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End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is a major cause of morbidity in children. Besides its high cost to society, ESRD carries significant mortality. Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) often precedes ESRD. Identifying factors that correlate with the rate of progression to ESRD is beneficial in the management of children with CRI. Since 1994 the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study (NAPRTCS) has extended its registry to include children with CRI, defined as creatinine clearance (CCr) <75 ml/min per 1.73 m2. As of January 2001, our database registered 4,666 children (<20 years of age) with CRI. Data analysis showed that at least 40% of patients entered had congenital urological anomalies; 39% of patients were followed for at least 3 years. Follow-up data showed that 31% of all registered patients progressed to ESRD by the end of the reporting period. There was a correlation between CRI and several co-morbid clinical factors: low hematocrit, hypoalbuminemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperparathyroidism, and the rate of progression to ESRD. Primary clinical diagnosis and the age at entry into registry were additional factors that correlated with the rate of progression to ESRD. The main cause of hospitalization in this registry was infection, which accounted for 45% of hospital admissions. Growth delay measured by standard deviation score at baseline was –1.40 at the time of registration. Our data suggest potential areas of improved care that could impact the onset of ESRD.A. Tejani is deceased.  相似文献   

A boy of 3 years 8 months with short stature due to chronic renal insufficiency was treated with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for 20 months. Catch-up growth was achieved and the improvement of the height standard deviation score was sustained throughout an additional 4 years of follow-up without further rhGH therapy. Received March 18, 1996; received in revised form and accepted July 31, 1996  相似文献   

Children with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) secondary to congenital structural abnormalities frequently have significant growth retardation by 2 years of age. In a multicenter placebo-controlled study of the use of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), 30 of 125 (24%) participants were<2.5 years of age at enrollment. Since the treatment arms of the study were balanced for age at randomization, data for these patients were examined for efficacy and safety. During the first 2 years of the study, approximately two-thirds of the patients (n=19) received rhGH 0.05 mg/kg per day subcutaneously and one-third (n=11) received placebo injections. At entry into the study, the mean (± SD) calculated creatinine clearance was 29.2±14.3 (range 12.0–63.7) ml/min per 1.73 m2 in the rhGH-treated group and 23.3±15.1 (range 8.0–59.4) ml/min per 1.73 m2 in the placebo-treated group. The 1st year growth rate was 14.1±2.6 cm/year for the rhGH-treated group and 9.3±1.5 cm/year in the placebo-treated group (P<0.00005). During the 2nd year of the study, the growth rate was 8.6±1.2 cm/year in the rhGH-treated group compared with 6.9±1.0 in the placebo groupP=0.025). The height standard deviation score was +2.0±0.7 for the rhGH-treated group compared with –0.2±1.1 in the placebo-treated group (P<0.00005) during the 2 years of the study. Minor adverse events occurred with similar frequency in both groups. These data suggest that rhGH is efficacious and safe in children with CRI under age 2.5 years. rhGH therapy may correct significant loss of growth at this age when used in conjunction with optimal medical management.  相似文献   

One hundred radiographs of the left hand and wrist from 40 children with chronic renal insufficiency or end-stage renal disease were examined to determine which method of bone age estimation provided the most useful information in these children. The Tanner and Whitehouse method showed better repeatability than the Greulich and Pyle atlas or the Buckler handbook when a sample of the radiographs were assessed twice by the same observer. The Tanner and Witehouse 20 (TW20) bone age showed less inter-observer bias than the radius, ulna and short bone age or the carpal bone age when three observers independently assessed the same sample of radiographs. TW20 was the most useful method of bone age assessment in this study of British children. An unexpected finding was that the carpal bones were significantly more retarded than the radius, ulna and short bones. Separate assessment of the carpal bone age may provide extra information of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

The 1995 Annual Report of the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study summarizes data voluntarily collected from 123 centers on 5,197 children and adolescents grouped into three cohorts: (1) patients who received renal transplants on or after 1 January 1987 (n = 3,066), (2) patients who were maintained on peritoneal dialysis (PD) or hemodialysis (HD) on or after 1 January 1992 (n = 1,488), and (3) patients treated for chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) on or after 1 January 1994 (n = 643). The transplant and dialysis information update previous registry data whereas the CRI information reflects 1st-year registry data. Three-year graft survival rates were 83% and 66% for living donor grafts and cadaver donor (CD) grafts, respectively. Triple drug maintenance therapy with prednisone, cyclosporine, and azathioprine was used by >70% of all transplant recipients through 5 years of follow-up. The 2-year CD survival has steadily improved from 65% in 1987 to 82% in 1992. Fifty malignancies have been reported, the majority of which are lymphoproliferative disorders. The 2-year patient survival posttransplantation is 95%. Mortality rates for the youngest patients have drastically improved over the past 2 years. Approximately two-thirds of patients in the dialysis cohort are maintained on PD; automated PD remains the preferred modality. Overall, the peritonitis rate is one infection every 13.3 patient months, the frequency of infection being greatest in the youngest patients. Whereas the primary reason for dialysis modality termination is transplantation, approximately 40% of the entire dialysis cohort (PD and HD) were not considered active transplant candidates. Baseline CRI data revealed the most common primary diagnoses to be obstructive uropathy (24%) and aplastic/hypoplastic/dysplastic kidneys (19%). The standardized height deficit in the CRI cohort was greatest in the youngest patients and those with the most impaired renal function.  相似文献   

Few publications have described the long-term effects of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in uremic patients. This study reports the results of rhGH therapy at the end of treatment and at adult age in 178 French patients. At enrollment, 63 patients were under conservative treatment (CT), 40 under hemodialysis (HD), and 75 had a functioning renal transplant (RT). Under rhGH treatment, height velocities (HV) significantly increased in all patients, but the effect was significantly better in the CT group. The HV gain (HV under rhGH-HV before treatment) was similar in all three groups. Increases in HV allowed height standard deviation scores (SDS) catch up, and this effect persisted over a 5-year period. SDS height at the completion of treatment was significantly related to group (best in CT) and response to treatment during the first year. Data on adult height was available for 102 patients. Mean adult height was 162.2 cm in men and 152.9 cm in women, and 46% were > −2 SDS for height. Adult height SDS was correlated with height SDS and spontaneous HV before treatment and effect of treatment. Analysis of adult height in the 49 patients who entered the protocol with a height SDS between −2 and −3 (the current recommendation for rhGH use) revealed that 65% had an adult-height SDS >−2. These adult heights were significantly better if compared with historical cohorts of patients not treated by rhGH; rhGH significantly improves the adult-height prognosis of uremic patients suffering from growth retardation. Early rhGH administration during CT gives better height SDS at both the end of rhGH therapy and in adulthood. Members of the French Society of Pediatric Nephrology: J.L. André, A. Bensman, E. Bérard, J.P. Bertheleme, F. Bouissou, B. Boudailliez, F. Brou, M. Broyer, A. Burguet, G. Champion, P. Cochat, M. Dehennault, G. Deschênes, P. Desprez, R. Dumas, M. Fischbach, M. Foulard, M.T. Freycon, M.F. Gagnadoux, S. Gié, G. Guest, C. Guyot, G. Landthaler, M.P. Lavocat, C. Loirat, M.A. Macher, D. Morin, C. Mousson, P. Niaudet, H. Nivet, J.B. Palcoux, G. Picon, B. Roussel, M. Tsimaratos  相似文献   

Carbohydrate metabolism was evaluated by fasting and postprandial glucose, insulin, and hemoglobin (Hb)A1c levels in children with chronic renal insufficiency and various other growth disorders treated with growth hormone. Mean fasting and postprandial glucose remained unchanged throughout the 5-year study period in all four study groups. Median fasting insulin levels rose from lownormal levels into the normal range after 5 years of growth hormone. Average fasting insulin level after 5 years was 10 mU/l. Median postprandial insulin values also rose, yet remained within the normal range at the 5-year mark. Mean Hb A1c levels remained within low to middle end of the normal range in the patients with growth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, and idiopathic short stature. Mean Hb A1c levels at the 5 years were slightly elevated to 6.3% for the patients with chronic renal insufficiency.  相似文献   

Several prospective trials have shown that recombinant human growth hormone (GH) accelerates growth significantly during the first years of therapy, but the effects of long-term GH therapy with regard to long-term growth response and safety have not yet been established. Forty-five Dutch prepubertal children [28 boys, 17 girls, mean (SD) age 7.8 (3.4) years] with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) and severe growth retardation started GH therapy between 1988 and 1991 within one of the randomized Dutch trials. Long-term GH therapy, in this study a maximum of 8 years, resulted in a sustained and significant improvement of height standard deviation score (SDS) compared with baseline values (P<0.001). The mean height SDS reached the lower end (-2 SDS) of the normal growth chart after 3 years of GH therapy. During the following years the mean height SDS gradually increased, thereby approaching the mean target height SDS after 6 years of GH therapy. Three factors were significantly associated with the height SDS after 4 years of GH therapy: height SDS at the start (+) of therapy, age at the start of therapy (-), and the duration of dialysis treatment (-). Bone maturation did not accelerate during long-term GH therapy. Children on a conservative regimen at the start of GH therapy had no accelerated deterioration of renal function during 6 years of GH therapy. The average daily GH dose administered over the years had no significant influence on the glomerular filtration rate after 4 years. GH therapy had no adverse effects or significant effect on parathyroid hormone concentration, nor were there any radiological signs of renal osteodystrophy. Puberty started at a median age, within the normal range, of 12.4 years in boys and 12.0 years in girls, respectively. Long-term GH therapy leads to a sustained improvement in height SDS in children with growth retardation secondary to CRI, resulting in a normalization of height in accordance with their target height SDS, without evidence of deleterious effects on renal function or bone maturation. A GH dosage of 4 IU/m2 per day appears efficient and safe. Our long-term data show that final height will be within the normal target height range when GH therapy is continued for many years. Received: 25 March 1999 / Revised: 13 January 2000 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   

A 14-year-old male with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis was treated with recombinant growth hormone for growth retardation. He developed severe renal osteodystrophy, which responded only to the discontinuation of growth hormone. Received January 24, 1997; received in revised form August 19, 1997; accepted August 22, 1997  相似文献   

We studied all children with CRF who received recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for more than a year (mean±SD duration of therapy 3.7±2.5 years) over an 11-year period. There were 32 children. Twenty-one children were conservatively managed, with a mean glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 24±12 mL min–1/1.73 m2 at the start of rhGH. Their height standard deviation score improved from –2.5±1.4 to –2.1±0.7 at 1 year (P=0.3), –2.0±0.7 at 2 years (P=0.01), and –1.6±0.6 at 3 years (P=0.001). After that there was no improvement. Eleven children were on dialysis, six on haemodialysis (HD) and five on peritoneal (PD). Ht SDS improved from –2.7±0.5 to –2.3±0.5 at 1 year (P=0.02). Thereafter there was no further improvement. RhGH was stopped because of transplantation in 29 patients at a mean±SD age of 12.1±4.0 years. Mean Ht SDS was –1.8±0.8 at transplant and there was no change over the following 5 years. In conclusion, treatment with rhGH resulted in improvement in Ht SDS in conservatively managed CRF for up to 3.0 years and for 1 year in children on dialysis. Discontinuation of rhGH after transplantation resulted in little change in Ht SDS.  相似文献   

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