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健康管理是对个体或群体的健康进行全面监测、分析、评估,提供健康咨询和指导以及对健康危险因素进行干预的全过程[1]。内容包括健康体检、健康评估、健康干预3个环节。健康体检、健康评估的意义除了评价个人健康状态之外,更重要的是制定个体化的保健计划,进行健康干预,因此健康干预是实施健康管理的核心。健康干预的  相似文献   

健康是一种复杂和动态的生命状态。一个健康的人一定要平衡生命中不同的方面以获得和维持良好的健康状态。健康的要素包括:身体健康、智力健康、情感健康、职业健康、社会健康以及精神健康。  相似文献   

目的改革健康教育模式,提高健康教育效果。方法规范健康教育,选拔健康教育人才,丰富健康教育内容,拓展健康教育形式。结果实施健康教育人员和健康教育对象增加,健康教育满意率和知晓率提高。结论改革后的健康教育模式具有广泛的覆盖性和可行性。  相似文献   

<正>社区健康管理与健康促进1概述1.2健康促进在以预防为主的健康管理过程中,健康促进与健康教育作为重要的干预策略在其中扮演着重要的角色。了解健康促进与健康教育的有关理论知识,是进一步理解健康管理与健康促进之间关系的基础。1.2.1健康促进的涵义健康促进与健康教育的关系极其密切,只有在明晰两者之间关系的基础上,  相似文献   

目的利用计算机信息储存、传递、统计功能,实现眼科护理健康教育工作现代化网络管理。方法根据眼科护理健康教育特点进行需求分析和工作,编写护理健康教育管理软件,由7个关联模块组成:健康教育执行护士信息、健康教育病人信息、健康教育项目信息、健康教育文书信息、健康教育病人传送信息、健康教育统计报表信息、健康教育系统设置信息。结果护理健康教育管理系统软件的开发与应用,实现了眼科护理健康教育对病人信息的采集,准确传送、保存、统计、维护的现代化网络管理,满足了临床护理健康教育工作和护理健康教育的管理需求。结论眼科护理健康教育管理系统软件实现了健康教育网络信息化管理,有利于护理健康教育的质量控制及规范化管理。  相似文献   

目的探讨健康教育部在患者健康教育中的作用效果。方法选择与培养健康教育督导员,开展多样化的健康教育,更新健康教育单张内容,增加新病种健康教育单张,开展老年慢性病患者讲座,设置健康教育交流园地。了解患者健康教育知识知晓情况。结果健康教育部1年期间举办健康教育讲座88次,有6009人次参加,患者健康教育知识知晓率为96.70%。结论健康教育部在提高住院患者健康教育水平中发挥了积极重要的作用。  相似文献   

<正>目前健康管理作为主动的、全程的健康促进措施已得到充分重视。各健康管理(体检)中心的任务已开始从健康体检转向包括健康体检、健康档案管理、健康知识传播、健康管理、疾病管理以及完善的健康促进服务[1]。在我们的工作中部分企事业单位已经开始意识到实施团队健康管理是人力资源  相似文献   

健康、健康管理、健康管理师及中国健康管理的发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王力  王丽辉 《中国疗养医学》2011,20(12):1065-1067
健康是人类生存发展和民族兴旺发达的基础,享有健康和促进健康是公民的重要权利。确立健康管理专家这个职业是维护和促进健康的重要措施。本文着重介绍了健康和健康管理的形势和任务,健康管理师的出现,以及健康管理在中国发展前景的展望。  相似文献   

提高护士健康教育能力的实践与成效   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
目的了解护士健康教育能力对病人健康教育效果的影响.方法从调查住院病人健康教育知晓率入手,探索提高护士健康教育能力的必要性及方法,以进一步提高健康教育质量.结果分层次确定护士岗位健康教育职责,多方式、多途径指导护士开展健康教育工作,提高了护士健康教育能力及工作的责任感,提高了病人健康教育效果.结论提高护士健康教育能力,可以有效地提高病人健康教育效果.  相似文献   

该文介绍了健康素养与健康教育的内涵及其相互关系,从合理评估服务对象的健康素养、有效组织与呈现健康教育材料、如何依据服务对象的健康素养水平采取合适健康教育方法及评价健康教育几个方面,总结了护士在基于健康素养的健康教育中可以采取的策略。  相似文献   

目的 在健康服务视域下,探索身体活动融入儿童青少年眼健康服务体系的理论、内容及路径方法。方法 从世界卫生组织(WHO)健康服务体系六个组成部分,即领导力与治理、筹资、健康人力资源、服务提供、医药技术、健康信息出发,对基于学校的眼健康与身体活动相关政策架构与核心内容进行分析,探讨如何促进身体活动融入以学校为基础的眼健康服务体系,以及身体活动在眼健康服务连续体的预防、干预、康复和健康促进中的应用。结果 基于健康服务体系视角,根据《世界视觉报告》,将身体活动融入以学校为基础的眼健康服务应遵循跨领域健康服务的五大原则,即普遍可及性和公平性、人权、循证、全生命周期和赋权。WHO倡导构建以人为本的眼健康服务体系,以人为本是基于学校的眼健康服务与身体活动融合新模式的核心理念。在健康促进学校中倡导基于学校的教育和身体活动的方法促进学生的健康,将身体活动作为儿童青少年眼健康相关的预防、干预、康复和健康促进措施,并大力培养学校内部掌握身体活动与眼健康相关知识和技能的专业人员,构建身体活动与儿童青少年眼健康信息系统,推进身体活动融入以学校为基础的眼健康服务体系。结论 身体活动是促进儿童青少年眼健康的重要手段,也是实现以人为本的眼健康服务体系的重要组成部分。根据WHO健康服务体系六个构成要素,构建基于学校的眼健康服务,融合身体活动的理论和方法体系,要求在学校环境中提供教育和身体活动等健康促进的方法。提升学校环境下基于教育和身体活动方法的眼健康服务的领导力和治理,建立新筹资机制,提供资金保障,发展身体活动促进眼健康相关人力资源,完善相关服务提供体系,开发高质量身体活动干预眼健康技术与器材,并将儿童身体活动及眼健康信息融入到学校健康信息,从而实现儿童的眼健康和促进其身心发展。  相似文献   

This study determines the differences in health risk behavior, knowledge, and health benefit beliefs between health science and non‐health science university students in 17 low and middle income countries. Anonymous questionnaire data were collected in a cross‐sectional survey of 13,042 undergraduate university students (4,981 health science and 8,061 non‐health science students) from 17 universities in 17 countries across Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Results indicate that overall, health science students had the same mean number of health risk behaviors as non‐health science university students. Regarding addictive risk behavior, fewer health science students used tobacco, were binge drinkers, or gambled once a week or more. Health science students also had a greater awareness of health behavior risks (5.5) than non‐health science students (4.6). Linear regression analysis found a strong association with poor or weak health benefit beliefs and the health risk behavior index. There was no association between risk awareness and health risk behavior among health science students and an inverse association among non‐health science students.  相似文献   

老年人健康状况及保健需求调查   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
目的了解老年人的健康状况及对医疗保健的需求,为老年人的健康保健及医疗服务提供参考依据。方法随机对来我院参加健康知识讲座的324名老年人进行问卷调查。调查内容包括健康状况、健康相关行为、医疗服务利用情况、卫生保健需求4个方面。结果老年人身体状况普遍欠佳,在被调查的老年人中,有81.6%的老年人患有高血压、心脏病、糖尿病或其他慢性病;有23.2%的老年人曾因病住院。吸烟、饮酒及少运动是影响老年人身体健康的主要因素。为老年人改善环境、增加安全性、提供日间护理、社区护理、提供健康知识教育是绝大多数老年人的保健需求。结论针对老年人的健康状况及需求,应多提供针对老年人的健康知识讲座,开展健康教育活动,加强社区保健服务,使他们了解自己的健康状况、熟悉自身所患疾病的相关知识,加强自我保健意识,去除不良习惯,以达到免除疾病、减少病痛、增进健康的目的。  相似文献   

People with serious mental illness (service users) have needs related to sexual health and sexuality, yet these have been poorly addressed in mental health services. In the present study, we report the current practice of mental health professionals in relation to sexual health. Focus groups conducted in two mental health trusts explored routine practice in relation to discussing, assessing, and planning care in relation to sexual health. A thematic analysis identified seven themes: (i) sexual health provision is a complex issue; (ii) mental health staff are aware of sexual health needs; (iii) current provision regarding sexual health is ‘neglected’; (iv) barriers to sexual health provision; (v) enabling a discussion around sexual health; (vi) sexual health provision is a role for mental health professionals; and (vii) training needs. Mental health staff are aware of complex issues related to sexual health for service users, but this is mainly seen through the lens of risk management and safeguarding. We need to develop the mental health workforce to be able to incorporate sexual health into routine health care.  相似文献   

目的:通过健康信念模式在健康教育过程中的应用,探讨对患者健康促进生活方式及自觉健康行为自我效能的影响.方法:抽取符合诊断标准的冠心病患者100例,入院后均给予内科心血管疾病常规治疗和护理,然后在病情许可的情况下,开始采用健康信念教育模式实施健康教育,并于实施前、实施6个月后分别采用健康促进生活方式评定量表、自觉健康行为自我效能量表进行测评、比较.结果:健康信念教育模式实施前后,本组患者健康促进生活方式评定量表各维度得分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),自觉健康行为自我效能量表各维度得分和总分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:冠心病患者采用健康信念模式进行健康教育,可不同程度地增强患者的自觉健康责任意识和维护促进健康的自觉行为,促进健康生活方式的建立,进而全面康复.  相似文献   

Background: High‐quality documentation of children’s health is an important priority in health care given trends of declining mental health and reduced well‐being in children. There is a lack of information concerning psychosocial health in the standardized part of the national health record in the Child Health Service and the School Health Service in Sweden. Further, little is known if the free text notes in the health record, besides information on physical health, also include information on children’s psychosocial health. The aim of this study was to describe what is recorded concerning children’s health and development in free text notes. Methods: The study was based on a retrospective analysis of text using an inductive approach for qualitative analyses of content. Results: The analysis of the free text notes in the health records yielded seven categories: development, family, health problems, living habits, medical issues, preschool/school and leisure, and well‐being. The categories mainly covered psychosocial aspects of health and were not only about health and development problems of the child but also what was covered during the visits. The information was unevenly distributed across the ages. A stronger focus on the youngest age groups within a family and preschool setting is needed. There was novel information in the free text notes such as pain, general health, emotions, mother’s mental health and leisure activities, which was not covered in the standardized part of the health records. Conclusion: The free text notes mainly reflected a psychosocial perspective on health. The findings of this study suggest that requesting more information on children’s psychosocial health in the standardized part of the health records could contribute to more comprehensive and informative health records in the Child health Service and the School Health Service in Sweden.  相似文献   

The prevalence of health risk behaviours and associated poor physical health is high in people with severe mental illness. Mental health service guidelines and policies stipulate that mental health services should address physical health of people who access services. This study reports results from a large, interdisciplinary, cross‐sectional study exploring mental health clinicians’ (n = 385) views of role legitimacy in physical health service provision. All disciplines reported that mental health clinicians have a role to play in addressing the physical health of consumers. Among mental health clinicians, psychiatrists and mental health nurses received higher endorsement than allied health clinicians in relation to the provision of physical health care, with primary care providers including general practitioners also ranking highly. As community mental health services routinely appoint allied health staff to case management roles, a challenge for services and a challenge for clinicians are to ensure that physical health and the effects of medication are monitored appropriately and systematically. Online and telephone support services received relatively lower endorsement. As the availability of nonface to face services increases, there is a need to explore their utility in this population and where appropriate promote their uptake.  相似文献   

丽水市机关干部人群保健特点及健康教育方式探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
总结2002-2004年丽水市机关干部人群保健特点和健康教育的适宜方式。采取了以团队机关干部健康体检和健康教育、康复指导相结合的方式,通过分析体检结果,揭示存在的健康问题,进行针对性专题讲座及康复指导。经过3年的连续健康教育,丽水市机关干部人群中严重存在的心血管病危险因素水平和亚健康现象的增长势头得到有效遏止。认为将健康体检与健康教育相结合,开展系列健康教育活动是一种卓有成效的机关干部人群健康教育方式。  相似文献   

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