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正颌外科常见手术方式及适应证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颌骨发育异常引起颌骨不同类型的畸形和咬合关系的异常常称为牙颌畸形。有的牙颌畸形只局限一组牙或牙槽骨的畸形,治疗时选择一种术式就可以矫正,严重的牙颌畸形常常涉及到面部长宽高三维空间的畸形,通常要选择数种术式联合起来才能完成畸形的矫治。对牙颌畸形的治疗目的在于恢复正常的咬合关系,协调牙颌面的比例关系,同时达到改善面容的目的、单纯的牙性错 畸形可通过正畸治疗进行矫治,对于骨性的牙颌畸形,则需以手术治疗为主,术前、术后辅以正畸治疗。下面根据手术解剖部位,介绍几种常用的外科正畸手术及其适应证。1开及牙槽骨…  相似文献   

目的:探讨正畸、正颌外科联合治疗唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形的临床疗效。方法:选择2001—2012年,我院收治的唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形患者56例,采用正颌联合正畸的方法进行治疗。随访624个月,观察牙颌面畸形改善情况。结果:56例患者面形改善明显,咬合关系良好,随访无复发。比较手术前后的头影测量值进行分析,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:正颌外科联合术前、术后正畸,可明显改善面部畸形,减少术后复发,是治疗唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形的理想手术方式。  相似文献   

目的:研究成人严重骨性Ⅲ类错畸形在正颌外科治疗的术前与术后正畸的特点及难点。方法:成人严重骨性Ⅲ类错病例35例,对该类畸形的临床特点、正颌手术前后正畸治疗方法和注意事项进行分析研究。结果:术前正畸治疗必须完成个别牙齿错位的调整,纠正牙弓形态与宽度的不调和牙齿代偿的去除;术后正畸的主要目的是牙弓内残留间隙的关闭和咬合关系的进一步精细调整。结论:只有完善的术前、术后正畸治疗与正颌外科手术相互配合,才能较好地完成成人严重骨性Ⅲ类错的临床治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨经正畸正颌联合治疗的骨性Ⅲ类错畸形患者的术前术后正畸治疗特点。方法 25例经完善的正畸正颌联合治疗的骨性Ⅲ类错畸形患者,分析治疗前(T0)、术前正畸治疗后(T1)、及矫治结束后(T2)的头颅定位侧位X线片,分析其不同时期的硬组织变化,总结术前术后正畸治疗特点。结果所有患者面部外形都较治疗前明显改观,咬合及功能改善。尽管头影测量结果显示骨面型:面角、颌凸角等变化明显,但术前正畸去代偿并不完全,上颌牙齿的代偿依然存在。术后的正畸主要是稳定手术后的颌骨关系和精细调整咬合,类似于综合性的正畸治疗。结论正畸正颌联合是治疗骨性Ⅲ类错畸形的有效手段,而治疗效果的日臻完善需要正畸正颌治疗的密切配合。  相似文献   

目的 采用正畸-正颌手术联合治疗骨性安氏Ⅱ类Ⅰ分类错(牙合)患者,介绍手术前后正畸及术前的准备工作。方法 11例成人骨性安氏Ⅱ类Ⅰ分类错(牙合)患者,均经术前正畸-正颌手术-术后正畸的治疗过程。手术前后正畸目的是矫正上下颌前牙前突,排齐牙列,协调上下牙弓,平整牙(牙合)曲线,建立正颌术后良好的咬合关系。术前准备包括术前电脑模拟手术、模型外科、(牙合)板制作。结果 11例患者建立了良好的咬合关系及协调的上下颌骨关系,面容美观改善。结论 骨性错(牙合)畸形患者采用正畸-正颌联合治疗,能获得功能和美观的满意效果,术前正畸、电脑模拟手术、模型外科、(牙合)板制作及术后正畸,每一操作步骤的精确到位均十分重要。  相似文献   

正畸和正颌手术联合矫治牙颌畸形   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨正畸和正颌手术联合矫治牙颌畸形对于提高疗效、减少复发的临床意义。方法 对45例牙颌畸形患者术前正畸-正颌手术-术后正畸模式的矫治,并与同期未进行术前、术后正畸的64例正颌手术病例比较,观察矫澡后的颌面外科、咬合关系及疗效稳定性。结果 正畸和正颌手术联合矫治组治疗后咬合关系良好,咀嚼功能改善率为62.6%,畸形复发率为2.2%;单纯正颌手术组咀嚼功能改善率为42.2%,畸形复发率为7.8%  相似文献   

目的:分析下颌骨偏突颌畸形(Ⅲ类)合并上颌中线偏斜的颅面形态特征,总结分析采用正畸-正颌联合治疗矫治此类畸形的特点及难点。方法:通过对20例下颌偏突颌畸形(Ⅲ类)正畸-正颌联合治疗前后资料的对比分析,探讨该类牙颌面畸形的临床特点,以及正颌手术前后合理的正畸治疗,特别是上颌中线定位对保证功能与形态效果的重要性。结果:术前正畸疗程为10~20个月,平均18个月。术后正畸疗程为5~10个月,平均8个月。术前正畸必须解决:①去除患者三维方向的牙代偿;②协调其牙弓形态及宽度的不调;③矫正上颌中线。术后正畸治疗的主要目的是对咬合关系进行精细调整。19例患者均获得满意效果,1例患者上颌中线未完全改正。结论:下颌骨偏突颌畸形(Ⅲ类)合并上颌中线偏斜的临床表现复杂,有别于单纯的骨性Ⅲ类畸形,正颌手术前后的正畸治疗是保证矫治效果达到功能形态俱佳的关键,其中术前上颌中线的准确定位尤其关键。  相似文献   

成人骨性安氏Ⅱ类1分类错(牙合)的正颌-正畸联合治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的采用正畸-正颌手术联合治疗骨性安氏Ⅱ类Ⅰ分类错(牙合)患者,介绍手术前后正畸及术前的准备工作.方法11例成人骨性安氏Ⅱ类Ⅰ分类错(牙合)患者,均经术前正畸-正颌手术-术后正畸的治疗过程.手术前后正畸目的是矫正上下颌前牙前突,排齐牙列,协调上下牙弓,平整牙(牙合)曲线,建立正颌术后良好的咬合关系.术前准备包括术前电脑模拟手术、模型外科、(牙合)板制作.结果11例患者建立了良好的咬合关系及协调的上下颌骨关系,面容美观改善.结论骨性错(牙合)畸形患者采用正畸-正颌联合治疗,能获得功能和美观的满意效果,术前正畸、电脑模拟手术、模型外科、(牙合)板制作及术后正畸,每一操作步骤的精确到位均十分重要.  相似文献   

目的:探讨牵引成骨技术联合正颌正畸治疗重度小下颌伴偏颌畸形患者下颌骨严重发育不足及咬合关系紊乱的疗效。方法:对2例继发于儿童时期颞下颌关节损伤的小下颌伴偏颌畸形患者采用牵张成骨技术进行治疗。手术行双侧下颌角处截骨,安置牵引器,延长下颌升支及下颌体。第二期在拆除牵引器后进行正畸治疗,继而采用正颌外科方法进一步矫正颌面畸形及咬合关系,术后正畸治疗矫正咬合关系,排齐牙列。结果:2例患者均顺利完成治疗。下颌骨最小牵引距离25 mm,最大牵引距离30 mm,牵引区成骨良好,SNB角由术前平均67°增加到术后80°,小下颌及偏颌畸形得以矫治。联合正颌外科及正畸治疗后,面形及咬合功能均获得满意效果。术后经过2年6个月随访,未见复发。结论:联合应用牵张成骨和正颌外科技术并配合正畸治疗是矫治成人重度小下颌不对称性牙颌面畸形的有效治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的采用正畸—正颌手术联合治疗成人骨性Ⅰ类错(牙合)前突患者,以期取得面貌及咬合关系的改善。方法选择10例成人骨性Ⅰ类错(牙合)双颌前突患者,通过术前正畸—正颌手术—术后正畸的联合治疗,对治疗前后的头颅侧位片进行测量分析。结果建立良好的上下颌咬合关系,面型改善;SNA、SNB显著减小。结论成人Ⅰ类骨性错(牙合)畸形患者采用正颌—正畸联合治疗,能快速地、有效地获得满意的咬(牙合)功能及侧貌效果。  相似文献   



Anterior open bite cases are very difficult to treat satisfactorily because of their multifactorial aetiology and their very high relapse rate. Dependent on the origin of the anterior open bite malocclusion and the patient’s age, there are several treatment possibilities ranging from deterrent appliances, high-pull headgear, fixed appliances with and without extractions to orthognathic surgery, and skeletal anchorage with miniplates or miniscrews.


The gold standard treatment of skeletal anterior open bite cases is the combined approach of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances and orthognathic surgery. In recent years, temporary anchorage devices (TAD) have been developed to correct anterior open bites orthodontically. With the introduction of TAD as an effective treatment modality, orthognathic surgery may be avoidable in selected anterior open bite cases.


This is a relatively new technique and to date there remains a lack of evidence of long-term stability of anterior open bite closure with TAD.  相似文献   

Case report of an adult Caucasian female aged 23 years and nine months who complained of some difficulty in chewing and talking. Patient was diagnosed to have a mild Class III skeletal malocclusion with an anterior open bite of 4 mm. Treatment included combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgical approach. Surgery included surgically assisted maxillary expansion, advancement and impaction, a mandibular setback and a vertical, antero-posterior reduction genioplasty. The present case report illustrates a coordinated orthodontic and orthognathic surgical approach in the treatment of skeletal open bite deformities.  相似文献   

Objectives: In the first place, to evaluate skeletal changes of the maxilla and mandible induced by surgical-orthodontic correction of malocclusions class III with long-face syndrome and secondly, to analyze the stability of these skeletal changes in the long term (more than 6 years). Design of Study: A retrospective, unicentric and longitudinal study of 19 patients who had undergone surgical and orthodontic therapy for class III skeletal malocclusion with long-face syndrome was undertaken. A cephalometric analysis based on 8 angle measurements, and statistical analyses at three different points in time (before orthodontic treatment, after orthognathic surgery and after a retention period of at least 6 years) were carried out. Results: The changes produced following surgery show that, with the exception of the maxillary plane and the facial axis, all other variables presented changes of great statistical difference. Conclusions: Skeletal changes after orthodontic-surgical correction present maxillary advance, mandibular regression and mandibular anterorotation. The angles that represent the mandibular vertical position (ramus angle, goniac angle and mandibular plane angle) showed statistically significant relapses and no stability in contrast to the facial axis. Key words:Long term results, stability, relapse, orthognathic surgery, class III, long face.  相似文献   

This case report describes a patient who presented with a severe class 2 skeletal discrepancy together with a Class II malocclusion and a large anterior open bite. The malocclusion and skeletal discrepancy were managed with a combination of orthodontic and orthognathic treatment. The orthognathic surgery was undertaken following orthodontic decompensation using sectional mechanics to allow a segmental bimaxillary osteotomy and genioplasty to be performed. Although the discrepancy was severe using this combination of treatment, a successful outcome, both facially and occlusally, was achieved.  相似文献   

骨性开畸形正颌外科手术前后的正畸治疗   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:通过分析总结骨正开He畸形手术前后正畸治疗的原则和方法,以指导临床。方法:前牙开He畸形32例,男性9例,女性23例,开He度1-8.5mm,平均4mm31例伴下颌前突,1例伴下颌后。单纯术前正8 ,纯术后正3 ,余21例在手术前后均行正畸治疗。结果:术产术畸疗程为4-33个月,平均12个月;术后正畸疗程为3-17个月,平均8.5个月。开He畸形的术前治疗的;排齐上下牙列,解除牙列拥挤;去代偿治疗,避免上下切牙He向伸长移;支上下牙列列的唇颊向倾斜度。上下颌骨垂直牵引,防止开He复发,上下颌间Ⅱ类或Ⅲ类牵引,调整磨牙关系,结论通过系统的术前术后正畸治疗及正颌外科手术,可矫正前牙开He畸形,并取得良好的矫治效果。  相似文献   

Burford D  Noar JH 《Dental update》2003,30(5):235-241
Anterior open bite has multiple aetiologies, but can be broadly described as being dental or skeletal in origin. Accurate differentiation is essential in determining the appropriate treatment plan: dental open bites may close spontaneously in the growing patient and are generally amenable to orthodontic treatment, whereas skeletal open bites frequently worsen with growth and usually require a combination of orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. The incidence of post-treatment relapse is high, making these malocclusions a challenge to treat successfully.  相似文献   


This case report describes a patient who presented with a severe class 2 skeletal discrepancy together with a Class II malocclusion and a large anterior open bite. The malocclusion and skeletal discrepancy were managed with a combination of orthodontic and orthognathic treatment.

The orthognathic surgery was undertaken following orthodontic decompensation using sectional mechanics to allow a segmental bimaxillary osteotomy and genioplasty to be performed. Although the discrepancy was severe using this combination of treatment, a successful outcome, both facially and occlusally, was achieved.  相似文献   

Becker muscular dystrophy, similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy, is a X-chromosomal linked anomaly characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness. Duchenne-type is known to have severe openbite with a steep mandibular plane, but there are no studies that describe the occlusal and skeletal patterns of the Becker-type. Here, we report the orthodontic treatment of a Becker muscular dystrophy patient. In the correction of his severe skeletal open bite general anesthesia or orthognathic surgery was not an option. Multiloop edgewise archwires were employed for orthodontic treatment. After 3 years and 8 months the open bite was corrected. During the retention period contact between the anterior teeth was maintained 8 months after active treatment despite a marked relapse tendency.  相似文献   

Moebius syndrome is a rare disorder found in approximately 1/100,000 neonates and the treatment of facial palsy is now well established worldwide and consists of free-muscle transplants reinnervated with motor nerves. Dentofacial deformities are often detected in Moebius patients, and different degrees of micrognathia are often present, particularly in patients with complete expressions of Moebius syndrome.However only two published reports have described the surgical treatment of such anomalies in these patients; in both cases, the suggested approach consisted of orthognathic surgery followed by soft-tissue management.In this paper we discuss the indications and correct timing of orthognathic surgery and suggest to perform facial animation at an early age and then to wait for the completion of maxillofacial skeletal growth before performing orthognathic surgery. Finally, facial animation should precede orthognathic surgery in adult patients to prevent lower lip deformities and to ensure more predictable and satisfactory results.  相似文献   

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