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目的探讨后外侧联合前内侧入路钢板内固定治疗Ruedi-AllgowerⅢ型Pilon骨折的手术方法和临床疗效。方法对12例合并后侧骨块移位的Ruedi-AllgowerⅢ型Pilon骨折采用后外侧入路显露、固定腓骨和后侧骨块。先经腓骨短肌前方行腓骨骨折复位固定,同一切口内沿拇长屈肌外缘显露胫骨后踝并固定,再取踝前内侧切口,直视下行胫骨关节面复位,充分植骨后胫骨前方行钢板固定。结果术后随访平均11.7个月。末次随访时按Mazur评分标准评定疗效:优8例,良3例,可1例。结论后外侧联合前内侧入路钢板内固定治疗合并后侧骨块移位Ruedi-AllgowerⅢ型Pilon骨折可充分显露和固定后侧骨块,为胫骨远端关节面复位提供标志,且不增加软组织并发症。  相似文献   

经腓骨前方外侧入路治疗GustiloⅢ型胫腓骨远端骨折   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的:探讨经腓骨前方外侧入路结合外固定架治疗GustiloⅢ型胫腓骨远端骨折的方法及其疗效。方法:自2007年至2010年治疗9例GustiloⅢ型开放性胫腓骨远端骨折,男7例,女2例;年龄29~51岁,平均40岁。所有患者I期急诊清创后钢板内固定腓骨,外固定支架跨踝关节固定胫骨,待小腿内侧植皮成活后拆除外固定架,Ⅱ期采用I期腓骨切口经腓骨前方入路固定胫骨。早期行功能锻炼,观察骨折愈合及踝关节功能恢复情况。采用AOFAS踝-后足评分系统进行疗效评价。结果:所有患者均获随访,时间8~37个月,平均21个月。9例患者均获得骨性愈合,平均愈合时间24周,均无钢板断裂及螺钉松动。根据AOFAS踝-后足评分系统,优3例,良4例,中2例。结论:经腓骨前方外侧入路治疗GustiloⅢ型开放性胫腓骨远端骨折,复位质量高,可早期恢复踝关节功能,提高疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨后外侧入路切开复位内固定(ORIF)治疗后方Pilon骨折的疗效及并发症。方法2009年8月至2010年3月期间,使用后外侧入路治疗14例后方Pilon骨折,均涉及胫骨远端关节面超过20%,其中男11例,女3例,平均年龄41.3岁。结果平均随访14.5个月。12例骨折得到解剖复位(86%);没有出现伤口感染及神经血管损伤;没有发现因屈跨长肌挛缩至屈蹲畸形;1例患者因腓骨后方钢板出现腓骨肌腱刺激症状。根据Philips评分系统,优10例,良2例,优良率为92.8%。结论通过后外侧人路可以使后方Pilon骨折得到良好的显露以及直接复位,操作简单、有效.  相似文献   

[目的]介绍Klammer Ⅲ型后侧Pilon骨折的改良入路固定的手术技术和初步临床效果。[方法] 2018年1月—2021年4月,采用后外侧联合改良后内侧入路切开复位内固定治疗KlammerⅢ型后Pilon骨折21例。后外侧切口位于腓骨远端后缘与跟腱之间中线,在腓骨肌与 长屈肌腱之间分离,显露后侧柱;将切口前外侧分离全层筋膜皮瓣向前外侧牵拉,可显露腓骨远端。改良后内侧切口沿胫骨远端内侧后缘,在胫后肌腱与胫骨之间分离,肌腱血管神经束全部向外侧牵拉,显露内侧柱。[结果]所有患者均顺利完成手术,随访(15.2±1.5)个月。1例患者术后出现伤口浅表感染,通过换药后顺利愈合。末次随访VAS评分(1.9±0.2)分;AOFAS踝-后足评分(86.0±1.4)分。影像方面,18例骨折获得解剖复位,3例关节面移位1~2 mm。至末次随访时,所有患者骨折均愈合,无内固定物松动断裂。[结论]俯卧位下后外侧联合改良后内侧入路治疗KlammerⅢ型后Pilon骨折,具有显露充分、复位率高、并发症少等优点,是一种安全有效的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨后内侧手术入路结合前外侧有限切开治疗Pilon骨折的手术技巧及临床疗效。方法 2010年3月至2015年1月采用后内侧手术入路结合前外侧有限切开治疗胫骨Pilon骨折10例,其中男9例,女1例;年龄24~56岁,平均36.5岁。左侧7例,右侧3例。伤后至手术时间5h~14d,平均9d。病例均为有较大胫骨远端后侧骨折块的闭合性骨折。按AO/OTA分型,43C1型2例,43C2型8例。软组织损伤按Tscherne分度,0度4例,1度4例,2度2例。行前外侧有限切开复位固定腓骨及前外侧骨折块,再经后内侧入路显露复位螺钉固定后侧及内侧骨折块,经皮内侧锁定板支撑固定胫骨远端。结果切口愈合良好。患者随访12~24个月,平均16.5个月。骨折愈合时间12~20周,平均15.1周。按Mazur踝关节评分系统评价疗效,优6例,良2例,可2例,优良率为80%。结论后内侧手术入路结合前外侧有限切开适用于有较大胫骨远端后侧骨折块的闭合性Pilon骨折。该技术能有效显露并复位固定Pilon骨折的后侧及内侧骨折块,减少术中软组织损伤,保护骨折端血供,术后并发症少,疗效优良。  相似文献   

后Pilon骨折应用后外侧入路治疗体会   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 :探讨后外侧入路切开复位内固定(ORIF)治疗后Pilon骨折的临床疗效。方法:自2010年2月至2013年4月,采用后外侧入路治疗17例后Pilon骨折患者,均涉及胫骨远端关节面超过20%,其中男11例,女6例;年龄29~59岁,平均43.4岁。致伤原因:11例坠落伤,4例车祸伤,2例运动损伤。根据俞光荣后方Pilon骨折的分型,Ⅰ型6例,Ⅱ型5例,Ⅲ型6例。观察骨折愈合时间、骨折复位情况及术后并发症情况,并采用AOFAS评分对其临床疗效进行评估。结果:17例患者均获得随访,时间13~24个月,平均20.5个月。后外侧切口均Ⅰ期愈合。所有病例获得骨性愈合,骨折愈合时间12~21周,平均15.2周。术后未出现切口感染、神经血管损伤、骨不连及骨折畸形等并发症。根据AOFAS评分标准,总分92.0±10.1,优14例,良2例,一般1例。结论:后外侧入路能在直视下对后Pilon骨折块进行有效复位及可靠固定,操作安全、简单,是治疗后方Pilon骨折的有效方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

[目的]分析胫骨远端后侧解剖型锁定钢板治疗后Pilon骨折的临床疗效。[方法]2015年3月~2016年3月收治15例后Pilon骨折患者,采用后外侧入路应用胫骨远端后侧解剖型锁定钢板内固定治疗。根据AOFAS评分标准评价踝关节功能。[结果]15例均获得随访,随访时间12~24个月,平均18.5个月。术后骨折均临床愈合,踝关节功能基本恢复正常。优10例,良3例,可2例,差0例,优良率86.7%。[结论]对于后Pilon骨折,尤其伴有腓骨骨折采用后外侧入路应用胫骨远端后侧解剖型锁定钢板固定是一个较好的选择,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨经小腿远端前外侧改良切口内固定治疗胫腓骨远端骨折的临床疗效。方法 22例胫腓骨远端骨折通过小腿远端前外侧改良切口显露胫骨和腓骨远端,把腓骨钢板置于腓骨外侧;直视下将胫骨骨折复位,通过经皮钢板固定技术将胫骨钢板放置于其远端外侧。结果 22例均获随访平均(38.0±10.6)个月,骨折均于术后3个月愈合,未出现皮肤坏死、切口裂开、骨折延迟愈合及不愈合等并发症。结论采用经小腿远端前外侧改良切口内固定治疗胫腓骨远端骨折效果良好,可以避免传统手术入路导致的并发症。  相似文献   

经腓骨固定胫骨结合踝关节支架治疗Pilon骨折不愈合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]介绍经腓骨固定胫骨结合踝关节支架治疗Pilon骨折不愈合的方法并初步探讨其疗效。[方法]1999-2004年共收治Pilon骨折不愈合者6例,男4例,女2例;年龄21-53岁,平均34.7岁。所有骨折均累及胫骨关节面并腓骨骨折,胫骨骨折不愈合,踝关节畸形。通过后外侧入路显露腓骨胫骨,复位满意后选用重建钢板置于腓骨外侧,螺钉通过腓骨钻入胫骨固定。小腿内侧选用踝关节外固定架固定。取自体髂骨植骨于骨断端和胫腓骨间区域以获得骨性愈合和下胫腓融合。[结果]随访8个月-4年,平均22个月。5例获得骨性愈合,平均愈合时间3.5个月。1例因过早去除踝关节支架且负重,出现钢板断裂再折。[结论]对于Pilon骨折不愈合,采用小腿后外侧入路经腓骨固定胫骨结合踝关节支架,是提高复位质量,促进骨折愈合,纠正关节畸形,防止并发症的有效方法,且相对更简便可靠。  相似文献   

[目的]介绍改良前外侧入路治疗Pilon骨折伴WeberC型腓骨骨折的手术技术和初步临床效果。[方法]2018年1月一2019年10月,采用改良前外侧入路切开复位内固定治疗Pilon骨折伴Weber C型腓骨骨折16例。该人路走行于胫骨与腓骨前缘之间,向下方延伸至踝关节下方约lcm,成110°弧向内侧至踝关节中线,于腓骨肌和趾长伸肌之间显露腓骨骨折端,锁定接骨板或1/3管型钢板固定;于胫前肌腱内外侧分别显露内侧柱、中柱和外侧柱,内侧和前外侧解剖钢板固定。[结果]所有患者均顺利完成手术,随访(13.44±3.43)个月。除2例患者外,无感染、皮瓣坏死等并发症发生。随访过程中,所有患者均无内固定松动和断裂、骨折复位丢失等并发症。临床骨折愈合时间(13.75±1.75)周。末次随访时A0FAS评分平均(82.94±7.39)分,优4例,良10例,可2例。[结论]踝关节改良前外侧入路治疗Pilon骨折伴WeberC型腓骨骨折,具有显露充分、并发症少等优点,有利于踝关节功能的恢复。  相似文献   

BackgroundAn anatomical study to determine what degree of access to the posterior distal tibia could be gained by using 3 different approaches; the posterolateral, the posteromedial and the medial posteromedial approaches.MethodsA comparison study, between the anatomical dissection of 7 fresh frozen cadaveric lower legs and image analysis of CT data of posterior malleolar fractures from a prospectively collected database was conducted. All fractures have been classified using the Mason and Molloy classification.ResultsIn comparing the posterior malleolar fracture fragment width to distal tibia width, the posterolateral fragment encompasses 60.1% (95% CI 56.8, 63.3) of the total width of the tibia. If the posteromedial fragment is included the fragments encompass the entire distal tibia (100%). In type 3 fractures, 81.4% (95% CI 75.5, 87.1) of the distal tibia width is involved.When comparing the fracture width to the approach, no approach achieves a complete exposure of the type 2B or 3 fracture patterns. The overall surface area of the type 2B and 3 fractures, is significantly greater than all the approaches. Considering the lateral to medial extent of the fracture, the posterolateral fragment mean width is 33% greater than what can be exposed by the posterolateral approach (mean 24.9 vs 16.8 mm). In type 2B and 3 fractures, the horizontal exposure reduces to 39.8% and 47.6% respectively. In comparison, the PM approach exposes 47.6% of the type 2B fracture pattern and 57.1% of the type 3 fracture pattern and allows a preferable angle for hardware insertion. The MPM approach does not expose any of the posterolateral fragments in this study, however it does expose 92% (mean 21.9 vs. 23.8 mm) of the medial to lateral width of a posteromedial fragment of a type 2B fracture.ConclusionEach approach allows access to different parts and amounts of the posterior tibia. An understanding of and utilisation of these approaches can lead to adequate exposure for fixation of most posterior malleolus fracture patterns seen.  相似文献   

Objective: The anterolateral approach to the tibia has been popularized for the management of tibial pilon fractures. For complex fracture patterns a com- bined anterolateral/anteromedial approach is suitable but a high rate of complication has been reported. In our retro- spective study a two-choice strategy adopting a medial tibial approach was proposed for the treatment of pilon fractures with anterior or posterior fragmentation. Methods: Based on an anatomic study oftibial pilon fractures, we retrospectively analyzed the fractures with primary posterior, posterior-lateral or anterior, anterior-lat- eral (Tillaux-Chaput) involvement of the distal tibia. This retrospective study consisted of 18 patients with a closed tibial plafond fracture. The inclusion criteria were: (1) pre- sence of an anterior/anterolateral type fragment or a poste- rior (Volkmann) type fragment involving 〉25% of the articu- lar surface, (2) a minimum follow-up of 12 months, (3) a fibula fracture associated with a medial colunm fracture of the distal tibia, and (4) soft tissue conditions at the time of opera- tion that did not compromise the choice of surgical access (Tscheme classification for closed fractures: grade 0 and grade 1). Tibial plafond fractures were classified into two groups: one presenting anterior and the other with poste- rior rim (Volkmann) fragments. Results: Most patients achieved a good clinical re- covery in terms of range of motion and Olerud-Molander scale scores. Only three patients presented a grade 2 os- teoarthritis at the 12 month follow-up. Conclusion: Our two-choice strategy highlights con- cepts which have been previously debated and described in the literature. But a new extended protocol for surgical approach to the distal tibia, including more fracture pat- terns and their association should be further investigated.  相似文献   

PurposeFunctional outcome in trimalleolar fractures is largely correlated to the reduction of the posterior fragment. Until recently, fixation was mainly performed for large fragments, by percutaneous anterior to posterior (‘A to P’) screw placement after closed reduction. Nowadays, ORIF via a posterolateral approach seems to gain in popularity. The aim of this study was to compare the postoperative photographs of operated trimalleolar fractures after either fracture treatment method, for fracture diastasis and step-off.Material and methodsAll consecutive patients with trimalleolar fractures, including posterior fragments of >5% of the articular surface and operated between 2007–2013 were analysed on size of posterior fragment, post-operative gap and step-off by three observers. The patients were divided into three groups; A to P screw fixation, ORIF via the posterolateral approach and no posterior fragment fixation at all.Results180 patients with trimalleolar ankle fractures were included for analyses. Twenty five posterior fragments were fixated percutaneously from anterior to posterior (group 1) and 51 underwent open reduction and internal fixation through a posterolateral approach (group 2). 104 patients underwent no posterior malleolus fixation (group 3). The average size of posterior fragment was 34% in group 1, 27% in group 2 and 16% in group 3. A postoperative step-off >1 mm was found in 40% (group 1), 9% (group 2) or 34% respectively (group 3).ConclusionsFixation of the posterior malleolus through an open posterolateral approach leads to better radiological results as compared to percutaneous ‘A to P’ screw fixation or no fixation at all.  相似文献   

AimThe aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate approaches for fixation of each type and fragment of posterior malleolar fractures.Materials and methodsA retrospective analysis of a prospectively collected database was performed on 141 posterior malleolar fractures. On the CT scan axial slice, a clock face was drawn using the posterolateral corner of the tibia as the centre and the Achilles tendon as the 6 o’clock axis. A box was then drawn from the fracture plane, with 90-degree lines corresponding to the medial perpendicular line (MPL) and lateral perpendicular line (LPL) extremity of the fracture and a central perpendicular line (CPL) (i.e. orthogonal central plane, for optimum screw placement). It was recorded where the MPL, LPL and CPL exited the clock face. All fracture patterns were further assessed by both senior authors regarding their choice of approach based on CPL and all variances resolved by discussion.ResultsThe LPL was equivalent across the groups (except for the 2B medial fragments), indicating a consistent posterolateral corner fragment throughout the posterior malleolar sub types (p = 0.25). The medial aspect (MPL) of the type 1, type 2A and posterolateral fragments of type 2B were equivalent. The MPL of type 3 fractures was significantly more medial than type 1 and 2A fractures (p < 0.05), with the medial extremes of the type 2B posteromedial fragment being further medial. The majority of type 2B fractures (2/3rds) were determined to be best accessed through a combined posterolateral and medial posteromedial approach, with the other third via the posteromedial approach. Almost all type 3 fractures could be appropriately accessed through the PM approach.ConclusionThis study concludes that the extent of each subtype of posterior malleolar fractures are consistent. To fully expose each fracture differing incisions are necessary and should be in the skill mix for surgeons treating these fractures.Level of evidence4.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to examine the screw trajectory of ten commercially available distal tibia plates and compare them to common fracture patterns seen in OTA C type pilon fractures to determine their ability to stabilize the three most common fracture fragments while buttressing anterolateral zones of comminution.HypothesisWe hypothesized that a single plate for the distal tibia would fail to adequately stabilize all three main fracture fragments and zones of comminution in complex pilon fractures.MethodsTen synthetic distal tibia sawbones models were used in conjunction with ten different locking distal tibia plate designs from three manufacturers (Depuy Synthes, J&J Co, Paoli, PA; Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN; and Stryker, Mawa, NJ). Both medial and anterolateral plates from each company were utilized and separately applied to an individual sawbone model. Three implants allowing variable angle screw placement were used. The location of the locking screws and buttress effect 1 cm above the articular surface was noted for each implant using axial computed tomography (CT). The images were then compared to a recently published “pilon fracture map” using an overlay technique to establish the relationship between screw location and known common fracture lines and areas of comminution. Each of the three main fragments was considered “captured” by a screw if it was purchased by at least two screws thereby controlling rotational forces on each fragment.ResultsThree of four anterolateral plates lacked stable fixation in the medial fragment. Of the 4 anterolateral plates used, only the variable angle anterolateral plate by Depuy Synthes captured the medial fragment with two screws. All four anterolateral plates buttressed the area of highest comminution and had an average of 1.25 screws in the medial fragment and an average of 3 screws in the posterolateral fragment. All five direct medial plates had variable fixation within anterolateral and posterolateral fragments with an average of 1.8 screws in the anterolateral fragment and an average of 1.3 screws in the posterolateral fragment. The Depuy Synthes variable angle anterolateral plate allowed for fixation of the medial fragment with two screws while simultaneously buttressing the zone of highest comminution and capturing both the anterolateral and posterolateral fragments with five and three screws respectively. The variable angle anteromedial plate by Depuy Synthes captured all three main fracture fragments but it did not buttress the anterolateral zone of comminution.ConclusionIn OTA 43C type pilon fractures, 8 out of 10 studied commercially available implants precontoured for the distal tibia, do not adequately stabilize the three primary fracture fragments typically seen in these injuries. Anterolateral plates were superior in addressing the coronal primary fracture line across the apex of the plafond, and buttressing the zone of comminution. None of the available plates can substitute for an understanding of the fracture planes and fragments typically seen in complex intra-articular tibia fractures and the addition of a second plate is necessary for adequate stability.Level of evidenceLevel IV.  相似文献   

目的:探讨后外侧入路钢板和拉力螺钉内固定治疗踝部皮肤损伤Pilon骨折的临床疗效。方法:选取2013年5月至2016年6月行后外侧入路手术治疗踝部皮肤有损伤的Pilon骨折患者25例,其中男15例,女10例;年龄25~61(39.6±0.2)岁;采用后外侧为主的手术入路使用钢板固定,并辅助使用空心钉三维固定手术治疗。观察并记录踝部伤口及受伤时软组织挫擦伤愈合情况,采用Burwell-Charnley标准和美国足踝外科协会AOFAS踝-足评分系统进行功能评价。结果:25例患者获得随访,时间6~24个月,平均12个月。患者手术伤口及皮肤挤压擦伤均愈合。按照Burwell-Charnley标准,解剖复位22例,不满意2例,差1例。AOFAS踝-足评分为90.2±7.5,结果优20例,良3例,可2例。结论:后外侧入路钢板和拉力螺钉内固定治疗踝部皮肤损伤Pilon骨折可以完全避开前内侧损伤的皮肤及软组织,骨折固定牢固,有效地避免了软组织的进一步损伤坏死。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to propose a classification system of posterior malleolar fractures by fracture lines with the use of CT scans, including 3D CT reconstruction, which can better understand morphological characteristics, analyze the mechanism and guide the surgeon to choose the optimal approach and fixation.MethodsPatients with OTA/AO type 44 fractures involving the posterior malleolus and preoperative CT scans were included. We retrospectively analyzed 128 consecutive patients with posterior malleolar fractures from January 2013 to December 2019 at our institution. CT data were loaded into Mimics software (V20.0, Materialize), in which 3D CT reconstruction, morphological analysis and data measurements were made.ResultsBased on the number of fracture lines in 128 consecutive patients, posterior malleolar fractures were classified into three types: type 1 with a single fracture line, type 2 with double fracture lines and type 3 with multiple fracture lines. According to the distribution of the fracture line, type 1 was divided into types 1A, 1B and 1C, and type 2 was divided into types 2A, 2B and 2C. The fracture line from the fibular notch to the posterior rim of the distal tibia was defined as type 1A, and the fracture line to the medial malleolus was defined as type 1B. Type 1C was a small fragment in the posterior rim of the distal tibia. Type 2A was regarded as type 1A with type 1C. It was considered type 2B because another fracture line started from the fracture line of type 1A and extended to the medial malleolus. In type 2C, we could see that the double fracture lines were all from the fibular notch to the posterior rim of the distal tibia and did not cross. Type 3 fractures were comminuted fractures with multiple fracture lines.ConclusionThe morphology of posterior malleolar fractures, involvement of the fibular notch, or the medial malleolus can be obviously assessed by our classification system. We found the relation of the injury mechanism between type 1 and type 2 by comparing the area of the fragment. We have indicated that each type of fracture corresponds to its associated injury mechanism and which surgical approach and fixation can be chosen.  相似文献   

[Objective]This study was designed to describe the fracture patterns and early results of operations of posterior Pilon fractures through a posterolateral approach.[Method]This study consisted of 14 cases,10 males and 4 females with the mean age of 47 years(range,28-63 years).The causes were traffic accident in 2,falling in 6 and sprain injuries in 6 cases.The duration from injury to operation was 7-14 days.Including 12 cases combined with distal fibula fracture and3 cases with medial malleolus fracture.There were 3 posterior dislocation fracture.All cases were treated with open reduction and internal fixation(ORIF).[Result]A consistent fracture pattern was identified with a primary,inferiorly posterior Pilon fracture that likely occur through a combined rotational and axial load mechanism.The average duration of follow-up was 26(range,24-37)months.The postoperation average of American Orthopedic Foot Ankle Society score(AOFAS)was 92points which was much higher than before operation.Anatomical reduction were obtained in all cases.Two complications(1wound superficial infection and 1 sural cutaneous nerve injury)were all managed nonoperatively.[Conclusion]Posterior Pilon fractures form a consistent pattern.They can be successfully managed through a posterolateral approach with direct reduction and buttress fixation of articular fragments.  相似文献   

Pilon fractures with intact fibula have been associated with low-energy trauma. However, the compression force onto the ankle joint can damage the tibiofibular linkage as in a Maisonneuve fracture. Herein, we describe a case of a patient who had a pilon fracture (AO type 43 C3.2) without a fibular fracture. Three-dimensional preoperative simulation by reduction with the surface registration technique was performed as the fibular length was intact and there was no reference for the tibial length. The preoperative simulation revealed superior fibular head dislocation and shortening of the distal tibia. After emergency external fixation on the day of arrival, a 2-staged surgery was performed. During the first operation, the fibular head was reduced and the tibial posterolateral fragment was fixed to restore the tibia length. During the second operation, medial and anterolateral fragments were fixed in order to reduce joint surface of the distal tibia. In general, proximal fibular head fractures are easily overlooked. In the case of pilon fractures with severe length shortening of the tibia without a fibular fracture, a proximal tibiofibular injury should be suspected.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe posterolateral approach to the distal tibia is commonly used for stabilisation of ankle fractures as it allows good visualisation and direct reduction of the posterior distal tibia and malleolar fragments. This approach can also be used for internal fixation of an associated lateral malleolus fracture. The aim of our study is to describe the surgical anatomy of the peroneal artery (PA) in relation to the tibial plafond and the distal fibula; thereby suggesting a safe zone during proximal dissection of posterolateral approach.MethodsUsing Computed Tomography Angiographic (CTA) study, the course of the PA in relation to the tibial plafond and distal fibula was analysed in 142 lower limbs (bilateral limbs of 71 adult patients; 43 males and 28 females). Axial, coronal, and sagittal CT sections were cross-linked to specify the position of the PA. The PA course was identified and the level of its distal bifurcation over the tibia was marked. Perpendicular measurements were made from this point to the tibial plafond and tip of distal fibula.ResultsThe PA bifurcated distally at mean 58.3±24.2mm (SD) (range: 37.0–115.0mm) proximal to the right tibial plafond and mean 81.9±24.4mm (range: 54.0–137.0mm) from the right distal fibular tip. In the contralateral side, the PA bifurcated at mean 57.9±23.3mm (range: 36.0–125.0mm) proximal to the left tibial plafond and 81.8±23.9mm (range: 54.0–147.0mm) from the left distal fibular tip. The difference between the right and the left side of distal bifurcation point diameter of the same patient was assessed, range (0.0–58.0mm) with median 2.0mm and IQR 10.0mm. Three different PA vasculature patterns were identified.ConclusionsIt is important for surgeons to be aware of the surgical anatomy of PA to avoid inadvertent injury during posterolateral approach to distal tibia. The PA may bifurcate as close as 36mm from the tibial plafond with possible variation bilaterally. Therefore, special attention needs to be considered by the operating surgeon while dissecting in this region due to the wide anatomical variation in vasculature. However, once the PA is mobilised, any fixation modality including posterior buttress plate could be safely performed.  相似文献   

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