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目的:作者介绍了南京医科大学附属无锡第二医院开设实习医师论坛以提高临床实习医师的做法和体会.作者阐述了开设论坛的目的;介绍了论坛的组织形式,包括参加对象、开设时间、内容、要求以及方法;总结了论坛开设的效果和经验,井提出了改进的设想.可以说,论坛是实习医师临床实习工作的重要补充,它对培养实习医师的专业能力和其他综合能力,促进实习医师的健康成长起到了重要的作用,此种实习医师培养的形式适宜在实习、教学医院中推广和应用.  相似文献   

3月14日,正是草长莺飞、迎春花粲然报春之时。 在这大好春光中,业界专家学者云集于北京大学英杰交流中心,参加第六届中国眼科学基础研究大会暨研究生导师论坛。中国工程院院士、山东省眼科研究所所长谢立信教授在开幕发言中指出了眼表重建领域应用基础研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

提高整形外科研究生科研能力的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医学研究生教育担负着培养高素质医学人才和发展医学事业的重任,随着国家对科学研究的不断重视,研究生科研能力的培养和提高成为当务之急。整形外科具有和其它医学学科的共同性,同时也有本专业的特殊性。笔者总结了在指导整形外科研究生进行科研工作中积累的经验和体会,探讨提高科研能力和水平应注意的几点问题。  相似文献   

第六届全国磁共振学术大会及国际磁共振学术会议(ISMRM workshop)定于2006年9月7日~9日在山东济南召开。大会除进行学术交流外,还将邀请国内外医学影像学著名专家作专题学术讲座,同时设立研究生论坛。会议征文的有关事项如下:1.应征论文必须具有科学性、先进性、实用性、重点突  相似文献   

自1980年建立显微外科实验室以来,我院先后有70名研究生、临床医生和进修生接受了微血管吻合技术训练,共吻合血管7000余条,完成了18项显微外科实验课题。现将微小血管吻合技术培训方面的体会总结如下。  相似文献   

中国工程院医学科学前沿学术研讨会·第2届中国眼科学基础研究大会暨研究生导师论坛(ChineseCongressofResearchinVisionandOphthalmology)将于2010年3月25~28日在山东省青岛市召开。会议由中国工程院医药卫生学部与中华医学会眼科学分会和山东省眼科研究所联合主办,中华医学会眼科学分会青年学组与山东省眼科研究所联合承办。  相似文献   

随着生命科学的快速发展,分子生物学在传染病诊断和治疗研究中的作用日益重要。本文针对传染病专科医院分子生物学实验教学特点,以问题为导向的教学方法(PBL)为核心,从更新教学内容、改进教学方法、丰富教学手段及培养科学思维等方面阐述了研究生细胞生物学实验教学改革的实践及体会。  相似文献   

由王澍寰院士、王正国院士任名誉主编 ,陈中伟院士、卢世璧院士、顾玉东院士、钟世镇院士、梁秉中教授、周肇平教授、王亦聪教授、徐莘香教授等任顾问 ,裴国献教授任总编辑的《中国创伤骨科杂志》已于 1999年 9月创刊。本刊由第一军医大学主办 ,以创伤骨科临床工作为主 ,着重报道创伤骨科的临床经验、新业务、新技术、新进展 ,及时反映国外创伤骨科最新信息 ,同时兼顾创伤骨科的基础研究与研究生培养 ,报道最新的研究成果。本刊设有专家论坛、临床论著、基础研究、经验交流、创骨教程、研究进展、研究生园地、综述、名人名家、网络知识、创…  相似文献   

各有关单位:由中华医学会外科学分会、卫生部继续医学教育发展和培训中心、人民卫生出版社、华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院、《外科学-前沿与争论》编委会、《中国临床普外科前沿与争论高峰论坛》组委会共同举办,由贵阳医学院附属医院、中华外科杂志、中国实用外科杂志、临床外科杂志共同协办的“2006中国临床普外科前沿与争论高峰论坛”暨《外科学-前沿与争论》第二届编委会第二次会议定于2006年4月13日~16日在贵州省贵阳市举行。一、论坛主题与形式论坛以消化道肿瘤诊治前沿和外科研究生成才之路为主题,采用特别演讲、专题报告、主…  相似文献   

“2008食品与生物技术博士生学术论坛”于2008年10月24—26号在江南大学举行。本次论坛由国务院学位委员会办公室、教育部学位管理与研究生教育司主办,江南大学承办。在为期三天的活动中,近600名来自两岸四地和美国、英国、加拿大、荷兰等国40余所高校的食品、生物专业的博士生以及国内外著名专家就食品与生物技术领域内的前沿学术问题进行广泛的交流和深入的探讨。  相似文献   

目的 了解护理论坛与会代表的真实想法和要求,提高下届护理理论坛的质量和水平。方法 自编护理论坛相关问题问卷,对85名参加“浙江省第二届青年学术论坛护理与人类健康分论坛”的代表进行问卷调查。结果 护理代表对论坛的总满意率为98.8%;以总满意度为因变量,回归方程为:总满意度=0.644+0.411(学术氛围)+0.246(百家争鸣);大部分代表认为论坛真情 以了促进护理学科发展、交流护理经验、开拓思路、学习知识和促进护理人才培养等作用。结论 举办护理论坛有利于营造民主、自由、严谨的学术氛围,活跃学术思想、促进护理学科发展和人才成长。而办好论坛的关键主要在于营造良好的学术氛围、提高交流论文的科学性和引导充分民主自由的讨论等。  相似文献   

In 2017, the American Society of Transplantation (AST) launched the Outstanding Questions in Transplantation Research forum to stimulate a community‐wide discussion of how the field is evolving and to help identify areas where a better dialogue between clinicians and researchers could result in great advancements. Tolerance emerged as a topic of great interest to the AST community. This minireview provides an overview of clinical transplantation tolerance. Historical background followed by a review of the current status of attempts to establish tolerance in the clinic, highlighting the dynamic online discussion surrounding this important topic from the AST Transplantation Research forum, is provided.  相似文献   

为了响应国家建设国际一流科技期刊的号召,《中华显微外科杂志》秉承"传承、创新、团结、合作、国际化"新使命,2020年将增设"世界显微外科大师""中国显微外科先驱"栏目;编撰《中国显微外科中英文文献目录索引》《中华显微外科杂志历届编委画册》;开设"《中华显微外科杂志》传承与创新论坛",树立学术交流的新品牌;着力培养坚持显微外科一线工作的中、青年骨干;参与国际学术交流,加强与国际同行的合作;增加符合国际惯例的中、英文题目及摘要,增加中文参考文献对应的英文标注;有针对性地创造条件进入国际数据检索库,提升杂志国际影响力。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to determine how often patients and undiagnosed people who complain of musculoskeletal system and rheumatic diseases look for knowledge contained on an Internet forum. Content analysis was used to identify the level of Internet users’ activity in the rheumatology section, compared to other areas of medicine.

Material and methods

Material included information posted on the Internet forum established at http://medyczka.pl/. The method employed was a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content. The method was based on qualitative assessment of the first post in each thread presented on the rheumatologic subforum, by assigning keywords, subjectively determined by the researcher, to such a post. For each keyword a specific definition was established, determining a situation in which a given keyword was used.


The quantitative analysis qualified rheumatology in the last place in terms of Internet users’ activity compared to other branches of medicine. The qualitative assessment of the rheumatologic forum indicated that the three most common keywords were joint pain (32), joints swelling (13), and schoolage (13). The three most common intentional keywords (arranged in order of their decreasing number) were diagnosis based on symptoms (29), interpretation of the laboratory test results (9), and how to deal with symptoms (8).


The analysis leads to the conclusion that the rheumatologic subforum, along with other subforums listed above, presents a critically low level of discussion. There is a large disproportion between the number of active and passive forum users, suggesting that numerous individuals search the forum for presented information. Based on the qualitative analysis of the information stocks of the rheumatologic subforum, it was established that most of the questions posted concerned young individuals, who complained of joint pain and swelling, and asked for a possible diagnosis based on the presented symptomatology, interpretation of the laboratory test results and alleviation of disease symptoms.  相似文献   

Background: The objective of this study was to identify the variables needed for an alternative method by which the quality of care for trauma patients can be quantified.Patients and Methods: A prospective analysis of the clinical parameters and interventions was performed for the extramural as well as the intramural scene. Based on the information available after completion of the primary survey, the interventions needed were identified by a multidisciplinary forum made up of internal and external observers. These interventions were compared with the treatment, which was actuallc performed. We evaluated the reproducibility of the decisions made by the forum by means of a variability analysis.Results: During the review period, 275 patients were evaluated. An Injury Severity Score (ISS) ≥ 18 was recorded in 41 cases. 69 ABC stabilizing interventions were identified by the forum of the injury scene, 32 of which were not performed by the personnel of the emergency medical service (EMS). 91 in-hospital ABC stabilizing interventions were indicated, 22 of which were not performed by the emergency room (ER) personnel. Twelve patients succumbed within the 1st month.Conclusions: The pilot study confirms the feasibility of using a forum to identify the interventions prescribed by protocol for each individual patient. Forum-based case-to-case evaluation will be used as a surveillance tool to evaluate the adequacy of interventions and to quantify the quality of trauma care.  相似文献   

Since its establishment in 1945, the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) has predominately adhered to a Diversified model of chiropractic technique in the core curriculum; however, many students and graduates have voiced a desire for greater exposure to chiropractic techniques other than Diversified at CMCC. A course structure is presented that both exposes students to a plethora of different “Name techniques” and provides students with a forum to appraise them critically. The results of a student survey suggested that both of these learning objectives have been successfully met. In addition, an assignment was designed that enabled students to recommend which, if any, “Name techniques” should be included in the curriculum of the College. The recommendations from these assignments were compiled since the 1996/97 academic year. The results indicated an overwhelming demand for the inclusion of Thompson Terminal Point, Gonstead, Activator Methods, Palmer HIO and Active Release Therapy techniques either as part of the core curriculum or in an elective program. These recommendations parallel the practice activities of Canadian chiropractors.  相似文献   

The Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN) sponsored the Asian Forum of CKD Initiative (AFCKDI) 2007 with the support of the International Society of Nephrology-Commission for Global Advancement in Nephrology (ISN-COMGAN), Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN), the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO) and other national societies of nephrology in the Asian Pacific region on 27–28 May 2007 in Hamamatsu City, Japan. An international organising committee was established by leading experts of the CKD initiative. The main objective of this forum was to clarify the current status and perspectives of CKD and to promote coordination, collaboration and integration of initiatives in the Asian Pacific region. The forum received 56 papers from 16 countries; it began with the symposium “A Challenge to CKD in the world” and was followed by the ISN-COMGAN affiliated workshop “Current status and perspective of CKD in Asia”. The second day was dedicated to discussion on the evaluation, surveillance and intervention in CKD in this area. At the end of the forum, we decided on the future plan as follows: (1) The AFCKDI will provide opportunities annually or biannually for every person who promotes CKD initiatives in the Asian Pacific region to join together and build consensus for action; (2) the second forum will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 4 May 2008 at the time of the 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN). Zaki Morad, President of the 11th APCN, will host the second forum; (3) the International Organising Committee (IOC) of the 1st AFCKDI will continue its function by adding other experts, including the organisers of the APCN; (4) the AFCKDI is not an organisation by itself, nor does it belong to any society, but is organised by each host national society of nephrology. The IOC will assist the domestic committee for the success of the forum and will assure the continuation of the mission; (5) in order to organise the forum and promote CKD initiatives in the Asia Pacific region, the AFCKDI will look for support by both national and international societies. The AFCKDI will keep an intimate and mutual relation with the ISN, APSN and KDIGO.  相似文献   

The link between perceived demands of school, stress and mental health in relation to gender is complex. The study examined, with two waves of longitudinal data at age 13 and age 16, how changes in perceived academic demands relate to changes in perceived stress, taking into account gender and cognitive ability, and to investigate how these factors affect the level of psychosomatic and depressive symptoms at the age of 16. A nationally representative sample including about 9000 individuals from the Swedish longitudinal Evaluation Through Follow up database born in 1998 was included. A growth modelling approach was applied to examine relations over time. The results show girls to have a considerably higher self‐reported level of mental health problems at the end of compulsory school than boys. This gender difference is entirely accounted for by perceived school demands and stress in grades 6 and 9. Students who were stronger in inductive than vocabulary ability reported lower levels of perceived academic demands and less stress in grade 6. There is a need to develop interventions for minimizing the consequences of stress among adolescents and modify those particular aspects of academic demands which cause stress and poor mental health, especially among girls. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Medical electronic mailing lists have grown rapidly with the evolution of the Internet. The purpose of this paper was to assess the content and academic quality and of an electronic mail discussion list "Orthopod" dedicated to research in orthopaedic and trauma surgery. A retrospective analysis was undertaken of four months of web-based archive of communication through the Orthopod mailing list http:(/)/www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/Orthopod. At the end of this study period there were 505 members of the Orthopod list. The main outcome measures of this paper were number of messages, type of messages, number of contributors, designation of contributor and number of topics referenced. On average 276 messages were posted each month. The mean number of messages per contributor per month only varied between 2.3 and 2.5. On average 54% of message threads contained at least one reference. At least 77% of the patient history and general threads had input from senior orthopaedic staff. The quantity of information on the Internet need not be a substitute for quality in orthopaedic and trauma surgery mailing lists. The Orthopod Electronic mail discussion list is another medium for the circulation of good quality surgical information. Orthopod provides a unique international electronic forum list for trauma and orthopaedic surgeons worldwide.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The use of prostate specific antigen screening to diagnose and monitor prostate cancer is associated with well-known shortcomings. A 2-day Prostate Cancer Biomarker Conference was convened to identify promising areas of research and focus efforts on the most critical needs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The conference provided a forum for the presentation and discussion of ongoing prostate cancer biomarker research. This meeting also sought to identify a range of critical issues in the development and validation of biomarkers, foster research collaboration between groups representing government, academic and industry initiatives, and coordinate efforts with planned and ongoing clinical trials. RESULTS: Taken collectively the conference presentations offered various new technologies for biomarker discovery and pathological assessment of clinical disease as well as the promise of biomarkers for improving prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment decisions. However, research efforts focused on biomarker validation and implementation clearly lag behind those directed toward initial biomarker discovery. It is apparent that guidelines are desperately needed to ensure the consistency of sample collection across institutions. CONCLUSIONS: Several ongoing and planned adjuvant prostate cancer trials will provide a tremendous opportunity for biological sample collection along with the potential to validate many biomarkers. Practicing urologists have an opportunity to have a critical role in the successful accrual of patients into these trials.  相似文献   

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