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人工股骨头置换术后合并症的病例分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对1980年以来我院行人工股骨头置换的324例进行了随访调查,随访时间最长8年,最短2年,平均4.5年,出现合并症16例,占38.5%,其中人工股骨头脱位3例,占0.9%,假体柄断裂2例,占0.6%,感染3例,占0.9%,患髋疼痛18例,占5.6%,髋臼磨损18例,占5.6%,股骨近端骨反应48例,占14.7%,人工股骨头下沉24例,占7.5%,文中对各种合并症的发生原因及预防进行了分析。  相似文献   

髋关节置换术后翻修原因分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
1974年~1991年对264例老年股骨颈骨折、股骨头缺血坏死、髋关节骨性关节炎患者行髋人工关节置换,其中人工股骨头置换150例,全髋关节置换114例。术后因假体松动、下沉、脱位,髋臼磨损等原因,引起患者疼痛,功能障碍而行翻修术15例,翻修率为5.7%,翻修时间为术后5年~16年,平均7.4年。翻修手术为人工股骨头再置换术3例,全髋关节置换术12例。翻修术后随访2年~6年,平均4.7年。按Jacobs法评价,优11例,占73%;良3例,占20%;可1例,占7%。翻修原因主要与假体松动、下沉,髋臼磨损,髋臼软骨切取不彻底,臼窝太浅,植入假体时存有血迹等有关。  相似文献   

Salter骨盆截骨术后骨关节炎发生的病理基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:观察小儿Salter骨盆截骨术后髋关节形态学的变化,探讨骨关节炎发生的病理基础。方法:对发育性髋脱位手法复位后失败的60例,72髋进行了Salter骨盆截骨术。经过平均7.4年的追踪观察,采用系列X线片观察髋关节形态学的变化,如股骨头的发育,髋臼形态和髋臼硬化带的形态等。结果:72髋中有60%出现股骨头增大的改变,50%髋臼内凹凸不平,髋臼硬化带为外三角形者占36%。结论:股骨头增大,髋臼的改变成为Salter骨盆截骨术后骨关节炎发生的潜在病理基础,应予以关注  相似文献   

目的分析人工股骨头置换配合中医治疗老年股骨颈骨折患者的临床疗效,并探讨具体治疗经验。方法2000年1月至2008年6月,采用骨水泥型及生物型双极人工股骨头置换治疗老年股骨颈骨折患者150例,男63例,女87例;年龄75~103岁,平均84.5岁。结果147例获得随访,随访时间1~8年,平均4.6年。参照Harris评分方法判断疗效,85分以上90例,75~84分35例,61~74分14例,60分以下8例,优良率为83.3%。早期肺栓塞死亡2例,肺部感染死亡1例。随诊复查X线片,髋臼完好110例,不同程度髋臼磨损24例,髋臼外缘骨质增生9例,无人工股骨头中心脱位,假体下沉〉5mm 7例,假体透光区域〉2mm3例。结论根据患者局部骨质疏松情况选用骨水泥型或生物型双极人工股骨头置换治疗老年股骨颈骨折是一种合理选择;术前充分准备,手术规范操作,围手术期中医药调理康复,术后早期防治并发症,可获得满意疗效。  相似文献   

目的:讨论早期投骨头缺血性坏死的诊断方法。方法:回顾性对比分析12例16髋股骨头缺血性坏死的X线片、CT扫描、及ECT检查的诊断价值。结果:X线片、CT及ECT检查的敏感度分别为18.8%、43.8%及87.5%,X线、CT及ECT检查的准确分别为45.8%、68.5%及91.7%。结论:ECT是早期诊断股骨头缺血性坏死的满意方法。  相似文献   

先天性髋关节脱位术后再脱位原因分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了探索先天性髋关节脱位术后再脱位的原因,对1985年~1995年手术治疗的106例(128侧)小儿先天性髋关节脱位进行了随访,发现有7例再脱位。根据X线片上髋臼指数、头滴骶比值、股骨头上移程度,对再脱位原因进行分析。结果表明,术后再脱位与多因素作用有关,主要是手术后髋臼指数回升,髋臼内软组织残留,股骨颈前倾角过大和髋臼与股骨头之间压力过大。提示防止小儿先天性髋关节脱位术后再脱位,应针对造成再脱位的原因,采用多种措施  相似文献   

经髋臼缘截骨术治疗成人髋臼发育不良(附56例报告)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:探讨手术治疗成人髋臼发育不良的一种新方法。方法:在Chiari骨盆内移截骨的基础上,于髋臼缘上3~mm处进行骨盆截骨;截骨远端内移后,可使畸形半脱位的股骨头,通过关节囊与髂骨近端对股骨头产生良好的覆盖和承重,股骨头覆盖面积明显加大。结果:平均随访25个月,疼痛缓解、髋关节功能优良率达87.5%,X线摄片示股骨头的覆盖率术前为70%,术后上升到95%。结论:经髋臼缘截骨术是治疗成人髋臼发育不良的有效方法。  相似文献   

人工股骨头置换术后全髋关节翻修术的临床研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Shen B  Yang J  Pei FX 《中华外科杂志》2006,44(20):1407-1410
目的探讨人工股骨头置换术后全髋关节翻修术的手术指征和技巧。方法回顾性分析1997年6月至2000年6月行人工股骨头置换术后全髋关节翻修术的56例患者的临床资料。其中男性31例,女性25例;年龄64—75岁,平均68岁。翻修原因中,人工股骨头置换术后髋臼磨损29例(51.8%),髋臼磨损及股骨头中心性脱位14例(25.0%),股骨柄松动12例(21.4%),股骨柄断裂1例(1.8%)。Harris评分术前平均37分(28~40分)。所有病例均一期翻修,有骨质缺损者同时植骨。结果49例患者术后获得平均7年(5—8年)随访,7例失访。末次随访Harris评分平均88分(84~90分)。全部病例术后无伤口感染和神经血管损伤。5例患者出现并发症,其中扩髓时骨皮质不全骨折1例,术后下肢深静脉血栓3例,髋关节脱位1例。随访患者中无髋臼及股骨柄假体需要再度翻修。X线片显示人工关节假体位置正常,无松动感染征象。结论髋臼磨损及股骨头中心性脱位是人工股骨头置换术后全髋关节翻修的主要原因。中期临床随访结果显示,若手术指征正确,手术技巧娴熟,该翻修手术可以获得良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

碳-钛组合式人工股骨头临床应用远期随访结果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的为了进一步了解碳-钛组合式人工股骨头长期临床应用的效果。方法自1980年4月~2000年4月,本地区应用5年以上的病例共72例,仅就健在的58例进行随访,57例进行了X线检查。结果随访时间最短5年,最长18年7个月,平均10年8个月。X线检查57例中髋臼完好50例,完好率为87.7%。不同程度的髋臼磨损7例,占12.3%。髋关节周围异位骨化2例均在BrookerⅡ级以下,不影响髋关节功能。柄下沉3例,占5.3%。无一例出现感染及中心性脱位。采用Harris髋关节评分标准进行评分,平均为96分。治疗满意率达96%。结论对股骨颈骨折患者如需行人工股骨头置换,以选择碳-钛组合式人工股骨头为宜。  相似文献   

髋关节后脱位合并股骨头骨折的诊断与治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者收治髋关节后脱位164例,其中合并股骨头骨折者26例,占15.9%。按Pipkin法分类:Ⅰ型10例,Ⅱ型6例,Ⅲ型8例。24例急诊摄X线片,早期确诊22例,漏诊2例。另2例在创伤后股骨头即自动复位,急诊未摄片耐致漏诊。作者认为,为明确诊断除摄常规髋关节前后位X线片外,还需摄髋关节45度或60度斜位片,蛙式正位片CT导向下的骨盆斜位片,以协同观察股骨头骨折线的移位程度及关节内的游离体。非手术治  相似文献   

Fractures of the femoral neck treated with a bipolar endoprosthesis   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Seventy-five patients with 77 bipolar hip endoprostheses were reexamined and had roentgenograms taken at an average of 51 months postoperatively. The average age of the patients was 77 years. All prostheses had been inserted due to intracapsular fractures of the femoral neck. Three prostheses had been revised to a total hip arthroplasty at the time of follow-up examination. Radiologically, three cases of protrusion and ten cases with a radiolucent zone greater than 2 mm around the femoral stem were found. Functionally, the result was excellent or good in about 75% of the active ambulators. As acetabular erosion and protrusion appears to have been reduced to some extent, a bipolar hip prosthesis is found to be a good alternative to conventional hemiarthroplasty in elderly patients with a fracture of the femoral neck.  相似文献   

In a 10-year prospective study, 561 displaced subcapital fractures of the femoral neck in 546 patients were treated with the Hastings bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Within six months of their operations, 148 patients had died. In 322 hips followed up, 243 with adequate serial radiographs separated by more than one year, only 14 (5.6%) showed acetabular erosion. A group of 91 had been reviewed for between three and nine years (mean, 4 years 10 months) and of these, 95% had no pain or slight pain only. Comparison with an earlier series of conventional hemiarthroplasties reported from this institution showed that the clinical results were similar, but that the erosion rate had been halved.  相似文献   

We reviewed the seven- to ten-year results of our previously reported prospective randomised controlled trial comparing total hip replacement and hemiarthroplasty for the treatment of displaced intracapsular fracture of the femoral neck. Of our original study group of 81 patients, 47 were still alive. After a mean follow up of nine years (7 to 10) overall mortality was 32.5% and 51.2% after total hip replacement and hemiarthroplasty, respectively (p = 0.09). At 100 months postoperatively a significantly greater proportion of hemiarthroplasty patients had died (p = 0.026). Three hips dislocated following total hip replacement and none after hemiarthroplasty. In both the total hip replacement and hemiarthroplasty groups a deterioration had occurred in walking distance (p = 0.02 and p < 0.001, respectively). One total hip replacement required revision compared with four hemiarthroplasties which were revised to total hip replacements. All surviving patients with a total hip replacement demonstrated wear of the cemented polyethylene component and all hemiarthroplasties had produced acetabular erosion. There was lower mortality (p = 0.013) and a trend towards superior function in patients with a total hip replacement in the medium term.  相似文献   

Between December 1982 and June 1986, 98 displaced subcapital femoral neck fractures were treated using the Charnley-Hastings bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Although the patients were elderly, often with associated medical problems, the operation was well tolerated and the mortality at one and six months was 14.4% and 24.5% respectively. Fifty-four hips were reviewed after an average follow-up of 33 months; 64.8% of patients had a good or excellent result. The fair or poor results were seen mainly in patients with poor pre-operative mobility and multiple medical problems. A significant cause of morbidity was dislocation (two interprosthetic) which occurred in six hips. There were two cases of deep sepsis but neither patient was fit for further surgery. There were no cases of acetabular erosion requiring revision surgery.  相似文献   

Cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty commonly is used to treat displaced fractures of the femoral neck in elderly patients. The purpose of the current study was to review the results and survivorship of 212 bipolar hemiarthroplasties done in 205 patients for acute femoral neck fracture between 1976 and 1985. The mean age of the patients at the time of surgery was 79 years (range, 61-100 years). The mean followup for the patients who were alive was 11.7 years (range, 5.3-16.8 years) and 5.8 years (range, 51 days-19.4 years) for the entire group. Ten hips (4.7%) were revised or removed: five for aseptic femoral component loosening, one for acetabular erosion, one for chronic dislocation, and three for infection. In living patients with surviving implants, 96.2% had no or slight pain. Ten-year survivorship free of reoperation for any reason was 93.6%, free of revision surgery for aseptic femoral loosening or acetabular cartilage wear was 95.9%, free of revision surgery for aseptic femoral loosening was 96.5%, and free of revision surgery for acetabular cartilage wear was 99.4%. Cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty for acute femoral neck fracture is associated with excellent component survivorship in elderly patients. The rate of complications was low, and the arthroplasty provided satisfactory pain relief for the lifetime of the majority of elderly patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemiarthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty are commonly used to treat displaced intracapsular fractures of the femoral neck, but each has disadvantages and the optimal treatment of these fractures remains controversial. METHODS: In the present prospectively randomized study, eighty-one patients who had been mobile and lived independently before they had sustained a displaced fracture of the femoral neck were randomized to receive either a total hip arthroplasty or a hemiarthroplasty. The mean age of the patients was seventy-five years. Outcome was assessed with use of the Oxford hip score, and final radiographs were assessed. RESULTS: After a mean duration of follow-up of three years, the mean walking distance was 1.17 mi (1.9 km) for the hemiarthroplasty group and 2.23 mi (3.6 km) for the total hip arthroplasty group, and the mean Oxford hip score was 22.3 for the hemiarthroplasty group and 18.8 for the total hip arthroplasty group. Patients in the total hip arthroplasty group walked farther (p=0.039) and had a lower (better) Oxford hip score (p=0.033) than those in the hemiarthroplasty group. Twenty of thirty-two living patients in the hemiarthroplasty group had radiographic evidence of acetabular erosion at the time of the final follow-up. None of the hips in the hemiarthroplasty group dislocated, whereas three hips in the total hip arthroplasty group dislocated. In the hemiarthroplasty group, two hips were revised to total hip arthroplasty and three additional hips had acetabular erosion severe enough to indicate revision. In the total hip arthroplasty group, one hip was revised because of subsidence of the femoral component. CONCLUSIONS: Total hip arthroplasty conferred superior short-term clinical results and fewer complications when compared with hemiarthroplasty in this prospectively randomized study of mobile, independent patients who had sustained a displaced fracture of the femoral neck.  相似文献   

Hemiarthroplasty has been successfully used for treatment of femoral neck fractures in the elderly. With increased demand being placed on the prostheses, some of them failed and had to be converted to total hip replacement. The aim of this study is to evaluate the result of conversion arthroplasty in Egyptian population. We report 47 patients who had conversion to total hip arthroplasty following failed hemiarthroplasty. There were 32 women and 15 men. The mean age was 64.3 years (range 54 to 83 years); the average follow-up was 44 months (range 24 to 84 months). The main indication for conversion was either acetabular erosion or stem loosening. Harris hip score improved from a mean of 40.9 points preoperatively to a mean of 86.0 points at the last follow-up. Ninety four percent of the patients had either excellent or good results. Eight patients had nine complications, but there were no instances of instability or loosening. Conversion total hip arthroplasty appears as an excellent management strategy for failed hemiarthroplasty.  相似文献   



The use of cement is associated with increased morbidity and mortality rate in elderly patients, hence cementless hemiarthroplasty is suggested. We evaluated the results of cementless hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures in elderly patients with high-risk clinical problems.

Materials and Methods:

Forty-eight patients (29 females, 19 males) with a mean age of 88 years (range: 78 to 102 years). having femoral neck fractures were treated with the use of cementless hemiarthroplasty. Porous-coated femoral stems were used in 30 patients (62%) and modular type femoral revision stems in 18 patients (38%). Bipolar femoral heads were used in all patients. Radiological follow-up after operation was done at the one, three, six months and annually.


The mean follow-up period was 4.2 years (range: 18 months to eight years). None of the patients died during hospitalization. Medical complications occurred in six patients (12%) within the follow-up period and four patients (8%) died within this period. Only two hips were converted to total hip arthroplasty due to acetabular erosion. Femoral revision was planned for one patient with a subsidence of > 3 mm. None of the patients had acetabular protrusion or heterotopic ossification. The mean Harris-hip score was 84 (range: 52 to 92). Dislocation occured in one patient (2%).


Cementless hemiarthroplasty is a suitable method of treatment for femoral neck fractures in elderly patients with high-risk clinical problems especially of a cardiopulmonary nature. This method decreases the risk of hypotension and fat embolism associated with cemented hemiarthroplasty.  相似文献   

Thompson hemiarthroplasty and acetabular erosion   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The prevalence, severity, and clinical importance of acetabular erosion secondary to hemiarthroplasty of the hip are largely unknown. Of a series of 241 patients (258 hips), sixty-nine patients who were treated with primary cemented Thompson hemiarthroplasty for seventy-two subcapital fractures of the hip were personally interviewed and examined, and radiographs of the hip were made, three to fourteen years after the procedure. The factors that had the highest correlation with the severity of the erosion were the level of physical activity and the duration of follow-up. Erosion through acetabular cartilage into bone developed in thirty-four of the thirty-eight hips in active patients and in none of the thirty-four hips in inactive patients (p less than 0.001). The severity of the erosion increased with time, but only in the hips in active patients, and then it was associated with pain and disability during walking. The patient's age and type of residence (private home or nursing facility) at the time of the fracture were the best predictors of the postoperative level of activity. Patients who were older than seventy years and from nursing homes and those who were older than eighty years and from private homes generally continued to be inactive; in these two groups of patients, the long-term results were good. Of the forty-nine hips in patients who were less than eighty years old and from private homes, thirty-four were in patients who continued to be active.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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