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目的探讨大骨瓣减压联合血管重建术治疗大面积脑梗塞的疗效。方法对45例大面积脑梗塞患者分别采用去骨瓣减压联合血管重建术和内科治疗,比较分析两组患者的病死率和康复情况。结果手术治疗较内科治疗患者病死率低,术后康复情况较好,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论对急性大面积脑梗塞患者通过大骨瓣减压联合间接血管重建术治疗明显优于保守治疗效果,且康复情况好,疗效肯定。  相似文献   

盆腔根治性手术是治疗盆腔内肿瘤的主要手术方式, 勃起功能障碍(ED)是术后常见的性功能障碍。由于手术方式和调查方法的不同, 对盆腔根治性手术后ED发生率的认识尚不统一。术后ED的原因主要包括术中神经血管损伤、精神心理因素、术前患者特征等, 其中术中神经血管束损伤最常见。研究结果表明通过积极干预能预防术后ED发生, 但目前仍缺乏有效的治疗措施。本文对近年来盆腔根治性手术后ED的临床流行病学特征和研究进展进行总结, 并探讨预防和治疗术后ED的具体措施。  相似文献   

动脉性ED是男性常见疾病,与心血管疾病关系密切。近年来伴随心血管疾病发病率增加,动脉性ED发病率也逐年升高。目前ED治疗方法很多,但仍有很多问题有待进一步解决。参考介入治疗心血管疾病的成功经验,国外学者尝试开展小血管介入治疗动脉性ED的临床研究,为临床医师治疗ED提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

勃起功能障碍治疗的现状与进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)是指阴茎经常性的不能达到和保持足以进行满意性交要求的勃起.据报道,40~70岁的男性52%存在不同程度的ED,到2025年,全世界大约有3.22亿男性存在性功能障碍的问题,而大多数ED患者缺乏系统的临床治疗,即先从损害较小的口服药物治疗开始,第二步应用局部药物治疗(如海绵体注射和经尿道给药),最后的选择是外科治疗(阴茎假体置入);另外,血管外科技术对血管源性的ED患者也是一种可尝试的方法,基因治疗和组织工程技术在动物实验研究方面也取得可喜的成果.本文就目前阴茎ED治疗的现状与进展作一综述.  相似文献   

颈动脉体瘤外科治疗并发症的分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:总结46例颈动脉体瘤手术治疗结果以及并发症防治的经验。方法;对采用肿瘤剥除术,同时切除颈外动脉术,与颈动脉分叉-并切除后血管重建术以及颈总动脉结扎术等方法治疗的颈动脉体瘤手术效果和并发症进行回顾性分析。结果:手术切除率91.3%,偏瘫2例,舌下神经损伤4例,舌咽神经损伤2例,迷走神经损伤1例,副神经损伤1例,其中1例同时有舌咽,迷走,舌下神经损伤。长期随访复发2例,再次手术切除。所有病例无手术死亡。结论:术前选择性血管造影,田径赛眼声多普勒等检查以明确诊断,合理的Matas训练以及选择适当的术式,对于颈动脉体瘤外科治疗和减少并发症是必要的。  相似文献   

白剑强  胡永成 《骨科动态》2007,3(3):172-182
背景:血管化肋骨移植术在脊柱手术中以往仅限于治疗脊柱后凸畸形,即采用肋骨移植行脊柱前路融合术。对于在复杂脊柱重建术中应用血管化肋骨移植的效果至今没有一个足够的评价。本研究的目的是观察在复杂脊柱重建术中从前路或后路应用带血管蒂肋骨移植的结果,包括融合时间和并发症。  相似文献   

目的总结成人获得性平足(adult-acquired flatfoot deformity,AAFD)软组织重建的基础和临床研究进展。方法广泛查阅近年关于AAFD软组织修复和肌腱转移的相关文献,并进行综述。结果针对AAFD的软组织重建手术可分为静力性和动力性重建两种,其中静力性重建以弹簧韧带的修复重建为主;动力性重建术式较多,趾长屈肌腱转移术常用,但其生物力学效果欠佳,对于胫后肌功能正常的患者Cobb手术效果更佳。结论对于AAFD需根据畸形类型和分期选择软组织重建术式。  相似文献   

勃起功能障碍诊断方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨ED的诊断方法。方法:对365例11个民族拟诊为血管性ED的患者分别采用阴茎海绵体注射试验、阴茎-肱动脉血压指数测定、阴茎彩色双功能超声、阴茎海绵体造影、阴茎数字减影血管造影及阴茎动、静脉血池显像等检查。结果:有365、204、168、228、142、136例患者分别接受了上述6种检查。诊断动脉性ED82例,静脉性ED132例,混合性ED57例,原因不明ED94例。不同民族间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:ED是高度个性化疾病,针对ED患者不同情况采取相应的诊断方法有利于选择高效、经济、安全的治疗方法。  相似文献   

勃起功能障碍的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,对勃起器官组织生理及病理的认识、勃起组织超微结构和分子生物学机制的研究取得了有价值的成果,特别是治疗勃起功能障碍(ED)的口服药物西地那非(万艾可,英文名Viagra)应用于临床以来,使ED的药物治疗有效率达80%以上,长期应用临床资料表明安全有效,且能改善夜间勃起,并且能从根本上逆转部分病人的ED。但是对于一线、二线治疗方案无效的病人,以及某些阴茎发育或形态上的畸形影响性生活者,手术治疗是有效的方法。手术方法主要包括各种阴茎假体的植入、纠正血管畸形、阴茎畸形整复重建等方法,重塑阴茎的形态和功能,以满足外观和性活动的需要。  相似文献   

Peyronie’s病可采取多种手术方法进行矫正,斑块切除补片术是其中一种,但对最好的补片材料仍有争议,且据文献报道术后常出现ED。Levine LA等为阐明斑块切除补片术有哪些因素会增加ED发生率及西地那非在预防ED并发症的作用[Journal of Sexual Medicine,2005,2(2):241—247],回顾性分析37例Peyronie’s病手术矫正治疗的患者。平均随访24个月,对患者年龄、发病时间、缺损大小、斑块位置、弯曲程度、阴茎大小、术前性活动情况、ED血管危险因素、术前阴茎勃起分级和血管彩超检查参数进行评价。26例患者术后服用西地那非进行康复治疗。  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects as many as 90% of patients after treatment for prostate cancer. Denervation appears to be the primary mechanism after either surgery or radiation; venooclusion or smooth-muscle dysfunction may follow. There may also be a vasculogenic component. Changes in surgical technique and pharmacologic prophylaxis may reduce the likelihood of ED. In men who desire reversal of ED, a stepwise approach beginning with oral sildenafil and, if that drug is ineffective, moving to intraurethral or intracavernous therapy and, finally, to a surgical approach is advisable.  相似文献   

目的探讨夜间生物电阻抗容积测定(NEVA)在诊断血管性勃起功能障碍(ED)中的临床应用价值。方法对临床怀疑血管性ED的58例患者进行NEVA测定,其结果与阴茎海绵体造影联合彩超的诊断结果进行比较,从而了解NEVA在诊断血管性ED中的临床应用价值.结果58例患者中确诊血管性ED的患者有30人,其中18名为动脉性ED,12名为静脉性ED,非血管性ED的患者有28人。应用NEVA发现在30名血管性ED的患者中有6名NPT正常,在28名非血管性ED的患者中有4名NPT有异常。NEVA对血管性ED诊断的敏感度为80%,特异度为85.71%,准确度为82.76%。在非血管组、动脉组、静脉组中有统计学差异的NEVA参数为:每晚勃起次数、勃起持续时间、血容量改变、横截面改变。结论NEVA对临床上怀疑血管性ED的诊断有参考价值。  相似文献   

The treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) has been a fascination involving multiple medical specialities over the past century with urologic, cardiac and surgical experts all contributing knowledge toward this multifactorial disease. With the well-described association between ED and cardiovascular disease, angiography has been utilized to identify vasculogenic impotence. Given the success of endovascular drug-eluting stent (DES) placement for the treatment of coronary artery disease, there has been interest in using this same technology for the treatment of vasculogenic ED. For men with inflow stenosis, DES placement to bypass arterial lesions has recently been reported with a high technical success rate. Comparatively, endovascular embolization as an approach to correct veno-occlusive dysfunction has produced astonishing procedural success rates as well. However, after a thorough literature review, arterial intervention is only recommended for younger patients with isolated vascular injuries, typically from previous traumatic experiences. Short-term functional outcomes are less than optimal with long-term results yet to be determined. In conclusion, the hope for a minimally invasive approach to ED persists but additional investigation is required prior to universal endorsement.  相似文献   

IIEF-5在血管性勃起功能障碍诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:评价国际勃起功能简化量表(IIEF-5)对血管性勃起功能障碍(ED)病因区分的意义,以指导血管性ED诊断及治疗。方法:将103例ED患者分为4组,非血管性ED组37例(37/103,35.9%)、动脉性ED组18例(18/103,17.5%)、静脉性ED组35例(35/103,34.0%)、混合性ED组13例(13/103,12.6%),其IIEF-5得分与海绵体血管活性药物注射试验结果、多普勒超声检查结果及双核素检测结果进行比较,以非参数检验的多个独立样本检验(Kruskal-WallisTEST)比较各组之间IIEF-5得分差异的显著性。结果:上述4组之间的IIEF-5得分没有统计学差异(P=0.253)。结论:IIEF-5不能作为一种诊断工具用于鉴别血管性ED的病因以及判断血管病变严重程度。  相似文献   

Therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED) may be specific to the cause of ED or it may be nonspecific. There are only three causes of ED which have specific therapy: psychogenic, endocrine and certain types of reversible vasculogenic ED. In the era of oral therapy for ED, treatment is not cause-specific in the great majority of patients. For this great majority, only the basic evaluation of ED is needed. Only when there is a strong suspicion that the cause of a patient's ED is endocrine, psychogenic or reversible vascular disease are additional diagnostic tests indicated. In these three categories of patients, specific treatment of the cause of ED can produce a permanent and dramatic improvement in sexual function and satisfaction. International Journal of Impotence Research (2000) 12, Suppl 4, S12-S14.  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声检查在血管性勃起功能障碍诊断中的应用   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
目的 :探讨多普勒超声检查在诊断血管性勃起功能障碍 (ED)的临床价值。 方法 :应用多普勒超声检查阴茎药物诱导勃起前后的血液动力学改变 ,将非血管性ED病人与明确诊断血管性ED病人的多普勒超声变化进行对比 ,寻找血管性ED的特征。 结果 :动脉性ED病人深动脉的最大血流速度 (PSV)明显小于正常组 (P <0 .0 1) ;静脉性ED病人在阴茎完全勃起后背深静脉血流 (VV)仍大于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 )。 结论 :配合药物诱导阴茎勃起 ,多普勒超声检查是临床上筛选血管性ED的有效手段  相似文献   

目的:探讨夜间生物电阻抗容积测定(NEVA)在诊断勃起功能障碍(ED)中的应用价值。方法:对临床怀疑ED的100例患者进行NEVA测定。其中58例怀疑血管性ED,将该测定与阴茎海绵体造影联合彩超检查进行比较。结果:10例糖尿病性ED中有2例夜间阴茎勃起(NPT)正常,2例为动脉供血不足,6例无NPT。4例内分泌性ED患者中,2例NPT正常,2例无NPT。20例心理性ED的患者中,16例NPT正常,1例为动脉供血不足,3例无NPT。58例怀疑血管性ED的患者中确诊者有30例,其中18例为动脉性,12例为静脉性,非血管性ED28例。而应用NEVA发现在30例血管性ED中6例NPT正常,28例非血管性ED中4例NPT异常。8例外伤性ED中,2例腰椎骨折患者的NPT表现为轻度动脉供血不足;3例骨盆骨折患者中2例NPT正常,1例无NPT;3例骨盆骨折并发-后尿道断裂的患者,2例NPT正常,1例NPT提示动脉供血不足。结论:NE-VA对临床上怀疑心理性ED和血管性ED的诊断有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between penile color Doppler sonography (CDS) findings and sonographic endothelial parameters in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED), including intima-media thickness (IMT) of common carotid arteries (CCA) and flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of brachial artery. Fifty-six ED patients were included in the study. Penile CDS, IMT of CCA and FMD of brachial artery were performed in all patients. According to penile CDS findings, 27 (48%) patients had non-vasculogenic and 29 (52%) patients had vasculogenic ED. Among 29 patients, 17 (30%) patients had cavernous veno-occlusive disease (CVOD) and 12 (22%) patients had arterial/combined insufficiency (AI). Median (interquartile range) FMD values of non-vasculogenic ED, CVOD and AI were 12.50 (6.54)%, 12.82 (7.41)% and 6.25 (7.17)%, respectively. FMD was found to be impaired significantly in AI group when compared to the other groups. FMD values of CVOD group were lower when compared to non-vasculogenic group, but the difference was not statistically significant. IMT values of vasculogenic ED patients were higher than non-vasculogenic ED patients (P<0.05). Although IMT values were higher in AI group when compared to CVOD, the difference was not statistically significant. The combined use of IMT and FMD established the diagnosis of vasculogenic ED with 100% sensitivity and 59.2% specificity. The positive predictive value was 72%, negative predictive value 100% and accuracy 80%. The combined use of brachial artery FMD and carotid arteries IMT measurements may be suggested as an alternative method to evaluate vasculogenic ED.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) signalling is involved in erectile dysfunction (ED). This study was undertaken to elucidate in detail whether expression of TGF-beta1 and its type II receptor is clinically related to various causes of ED. Fifty-four patients with ED and 24 potent men were the subjects of this study. After multidisciplinary work-up, the ED was classified as psychogenic (n = 6), neurogenic (n = 15), or vasculogenic (n = 33). In every subject, percutaneous cavernous biopsy was performed using a Biopty gun. Masson's trichrome staining was used to quantitate collagen fibres and immunohistochemical staining to evaluate both TGF-beta1 and its type II receptor by scoring the intensity of immunoreactivity (score 0-6). Collagen fibres were significantly more abundant in men with vasculogenic ED (72.7 +/- 17.7%) than in control subjects (43.3 +/- 11.2%) or those with psychogenic (45.0 +/- 12.2%) or neurogenic (51.3 +/- 20.3%) ED (p < 0.01). Expression of TGF-beta1 was significantly greater in vasculogenic ED (4.3 +/- 1.3) than in the control subjects (2.4 +/- 0.9) or psychogenic ED (2.0 +/- 0.6) groups (p < 0.01). Type II receptor expression was also significantly increased in vasculogenic ED (3.9 +/- 1.3) compared with control (2.2 +/- 0.7) and psychogenic (2.2 +/- 0.8) or neurogenic (2.6 +/- 1.3) ED (p < 0.01). Of the ED groups, both the hyperlipidaemia and the atherosclerosis patients showed significantly more fibrosis than those without the condition (p < 0.05). The abundance of collagen fibres correlated well with both TGF-beta1 expression (gamma = 0.81; p < 0.001) and receptor II expression (gamma = 0.83; p < 0.001). These results suggest that TGF-beta1 and its receptor II pathway are involved in cavernous fibrosis and ED in man. Patients with vascular risk factors such as hyperlipidaemia and atherosclerosis are liable to ED by activation of this pathway.  相似文献   

对780例阳萎患者进行了阴茎海绵体注射以排除血管性阳萎。97%的非血管性阳萎患者在应用罂粟碱30mg加酚妥拉明1mg后可获充分勃起,还有1.7%在罂粟碱加至60mg时可充分勃起。而对罂粟碱注射反应不佳的行PGE_1 20~25μg注射后有1.1%可充分勃起,加至50μg时又有0.2%获得勃起,提示不应以某种单一剂量或药物来排除血管性阳萎。应用罂粟碱的患者6.7%出现异常勃起,而应用PGE_1的42.1%出现阴茎疼痛,讨论了上述并发症的原因,解决对策。  相似文献   

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