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对于胸腰椎单椎体爆裂性骨折常规行短节段椎弓根螺钉内固定技术,即伤椎的上位正常椎体和下位正常椎体各使用2枚椎弓根螺钉(3椎体4枚螺钉)固定进行纵向撑开,达到复位,术中易出现复位高度不够,术后恢复过程中出现内固定失败,复位高度丢失.  相似文献   

目的 比较跨节段3椎体4枚、经骨折伤椎3椎体5枚及3椎体6枚椎弓根钉固定治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折对相邻椎间盘应变的影响,为临床术式选择提供力学依据. 方法采用6具国人新鲜脊柱尸体标本(T11~L3),模拟失去前柱支持的完全不稳定L4椎体爆裂性骨折.实验分三组:跨节段固定组(4枚钉组)、5枚钉组和6枚钉组.每个标本依次进行完整状态、跨节段3椎体4枚椎弓根钉固定状态(4枚钉组)、3椎体5枚椎弓根钉固定状态(5枚钉组)、3椎体6枚椎弓根钉固定状态(6枚钉组)的试验测试.应用混合力-位移控制加载的六自由度机器人实验装置对标本施加前屈,后伸,左、右侧弯及左、右轴向旋转6种运动方式,测试上、下相邻椎间盘的应变,比较三组间差异. 结果随着螺钉数的增加,固定节段相邻椎间盘(T11-12、L2-3)应变逐渐增大.上位相邻椎间盘(T11-12)仅在轴向旋转状态下,6枚钉组和5枚钉组与4枚钉组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),6枚钉组与5枚钉组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);其他状态下三组差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).固定节段F位相邻椎间盘(L2-3)任何状态下两两比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05). 结论跨节段3椎体4枚椎弓根钉、经骨折椎3椎体5枚椎弓根钉、经骨折椎3椎体6枚椎弓根钉固定治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折,随着螺钉数的增加,邻近椎间盘应变增加,且上位相邻椎间盘应变增加更为明显,其退变的可能性大于下位相邻椎间盘.  相似文献   

AF系统治疗胸腰椎骨折脱位的相关问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 :探讨AF系统治疗胸腰椎骨折脱位的相关问题与效果。方法 :应用AF系统经椎弓根内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折脱位 3 6例 ,合并脊髓损伤 3 2例 ,同时行椎板减压 2 8例 ,植骨 6例。结果 :3 3例椎体高度完全恢复 ,神经功能按ASIA标准 2 5例有 1~ 3级恢复。结论 :AF系统治疗胸腰椎骨折脱位 ,椎体复位好 ,固定安全可靠 ,术中正确掌握椎弓根螺钉植入、椎管减压和复位技巧等环节 ,可进一步提高疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨经伤椎椎弓根螺钉治疗胸腰段骨折的临床疗效及应用价值。方法收集2009-01—2013-01间胸腰段骨折手术患者58例,A组为跨伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定共计30例,B组为经伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定共计28例,分别测量术前术后伤椎相邻椎体矢状位Cobb角、计算椎体压缩比,并对术前术后症状改善情况进行评分。结果 A组矢状位Cobb角术前平均25.4°,术后平均减少至11.3°,椎体压缩比术前平均57.8%,术后平均增加到89.1%。B组矢状位Cobb角术前平均25.7°,术后平均减少至10.1°,椎体压缩比术前平均58.2%,术后平均增加到92.3%。两组间对比可见B组术后伤椎相邻椎体后凸矫正程度及椎体压缩复位程度均好于A组。结论经伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗脊柱胸腰段骨折对矫正脊柱后凸畸形及恢复椎体高度相比跨伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定更为有效,但应根据不同病例进行选择性应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨胸腰椎多节段骨折手术方式。方法采用长节段椎弓根钉系统复位固定方法,恢复伤椎高度及脊柱生理弯曲,使后纵韧带复张,椎管间接减压或加用椎板切除减压,同时用神经剥离子将椎管前方骨块向前推压,治疗胸腰椎多节段骨折共17例。Ⅰ型(相邻型)12例,其中累及2个椎体10例,累及3个椎体2例;Ⅱ型(非相邻型)5例,损伤间隔1个正常椎体3例,间隔2个正常椎体2例。结果术后椎体高度、脊柱生理弧度明显恢复,经3个月~6年随访,复位后椎体高度无明显丢失,无断钉、断棒,F ranke l分级获1~3级恢复。结论多节段胸腰椎骨折影响脊柱稳定性,后路长节段椎弓根钉系统复位固定能够恢复脊柱稳定性及生理弧度,为改善神经功能提供条件。  相似文献   

目的分析和讨论经椎弓根椎体内植骨合并伤椎置钉治疗胸腰段脊柱爆裂型骨折的手术技巧和临床疗效。方法采用后路经椎弓根椎体内植骨合并伤椎置钉治疗胸腰段脊柱骨折38例,其中男27例,女11例;年龄为43~65岁,平均49岁。按照Denis分型,A型16例,B型14例,C型6例,D型1例,E型1例。术前按照美国脊髓损伤协会ASIS分级,C级1例,D级8例,E级29例。术前常规完善正侧位X线片、CT、MRI检查。术中先植入椎弓根螺钉,撑开复位后经椎弓根向伤椎内植入人工骨颗粒,再向伤椎内植入椎弓根螺钉。术后复查X线及CT,观测椎体后凸Cobb角度及伤椎椎体前缘压缩比值的变化。结果手术时间平均95min,术中失血量平均200mL。术后1例出现切口感染,予清创、闭式冲洗引流后切口愈合;其余切口一期愈合。术后1年复查CT显示骨折均骨性愈合,人工骨融合良好。术后没有出现椎弓根螺钉松动、断裂等。患者术后1年的伤椎前缘平均压缩比和Cobb角度变化与术后3d相比较,差异无统计学意义。结论采用后路经椎弓根椎体内植骨合并伤椎置钉技术治疗胸腰段脊柱骨折是安全有效的方法,该技术可有效增强脊柱强度,有效减少伤椎复位的丢失和内固定的失败率。  相似文献   

腰椎骨折约占脊柱骨折的50%~70%,其中爆裂型骨折占脊柱外伤的10%~20%[1].由于经后路伤椎上、下相邻椎弓根螺钉内固定术有创伤小、操作较简单及术后恢复快等优点,目前已成为临床上治疗胸腰椎骨折常用的手术方式,但该方法存在内置物疲劳易折断、椎体高度复位不佳、后凸畸形矫正不满意等缺点.我院自2002年6月至2006年6月采用伤椎椎弓根钉(3椎体5枚螺钉)固定结合经椎弓根自体骨植骨术治疗36例胸腰椎骨折患者,疗效较满意,现报告如下.  相似文献   

多节段椎弓根螺钉固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位伴脊髓损伤的临床效果。方法采用经多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位15例。按受累椎体统计,15例共20椎:T43椎,T65椎,T710椎,T82椎。按Hanley-Eskay分类:爆裂骨折6例,骨折脱位7例,爆裂脱位2例。术前脊髓神经功能按美国脊柱脊髓损伤协会(ASIA)标准分级:A级6例,B级4例,C级4例,D级1例。均行胸后路复位、椎管减压、多节段椎弓根螺钉内固定、后外侧植骨融合术。结果 15例均获随访,平均20.3个月,术后伤椎前缘高度由术前平均40%恢复至术后90.3%,术后脊髓神经功能恢复按ASIA标准,除A级及1例B级无恢复外,余8例均有不同程度改善。无内固定松动及断裂,无伤椎高度及脊柱生理弧度再丢失。结论多节段椎弓根螺钉固定可靠,能达到良好的复位和减压目的,有利于患者的早期康复。  相似文献   

[目的]研究经伤椎椎弓根螺钉固定技术在胸腰椎骨折中的效果.[方法]选取自2009年1月~ 2011年12月在本院治疗的胸腰椎骨折患者79例,采用术中附加经伤椎椎弓根螺钉固定的方法,手术过程中通过骨折椎体的椎弓根,稍微向前上方撬拨推挤压碎骨片,然后拧入螺钉进行复位和固定.术前骨折椎体Cobb角为29.3°,并且伤椎前缘平均55.3%的高度丢失.[结果]术后第1~12个月对患者进行随访,影像学检查表明术后伤椎前缘高度已经恢复,脊柱畸形矫正和复位效果均良好,内固定稳定,骨折愈合良好,没有发生断钉、断棒等并发症.[结论]经伤椎椎弓根螺钉固定方式与传统方法比较,复位效果好,内固定稳定,并发症较少,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的探讨后路经伤椎椎弓根置钉治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折脱位的临床疗效。方法对23例胸腰椎爆裂骨折脱位采用后路经伤椎及邻近椎椎弓根钉内固定、复位,椎管减压,关节突、横突间植骨融合,重建脊柱稳定性,观察术后伤椎复位情况。结果脱位完全纠正,伤椎骨折前缘高度恢复达85%~100%,术后脊柱后凸畸形即刻消失。术后随访6~32个月,平均13.6个月,所有患者伤椎高度无丢失,骨折及植骨融合良好,内固定无松动、断裂。结论后路经伤椎置钉内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折、脱位,能很好地恢复伤椎高度、矫正脱位及后凸畸形,增加固定椎的牢靠性,重建脊柱稳定性,避免了术后椎体高度丢失、内固定松动、断裂等并发症,是有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经椎间孔椎体间植骨融合结合伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗严重胸腰椎骨折的临床疗效.方法 对15例严重胸腰椎骨折患者经椎间孔椎体间植骨、伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗,术后进行临床和影像学随访.结果 15例均获得随访,时间6~12个月.患者骨折椎体高度均明显恢复,伤椎椎体高度比:术前为49.2%±15.7%,术后3 d及3个月分别为99.2%±4.5%、91.1%±5.8%,与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).Cobb角:术前为32.3°±9.6°,术后3 d和术后3个月分别为3.5°±3.4°、3.9°±3.7°,与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).神经功能按ASIA分级,除5例A级患者无恢复外,其余较术前均有1级或1级以上的恢复.结论 经椎间孔椎体间植骨融合结合伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定是治疗严重胸腰椎骨折的良好方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨早期后路椎管减压伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗中上胸椎骨折脱位伴脊髓损伤的临床效果。方法对41例中上胸椎骨折脱位患者49椎采用早期后路椎管减压伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定植骨融合,固定节段4~6节。患者均在72 h内手术。结果 41例均获随访,时间12~46(28±2)个月。脊髓神经功能按ASIA分级:A级6例恢复至B级4例,2例无恢复;B级10例恢复至C级6例、D级3例、1例无恢复;C级15例恢复至D级9例、E级2例,4例无恢复;D级6例恢复至E级3例,3例无恢复;E级4例仍为E级。椎体前缘高度:术前为35.36%±7.48%,术后纠正到91.48%±2.15%,末次随访时为90.56%±1.63%;Cobb角:术前为37°±8°,术后及末次随访为-4°±2°。骨折脱位完全复位,无内固定松动及断裂,末次随访均达到骨性融合。结论早期后路椎管减压伤椎椎弓根螺钉内固定是治疗急性中上胸椎骨折脱位的有效方法,能达到椎体早期复位和脊髓减压目的 ,利于患者早期康复。  相似文献   

To determine the motion characteristic of the normal lumbar spine, 61 of 612 optimal radiographs of healthy young Japanese adults in the neutral erect, active maximum flexion and maximum extension positions were carefully selected. The coordinates of the instantaneous axis of rotation (IAR) and vertebral center from L1 to L5 vertebra were analyzed. The directional shifts in IAR in the x-axis and the y-axis closely reflected translational and rotational movements of the vertebra. The IAR showed qualitative values with very large, 95%, probability ellipses in the normal lumbar spine. Analysis of coordinates of the vertebral center provided quantitative data of the extension-to-flexion motion of each vertebra. In extension-to-flexion motion, the L4 vertebra showed a translation-predominant motion characteristic. The L5 vertebra had a rotation-predominant motion characteristic. The patterns of motion of the L1-L4 vertebrae were correlated to the intervertebral disc height and the inclination angle of the facet joint. The L5 vertebra alone showed some specific patterns suggestive of the involvement of a separate ligamentous stabilizer, the iliolumbar ligaments, which reduces translation.  相似文献   

钉棒及钩棒系统治疗胸腰椎多节段脊柱骨折   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的评价钉棒及钩棒系统治疗胸腰椎多节段脊柱骨折的临床疗效。方法23例多节段胸腰椎骨折患者,后路切开复位,选择性椎管减压.钉棒或钩棒系统内固定及后外侧植骨融合进行手术治疗。其中相邻多节段型13例,非相邻多节段型8例,混合型2例。结果全组病例平均随访14个月,未发现内固定物松动、断离,无继发性脊柱后凸畸形加重。椎体高度由术前平均48.4%恢复至术后平均92.4%。2例完全性及11例不完全性脊髓损伤者.脊髓神经功能获改善。结论在椎管进行充分减压的基础上.钉棒及钩棒系统能有效复位椎体骨折,重建脊柱稳定性,是多节段胸腰椎不稳定性骨折合并脊髓神经损伤后路手术的理想选择。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to elicit the hidden factors that, when identified, would signal the presence of cervical spine instability. Data were derived from the records and radiographs of 21 patients having sustained traumatic injury to the lower cervical spine (C3-C7) and who failed a single-stage posterior stabilization procedure necessitating a second (or combined) anterior-posterior arthrodesis. Mechanism of injury most frequently identified in this group was the distraction-flexion (locked facets) pattern (nine patients) and the "tear drop" compression-flexion injury pattern (seven patients). All 21 patients underwent a posterior wiring and bone graft stabilization procedure with persistent postoperative instability. Thus, failure to recognize the presence of "three-column" instability, the sine qua non of this group, resulted in the failure of posterior tension band stabilization as a means of gaining cervical spine stability. Three-column cervical spine instability is suspected in the presence of: 1) retrolisthesis and angulation of the superior vertebra on the next inferior vertebra; 2) distraction of the posterior interspinous ligaments sufficient to allow subluxation or dislocation of the facets; in conjunction with 3) a "shear" dislocation of one vertebra on another. Anterior shearing force through the disc space is capable of disrupting the intervertebral disc, along with disruption of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, each contributing to the presence of anterior and middle column cervical spine instability.  相似文献   

目的探讨椎弓根钉棒系统治疗多节段胸腰椎脊柱骨折的手术方式与疗效。方法采用后路切开复位、椎弓根钉棒系统内固定、选择性椎管减压及后外侧植骨融合手术治疗44例多节段胸腰椎骨折患者,对患者术前与随访时的ASIA分级、伤椎椎体高度矫正率进行分析。结果全部患者平均随访12个月,未发现内固定物松动、断裂,椎体高度由术前平均49.3%恢复至术后平均92.5%。ASIA分级较术前平均提高1.2级。结论后路切开复位、椎弓根钉棒系统内固定基础上选择性椎管减压+植骨融合是治疗多节段胸腰椎脊柱骨折的理想选择。  相似文献   

目的:研制适用于山羊腰椎次全切除术后重建的可动人工腰椎复合体(mobile artificial lumbar complex,MALC),测试MALC的稳定性及术后腰椎节段运动功能。方法:选取18只1~2岁雄性波尔山羊(体重35~45 kg),将其分为对照组、融合组、非融合组,每组6只。根据术前腰椎X线片、CT及MRI检查,针对非融合组设计个体化山羊MALC,并进行3D打印制作。分别对3组进行手术,对照组仅显露椎体及椎间盘;融合组切除L4部分椎体及上下完整椎间盘组织,进行钛网植骨腰椎接骨板固定手术;非融合组同法切除椎体及椎间盘,植入MALC。术后6个月拍摄山羊腰椎正侧位X线片了解内植物有无脱位、移位及断裂,并在力学测试仪上对标本进行生物力学试验,测量L2,3、L3,4、L4,5椎间隙的运动范围(range of motion,ROM)和L2-5整体腰椎ROM。结果:设计MALC进行3D打印,制造其组件人工椎体及上下人工终板,半球体结构采用高交联聚乙烯材料应用精密车床加工而成,并完成假体组装。术后6个月腰椎正侧位X线片示腰椎融合内植物及MALC植入位置良好,未见移位脱位。腰椎标本体外生...  相似文献   

Spine fractures with damage of the posterior wall of the vertebra often can be anatomically reconstructed by indirect reduction. Whether the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) is responsible for the reduction is still subject to debate. The aim of our investigation was to ascertain the role of the PLL in closed reduction of spine fractures by identifying the bony attachment points of this ligament. We performed a gross anatomical dissection, a light- and polarized microscopic investigation on 22 human cadaverous thoracic and lumbar spines to determine the points of attachment of the PLL. We found two layers of the PLL. The superficial layer runs from the first thoracic down to the third lumbar vertebra with a width of 0.4-1.0 cm and from there descends as a thin rudiment to the sacrum. The deep layer shows a segmental rhomboid structure. Lateral fibers are attached to the annulus fibrosus and at the rim of the adjacent vertebrae. Medial fibers are attached additionally to the posterior wall of the vertebral bodies by bridging the foramina basivertebralia. Since these foramina become enlarged in the caudal parts of the vertebral column, the number of attachment points at the posterior wall of the vertebral bodies decreases caudally. Good results for reconstruction of the posterior wall in vertebral fractures of the thoracic and upper lumbar spine can be explained by the anatomical situation of the PLL and stress the important role of the PLL in indirect reduction of spine fractures.  相似文献   

The precise dimensions of the lumbar vertebrae and discs are critical for the production of appropriate spinal implants. Unfortunately, existing databases of vertebral and intervertebral dimensions are limited either in accuracy, study population or parameters recorded. The objective of this study is to provide a large and accurate database of lumbar spinal characteristics from 126 digitised computed tomographic (CT) images, reviewed using the Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) coupled with its internal measuring instrumentation. These CT images were obtained from patients with low back pain attending the spinal clinic at the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust. Measurements of various aspects of vertebral dimensions and geometry were recorded, including vertebral and intervertebral disc height. The results from this study indicated that the depth and width of the vertebral endplate increased from the third to the fifth lumbar vertebra. Anterior vertebral height remained the same from the third to the fifth vertebra, but the posterior vertebral height decreased. Mean disc height in the lower lumbar segments was 11.6 ± 1.8 mm for the L3/4 disc, 11.3 ± 2.1 mm for the L4/5, and 10.7 ± 2.1 mm for the L5/S1 level. The average circumference of the lower endplate of the fourth lumbar vertebra was 141 mm and the average surface area was 1492 mm2. An increasing pedicle width from a mean of 9.6 ± 2.2 mm at L3 through to 16.2 ± 2.8 mm at L5 was noted. A comprehensive database of vertebral and intervertebral dimensions was generated from 378 lumbar vertebrae from 126 patients measured with a precise digital technique. These results are invaluable in establishing an anthropometric model of the human lumbar spine, and provide useful data for anatomical research. In addition this is important information for the scientific planning of spinal surgery and for the design of spinal implants. Received: 9 November 1998 Revised: 14 January 2000 Accepted: 26 January 2000  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: The distribution of the lowest vertebra tangential to the suprasternal notch and the lowest intervertebral disc visualized above the sternum was determined on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. The method is illustrated in seven patients undergoing upper thoracic spinal reconstruction to define a surgical approach without sternotomy or thoracotomy. OBJECTIVES: The relation of the sternal notch to thoracic vertebrae was examined by MRI to estimate the thoracic level approachable anteriorly without sternotomy. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Upper thoracic spine (T1-T4) visualization is considered difficult. The thoracic vertebrae that can be visualized anteriorly without sternotomy is unknown. METHODS: The vertebral level tangential to the suprasternal notch and the lowest intervertebral disc visualized in its entirety above the sternum was determined from 106 consecutive midsagittal cervicothoracic MRI studies. The method was evaluated in seven patients to illustrate application of a low suprasternal, lateral extracavitary, or transpedicular approach to performing upper thoracic reconstruction. RESULTS: The midportion of the T3 vertebra is often above the sternal notch, whereas the trajectory of the T1-T2 intervertebral disc is usually rostral to the sternum. All four patients with disease above the sternal notch on MRI underwent a low left suprasternal approach, whereas three others were treated with a lateral extracavitary or transpedicular approach. No patient worsened neurologically and all ambulated independently after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Upper thoracic vertebrae can be exposed without sternotomy or thoracotomy by a low left suprasternal approach. Midsagittal cervicothoracic MRI can identify the thoracic vertebrae above the sternum, thereby determining whether a low suprasternal approach is feasible. Otherwise, a lateral extracavitary or transpedicular approach can be used to avoid sternotomy or thoracotomy.  相似文献   

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