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喻东山 《临床荟萃》2010,25(6):547-550
从现实角度讲,精神科医生应当清楚精神药物之间的相互作用;而内科药物对精神药物的影响,通过查阅内科药物影响代谢的途径应当清楚;至于精神药物对内科药物的影响,精神科医生应当提供精神药物影响代谢的途径,由内科医生判断。本研究综述了细胞色素P4501A2酶对精神药物的影响。  相似文献   

社区精神药物管理与精神疾病防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区精神药物管理与精神疾病防治对社区医疗服务提出了更高的要求。重视和加强精神药物的管理可明显降低精神疾病的复发率、自杀率,减少意外事件的发生。所以,针对精神药物的药理特性,加强社区管理具有积极意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨PDCA循环法在临床科室麻醉、精神药物管理中的应用效果。方法将2009年1月-2010年12月临床14个护理单元护理质量控制中麻醉、精神药物管理的检查结果作为对照组;将2011年1月-2012年12月临床14个护理单元实施PDCA循环管理后麻醉、精神药物管理的检查结果作为观察组,采取回顾性分析对比实施PDCA循环法前后临床科室麻醉、精神药物管理质控检查结果。结果观察组除"填写欠规范"外,其余各项检查项目达标情况均好于对照组。结论 PDCA循环管理能有效提高临床科室麻醉、精神药物管理质量,有利于进一步落实患者用药安全的目标。  相似文献   

精神药物对精神疾病的治疗起着极其重要的作用。为了解我院目前精神药物使用情况,为今后精神药物进一步的合理应用,提高精神病的治愈率,我们于1994年6月15日对我院6个病区的住院患者进行调查,报告如下:  相似文献   

目前,精神药物在临床上使用广泛,而且多有耐受现象和潜在依赖性,对这类药物的使用进行调查研究,可以为临床合理使用精神药物,防止滥用起到监测和推动作用。 材料和方法 一、方法:连续统计我院1994年1~5月门诊内科、神经科和精神科处方。统计项目为:1.病人的年龄、性别;2.处方中有无精神药物;3.处方中精神药物的种类和名称;4.精神药物的使用持续时间。 二、标准依据:按文献报道采用世界卫生组织药物使用研究小组推荐的限定日剂量(Defined Daily Dose,简称DDD)作为测量药物利用的单位。采用药物利用指数(Drug Utilization Index,简称In-dex)为指标对精神药物处方进行分析。DDD是指用  相似文献   

非精神药物引起的精神症状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非精神药物引起的精神症状江苏省常州市德安医院袁浩龙江苏省常州市红十字医院周蓓蓓所谓非精神药物,是指不用于精神病治疗的各类药物,为使临床医生对非精神药物引起的精神症状有所了解,本文复习有关文献,作一综述。一、中枢兴奋剂[1 ̄3]苯丙胺常用于治疗发作性睡...  相似文献   

服用精神药物应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
日前,药物治疗仍然是精神病治疗和预防复发的土要方法,由于精神药物和精神病病人的特殊性,在服用精神药物时,应特别注意以下几个方面。[第一段]  相似文献   

目前,药物治疗仍然是精神病治疗和预防复发的主要方法,由于精神药物和精神病病人的特殊性,在服用精神药物时,应特别注意以下几个方面.  相似文献   

早在30年代,医学研究证明心理社会应激自主可以影响躯体疾病的发生和发展,继之就可出现相应的自主神经功能变化。在内分泌系统和免疫系统方面也会进一步发生紊乱,最后就造成各种内脏器官的器质性改变。在这个疾病发展的环节和过程中,使用精神药物可以有效地、较快地起到遏制作用。因此使用精神药物治疗心身疾病就成为当前医疗工作的重要方面。由于精神药物可以调节神经递质的传导、平衡自主神经,相应纠正了内分泌等的功能,因此精神药物就作为心身疾病治疗过程中的一个必要环节。尤其当心身疾病(高血压、溃疡病、神经性皮炎、支气管哮喘、冠…  相似文献   

精神药物对精神疾病的治疗起着极其重要的作用,为了进一步了解精神药物在我院的使用情况,我们调查了我院精神科门诊患者的用药情况,现将调查的内容总结分析如下:  相似文献   

建立在信息化基础上的管理流程能使麻精药品达到科学、精准、闭环管理的效果。本文通过介绍依托HIS系统对麻精药品进行闭环管理的经验,为麻精药品的精准管理及信息化管理提供思路。  相似文献   

Little is known about neurodevelopment of children exposed to psychotropic drugs during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of prenatal exposure to psychotropic drugs on psychomotor development in children. This observational study used the EFEMERIS database. The database records the drugs prescribed and delivered during pregnancy and the resulting outcomes. Neurodevelopment at nine and 24 months of children born to women exposed to psychotropic drugs (anxiolytics, antidepressants, neuroleptics and anti‐epileptics) during the second and/or third trimesters of pregnancy was compared to children who were not exposed to these drugs. Psychomotor development of 493 children (1.5%) exposed to psychotropic drugs during pregnancy was compared to 32 303 unexposed children. Exposure to psychotropic drugs during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of abnormal motor development at 9 months (OR = 1.3 [1.1–2.2]) and abnormal motor and mental development at 24 months (OR = 4.8 [2.1–11.0] and OR = 2.3 [1.05–4.9]). Increased risk was observed in children born to women exposed to anti‐epileptic drugs, neuroleptics or antidepressants during pregnancy. This study found a higher rate of deviation from the normal developmental milestones in children born to women exposed to psychotropic drugs during pregnancy and more particularly antidepressants, neuroleptics and anti‐epileptics.  相似文献   

The authors, working in a maximum security correctional institution, had noted an apparent increase in acts of aggression by inmates when these inmates were on psychotropic drugs. A retrospective study was therefore carried out to attempt to correlete and prove or disprove this hypothesis. It was found that violent, aggressive incidents occurred significantly more frequently in Inmates who were on psychotropic medication than when these inmates were not on psychotropic drugs. Of these, antianxiety agents (diazepam in 81 percent of the cases), appeared to be most implicated, with 3.6 times as many acts of aggression occurring when inmates were on these drugs. For the other classes of psychotropic medication the aggressive incident rate was double the rate of those on no psychotropic medication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The use of psychotropic drugs has increased continuously over recent years in industrialized countries. In Europe, France has the highest consumption of such drugs. The aim of this study was to identify the sociodemographic and medical factors associated with the use of psychotropic agents. METHODS: Data, collected as part of the SUVIMAX (SUpplementation en VItamines et sels Mineraux AntioXydants) prevention trial, from a self- administered questionnaire involving 7299 subjects aged 45-60 years, were subjected to logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 467 subjects used psychotropic drugs (8.4% of the women, 4.6% of the men). Use of psychotropic drugs increased in subjects of both sexes with past history of depression, perception of poor health and use of other drug treatments. Widowhood in men [odds ratio (OR) = 3.4; 95% CI = 1.6-7.3] and divorce in women (OR = 2; 95% CI = 1.2-3.2) were also associated with an increased use of psychotropic drugs. Interaction was demonstrated between educational level and occupational satisfaction in men (OR = 2.9; 95% CI = 1.5-5.8) and between perception of health status and use of other types of medication in women (OR = 6.5; 95% CI = 4.6-9.5). CONCLUSION: The results of our study are consistent with those of others in demonstrating that specific socio-occupational factors in men and specific medical factors in women influence extent of use of psychotropic drugs.  相似文献   

For the appropriate use of psychotropic drugs, such as hypnotics, antidepressants and antipsychotics, knowledge of the pharmacokinetic characteristics and the interactions of these drugs are required. The mechanisms of drug interaction can be subdivided into pharmacokinetic interactions and pharmacodynamic interactions. Among the former, interactions involving inhibition or induction of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes are clinically very important. If such interactions cause an increase of systemic exposure to psychotropic drugs, adverse effects are likely, while a decrease exposure may lead to treatment failure. In this article, we review drug interactions of psychotropic drugs from the viewpoints of clinical evidence, mechanism, and management.  相似文献   

The majority of psychotropic drugs are well tolerated in the patients with end-stage renal disease. There are exceptions for which tolerance and safety are questionable. These include psychotropic drugs such as milnacipran, sulpiride, lithium carbonate, memantine, gabapentin, pregabalin and topiramate.  相似文献   

目的探讨大规模手术室高流量使用麻醉药品和精神药品的规范化管理方法。方法运用流程精细化管理措施,对药品使用和管理各个环节进行逐一完善。通过定期质量控制,不断优化管理制度。结果我中心麻醉药品和精神药品实现了安全管理,在医院、全军各级检查中得到了肯定和好评。结论运用流程精细化管理措施能有效实现大规模手术室高流量使用麻醉药品和精神药品的规范化管理。  相似文献   

The authors provide the data on comparative efficacy of different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (220 studies), psychotropic drugs (32 cases) and combined therapy (58 cases). All the studies were made by the double blind method with the use of placebo (38 cases). As for the psychotropic drugs, use was made of the tranquilizer relanium, mild activating neuroleptic sonapax, and tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline. Combined therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and psychotropic drugs appeared the most efficacious. It is suggested that this is connected both with potentiation of the analgesic effect of the antirheumatic drugs and with the action on the psychological distress playing a definite role in the disease development.  相似文献   

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