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目的探讨关节镜手术治疗踝关节后方撞击综合征的疗效。方法 2008年1月~2015年11月因踝关节后方撞击综合征接受关节镜手术30例,男18例,女12例。年龄19~58岁,平均37.6岁。右踝19例,左踝11例。27例有明确踝关节外伤史,其中急性损伤7例,慢性损伤20例。采用后内、外侧入路行关节镜下骨赘去除,软骨成形,关节清理等治疗。采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS)后足-踝评分及疼痛视觉模拟评分(Visual Analogue Scale,VAS)评估踝关节功能。结果所有患者术后均获得随访,随访时间8~27个月,平均22个月。无血管、神经损伤。末次随访时,AOFAS评分从术前的(35.0±10.1)分提高至(89.8±3.8)分(t=-26.456,P=0.000);VAS评分从术前的(6.6±1.9)分下降为(2.5±1.3)分(t=12.427,P=0.000),踝关节跖屈角度从术前的29.4°±2.3°提高至43.4°±1.4°(t=-32.625,P=0.000)。优21例,良9例,优良率100%。结论关节镜下行踝关节清理及并发症的处理是治疗踝关节后方撞击征的有效方法之一,具有微创、安全、针对性强、术后功能恢复快等优点。  相似文献   

踝创伤性关节炎的关节镜微创治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马骁  卡索  李丹  刘成  田勇 《实用骨科杂志》2011,17(9):849-851
目的探讨关节镜下微创治疗踝关节骨折后创伤性关节炎的近期疗效。方法 2007年12月至2009年6月对26例踝关节骨折术后的踝创伤性关节炎患者进行踝关节镜手术治疗,伤后至手术时间12~37个月,平均(21.6±9.4)个月。同时用关节镜观察踝关节继发病变情况。结果 25例均获随访,随访时间为12~25个月,平均(18.2±6.2)个月,对手术前后按AOFAS评分法评定,主观及总体评分术后较术前均明显提高,主观评分术前(19.5±5.2)分,术后(37.5±4.2)分(t=-4.004,P=0.000)。总体评分术前(62.0±8.2)分,术后(91.7±4.7)分(t=-7.133,P=0.000),结论关节镜技术治疗踝关节骨折后创伤性关节炎短期效果满意。  相似文献   

目的:观察肱骨近端板联合腓骨植骨行踝关节融合术治疗创伤性踝关节炎伴踝关节畸形的疗效。方法:对10例创伤性踝关节炎伴踝关节畸形的患者采用肱骨近端板联合腓骨植骨行踝关节融合术治疗。结果:10例患者均获得随访,随访时间6~12个月,平均(9.8±1.7)个月。术后1个月患者足踝部畸形有所纠正,疼痛得以缓解或消失,植骨均融合。按AOFAS足踝功能评价系统评分,术前平均(40.3±1.5)分,术后平均(73.6±2.1)分。结论:运用肱骨近端板联合腓骨植骨行踝关节融合术,能有效治疗患者病痛。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨踝关节镜对症状性腓下骨的治疗作用。方法 :回顾性研究自2005年12月至2014年8月踝关节镜治疗腓下骨相关的外踝疼痛16例,平均年龄(33.5±15.6)岁,男11例,女5例。腓下骨平均最大直径(0.70±0.26)cm。关节镜下切除腓下骨,如存在距腓前韧带损伤则同时修复损伤的韧带。术后平均随访(18.0±4.5)个月,使用美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)踝-后足疼痛与功能评分、Tegner运动水平分级和视觉模拟评价(visual analogue scale,VAS)评价术前及末次随访时足踝关节功能。结果:术前及末次随访时AOFAS评分分别为60.15±14.52及92.35±5.73,末次随访时评分高于术前(t=-8.251,P=0.000);VAS评分术前及末次随访时分别为7.35±0.46及2.45±0.98,末次随访时评分低于术前(t=18.105,P=0.000);Tegner运动等级评分术前及末次随访时分别为2.87±1.12及5.78±1.06,末次随访时评分高于术前(t=-7.548,P=0.000)。结论:腓下骨相关性外踝疼痛病例,除外腓下骨的大小,关节镜下腓下骨切除可以获得满意的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨经内外踝截骨、自体松质骨植骨、微型注射硫酸钙植骨填充术治疗HeppleⅢ~Ⅴ型距骨软骨损伤的手术技巧及预后疗效。方法回顾性分析2012年7月至2015年10月,采用取同侧髂骨松质骨植骨术或微型可注射型硫酸钙植骨填充术治疗,且获得完整随访的距骨软骨损伤HeppleⅢ型及以上的25例(25足)的病例资料。男19例,女6例;年龄16~59岁,平均年龄39.5岁;左足11例,右足14例。按照MRI的Hepple距骨软骨损伤分型,Ⅲ型7例,Ⅳ型12例,Ⅴ型6例。所有患者术前及术后均行CT及MRI检查。采用美国足与踝协会踝与后足评分(American orthopaedic foot and ankle society,AOFAS)及视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)评定治疗效果。结果25例患者术后随访4~39个月,平均18.6个月。术前AOFAS评分(54.04±17.42)分,VAS评分(7.80±1.38)分;术后AOFAS评分(89.12±8.87)分,VAS评分(1.96±1.67)分;术前及术后比较,差异具有统计学意义(P0.000 1)。术后随访未见伤口感染、皮肤坏死、内固定失效、截骨端不愈合或畸形愈合等并发症。结论对于HeppleⅢ型及以上的距骨软骨损伤,采用内外踝截骨、自体松质骨植骨、微型注射硫酸钙植骨填充术是有效的治疗方式,手术治疗可以改善踝关节的功能、缓解踝关节疼痛。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下Brostr?m法结合Gould技术治疗踝关节距腓前韧带损伤的临床疗效。方法 2009年3月~2015年10月,我科对17例距腓前韧带损伤采用关节镜下Brostr?m法结合Gould技术,利用带线锚钉加强缝合修复距腓前韧带,同时微创紧缩缝合伸肌支持带,加强踝关节外侧稳定性,通过疼痛及不稳症状改善情况,距骨倾斜角变化,美国足踝关节协会(American Orthopaedic FootAnkle Society,AOFAS)评分,行走时疼痛视觉模拟评分(Visual Analogue score,VAS)评分评价手术效果。结果 17例随访10~18个月(平均12个月)。术前AOFAS总评分(44.2±3.7)分,术后1、3、6、10个月AOFAS总评分分别为(49.4±4.1)、(70.7±5.4)、(82.1±4.1)、(92.0±5.0)分,与术前比较均显著升高(P=0.015,P=0.000,P=0.000,P=0.000)。术前VAS评分为(7.1±1.4)分,术后1、3、6、10个月分别为(7.2±1.5)、(4.8±1.1)、(2.1±0.9)、(1.3±0.7)分,除术后1个月以外,其余与术前比较均显著降低(P=0.001,P=0.000,P=0.000)。术前距骨倾斜角为8.8°±0.6°,术后1、3、6、10个月分别为4.1°±0.4°、3.5°±0.8°、3.2°±0.6°、3.2°±0.7°,与术前比较均显著变小(P=0.000,P=0.000,P=0.000,P=0.000)。结论关节镜下Brostr?m法结合Gould技术治疗踝关节距腓前韧带损伤疗效满意,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜辅助下踝关节植骨融合治疗创伤后踝关节炎的早期临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2007年7月至2012年12月,采用关节镜辅助踝关节融合术治疗晚期创伤性踝关节炎21例。其中男16例,女5例;年龄18~60岁,平均47.8岁;均为Morrey-WiedemanⅢ期踝关节炎,部分患者的MR显示距下关节、距舟关节轻微炎症信号,但外观畸形不明显。采用疼痛视觉模拟评分(Visual analogue scale,VAS)、美国足踝外科协会(American 0rthopaedic Foot and Ankle Societv,AOFAS)踝与后足评分、评价术前及末次随访时足踝关节功能。结果 21例术后获12~36个月(平均24个月)随访。参照Winson标准,术后10~16周(平均12周)获得骨性融合。2例长时间行走或站立出现后跟部酸痛感,采取口服活血化瘀中成药和中药熏洗的方法治疗,6个月后症状明显缓解。21例末次随访时疼痛症状完全缓解,功能恢复满意,步态改善、平地步行无困难。无内固定失败、畸形愈合、融合失败等并发症发生。踝关节正位X线片中,12例踝关节融合于中立位,6例外翻<5°,2例外翻5°~8°,1例内翻3°;侧位X线片中,13例踝关节融合于背伸中立位,5例跖屈5°以内,3例跖屈5°~8°。3例有2或3期距下关节炎表现,1例有2期距舟关节炎表现。疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)末次随访时平均为(2.63+0.17分)与术前(8.51+1.35分)比较,差异有统计学意义。AOFAS踝与后足评分,末次评分平均为(80.91±7.14分),与术前评分(45.85±11.31)比较差异有统计学意义。结论关节镜辅助踝关节清理、植骨融合治疗创伤后踝关节炎可得到优良的临床疗效,是治疗创伤后关节炎的良好选择。  相似文献   

背景:腓骨外侧入路接骨板固定进行踝关节融合已有文献报道,之后不断有学者提出新的手术入路及固定方法。目的:观察腓骨外侧入路经外踝截骨结合肱骨近端ITS接骨板行踝关节融合的临床疗效。方法:2012年11月至2013年12月采用腓骨外侧入路经外踝截骨结合肱骨近端ITS接骨板行踝关节融合术治疗严重踝关节炎患者9例,年龄44-65岁,平均55岁;合并踝关节内翻畸形4例,外翻畸形1例。采用美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)踝-后足评分比较术前与末次随访的疗效,术后根据踝关节X线片观察融合情况。结果:术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无早期并发症发生。所有患者均获得随访,随访时间6~20个月,平均10个月;融合时间8-20周,平均14周。AOFAS踝-后足评分由术前的(41.5±9.4)分提高至末次随访的(82.2±6.9)分,有统计学差异(t=28.02,P=0.000),末次随访时未出现内固定松动断裂等情况。结论:应用外侧入路结合ITS接骨板行踝关节融合术的融合率高,可有效缓解疼痛,纠正畸形并恢复功能,是治疗严重踝关节病损的良好选择。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨距腓前韧带/跟腓韧带(ATFL/CFL)解剖重建或修复治疗慢性踝关节外侧不稳定的对比效果。[方法]2008年1月~2011年12月,对48例保守治疗无效的慢性踝关节外侧不稳定患者行手术治疗,随机给予改良Brostrom法紧缩缝合(修复组),或行ATFL/CFL解剖重建(重建组)。对距骨前移及倾斜、踝关节活动度、AOFAS足踝评分、VAS评分进行评估。[结果]随访24~60个月,平均40.2个月。AOFAS足踝评分A组由术前(47.50±8.60)分提高至术后2年的(88.71±3.52)分(t=-12.364,P=0.000);B组由术前(47.50±9.60)分提高至(93.50±4.27)分(t=-18.452,P=0.000)。两组在疼痛、步态、支撑与功能、屈伸、后足活动及对线评分项目上差异无统计学意义(P0.05);在地面步行、最大步行距离、稳定性评分上差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。VAS疼痛评分A组术前(6.80±3.80)分,术后(2.00±1.90)分;B组术前(6.80±3.60)分,术后(2.05±1.70)分(P0.05)。患者无神经损伤、感染、皮缘坏死、僵硬等并发症,术后X线片示距骨前移及倾斜矫正,无不稳定复发。B组踝关节稳定性恢复更佳,术后2年AOFAS评分修复与重建组间存在差异(t=-1.939,P=0.034)。[结论]借鉴于尸体解剖数据,双束解剖重建ATFL/CFL在避免后足僵硬的同时可有效恢复踝关节外侧稳定性,适用于稳定性要求高的青壮年患者及修复失败的翻修手术。保残重建及手术切口改良降低了神经损伤概率,功能恢复更加理想,长期随访有待于进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的观察关节镜下胫骨交锁髓内钉融合术治疗类风湿踝关节炎的临床疗效。方法 2008年6月至2011年10月,选择30例(30踝)类风湿踝关节炎患者,在关节镜下行普通胫骨交锁髓内钉踝关节融合手术。术后平均随访20个月(6~36个月),根据美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)踝与后足功能评分对所有患者进行评分。结果手术前后AOFAS踝与后足功能评分由术前平均54.3分(40~65分)提高到术后平均79.6分(61~89分)。术后无疼痛27例,轻度疼痛3例。未出现血管神经损伤、骨不连、骨延迟愈合和感染等并发症。所有患者踝后足对线良好,30踝均获骨性融合,融合率100%。结论关节镜下胫骨交锁髓内钉融合术可有效缓解踝关节疼痛,改善关节功能,对患侧下肢活动、负重未见不良影响,是一种治疗类风湿踝关节炎的安全有效方法。  相似文献   

BackgroundGait asymmetries have been reported following ankle arthrodesis. However, similar reports do not exist for tibiotalocalaneal arthrodesis (TTCA), which involves further articular fusion. This study aimed to assess the extent of gait asymmetry following TTCA when compared to ankle arthrodesis.MethodGait assessment was performed on 36 participants, including 12 ankle arthrodesis, 12 TTCA and 12 controls – using 3-D inertial sensors and pressure insoles. 48 gait parameters were monitored on both operated and non-operated sides. Questionnaires including AOFAS, FAAM, EQ-5D were used to assess both operative groups, comparatively.ResultsBoth operative groups reported significantly smaller stride, slower walking speed, altered stance phase with longer loading and shorter push-off compared to controls. Joint range of motion was significantly reduced on the operated side of both operative groups at hindfoot, forefoot and toe intersegments. However, the ankle arthrodesis group reported a significantly higher alteration compared to controls in maximum contact force and pressure distribution. Furthermore, bilateral comparison showed extended gait asymmetry in the ankle arthrodesis group with 29 out of 48 parameters being significantly different between the two sides, whereas only 16 out of 48 gait parameters showed bilateral difference in the TTCA group.ConclusionBoth ankle salvage operations led to significant gait alteration and bilateral asymmetry. However, extended joint restriction in TTCA does not seem to worsen the gait outcomes. Further investigation is needed to understand the long-term impact of altered gait, on neighboring joints, following TTCA.  相似文献   

Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with an intramedullary hindfoot nail is an established procedure for fusion of the ankle and subtalar joints. In cases involving ankle bone loss, such as in failed total ankle replacement, it can be difficult to salvage with sufficient bone restoration stability and a physiologic leg length and avoiding below the knee amputation. In addition to the alternatives of using a structural allograft or metal bone substitution, we describe the use of autologous ipsilateral circular pillar fibula augmentation in tibiotalocalcaneal retrograde nail arthrodesis combined with a ventral (anterior) plate in a prospective series of 6 consecutive cases with a mean follow-up duration of 26 ± 9.95 (range 12 to 34) months. The 6 patients (3 female and 3 male), with a mean age of 55 ± 13.89 (range 38 to 73) years were treated with revision surgery of the ankle (1 after talectomy, 5 [83.33%] after failed ankle replacement). The visual analog scale for pain and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society hindfoot score were used to assess functional outcome, and radiographs and computed tomography scans were used to determine the presence of fusion. All patients improved clinically from pre- to postoperatively in regard to the mean pain visual analog scale score (from 7.5 to 2.0) and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society hindfoot score (from 29 to 65 points, of an 86-point maximum for fused joints). Radiologically, no loss in the reduction or misalignment of the hindfoot was detected, and all cases fused solid. One patient (16.67%) required hardware removal. The fixation construct provided good clinical and radiologic outcomes, and we recommend it as an alternative to structural allografts or metallic bone grafts for revision ankle surgery with severe bone loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The functional outcomes following ankle arthrodesis are not known. The purpose of the present study was to compare the intermediate-term clinical results for a group of patients in whom an ankle arthrodesis had been performed with use of modern surgical techniques with the findings for a group of healthy gender and age-matched controls on the basis of validated outcome measures and gait analysis. METHODS: Twenty-six patients who had undergone ankle arthrodesis for the treatment of isolated unilateral ankle arthritis were identified and retrospectively assessed clinically and radiographically. The mean age at the time of surgery was fifty-four years, and the mean interval between surgery and assessment was forty-four months. A gender and age-matched control group of twenty-seven individuals was recruited for comparison. All subjects were evaluated with gait analysis, the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle-Hindfoot scale, the Musculoskeletal Outcomes Data Evaluation and Management Systems (MODEMS) questionnaire, and the Ankle Osteoarthritis Scale (AOS). RESULTS: On preliminary review, twenty of the twenty-six patients were completely satisfied or satisfied with their surgical outcome. All patients but one stated that they would undergo the surgery again. Five patients stated that they did not notice a gait abnormality. Twelve patients wore orthotics, and all believed that the use of the orthotics improved their gait. When the functional outcome scores in the arthrodesis group were compared with those in the control group, specific scores assessing hindfoot pain and satisfaction were similar. However, scores focusing on ankle-hindfoot function and disability revealed significant differences. Gait analysis also identified significant differences between the two groups with regard to cadence and stride length. In addition, there was significantly decreased sagittal, coronal, and transverse range of motion of the hindfoot and midfoot during the stance and swing phases of gait in the arthrodesis group. Radiographic review demonstrated that four of the twenty-six patients had development of moderate to severe arthritis of the subtalar joint. CONCLUSIONS: In the intermediate term following an arthrodesis for the treatment of end-stage ankle arthritis, pain is reliably relieved and there is good patient satisfaction. However, there are substantial differences between patients and the normal population with regard to hindfoot function and gait. On the basis of these results, patients should be counseled that an ankle fusion will help to relieve pain and to improve overall function; however, it is a salvage procedure that will cause persistent alterations in gait with a potential for deterioration due to the development of ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the clinical outcome of modified Blair ankle fusion for ankle arthritis. Methods: Between November 2009 and June 2012, 28 patients with ankle arthritis were treated, among whom 11 had obvious foot varus deformity, and 17 were almost normal in appearance. There were 13 males and 15 females with an average age of 49.4 years (range, 23-67 years). The main symptoms included swelling, pain, and a limited range of motion of the ankles. The ankle joints functions were assessed by American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle and hindfoot score and visual analog scale (VAS) preoperatively and at I year follow-up. Results: Twenty-eight patients were followed up for 19.8 months on average (range, 1-2 years). Superficial wound infection occurred in 3 cases, and was cured after debridement; the other incisions healed by first intention without complications. All ankles were fused at 1 year follow-up after operation. The symptom was relieved completely in all patients at last follow-up without complication of implant failure, or nonunion. The postoperative AOFAS ankle and hindfoot score was 83.13±3.76, showing significant difference when compared with the preoperative score (45.38±3.21, P〈0.01). VAS was significantly decreased from 8.01±0.63 to 2.31±1.05 at 1 year follow-up (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Modified Blair ankle fusion has the advantages of high feasiblity, less cost and rigid fixation. It shows high reliability in pain relief and may obtain a good clinical effectiveness.  相似文献   

螺钉固定踝关节融合术失败后钢板再固定疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:观察螺钉固定踝关节融合术失败后钢板固定的临床疗效。方法:自2001年8月至2011年10月对15例螺钉固定踝关节融合失败后的患者行钢板固定,其中男9例,女6例;年龄40~65岁,平均56岁;左足10例,右足5例。术中螺钉予以拆除,行钢板固定,术后予石膏外固定。采用AOFAS评分系统从疼痛、行走功能、踝关节对线等方面比较术前与末次随访AOFAS计分,X线片评估术后融合情况。结果:15例均获随访,时间4个月~4年,平均2年。切口均Ⅰ期愈合。踝关节无疼痛,无神经血管损伤,无感染和内固定失败等并发症。术后AOFAS评分中客观项目均较术前改善,总分由术前的(36.86±8.32)分提高到术后的(85.09±4.65)分(t=-26.366,P=0.000)。结论:螺钉固定踝关节融合失败后钢板固定稳定性好,操作简单,成功率高,踝关节疼痛明显减轻,功能恢复良好。  相似文献   

IntroductionTibial plafond fractures, especially the AO/OTA type C3 ones that take place in young patients with excessive facet fragmentation and cartilage loss that preclude anatomical reduction and effective internal fixation, are devastating situations that often subject to primary arthrodesis. The aim of the current study is to introduce a joint preserving technique by using osteochondral autograft to treat such difficult cases and to evaluate its short-term outcome.MethodsA total of 11 patients suffering AO-OTA type C3 tibial plafond fractures with irreparable area treated with osteochondral autograft and ORIF, with an average follow-up period of 34 months, were analyzed. Visual analogue scale (VAS), short-form 36 (SF-36), American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, and ankle range of motion (ROM) were assessed for functional outcome evaluation. The weight-bearing AP and lateral radiograph, as well as CT reconstructive images were examined to evaluate bony union and the occurrence of post-traumatic arthritis.ResultsAt the final follow-up, the mean VAS scale was 2.2. The mean AOFAS and SF-36 scores were 86.3 and 84.5 respectively. Among all the included patients, 8 achieved both AOFAS and SF-36 scores above 80. The average ankle range of motion was 29.9°. No infection, compartment syndrome, post-traumatic arthrosis or donor site pain was noted in the current study. No patient received secondary ankle arthrodesis at the end of the follow-up.ConclusionsAlthough primary ankle arthrodesis is an effective method, routine ankle arthrodesis should be carried out with second thoughts in patients, especially patients with relatively young age, suffering AO-OTA type C3 tibial plafond fractures with irreducible area. On the other hand, osteochondral autograft transplantation may provide a chance to relieve pain without sacrificing the joint.  相似文献   

We report a case of valgus ankle degenerative arthritis due to chronic isolated deltoid insufficiency combined with tibial varus that was treated successfully with ankle joint preserving surgery. A 63-year-old male complained of right lateral ankle pain with 10 minutes of maximal pain-free walking time. The assessed American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle ankle-hindfoot scale score was 33 points. The ankle joint showed 18° of valgus deformity with 6° of tibia varus. Medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy, supramalleolar open wedge osteotomy, and deltoid ligament imbrication were performed. At the 2-year follow-up examination, the ankle joint showed 10° of valgus and the tibial plafond showed flattening. The hindfoot showed 7° of valgus. He could run for 2 hours on the treadmill without pain. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle ankle-hindfoot scale score was 90 points. In conclusion, valgus ankle degenerative arthritis with isolated deltoid insufficiency and tibial varus could be treated successfully with realignment using a double osteotomy and additional deltoid imbrication.  相似文献   

《Foot and Ankle Surgery》2014,20(4):285-292
BackgroundAnkle arthropathy is very frequent in haemophilic patients. Prostheses are valuable alternatives to arthrodesis in non-haemophilic patients. We report the experience of a single centre in France on the use of prostheses in haemophilic patients.MethodsRetrospective study of 21 patients with haemarthropathy who underwent ankle arthroplasty (32 ankles), with additional surgery, if needed, from July 2002 to September 2009 (mean follow-up 4.4 ± 1.7 years). The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle–hindfoot scale was used to evaluate pain, function, ankle mobility and alignment.ResultsThe overall AOFAS score improved from 40.2 ± 19.4 (pre-surgery) to 85.3 ± 11.4 (post-surgery). The function score increased from 23.6 ± 7.7 to 35.9 ± 6.7 and dorsiflexion from 0.3° ± 5.0° to 10.3° ± 4.4°. Two patients underwent further ankle arthrodesis. On X-ray, both tibial and talar components were stable and correctly placed in all ankles. Alignment was good.ConclusionAnkle arthroplasty is a promising alternative to arthrodesis in haemophilic patients.  相似文献   



Prior studies have reported improved gait performance and kinematics after total ankle arthroplasty (TAR) compared to ankle arthrodesis (AAD). Given these findings, AAD has been primarily considered as a salvage procedure that may lead to adjacent joint degeneration.


A total of 101 TAR and 40 screw arthrodeses were enrolled in a retrospective study with a prospectively designed follow-up examination that included gait analysis and outcome assessment with the AOFAS hindfoot score and FAOS questionnaire.


Significant asymmetry in gait and reduced range of motion compared to normal remained after both procedures. Subjective outcome improved after both procedures, and pain was significantly better after TAR. Limited functional gains after TAR and joint degeneration to the same degree after both procedures was seen in the mid-term. Hindfoot fusion seemed to have a greater impact on postoperative function than ankle arthrodesis.


Considering only minor functional gains of TAR compared to AAD the implantation of current TAR designs in large patient series may be questioned.  相似文献   

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