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根管治疗及根尖手术是处理牙髓根尖周病的常规方法。相比裸眼操作, 口腔手术显微镜的普及和应用有效提高了治疗精准度及预后。然而, 在面临严重根管钙化、根尖周病损定位困难或毗邻重要解剖结构等复杂情况时, 即使经验丰富的术者在进行显微牙髓治疗的过程中也存在风险因素。近年来, 随着数字化信息技术的快速发展, 动静态导航技术为应对疑难复杂牙髓根尖周病提供了行之有效的治疗新模式, 即通过锥形束CT拍摄、口内扫描、结合导航软件设计手术虚拟入路, 继而在三维打印导板或实时导航设备的辅助下进行精准根管治疗或根尖手术。本文对导航牙髓治疗的分类、特点以及国内外临床应用现状进行了系统阐述。  相似文献   

牙髓及根尖周疾病是口腔临床诊疗中的常见病和多发病,这类疾病的诊断技术涵盖了牙髓活力状态检测、牙髓血运状况测定以及根管解剖形态分析和判断。数字化技术和影像技术不断涌现并快速发展,将这些技术正确应用于牙体牙髓临床诊疗中,将有助于提高口腔临床医师对相关疾病的正确诊断率。本文就近年牙髓诊断辅助技术的进展作一总结、回顾,并提出应...  相似文献   

锥形束CT(CBCT)具有高空间分辨率、相对较低的辐射剂量,从三维角度显示复杂的口腔颌面部影像,获得无失真的颌面部骨及牙体组织信息,是口腔颌面部疾病的重要影像检查工具。本文就CBCT在诊治牙体根尖周病中的应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

随着动态导航技术的不断发展,这项技术已逐步应用于牙髓治疗中,如根尖手术、钙化根管定位、建立髓腔入路等.动态导航技术可使临床操作更加直观、精确、微创.文章就近年来动态导航技术在牙髓治疗中的应用做一介绍.  相似文献   

近年来,随着口腔数字化技术的发展与锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomography, CBCT)、口内扫描等数据获取方法的普及,以计算机辅助静态导板(static template)与动态导航(dynamic navigation)为代表的引导牙髓治疗技术(guided endodontics),逐渐应用于微创开髓、钙化根管定位、去除纤维桩、显微根尖外科手术等领域,在提高治疗效率、精准性与成功率,减少组织损失量与医源性失误等方面发挥出独特优势,其中动态导航技术具有实时、可视化、术中可调整的特点,已成为目前引导牙髓治疗新的发展方向。本文将对目前动态导航在引导牙髓治疗领域的体外研究与临床应用进展做一综述,总结目前动态导航的应用优势与不足,为今后的临床推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 比较锥形束CT与根尖X线片识别根尖周骨病损形貌的差异,为临床准确判断根尖周炎严重程度及治疗效果提供参考.方法 收集临床上颌切牙诊断为慢性根尖周炎的患牙38颗和健康对照牙10颗,用根尖周指数(periapical index,PAI)对根尖X线片进行分级评定,同时进行锥形束CT扫描,在轴位、矢状位和冠状位图像上定点测量并分别比较根尖周骨质缺损切龈向、近远中向和唇腭向的最大径.结果 PAI为1时,锥形束CT显示根尖周骨质无破坏;PAI为2时,锥形束CT显示根尖周骨质明显缺损;PAI为3、4、5时,骨破坏切龈向最大径分别为2.75 ~7.00、4.51 ~ 10.63、6.75 ~ 13.38 mm,近远中向最大径分别为1.88 ~4.13、3.98 ~ 7.25、5.38 ~ 10.63 mm,唇腭向最大径分别为1.50 ~5.70、2.63 ~6.25、4.50 ~9.91 mm,PAI为3~5时,各级内骨破坏范围变化较大,各级间同一方向的骨质破坏最大径存在交叉重叠的现象.结论 锥形束CT可以显示根尖X线片不能明确判定的根尖周骨病损,用根尖X线片反映根尖周骨破坏可能会低估病损的大小.  相似文献   

氢氧化钙在孕妇根尖周病治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我科自1999年以来总结出一种既不会危害到胎儿发育,又可以使急、慢性根尖周炎患牙得到暂时治疗的方法,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

铒激光是一种硬组织激光,在应用过程中,大量的能量被照射区组织吸收,入射的能量几乎无残留,避免了能量的过度聚集,不会对照射区周围组织产生高温损害。根管清理和成形是根管治疗的重要步骤,用铒激光预备根管,根管壁上无涂层,牙本质小管开放。铒激光以及铒激光照射联合乙二胺四乙酸或次氯酸钠冲洗能更有效地去除根管壁的涂层,清洁根管,开放牙本质小管。细菌感染是根尖周病最主要的致病因素,铒激光以及铒激光与传统方法的联合,有很好的杀菌效果。当根管治疗失败时,根尖切除术是根尖周病治疗中常见的手术方法,铒激光根尖切除术后,切口断面光滑整洁、无碳化,组织创伤少,术后愈合好,根尖密闭性好。适宜的铒激光照射能量参数可避免对根尖周组织产生损伤,而且低能量的铒激光照射可为纤维干细胞的黏附提供很好的条件。  相似文献   

手术显微镜在牙髓治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牙髓治疗中手术显微镜的应用主要包括根管治疗、根管再治疗和牙髓外科。在显微镜放大的视野下,能够定位隐蔽根管、发现微裂、辨别髓室底和周围的牙本质、识别峡区及根管系统的细微结构,对根管治疗的成功至关重要^[1]。医生可以在显微镜下清楚地观察到根管内的情况,避免了操作上的盲目性,过去一些困难病例如:  相似文献   



This study aimed to assess the quality of root fillings, coronal restorations, complications of all root-filled teeth and their association with apical periodontitis (AP) detected by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images from an adult Turkish subpopulation.

Material and Methods

The sample for this study consisted of 242 patients (aging from 15 to 72 years) with 522 endodontically treated teeth that were assessed for technical quality of the root canal filling and periapical status of the teeth. Additionally, the apical status of each root-filled tooth was assessed according to the gender, dental arch, tooth type and age classification, undetected canals, instrument fracture, root fracture, apical resorption, apical lesion, furcation lesion and type and quality of the coronal structure. Statistical analysis was performed using percentages and chi-square test.


The success rate of the root canal treatment was of 54.4%. The success rates of adequate and inadequate root canal treatment were not significantly different (p>0.05). Apical periodontitis was found in 228 (45.6%) teeth treated for root canals. Higher prevalence of AP was found in patients aging from 20 to 29 years [64 (27%) teeth] and in anterior (canines and incisors) teeth [97 (41%) teeth].


The technical quality of root canal filling performed by dental practitioners in a Turkish subpopulation was consistent with a high prevalence of AP. The probable reasons for this failure are multifactorial, and there may be a need for improved undergraduate education and postgraduate courses to improve the clinical skills of dental practitioners in endodontics.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the drilling path (mm) and the dentin wear (mm3) of two instruments used during guided endodontic access. Twenty mandibular incisors with calcified canals were selected using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and fixed in articulated models. Preoperative CBCT scans were performed in combination with intraoral scanning, and the images were reconstructed in the Blue Sky Bio software for access planning and printing the guides. The access cavity was drilled with 1.0-mm-diameter bur (DSP) and 0.8-mm-diameter bur (Munce). Postoperative CBCT was performed, and the images obtained preoperative and postoperative were superimposed for the analyses. Data were analysed by a t-test and linear regression (α = 0.05). No difference was found in the drilling path (p = 0.422). However, the Munce bur had higher dentin wear than the DSP bur (p = 0.011). A positive linear correlation (R2 = 0.859) was found between the factors.  相似文献   

根尖倒充填术与根尖刮治术的临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 运用根尖倒充填术治疗常规根管治疗无法治愈的病例,并与根尖刮治术对比,观察临床疗效并评价其临床应用价值.方法选取通过常规根管治疗术无法处理或疗效不佳的根尖周炎患牙62颗,将其分为刮治组和倒充填组两组,每组31颗,在显微镜下分别进行根尖刮治术和根尖倒充填术,根据术后X线片判断即刻倒充填效果,术后1年、2年复查,根据患者感受、临床检查和X线片结果进行疗效评价.结果共有49颗患牙进行了疗效观察.刮治组1年及2年成功率分别为52%(12/23)、45%(9/20);倒充填组1年及2年成功率分别为85%(22/26)、88%(22/25).倒充填组1年和2年成功率均高于刮治组(1年成功率比较x2=6.0,P<0. 05;2年成功率比较x2=9.6,P<0.005).结论对根管治疗术无法处理或疗效不佳的患牙采用根尖倒充填术可获得良好的疗效.  相似文献   

目的: 应用锥形束CT(cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT)和根尖片研究工作长度对根管治疗疗效的影响。方法:利用CBCT和根尖片评估503个做过根管充填的牙根管。依据影像学上的根尖孔点和充填材料末端的距离将其分为4组,分别是:①大于1 mm、小于2 mm;②小于1 mm;③超出根尖孔;④恰到根尖孔。采用SPSS13.0软件包对数据进行χ2检验。结果:在前牙、前磨牙和磨牙的根管治疗中,根管充填距离根尖孔1~2 mm,根尖片显示分别占88%、89.3%和95%;CBCT显示的结果则分别是70%、73.7%和79%。无论哪一种诊断方法,磨牙出现根尖周炎的概率均显著高于其他牙。结论:各种工作长度的根管充填都能检测到根尖周炎,应用CBCT进行检查,能更好地评估根管治疗疗效。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the usefulness of endodontic guides for the removal of fibre posts. A 36‐year‐old man consulted for retreatment of a maxillary first molar presenting a periapical pathology. This tooth revealed a composite reconstruction together with a glass‐fibre post in the palatal root canal. To assist removal, use of an endodontic 3D‐printed guide was indicated. A cone beam computed tomography examination and an optical impression were made to produce a tooth‐supported guide by means of implant planning software (Blue Sky Plan, Blue Sky Bio®). The software enabled definition of a drilling pathway, which was transferred clinically using a resin template together with a sleeve and a 0.75‐mm drill. The drill was guided as far as the gutta‐percha situated in the apical third, limiting any risk of impairment or perforation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study aimed to use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to evaluate the root anatomy and canal morphology of maxillary premolars in a Chinese population and determine their degree of bilateral symmetry.Design774 CBCT images were retrospectively analyzed, representing 1387 maxillary first premolars and 1403 second premolars. The number of roots and canals were recorded. The morphology of root canal systems was determined according to Vertucci’s classification. The symmetry of root and canal anatomies between maxillary contralateral premolars was further evaluated.ResultsThe most common anatomy of maxillary first and second premolars was one-rooted with two canals (58.0%) and one-rooted with one canal (50.3%), respectively. The typical canal morphology was type IV (42.7%) in maxillary first premolars and type I (50.3%) in maxillary second premolars. One-rooted maxillary premolars exhibited a higher variability in the canal morphology, compared to two-rooted or three-rooted teeth. Maxillary second premolars exhibited greater anatomic symmetry than first premolars. The root and canal numbers showed bilateral symmetry between 80.2% of maxillary first premolar pairs and 81.8% of second premolar pairs. Bilateral symmetry in both number and morphology of roots and canals was observed for 72.3% of maxillary first premolar pairs and 73.2% of second premolar pairs.ConclusionThe root anatomy and canal morphology of maxillary premolars in a Chinese population were quite diversified. Maxillary contralateral premolars demonstrated a high degree of symmetry in root and canal anatomies, which enables practitioners to better determine the nature of the root canal system during treatment of opposite homonymous teeth.  相似文献   

Endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp canal obliteration presents a challenge given the high likelihood of procedural errors and complications during treatment. These drawbacks can be avoided by using a personalized 3-dimensional (3D) guide designed by overlaying a cone-beam computed tomographic scan with an intraoral scan of the patient. This 3D guide enables the clinician to obtain a straight access to the obliterated root canal.This article described guided endodontics in managing 7 severely obliterated teeth using both virtually designed 3D guides and a customized 1-mm-diameter cylindrical bur. This treatment approach was demonstrated to be safe and fast and can be considered as a predictable technique for the location of calcified canals, thus minimizing complications.  相似文献   



To obtain essential information in clinical endodontics, cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging can be used in all phases of treatment including diagnosis, treatment planning, during the treatment phase, and through post-treatment assessment and follow-up. The purpose of this article was to review the use of CBCT imaging in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and assessing the outcome of endodontic complications.


Literature was selected through a search of PubMed electronic databases for the following keywords: tooth root injuries, tooth root radiography, tooth root perforation, tomography, cone-beam computed tomography, endodontic complications, tooth root internal/external resorption, root fractures, and broken instruments. The research was restricted to articles published in English. One hundred twelve articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review.


Currently, intraoral radiography is the imaging technique of choice for the management of endodontic disease, but CBCT imaging appears to have a superior validity and reliability in the management of endodontic diagnosis and complications.


Endodontic cases should be judged individually, and CBCT imaging should be considered in situations in which information from conventional imaging systems may not yield an adequate amount of information to allow the appropriate management of endodontic problems. CBCT imaging has the potential to become the first choice for endodontic treatment planning and outcome assessment, especially when new scanners with lower radiation doses will be available.  相似文献   



This study has two aims: 1) to evaluate the apical transportation of the Wizard CD Plus and ProTaper Universal after preparation of simulated root canals; 2) to compare, with Adobe Photoshop, the ability of a new software (Regeemy) in superposing and subtracting images.

Material and Methods

Twenty five simulated root canals in acrylic-resin blocks (with 20º curvature) underwent cone beam computed tomography before and after preparation with the rotary systems (70 kVp, 4 mA, 10 s and with the 8×8 cm FoV selection). Canals were prepared up to F2 (ProTaper) and 24.04 (Wizard CD Plus) instruments and the working length was established to 15 mm. The tomographic images were imported into iCAT Vision software and CorelDraw for standardization. The superposition of pre- and post-instrumentation images from both systems was performed using Regeemy and Adobe Photoshop. The apical transportation was measured in millimetres using Image J. Five acrylic resin blocks were used to validate the superposition achieved by the software. Student''s t-test for independent samples was used to evaluate the apical transportation achieved by the rotary systems using each software individually. Student''s t-test for paired samples was used to compare the ability of each software in superposing and subtracting images from one rotary system per time.


The values obtained with Regeemy and Adobe Photoshop were similar to rotary systems (P>0.05). ProTaper Universal and Wizard CD Plus promoted similar apical transportation regardless of the software used for image''s superposition and subtraction (P>0.05).


Wizard CD Plus and ProTaper Universal promoted little apical transportation. Regeemy consists in a feasible software to superpose and subtract images and appears to be an alternative to Adobe Photoshop.  相似文献   

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