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目前的高等护理教育是以智育为中心的专业教育,着眼于业务素质的培养,从课程的设置、教学的安排都不能适应培养现代化高素质护理人才的需要。护理专业在课程设置上一向重视医学和护理的基础知识,忽视人文社科知识,人文学科在课程结构中所占的比例偏小。应在护理本科教育课程改革中开设照护课程,照护是护理的核心和本质。以华生的十个照护因素为理论框架,参考国外大量的文献和我们的实践形成我校独特的照护课程。我校在硕士护理研究生中开设了照护护理理论的学习和研究,反应良好,尝试在护理本科教育中开设照护课程的学习,通过观察、访谈等方式评价和修订照护课程。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

目的:探讨关怀照护在创伤骨科患者护理中的应用效果.方法:将120例患者随机分为观察组和对照组各60例,对照组实施病房普通护理,观察组则制定护理关怀照护指南,实施为期4周的人性关怀照护.对两组用修正后的护士关怀照护质量评价表、自编的患者满意度/舒适度调查表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)作为评价工具,综合评定临床护理效果.结果:两组患者对护理关怀照护的质量评价比较、对护理工作满意度/舒适度的比较、治疗前后SCL-90评定结果比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:实施关怀照护可提高骨科临床护理工作质量和患者满意度,密切护患关系,有利于临床护理工作顺利开展,促进患者身心康复.  相似文献   

目的 探讨关怀照护行为对护理工作质量、临床康复辅助效果和患者满意度的影响,为进一步改进精神科护理工作提供依据.方法 将120例住院精神病患者随机分为研究组和对照组,各60例,研究组制定护理关怀行为指南,实施为期8 W的关怀照护行为,对照组按常规护理,给予支持性心理护理.两组用修正后的护士关怀行为质量评价表,护士用住院病人观察量表(NOSIE)和自编的患者满意度/舒适度调查表等作为评价工具.结果 护士的关怀照护行和患者的满意度以及NOSIE量表评分两组间均存在显著性差异(P<0.01).结论 护士通过学习人性关怀概论,运用护理关怀行为指南,将人性关怀理念融入到日常护理工作中,有利于提高护士的关怀照护行为和患者对护理工作的满意度,同时,有助于患者的康复,具有一定的临床价值.  相似文献   

护士对病人实施关怀照护的效果研究   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
目的探讨关怀照护行为对护理工作质量和病人满意度的影响,为进一步改进工作提供依据.方法制定护理关怀行为指南,经培训后,在2所三级甲等医院3个病房实施,用修正后的护士关怀行为质量评价表和自编的满意度调查表,于活动前后2次进行访谈和测评比较.结果护士的关护行为和病人的满意率在实施前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论护士通过学习人文关怀概论,运用护理关怀行为指南,将人文关怀理念融入日常护理工作中,有利于提高护士的关护行为和病人对护理工作的满意度.  相似文献   

在护理本科教育中开设《护理与法》课程的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会进步,患者维权意识日益提高,在护理教育中加强法制教育已刻不容缓.本文设想在护理本科教育中开设〈护理与法〉课程,从课程开设的背景及意义、课程描述及前后期的课程要求、课程目标、课程安排、课程教学方法、课程评价等方面介绍在护理本科教育中开设〈护理与法〉课程的设想,期望能通过开设该课程,使本科护生在校期间就能了解护理想法法律法规,以满足新形势下护理工作的需要.  相似文献   

李凤萍  蔡妤珂  董静静 《全科护理》2021,19(27):3852-3854
目的:调查应用型本科护生对认知症照护知识的掌握情况,对在校护生认知症护理的培训提出对策.方法:采用便利抽样法,于2020年8月抽取276名应用型本科护生为研究对象,采用自行编制的认知症照护知识问卷进行调查.结果:276名护生掌握认知症照护相关知识总分为(12.04±3.77)分,各维度得分由高到低依次为认知症一般照护要求、疾病定义、特征性表现、精神行为症状的护理.结论:被调查的护生对认知症照护知识的掌握总体不理想.医学院校应针对认知症病人的基本特征,结合认知症的照护要求,开展认知症照护相关知识和技能培训,以提高护生的照护水平,为中国的老年护理、认知症护理提升照护质量.  相似文献   

目的 了解护理本科学生死亡观、死亡照护意向及其影响因素,为开展死亡教育提供依据.方法 采用自行设计问卷对上海交通大学护理学院225名不同年级的本科护生进行调查,调查内容主要包括一般资料、护生的死亡接触经验、对死亡的态度、死亡照护意向等.结果 高年级的、有实习经验的、接触过死亡患者的护生在死亡认识方面更趋客观积极,而在死亡照护意向上更趋于消极;入学前农村背景的护生在死亡照护意向上更加积极;护生的死亡观还受自身健康状况等因素的影响.结论 护生死亡教育工作重点应从死亡理论教育转移到对学生死亡照护意向的培养.  相似文献   

目的 了解护理本科学生死亡观、死亡照护意向及其影响因素,为开展死亡教育提供依据.方法 采用自行设计问卷对上海交通大学护理学院225名不同年级的本科护生进行调查,调查内容主要包括一般资料、护生的死亡接触经验、对死亡的态度、死亡照护意向等.结果 高年级的、有实习经验的、接触过死亡患者的护生在死亡认识方面更趋客观积极,而在死亡照护意向上更趋于消极;入学前农村背景的护生在死亡照护意向上更加积极;护生的死亡观还受自身健康状况等因素的影响.结论 护生死亡教育工作重点应从死亡理论教育转移到对学生死亡照护意向的培养.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在护理本科教育中开设<护理研究>课程的重要性.方法 将2002级和2003级两届护生实习论文进行回顾性分析,内容包括论文选胚类型和引用参考文献类型.结果 两届护生在选题类型和引用参考文献有明显差异,2003级护生优于2000级护生(P<0.01).结论 在本科教育中,应重视<护理研究>课程,加强护生对科研思维、科研态度、科研意识等方面的培养.  相似文献   

的 通过对本科护生癌痛护理相关知识认知现状的调查,为更好地开展姑息照护教育提供一定的理论依据.方法 采用自行设计的"癌痛护理知识问卷"对100名全日制护理本科已参加过临床实习、即将毕业的护生进行癌痛护理知识的认知现状调查,运用SPSS 16.0及Excel软件进行数据分析比较.结果 本科护生对于癌痛护理知识的认知是欠缺的,平均答题正确率为46.3%,正确率最高者为93.0%(93/100),最低者为10.0%(10/100).其中关于处理癌痛的方法问题回答正确率最高,其次是对成瘾的认识问题,关于癌痛用药知识回答正确率最低.对三阶梯止痛代表药物了解较好,回答正确率为82.0%.对WHO癌痛治疗原则的要点了解严重不足,只有1名护生能完整写出5个要点的内容,95名回答"不知道",4名写出部分要点但不完全.性别、是否护理过癌症患者、是否接受过相关培训及未来工作意向均与对癌痛护理知识的认知程度不相关(P>0.05),而对于是否轮转过癌症相关病房与总体上对癌痛护理知识的认知程度不相关(P>0.05),但轮转过肿瘤科与轮转过其他癌症相关科室的护生,答题正确率均高于轮转过血液科的护生(P<0.01).结论 应系统地向本科护生进行癌痛护理相关知识的教育.  相似文献   

目的 探索护理本科生对关爱的感知,为促进其关爱行为的发生提供依据.方法 采用质性研究中的现象学方法 ,对11名护理本科生就关爱感知进行深度访谈.结果 护生对关爱的感知主要有:关爱行为是互惠的,关爱的动机包括担心、挂念、责任和义务,知识技术能力及建立专业帮助的关系是关爱的构成成分,关爱的困惑来源于实习环境中的多种因素.结论 护生能正确理解关爱内涵,为促进护生的关爱行为需要临床带教老师和教育管理者共同努力,采取各种措施让其保持关爱的信念.  相似文献   

Factors associated with students' orientations to nursing This paper presents the results of a study focusing on the factors associated with orientations to nursing. Students' orientations to nursing have not as yet been a focus of nursing research. In some other professions, however, professional orientation has been associated with learning motivation and study performance, and has been seen as a predictor of work satisfaction. In this study, students' orientations to nursing were defined in terms of caring, nursing expertise and life orientation. The hypothesis of whether students' pre-educational experiences of nursing, gender, choice of nursing specialty, problems with nursing studies and intention to stay in nursing were associated with different orientations was tested. The extent to which students were orientated to caring, nursing expertise and their own life was also examined. The orientation to nursing measurement tool, which has been developed on the basis of a qualitative study, was used to collect the data. Nurse teachers collected the data from nursing students (n=184) who were studying in three different nursing programmes in Finland. Non-parametric assessments (Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test) of the differences between the students' orientations were carried out. A majority of the students were highly life-orientated, and two-thirds had average nursing expertise or caring orientation scores. The results supported the study hypothesis of an association between students' orientations and their gender, choice of nursing speciality, problems with nursing studies and intention to stay in nursing. However, the hypothesis of an association between students' pre-educational nursing experiences and orientation to nursing was not supported. The contradictions between students' orientation to nursing and the philosophy of nursing underlying the study programme may be a source of motivational problems and dissatisfaction with nursing education. Therefore, nurse educators are challenged to discuss curriculum matters and student supervision in order to promote flexibility in planning personal study programmes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to ascertain whether nursing students' perceptions of caring behaviours as part of nursing practice change over a three-year, pre-registration, undergraduate nursing course. Students are expected to have a predisposition to care with nurse education nurturing and developing this into professional caring behaviour. However, there is some evidence that this process inures rather than develops these behaviours. This was a quantitative, single cross section survey of two nursing student cohorts from one Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Wales, United Kingdom (UK). There were two sample groups; sample group A were 80 first year students and sample group B were 94 third year students. Students completed a questionnaire incorporating the caring behaviors inventory (CBI) [Wolf, Z.R., Colahan, M., Costello, A., Warwick, F., Ambrose, M.S., Giardino, E.R., 1994. Dimensions of nurse caring. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 26 (2), 107-111]. The key finding was a statistically significant difference in the means in caring behaviours between first years and third years with third years scoring lower than first years. This was exaggerated for those under 26 and increased further for those under 26 with no previous experience of caring. Caring is a core nursing value and a desirable attribute in nursing students, but the educational process seemed to reduce their caring behaviours.  相似文献   

Caring is the essence of nursing and the core of nursing education. This paper describes the experience of developing a caring curriculum in a five-year junior college nursing program which included three core courses in caring, in the hope of stimulating further dialogue with fellow educators and cultivating students' caring competencies. The first course was Introduction to Caring, which gave students an understanding of basic concepts of caring, along with the opportunity to practice and experience caring by caring for oneself, one's family and one's peers. The second course was Application of Caring Concepts, which enabled students to learn about caring models, especially the dynamic caring model, and expanded their knowledge of caring behaviors from interpersonal caring to caring for society. The third course was Professional Caring, which explained professional caring and related caring theories, and introduced the caring model used in nursing in Taiwan, showing students how to practice caring in clinical situations. The participating teachers used the action research method to plan, design, implement, and evaluate the caring curriculum. These teachers set the teaching objectives and developed course materials by working together in workshops and participating in teachers' caring groups. They adopted various teaching strategies, such as role modeling, dialogue, caring groups, confirmation, literature, film, caring action projects, reflection, and journaling, which have been proven to be effective at raising students' learning motivation and caring performance.  相似文献   

目的:了解学习《关怀与照护》课程后,学生的关怀知识、态度、行为情况,分析其相关影响因素,使《关怀与照护》课程的教学目标和方法更具针对性和有效性。方法:在《关怀与照护》课程结束后1周,采用问卷调查法对本学期参加本门课程学习的105名本科生进行调查。结果:学生关怀知识、关怀态度、关怀行为得分较高;男女学生、不同年级学生、不同民族学生、是否独生子女学生在关怀知识总分、态度总分和行为总分的评分差异无统计学意义,护理学专业和非护理专业学生在态度维度、知识总分的评分无明显差异,在总分、行为总分方面,护理学专业的评分低于非护理专业;学生知识总分、态度总分、行为总分、总分之间存在着相关性。结论:开设《关怀与照护》课程对本科生树立关怀意识、培养关怀态度和践行关怀行为有积极意义。  相似文献   

张欢 《中华现代护理杂志》2011,17(16):1868-1871
目的探讨护理本科生对于护理关怀的认知水平及影响因素,为护理本科生关怀能力的培养提供理论依据。方法采用方便抽样对北京某高校护理学院二、三、四年级157名护理本科生进行问卷调查。结果护理本科生在专业技术方面得分高于其他维度,二年级护理本科生在专业技术方面得分高于三、四年级,差异有统计学意义(F=4.679,P〈0.05)。护理本科生对护理关怀重要性的认同、对护理课程的兴趣(社会心理方面、专业技术方面、正确的情感投入)均呈现正相关(P〈0.05)。不同年级护理本科生对关怀行为的认知单项得分比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论护理本科生对护理关怀行为的认知水平有待提高,学校应通过加强人文关怀教育,运用多种教学手段提高学生对于护理课程的兴趣,帮助学生全面理解关怀的内涵,提高护理本科生护理关怀行为的认知水平。  相似文献   

Although caring is a difficult entity to explain or define, many authors consider that caring is the central and unifying domain of nursing. It is important that nursing students understand what care is in order to be clear about what good nursing care is. This qualitative study was conducted to clarify Turkish nursing students' perception of caring. The sample was 19 last year undergraduate nursing students who volunteered to be involved in this study. Nursing students were asked to write incidents in which they observed nursing behaviours conducted in caring and noncaring ways. Then the students were interviewed to clarify why nursing behaviours that were addressed in their written incidents were considered as caring or noncaring. Data which obtain from students' reports and interviews were analyzed and themes of caring were formed into two groups: professional/helping relationship and technical competency.  相似文献   

Clinical education is an integral part of nursing education. Clinical teachers are the vital link in this teaching-learning process. The quality and quantity of student-teacher interactions in the clinical area can either facilitate or hinder students' learning. This paper presents a part of a larger study that discovered, described, explained and compared Australian and Jordanian nursing students' caring and non-caring encounters with their clinical teachers within the context of clinical education. The study was guided by Leininger's theory of culture care universality and diversity and Leininger's ethnonursing research method was utilised. The informants consisted of 12 key informants and 35 general informants. Three major themes emerged from the analysis of the data: (1) clinical teacher's caring behaviours; (2) student-teacher caring encounters; and (3) caring encounter consequences. Under these themes, care constructs emerged which gave light to the Jordanian nursing students' care meanings, expressions and values within their cultural environment, social structures and world view. The overall findings revealed that Jordanian nursing students found their clinical experiences as beneficial when their encounters with the clinical teacher were conducted through mothering, translating, sustaining, negotiating and transforming processes.  相似文献   

Nursing students must be prepared to enter the practice environment ready to competently care for patients. The purpose of this study was to examine factors hypothesized to influence senior nursing students' perceptions of readiness for practice and to determine their level of comfort performing skills independently. This study also validates an investigator-developed instrument, the Casey-Fink Readiness for Practice Survey. Factor loading indicated four components tested by subscales in the survey: clinical problem solving, learning techniques, professional identity, and trials and tribulations. The greatest challenges reported by students were managing multiple patient care assignments, communicating with physicians, and caring for dying patients. Clinical competency, role development, and career planning support were areas in which students desired more assistance during their senior practicum course. Most survey respondents voiced confidence in their ability to problem solve and felt ready to assume the professional nursing role.  相似文献   

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