not only in intraoperative ECMO-supported patients, but even in CPB-supported cases. In our experience, ECMO may be considered as the first choice circulatory support for lung transplantation. Sometimes, in very complex cases, CBP is still necessary. The pECMO strategy is very effective to reduce incidence of PGD even in CPB-supported patients.  相似文献   

The total number of lung transplants reported to the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation registry continues to increase steadily. In the US, the lung transplant volume has increased from 1172 in 2004 to 1822 in 2011 since lung allocation score system was implemented in 2005 while the overall 1-year survival after transplantation has not changed significantly. One of the most common reasons why lung offers are declined is size-mismatch. Size-reduced lung transplantation including non-anatomical lung volume reduction and lobar lung transplantation is an advanced surgical technique to alleviate donor organ shortage. Living-related donor lung transplantation almost disappeared in the US, but alternatively, we perform lobar transplantation using cadaveric donor lungs. With recent advances in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) technology and surgical experience, ECMO has been used before, during and after lung transplant surgery successfully.  相似文献   

Pregnant women with influenza-A have an increased risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be used as salvage therapy, with lung transplantation as a therapeutic option. However, successful bilateral lung transplantation during pregnancy has never been reported before. We herein report the case of a 34-year-old primipara, who was diagnosed with ARDS caused by influenza-A-induced pneumonia at early gestation. After considering all possible therapeutic options and being fully dependent on VV-ECMO support, she underwent bilateral lung transplantation. The transplantation with intraoperative central VA-ECMO support was successfully performed with good recovery after an initial primary graft dysfunction. The pregnancy was prolonged until 29+5 gestational weeks. The newborn exhibited growth retardation and was initially stabilized, but later died due to severe, hypoxic respiratory failure and pulmonary hypertension. In conclusion, lung transplantation is a possible salvage therapy for patients with severe lung failure following ARDS during pregnancy. However, it places the mother and unborn child at risk. A multi-professional approach is warranted to diagnose and treat complications at an early stage.  相似文献   



The value of intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in lung transplantation remains controversial. In our department, ECMO has been used routinely for intraoperatively unstable patients for more than 15 years. Recently, we have extended its indication to a preemptive application in almost all cases. In addition, we prolong ECMO into the early postoperative period whenever graft function does not meet certain quality criteria or in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. The objective of this study was to review the results of this strategy.


All standard bilateral lung transplantations performed between January 2010 and June 2016 were included in this single-center, retrospective analysis. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group I—no ECMO (n = 116), group II—intraoperative ECMO (n = 343), and group III—intraoperative and prolonged postoperative ECMO (n = 123). The impact of different ECMO strategies on primary graft function, short-term outcomes, and patient survival were analyzed.


The use of intraoperative ECMO was associated with improved 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival compared with non-ECMO patients (91% vs 82%, 85% vs 76%, and 80% vs 74%; log-rank P = .041). This effect was still evident after propensity score matching of both cohorts. Despite the high number of complex patients in group III, outcome was excellent with higher survival rates than in the non-ECMO group at all time points.


Intraoperative ECMO results in superior survival when compared with transplantation without any extracorporeal support. The concept of prophylactic postoperative ECMO prolongation is associated with excellent outcomes in recipients with pulmonary hypertension and in patients with questionable graft function at the end of implantation.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) has been proven to be very useful in the neonatal period. For reversible respiratory and cardiac disorders, when maximal conventional measures have failed to provide life support, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) becomes the treatment of choice. The indications, contra-indications for ECMO, optimization of the care prior to embracing ECMO, cannulation techniques, daily management of ECMO from the practical standpoint, weaning and decannulation, complications, and special circumstances in neonatal period have been described. The follow-up of neonatal ECMO and various system manifestations necessitating careful review will be highlighted.  相似文献   

Options for mechanical support of pediatric patients with severe heart failure who are awaiting transplantation or have undergone transplantation are limited. This report examines 3 patients placed on extracorporeal life support (ECLS) while awaiting transplantation and 3 patients who underwent transplantation and suffered subsequent heart failure due to rejection or postoperative myocardial dysfunction. The overall survival rate was 2 of 6. The 2 surviving patients had a failing transplanted heart. There were no survivors among the patients placed on ECLS as a bridge to transplantation. In each case a contraindication to transplantation developed before a donor heart could be obtained. The mean time of ECLS support was 147.5 hours (range, 70 to 370 hours). The ECLS circuit did not affect cyclosporin levels or antirejection therapy. Extracorporeal life support can be used to support pediatric cardiac transplant patients with biventricular failure due to acute rejection or postoperative dysfunction. Although the results have been discouraging, ECLS may still have a role as a bridge to transplantation. However, complications can develop during ECLS that may preclude transplantation.  相似文献   

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