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The necessity of safe and effective treatments for chronic pain has intensified the search for new analgesic drugs. In the last few years, members of a closely-related family of ion channels, called transient receptor potential (TRP) have been identified in different cell types and their functions in physiological and pathological conditions have been characterized. The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), originally called ANKTM1 (ankyrin-like with transmembrane domains protein 1), is a molecule that has been conserved in different species during evolution; TRPA1 is a cation channel that functions as a cellular sensor, detecting mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli, being a component of neuronal, epithelial, blood and smooth muscle tissues. In mammals, TRPA1 is largely expressed in primary sensory neurons that mediate somatosensory processes and nociceptive transmission. Recent studies have described the role of TRPA1 in inflammatory and neuropathic pain. However, its participation in cold sensation has not been agreed in different studies. In this review, we focus on data that support the relevance of the activation and blockade of TRPA1 in pain transmission, as well as the mechanisms underlying its activation and modulation by exogenous and endogenous stimuli. We also discuss recent advances in the search for new analgesic medicines targeting the TRPA1 channel.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the major disabilities dealt with in clinical rehabilitation settings and is multifactorial in that the patients suffer from motor and sensory impairments as well as many other complications throughout their lifetimes. Many clinical trials have been documented during the last two decades to restore damaged spinal cords. However, only a few pharmacological therapies used in clinical settings which still have only limited effects on the regeneration and functional recovery. This review presents recent clinical trials and recent advances in the development of strategies to restore locomotion after SCI. Several approaches toward functional recovery in SCI succeeded in acute and subacute phases in animal models.However, effective strategies against chronic phase of SCI have not been established yet. The strategy aiming to inhibit single molecule sometimes shows controversial results. In SCI, a lot of players participate in motor and sensory dysfunctions. Therefore, sufficient functional recovery may be achieved by regulating multiple targets. Regrowth of tracts connecting the brain and spinal cord, and axonal sprouting of propriospinal interneurons are fundamentally important for neuronal network working. In addition, remyelination, protection of neuronal death, inhibition of inflammation, and upregulation of beneficial influence of astrocytes are also quite crucial to supporting the axonal refining. Combination of several strategies might be useful as practical therapy. Several compounds such as a Sema3A inhibitor, estrogen, withanoside IV and their relating compounds or other neurotrophic factor-mimicking agents may be candidates for useful SCI therapeutic drugs since those have multi-effects on damaged spinal cord.  相似文献   

Activated platelets contribute to plaque formation within blood vessels in the early and late stages of atherogenesis, and therefore they have been proposed as risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Anti-platelet drugs, such as aspirin, are now the most prescribed pharmacological treatment in Europe. Certain dietary bioactives also beneficially affect platelet function, and with less side effects, albeit that effects are generally more subtle. Therefore, consumption of dietary bioactives could play a role in the prevention of atherothrombotic vascular disease. Here we review the efficacy of dietary treatment strategies, especially those involving certain dietary fatty acids and polyphenols, to modulate platelet function in healthy subjects or in patients with cardiovascular disease. Variation in study populations, small study sizes and lack of comparability between methods to assess platelet function currently limit robust evidence on the efficacy of dietary bioactives in healthy subjects or specific patient groups. Also, limited knowledge of the metabolism of dietary bioactives, and therefore of the bioavailability of bioactive ingredients, restricts our ability to identify the most effective dietary regimes to improve platelet function. Implementation of uniform point-of-care tests to assess platelet function, and enhanced knowledge of the efficacy by which specific dietary compounds and their metabolites affect platelet function, may enable the identification of functional anti-platelet ingredients that are eligible for a health claim, or combined treatment strategies, including both pharmacological anti-platelet treatment as well as dietary intervention, to tackle atherothrombotic vascular disease.  相似文献   

Microglia are critical nervous system-specific cells influencing brain development, maintenance of the neural environment, response to injury, and repair. They contribute to neuronal proliferation and differentiation, pruning of dying neurons, synaptic remodeling and clearance of debris and aberrant proteins. Colonization of the brain occurs during gestation with an expansion following birth with localization stimulated by programmed neuronal death, synaptic pruning, and axonal degeneration. Changes in microglia phenotype relate to cellular processes including specific neurotransmitter, pattern recognition, or immune-related receptor activation. Upon activation, microglia cells have the capacity to release a number of substances, e.g., cytokines, chemokines, nitric oxide, and reactive oxygen species, which could be detrimental or beneficial to the surrounding cells. With aging, microglia shift their morphology and may display diminished capacity for normal functions related to migration, clearance, and the ability to shift from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory state to regulate injury and repair. This shift in microglia potentially contributes to increased susceptibility and neurodegeneration as a function of age. In the current review, information is provided on the colonization of the brain by microglia, the expression of various pattern recognition receptors to regulate migration and phagocytosis, and the shift in related functions that occur in normal aging.  相似文献   

Several selective antagonists for adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR) are currently under evaluation in clinical trials (phases I to III) to treat Parkinson's disease, and they will probably soon reach the market. The usefulness of these antagonists has been deduced from studies demonstrating functional interactions between dopamine D2 and adenosine A2A receptors in the basal ganglia. At present it is believed that A2AR antagonists can be used in combination with the dopamine precursor L-DOPA to minimize the motor symptoms of Parkinson's patients. However, a considerable body of data indicates that in addition to ameliorating motor symptoms, adenosine A2AR antagonists may also prevent neurodegeneration. Despite these promising indications, one further issue must be considered in order to develop fully optimized antiparkinsonian drug therapy, namely the existence of (hetero)dimers/oligomers of G protein-coupled receptors, a topic that is currently the focus of intense debate within the scientific community. Dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) expressed in the striatum are known to form heteromers with A2A adenosine receptors. Thus, the development of heteromer-specific A2A receptor antagonists represents a promising strategy for the identification of more selective and safer drugs.  相似文献   

Resveratrol (RESV; 3,5,4′-tri-hydroxy stilbene), a naturally occurring phytoalexin, is found at a high concentration in the skin of red grapes and red wine. RESV mediates a wide-range of biological activities, which comprise an increased life span, anti-ischemic, anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies in several animal prototypes of brain injury suggest that RESV is an effective neuroprotective compound. Ability to enter the brain after a peripheral administration and no adverse effects on the brain or body are other features that are appealing for using this compound as a therapy for brain injury or neurodegenerative diseases. The goal of this review is to discuss the promise of RESV for treating acute seizures, preventing the acute seizure or status epilepticus induced development of chronic epilepsy, and easing the chronic epilepsy typified by spontaneous recurrent seizures and cognitive dysfunction. First, the various beneficial effects of RESV on the normal brain are discussed to provide a rationale for considering RESV treatment in the management of acute seizures and epilepsy. Next, the detrimental effects of acute seizures or status epilepticus on the hippocampus and the implications of post-status epilepticus changes in the hippocampus towards the occurrence of chronic epilepsy and cognitive dysfunction are summarized. The final segment evaluates studies that have used RESV as a neuroprotective compound against seizures, and proposes studies that are critically needed prior to the clinical application of RESV as a prophylaxis against the development of chronic epilepsy and cognitive dysfunction after an episode of status epilepticus or head injury.  相似文献   

Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is a 17 amino acid peptide that was deorphanized in 1995. The generation of specific agonists, antagonists and receptor deficient mice and rats has enabled progress in elucidating the biological functions of N/OFQ. Additionally, radio-imaging technologies have been advanced for investigation of this system in animals and humans. Together with traditional neurobehavioral techniques, these tools have been utilized to identify the biological significance of the N/OFQ system and its interacting partners. The present review focuses on the role of N/OFQ in the regulation of feeding, body weight homeostasis, stress, the stress-related psychiatric disorders of depression and anxiety, and in drug and alcohol dependence. Critical evaluation of the current scientific preclinical literature suggests that small molecule modulators of nociceptin opioid peptide receptors (NOP) might be useful in the treatment of diseases related to these biological functions. In particular, the literature data suggest that antagonism of NOP receptors will produce anti-obesity and antidepressant activities in humans. However, there are also contradictory data discussed. The current literature on the role of N/OFQ in anxiety and addiction, on the other hand points primarily to a role of agonist modulation being potentially therapeutic. Some drug-like molecules that function either as agonists or antagonists of NOP receptors have been optimized for human clinical study to test some of these hypotheses. The discovery of PET ligands for NOP receptors, combined with the pharmacological tools and burgeoning preclinical data set discussed here bodes well for a rapid advancement of clinical understanding and potential therapeutic benefit.  相似文献   

Common arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation (VT/VF) are a major public health concern. Classic antiarrhythmic (AA) drugs for AF are of limited effectiveness, and pose the risk of life-threatening VT/VF. For VT/VF, implantable cardiac defibrillators appear to be the unique, yet unsatisfactory, solution. Very few AA drugs have been successful in the last few decades, due to safety concerns or limited benefits in comparison to existing therapy. The Vaughan-Williams classification (one drug for one molecular target) appears too restrictive in light of current knowledge of molecular and cellular mechanisms. New AA drugs such as atrial-specific and/or multichannel blockers, upstream therapy and anti-remodeling drugs, are emerging. We focus on the cellular mechanisms related to abnormal Na+ and Ca2+ handling in AF, heart failure, and inherited arrhythmias, and on novel strategies aimed at normalizing ionic homeostasis. Drugs that prevent excessive Na+ entry (ranolazine) and aberrant diastolic Ca2+ release via the ryanodine receptor RyR2 (rycals, dantrolene, and flecainide) exhibit very interesting antiarrhythmic properties. These drugs act by normalizing, rather than blocking, channel activity. Ranolazine preferentially blocks abnormal persistent (vs. normal peak) Na+ currents, with minimal effects on normal channel function (cell excitability, and conduction). A similar “normalization” concept also applies to RyR2 stabilizers, which only prevent aberrant opening and diastolic Ca2+ leakage in diseased tissues, with no effect on normal function during systole. The different mechanisms of action of AA drugs may increase the therapeutic options available for the safe treatment of arrhythmias in a wide variety of pathophysiological situations.  相似文献   

Estradiol (E2) plays an underrecognized role in modulating body-wide systems, including important interactions with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The RAAS is an immunomodulating system that is critical for maintaining homeostasis across multiple organ systems. The diverse interactions between E2 and the RAAS help maintain cardiometabolic homeostasis, including successful physiologic responses to trauma and infectious pathogens. Estradiol deficiency (ie, menopause) results in impaired responses and increased susceptibility to infectious pathogens. Both immune and cardiometabolic function decline with reduced E2 production, in part because the RAAS becomes dysregulated by E2 deficiency, leaving RAAS predominantly in its proinflammatory state and predisposing to systemic low-grade inflammation. Estradiol deficiency and RAAS dysregulation contribute to impaired immune responses and increased incidence of cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, arrhythmias, and heart failure. The RAAS consists of dual, counterbalancing pathways—proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory. Estradiol is a signaling agent that plays a major role in determining which RAAS pathway predominates. The proinflammatory pathway is activated early in response to infection or trauma, followed by up-regulation of the anti-inflammatory pathway, to resolve inflammation and to restore homeostasis. Estradiol influences activation of the “switch” to restore the anti-inflammatory state. The dysregulated RAAS is a primary target of current cardiovascular therapeutics focused on blocking portions of its proinflammatory pathway. However, RAAS-modifying pharmaceuticals often provide imperfect solutions to these physiologic disruptions and underscore the need for improved approaches to menopausal medicine. Estradiol therapy and optimal lifestyle practices combined with RAAS-modifying pharmaceuticals may be an ideal strategy to optimize postmenopausal health.  相似文献   

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