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Notch信号途径是一种进化保守的细胞间作用途径。Notch信号在牙齿发育、牙髓损伤再生中可能与其它细胞因子一起调节细胞的分化、增殖和凋亡。  相似文献   

牙髓干细胞是最早体外成功分离培养的牙源性干细胞,具有较强的增殖能力及多向分化能力,是组织工程牙再生、骨再生研究中极具潜能的种子细胞。牙髓干细胞的生物学性能容易受到外界环境的影响,进而影响其在组织工程中的应用,因此选择一个适合牙髓干细胞培养的微环境是非常重要的。本文基于现有文献,从细胞因子、条件培养液、支架材料、物理因素等对牙髓干细胞生物学性能的影响展开综述。  相似文献   

牙髓再生组织工程技术是基于生物学、材料学和工程学等多个学科的交叉研究,通过构建组织细胞-生物材料三维空间复合体,植入患牙髓腔,以促进无髓患牙的血运重建和组织细胞的增殖分化,并最终形成修复性牙髓-牙本质复合体。组织工程技术在牙髓再生的治疗中有巨大应用前景,有望取代根管治疗成为损伤牙髓修复的主流方法。本文对牙髓再生组织工程技术构建的仿生支架和体外模型进行了综述,以期对组织工程技术在牙髓再生中的作用有更深入的理解和新的启示。  相似文献   

近年来研究显示,石墨烯及其衍生物具有良好的理化性质和生物相容性,可促进细胞增殖和干细胞分化。牙髓再生涉及种子细胞增殖和分化,提示石墨烯及其衍生物有望应用于牙髓再生。然而,石墨烯及其衍生物的理化性质是否适合髓腔环境及其对牙髓再生种子细胞的具体作用等均未见报道。本文对石墨烯及其衍生物的理化性质、细胞学作用和在组织工程中的应用情况进行综述,为将其应用于牙髓再生研究提供参考。  相似文献   

夏鹍  张旗 《口腔医学》2019,39(7):651-654
近年来用于牙髓再生的支架材料逐渐被重视,并成为研究热点。其中水凝胶凭借其一定的韧性、流变性、良好的生物相容性和可降解性等优势越来越广泛地应用于牙髓再生的研究中。水凝胶在调控干细胞命运、调节生长因子释放、装载抗菌抗炎药物等方面都发挥着重要作用。本文就水凝胶支架材料在牙髓再生中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

近年来,牙髓再生成为了口腔医学领域的研究热点,3D打印能实现支架结构和形状的精准调控,为种子细胞黏附和生长因子释放提供基础,通过3D打印组织工程支架构建的3D打印“牙髓复合体”为牙髓再生研究提供了新的方向。本文就3D打印技术应用于牙髓再生的研究作一综述。文献复习结果表明,3D打印“牙髓复合体”中的支架材料、种子细胞和生长因子在牙髓再生的研究中都扮演着重要角色,其中,支架材料能发挥载体作用负载种子细胞和生长因子,并为其提供合适微环境;牙髓干细胞、根尖乳头干细胞和人脱落乳牙牙髓干细胞等常用种子细胞为牙髓再生提供细胞基础;生长因子的引入可以进一步支持牙髓组织的分化和牙髓血管重建,促进牙髓再生。目前,3D打印“牙髓复合体”在牙髓再生的研究中取得了一定进展,在实验室阶段可诱导牙髓样组织的形成,但制备生物活性良好且具有仿生血管和神经效果的3D打印“牙髓复合体”,为根管内细胞提供氧气和营养物质仍是一个巨大的挑战,需进一步的探索和研究。  相似文献   

水凝胶是一种柔软且生物相容性良好的高分子网络体系,可以作为组织工程研究中的支架材料。牙髓再生是运用组织工程学的原理,将牙髓干细胞在体外培养后植入生物相容性良好且可以被吸收降解的生物支架上,诱导牙髓干细胞形成牙髓-牙本质复合体和类牙髓样组织。水凝胶支架在牙髓再生中发挥着模拟微环境、传递信号分子等重要作用,具有良好的应用前景。本文就不同成分、性质的水凝胶用于牙髓再生的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

光动力疗法在临床应用中发展迅速,在口腔肿瘤、口腔黏膜病、牙髓牙周疾病治疗以及组织再生等领域有广阔的应用前景。免疫调控在光动力治疗中发挥着重要作用。光动力疗法可诱导细胞凋亡或直接破坏细胞,暴露抗原物质,进而刺激免疫细胞的增殖与活化并释放炎症细胞因子,从而破坏病变组织,抑制肿瘤增殖;通过改变血管通透性等方式调节局部炎症进程,促进免疫细胞抗炎极化,同时减少炎性细胞浸润;通过改变局部细胞因子的分泌模式间接促进组织再生,或直接靶向免疫细胞引起内皮细胞、软骨细胞和成纤维细胞等的增殖或分化。文章就光动力介导的免疫调控作用特点及其在口腔医学领域中的应用方向做一综述。  相似文献   

浓缩生长因子(concentrated growth factor,CGF)是最新一代自体血液提取物,富含多种生长因子,由纤维蛋白构成三维网络结构。在因龋病、外伤等原因导致牙髓损伤或坏死的牙髓修复与再生治疗中,纤维蛋白可作为支架模拟髓腔内形态,提供三维生物空间结构,维持组织内化学稳定性和机械强度,并给细胞分化、增殖等提供适宜的环境;生长因子具备一定的抗炎及促血管愈合作用,可促进细胞增殖、分化、细胞外基质分泌和矿化等。各组分对牙髓组织修复、再生的影响互不相同,但最终目的是共同促进组织的修复与再生。文章就CGF在牙髓组织修复与再生领域的应用研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

旨在修复牙髓牙本质复合体的牙髓再生治疗是近年来的研究热点,目前仅有牙髓血运重建技术已实现临床初步应用,而干细胞移植和细胞归巢等技术尚处于临床前阶段。经过多年的基础研究和临床实践,牙髓再生特别是牙髓血运重建技术在取得进展的同时也暴露出不少问题,包括概念混淆、适应证选择不当、评价标准不完善等。为此,本综述从牙髓血运重建技术出发,对牙髓再生临床应用的现状、存在的问题和未来的临床实践路径等进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Dental pulp has intrinsic capacity for self-repair. However, it is not clear whether dental pulp cells can be recruited endogenously for regenerating pulp tissues, including mineralizing into dentin. This work is based on a hypothesis that dental pulp stem/progenitor cells can be induced to migrate by chemotactic cytokines and act as endogenous cell sources for regeneration and mineralization. Dental stem cells (DSCs) were isolated from adult human tooth pulp and seeded on the surfaces of 3D collagen gel cylinders that were incubated in chemically defined media with stromal-derived factor-1α (SDF1), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), or bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP7). Significantly more cells were recruited into collagen gel by SDF1 or bFGF than without cytokines in 7 days, whereas BMP7 had little effect on cell recruitment. BMP7, however, was highly effective, equally to dexamethasone, in orchestrating mineralization of cultured DSCs. Cell membrane receptors for SDF1, bFGF, and BMP7 were up-regulated in treated DSCs. Upon in vivo delivery, bFGF induced re-cellularization and re-vascularization in endodontically treated human teeth implanted into the dorsum of rats. Thus, endogenous dental pulp cells, including stem/progenitor cells, may be recruited and subsequently differentiated by chemotaxis of selective cytokines in the regeneration of dental pulp.  相似文献   

牙髓在受到外来刺激时,会启动自身的防御性反应,分泌和释放一些细胞因子并启动特定信号通路,以促进修复性牙本质的形成,从而达到隔绝刺激、保护牙髓的目的 ,其中牙髓细胞向损伤部位的定点迁移发挥了至关重要的作用.本文就目前对牙髓细胞迁移的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

The typical treatment for irreversibly inflamed/necrotic pulp tissue is root canal treatment. As an alternative approach, regenerative endodontics aims to regenerate dental pulp‐like tissues using two possible strategies: cell transplantation and cell homing. The former requires exogenously transplanted stem cells, complex procedures and high costs; the latter employs the host's endogenous cells to achieve tissue repair/regeneration, which is more clinically translatable. This systematic review examines cell homing for dental pulp regeneration, selecting articles on in vitro experiments, in vivo ectopic transplantation models and in situ pulp revascularization. MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus databases were electronically searched for articles without limits in publication date. Two reviewers independently screened and included papers according to the predefined selection criteria. The electronic searches identified 46 studies. After title, abstract and full‐text examination, 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. In vitro data highlighted that multiple cytokines have the capacity to induce migration, proliferation and differentiation of dental pulp stem/progenitor cells. The majority of the in vivo studies obtained regenerated connective pulp‐like tissues with neovascularization. In some cases, the samples showed new innervation and new dentine deposition. The in situ pulp revascularization regenerated intracanal pulp‐like tissues with neovascularization, innervation and dentine formation. Cell homing strategies for pulp regeneration need further understanding and improvement if they are to become a reliable and effective approach in endodontics. Nevertheless, cell homing currently represents the most clinically viable pathway for dental pulp regeneration.  相似文献   

《Journal of endodontics》2022,48(8):1005-1019
IntroductionDental pulp fibroblasts (DPFs) are the most abundant cell type in the dental pulp. They play pivotal roles; however, they are often mistaken to be involved only in the repair and maintenance of this connective tissue.MethodsWe used the search terms “pulp fibroblast,” “complement system proteins,” “pulp inflammation,” “angiogenesis,” and “dentin pulp regeneration” to identify articles from the PubMed and Scopus databases.ResultsThese sentinel cells produce all complement system proteins participating in defense processes, control of inflammation, and dentin-pulp regeneration; produce several proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines and express pattern-recognition receptors, demonstrating their involvement in immunoregulatory mechanisms; express neuropeptides and their receptors, playing an important role in neurogenic inflammation and dental pulp wound healing; secrete angiogenic growth factors as well as neurotrophic proteins, essential for dentin-pulp regeneration; regulate neuronal plasticity processes; and can sense the external environment.ConclusionsThis review highlights that DPFs are more than mere passive cells in pulp biology and presents an integrative analysis of their roles and functions.  相似文献   

牙髓组织中含有细胞、血管、神经和纤维等,是一个复杂的3D结构系统。随着干细胞生物学和组织工程学的相互结合和促进,牙髓再生逐渐成为可能。牙体组织中分离出的多种干细胞,如牙髓干细胞、脱落乳牙牙髓干细胞、根尖牙乳头干细胞、牙囊干细胞等,都具有再生牙髓的潜能。文章就牙源性干细胞及以牙源性干细胞为基础的牙髓再生的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

《Saudi Dental Journal》2023,35(5):387-394
IntroductionAlthough there have been many studies on stem cells, few have investigated how neurotransmitters and stem cell proliferation interact to regenerate dental pulp. Dental pulp regeneration is an innovative procedure for reviving dental pulp, if feasible for the entire tooth. Upon tooth injury, activated platelets release serotonin and dopamine in bulk to mobilize dental pulp stem cells to mediate natural dental repair. This has induced research on the role of neurotransmitters in increasing the proliferation rate of stem cells. This review also covers prospective future treatments for dental pulp regeneration.MethodsA literature search was performed via PubMed and ScienceDirect from 2001 to 2022, using the keywords “neurotransmitter,” “stem cell,” “tooth regeneration,” “tooth repair,” “regenerative dentistry,” and “dental pulp.” Different inclusion/exclusion criteria were used, and the search was restricted to English articles.ResultsNine publications reporting neurotransmitter interactions with stem cells for tooth and pulp regeneration were selected.ConclusionNeurotransmitters were found to interact with dental stem cells. Evidence pointing to neurotransmitters as a factor in the increased proliferation of stem cells was found. This review thus gives hope for tooth pulp regeneration and repair.  相似文献   

为促进牙髓牙本质复合体的再生,学者们将组织工程学技术应用于牙髓治疗中,并提出了再生牙髓病学的概念。作为口腔医学的新兴学科,再生牙髓病学运用牙源性干细胞、生物支架以及生长因子等因素促进牙根继续发育和牙髓组织再生。临床上,牙髓再生技术已应用于治疗年轻恒牙牙髓坏死及根尖周炎,越来越多的病例报道或研究结果显示牙髓再生的可能性,牙髓再生治疗将成为口腔医生治疗牙髓病的新选择。本文就再生牙髓病学的现状和发展进行总结分析。  相似文献   

叶玲 《口腔医学》2016,(11):961-967
再生性牙髓治疗是基于生物学基础治疗的一种方法,目的是替换受损的部分牙髓组织或允许牙髓样组织形成以完全替代原牙髓组织。针对牙髓炎或牙髓坏死的年轻恒牙的治疗,研究者们利用口腔来源干细胞或根尖周组织的干细胞建立各种利于修复的微环境,提出了如牙髓血运重建术/干细胞归巢治疗等充满前景的新治疗技术,从而为牙髓的再生提供了大量研究资料及可选治疗手段。该文对再生性牙髓治疗方法的现状及其发展前景作一综述。  相似文献   

活髓对于维持牙齿内稳态十分重要。理想的牙髓治疗方法应包括再生性牙髓治疗,即坏死或活力减退的牙髓被活髓所代替,最终牙齿活力恢复。随着组织工程的发展,牙髓再生成为可能,本文将从干细胞、支架、生长因子3个方面对牙髓再生相关的问题做一综述。  相似文献   

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