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目的:研究下颌第三磨牙萌出状态与第二磨牙远中邻面龋坏的相关性。方法 :临床收集因下颌第三磨牙不适而就诊的患者204例,运用锥形束CT分析下颌第二磨牙远中邻面龋坏与第三磨牙阻生类型(高位、中位、低位)、阻生角度以及两磨牙的釉牙骨质界距离(cementoenamel junction,CEJ)等因素是否存在相关性。结果:在下颌第三磨牙存在的情况下,第二磨牙远中邻面龋坏发生率高达78.4%;性别差异无统计学意义(P=0.165);高位、中位和低位阻生的龋坏发生率差异无统计学意义(P=0.646);而当第三磨近中阻生角度为40~80°时,第二磨牙远中邻面最易发生龋坏,与其他阻生角度组的差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);当第二磨牙与第三磨CEJ距离在6~9 mm时,第二磨牙远中邻面龋坏高于其他组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论:下颌第三磨牙近中阻生角度、第三磨牙与第二磨牙的CEJ距离与第二磨牙远中邻面龋坏的发生密切相关。当第三磨近中阻生角度在40~80°间,且两磨牙间的CEJ距离在6~9 mm时,第二磨牙远中邻面更容易发生龋坏,此类阻生齿建议尽早拔除。  相似文献   

目的: 统计分析下颌第二磨牙龋坏始发部位及严重程度, 并分析其与性别、年龄及下颌第三磨牙萌出状况的关系。方法: 采用临床与X线检查对481例下颌第二磨牙龋坏患者进行统计调查, 应用SPSS 13.0软件包对结果进行χ2检验。结果: 下颌第二磨牙龋坏多始发于面和远中邻面, 其次为颊面, 发生率分别为33.8%、33.2%、24.4%;累及牙髓的龋坏最多, 占49.7%, 深龋、浅中龋分别占31.7%、18.6%;男、女性别在龋坏部位分布总体上无显著差异;年龄与下颌第二磨牙的龋坏部位分布及严重程度有显著的相关性, 随着年龄增大, 面和远中邻面龋坏增多, 程度加重;下颌第三磨牙萌出状况对下颌第二磨牙龋坏影响显著。结论: 下颌第二磨牙始发龋坏牙面以面及远中邻面最多, 龋损程度严重, 年龄、下颌第三磨牙萌出状况与龋坏状态关系密切。预防性拔除异常萌出的下颌第三磨牙及定期检查, 是预防和早期治疗下颌第二磨牙龋坏的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的::观察微创翻瓣术辅助树脂充填龈下ⅴ类洞的临床疗效。方法:选择唇(颊)颈部龋至龈下的患牙57颗(43例患者),其中切牙4颗,尖牙13颗,前磨牙38颗,磨牙2颗。进行微创翻瓣手术暴露龈下龋损,充分去龋后,用流动树脂进行充填。分别于充填治疗后即刻、6、12个月复查充填效果。记录微创翻瓣术前、术后6、12个月探诊深度( PD)、龈沟出血指数(SBI)和牙龈退缩进行比较。结果:充填成功率98.25%,术前、术后6、12个月探诊深度(PD)、龈沟出血指数(SBI)和牙龈退缩无显著差异。结论:微创翻瓣术辅助树脂充填龈下Ⅴ类洞效果优良。  相似文献   

马斌  江珉  刘玉柱 《口腔医学》2008,28(11):601-601
临床上常见下颌第三磨牙引起相邻的第二磨牙远中邻面龋坏的情况,最终常导致下颌第三及第二磨牙需拔除,笔者对下颌第三磨牙引起邻牙龋坏的情况进行了分析。 1资料与方法 1.1二般资料下颌第三磨牙萌出并邻牙存留的患者86例,年龄20~48岁,平均31.5岁,男49例,女37例,下颌第三磨牙数为121颗,排除口腔疾病、牙颌面畸形及骨遗传病等情况。  相似文献   

下颌第二磨牙远中邻面龋危险因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究导致下颌第二磨牙远中邻面龋的危险因素。方法收集558例下颌第三磨牙拔除病例数据,将下颌第二磨牙远中邻面龋与下颌第三磨牙的阻生类型、患者性别、年龄以及牙位等变量之间进行Logistic回归分析。结果 558例下颌第三磨牙拔除病例中,120例出现远中邻面龋。下颌第三磨牙阻生类型中的Pell-Gregory牙合平面分类(P=0.00〈0.01,OR=0.43〈1)和Winter分类(P=0.00〈0.01,OR=2.45〉1)以及性别(P=0.00〈0.01,OR=1.99〉1)、年龄(P=0.00〈0.01,OR=1.06〉1)进入Logistic回归方程。结论下颌第三磨牙在下颌骨内的位置越高,近中倾斜的角度越大,越容易导致下颌第二磨牙远中邻面龋。年龄越大,下颌第二磨牙远中邻面龋发生率越高,男性较女性更容易发生第二磨牙远中邻面龋。  相似文献   

选择2007年4月至2009年4月在我科就诊患者45例45颗患牙.年龄23-54岁,其中男性26例,女性19例,均为下颌智齿阻生致第二磨牙远中根无法保留.其中第三磨牙水平阻生12例,近中阻生27例,垂直阻生6例.第二磨牙远中龋坏达根面以下20颗,第二磨牙远中牙周吸收至根尖1/3的29颗,第二磨牙远中龋坏致远中根根折6颗.保留患牙均具备成年人下颌非融合根第二磨牙;术前经X线片检查,欲保留牙根粗壮、根尖无明显阴影,牙周膜间隙无明显增宽,牙槽骨吸收不超过1/2,或经彻底根管、牙周治疗后达以上要求;下颌第二磨牙根分叉高度不低于近中根长度的2/3.  相似文献   

牙半切除术治疗下颌第二磨牙远中根面龋49例疗效观察江苏省盐城市口腔医院口腔内科许海军,吕立秀下颌第三磨牙低位近中斜位阻生、垂直阻生、水平阻生常致使下颌第二磨牙远中龋坏达根面及远中深牙周袋、食物嵌塞,致使第二磨牙无法行牙体保存疗法,临床通常拔除第二、第...  相似文献   

非创伤性充填是由世界卫生组织专家提出的一种早期充填龋洞的方法 ,适用于浅、中、深龋无牙髓病变患牙的充填。主要使用手用器械去除龋坏组织 ,应用玻璃离子材料充填龋洞。本组应用该法治疗乳磨牙龋 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料和方法门诊就诊的 3~ 8岁乳磨牙龋患儿 12 4例 34 2牙 ,其中牙合面洞 184牙 ,邻牙合面洞 15 8牙 ,无牙髓尖周病变。使用挖器去除龋坏组织 ,75 %酒精消毒 ,玻璃离子水门汀 (上海齿科材料厂生产 )常规充填窝洞 ,表面涂布医用凡士林。疗效评定标准成功 :充填物完整或少部分磨损 ,无继发龋。失败 :充填物部分或全部脱落 ,…  相似文献   

选择龋损的龈壁齐龈或位于龈下≤1 mm的后牙邻面吻合龋患牙,应用排龈线排龈后预备龈壁、充填,可避免损伤牙龈组织,提高充填质量。  相似文献   

患者曾某,男,6岁1个月,因下颌第二乳磨牙脱落就诊。家长诉半个月前患儿进食时右下第二乳磨牙自行脱落,患牙保存;两天前在幼儿园进食时左下第二乳磨牙又自行脱落,患牙遗失。否认患牙有疼痛、龋坏、外伤史,无家族史。口腔检查所见:牙列V V/6Ⅳ Ⅳ6,“V┬V缺失,“5┬5”未萌,缺牙间隙远中见“6┬6”近中冠刚破龈萌出,全口乳牙色素沉着,软垢不明  相似文献   

目的:对龈壁提升术用于高嵌体修复第二磨牙远中龈下缺损的效果展开探讨,为临床应用给予借鉴。方法:选取65例存在远中龈下缺损表现的第二磨牙,根管治疗完善后用树脂行龈壁提升,使远中缺损的边缘提升至龈上后铸瓷高嵌体修复,基于改良USPHS标准于修复后1周、半年、1年时开展随访观察,对于边缘密合性、牙体完整性、修复体折裂、边缘着色、牙龈健康状况、修复体固位、继发龋7个方面分A、B、C三级评价临床效果,并于修复前、修复后6、12个月检测远中牙龈的出血指数(BI)和牙周探诊深度(PD)评价牙周状况。结果:65例患牙均无失访,术后1周在上述七方面均评价为A级。术后6个月,共62例评价为A级,有2例嵌体脱落,给予再次粘固随访至今未脱落,有1例牙龈轻度炎症,患者增强自洁后恢复健康。术后12个月,共59例评价为A级,成功率为90.8%,有2例嵌体崩瓷,2例牙龈轻度炎症,边缘密合性、牙体完整性、边缘着色、修复体固位、继发龋方面表现良好。治疗前与修复后6个月、12个月BI、PD值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:对于远中龈下缺损的第二磨牙,龈壁提升术用于铸瓷高嵌体修复的临床成功率高、创伤小、操作简便、对牙周健康影响小,可以作为龈下缺损不破坏生物学宽度时替代冠延长术的一种选择。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to verify, using periapical radiographs, whether a partially erupted mandibular third molar is a factor in the presence of dental caries on the distal surface of the adjacent second molar. Two-forty six high quality periapical radiographs were selected, each showing a partially erupted mandibular third molar. The variables analyzed were: tooth number; gender; age; radiographic presence of caries on the distal surface of the adjacent molar; Pell and Gregory classification; Winter classification; angulation and distance between the second and mandibular third molar. The examiners were previously calibrated to collect data (kappa statistics from 0.87 to 1.0). The prevalence rate of caries on the distal surface of the second molar was 13.4%. In the logistical multivariate regression analysis, the angulation (OR=8.5; IC95%: 1.7-43.8; p=0.011) and the gender (OR=3.3; IC95%: 1.4-7.7; p=0.005) remained statistically significant after an age adjustment was made. The results indicate that the presence of a partially erupted mandibular third molar with an angulation of 31 degrees or more, is a risk factor for caries on the distal surface of the mandibular second molars.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This investigation compared the effects of different flap designs on the periodontal health status of the mandibular second molar after the extraction of the adjacent impacted third molar. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighteen patients aged 16 to 32 years who required removal of bilateral impacted mandibular third molars were included in this study. The periodontal health of the second molar was evaluated preoperatively and at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 12 months postoperatively. The third molars were removed by using the 3-cornered flap on the left side of the jaw and modified Szmyd flap on the right side. RESULTS: The mean probing depth (PD) at distal and buccal sites was significantly different between the flaps at 1 week, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks postoperatively (P < .05). There were no significant differences in preoperative and 1 year postoperative mean PD between the 2 flaps (P > .05). There was no significant difference in mean clinical attachment level between the flap sites at 1 year (P > .05). CONCLUSION: The modified Szmyd flap, which leaves intact gingiva around the second molar, has better primary periodontal healing than the 3-cornered flap after surgical removal of the fully impacted mandibular third molar.  相似文献   

This study was carried out because a great deal of uncertainty exists as to he effect of the surgical removal of the fully impacted third molar on the periodontal status of the second molar. The objectives were to determine the effect of surgical removal of the third molar on the periodontal status of the second molar; the influence of flap design on these results; the influence of the initial height of the alveolar bone on the distal of the second molar on subsequent changes in attachment level. The study included 30 patients with bilateral mandibular impactions. A split-mouth experimental design was used, with one side of the mandible being randomly allocated to one of two flap design groups. Plaque level, gingival inflammation, probing depth and attachment level measurements around the second molar were taken at baseline and then at monthly intervals for a period of 6 months. Alveolar bone height was measured from panoramic radiographs. Six months postsurgically, both flap design groups exhibited a statistically significant loss of attachment level on the distal surface of the second molar with no difference between the two flap groups. The initial height of the alveolar bone on the distal of the second molar had no influence on the loss of attachment. It was concluded that the surgical removal of the fully impacted mandibular third molar led to the loss of attachment on the distal of the second molar; flap design had no influence on the degree of attachment loss; the initial height of the alveolar bone on the distal of the second molar had no influence on the loss of attachment.  相似文献   

目的 调查下颌第三磨牙生长情况的对称性及其对相邻第二磨牙远中邻面龋患病情况的影响,为临床早期预防性拔除下颌智齿提供依据。方法 纳入2019年11月1日至2019年11月23日在上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院口腔科拍摄的全景片196张,调查其双侧下颌第三磨牙的对称性,通过卡方检验分析不同阻生类型的下颌第三磨牙与相邻第二磨牙远中邻面龋患病情况之间的关系。结果 双侧下颌第三磨牙对称者187例,占比95.41%。Winter分类中垂直阻生对称性(79.2%)显著高于近中阻生(47.6%)与水平阻生(59.1%)(P=0.001); Winter分类为近中阻生(46.4%)和水平阻生(38.4%)的下颌第三磨牙,其相邻第二磨牙远中邻面龋发生率显著高于垂直阻生(23.6%)(P=0.001)。结论 下颌智齿具有对称性;为预防相邻第二磨牙远中邻面龋,近中阻生及水平阻生的下颌第三磨牙应在临床上早期预防性拔除。  相似文献   

AIMS: Distal cervical caries (DCC) in mandibular second molar teeth are responsible for the removal of up to 5% of all mandibular third molars. Our aim was to identify the clinical features of these patients. METHODS: We evaluated the records of 100 patients who had 122 mandibular third molars removed because of distal cervical caries in the second molar. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of third molars had a mesial angulation of between 40 degrees and 80 degrees. The peak age for removal of third molars was 5 years later than in other studies and patients had better dental health than average. The incidence of distal cervical caries DCC has been shown to increase with age. CONCLUSION: Distal cervical caries is a late phenomenon and has been reported only in association with impacted third molars. The early or prophylactic removal of a partially erupted mesio-angular third molar could prevent distal cervical caries forming in the mandibular second molar.  相似文献   

AIM: This randomized, single-blinded control trial investigated the local effects of periodontal care on the mandibular second molar delivered during and after impacted third molar surgical extraction. METHOD: Thirty subjects (50% male, 32.1+/-7.8 years) out of 35 enrolled, with a mesio-angular impacted mandibular third molar, having probing pocket depth (PPD) >5 mm at adjacent second molar distal, and crestal radio-lucency between the two teeth, completed the study. Oral hygiene instruction, scaling and caries stabilization were performed before surgery. Controls (n=16) had their third molar extracted followed by standard socket debridement. Test group subjects (n=14) received the same treatment, except that before wound closure the operator was informed of the group allocation and ultrasonic root debridement on the second molar was performed, followed by a three-visit plaque control programme. RESULTS: Six months post-extraction, statistically significantly (p<0.007) better plaque control and shallower probing depths were observed at test second molars' distal (%plaque=21; PPD=3.2+/-1.2 mm) than at control second molars (%plaque=88; PPD=5.2+/-0.7 mm). CONCLUSIONS: The periodontal interventions investigated prevented residual pockets on periodontally involved second molars 6 months after ipsilateral impacted mandibular third molar removal.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM: The effect of subgingival calculus on the clinical outcomes of the local delivery of antimicrobials is unknown. This study examines the clinical outcomes of treatment with locally delivered controlled-release doxycycline (DH) or scaling and root planing (SRP) in subsets of adult periodontitis patients with known baseline levels of subgingival calculus. METHODS: The data examined were obtained from 393 patients who participated in 2 multi-center trials. All patients had baseline subgingival calculus levels assessed and were then treated at baseline and month 4 with either DH or SRP. Clinical attachment levels (CAL), pocket depth (PD) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were assessed at baseline and months 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. RESULTS: Treatment with either DH or SRP resulted in significant statistical and clinical improvements in CAL, PD and BOP. These clinical outcomes were equivalent regardless of the extent of subgingival calculus present at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the primary clinical effects of these therapies are the result of a disruption and reduction of the subgingival plaque and not the effect of the removal of subgingival calculus and contaminated cementum.  相似文献   

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