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徐睿华  刘琦  熊键  宋晶萍 《中国康复》2010,25(6):430-431
目的:观察脑卒中偏瘫患者通过视觉反馈平衡训练治疗对平衡及功能性转移能力的作用。方法:脑卒中偏瘫患者32例,分为运动组17例和对照组15例,均接受常规康复治疗。运动组加视觉反馈平衡训练。2组治疗前后分别采用Berg平衡评定量表(BBS)和"站立-走"计时测试(TUG)评定。结果:治疗5周后,BBS评分2组与治疗前比较均明显提高;TUG计时明显缩短;运动组2项评定的改善程度均明显优于对照组(均P0.05)。结论:脑卒中偏瘫患者配合视觉反馈平衡训练能明显提高平衡及功能性转移的能力,增加站立和行走的安全性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨基于交互式视觉反馈的姿势控制训练对脑梗死Pusher综合征患者静、动态平衡功能的影响。方法:36例Pusher综合征患者根据随机数字表分配为试验组和对照组,各18例。对照组采用常规姿势镜反馈下的平衡训练;试验组采用基于交互式视觉反馈的姿势控制训练。治疗前后采用Burke倾斜量表(BLS)、Berg平衡量表(BBS)及Biodex平衡仪中的姿势稳定测试(PST)进行评定。结果:治疗6周后,(1)倾斜程度:两组BLS评分均较治疗前明显降低(P0.05),且试验组较对照组明显降低(P0.05),差异有显著性意义(P0.05);(2)静态平衡:两组睁、闭眼下PST中总稳定值(OSI)、前后值(API)及左右值(MLI)均较治疗前明显降低(P0.05),且试验组较对照组明显降低(P0.05),差异有显著性意义(P0.05);(3)动态平衡:两组BBS评分均较治疗前明显提高(P0.05),且试验组优于对照组(P0.05),差异有显著性意义(P0.05)。结论:基于交互式视觉反馈的姿势控制训练可明显提高脑梗死Pusher综合征患者静、动态平衡功能,且效果优于常规姿势镜反馈下平衡训练。  相似文献   

目的:探讨非受累侧上肢运动训练对脑卒中患者躯干控制能力及平衡功能的影响。方法:选取我科收治的脑卒中患者36例,随机分配至试验组与对照组各18例,两组患者均接收常规康复治疗,试验组在此基础上增加非受累侧上肢运动训练,训练4周后评估两组患者的TIS、BBS、TUG以及ABC评分。结果:治疗后两组TIS、BBS、TUG和ABC均显著改善(P<0.001),试验组TIS(t=2.94,P=0.006)、BBS(t=2.82,P=0.006)、TUG(t=3.70,P=0.001)和ABC(t=﹣2.17,P=0.037)均显著优于对照组,差异有显著性意义。结论:非受累侧上肢运动训练可以提高脑卒中患者躯干控制能力和平衡功能。  相似文献   

朱元霄  肖府庭  孙瑞  马艳 《中国康复》2019,34(11):587-589
目的:研究团体治疗对脑卒中恢复期患者平衡功能障碍的疗效。方法:将68例脑卒中恢复期患者随机分为对照组和观察组各34例。2组患者在常规康复训练的基础上进行平衡功能的训练,对照组为治疗师与患者一对一训练,观察组进行团体训练,于治疗前、治疗4周后分别用Berg平衡量表(BBS)、改良Barthel指数(MBI)以及起立-行走计时测试(TUG)对患者进行评定。结果:治疗4周后,2组的BBG、MBI评分均较治疗前显著提高(均P<0.05),TUG明显减少(P<0.05);且观察组BBG、MBI评分均较对照组显著提高(均P<0.05),TUG较对照组明显减少(P<0.05)。结论:团体治疗能够明显改善脑卒中恢复期患者的平衡功能障碍,提高其日常生活活动能力。  相似文献   

目的:视觉反馈结合核心稳定训练对脑卒中Pusher综合征患者的影响。方法:本试验采用双盲法,Pusher综合征患者25例,按入院顺序将其随机分为视觉反馈训练组8例(A组)、核心稳定训练组8例(B组)、视觉反馈结合核心稳定训练组9例(C组)。分别予三个试验组视觉反馈训练、核心稳定训练、视觉反馈结合核心稳定训练,各组在训练前后均进行临床倾倒量表(SCP)、Berg平衡量表(BBS)、日常生活活动能力Barthel指数(BI)评定。结果:治疗6周后,三个试验组BI及BBS评分均较治疗前提高(P0.05);核心稳定训练组SCP评分较训练前无明显变化(P0.05),视觉反馈组及视觉反馈结合核心稳定训练组SCP评分较治疗前明显下降(P0.05),但两组组间比较无明显差异。结论:视觉反馈训练能有效改善脑卒中Pusher综合征,可以使Pusher综合征患者尽早恢复直立位,加快康复进程。  相似文献   

目的 观察渐进性下蹲式抗阻训练对帕金森病(Parkinson disease, PD)患者运动功能的改善效果。方法 将纳入的帕金森病患者随机分为对照组与试验组。对照组采用常规康复训练方法,包括力量训练、平衡功能训练和步态训练;试验组在此基础上增加渐进性下蹲式抗阻训练。两组分别在治疗前及治疗后4周评估Berg平衡量表(Berg balance scale,BBS)评分、起立-行走计时测验(time up and go test,TUG)结果、Fugl-Meyer运动功能评分量表(Fugl-Meyer assessment,FMA)评分及总有效率。结果 最终纳入40例患者,每组20例。治疗后两组BBS评分、TUG计时、FMA评分均较治疗前改善(P<0.001),且试验组3项的改善率均优于对照组(P<0.05);试验组患者总有效率高于对照组(95.0%vs85.0%,P<0.05)。结论 渐进性下蹲式抗阻训练可进一步改善接受常规康复训练患者的平衡能力,并提高其运动功能。  相似文献   

目的:观察动态人体重心和支撑面积监测下的站立平衡训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者静态平衡功能的影响。方法:选取符合标准的60例脑卒中患者按照随机数字表法分为试验组(30例)和对照组(30例),2组患者均给予常规康复治疗,试验组在此基础上采用动态人体重心和支撑面积监测下的站立平衡训练。于治疗前和治疗4周后分别采用Berg平衡量表(Berg balance scale,BBS)、动态重心和支撑面积监测系统及Tecnobody本体感觉评估系统对其静态平衡能力进行评估。结果:治疗4周后,试验组患者Berg评分差值显著高于对照组(P0.05);双足并拢站立状态下实验组重心前后(AP)及左右(LR)偏移角度差值均显著高于对照组(P0.05);双足前后(tandem stance,TS)站立下,试验组重心左右偏移角度差值显著高于对照组,两组重心前后偏移角度差值未获得显著性差异(P0.05);试验组Tencnobody本体感觉训练系统测得的重心移动距离与重心描绘面积均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:动态人体重心和支撑面积监测系统辅助下的生物反馈平衡训练能够有效改善脑卒中患者的静态平衡功能,且其训练效果优于常规训练。  相似文献   

目的:探讨视觉反馈联合躯干强化训练对脑卒中Pusher综合征的疗效观察。方法:脑卒中Pusher综合征患者50例,将其随机分为观察组和对照组各25例,2组均给予常规的康复训练,观察组在此基础上加用视觉反馈联合躯干强化训练,训练前后采用Berg平衡量表(BBS)、Burke倾斜量表(BLS)以及Sheikh躯干控制积分进行疗效评定。结果:经过8周治疗,2组BBS及Sheikh评分均较治疗前明显提高(均P0.05),BLS评分明显降低(P0.05),且观察组3项评分改善幅度更高于对照组(均P0.05)。结论:视觉反馈联合躯干强化训练能有效地提高脑卒中Pusher综合征患者的平衡功能,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的观察平衡仪视觉反馈训练对偏瘫患者平衡功能和步行能力的影响。方法 40例脑卒中后偏瘫患者分为视觉反馈组和平衡板训练组各20例;在常规康复训练的基础上,视觉反馈组采用平衡仪提供的模式进行平衡训练;平衡板组应用平衡板进行平衡功能训练,采用Berg平衡量表(BBS)和Holden步行能力评分在治疗前和治疗5周后对两组患者进行评定。结果治疗前,两组患者的BBS和Holden步行能力无显著性差异(P〉0.05);治疗后,视觉反馈组改善的程度大于平衡板组(P〈0.01)。结论平衡仪视觉反馈训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者的平衡功能和步行能力的具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨视觉反馈训练在膝部骨折术后患者中的临床应用效果。方法 将64例膝关节骨折手术后患者分为对照组和视觉反馈组,每组32例。对照组术后给予常规康复训练,视觉反馈组在对照组基础上,第3~8周加用视觉反馈训练。治疗前及治疗后2周、4周、8周,对2组患者进行站立位平衡功能及步态评定,采用Lysholm评分法评定膝关节运动功能。 结果 治疗前,2组患者膝关节功能、步行能力及平衡功能比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与组内治疗前比较,2组患者治疗8周的Lysholm评分、Tinetti量表评分均增高(P<0.05),视觉反馈组治疗4周及8周的足底重心压力移动距离、移动轨迹面积减小(P<0.05)。与对照组治疗后同时间点比较,视觉反馈组治疗4周的足底重心压力移动距离[(338.25±14.11)mm]、移动轨迹面积[(580.62±17.26)mm2]较小(P<0.05),视觉反馈组治疗4周及8周的Lysholm评分、Tinetti量表评分较对照组高(P<0.05),足底重心压力移动距离、移动轨迹面积较小(P<0.05)。 结论 视觉反馈训练能有效改善膝部骨折术后患者的膝关节功能,提高平衡及步行能力。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of balance training with Space Balance 3D, which is a computerized measurement and visual feedback balance assessment system, on balance and mobility in acute stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] This was a randomized controlled trial in which 52 subjects were assigned randomly into either an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group, which contained 26 subjects, received balance training with a Space Balance 3D exercise program and conventional physical therapy interventions 5 times per week during 3 weeks. Outcome measures were examined before and after the 3-week interventions using the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, and Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients (PASS). The data were analyzed by a two-way repeated measures ANOVA using SPSS 19.0. [Results] The results revealed a nonsignificant interaction effect between group and time period for both groups before and after the interventions in the BBS score, TUG score, and PASS score. In addition, the experimental group showed more improvement than the control group in the BBS, TUG and PASS scores, but the differences were not significant. In the comparisons within the groups by time, both groups showed significant improvement in BBS, TUG, and PASS scores. [Conclusion] The Space Balance 3D training with conventional physical therapy intervention is recommended for improvement of balance and mobility in acute stroke patients.Key words: Balance training, Visual feedback, Acute stroke patients  相似文献   

[Purpose] The aim of this study was to examine the effects of visual feedback training on the balance of stroke patients performing ankle joint strategy exercises. [Subjects and Methods] In this study, 26 stroke patients were randomly and equally assigned to a visual feedback group (VFG) and a visual disuse group (VDG). They performed ankle joint strategy exercises for 30 minutes, three times per week for six weeks. The patients’ balance ability was measured before and after the exercises to compare the effects of visual feedback. To assess balance ability, the limits of stability (LOS) and the distance the center of pressure (CoP) moved were measured using a BT4 portable force platform. The Berg balance scale (BBS) and the timed up and go (TUG) test were also used to assess balance before and after the exercises. [Results] Changes in LOS were significant in the anterior, posterior, left, and right directions in each group, and the interactions between the two groups were significant in the posterior, left, and right directions. The changes in TUG and BBS results between pre-test and the post-test were statistically significant in the two groups, and also between the groups. [Conclusion] Visual feedback training had a positive effect on balance when ankle joint strategy exercises were performed by stroke patients to improve balance.Key words: Ankle strategy, Visual feedback, Balance  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用Gentile运动技能分类法指导康复训练对脑卒中患者平衡功能的影响。方法:脑卒中偏瘫患者43例,随机分为技能组22例和对照组21例,2组均配合运动再学习为主的康复治疗方案。技能组在采用运动再学习治疗方案时以Gentile运动技能分类法为指导进行运动分级和任务设计。2组治疗前后均采用跌倒风险指数(FI)、Berg平衡量表(BBS)及TUG计时测定评价平衡功能。结果:治疗6周后,与治疗前比较BBS评分2组均有显著提高;FI及TUG计时测定明显降低(均P0.05,0.01);2组间比较,技能组BBS评分明显高于对照组,TUG计时明显低于对照组(P0.05,0.01),FI评分2组差异无统计学意义。结论:以Gentile运动技能分类法为指导进行运动分级及任务设计,可以提高康复治疗效果,更有效改善脑卒中患者的平衡功能。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of resistance exercise training for strengthening muscles across multiple joints on the dynamic balance function of stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] Subjects in the training group (n=14) and the control group (n=14) received conservative physical therapy for 30 minutes per day, five days per week, for a period of six weeks. The training group additionally performed three sets (eight to 10 repetitions per set) of resistance exercise at 70% of the 1-repetition maximum (1RM) to strengthen muscles across multiple joints. The control group did the same exercises for the same duration but without resistance. To assess dynamic balance function, before and after the intervention, we measured antero-posterior (A-P) and medio-lateral (M-L) sway distances, the Berg balance scale (BBS), and the timed up and go (TUG) times. [Results] Compared to pre-intervention values, the BBS score showed significant increases in both groups, and A-P and M-L sway distances and TUG times showed significant decreases in both groups. Changes in A-P and M-L sway distances, BBS scores, and TUG times were significantly different between the muscle training group and the control group. [Conclusion] Training involving muscle strength across multiple joints is an effective intervention for improvement of dynamic balance function of stroke patients.Key words: Muscle strength exercise, Dynamic balance, Stroke  相似文献   

目的:探讨平衡仪反馈训练法和Bobath平衡训练法对偏瘫患者平衡和功能性行走能力的影响。方法:将符合试验条件的住院卒中患者分层随机分为试验组(20例)和对照组(20例),两组对象在试验开始前Berg平衡得分(BBS)、“起立-走”计时试验(Up&Go)比较差异无显著性意义。试验组的平衡训练使用平衡仪视觉反馈法,对照组平衡训练使用Bobath平衡训练法,测试指标采用BBS和Up&Go,在试验开始前和训练6周后各评定1次。结果:训练6周后试验组的BBS、Up&Go均优于对照组比较差异具有显著性意义。结论:使用平衡仪训练对改善脑卒中患者的平衡和行走功能比单纯的Bobath平衡训练法更有效。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of treadmill training with a horizontal impeding force applied to the center of upper body mass on the gait and balance of post-stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty-four subjects with hemiplegia less than 3 months after stroke onset were randomly assigned to 2 groups: an applied horizontal impeding force on treadmill training (experimental) group (n = 12), and a control group (n = 12). Both groups walked on a treadmill at a comfortable or moderate speed for 20 minutes per day, 3 sessions per week for 8 weeks after a pre-test. The experimental group also had a horizontal impeding force applied to the center of their upper body mass. [Results] All groups demonstrated significant improvement after 8 weeks compared to baseline measurements. In intra-group comparisons, the subjects’ gait ability (CGS, MGS, cadence, and step length) and balance ability (TUG, BBS, and FRT) significantly improved. In inter-group comparisons, the experimental group’s improvement was significantly better in CGS MGS, cadence, step length, TUG, and BBS, but not in FRT. [Conclusion] Treadmill training was identified as an effective training method that improved gait and balance ability. A horizontal impeding force applied during treadmill training was more effective than treadmill walking training alone at improving the gait and dynamic balance of patients with stroke.Key words: Treadmill gait, Horizontal impeding force, Upper body  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study aims to examine stroke patients’ changes in dynamic balance ability through stair gait training where in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) was applied. [Subjects and Methods] In total 30 stroke patients participated in this experiment and were randomly and equally allocated to an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received exercise treatment for 30 min and stair gait training where in PNF was applied for 30 min and the control group received exercise treatment for 30 min and ground gait training where in PNF was applied for 30 min. For the four weeks of the experiment, each group received training three times per week, for 30 min each time. Berg Balance Scale (BBS) values were measured and a time up and go (TUG) test and a functional reach test (FRT) were performed for a comparison before and after the experiment. [Results] According to the result of the stroke patients’ balance performance through stair gait training, the BBS and FRT results significantly increased and the TUG test result significantly decreased in the experimental group. On the contrary, BBS and FRT results did not significantly increase and the TUG test result did not significantly decrease in the control group. According to the result of comparing differences between before and after training in each group, there was a significant change in the BBS result of the experimental group only. [Conclusions] In conclusion, the gait training group to which PNF was applied saw improvements in their balance ability, and a good result is expected when neurological disease patients receive stair gait training applying PNF.Key words: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Stroke, Balance ability  相似文献   

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