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背景:信号无线传输系统担任着视皮质假体体内外信息交互的任务,为了使假体能够对刺激区域进行多靶位的有效刺激,需要从体外传输进来多个不同的刺激信号.目的:提出一种多路信号无线传输系统的设计方案.方法:利用频分复用技术,能够在单一通道上完成多路信号的传输,整个系统设计分体外发射电路和体内接收电路两部分,且接收电路采用无源设计,减少了供能给植入体带来的危害.在给出具体设计电路的同时,对影响系统传输效率的因素做了进一步分析,通过Multisim仿真实验验证其可行性.结果与结论:该多路信号无线传输系统可以扩展应用到各类植入式假体的信号传输部分,并日采用体内无源设计,避免了为电路供能给人体带来的伤害,通过初步的仿真实验证明该系统具有可行性,具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

随着无线传感器网络技术的出现,低负荷医学监测技术发生了革命性的变化.文章运用无线传感器网络技术设计了心电和脉搏波无线传感器组成整个监测系统,同步测量头部颞浅动脉脉搏波信号和体表心电信号,以及计算脉搏波传导时间.此心电和脉搏波无线传感器的体积小,且采用纽扣电池供电,彼此之间的时间同步精度小于l ms.计算出的脉搏波传导时间随缓慢深呼吸而相应变化.提示由具有体积小、功耗低和时间同步精度岛等特点的心电和脉搏波无线传感器组成的监测系统能够在作业条件下连续低负荷监测脉搏波传导时间.  相似文献   

背景:基于微机电系统的运动传感器以其安装简易、使用便利、成本低廉的特点给人体运动测量变革带来了契机。目的:分析总结运动传感器中适合人体运动测量的几型传感器,以及利用这些运动传感器取得的研究成果。方法:应用计算机检索CNKI和ISI数据库中2005/2011-08关于基于微机电系统运动传感器技术的文章,在标题和摘要中以"微机电系统、运动传感器、人体运动"或"micro electro mechanical systems sensor,human motion,human movement"为检索词进行检索。选择内容与微机电系统运动传感器技术在人体运动测量中的应用相关的文章,且尽量选择近5年发表或发表在权威杂志的文章。结果与结论:初检得到180篇文献,根据纳入标准选择34篇文章进行综述。人体运动测量中对各种运动传感器技术的关注和应用越来越多,运动传感器能够迅速简便地检测人体的运动信息,而其捕获的运动信息可广泛运用于各种临床领域。随着软硬件技术的不断发展将成为人体运动测量的主流手段。  相似文献   

目的:旨在设计一种基于嵌入式微处理器的尿道内压信号采集系统,采集尿道静态压力信号,进行后续分析。方法:①以嵌入式微处理器为核心,与传感器技术原理相结合,完成尿道内压力采集模块及信号放大滤波模块的设计。运用信号反馈原理提高A/D转换的分辨率,进而达到提高测量精度。②利用二线性插值法完成了传感器温漂的软件补偿,以增强采集数据的准确性。结果:在模拟静态尿道压采集的实验中,传感器采集的模拟尿道内压信号与光敏卡尺标定的位移信号一对应,送入嵌入式微处理器片内RAM中,完成压力与位置的标定。结论:基于ARM的尿道内压信号采集系统具有电路简单、可靠性好、功耗低、分析精度高和现场数据处理能力强的特点。  相似文献   

随着无线传感器网络技术的出现,低负荷医学监测技术发生了革命性的变化。文章运用无线传感器网络技术设计了心电和脉搏波无线传感器组成整个监测系统,同步测量头部颞浅动脉脉搏波信号和体表心电信号,以及计算脉搏波传导时间。此心电和脉搏波无线传感器的体积小,且采用纽扣电池供电,彼此之间的时间同步精度小于1ms。计算出的脉搏波传导时间随缓慢深呼吸而相应变化。提示由具有体积小、功耗低和时间同步精度高等特点的心电和脉搏波无线传感器组成的监测系统能够在作业条件下连续低负荷监测脉搏波传导时间。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于嵌入式单片机和通用分组无线服务的心电监护仪设计.包括硬件设计和软件设计两个部分:硬件设计部分着重介绍了心电调理模块(放大与滤波,50 Hz工频干扰消除),采集存储模块以及液晶显示模块和通用分组无线服务模块;软件设计部分着重介绍软件总体设计和液晶动态显示软件流程,同时给出了部分通用分组无线服务模块软件设计程序.整个系统以MSP430F247单片机为核心,包括心电信号的采集,存储和显示;以及心率计算,报警设置,有线和无线两种网络传输方式.该系统具有功耗低,便于携带,监护时间长,网络化、实时采集和传输等优点,作为家庭医疗和社区医疗的心电监护具有较大的实际意义.  相似文献   

目的:应用三维超声微成像检测转基因小鼠前列腺癌(TGMAP)模型并与三维病理图像比较.方法:通过三维微超声成像系统对TGMAP小鼠前列腺癌进行三维超声图像采集,对前列腺癌标本进行连续切片,扫描并存储图像,纵向排列所有的二维图像获得重建的三维数字化病理图像,对三维超声图像和三维病理图像进行比较.结果:通过定性比较前列腺癌的三维超声成像与连续组织学切片,证实了该超声系统可以准确显示活体小鼠肿瘤的大小和形状.结论:小鼠前列腺癌模型的三维超声微成像有望成为小鼠临床前期研究的新的微成像手段.  相似文献   

背景:临床上一般采用多导睡眠记录仪监测脑电α波来研究失眠等问题.多导睡眠记录仪存在两个问题:①众多长导线严重束缚被试者,导致其不能正常睡眠,影响了身心状态.无法获得准确结果.②由于脑电信号是极其微弱的电生理信号,所以非常容易被交流电干扰,使得分析软件无法识别有用信号.因此,需要设计一种能够克服上述缺点的监测系统.目的:设计一种监测脑电信号的无线传感器网络系统,不影响被试者身心状态,获得不受干扰的、准确的脑电信号.设计:采用先进行理论分析,建立电路模型,再设计实现实际应用电路.单位:解放军第三○五医院.材料:解放军第三○五医院提供临床实验环境.北京新兴阳升科技有限公司生产的多导睡眠记录仪做为对比实验设备.采用Matlab软件系统设计分析软件.方法:首先于2005年在解放军第三○五医院进行理论分析,建立干扰模型和无线传感器网络系统模型.2006年根据电路模型,设计实现了能够有效抑制干扰和小体积的无线脑电传感器.实验设计的无线脑电传感器于2006-02/08在解放军第三○五医院完成实际使用观察,此次使用过程经医院伦理委员会批准,受试者为院内工作人员.对实验的目的、过程、结果完全知情同意.最后将实际使同结果与多导睡眠记录仪的记录结果进行对比.主要观察指标:在干扰环境下获得信号的频谱.结果:无线脑电传感器在干扰条件下获得的脑电信号在8~12 Hz的α波频率范围内的功率谱峰值为6 926.043,交流电干扰在50 Hz的 频率上的功率谱为0.356.同时使用多导睡眠记录仪获得的脑电信号在8~12 Hz的α波频率范围内的功率谱峰值为1 112.3,交流电干扰在50 Hz的频率上的功率谱为85 440.结论:系统能够获得良好的脑电α波信号,并且很好地抑制交流电干扰.  相似文献   

目的开发集成一种康复训练时实时远程监控运动心率和运动动作的装置。方法选择Polar心率传感器,设计心率信号无线中继,将心率信号有效发射距离拓展到100 m之外;视频叠加装置将运动视频与心率数据进行同步组合叠加,在计算机上完成心率信号、运动视频的同步采集和数据、图像的实时记录与分析。结果和结论在Windows平台上完成运动心率和运动视频图像的处理,提供实时监控与分析的系统平台。  相似文献   

背景:脉搏波的采集一般都是基于有线的方式,这给测量带来不易移动、不易扩展等不便,同时传统的脉象识别也受到人为经验的限制。目的:为了弥补有线方式采集脉搏波带来的不便以及传统脉象识别受医生知识及经验的限制,文章提出一种应用无线采集脉搏信号,再应用正态二叉树支持向量机算法对脉象进行分类,以达到脉象无线传输、智能识别的目的。方法:首先通过HK2000B+集成脉搏传感器采集到脉搏波,经过信号调理电路的处理,采用无线收发模块,将其传输到计算机中,然后应用矩阵实验室软件对采集到脉搏波进行处理后提取脉搏波的时域和频域特征,最后对采集到的160例脉搏信号应用正态二叉树支持向量机算法对平、滑、弦、细4种脉象进行分类识别。结果与结论:该方法在目前的脉象分类方法中具有较高的分类速率、较低的计算复杂度以及较高的分类正确率,有利于推进脉诊的远程和客观化的实现。  相似文献   

介绍了无线传感器网络(wireless sensor network,WSN)技术的概念、优势及应用前景,分析了WSN技术在国外临床护理信息系统的应用现状,研究并设计了一种先进的基于WSN的临床护理监护系统,突破了国内临床护理信息系统使用传统的无线AP通信方式,不依托于基站;且通过临床应用测试证明了该系统设计的合理性与正确性。该系统与传统的无线临床护理信息系统相比,具有低功耗、低成本和高可靠性等优点。  相似文献   


“Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery” (NOTES) is assumed to offer significant benefits to patients, such as reduced trauma as well as reduced collateral damage. But the potential advantages of this new technology can only be achieved through safe and standardized operation methods. Several barriers, which have been identified during clinical practice in flexible intra-abdominal endoscopy, can only be solved with computer-assisted surgical (CAS) systems. In order to assist the surgeon during the intervention and enhance his visual possibilities, some of these CAS systems require 3-D information of the intervention site, for others 3-D information is even mandatory. Therefore it is evident that the definition and design of new technologies for CAS systems must be strongly considered. A 3-D endoscope, called “Multisensor-Time-of-Flight” (MUSTOF) endoscope, is actually being developed. Within these developments, an optical 3-D time-of-flight (TOF) sensor is attached to the proximal end of a common endoscope. The 3-D depth information obtained by this enhanced endoscope can furthermore be registered with preoperatively acquired 3-D volumetric datasets such as CT or MRI. These enhanced or augmented 3-D data volumes could then be used to find the transgastric or transcolonic entry point to the abdomen. Furthermore, such acquired endoscopic depth data can be used to provide better orientation within the abdomen. Moreover it can also prevent intra-operative collisions and provide an optimized field of view with the possibility for off-axis viewing. Furthermore, providing a stable horizon on video-endoscopic images, especially within non-rigid endoscopic surgery scenarios (particularly within NOTES), remains an open issue. Hence, our recently presented “endorientation” approach for automated image orientation rectification could turn out as an important contribution. It works with a tiny micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) tri-axial inertial sensor that is placed on the distal tip of an endoscope. By measuring the impact of gravity on each of the three orthogonal axes the rotation angle can be estimated with some calculations out of these three acceleration values, which can be used to automatically rectify the endoscopic images using image processing methods. Using such enhanced, progressive endoscopic system extensions proposed in this article, translumenal surgery could in the future be performed in a safer and more feasible manner.  相似文献   

背景:腹主动脉瘤覆膜支架腔内修复后内漏的检查方法主要有螺旋CT、动脉造影、核磁共振、多普勒超声等,但都是通过影像间接判断的,无法实现对内漏的直接有效检查,存在漏诊、操作复杂、检查成本高、对患者有一定创伤等缺点。目的:采用植入式无线血压传感器长期监测腹主动脉瘤修复术后瘤腔内血压,用于诊断是否发生内漏。方法:用于腹主动脉瘤修复后内漏诊断的压力无线检测系统由植入式无线血压传感器、能量发射线圈、数据读取器和数据处理平台组成。植入式无线血压传感器直接检测瘤腔内血压。无线血压传感器由无线能量接收模块、电源管理模块、传感器模块、信号调理模块、微控制器和射频通讯模块组成。结果与结论:目前已经完成了样机的研制,并进行了体外模拟血压测试实验。通过模拟实验,初步验证了无线血压传感器进行压力遥测的可行性及有效性。  相似文献   

The long duration of a working device with a limited battery capacity requires gas sensors with low power consumption. A self-heated gas sensor is a highly promising candidate to satisfy this requirement. In this study, two gas sensors with sparse and dense SnO2 nanowire (NW) networks were investigated under the Joule heating effect at the nanojunction. Results showed that the local heating nanojunction was effective for NO2 sensing but generally not for reduction gases. At 1 μW, the sparse NW sensor showed a good sensing performance to the NO2 gas. The dense SnO2 NW network required a high-power supply for gas-sensitive activation, but was suitable for reduction gases. A power of approximately 500 μW was also needed for a fast recovery time. Notably, the dense NW sensor can response to ethanol and H2S gases. Results also showed that the self-heated sensors were simple in design and reproducible in terms of the fabrication process.

We realize the local self-heated nanojunction in nanowires for ultralow power consumption gas sensor by a simple design and fabrication process.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of haemodynamics and blood gases has been performed in patients during either low-flow anaesthesia with xenon and nitrous oxide and high-flow nitrous oxide anaesthesia. Ninety five patients scheduled for endoscopic surgery were included and divided into three groups: a combined low-flow anaesthesia (30 women), a low-flow nitrous oxide anaesthesia (30 women) and a high-flow nitrous oxide anaesthesia using a semi-closed circuit (35 women). The study has shown a stimulating effect of xenon on haemodynamics during carboxyperitoneum and Trendelenburg position, a better oxygen transport performance and a lower consumption of opioids in this group. Those favourable changes enable the optimization of the oxygen transport in endoscopic surgery in gynaecology, and reduce the contraindications to endoscopic surgery.  相似文献   

A novel approach to the design of a semantic, low-dimensional, encoding for endoscopic imagery is proposed. This encoding is based on recent advances in scene recognition, where semantic modeling of image content has gained considerable attention over the last decade. While the semantics of scenes are mainly comprised of environmental concepts such as vegetation, mountains or sky, the semantics of endoscopic imagery are medically relevant visual elements, such as polyps, special surface patterns, or vascular structures. The proposed semantic encoding differs from the representations commonly used in endoscopic image analysis (for medical decision support) in that it establishes a semantic space, where each coordinate axis has a clear human interpretation. It is also shown to establish a connection to Riemannian geometry, which enables principled solutions to a number of problems that arise in both physician training and clinical practice. This connection is exploited by leveraging results from information geometry to solve problems such as (1) recognition of important semantic concepts, (2) semantically-focused image browsing, and (3) estimation of the average-case semantic encoding for a collection of images that share a medically relevant visual detail. The approach can provide physicians with an easily interpretable, semantic encoding of visual content, upon which further decisions, or operations, can be naturally carried out. This is contrary to the prevalent practice in endoscopic image analysis for medical decision support, where image content is primarily captured by discriminative, high-dimensional, appearance features, which possess discriminative power but lack human interpretability.  相似文献   

Several medical tools with various functions have been developed for minimally invasive diagnostics and treatment. Microfabrication techniques such as MEMS technology are useful for the realization of high-performance multifunctional minimally invasive medical tools with small sizes. An ultra-miniature pressure sensor and an intravascular ultrasonic forward-viewing imager have been developed as microsensors for use in the human body. Active bending catheters have been developed for steering catheter tips without using traction of wires from outside the body. An ultrasonic therapeutic tool for sonodynamic therapy and sonoporation, and a micro scanner for precise laser treatment have been developed as therapeutic tools for use in the human body. High-functionalized endoscopic tools and catheters will enable more precise and safe diagnostics and therapy, as well as novel diagnostics and treatment which have been impossible to date.  相似文献   

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