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电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
自1995年2月~1997年12月该院共完成电视胸腔镜手术诊治胸内疾病80例。其中完成肺叶切除术15例,手术时间为90~180min,平均120min。平均术后住院11.5d。无手术死亡及严重并发症。该文就胸腔镜肺叶切除的适应证、肺门血管及支气管的处理及并发症等方面进行了详细的讨论。  相似文献   

林滔  黄鹿  田禹  戈烽 《中国内镜杂志》2005,11(8):879-880
目的 总结电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术的技术要点。方法 对5例患者行电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术,其中肺癌2例,肺脓肿1例,支气管扩张2例。结果 无手术并发症。结论 掌握电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术的技术要点,可以有选择地对肺部良、恶性病变行肺叶切除,比传统开胸手术创伤小。恢复快。  相似文献   

全电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 观察全电视胸腔镜下肺叶切除术的临床结果 并探讨有关手术方法 .方法 2008年7月~2009年9月以来共完成全胸腔镜下肺叶切除57例,其中肺癌49例,支气管扩张症3例,肺曲菌球病2例,肺硬化性血管瘤2例,慢性肺部炎症1例.选择腋中线第7或第8肋间作内镜观察孔(1.5~2.0 cm),听诊三角区作操作孔(1.5~2.0 cm),腋前线第4肋间或第5肋间长约4~6 cm辅助切口,便于游离血管和取出被切肺叶.结果 左肺上叶切除12例,左肺下叶13例,右肺上叶11例,右肺中叶5例,右肺下叶16例.术后平均胸管引流量50~150mL/d.平均住院10.5 d.全组无手术死亡率.结论 全胸腔镜下肺叶切除手术创伤小,术中出血少,病人恢复快,患者能完全接受.胸外科临床医师只要通过有关训练能完全掌握这项微创技术.  相似文献   

电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术的费用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙学峰  王正 《中国内镜杂志》2007,13(4):410-412,415
目的比较分析电视胸腔镜(VATS)和传统开胸单肺叶切除术患者的住院总费用、手术费用、药费、治疗费和术后住院天数。方法比较同一医院同期完成的VATS和传统开胸单肺叶切除术(VATS组88例,传统开胸组66例),术后均无严重并发症。结果VATS组总费用均值显著低于传统手术组,在统计学上差异无显著性(P〉0.05);VATS组手术费用高于传统手术组(P〈0.01),VATS组药费明显低于传统手术组(P〈0.01);VATS组治疗费明显低于传统手术组(P〈0.01);VATS组术后住院天数明显低于传统手术组(P〈0.01)。结论VATS单肺叶切除术并没有加重患者的经济负担,随着技术的改进,手术费用会逐渐降低,胸腔镜手术在我国会得到更大范围的普及和发展。  相似文献   

李迎新  蔡海波 《护理与康复》2013,36(6):410-411,414
目的探讨完全电视胸腔镜(VATS)下肺叶切除术治疗早期肺癌对术后早期肺功能的影响。方法2012年1月至2013年5月期间,连续收集我院早期肺癌肺叶切除术患者138例,其中完全电视胸腔镜肺叶切除71例(VATS组),传统开胸肺叶切除67例(开胸组)。比较两组患者术前肺功能及术后第7天,术后30d肺功能。监测的肺功能指标包括第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、最大自主通气量(MVV)及最大呼气流量(PEF)。结果两组患者均顺利完成手术。VATS组与开胸组两组患者术前肺功能指标FEV1,MVV及PEF差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后第7天VATS组与开胸组FEV1[(1.8±0.4)vs(1.64±0.38)L]、MVV[(72.1±15.3)vs(62.8±14)L/min]、PEF[(5.16±1.19)vs(4.82±1.26)L/s],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后第30天VATS组与开胸组FEV1[(1.91±0.39)vs(1.74±0.38)L]、MVV[(76.6±15.9)vs(66.9±12.7)L/min]、PEF[(5.32±1.23)vs(4.9±1.14)L/s],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗早期肺癌安全可行,对肺功能影响小,提高了患者术后生活质量。  相似文献   

全胸腔镜下肺叶切除术治疗肺部疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨全胸腔镜肺叶切除术的临床价值.方法 回顾性分析2008年11月~2009年11月在该院施行全胸腔镜肺叶切除术38例患者资料.其中,右肺上叶切除6例,右肺中叶切除3例,右肺下叶切除15例,左肺上叶切除4例,左肺下叶切除10例,对31例原发性肺癌患者并同期施行纵隔淋巴结清扫.结果 全组手术均顺利完成,1例中转开胸,手术时间(158.6±34.4)min,术中出血量(183.5±76.5)mL,胸腔闭式引流时间(5.3±2.6)d,术后住院时间为(7.6±3.5)d.术后病理诊断:原发性肺癌31例,肺转移瘤3例,炎性假瘤2例,肺隔离症1例,肺曲菌球1例.随访1~12个月,2例原发性肺癌患者分别于术后6和9个月发生远处转移.结论 全胸腔镜肺叶切除术疗效可靠、技术可行,具备安全、微创、恢复迅速的优势,适用于早期周围型肺癌和需要施行肺叶切除的良性肺部疾病,但需要娴熟的内镜下处理血管和清扫淋巴结等关键技术.  相似文献   

目的:探讨全电视胸腔镜(VATS)肺叶切除手术患者的护理配合方法.方法:对60例肺部疾病患者行VATS肺叶切除术,并给予密切护理配合.结果:本组1例分离上肺静脉导致右上肺尖后段动脉出血、1例支扩因胸腔广泛粘连改常规开胸手术外,其余均顺利完成手术.本组手术初期用时较长,平均时间为150~200 min.结论:术前仔细检查有关特殊器械性能、型号,熟悉操作步骤,对手术顺利进行非常重要.  相似文献   

21例单操作孔电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术后护理分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨"单操作孔"电视胸腔镜(VATS)肺叶切除患者术后的围手术期护理。方法回顾性分析我院21例"单操作孔"VATS肺叶切除患者的临床病理资料,总结其术后生命体征、疼痛、胸腔闭式引流管、并发症、住院时间,分析其术后护理特点。结果患者术后疼痛轻,术后第2~3天下床活动,胸腔引流管拔出时间(2.1±1.3)d,术后平均住院时间(5.2±3.2)d。全部患者后恢复顺利,无严重并发症,无围手术期死亡。结论"单操作孔"VATS肺叶切除患者疼痛轻、恢复快,针对性护理措施有利于防止术后并发症,加快康复、早期出院。  相似文献   

目的探讨“单操作孔”电视胸腔镜(VATS)肺叶切除患者术后的围手术期护理。方法回顾性分析我院21例“单操作孔”VATS肺叶切除患者的临床病理资料,总结其术后生命体征、疼痛、胸腔闭式引流管、并发症、住院时间,分析其术后护理特点。结果患者术后疼痛轻,术后第2~3天下床活动,胸腔引流管拔出时间(2.1&#177;1.3)d,术后平均住院时间(5.2&#177;3.2)d。全部患者后恢复顺利,无严重并发症,无围手术期死亡。结论“单操作孔”VATS肺叶切除患者疼痛轻、恢复快,针对性护理措施有利于防止术后并发症,加快康复、早期出院。  相似文献   

电视胸腔镜行肺叶切除病人的护理   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张欣红  张洁 《护理研究》2002,16(2):94-95
20 0 0年 2月— 2 0 0 1年 4月 ,我院对 2 7例肺部孤立性包块、肺部良性疾病、血气胸等病人 ,通过电视胸腔镜辅助小切口行肺楔型切除或肺叶切除 ,近期效果良好。现将护理体会报告如下。1 临床资料本组 2 7例 ,男 18例 ,女 9例。年龄 14岁~ 5 6岁 ,平均 3 5岁。其中血气胸 6例 ,肺大泡 7例 ,肺叶切除 14例。2 手术方法静脉复合麻醉下行双腔气管插管 ,健侧肺通气。置病人于标准后外侧体位 ,腰桥抬高 ,经第 7肋间腋中线作 2cm切口 ,插入胸腔镜探查肺部病变和胸腔内情况 ,经第 5肋间腋中线和腋前线之间作 8cm~ 12cm切口 ,使用小型撑开…  相似文献   

目的:总结单操作孔电视胸腔镜治疗非小细胞肺癌的临床效果。方法:选择单一治疗组2013年1月至2016年12月非小细胞肺癌手术患者536例,手术方式均为电视胸腔镜肺癌根治术。其中,167例行三孔术式(三孔组),369例行单操作孔术式(二孔组),比较两组临床疗效。结果:两组间手术时间、术中出血量、清扫淋巴结数目、中转开胸率、术后第1天引流量、术后拔管时间、术后住院时间、术后并发症差异均无统计学意义;二孔组术后第1天、第5天、第30天视觉模拟评分(visual analogue score,VAS)明显低于三孔组(P0.05)。结论:单操作孔电视胸腔镜肺癌根治术的安全性及有效性与三孔电视胸腔镜肺癌根治术无明显差别,但术后疼痛较轻,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

神经康复与中风住院费用及时间的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨神经康复治疗对脑卒中患者平均住院费用及住院时间的影响.方法将114例病人随机分为神经康复组和对照组.神经康复组56例,包括早期康复组30例和延迟组26例(发病时间小于2周者为早期康复组,超过2周者为延迟康复组);对照组共计58例.神经康复患者由专人进行运动功能训练,以Bobath疗法为主,所得数据作方差分析,均数两两比较作t检验.结果平均住院费用神经康复组为95.99±19.23百元,其中早期康复组为81.82±18.01百元,对照组为127.50±21.35百元;平均住院时间神经康复组为28.46±6.26 d,其中早期康复组为26.80±4.75 d,对照组为38.24±6.13 d.各组平均住院费用相比F=4.78(P<0.01),各组平均住院时间F=11.10(P<0 01);神经康复组、早期康复组和对照组两两相比,平均住院费用和住院时间均有显著差异(P<0.01).结论神经康复治疗尤其早期神经康复治疗确能降低脑卒中患者住院费用及缩短住院时间.  相似文献   



Most previous studies of the incidence and economic impact of drug-related hospital admissions were not cancer specific, despite the fact that drug-related problems (DRPs) are of particular concern in oncology.


The goals of this study were to assess the economic impact, particularly the length of stay (LOS) and direct medical costs (DMC), of drug-related hospital admissions and the associated factors in cancer patients in Singapore.


A prospective study was conducted over a 5-month period in 2 oncology wards at the largest acute tertiary hospital in Singapore. Drug-related admissions were identified from all oncology admissions to these wards, and the demographic, clinical, and cost data of these drug-related admissions were collected. The association between LOS and DMC as well as their associations with age, severity, and preventability of DRPs were examined. A nationwide estimation was made to determine the overall DMC of drug-related hospital admissions among cancer patients.


A total of 151 drug-related admissions that occurred among 137 cancer patients were identified. The mean DMC (in Singapore dollars [SGD]) and LOS per drug-related admission were SGD $4747 and 6.1 days, respectively. A nationwide extrapolation estimated an annual total DMC of SGD $16.2 million. Longer LOS was found to be correlated with higher DMC (rs = 0.86, P < 0.001) and preventable DRPs (P = 0.02).


Drug-related hospitalization among cancer patients is costly; therefore, more attention is warranted to develop and improve strategies for preventing drug-related morbidity and mortality in cancer patients.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胸腔镜下脊柱前路手术麻醉方法的选择及术中处理。方法:胸腔镜下脊柱前路手术42例。T10以上脊柱病变选择双腔支气管插管10例,常规气管插管32例。本组病例术前进行等容量血液稀释,术中采用控制性降压,预计术中出血量较大。应用血液回收机进行自体血回收。结果:T10以上平面脊柱病变选择双腔支气管插管,进行单肺通气,术中充分暴露手术野,缩短手术时间。而T10以下脊柱病变手术,采用常规气管插管,通过增加呼吸频率,减少肺潮气量,也能顺利完成手术。本组病例42例,输异体血只有15例,占35%。结论:胸腔镜下脊柱前路手术,T10以下平面的脊柱病变,可选择常规气管插管。术中采用控制性降压和血液回收机的应用,可以较大程度降低输血量,缓解血源的紧张,和减少输血引起的不良反应。  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDAnatomical segmentectomy has been proposed as a substitution for lobectomy for early-stage lung cancer. However, it requires technical meticulousness due to the complex anatomical variations of segmental vessels and bronchi.AIMTo assess the safety and feasibility of three-dimensional computed-tomography bronchography and angiography (3D-CTBA) in performing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for lung cancers.METHODSIn this study, we enrolled 123 patients who consented to undergo thoracoscopic segmentectomy and lobectomy assisted by 3D-CTBA between May 2017 and June 2019. The image data of enhanced computed tomography (CT) scans was reconstructed three-dimensionally by the Mimics software. The results of preoperative 3D-CTBA, in combination with intraoperative navigation, guided the surgery.RESULTSA total of 59 women and 64 men were enrolled, of whom 57 (46.3%) underwent segmentectomy and 66 (53.7%) underwent lobectomy. The majority of tumor appearance on CT was part-solid ground-glass nodule (pGGN; 55.3%). The mean duration of chest tube placement was 3.5 ± 1.6 d, and the average length of postoperative hospital stay was 6.8 ± 1.8 d. Surgical complications included one case of pneumonia and four cases of prolonged air leak lasting > 5 d. Notably, there was no intraoperative massive hemorrhage, postoperative intensive-care unit stay, or 30-d mortality. Preoperative 3D-CTBA images can display clearly and vividly the targeted structure and the variations of vessels and bronchi. To reduce the risk of locoregional recurrence, the application of 3D-CTBA with a virtual 3D surgical margin help the VATS surgeon determine accurate distances and positional relations among the tumor, bronchial trees, and the intersegmental vessels. Three-dimensional navigation was performed to confirm the segmental structure, precisely cut off the targeted segment, and avoid intersegmental veins injury.CONCLUSIONVATS and 3D-CTBA worked in harmony in our study. This combination also provided a new pattern of transition from lesion-directed location of tumors to computer-aided surgery for the management of early lung cancer.  相似文献   

【目的】对比全胸腔镜下肺叶切除术与传统肺叶切除术患者的相关临床指标,探讨胸腔镜手术治疗可行性及应用价值。【方法】分析实行全胸腔镜下及传统肺叶切除术的肺癌患者共为176例,施行全胸腔镜下肺叶切除术95例,传统肺叶切除术81例,对比两组的手术时间、术中出血量、淋巴结清扫枚数、术后疼痛、胸腔引流时间、住院时间、手术费用、术后并发症、术后肿瘤转移复发等有无差异。【结果】VATS组手术时间、胸管引流时间较传统组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);与传统组相比,VATS组术后疼痛明显减轻、住院时间减少、出血量明显减少;两组均无死亡。【结论】VATS行肺癌根治术具有微创、安全、恢复快、并发症少等优点,可以作为早期肺癌外科治疗的一种方案。’  相似文献   

Twenty-five patients with implantable Cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) implanted intrathoracically (group I) were compared with 25 patients who underwent implant using the nonthoracotomy approach (group II). AH systems were implanted by the same medical team, in the same high volume implanting center. Indications for implantation were comparable in both groups. Patient characteristics were not statistically different with the exception of age fee-group I vs 71-group II; P < 0.05). Although left ventricular ejection fractions appeared to differ (32% vs 37%, respectively), this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.06). ICD models used in group I were: Ventritex Cadence (16), Telectronics Guardian 4211 (2), Medtronic PCD (7); in group II they were: Ventritex Cadence (15), Guardian 4211 (2), and CPI 1600 (1). Total length of hospital stay was 16 ± 6 days for group I versus 12 ± 5 for group II (P < 0.05). Number of postoperative days in an intensive care unit was 3.2 ± 2.8 for group I versus 0.5 ± 0.6 for group II (P < 0.0001). Postoperative length of stay was 8.2 ± 3.1 for group I versus 5.7 ± 4.4 for group II (P < 0.001). Mean total hospital charges for the entire length of stay were $72,918 ±$26,770 in group I versus $55,031 ±$42,870 in group II, representing a mean reduction of 21 % in global costs for group II patients. These data confirm that nonthoracotomy ICD implantation in an experienced center is associated with significantly shorter hospital stays, a virtual elimination of the need for postoperative intensive care, and globally lower total hospital costs. In addition, the presence of a statistically older population in group II does not negate these beneficial effects.  相似文献   

不同手术途径子宫切除术患者的住院时间和费用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析不同手术途径子宫切除术患者的住院时间和费用,并与发达国家的数据比较,以为国内子宫切除选择手术途径提供依据。方法从北京协和医院病案首页管理系统中选择2002-2006年在该院行子宫切除术的患者进行研究。根据完成手术的途径,将纳入病例分为开腹子宫切除、腹腔镜子宫切除和阴式子宫切除3组,对3组患者的住院时间和住院期间的费用进行回顾性分析。结果共5975例子宫切除术患者纳入分析,其中开腹子宫切除3925例(65.7%),腹腔镜子宫切除组1543例(25.8%),阴式子宫切除组507例(8.5%),3组患者的术后住院时间中位数(均值)分别为6(6.4)天、4(4.8)天和5(5.6)天,比发达国家患者多住院2天。开腹子宫切除、腹腔镜子宫切除和阴式子宫切除患者住院期间的费用中位数分别为6109.0元、7296.3元和5265.2元。腹腔镜子宫切除费用较高的原因是手术收费和麻醉收费多。根据中国与发达国家人均收入水平差距进行校正后显示,国内子宫切除术患者住院期间的费用分别是英国的8.7倍和美国的1.8-4.9倍。结论我国腹腔镜子宫切除术患者住院时间短于开腹子宫切除术和阴式子宫切除术,但住院期间的费用稍高于后两者。相对于发达国家,国内子宫切除术患者术后住院时间偏长,住院期间的费用相对较高。  相似文献   

Ray Lucas  MD    Heather Farley  MD    Joseph Twanmoh  MD    rej Urumov  MD    Nils Olsen  PhD    Bruce Evans  MD    Hamed Kabiri  MD 《Academic emergency medicine》2009,16(7):597-602
Objectives:  The objective was to evaluate the association between hospital census variables and emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS). This may give insights into future strategies to relieve ED crowding.
Methods:  This multicenter cohort study captured ED LOS and disposition for all ED patients in five hospitals during five 1-week study periods. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to examine associations between ED LOS and various hospital census parameters.
Results:  Data were analyzed on 27,325 patients on 161 study days. A significant positive relationship was demonstrated between median ED LOS and intensive care unit (ICU) census, cardiac telemetry census, and the percentage of ED patients admitted each day. There was no relationship in this cohort between ED LOS and ED volume, total hospital occupancy rate, or the number of scheduled cardiac or surgical procedures.
Conclusions:  In multiple hospital settings, ED LOS is correlated with the number of admissions and census of the higher acuity nursing units, more so than the number of ED patients each day, particularly in larger hospitals with busier EDs. Streamlining ED admissions and improving availability of inpatient critical care beds may reduce ED LOS.  相似文献   

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