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结构化面试在护士长选拔中的效度实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过分析用于护士长选拔工作中结构化面试的结构效度和实证效度,提出进一步完善结构化面试测评指标体系的建议。方法运用因素分析法对结构化面试的结构效度进行分析,运用追踪调查问卷法,把已上岗1年后的护士长的工作实绩作为效标,对结构化面试的实证效度进行研究。结果根据因子分析的结果可知,结构化面试通过7个测评要素,主要测查了考生的4种潜在特质,其中每种潜在特质都通过某一测评要素充分体现出来。通过问卷调查可知,用人部门对通过结构化面试选拔任用的护士长的工作表现非常满意,有87.5%的选用护士长被用人部门评价为优秀。结论结构化面试具有较好的结构效度和实证效度,但是测评指标需要进一步修正完善。  相似文献   

为了改善护理人员严重缺编的现象,降低人力成本,保证医疗护理工作的正常运行,1998年1月~2004年1月,我院先后招聘合同制护士102名,通过对合同制护士的培养和管理,效果满意。现报告如下。1方法1·1公开招聘为了保证合同制护士的质量,医院对一些护士学校的校风、教学质量进行调查,选择教学质量好的学校作为定点学校。通过面试,了解其仪表、气质、语言沟通能力,然后进行护理理论考试、技术操作考核、英语考核、计算机基础知识考核,综合测评合格后,准入为医院培训护士。主要从事临床基础护理工作及辅助性工作,不能独立值班。经过一年的培训,使她…  相似文献   

为了改善护理人员缺编的现象,降低人力成本,建立合理的人才梯队,保证医疗护理工作的正常运行,我院自2 0 0 2年以来陆续招聘护士5 0余名,并对新聘护士的培养和使用管理模式进行了探索,现报告如下。1 方法1.1 公开招聘,严把录用关 2 0 0 2年以来,我院分3次在全区范围内对大中专护理专业毕业生进行公开招聘。首先对应试者进行护理理论考试及技术操作考核,筛选成绩优秀者参加下一轮面试;其次通过面试观察其仪表、体态,了解语言表达能力及应变能力、心理素质等;最后根据综合测评结果及实习期间各方面表现择优录取。1.2 实施岗前培训 由党办…  相似文献   

在深化医院干部人事改革中我院试行了对护士长的民主选拔,公开招聘。全院共聘用了7名护士长。通过近1年的实践证明它是一种行之有效的好方法,现将我们的做法和体会总结如下,以供同行们参考。 1 指导思想 改革开放给医院注入了新的活力,把护理工作引入竞争机制无疑是提高护理人员素质和护理质量的重要途径。不拘一格选拔人才,让年轻有能力、有才干的同志充实到领导岗位,可充分调动护理人员工作的积极性和创造性。我们参照外地选拔领导干部的做法,决定打破过去论资排辈的任命制度,对护士长的任命试行公开招聘,充分发扬民主,增加透明度,使每个护士均有一个公平竞争的机会,从而促进护理管理质量的提高。 2 具体实施步骤  相似文献   

我院招聘文职人员创新思路的做法与成效   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
军队医院招聘文职人员是军队人事制度改革的新举措。我院通过资格审核、体格检查、心理测试、相关理论与技能考核、体能测试及面试等招聘方法的实施,顺利完成了首批文职人员的招聘工作,并取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

我院是一所二级甲等综合性医院,实有床位350张,护理人员180人。临床护理人员与床位之比为1∶0.26,达不到医院分级管理要求1∶0.4标准。为解决临床需要与护理人员短缺的矛盾,我院自1993年开始采用招聘合同护士的方法弥补人员不足。通过几年实践,我们认为,这是解决当前护理人员不足的一个较好途径。1 录用方法招聘时,前来应招人员多系本院职工介绍,为录用工作造成一定困难。为保证录用人员素质,我院规定了招聘条件,采用了择优录用的方法。1.1 把好学历关 所招聘人员必须是济南市正规护校的毕业生,规定学校是:山医卫校、省医护校、济南卫校…  相似文献   

通过对文职人员甄选条件的问卷调查、招聘条件的确立、职位说明书的编写、专业水平的测试、结构化面试问题的设定、专业相关的人格测评等方面工作,充分发挥护理部在专业人才规范化使用、管理上的优势,突显护理部的地位与作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用情商考评招聘聘用护士的方法,以提高护士队伍的整体素质.方法遵循定性和定量相结合、笔试和面试相结合、考核与考察相结合的原则,运用情商考评进行聘用护士的招聘.使用期满1年,护理部就所选人员的专业理论、技术操作、沟通能力、工作能力综合评价.病人满意度方面进行调查.结果应用情商考评招聘的聘用护士评价结果好于没有应用情商考评招聘对照组聘用护士,差异有显著性(P<0.01).结论情商是确保护理人员质量的关键因素,情商高低影响护理人员的人际关系,建立并完善一套招聘考评体系十分重要.  相似文献   

目的测评护理人员对医院情境和领导行为的评价。方法采用医院领导行为及情境因素评估量表,组织378名护理人员进行测评。结果护理人员对医院情境中的团队意识及工作激励评价较高,对待遇满意评价最低;对领导的PM职能评价为P职能(38.37±6.05)分、M职能(38.60±6.77)分;不同学历、职称、编制、科室的护理人员评分有差异。结论医院管理者要不断提高PM职能,改善医院情境。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨以临床需求为导向的教学管理模式在新医院筹建时人才储备中的应用。[方法]新医院开业前期招聘的108名护理人员,分别送往优势医院进修,建立以临床护理需求为导向的教学管理模式,为外派进修人员建立《一人一手册》、设定协调员,培养反思及书写的能力、组织分阶段汇报、定期走访等方法。应用客观的评价指标分别于不同时间点进行学习效果的测评。[结果]108名进修护理人员共完成个案管理504份,反思648份,进修后护理人员临床实践能力(护理人员管理病人健康能力、建立护患关系能力及教育能力)、综合能力自我评价评分明显提高(P0.01)。[结论]新医院人才储备中建立以临床需求为导向的教学管理模式,适应新医院的发展需求,适应新医院自身的管理体系。  相似文献   

The primary aim of this prospective face-to-face interview survey was to identify the proportion of inpatients at an acute hospital (Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK) considered to have palliative care needs by medical and nursing staff directly responsible for their care. During the 1-week period of the survey (6-10 September 1999), 452 inpatients were present in the hospital. Nursing staff were interviewed for 99% of patients; medical staff for 81%. Staff interview data were supplemented by case note review. Overall, 23% of the total inpatient population were identified as having palliative care needs and/or being terminally ill by staff and 11% were considered suitable for referral to a specialist palliative care bed. However, there was a low level of concurrence between medical and nursing staff as to which individual patients had palliative care needs (although this increased with perceived increased proximity to death), including which would be suitable for referral to a specialist palliative care bed. A need for further palliative care education for medical and nursing staff working within acute hospital settings was identified to ensure that the best use is made of hospital-based specialist palliative care services.  相似文献   

目的:通过现况调查了解医院管理人员对护理人员队伍稳定性等问题的观点。方法:采用现况调查法,并对数据进行统计学处理。结果:42.11%的医院管理人员认为护理队伍不稳定;57.46%的人认为护理人力不足。结论:应采取措施稳定护理队伍,合理配置护理人员,提升护理服务水平。  相似文献   

Aims This paper describes a case presentation of a process for using peer evaluation to identify and select new nursing leaders in hospital settings. Background A reliable method for identifying emerging leaders has yet to be defined. Often, it is based only on managerial observation and evaluation, and does not involve staff opinion. Methods We developed a three‐tiered selection process consisting of: confidential peer voting, head nurse recommendations and a personal interview. Results Forty‐three potential leaders were enrolled in our leadership training workshop. Twelve graduates of this workshop were chosen to fill leadership positions in the hospital. Conclusions Peer recognition of potential nursing leaders might serve as a critical component in the process of selecting future nursing leaders. Implications for nursing management Combining peer evaluation with structured leadership selection may be beneficial for the early recognition of future nursing leaders. This approach is not commonly used in the leader identification and selection process. It may contribute to a sense of trust between management and staff, and promote transparency as well as legitimacy in the selection process.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed the accidents happened at work with the nursing staff of a public hospital, provoked by sharp instruments. All the nursing staff composed the study population. In the collection of data two instruments were used: a questionnaire designed to collect data referring to all working accidents that happened in the year of 1996; the second was an interview accomplished with these workers that suffered accidents with sharp instruments. The results showed that the nursing staff health is under risk with sharp instruments is involved in the accidents. For these accidents, the greater risk coefficients were for nursing auxiliary. High subnotification was verified for those accidents. The relative results of the interaction of the nursing staff working with sharp instruments indicate the great exposure to the biological risks and the serious diseases.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research in investigating agency nursing work from the perspectives of hospital nursing managers and agency nurse providers. This exploratory paper examines the hospital nursing managers' and agency nurse providers' perceptions and experiences of agency nursing work. Individual, in-depth interviews were conducted with three agency nurse providers and eight hospital nursing managers. Because of the lack of previous research in this area, an exploratory, semi-structured interviewing technique was deemed appropriate. Three major themes emerged from interview data: planning for ward allocation, communication and professionalism. In planning for ward allocation, hospital managers were primarily concerned with maintaining adequate numbers of nursing staff in the ward settings. A major concern for agency nurse providers was inappropriate allocation of temporary staff. Communication was valued in different ways. While hospital managers focused on communication between the agency nurse and other permanent members of the health care team, agency providers were concerned with exchanges between agencies and hospital organizations, and between the agencies and agency nurses. For both groups, responsibility for professional development and the status of agency nursing as a career choice for graduate and experienced nurses were the focal aspects for consideration. A limitation of this study is the small number of individual interviews conducted with hospital nursing managers and agency nurse providers. Nevertheless, the findings represent the views of 11 individuals in senior managerial roles. The findings reinforce the need to enhance collaboration between hospitals and nursing agencies, and to examine how divergent views of agency nursing work could be reconciled--with the aim of providing quality patient care.  相似文献   

目的:探讨先天性角膜混浊患儿母亲的内心体验,收集相关内容,为护理人员能为患儿提供更好的护理措施提供一定的依据。方法:2016年9-12月,采用目的抽样法选择在复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院门诊首诊并确诊为先天性角膜混浊患儿的母亲12名为研究对象,对其进行深度访谈,采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法对其进行半结构式访谈,并采用Colaizzi7步分析法对访谈资料进行分析,整理提炼主题。结果:先天性角膜混浊患儿母亲的内心体验可以归纳为以下5个主题:沉重的心理压力、疾病知识缺乏、经济压力的负担、希望得到的帮助和支持、生育多胎的需求和疑虑。结论:护理人员应主动了解患儿母亲的真实感受,并对其进行针对性的护理和健康教育,给予其相关的支持和帮助。  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study of what lesbian women and gay men had to say, as patients and as partners, about their experiences of nursing in hospital care, and what they regarded as important to communicate about homosexuality and nursing. BACKGROUND: The social life of heterosexual cultures is based on the assumption that all people are heterosexual, thereby making homosexuality socially invisible. Nurses may assume that all patients and significant others are heterosexual, and these heteronormative assumptions may lead to poor communication that affects nursing quality by leading nurses to ask the wrong questions and make incorrect judgements. METHOD: A qualitative interview study was carried out in the spring of 2004. Seventeen women and 10 men ranging in age from 23 to 65 years from different parts of Sweden participated. They described 46 experiences as patients and 31 as partners. FINDINGS: Heteronormativity was communicated in waiting rooms, in patient documents and when registering for admission, and nursing staff sometimes showed perplexity when an informant deviated from this heteronormative assumption. Informants had often met nursing staff who showed fear of behaving incorrectly, which could lead to a sense of insecurity, thereby impeding further communication. As partners of gay patients, informants felt that they had to deal with heterosexual assumptions more than they did when they were patients, and the consequences were feelings of not being accepted as a 'true' relative, of exclusion and neglect. Almost all participants offered recommendations about how nursing staff could facilitate communication. CONCLUSION: Heterosexual norms communicated unconsciously by nursing staff contribute to ambivalent attitudes and feelings of insecurity that prevent communication and easily lead to misconceptions. Educational and management interventions, as well as increased communication, could make gay people more visible and thereby encourage openness and awareness by hospital staff of the norms that they communicate through their language and behaviour.  相似文献   

目的了解执行卫勤保障任务时护理人员抽组的现状及存在问题,为提高护理卫勤抽组效率提供参考依据。方法2021年4-5月,采取目的抽样法选择8所军队医院的10名护理管理者或护理骨干为研究对象,采用半结构式访谈的形式收集资料,根据Colaizzi 7步分析法对资料进行分析,提炼主题。结果护理卫勤抽组存在问题可归纳为4个主题:医院卫勤保障能力不足;现行抽组方式遴选人员效率低且难度大;医疗队卫勤保障能力与实际需求不匹配;个人情况与任务相冲突。结论护理人员现有抽组问题的原因涉及多方面,医院及管理层应在政策制度、组训方式、人员思想、辅助工具方面有针对性地采取有效措施,以提高护理卫勤指挥决策效率。  相似文献   

上海市二级综合医院护理人力资源配置模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 通过研究建立二级综合医院护理人力资源配置模型,为上海市政府制定政策提供理论依据.方法 包括文献回顾、专家咨询、现况调查、护理项目工时测定及统计分析等.结果 对原有护理人员配置计算公式的"机动系数"进行研究,提出新的合理数值为0.079;计算出二级综合医院整体实际配置床护比为1:0.56,医院整体标准配置床护比为1:0.60.结论 可以根据研究结果,合理配置二级综合医院护理人员.  相似文献   

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