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[目的]探讨经口气管插管病人在拔除气管插管前行气囊漏气试验对预测拔管后发生上气道梗阻的临床意义。[方法]选择重症医学科(ICU)内267例经口气管插管并进行机械通气的病人随机分为对照组(133例)和观察组(134例)。对照组病人按照传统方式评估后即可拔除经口气管插管;观察组病人在拔除经口气管插管前需进行气囊漏气试验,试验阳性时分析其原因、评估拔管后可能出现的风险并采取相应的预防措施,试验转为阴性时拔除气管插管。比较两组病人拔除气管插管后上气道梗阻的发生率,分析其发生上气道梗阻的原因,评估气囊漏气试验对预测老年病人拔管后发生上气道梗阻的价值。[结果]对照组、观察组病人上气道梗阻的发生率分别为15.8%和7.5%,经比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]气囊漏气试验对预测老年病人拔除经口气管插管后发生上气道梗阻具有临床参考价值,可预防拔除气管插管后发生上气道梗阻的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨机械通气患者拔管前进行漏气实验在判断上气道狭窄中的应用效果。方法:将115例气管插管机械通气患者随机分为观察组60例和对照组55例,观察组在拔管前进行漏气实验,漏气实验阳性(漏气量<140 ml)时评估拔管可能出现的风险并采取相应措施,漏气实验阴性(漏气量>140 ml)时拔除气管插管;对照组按传统方式评估后拔除气管插管。比较两组患者气道狭窄发生率及主要变量,分析发生气道狭窄的原因,评估漏气试验对预测气道狭窄的价值。结果:观察组气道狭窄发生率低于对照组(P<0.05);两组气囊压力、MV时间、再置管比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);气道狭窄发生与喉头水肿、肿瘤、喉梗阻、气道痉挛、分泌物阻塞、原发性气道疾病等因素相关(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:漏气试验对预测上气道狭窄结果具有临床参考价值,可预防拔管后的气道阻塞、再次插管的发生。  相似文献   

目的:观察气囊漏气试验(the cuff-leak test, CLT)对高龄患者气管拔管后发生气道梗阻的预测价值及相关影响因素。方法回顾性研究56例高龄气管插管患者,根据拔管前CLT的发生分为阴性组和阳性组,计算每位患者的绝对漏气量( mL)和相对漏气量(%),观察两组拔管相关性喘鸣( the post-extubation stridor , PES)的发生情况。结果 CLT阳性组14例中发生PES 9例,阴性组发生6例,CLT阳性患者PES的发生率明显高于CLT阴性患者。两组患者在年龄、性别构成、体质量、机械通气时间、气囊压力等方面比较差异均无统计意义(P>0.05),两组绝对漏气量(mL)和相对漏气量(%)比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。发生PES的患者绝对漏气量(mL)和相对漏气量(%)均明显低于非PES患者(P<0.001)。此外,与PES发生相关的影响因素包括体质量、插管时程。对于高龄患者根据ROC曲线选择CLT绝对漏气量为232 mL、相对漏气量为18.5%作为预测PES发生的临界值。结论气囊漏气试验是一项简单、无创的筛查拔管后可能发生气道梗阻的简单有效的方法,如为阳性则要注意可能发生拔管后的上气道梗阻,对于体质量过重、插管时间过长、气囊压力过大的患者需高度警惕并做好拔管前的相应处理。  相似文献   

拔管后喉头水肿(PLE)是气管插管中较常见的并发症,极易引起上气道梗阻,表现为拔管后喘鸣(PES),增加再插管率及死亡率。气囊漏气试验(CLT)是目前最常用且较为简单、无创的预测方法。但是CLT结果阴性并不代表患者拔管后一定不会发生喉头水肿。本研究报道1例病例,患者多次CLT阴性但拔管后仍出现PES和PLE,导致拔管后呼吸衰竭,经再次气管插管行有创通气、糖皮质激素静脉推注等处理后好转出院。  相似文献   

目的比较两种气囊漏气实验判断气管插管拔管后发生喉头水肿的准确性,为预测气管插管拔管时机提供依据。方法按随机数字表法,将2018年1月—2020年12月南京医科大学附属脑科医院ICU收治的200例气管插管行有创机械通气的患者,分成气囊漏气实验定性组和定量组,每组各100例。气囊完全放气后,定性组直接听诊有无漏气声以判定气道通畅性;定量组通过记录吸入和呼出潮气量,计算气囊漏气值/漏气率以判定气道通畅性。比较两组患者气囊漏气测试通过率、拔管后相关性喘鸣发生率和再插管发生率的差异。结果定性组气囊漏气测试通过率和拔管后相关性喘鸣发生率分别为95%、27.37%,定量组为87%、14.94%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);定性组拔管后再插管发生率为8.42%,定量组为4.60%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论气囊漏气实验能较为准确地预测拔管后喉头水肿发生;而气囊漏气定量实验能更精确计算漏气量,更准确地判断拔管时机,提高患者拔管的安全性。  相似文献   

目的评估拔管后喉喘鸣的危险因素,探讨气囊漏气试验的临床意义。方法选取某院住院的气管插管患者共311例,分析拔管后喉喘鸣的危险因素;拔管前进行气囊漏气试验。结果共311例患者,其中21例患者拔管后出现喉喘鸣,拔管后喉喘鸣的Logistic回归分析显示女性,气管插管时间≥1周,困难气管插管为气管插管患者拔管后喉喘鸣的独立危险因素;气囊漏气试验敏感度与特异度分别为71.4%和79.7%。结论女性,插管时间≥1周,困难气管插管为气管插管患者拔管后喉喘鸣的独立危险因素;气囊漏气试验预测拔管后喉喘鸣有较高的敏感度与特异度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨更适合于清除气管插管气囊上滞留物的拔管方法.方法 将101例拔管患者随机分为A组50例和B组51例.A组采用正压技术,即在患者吸气末应用简易呼吸器快速向气管插管内送气,同时放开气囊,将气囊上滞留物吹至口腔并及时吸净,再拔出气管插管.B组采用传统方法,放开气囊后,将吸痰管插入气管插管末端,边吸痰边拔除气管插管.观察2种清除气囊上滞留物的总量、生命体征变化及并发症发生的情况.结果 对气囊上滞留物的清除效果A组优于B组,P<0.05.结论 采用简易呼吸器清除气囊上滞留物后拔管,清除较彻底,并发症少.  相似文献   

目的 观察气囊压力监测在气管插管拔管护理时的应用效果.方法 选择246例需气管插管的全身麻醉患者,采用随机数字表分为对照组、观察组各123例,对照组采用传统方法拔除气管插管(10 m l注射器抽尽气囊气体后拔除),观察组采用气囊测压表监测下放气拔管,比较两组一次性拔管成功率,拔管后并发症(咽喉疼痛、严重呛咳)的发生率,以及拔管前(T0)、拔管即刻(T1)、拔管后5 min(T2)、拔管后10 min(T3)血压、心率.结果 观察组一次性拔管成功率高于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组咽喉疼痛发生率低于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组未发生严重呛咳,对照组发生2例;观察组患者收缩压、舒张压和心率在T1、T2、T3均低于同时间对照组,舒张压和心率在不同时间段、不同组别间比较差异均具有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论 在气囊压力监测下进行气管插管拔管,可提高一次性拔管成功率,降低并发症的发生率,有利于保持患者血压、心率的相对稳定.  相似文献   

目的分析颅脑外伤术后发生再次气管插管的原因及危险因素。方法收集1607例颅脑外伤术后气管插管拔管患者的病例资料,分析其中167例患者再次气管插管的直接原因及相关危险因素。结果痰液阻塞、舌根后坠、胃内容物返流误吸及原发疾病加重是导致再次插管的直接原因;与拔管成功患者比较,再次插管患者肥胖、格拉斯哥评分、吸烟等情况的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论正确评估患者、严格掌握拔管指征,可以早期预见再次气管插管的可能性;对已拔除气管插管的患者,要积极做好气道护理,避免患者再次气管插管。  相似文献   

目的 观察Shenton Park三途径拔管方法 对气管切开患者呼吸的影响,探讨不同拔管方法 对神经内科气管切开患者呼吸的影响.方法 将160例患者按拔管时间先后顺序,分为常规拔管组50例,直接拔管组58例及Shenton Park三途径拔管规程组(简称规程拔管组)52例.常规提管组按常规先试堵管24~48h后再拔管;直接拔管组在患者具备拔管指征后直接拔管,规程拔管组按shenton Park三途径拔管规程进行拔管.收管后对3组拔管后的呼吸困难、血氧饱和度、肺部感染率、再次插管率进行比较.结果 规程拔管组拔管成功率高,肺部感染率低,对呼吸的影响小;直接拔管组拔管后呼吸困难、肺部感染发生率及再次插管率等最高.结论 Shenton Park三途径拔管规程拔管能提高拔管成功率,减少拔管对患者呼吸的影响,是一种较好的拔除气管插管的方法 .  相似文献   

Laryngeal edema is a frequent complication of intubation. It often presents shortly after extubation as post-extubation stridor and results from damage to the mucosa of the larynx. Mucosal damage is caused by pressure and ischemia resulting in an inflammatory response. Laryngeal edema may compromise the airway necessitating reintubation. Several studies show that a positive cuff leak test combined with the presence of risk factors can identify patients with increased risk for laryngeal edema. Meta-analyses show that pre-emptive administration of a multiple-dose regimen of glucocorticosteroids can reduce the incidence of laryngeal edema and subsequent reintubation. If post-extubation edema occurs this may necessitate medical intervention. Parenteral administration of corticosteroids, epinephrine nebulization and inhalation of a helium/oxygen mixture are potentially effective, although this has not been confirmed by randomized controlled trials. The use of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation is not indicated since this will delay reintubation. Reintubation should be considered early after onset of laryngeal edema to adequately secure an airway. Reintubation leads to increased cost, morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Laryngeal edema secondary to endotracheal intubation may require early re-intubation. Prior to extubation the absence of leak around an endotracheal tube may predict laryngeal edema after extubation. We evaluated the usefulness of a quantitative assessment of such a leak to identify the patients who will require early re-intubation for laryngeal edema. METHODS: This prospective study included 76 patients with endotracheal intubation for more than 12 h. The leak, in percent, was defined as the difference between expired tidal volume measured just before extubation, in volume-controlled mode, with the cuff inflated and then deflated. The best cut-off value to predict the need for re-intubation for significant laryngeal edema was determined and the patients were divided into two groups, according to this cut-off value. RESULTS: Eight of the 76 patients (11%) needed re-intubation for laryngeal edema. Patients requiring re-intubation had a smaller leak than the other patients [9 (3-18) vs 35 (13-53)%, p<0.01]. The best cut-off value for gas leak was 15.5%. The high leak group included 51 patients, of whom only two patients (3%) required re-intubation. The low leak group included 25 patients, among whom six patients (24%) required re-intubation ( p<0.01). The sensitivity of this test was 75%, the specificity 72.1%, the positive predictive value 25%, the negative predictive value 96.1% and the percent of correct classification 72.4%. CONCLUSIONS: A gas leak around the endotracheal tube greater than 15.5% can be used as a screening test to limit the risk of re-intubation for laryngeal edema.  相似文献   



The main objective of study was to evaluate the outcome of patients who require reintubation after elective extubation.

Materials and Methods

This is an observational, prospective cohort study including mechanically ventilated patients who passed successfully a spontaneous breathing trial. Patients were observed for 48 hours after extubation. During this time, reintubation or use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation was considered as a failure. Reintubated patients were followed after the reintubation to register complications and outcome.


A total of 1,152 extubated patients were included in the analysis. Three hundred thirty-six patients (29%) met the criteria for extubation failure. Extubation failure was independently associated with mortality (odds ratio, 3.29; 95% confidence interval, 2.19-4.93). One hundred eighty patients (16% of overall cohort) required reintubation within 48 hours after extubation. Median time from extubation to reintubation was 13 hours (interquartile range, 6-24 hours). Reintubation was independently associated with mortality (odds ratio, 5.18; 95% confidence interval, 3.38-7.94; P < .001). Higher mortality of reintubated patients was due to the development of complications after the reintubation.


In a large cohort of scheduled extubated patients, one third of patients developed extubation failure, of whom half needed reintubation. Reintubation was associated with increased mortality due to the development of new complications after reintubation.  相似文献   

目的探讨ICU护士主导实施的早期拔管策略在成人心脏外科术后机械通气患者中的应用效果及护理要点。方法回顾心脏术后经口气管插管入胸心外科ICU行机械通气治疗的156例患者的拔管情况,按照时间顺序分为传统组和干预组(早期拔管组), 2组患者机械通气模式及参数、撤机方式、撤机后治疗护理等方法均相同,干预组是在传统组基础上以ICU护士主导实施综合早期拔管策略。观察撤机30 min 2组心率、呼吸、血压、PaO2/FiO2、PaCO2及拔管后无创正压通气(NPPV)例数、24 h再插管例数、拔管前机械通气时间及撤机时间等指标。结果撤机后30 min 2组患者心率、呼吸、血压、(53*2PaCO2及拔管后NPPV例数、24 h再插管例数等指标无统计学差异(P>0.05), 干预组PaO2/FiO2则较传统组显著改善)(P<0.05), 且干预组拔管前机械通气时间、撤机时间显著短于传统组(P<0.05)。结论ICU护士实施的早期拔管策略对心脏外科术后撤机患者是安全的,能提高早期拔管成功率,减少机械通气并发症。  相似文献   

目的:探讨术后合并低氧血症患者高流量氧疗治疗失败的早期预测指标。方法:回顾性队列研究重症监护医疗信息数据库Ⅳ(MIMIC-Ⅳ)中术后撤机时合并低氧血症(100 mmHg0.05)。在撤机后8~12 h,撤机失败患者与撤机成功患者比较,HR/SpO 2与ROX指数差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.05)。 结论:对于术后低氧血症患者,HR/SpO 2比ROX指数能更早更准确地预测高流量吸氧治疗失败,但两者的临床价值尚需进一步评估。  相似文献   

目的 探讨无创正压通气对急性呼吸衰竭患者拔管后再插管率和预后的影响.方法 通过计算机检索和手工检索中文期刊数据库,Pubmed,Embase,Web of Science数据库,收集1995年1月1日至2010年6月30日关于无创正压通气对急性呼吸衰竭患者拔管后进行呼吸支持和治疗的随机对照研究,按Cochrane协作网推荐的方法对拔管后采用无创正压通气进行呼吸辅助治疗患者的再插管率和病死率行Meta评价.结果 共纳入6篇随机对照研究,其中拔管后无创正压通气组(治疗组)患者381例,拔管后常规氧疗组(对照组)患者379例,治疗组和对照组患者的病死率分别为18.6%(62/334)vs.21.6%(72/333)(P=0.34),再插管率分别为30.2%(115/381)vs.33.5%(127/379)(P=0.27).与常规氧疗相比,拔管后无创正压通气不能降低患者再插管率,也不能改善患者预后.对拔管后即开始进行无创正压通气的患者进行分析,结果提示治疗组患者病死率明显降低[12.2%(22/181)vs.23.9%(44/184),P=0.004],再插管率减少;但与对照组相比,差异无统计学意义[14.0%(32/228)vs.20.4%(47/230),P=0.07].结论 急性呼吸衰竭患者拔管后早期行无创正压通气有助于减少患者再插管率,可显著改善患者预后.
Objective To evaluate the effects of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV)used after extubation on mortality and rate of reintubation in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF).Method Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science databases were searched to collect data from randomized controlled trials (RCT) of the relevant subject from January 1995 to May 2010. Meta analysis of data about NPPV on mortality and rate of reintubation in patients after extubation carried out by using the methods recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration. Results Six RCTs included sample size of 381 NPPV and 379routine medical care. In total, the mortalities of patients in NPPV group and routine medical care group were 18.6% (62/334) vs. 21.6% (72/333), respectively, and the rates of reintubation of the two groups were 30.2% (115/381) vs. 33.5% (127/379), respectively. Compared with routine medical care, NPPV did not significantly reduce the mortality ( OR: 0.83, 95% CI =0.57 ~ 1.21 ,P =0.34) and rate of reintuation( OR: 0.83, 95% CI = 0.59 ~ 1.16, ( P = 0.27). When the analysis was focused to the four studies of them in which patients received NPPV as soon as extubation, the results were quite different. From these four studies, the mortalities of patients in NPPV group and routine medical care group were 12. 2% (22/181) vs.23.9% (44/184),(P=0.004), and the rate of reintubation of the two groups were 14.0% (32/228) vs.20.4% (47/230), (P =0.07). Compared with routine medical care, early application of NPPV to patients after extubation reduced the mortality. Conclusions This study suggests the favorable effects of early application of NPPV to patients after extubation on the mortality of acute respiratory failure.  相似文献   

Endotracheal intubation is frequently complicated by laryngeal edema, which may present as postextubation stridor or respiratory difficulty or both. Ultimately, postextubation laryngeal edema may result in respiratory failure with subsequent reintubation. Risk factors for postextubation laryngeal edema include female gender, large tube size, and prolonged intubation. Although patients at low risk for postextubation respiratory insufficiency due to laryngeal edema can be identified by the cuff leak test or laryngeal ultrasound, no reliable test for the identification of high-risk patients is currently available. If applied in a timely manner, intravenous or nebulized corticosteroids can prevent postextubation laryngeal edema; however, the inability to identify high-risk patients prevents the targeted pretreatment of these patients. Therefore, the decision to start corticosteroids should be made on an individual basis and on the basis of the outcome of the cuff leak test and additional risk factors. The preferential treatment of postextubation laryngeal edema consists of intravenous or nebulized corticosteroids combined with nebulized epinephrine, although no data on the optimal treatment algorithm are available. In the presence of respiratory failure, reintubation should be performed without delay. Application of noninvasive ventilation or inhalation of a helium/oxygen mixture is not indicated since it does not improve outcome and increases the delay to intubation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of steroids therapy on postextubation stridor (PES) depending on the clinical response, the ultrasound guided laryngeal air column width difference (LACWD) and the cuff leak volume (CLV).DesignProspective, observer-blinded study.SettingCarried out in intensive care unit in Tanta university hospital.Patients432 patients of both sexes received mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours and met defined criteria for a weaning trial.MeasurementsUltrasound guided LACWD and CLV were conducted before extubation. Patients developing postextubation stridor were intravenously given 8 mg of dexamethasone every 8 hours for 3 days. The clinical response, ultrasounds guided LACWD and CLV before and after steroid therapy were analyzed. Primary outcome and secondary outcomes of our study were reported.Results387 patients (89.5%) had no PES and 45 patients (10.5%) had PES. Risk factors for PES were longer duration of intubation, younger age and female gender. Both CLV and LACWD showed significant decrease (P< .05) in patients with PES in comparison with no PES patients. 45 patients with PES received dexamethasone treatment; 18 were completely recovered while 27 patients needed reintubation after 1 h. of these 27 patients; 19 patients had successful extubation while 8 patients had tracheostomy. In patients with PES, CLV and LACWD showed significant increase (P< .05) in comparison with before administration. Level of CLV <200 ml and LACWD <0.9 mm carry high sensitivity with high positive predictive value and high accuracy for presence of PES.ConclusionSteroids therapy improves postextubation stridor. Both LACWD and CLV are non-invasive and simple methods for monitoring of laryngeal edema regression after steroid therapy. We recommend administration of corticosteroids to patients with a lower level of leak volume and LACWD before extubation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨自主呼吸试验(SBT)对机械通气的慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者脱离呼吸机、拔出气管插管时间的影响。方法:采用规范的SBT方法拔出气管插管的COPD患者26例(男性19例,女性7例)列入本研究,作为SBT组。回顾性分析未采用SBT方法拔出气管插管的机械通气COPD患者28 例(男性24例,女性4例),作为No-SBT组。比较两组患者机械通气时间、拔出气管插管时间(拔管时间),拔管后气管插管复插率(拔出气管插管48h内)心及PaO2,PaCO2血清白蛋白,血红蛋白。结果:两组患者的年龄 (P=0.683)、机械通气时间(P=0.167)差异无显著性,但是SBT组拔出气管插管的时间(60min)与No-SBT组(40—540min)比较差异有显著意义(P=0.0001)。SBT组和No-SBT组患者拔出气管插管后,需无创通气辅助的患者均为3例(P=0.717),48h内再次气管插管患者前者为2例(2/24),后者为3例(3/28)(P=0.900),再次气管插管的原因均为气道分泌物排出不畅。结论:对COPD患者,在撤离呼吸机、拔出气管插管的过程中采用规范SBT方法可以明显地缩短拔管时间,而且未增加气管插管的复插率。  相似文献   



A substantial proportion of patients with neuromuscular disease (NMD) who undergo positive pressure ventilation via endotracheal intubation for acute respiratory failure fail to pass spontaneous breathing trials and should be considered at high risk for extubation failure. In our study, we prospectively investigated the efficacy of early application of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) combined with assisted coughing as an intervention aimed at preventing extubation failure in patients with NMD.


This study is a prospective analysis of the short-term outcomes of 10 patients with NMD who were treated by NIV and assisted coughing immediately after extubation and comparison with the outcomes of a population of 10 historical control patients who received standard medical therapy (SMT) alone. The participants were composed of 10 patients with NMD who were submitted to NIV and assisted coughing after extubation (group A) and 10 historical control patients who were administered SMT (group B), who were admitted to a 4-bed respiratory intensive care unit (RICU) in a university hospital. Need for reintubation despite treatment was evaluated. Mortality during RICU stay, need for tracheostomy, and length of stay in the RICU were also compared.


Significantly fewer patients who received the treatment protocol required reintubation and tracheostomy compared with those who received SMT (reintubation, 3 vs 10; tracheostomy, 3 vs 9; P = .002 and .01, respectively). Mortality did not differ significantly between the 2 groups. Patients in group A remained for a shorter time in the RICU compared with group B (7.8 ± 3.9 vs 23.8 ± 15.8 days; P = .006).


Preventive application of NIV combined with assisted coughing after extubation provides a clinically important advantage to patients with NMD by averting the need for reintubation or tracheostomy and shortening their stay in the RICU; its use should be included in the routine approach to patients with NMD at high risk for postextubation respiratory failure.  相似文献   

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